Ethics and Professionalism
Ethics and Professionalism
Ethics and Professionalism
1. Clarify on the various legal frame works which support the development of early childhood
The various Legal Frame works which support Early childhood development include the
following below.
The Education Sector Strategic Plan( ESSP)2017-2020, undertakes to develop and implement
a comprehensive policy frame work for ECD that among others provides for the
institutionalization of training of ECD caregivers
The local government Act.
The local Government Act was amended in 2002 which dissolved the responsibility .
Uganda vision 2040 articulates reforms required in the education system and curriculum to
obtain a globally competitive human resource with skills relevant to the development
paradigm. It also high lights the need to promote Swahili as a national language and it`s
integration in the education curriculum, among others.
2, A Policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decision and achieve rational
outcomes. It is a statement of intent and is implemented as a procedure or protector. Policies
are generally adopted by a governance body within an organization. Policy making is the
process of changing an idea into an action.
The Employment Act cap, occupation and safety and health (OSHA) 2006
Mandates the provision of parental leave in Uganda. Women are entitled to 60 working
days of maternity leave paid at full salary and job guarantee. This policy applies to both public
and private sectors. Prohibits exploitation of children including the protection of rights of
International criminal court Act 2010
prohibits forceful recruitment and sexual abuse of children during armed conflicts.