Polymer Pro

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1. Chain length - in general, the longer the chains the stronger the polymer; 2.

Side groups - polar side groups give stronger attraction between polymer chains, making the polymer stronger; 3. Branching - straight, unbranched chains can pack together more closely than highly branched chains, giving polymers that are more crystalline and therefore stronger; 4. Cross-linking - if polymer chains are linked together extensively by covalent bonds, the polymer is harder and more difficult to melt. Strength of Polymers: In general, the longer the polymer chain, the stronger the polymer. There are two reasons for this:
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longer chains are more tangled there are more intermolecular forces between the chains because there are more points of contact. These forces, however, are quite weak for polyethene.

Areas in a polymer where the chains are closely packed in a regular way are said to be crystalline. The percentage of crystallinity in a polymer is very important in determining its properties. The more crystalline the polymer, the stronger and less flexible it becomes. When a polymer is stretched (cold-drawn), a neck forms. In the neck the polymer chains line up producing a more crystalline region. Colddrawing leads to an increase in strength. The first polyethene which was made contained many chains which were branched. This resulted in a relatively disorganised structure of

low strength and density. This was called low density polyethene (ldpe). Ziegler used organometallic catalysts to produce polythene with little branching along the chain. The chains could pack together more closely resulting in more crystalline regions. The result was high density polyethene (hdpe)which was stronger and more dense. Natta used Zieger's catalyst to polymerise propene. The reaction mixture contained two forms of polypropene - acrystalline form and an amorphous (non-crystalline) form. In the crystalline form, the methyl groups all have the same orientation along the chain. This is called the isotactic form. In the amorphous form, the methyl groups are randomly orientated. This is called the atactic form. Polymers with a regular structure are said to be stereoregular. Physical and Chemical Properties of Polymers Physical Properties of Polymers:Physical properties of polymers include the degree of polymerization, molar mass distribution, crystallinity, as well as the thermal phase transitions:
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Tg, glass transition temperature Tm, melting point (for thermoplastics).

Branching During the propagation of polymer chains, branching can occur. In freeradical polymerization, this occurs when a chain curls back and bonds to an earlier part of the chain. When this curl breaks, it leaves small chains sprouting from the main carbon backbone. Branched carbon chains cannot line up as close to each other as unbranched chains can.

This causes less contact between atoms of different chains, and fewer opportunities for induced or permanent dipoles to occur. A low density results from the chains being further apart. Lower melting points and tensile strengths are evident, because the intermolecular bonds are weaker and require less energy to break. Besides branching, polymers can have other topologies: linear, network (cross-linked 3D structure), IPN (integrated polymer network), comb, or star as well as dendrimer and hyperbranched structures.

Stereoregularity Stereoregularity or tacticity describes the isomeric arrangement of functional groups on the backbone of carbon chains. Isotactic chains are defined as having substituent groups aligned in one direction. This enables them to line up close to each other, creating crystalline areas and resulting in highly rigid polymers.

In contrast, atactic chains have randomly aligned substituent groups. The chains do not fit together well and the intermolecular forces are low. This leads to a low density and tensile strength, but a high degree of flexibility.

Syndiotactic substituent groups alternate regularly in opposite directions. Because of this regularity, syndiotactic chains can position themselves close to each other, though not as close as isotactic polymers. Syndiotactic polymers have better impact strength than isotactic polymers because of the higher flexibility resulting from their weaker intermolecular forces.

Constitution of Polymers Copolymers:Copolymerization with two or more different monomers results in chains with varied properties. There are twenty amino acid monomers whose sequence results in different shapes and functions of protein chains. Copolymerising ethene with small amounts of 1-hexene (or 4-methyl-1-pentene) is one way to form linear low-density polyethene (LLDPE). The C4 branches resulting from the hexene lower the density and prevent large crystalline regions from forming within the polymer, as they do in HDPE. This means that LLDPE can withstand strong tearing forces whilst remaining flexible.

A block copolymer is formed when the reaction is carried out in a stepwise manner, leading to a structure with long sequences or blocks of one monomer alternating with long sequences of the other. There are also graft copolymers, in which entire chains of one kind (e.g., polystyrene) are made to grow out of the sides of chains of another kind (e.g., polybutadiene), resulting in a product that is less brittle and more impact-resistant. Thus, block and graft copolymers can combine the useful properties of both constituents and often behave as quasi-twophase systems.

The following is an example of step-growth polymerization, or condensation polymerization, in which a molecule of water is given off and nylon is formed. The properties of the nylon are determined by the R and R' groups in the monomers used. The first commercially successful, completely synthetic polymer was

nylon 6,6, with alkane chains R = 4C (adipic acid) and R' = 6C (hexamethylene diamine). Including the two carboxyl carbons, each monomer donates 6 carbons; hence the name. In naming nylons, the number of carbons from the diamine is given first and the number from the diacid second. Kevlar is an aromatic nylon in which both R and R' are benzene rings.

Copolymers illustrate the point that the repeating unit in a polymer, such as a nylon, polyester or polyurethane, is often made up of two (or more) monomers.

Chemical Properties of Polymers Intermolecular Forces The attractive forces between polymer chains play a large part in determining a polymer's properties. Because polymer chains are so long, these interchain forces are amplified far beyond the attractions between conventional molecules. Also, longer chains are more amorphous (randomly oriented). Polymers can be visualised as tangled spaghetti chains - pulling any one spaghetti strand out is a lot harder the more tangled the chains are. These stronger forces typically result in high tensile strength and melting points. The intermolecular forces in polymers are determined by dipoles in the monomer units. Polymers containing amide groups can form hydrogen bonds between adjacent chains; the positive hydrogen atoms in N-H groups of one chain are strongly attracted to the oxygen atoms in C=O groups on another. These strong hydrogen bonds result in, for example, the high tensile strength and melting point of kevlar. Polyesters have

dipole-dipole bonding between the oxygen atoms in C=O groups and the hydrogen atoms in H-C groups. Dipole bonding is not as strong as hydrogen bonding, so ethene's melting point and strength are lower than kevlar's, but polyesters have greater flexibility. Ethene, however, has no permanent dipole. The attractive forces between polyethene chains arise from weak van der Waals forces. Molecules can be thought of as being surrounded by a cloud of negative electrons. As two polymer chains approach, their electron clouds repel one another. This has the effect of lowering the electron density on one side of a polymer chain, creating a slight positive dipole on this side. This charge is enough to actually attract the second polymer chain. Van der Waals forces are quite weak, however, so polyethene melts at low temperatures.

Properties can be calculated from only four basic molecular properties. These are the molecular weight, van der Waals volume, length of t h e repeat unit, and the Tg of t h e polymer

t h e previous discussion of these phenomena. T h e molecular weight dependence of a polymer is strongly related t o t h e entanglement molecular


e the stress t o initiate a craze depends on local stress concentrators

5.3.1 Time-temperature superposition For amorphous polymers above their Tgs, there is a convenient approximation which makes experiments easier. It is known astimetemperature superposition, and it relates time to temperature for viscoelastic materials. A sequence of measurements of ER (t) is performed at different temperatures at a fixed initial strain. The time scale might be limited between several seconds and say 100 hours. The curves obtained on uncrosslinked polyisobutylene (PIB) are shown in the lefthand portion of Figure 47, with temperatures of measurement varying from 80.8 C up to +50 C. The curves span many decades of modulus, reflecting the change in behaviour of the material. At the lowest temperatures PIB is becoming glass-like, so ER (t) is very high. As the material passes through the transition region, the modulus drops rapidly the material is becoming rubbery in its response to the applied stress. The onset of true elastomeric behaviour is marked by the socalled rubbery plateau. This is followed by another steep fall in modulus where viscous flow occurs as the temperature is raised further.

View larger image Figure 47: Construction of the viscoelastic master curve for PIB at 25 C reference temperature by shifting stress relaxation curves obtained at different temperatures horizontally along the time axis. The shift factor, aT varies with temperature as shown in the inset at upper right Box 11 Why creep and stress relaxation are often needed It is usually said of engineering polymers that they are difficult and problematic materials for designers to use in stressed applications. Such comments often come from engineers who have been brought up with mild steel as the material of choice for any application, since design calculations are normally much more straightforward when the extra variable of time can be neglected (not that you can neglect time when corrosion is possible!). But a brief consideration of many consumer products shows that creep and stress relaxation are sometimes necessary for the correct functioning of many products and devices. Consider leather shoes and boots where the stress relaxes under the constant strain of the foot, or clothes which relax from the strain applied by the human body. Rigid and inflexible materials would be quite inappropriate for protecting the human body comfortably. There

are other examples too, from civil engineering, where viscoelastic timbers in a bridge or building creep and relax to accommodate imposed stresses and strains. In old buildings, such shape changes are regarded as of positive value in assessing its age and integrity. Mastic polymer is used to seal joints in buildings where some movement is likely: its function depends on being able to flow and give when strained, so maintaining a good seal. Nevertheless, in many applications, creep and relaxation must be faced and appreciated; too much distortion may cause the part to drop away and so the product ceases to function. Loss of sealing stress in rubber joints can cause leakage of oil from engines, and hence failure. It is only by careful design in matching product function and material that such problems can be solved. The curves can be fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle, as shown in the right-hand portion of Figure 47 to form a master curve, a single curve which represents the stress relaxation behaviour of PIB at a reference temperature of 25C. The two scales, time, t, and temperature, T, are shown for the master curve. The derived relation between time and temperature aT is plotted in the upper right-hand inset of the figure and can be modelled by the Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation

when the reference temperature for the shift is chosen to be Tg and the numerical factors are the fitting parameters for this gr ade of PIB. The master curve of Figure 47 indicates how PIB responds to stress at much shorter times than are accessible directly by this type of experiment and also re-emphasises the common polymeric behaviour of both rubbers and thermoplastics. They differ only in their glass transition temperatures: an amorphous thermoplastic is rigid at ambient temperature because its Tg lies above ambient temperature,

and conversely a rubber is flexible because its Tg lies below ambient temperature. Any rubber will become rigid or glasslike if the temperature of the environment is low enough, and any thermoplastic will become rubbery at high temperatures. 5.5.2 Molecular orientation As polymers are processed and shaped by flowing into moulds the shear stress fields induce preferred orientations in the molecules. The hydrostatic components of the stress field cause packing. These orientation and packing effects will relax with time if the temperatures are high enough, but the moulding cycle is frequently such that they are frozen-in by cooling or perhaps fixed into the structure because the material has been crosslinked. The consequent moulded-in or residual stresses and strains may
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subsequently warp the moulding and can increase the likelihood of fracture or cracking, particularly in the presence of some hostile chemicals.

Molecular orientation due to moulding sometimes results in physical properties which vary significantly with direction, i.e. the properties are anisotropic. This can be beneficial and is therefore sometimes induced deliberately. For example, when synthetic fibres are spun they are oriented uniaxially to increase the strength in the fibre direction. In this way, the high potential strength and stiffness of carbon-carbon bonds in the backbone chain of linear high polymers can be achieved if the chains can be fully aligned along the fibre axis. This has been achieved in aramid fibres and other aliphatic fibres also show significant improvements although nowhere near as great as with aramid fibres like Kevlar . Its tensile modulus of 60-124 GN m

may be compared

with that for carbon fibre of 200-500 GN m 2, glass fibre (about 70-80 GN m 2) and PET fibre (5500 MN m 2). However, when sheet polymer is oriented by cold drawing (the plateau of HIPS in Figure 44),

enhancement of stiffness in and orthogonal to the drawing direction is compensated by a reduction of stiffness from an angle of about 20 to 70 to the draw direction (Figure 53). The dotted line in the figure denotes the unoriented value of the tensile modulus. Another kind of orientation effect results from high strains in crystallising rubbers (Figure 44). In this case, orientation gives rise to crystallisation with a consequent rise in tensile strength over and above that for noncrystallising rubbers like SBR. Unlike cold drawing, the effect is reversible except for low temperatures (below 0 C) when crystallisation occurs at zero strain and so called stark rubber is formed.

The major benefits of crystallisation of chain molecules to end users are: 1. since Tm > Tg, the maximum service temperatures are higher than with amorphous polymers;

2. above Tg , the modulus of a crystalline polymer is higher than that of an amorphous polymer owing to reinforcement and physical crosslinking of the amorphous matrix by the crystallites. Both effects are evident by comparing the stress relaxation curves of atactic and isotactic PS of Figure 48. However, crystallisation morphology and kinetics differ from polymer to polymer as a result of structural and energetic factors.

6.1 Morphology of polymer crystallites The fundamental unit of structure formed by crystalline polymers which is accessible using the optical microscope is thespherulite. Isolated spherulites are formed easily at relatively slow spherulite growth rates such as those exhibited by polypropylene and isotactic polystyrene. Unlike aramid fibres where the degree of crystallisation is close to 100 per cent (Figure 54), most crystalline polymers contain significant amounts of amorphous polymer either between spherulites or present at crystallite boundaries within individual spherulites. By cooling solutions of polymers in organic solvents, it is possible to obtain minute platelets (lamellae) which represent the smallest crystal elements within much more complex structures like spherulites (Figure 55). Such lamellae vary in thickness between 10 and 40 nm and may be several micrometres ( m) wide. The chains in each crystal, which in polyethylene are in a zig-zag conformation (Figure 55(a)), are folded one upon the other as shown schematically in Figure 55(b). It is thought that similar folds occur in bulk polymers, although there is probably more disorder at the fold surface where chains interconnect with other lamellae (Figure 55(c)).Clearly, such chain segments represent noncrystalline polymer; although their modulus is lower they provide the

essential links between crystals and so bind the material together like a composite.

Figure 54: Crystalline structure of aramid fibre

Figure 55: (a) Zig-zag conformation of HDPE, with stacking in crystal; (b) chain folded model for HDPE in lamella; (c) dimensions of HDPE single crystal showing non-crystalline tie molecules

A spherulite can grow from a single crystal nucleus very much in the way suggested by the sequence shown in Figure 56(a). Growth occurs when chains continue the folding action and crystal defects lead to lamellar twisting and branching. Fibrillar structures are thus formed which successively twist round to form a wheatsheaf . Continued growth ultimately yields a spherulite which then grows uniformly as a sphere. For HDPE and nylon 6,6, nucleation and growth are very rapid, radial growth rate for HDPE is about 5000 m min 1), so that spherulite m min 1, specific impingement is the norm (Figure 56(b)). In polymers with lower growth rates, such as polypropylene (growth rate about 20 nucleating agents are often added to increase the degree of crystallinity developed in objects during processing. Such agents are usually organic salts like calcium stearate.

View larger image Figure 56: (a) Stages in the formation of a spherulite from a stack of lamellae; (b) a polarised-light micrograph of spherulites in poly(ethylene oxide) 5.6.2 Structure and crystallinity In addition to the structural constraints mentioned in Section 2, where tacticity and geometrical isomerism control whether or not a polymer chain can crystallise, molecular mass and copolymerization are other important variables which can influence crystallising properties. A

related effect is plasticization where a low molecular mass material is deliberately added to lower Tgor Tm. The lowering of melting point caused by copolymerization will generally affect Tg in a similar way. It can be shown from classical thermodynamics that the melting point of a crystalline homopolymer (Tm) will be lowered to a value Tm (in K) by the presence of x mole fraction of randomly copolymerized repeat units (B) according to the equation

where R is the gas constant and

H f the heat of fusion per mole of

homopolymer repeat unit. The equation predicts that the melting point depression is directly proportional to the mole fraction of the second component (B) and inversely proportional to the heat of fusion. Since chain ends can also be regarded as impurities in a chain which will lower the melting point, a similar equation can be derived for the effect of molecular mass:

Since most polymers show less than 100 per cent crystallinity, observable heats of fusion will be proportionally lower depending on the exact degree of crystallisation. However, the melting points are unaffected by the presence of amorphous material. A further quantity of interest for crystalline polymers is the entropy of fusion, S f. It is simply related to T
0 m

by the equation

Self assessment question 11

(a) At what number-average molecular mass will the melting point of polypropylene be 99.9 per cent of that for very high molecular mass polymer? (b) In material of molecular mass such that chain ends are not important, what is the effect on the crystalline melting temperature Tm of randomly copolymerizing 10 mole% ethylene into the homopolymer? What would be the practical consequences in terms of processing the copolymer to shape and the service properties of the copolymer? If there are key connections between the chain configuration and crystallisation, you might also expect some more subtle effects from rotation about chain bonds. After all, polymer chains must be able to twist into the regular conformation demanded for crystal structures (Figure 57(a)). And what influence will rotation have on the precise conformation adopted by the chain?

Figure 57: Helical conformations of isotactic vinyl polymers (Gaylord and Mark, 1959) Polyethylene crystallises into the most stable conformation represented by the linear zig-zag, but when substituents are present, as in propylene, then there is substantial steric hindrance from the pendant methyl group at each alternate carbon atom. In polypropylene and related polyolefins, the chains adopt a helical conformation (Figure 57) where the extra side groups are accommodated on the outside of the helix by regular twisting of the whole chain. And as you might expect, Figure the larger and longer the side group, the larger the diameter ( 57(b) and (c)). With large aromatic side groups, the pitch of the helical conformation grows (Figure 57(d)), but the diameter actually shows a slight decrease. A similar effect occurs in PTFE, [CF2 CF2,] where the fluorine atoms present on all the carbon atoms, pack neatly together

into the helix (Figure 58). The figure is based on a so-called space filling rather than outline model (as shown in the previous figure), so that the true atom sizes are taken into account. This is useful, because it demonstrates that no part of the backbone chain itself is visible. It is thought that this is one of the reasons for the exceptionally low coefficient of friction of PTFE 0.04), because fluorine has extremely weak van der Waals bonds with others around it, whether other fluorine atoms or foreign atoms at an interface.

Figure 58: Structure of the molecule of PTFE showing a helical conformation There is also the problem of rate of crystallisation. One might expect hindered repeat units to crystallise only slowly. This explains why polypropylene crystallises so slowly when compared with polyethylene. Structure and the glass transition temperature There is a relation between the ease of chain rotation (controlling conformation) and the locked-in configuration of polymer backbone chains. It is most easily appreciated by examining the effect of different

backbone configurations on the glass-transition temperature or Tg. As already noted above, the Tg is the temperature when a rigid amorphous thermoplastic becomes elastomeric, and its stiffness drops steeply. How can this transition temperature be interpreted at a molecular level? The simplest way at looking at the problem is in terms of the chain rotational model of Section 2.3, where the effect of raising temperature on the conformation of polyethylene was considered. It was of course implicitly assumed that the chain was flexible, and that rotation about carbon-carbon bonds created chain flexibility. And that is true at ambient temperatures of 25 C, say, provided the level of crystallinity is low or absent. But what happens if the temperature is lowered? As the temperature decreases, there must come a point when all rotation about chain bonds ceases entirely; in other words, the energy available locally in the form of thermal vibration is insufficient to cause neighbouring atoms to twist around one another. The energy needed to achieve rotation is actually shown by the potential energy banners in Figure 22(b). They lie at about 13 kJ mole 1and 16 kJ mole the energy minimum for the trans conformer in n-butane. The temperature at which chain molecular rotation ceases is the glass transition temperature, because the chains can no longer respond to external strain by uncoiling and lengthening by chain rotation. In other words, the polymer becomes glassy and rigid. For polyethylene, the Tg is very low and occurs at about 90 C. However, it is important to mention that the Tg is not necessarily a sharp transition, like the melting point, for example. It can be very broad indeed, with a progressive stiffening effect as temperature is lowered. Indeed with PE, substantial stiffening is already present by 20 C. So how do changes in chain structure affect Tg, if the transition is largely controlled by rotation about chain bonds? Introduction of atoms like oxygen where there are no hydrogens to create steric hindrance in


the chain would be expected to lower Tg, and this is found to be in general the case (Table 5). POM or acetal resin and PEO also have low TgS, and silicone polymer is exceptional in having one of the lowest TgS of any material, at 125 C. This is why the (crosslinked) rubber is widely used in gaskets and fuel hose for aircraft, where low temperatures will be encountered when flying at height. It would also be expected that chains having double bonds, such as BR and NR might have low Tgs since there is little steric hindrance adjacent to this bond. Again, this is found to be the case (Table 5). On the other hand, if ways of hindering chain rotation are used, for example by increasing the physical size of pendant groups, then the Tg would be expected to increase. Thus polypropylene with a large methyl group on every alternate chain atom has aTg of about 5 C. a value that implies PP milk bottle crates could crack on a frosty morning! This problem was overcome by using a copolymer grade with ethylene to lower the Tg to below 0 C. Increasing the size of the side group in vinyl polymers shows a reasonably regular increase in Tg, with PVA having a value of about 30 C, PVC a value of about 80 C and polystyrene with a very large benzene pendant ring hindering rotation has a Tg of 97 C. Larger side groups than this are uncommon, so it is worth returning to the structure of the main chain. Benzene rings trapped within the backbone should increase steric hindrance, and hence Tg. The effect is shown in many polymers and was indeed a strategy used for developing polymers stable to high-temperatures. PET for example, is an aromatic polyester and contains such a ring (C6H4) in its repeat unit together with a short aliphatic portion (Table 5). It has a Tg of about 65 C, but a polymer like polycarbonate is much more hindered by its repeat unit, since the short chain is absent. Here, the large group which forms the bulk of the unit is a bisphenol A group consisting of two benzene rings

connected by a carbon atom with two pendant methyl groups, so there is considerable resistance to rotation. Its Tg is about 149 C. Finally, there are materials like aramids and polyimides where the chain is either completed prevented from rotation at all (PI), or degrades by chain breakage before rotation is possible (aramids). The concept of Tg in these cases becomes redundant. 2.5.4 Melting and structure For those polymers which can crystallise, one would expect some relation between chain rotation and melting. Since all crystallisation demands that chains form an ordered conformation (e.g. the PE planar zig-zag) before they can pack together, the chance of this happening should be related to the ease of twisting into the required conformation. That there is a rough correlation between Tg and Tm can be judged from Figure 12, where the two transition temperatures are plotted against one another. Averaging over the scatter of points shows that when the transitions are plotted in kelvins, then

Some care is needed in interpreting such a rule of thumb, and there are known to be other factors at work, such as hydrogen bonding as we've already seen above in polyamides. But overall, there does indeed appear to be a correlation between ease of chain rotation and the most important thermal transitions observed in polymers. Such relat ions can be a guide to synthesis of new repeat units.

View larger image Figure 27: The melting points Tm of crystallisable polymers plotted against their glass transition temperatures Tg. The dotted line shows Tg 2/3 Tm

Viscoelasticity is not experienced just under quasi-static conditions, i.e. when the imposed stresses and strains are constant or change only slowly. Polymers, and particularly rubbers, are often deliberately selected for products which are to be subjected to dynamic mechanical loading. Tyres are an obvious example where the unique high strain elasticity and energy absorbing qualities of rubbers make them the natural choice of material. Stress analysis involves the use of the frequency-dependent dynamic moduli of the polymers. Assume, for example, that the polymer is subjected to a sinusoidal stress amplitude



, i.e.


t. Stress analysis

concerned with the dynamic mechanical properties normally assumes that polymers are linearly viscoelastic. Hence the strain response e to the imposed sinusoidal stress can be described as where 50. Note that the strain response lags behind the stress by the phase angle owing to the viscous component of the material. Some, but not all, of =

sin (wt

is the phase angle. This is shown diagrammatically in Figure

the energy stored during the deformation of the material is dissipated. Since the material is assumed to be linear, the stress is proportional to the strain at all times, i.e. frequency = E , but E is a function of the . Because the stress and strain are not in phase, E must be

treated as a complex function:


, and E

and E

are the in-phase and out-of-phase

components of the modulus. From the above definitions of the dynamic moduli and by manipulation of the linear relationship between the sinusoidal stress and the corresponding strain response, the phase angle follows: can be expressed as

Figure 50: The sinusoidal stress cr and corresponding strain response for a linear viscoelastic material. The imposed stress and the material response do not coincide, and the phase angle difference between the two curves. is the


is commonly called the loss tangent or damping and tan are the most commonly measured dynamic

factor. E

properties of rubbers, representing the elastic stiffness and damping or hysteresis properties respectively. Figure 51 is a schematic representation of E and tan as a function of frequency for natural rubber, and shows the effect of crosslinking on damping and hence heat dissipation. Different rubbers will have different curves, and some care is needed in rubber product design to match the material with expected imposed frequencies. Fillers such as carbon black will also affect the shape and position of the damping maximum. Sometimes the argument of the complex modulus |E| is used instead of E*, and is given by the equation

At very high frequencies (

= 104 108 cycles s

or Hz) rubber is very

stiff with a glass-like modulus. At these frequencies the polymer molecules do not have time to react in response to the forcing oscillations. The damping factor is then small but it increases to a maximum value in the leathery transition region between the glassy modulus and the usual (low) modulus which is characteristic of rubbers that are deformed slowly ( < 1 cycle s

or Hz).

gure 51: The elastic modulus and damping factor of an unvulcanized (curve B) and a well-

vulcanized (curve A) natural rubber showing the shift in damping caused by crosslinking. Increasing the frequency of oscillation is equivalent to decreasing the temperature It will be noticed from Figure 51 that decreasing the frequency of oscillation imposed on the material is equivalent to increasing the temperature (glass-like behaviour is experienced at high frequencies). This is another manifestation of viscoelasticity, in which the effect of the three basic variables, time (t), temperature (T) and frequency ( ), on a polymer are all closely interrelated. Since decreasing the time scale of an experiment is equivalent to decreasing the temperature (Figure 47 and the WLF Equation (30)), so decreasing the frequency is equivalent to increasing the time scale (and hence increasing temperature). Self assessment question 10 What is the effect of increasing the speed of a car on the rubber material of the tyre treads? Use the WLF equation and timetemperature superposition principle to justify your argument. Assuming that a car tyre is 0.3 m in diameter, evaluate the effect of increasing car speed on the dynamic properties of the tread material (use Figure 51 as a source of information on the material of the tread). What other factors might you need to take into account to evaluate the dynamic properties?

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