Unit 19 Pol Sci

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The National Policy for Children in India was first formulated in 1974 and
subsequently revised in 2013. The policy provides a comprehensive
framework for ensuring the overall development and protection of
children in India and creating an environment that enables children to
realize their full potential and contribute to society.

The policy recognizes that children are a vulnerable section of society and
require special attention and protection from the state and society. It aims
to promote the well-being of children by addressing their physical,
emotional, intellectual, and social needs. The policy emphasizes the
importance of a holistic approach to child development, which recognizes
the interdependence of different aspects of a child's life, including health,
education, nutrition, and protection.

The policy outlines a set of objectives and strategies for achieving the
well-being and protection of children. The key objectives of the policy
include ensuring the survival and optimal development of children, with a
focus on early childhood care and education, ensuring universal access to
education and promoting equity in education, ensuring protection of
children from abuse, exploitation, and neglect, ensuring participation of
children in decisions that affect their lives, ensuring adequate health and
nutrition for children, providing a supportive environment for children with
special needs, ensuring access to information and communication
technologies for children, and promoting child-friendly and child-centered
policies and practices in all sectors.

The policy identifies various strategies and measures for achieving these
objectives. These include legislative reforms, capacity building,
awareness-raising, and institutional strengthening. The policy recognizes
the need for partnerships and collaboration between government
agencies, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure the
effective implementation of the policy.

In recent years, the Government of India has taken several steps to

implement the National Policy for Children. These include the adoption of
the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, which
mandates free and compulsory education for all children between the
ages of 6 and 14, the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme,
which provides a package of services to ensure the holistic development
of children under the age of 6, and the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act, 2015, which provides for the care, protection,
and rehabilitation of children in need of care and protection and children
in conflict with the law.

Despite these efforts, children in India continue to face numerous

challenges, including malnutrition, poverty, lack of access to education
and healthcare, child labor, and child trafficking. The implementation of
the National Policy for Children, therefore, remains a crucial priority for
the government and other stakeholders in India.

To ensure the effective implementation of the policy, the government

needs to take several steps. These include ensuring adequate financial
resources for child-related programs and services, strengthening the
capacity of government agencies and service providers, ensuring the
participation of children and communities in decision-making processes,
and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of child-related
programs and services.

In conclusion, the National Policy for Children in India is a comprehensive

framework that aims to ensure the well-being and protection of children.
The policy recognizes the importance of a holistic approach to child
development and emphasizes the need for collaboration between
government agencies, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders.
The effective implementation of the policy requires sustained and
coordinated efforts across multiple domains and a strong commitment
from all stakeholders to ensure the protection and promotion of children's
rights in India. The policy outlines a set of objectives and strategies for
achieving the well-being and protection of children. The key objectives of
the policy include:

1. Ensuring survival and optimal development of children, with a focus

on early childhood care and education.
2. Ensuring universal access to education and promoting equity in
3. Ensuring protection of children from abuse, exploitation, and
4. Ensuring participation of children in decisions that affect their lives.
5. Ensuring adequate health and nutrition for children.
6. Providing a supportive environment for children with special needs.
7. Ensuring access to information and communication technologies for
8. Promoting child-friendly and child-centered policies and practices in
all sectors.

The policy recognizes that children are vulnerable and require special
attention and protection from the state and society. It emphasizes the
importance of a holistic approach to child development, which recognizes
the interdependence of different aspects of a child's life, including health,
education, nutrition, and protection.

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