Ethics and Professionalism

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REG NO: U/ 2109014 /BECD




1. Clarify on the various legal frame works which support the development of early childhood

2. Analyze the policies related to Early Childhood Development

Early childhood care and development is a comprehensive approach to policies and
programs for children from conception to eight years. It encompasses early learning and
stimulation, health, education, nutrition, hygiene and sanitation. Its purpose is to protect the
rights of children to develop their full cognitive, emotional, social and physical potential.

A legal framework comprises of a set of documents that include the constitution,

legislation, regulation, and contract. It is a set of rules, ideas or beliefs which you use to deal
with problems or to decide what to do. It contributes to the functioning of child protection
systems, providing a framework for prevention, early interventions and response services and
direction on funding required.

The various Legal Frame works which support Early childhood development include the
following below.

Uganda`s constitution of 1995.

The new constitution of the Republic of Uganda was enacted on 8th October by the
constitute Assembly replacing the 1967 constitution
Article 39 of the New constitution guaranteed the rights of children to basic education
provided by state and the parents.
The right to education is guaranteed by the Uganda`s constitution of 1995 whose
educational objectives state that:
i) the state shall promote free and compulsory basic education.
ii) the state shall have appropriate measures to afford every citizen equal opportunity to attain
highest educational standards possible
iii) individuals, religious bodies and NGOs shall be free to build and operate educational
institutions in line with the education policy.

1992 Government White Paper.

Decentralized services, the Education Policy Review Commission report proposed various
changes in the current organization structure. These include, Decentralization of decision
making process in order to improve efficiency and accelerate policy implementation.
Government to this effect decentralized primary education and the decentralization process
has brought services closer to the people.
The Government white paper recognizes pre- primary as the foundation level of Education. To
achieve these aims and objectives, Government provided for delivery, management,
establishment and coordination of pre-primary education in (pre-primary, primary and post
primary) Act of 2008
The Education Act,2008.
Provides that Education and training to the child shall be a joint responsibility of the state, the
parent or guardians and other stake holders. It states that basic education shall be provided
and enjoyed as a right by all persons. It also states that Religious studies shall form part of the
curriculum in primary and post primary schools.
The Act mandates the Minister of Education and sports from time to time, to issue statutory
instruments regarding UPE, Universal post primary Education and Training school, school meals,
school charges, school uniforms, management and governance of education institutions in
accordance with the Act. The Act makes Primary Education Compulsory.

Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB)

The Uganda National Examination Board Act,1983 gives UNEB the mandate to undertake
assessment of the primary curriculum at the end of the cycle and leaves continuous assessment
to individuals in schools.

The universal Primary Education. 1997

The Government of Uganda approved the universal primary Education Policy where,
i) Government would cover tuition fees for all children of school age irrespective of gender,
tribe or ability from p1-p7
ii) Government to provide instructional materials, build classrooms, teacher`s houses and other
school related infrastructure
iii) School enrollment increased from 2.5 million to over 7.2 million in 1997.
It was seen as the main tool for achieving the economic, social and political objectives outlined
in the Min of Education and sports policy document in 1998.

The Education Strategic Investment Plan. (ESIP)1998

was developed to address all Education constraints while focusing on poverty levels. It was a
frame work for implementation of a sector wide approach to Education development and a
shift from project support to general or earmarked budget. An Education sector working group
was formed comprising of representatives from the central government, Education subsector,
Education Funding Agencies Group, NGOs and Stake holders.

The Education Sector Strategic Plan( ESSP)2017-2020, undertakes to develop and implement
a comprehensive policy frame work for ECD that among others provides for the
institutionalization of training of ECD caregivers
The local government Act.
The local Government Act was amended in 2002 which dissolved the responsibility .

The children`s Act.

The children`s Act articulates children`s rights and the need to adhere to them. It is the task
of the state to provide resources and obliges the parents to make sure the children attend
school. There should be a clear duty on the government to ensure that classes are limited to
the UN ratio of 1:40 so as to ensure quality education and move from bona basome.

The Physical Education Policy 2008.

Is aimed at promoting pupils, physical and emotional development and health. The physical
education curriculum aims to provide for pupils increasing self -confidence through an ability to
manage themselves successfully in a variety of situations.

The ministerial circular 2006.

And the guidelines for universal primary education 1998, article 3.4 states that corporal
punishment should not be used in schools but there is no explicit prohibition in law. The
proposed draft Amendment Bill for the children Act cap 59 (2010) prohibits corporal
punishment. Article 16 also states on the protection against child abuse and torture.

Uganda vision 2040 articulates reforms required in the education system and curriculum to
obtain a globally competitive human resource with skills relevant to the development
paradigm. It also high lights the need to promote Swahili as a national language and it`s
integration in the education curriculum, among others.
2, A Policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decision and achieve rational
outcomes. It is a statement of intent and is implemented as a procedure or protector. Policies
are generally adopted by a governance body within an organization. Policy making is the
process of changing an idea into an action.

The Early childhood development policy,2001.

The Division of Pre-primary Education came up with a paper that highlighted the situation of
Pre-primary education and recommended the development of an Early Childhood Development
Policy within the Education Sector. It focused on the implementation of the ECD learning
framework and training of nursery teachers. It emphasized the development of feeling of love
and care for other people and for Uganda as a whole.

The Uganda early childhood care and education policy. (ECCE)

Children from conception to 8years of age benefit from a variety of strategies and services
to provide basic health care, adequate nutrition, nurturing, care and stimulation with a safe and
clean environment. ECCE is an important instrument in reducing poverty. ECCE centers enable
the family members to go to work and hence improve their standards of living.

Uganda integrated early childhood Development policy 2016-2021

The plan presents an opportunity for the development of comprehensive, integrated,
coordinated and multi-sectoral interventions to Early child hood Development. It also provides
guidance and elaborates strategies that Government and partners will employ to undertake the
execution of the NIECD policy of Uganda.

The Births and Deaths Registration Act, cap309.

Registration must be carried out in the first three to six months after delivery in order to
keep track of the number of babies that are born alive or those that are born dead failure of
registration is considered as an offense. The registration of births and deaths helps the
government of Uganda to plan for its population for example the government has supplied
treated mosquito nets for families in rural and urban areas in order to reduce on the numbers
of people and children suffering from malaria.

The Penal code Act, cap 120

Criminal violations including violence against children and Amendments provide for charge
of child to child sex.
Prevention of trafficking in persons Act 2009.
prohibits child sexual exploitation, child abduction, child sacrifice, child labor and punishing
the offenders by placing them in prison for life imprisonment. The government should
undertake measures such as social and economic initiatives, research and media campaigns
targeting potential victims.

The Children`s Act cap 59.

The Government Operates “ Approved Homes”, which provide alternative family care to a
until parents are able to provide basic needs and enough care to a child or until the child
become 18yrs. It provides for the rights of children, roles of local authorities, procedures for
dealing with children in conflict with the law, care and protection with the law for example
adoption, foster care placement.

Local government Act cap(243) 1997

Stipulates that, “each local government council has the responsibility to safeguard the
welfare and protection of all children in the area”. Local government councils are responsible
for re-uniting children who are separated from their parents and guardians.

Uganda Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP)

In 2009, the( MoH) developed it`s new Health Sector Strategic Plan 2010/2015 which
includes Maternal and Child Health (MCH) as a major component plan. The Uganda National
Expanded Program for immunizations (UNEP) requires that all children receive a complete
course of immunization. Young children are required to attend periodic well-child visits.
Pregnant women are required to have health screenings for sexually transmitted diseases.

The Uganda Food and Nutrition Policy.

This policy mandates the iodization of salt and iron fortification of food staples. In 2009, the
Nutrition Section of the Ministry of Health developed the Operational Framework for Nutrition
following the publication of the 2008 Lancet Series on Maternal and Child Under nutrition. This
package includes a range of nutrition interventions like promotion and support for exclusive
breastfeed and for continued breast feeding at least 24 months, iron and folic acid ( IFA) for
pregnant women, deworming of children aged 1 to 14 years etc.

The Employment Act cap, occupation and safety and health (OSHA) 2006
Mandates the provision of parental leave in Uganda. Women are entitled to 60 working
days of maternity leave paid at full salary and job guarantee. This policy applies to both public
and private sectors. Prohibits exploitation of children including the protection of rights of
International criminal court Act 2010
prohibits forceful recruitment and sexual abuse of children during armed conflicts.

The Uganda`s Peoples Defence Force Act1992

protection of the children from joining UPDF army.

Persons with disability Act (PWD) 2006

Provides for the right to quality education, health and rehabilitation services and prohibits
discrimination against PWD including children

Refugee Act 2006

Provides for the rights of refugee children to elementary education and entitles them to the
same rights as all other Ugandan children as provided for in the children`s Act.

Amnesty Act cap294

Provides amnesty to persons participating in hostilities towards the government including
for children and provides rehabilitation of children associated with armed groups.

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