Instructions: Do The Photos (A) Bring Forth or (B) Challenge Forth? Encircle The Letter of Your Answer Below Each Photo and Explain Your Choice

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Instructions: Do the photos (a) bring forth or (b) challenge forth?

Encircle the letter of your answer below each photo and explain your choice.

This picture shows challenge forth because

factories could be seenThis photo &
polluting is an example of a challenging forth. It
is built to store
our environment, it is built to help humansand control the flow of water, but it
manufacture goods for their survival, but thisto the flow of nutrients on
has its negative effects
brings destruction to our sources belowthis
because it. Dams face environmental
type of power plant is capable in releasing greatly brought climate
issues because they
greenhouse gases as adeterioration,
by product whichextinction
are of different species and
wildlife, and the
harmful to the people and the environment. destruction of land composition
and stability.

This one is a bring forth because the technology makes

This picture shows bring forth because a farmer’s job easier with the use of machinery. In here
the picture shows the efforts of people technology fulfills the needs of the farmer while
working together in keeping & cleaning respecting the nature. It provides a massive amelioration
our environment. They treat our nature in chemical productivity and favorable deposition of
and our environment with care and organic matter and wider the availability of primary
respect micronutrients. The production of rice will not just help
the environment but also helps the economic growth of
the country

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