01-Unit-01-Waves and Optics Lectures L1-L3

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What is a wave?
 A wave is any disturbance, which travels through a medium
due to the repeated periodic motion of the particles about their
mean position.
 When a disturbance is created in a medium, the particles vibrate about their mean positions.

Waves and Optics/PHYS1151/Dr. Anil Babu Tadiboyina

 When a wave advances, the particles in the medium do not move
from one place to another, but vibrate about their mean positions.

 Waves transport energy only and there is no transportation of medium.

 This type of transmission of vibratory motion from one place to another

place in the medium is called “wave motion”.
Examples: water waves, light waves, sound waves.

https://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/demos/waves/wavemotion.html 2
• Crest and Trough
• Time Period
• Frequency
• Wave length
• Amplitude
• Velocity
• Intensity
• Phase angle
• Wave height

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(Electromagnetic Waves)

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Classification of Waves
(Based on its Source)

Mechanical(Elastic) Electromagnetic Gravitational

Matter Waves
Waves Waves Waves

 Consists of  The cosmic bodies

 Governed by
oscillating E and B  Governed by like galaxies, and
Newton’s Laws
fields laws of Quantum stars produce these
 Requires a material
 Do not require a Mechanics waves and interact
medium for
material medium  Atomic particles with each other via
 Ex: Visible light, exhibit wave these waves
 Ex: Sound waves,
radio, micro waves, properties under  Believed to
water waves, Seismic
X- and γ-Rays some conditions propagate with the
 Travel with speed ‘C’ velocity of light

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Waves can be classified as two types (i) progressive waves (ii) stationary waves

1. Progressive waves: A wave which travels from a point in to an infinite medium and never returns
to the origin is called a progressive wave.

2. Stationary waves: when two progressive waves of same amplitude and wavelength travelling through
a medium in opposite directions and are superimposed then these waves are called stationary waves or
standing waves.
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 Progressive waves are of two types, (a) transverse waves (b) longitudinal waves.

(a) If the direction of vibration of particles

is perpendicular to the direction of
propagation of the wave, then the wave is
called transverse wave.
Examples: light waves and water
(b) If the direction of vibration of particles
is parallel to the direction of propagation
of the wave, then the wave is called
longitudinal wave.
Examples: Sound waves

When a wave travels through a medium, the particles of the medium vibrate about their mean
positions. The extreme positions of vibration cause crests and troughs in the wave.
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Basic definitions to understand wave characteristics
1. The distance between two consecutive crests or
troughs of any particle in the wave and a similar
particle n a next wave in phase with it called as
wave length (λ).
2. The time during which a particle of the medium
completes one full vibration is called Time Period.

3. The number of vibrations or cycles made in one second is called the frequency of the waves.
4. The maximum displacement of the vibrating particles
of the medium is called “Amplitude” of the wave
motion. Which is denoted by the energy of the wave.
5. The distance through which a wave travels in a
medium in one second is called the velocity of the wave
(v = n λ).
6. In-phase: The particles which have the same
displacement and moving in the same direction are said
to be in-phase. 11/15/2021
Phase of a wave

Waves and Optics/PHYS1151/Dr. Anil Babu Tadiboyina

 In Physics, the phase is defined as the position
of a point in time on a cycle of a waveform.
 A complete cycle that is 360 degrees is defined
as the phase.
 The phase is expressed in terms of radians. One
radian of phase is 57.3 degrees approximately.
 Phase specifies the location or timing of a point
within a wave cycle of a repetitive waveform.
 The phase and frequency are inversely
proportional to each other.
 The time interval of a one-degree phase is
inversely proportional to the frequency.
What is Optics?
 Optics is a branch of Physics which deals with the light and its properties.
 Optics includes its interaction
with matter and construction
of instruments that use or
detect it  Optics is the study of
light and how it moves
 Optics usually describes the through different media.
behavior of visible, ultraviolet, and
infrared light.

What is the purpose of Optics?

 To Understand the behavior of light for the invention of optical instruments such as
microscopes, telescopes, and cameras, in addition to optical fibers. These instruments all
use mirrors and lenses to reflect and refract light in order to form images.
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Wave Optics or
Ray Optics or Optics
Physical Optics
Geometrical optics
 Wave optics is the branch of optics that
studies the interference, diffraction,
 It describes light propagation in terms of “rays” polarization, and other phenomena for
 The refraction phenomenon is applied in the case which the ray approximation of
of lenses (Convex and concave) for the purpose geometric optics is not valid.
of forming an image of the object.  It is used when the wave characteristics of
 What is an image? light are taken in account.
An image is a copy of an object created by
the reflection or refraction of visible light.
 Geometrical optics is used in studies of
how the images form in an optical

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 What is wave optics
in physics?

In physics, physical
optics, or wave optics,
is the branch of optics
that studies
polarization, and
other phenomena for
which the ray
approximation of
geometric optics is not

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Why am I Teaching & What I am Teaching
 It happens due to the interference of light waves which can be described by the
concept of wave optics. Evidence for the wave character of light.

Waves and Optics/PHYS1151/Dr. Anil Babu Tadiboyina

Other Examples: soap bubbles and a thin film of oil which is floating on surface of water
 Why the sky is blue  As blue light is shorter and smaller wave, it is  Why the compact
scattered more than any other colors in to the disc is showing
earth’s atmosphere. This is the reason for the colors?
blue color of sky.
 In optical testing, interference is used in testing
surface quality like: flat surface, spherical
surface, roughness of surface etc.

 In space applications include Radio astronomy, measuring light intensity,

in retrieving images from the telescopes.

“Why am I Learning What I am Learning”

• Why to study waves and oscillations?

• In every day life, we come across numerous things that move

Waves and Optics/PHYS1151/Dr. Anil Babu Tadiboyina

– A large fraction of all physical situations involve periodic or oscillatory
• Motion of the planets
• Stable mechanical systems
• Electrical systems
• Fundamental forces
– Periodic motion in continuous media
• Wave propagation
• Electromagnetic radiation (light/optics)
• Quantum mechanics
– Most fundamental description of nature

• Quantum Mechanics + Special Relativity Quantum Field Theory
• Matter particles are quantized “waves” in an underlying “field”.

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