No Quarter #21
No Quarter #21
No Quarter #21
Minion Warlocks
with New Metamorphosis Solos
2008 Formula P3
Painting Competition
Some of the Best Paint Jobs Around
Eiryss in the Gavyn Kyle Files
Circle Orboros Faction Tactics
The Seraph in Guts and Gears
On the Cover
Rorsh and Brine from HORDES: Metamorphosis by Emrah Elmasli.
EMRAH ELMASLI was born in a city called Izmir on the warm coast of Aegean Sea. After
discovering his ability to draw, he studied Fine Arts and improved his techniques. He started
his career as a freelance illustrator in Istanbul and now lives in London, working as a Concept
Artist in the video game industry. Emrah continues to do freelance work for various companies.
No Quarter Magazine
All content copyright 2001 - 2008 Privateer Press, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks herein including Privateer Press, Iron Kingdoms, Immoren, The Witchfire Trilogy, Monsternomicon,
Five Fingers: Port of Deceit, Full Metal Fantasy, WARMACHINE®, Steam-Powered Miniatures Combat, WARMACHINE: Prime Remix, WARMACHINE: Escalation, WARMACHINE: Apotheosis,
WARMACHINE: Superiority, WARMACHINE: Legends, Forces of WARMACHINE: Pirates of the Broken Coast, Khador, Protectorate of Menoth, Cryx, Cygnar, Pirates of the Broken Coast, HORDES,
Monstrous Miniatures Combat, HORDES: Primal, HORDES: Evolution, HORDES: Metamorphosis, Circle Orboros, Legion of Everblight, Skorne, Trollblood, Play Like You’ve Got A Pair, No Quarter Magazine,
Formula P3, Formula P3 Hobby Series, Infernal Contraption, Infernal Contraption 2: Sabotage!, BODGERS, Monsterpocalypse, G.U.A.R.D, Shadow Sun Syndicate, Planet Eaters, Martian Menace, Lords of
Cthul, Terrasaurs, Ashes to Ashes Coast to Coast, and Gamer Hooligan and all associated logos are property of Privateer Press, Inc. First printing Vol. 3, Issue 21: November 2008. Printed in the
USA. This magazine contains works of fiction, any resemblance to actual people, organizations, places, or events in those works of fiction are purely coincidental. Duplicating any portion
of the materials herein unless specifically addressed within the work or by written permission from Privateer Press is strictly prohibited. In the event that permissions are granted such
duplications shall be intended solely for personal, noncommercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated thereof.
Two shots below the waterline for the scallywag who pirates the pirates. Ye been warned.
Changing of the Guard
o te r p re
ebo ga
liak’s Fre ship in Ve
Ivan Robuin Las Vegas, NV (a
Have you ever had a question about the exotic flora and
fauna of the Iron Kingdoms? Now you can ask the expert
himself, Professor Viktor Pendrake. Look for more “Ask
Professor Pendrake” Q&As in upcoming issues of No
Quarter magazine.
Put Your Game Face On!
We were pleasantly surprised by some of the amazing fan
made costumes that we saw at the various conventions
this season. Here are a few pictures of just some of the
fantastic Iron Kingdoms’ themed outfits that we saw.
Have your own WARMACHINE, HORDES, or Iron
Kingdoms related costume? Put it on, take a picture, and
send it to:
News From the Front brings you recaps and advance information about WARMACHINE and
HORDES related events from around the world. Is there a cool event taking place in your area?
Tell us about it at:
G en Con Australia was held for the first time in Brisbane from July 3-6, 2008. The convention was also host to a
Steamroller tournament as well as Australia’s first Hardcore event. Both events were well attended, with players from all
over Oz converging on Brisbane to take part. Battles were hard fought with all players showing they know how to “Play Like
You’ve Got a Pair” Down Under. The Privateer Press booth in the trade hall was well stocked and attended with many new
players walking out with plenty of WARMACHINE and HORDES booty in tow.
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team Cygnar Trencher Cannon Crew
Character Unit Box Sculptor: Mauro Gnani & Jeff Wilhelm
Sculptor: Olivier Nkweti Lafitte PIP 31058 • $32.99
PIP 31057 • $16.99
The Monsterpocalypse: Rise Strategy Guide contains
tips and tactics, spoilers, and commentary on every
figure, faction, map, and format, all in 64 full-color
pages. Also included is an EXCLUSIVE double-
sided battle map. A valuable resource for players and
tournament organizers.
PIP 50008 • $14.99
Minion Lesser Warlock Rorsh & Brine
Character Heavy Warbeast Cygnar Squire Warcaster Attachment
Sculptor: Ben Siens & Jason Hendricks Sculptor: Ben Saunders
PIP 75017 • $44.99 PIP 31060 • $TBD
Trollblood Stone Scribe Elder Circle Orboros War Wolf Solo
Sculptor: David Summers Sculptor: Jeff Grace
PIP 71041 • $16.99 PIP 72040 • $12.99
- A Sight to Behold -
Rob Hawkins,
Hobby Content Manager
As a terrain builder, I love a good diorama. Derek has
beautifully captured this scene from WARMACHINE: Apotheosis
with a fantastic composition and superb lighting. The eerie
blue of the light emanating from the runes on Dominion really
make the pair of figures (the focal point of the piece) pop
am one of a growing group of sculptor-painters, out from the warm glow of the background lighting. The cast
or “scainters”. I have been painting miniatures for shadows are wonderful. All of the details are incredible, from
the used bandages and crows, to the armor and forgeworks.
many years, but also designing and sculpting (and All of these elements, combined with fabulous painting, really
then painting) them since 2002, mostly as freelance make this piece stand out.
commissions for a certain Texas-based miniatures Matt DiPietro, Studio Painter
company. I reside two states down the coast from While there were a multitude of entries that had great
technical paint jobs, Derrick Shubert’s diorama immediately
Privateer Press HQ, in the San Francisco Bay area, stood out as a head above. Not only is the painting top notch,
home to many other excellent painters and gamers. I but it has an amazing sense of atmosphere that draws the
viewer in. From the sculpting of the backdrop and Vladimir, to
work as a landscape architect and commute by bicycle. the rendering of the lighting effect and the composition of the
I’m left-handed, which gives me an unfair advantage in entire piece, this entire diorama fits together flawlessly.
any contest. I have better hearing than dogs do, and I
can survive on photosynthesis alone. I’ve been painting
for just over twenty years, but was on a plateau for the
middle decade of that span. Getting connected with
other painters and sculptors, both online and in-person,
has stoked some friendly rivalries and driven me to
push my skills more and more.
“Birth of Dominion”
(Diorama Category)
Adam Huenecke
Warjack/Warbeast (Gold)
I am a 27-year-old history grad student at Northern
Illinois University from the south suburbs of
Chicago and U.S. Army vet (I was a tank driver and
gunner). Whenever I am not reading copious amounts
of dry academic literature, I try to paint and game
as much as I can. When I first saw the Warpwolf
Extreme sculpt at Gen Con 2007, something just
screamed ‘zombie’ to me. From there, the inclusion
of the Feralgeist possessing a fallen Warpwolf just
kind of progressed naturally. I wanted the Warpwolf
to look like another warbeast just destroyed him, so I
disemboweled the model and tore all the meat off its
arm, leaving tooth marks in the bone. In order to make
the Feralgeist work on this entry, I had to do a ton of
conversion work on the body, but sculpting all the little
soul faces was a lot of fun.
14 14
Mathieu Fontaine
Warjack/Warbeast (Silver)
I have been painting for about twelve years, but
the dedication and competition aspect kicked in
roughly three or four years ago. I reached a point
when I was painting an army, walked into a local
tournament, grabbed the best-painted models and
then lost interest for that army any more and started
from scratch. It eventually was getting a bit too
expensive and I decided to solely concentrate on
miniatures for display and competition.
The sculpt; the movement of the mini; basically all
its elements make this mini a wonderful warjack.
The color scheme was directly taken from the Pirates
of the Broken Coast book. The palette of desaturated
blue and yellow was interesting to play with and
allowed me to jump out of my comfort zone. I
also knew that this warjack would be heavily
weathered—I don’t like the out of the factory look.
I needed to emphasize the running pose and seeing
him running on the deck was perfect. The addition
of the seaweed attached to its foot and floating in the
air was the final touch.
Jason Nichols
Warjack/Warbeast (Bronze)
I love all of the armies of WARMACHINE and
HORDES, but the logistics of a small apartment
makes army selection a triage. That’s where I thank
my wife, she’s able to make that hard choice of
“Which army?” The Trollbloods made the cut. I think
the Pygmy Troll’s cute factor did the trick.
The Dire Troll Mauler of my army was a “must be
painted” after a game where he (it’s anatomically
correct) tossed a ‘jack onto Sorcha twice in one game.
All of my models are for the tabletop, because “it
ain’t an SUV if it stays away from dirt”. My wife,
Diane, is the single most important consideration in
my painting. She’s able to say: “Unnnh, it doesn’t
look right”, and off I go with another three hours
of blending a 5mm space. All hail a spouse willing
to tolerate an O.C.D. insomniac! The Dire Troll
Mauler’s most unique feature is the drool, and it’s to
my cat, Mr. Binx, that thanks must go. All that cat
hair on the couch had to be good for something, and
it was a few dips in gloss varnish that nailed the effect
I was hoping for—a drool that passed the Diane
measure of “unnnh”.
16 16
Brian Putnam
Erik Hess
Pureblood Warpwolf
Tom Schadle
Marike Reimer
Warrior (Gold)
I ’m a biochemistry major at the University of
Washington and I paint largely for the love of
painting, but also to fund my studies. I began six years
ago when I came home from class one day and found
my roommates had spread a massive battle of little toy
soldiers across the living room. They gave me a box of
miniatures for Christmas.
Broadsides Bart looks really angry and I wondered
why, as I contemplated what to do with his removable
hat. Since hats are a great source of pirate pride, I
figured that he was livid because someone shot his hat
off. The bullet hole was easy to add with my pin vice. I
spent about 40 hours on this model. I use a mishmash of
all the techniques I know, depending on what a situation
calls for, including two types of wet blending, Privateer
Press style blending, layering, glazing and stippling.
18 18
Jessie Carlile
Warrior (Silver)
Mathieu Fontaine
Warrior (Bronze)
I t took me a while to find the mini for this category.
I was never pleased entirely with my selections until
I found this wonderful sculpt from Werner Klocke. I
had just painted a vampire in the same color tone as
the cape. I wanted to recreate the same color and play
with it a little bit more. The turquoise ended up being
totally wrong, however, and I should have played more
along the less vivid colors of the rest of the minis. Well,
we learn from our mistakes.
20 20
Andy Welton
Sam Stewart
Benjamin Battiste
Joe Wiedeman
Jeremiah Gardner
Sam MacHorne
22 22
Tom Schadle
Battlegroup (Silver)
I ’ve always loved the Troll models and artwork.
They are such cool-looking beasts, and each one
has so much character! I started with the Dire Troll
Mauler, and then added the Earthborn. With two
Dire Trolls, it had to be Hoarluk as my first warlock,
just to keep them in line!
The cover of Escalation is pretty awesome—all those
gears and gizmos flying through the air as that poor
Cygnar ‘jack gets smashed—and I wanted to capture
a similar effect with the bonejacks getting smashed to
pieces on the base of the Earthborn. I destroyed five
or six cheap watches to get all the tiny screws and
gears and things. I tried to tie that base into the rest of
the Trolls by painting the bonejacks’ armor plates in
the same colors as the rocks on the other bases.
The quitari used on all three models is actually the
tartan for the clan of my wife’s maiden name. It took
some “Google-Fu”, but was well worth it I think and
totally scored me husband points. Heck, scored me
son-in-law points, too!
Amy Brehm
Battlegroup (Bronze)
I started playing tabletop games and found that
I love painting the miniatures so much that I
stopped playing because I never had time to paint
a whole army. But now am starting to play again,
using this battlegroup!
I love Cryx and all the models of that army.
A friend of mine in France, Nicholas Flornel,
helped me to decide on an army that was fun
to play and also very pretty, and also showed
me several new painting techniques (on other
models, of course). I actually painted this entry
mostly in the evenings in youth hostels while I
was traveling in Europe on a bicycle. I’m very
attached to this army and have always thought I
would spend as long as it took for me to finish it.
I have some other projects at the moment, as well
as a few commissions.
24 24
Kris Johnson
David Bowen
Circle Battlegroup
Tom Schadle
Unit (Gold)
I had my very first game of WARMACHINE
only one year ago—at Gen Con in fact. It was
the absolute most fun I’ve ever had playing a
miniature game. Ever. At that point, I had a grand
total of one warjack painted, and given the Soviet-
ness of the Khador “look,” I chose a nifty military
Russian Green scheme. Little did I know there was
this whole “5th Border Legion” thing. So in the
past year, I’ve been building up my (fully painted)
Khador army bit-by-bit, keeping on with that
military green color scheme. The Iron Fangs were a
“must have” unit for me, not only for their battlefield
prowess, but also because the models are gorgeous.
Unfortunately for the Pikemen, they were eaten
by Trollbloods the night before the Grandmaster
The new banner for the Standard Bearer came out of
necessity—a happy accident, I suppose. While trying
to pin the thing together, I pretty much ruined the
banner piece by being too zealous with my power
drill, so I had the opportunity to rebuild it bigger
and stronger. I tried to keep the original look of the
banner, just made it a bit larger.
26 26
Jason Nichols
Unit (Silver)
T he Thumper Crew was painted after reading
the No Quarter article on painting damage and
aging a model (NQ #15). I’ve found the No Quarter
magazines to be one of the best sources of painting
tutorials available (Privateer Press can mail a check
to…). I honestly have learned a lot studying the
painters of Privateer Press, and my Thumper Crew
offered a great opportunity to push my NMM (Non-
Metallic Metal) skills, as well as painting damage and
aging armor. There’s a lot of skin in a Trollblood army,
and the character of the army, inspired by the artwork
and literature portraying them, means that the few
pieces of armor that is to be found, should be a far cry
from the pristine look of the Protectorate of Menoth.
Adam Huenecke
Unit (Bronze)
I picked this whole unit based on the
marionette—the other models were really
secondary in my opinion. With the inclusion of
the ‘jack on Maelovus’ base, I tried to introduce
something for each model that represented
their in-game abilities (i.e.: Puppet Strings,
Dark Industries, etc.) I never did come up with
anything to represent Nullify Magic, however. I
scattered some old watch parts on their bases to
represent warjack wreckage, but otherwise did
little conversion work.
David Patten
28 28
Tharn Bloodtrackers
jose A. Velez
Long Riders
Todd Arrington
Greylord Ternion
John Shaffer
Doom Reavers 29
Derek Schubert
Diorama (Gold)
are the Witch (minus her staff), Dominion, and
some pieces of Vlad’s armor (chopped from the
Epic Vladimir figure). I was concerned that using
the Old Witch would count against me, since last
year’s winning diorama was Jennifer Haley’s “Old
Witch and Scrapjack”, but I guess it worked out
fine. To figure out the colors, I observed how my
apartment looked by candlelight one night and then
exercised some artistic license. As a contrast to the
warm browns and oranges of the rest of the scene,
the bright blue-aqua glow of the sword draws your
attention to the two figures in the foreground.
The conversion, sculpting, and painting took 80 to
I ’m a Russophile, so I especially like Khador. 90 hours, and I spent many hours daydreaming
I wanted to create a scene based firmly on and many more researching the topics that
WARMACHINE canon, and one passage in would make the scene authentic and believable.
Apotheosis called to me: Prince Vladimir forging the I looked up limestone caverns; medieval Russian
sword Dominion, and the Old Witch enchanting it. peasant clothing; and forges, bellows, and other
I envisioned a compact scene with dramatic lighting aspects of blacksmithing, particularly what would
effects and lots of details. Having sculpted a few be possible with limited resources. Vladimir’s
dozen figures by then and becoming quite ambitious anvil, for example, is supposed to be a piece of
with my bases and dioramas, I felt I was up to Scrapjack’s leg, nailed in place atop a tree stump.
the challenge of scratch-sculpting an unarmored My research stopped short of actually stabbing
Vladimir, several crows, the cavern, and all the anyone through the hand, but I hope I captured a
stuff mentioned in the story. The only stock pieces mixture of wonder, pain, and stoic endurance on
Vladimir’s face.
30 30
Adam Huenecke
Diorama (Silver)
Kingdoms thoroughly. I had a lot of fun scratch
building the little things like the ammo crates
and spent brass, since you don’t get to see that
kind of stuff too often. The standing Trencher
is a ground-up sculpt, while the sitting one is
converted from the Chaingun Crew Gunner. All
the crates and wood parts are Plastruct sheet
styrene, and the barbed wire is scratch built from
thin gauge jeweler’s wire (as my bloody fingers
could attest, it is functional...).
I had to pop my feat on this one, as the entire
thing was done in the last two weeks before
GenCon. With about one week of sculpting
A ll Quiet on the Northern Front” exposes my and scratch building and another week for
military modeling roots. I wanted to create painting, I finished it the night before I left for
a scene that emulated the style of traditional Indianapolis. To be honest, I ended up cutting
military dioramas, while keeping true to the some corners to get it finished in time, but I am
spirit of the Iron Kingdoms. I went for a more happy with the finished product. I’ll say I put
‘at ease’ scene, simply because I felt nobody had about 30 hours of work total into this one.
really explored that aspect of warfare in the Iron
32 32
Mathieu Fontaine
Diorama (Bronze)
T his was a last minute project and using clear
cast resin at the last minute is never a good
idea...but the concept was cool and I had to do it!
Casting resin is a tricky thing. It is quite technical
and resin tends to be difficult—one slight error and
it goes berserk. The scene was rapidly built using
styrene sheets for the dock. I grabbed a pirate canon
from the local gaming store to accentuate the base.
A few round pewter balls to do the cannon balls and
we were set. The seaweed, as on the Freebooter,
were done by cutting in shape lead sheet. They are
pretty hard to find. Some hobby shop still carry
some, so if you see one or two grab them.
The resin was poured into a mold built out of
styrene sheets. From that point everything that
could go wrong without ruining the diorama went
wrong. However, I’m quite happy with the results
although it was hell to finalize the project.
34 34
David Patten
36 36
Michael Stubbs
Sonya taulia
Vlad vs. Mauler 37
No Quarter 21
Hiding in Plain Sight
The muted tones of the wilds...
The stealth of quiet warrior...
Camouflage as a paint scheme!
I f there’s one thing for certain about the
various factions of the Iron Kingdoms, it’s
that they love their colors bold, brash, and
shiny. See if you can tone it down a notch and
paint your miniature in a cool camouflage scheme
You could win a $50 US spending spree at the Privateer or flex your conversion skills and show the model
Press Store ( and the adoration hiding or otherwise slinking about.
of thousands as we publish your model! Heck, we might
even throw in something cool that we found on the desk Take a digital photo of your creation. Then, check
of the Privateer Press studio. out the rules and submission guidelines at:
La la la!
Entries due by 1/1/09 I can't see YOU!
So you can't see me!
to win this
A HORDES: Metamorphosis Preview
Rorsh & Brine
Minion Character Solo (Lesser Warlock)
& Minion Unique Heavy Warbeast
War is the cheapest way to feed him.
RORSH AND BRINE 100 up to his current ind Warbeast Bond - Brine is bonded to Rorsh. While
BASE SIZE SMALL SPD in inches. If in Rorsh’s control area, Brine gains +2 THR.
Brine was also in During its activation, Brine may charge or slam
the AOE, it can move up to its current SPD in inches an enemy model that was damaged by a melee or
as well. During this movement, Rorsh and Brine ranged attack made by Rorsh this turn without
cannot be targeted by free strikes. FURY 4
being forced.
Fearless - Rorsh never flees. FIELD ALLOWANCE C
Hog Wild - Rorsh may make ranged attacks before VICTORY POINTS 3
Critical Knockdown - On a critical hit, target
his normal movement this activation. After resolving POINT COST 0 model is knocked down.
the ranged attack, Rorsh must advance and may BASE SIZE LARGE
make melee attacks during his combat action.
Lesser Warlock - Rorsh is not a warlock, although ANIMUS Cost RNG AOE POW UP OFF
he has the following abilities: Damage Transference, Pig Farm 2 Self - -
Forcing, Healing, Fury Manipulation, and Spell The model using this animus gains an additional damage die on melee attacks
Caster. Rorsh can cast Brine’s animus as a spell. against living models. When a living model is destroyed by a melee attack made
Rorsh’s model type is solo, not warlock. Rorsh’s by the affected model, the destroyed model is removed from play and the affected
warlock abilities that refer to ‘friendly faction model removes d3 damage points. Pig Farm lasts for one turn.
warbeasts’ only work with Brine. Other warlocks
cannot use the listed abilities with Brine.
Rorsh and his gargantuan Although Rorsh thinks of himself
Souie! - If Brine is outside of Rorsh’s control area
at the start of Rorsh’s controller’s Control Phase,
companion, Brine, wander as a mercenary, most civilized
before Rorsh leaches fury, Brine may move up the battlefields of Western nations brand him an outlaw.
to its current SPD in inches. Brine must end this Immoren seeking sport and the Only the desperate communities
movement closer to Rorsh than it began.
opportunity for profit. The pair on the fringes of civilization
Dynamite swaggers into the most desolate are willing to pay his bill. As
Cumbersome - Brine cannot make ranged attacks
with Dynamite and the Lever Action Pig Iron during war encampments on the fringes merchants and lawmen from
the same activation. of the Iron Kingdoms to offer the frozen wastes of Khador
Lever Action Pig Iron their services at a reasonable to the blazing sands of the
Rapid Shot - When Rorsh hits an enemy model price with no questions asked. Protectorate can attest, Rorsh
with a ranged attack during Rorsh’s activation,
A farrow of action, Rorsh is a and his oversized companion are
immediately after this attack has been resolved, he
may make one additional ranged attack. Attacks cool professional not phased by guilty of virtually every form of
gained from this ability cannot generate further the horrors of war. He calmly opportunistic brigandage known
additional attacks from this ability. Attacks gained
pauses in battle, heedless of to man (and some that aren’t).
from Rapid Shot do not count against the Lever
Action Pig Iron’s ROF. nearby dangers using a foul
Brine is a monstrous beast
smelling cigar to ignite a stick of
bearing no resemblance to any
dynamite, Rorsh’s favorite tool
species even veteran monster
of distraction.
hunters have seen before. In
most regards, the beast is pig- again, positioning himself so damage and allowing a type of
like, particularly when rushing Brine also gets the protective regeneration. Rorsh can cast this
forward on all fours to gore benefits. Once closer to the animus to receive its benefits
a dire troll or to split a man enemy, it is better for Rorsh to as well. Pig Headed is one of
in half. Those present when fire a couple Lever Action Pig Brine’s best abilities, keeping
Brine has suffered fiery injury Iron shots, boosting to hit on the him alive for one additional
by Protectorate cleansers claim first attack to ensure the chance round when he should be dead,
the smell of his burnt flesh is for a second one. all while ignoring the penalties
disturbingly intoxicating, like a of lost aspects. Combined
Thanks to Hog Wild, Rorsh gets
sizzling side of bacon. with Pain Response, Brine is
the chance to fire twice before
guaranteed to have at least one
charging to attack with his
Using Rorsh & Brine cleaver. Souie is a handy ability
round of enhanced effectiveness
The lesser warlock stipulations before he literally buys the farm.
which provides a little leeway
mentioned under Dahlia Hallyr Make sure Brine kills what he’s
in letting Brine get away from
& Skarath apply to Rorsh & next to before he dies or your
Rorsh. You’ll still want Brine
Brine. In Rorsh’s case, his Fury enemy will enjoy a side of Bacon.
within Rorsh’s control area when
score is 3, so he has a small Yes, Brine is delicious as well as
he’s attacking so you can force
6” control area. Fortunately, deadly! When Brine is about to
him, but this ability means the
this duo possesses several go, move wounded warbeasts
two can end a turn farther apart.
unconventional tricks up their over to enjoy a feast in his
porcine sleeves. Brine’s Pig Farm animus is memory.
quite powerful against living
In the early game it is well worth
targets, giving an extra die of
taking advantage of Diversionary
Tactic to get the duo up the field
at a rapid pace. If advancing
Brine first, Rorsh can follow,
cast Pig Pen, then hit them with
Diversionary Tactic, and advance
Stone Scribe Elder
Trollblood Trollkin Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribe Unit Attachment
The stories carved upon the Krielstone fill it with the spirit of the deeds of our greatest heroes. It thirsts
for battle and honor as much as you do.
—Elder Stone Scribe Gylys Riverheart
Tactical Tip
Stone Warp – Remember, a model can only benefit from one
Protective Aura at a time.
Their enemies call the skorne godless, and it is true they pay
homage to no divinity. Instead, the Skorne praise the spirits Fearless - The Extoller Soulward never SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM
of their ancestors, preserved eternally as exalted in sacral flees. 6 5 5 5 14 12
stones. It is the extollers who attend to this sacred tradition Ghost Sight - The Extoller Soulward
and for this reason even the warrior castes who outrank ignores intervening models, terrain,
them treat them with deference and respect. The crafting and cloud effects when determining
LOS. The Extoller Soulward 8 1 — 6
of empty sacral stones is an art exclusive to the extoller. It ignores Camouflage, cloud effects, DAMAGE 5
is they who select the greatest heroes of the battlefield for concealment, Invisibility, and Stealth FIELD ALLOWANCE 2
preservation, guiding their spirits to ancestral guardians, when making attacks.
thus escaping the Void. Spirit Bank - When a friendly living POINT COST 26
Skorne model is destroyed within BASE SIZE SMALL
The rites by which a mortitheurge cleanses his soul for this 8” of the Extoller Soulward, the
Extoller Soulward gains a soul token.
sacred office carries a deadly risk. To learn the secrets of The Extoller Soulward may have up to 3 soul tokens at any time. A
the extoller caste, a mortitheurge must pluck out an eye friendly Ancestral Guardian within a number of inches of the Extoller
to replace it with a organ of crystal that reacts to spiritual Soulward equal to the Extoller Soulward’s current CMD may spend
soul tokens on the Extoller Soulward as if they were on the Ancestral
energy. A number of initiates who commit to this course Guardian.
die from the unremitting agony of this process. Those Magic Ability
who survive gain a The Extoller Soulward may cast one of the following spells as a special
special insight and action. These abilities last for one round.
they alone can • Forced Manifestation (HAction) - Enemy models currently within
8” of the Extoller Soulward lose Incorporeal.
with the • Ghost Shield (HAction) - The Extoller Soulward gains +1 DEF and
ARM for each soul token on him.
exalted. It
• Guidance (HAction) - Target friendly Skorne model/unit within
is their task 8” of the Extoller Soulward gains Ghost Sight.
to invoke Spirit Eye
the guidance, Annihilating Gaze - When a living model is hit by the Spirit Eye, add
wisdom, and the target’s current STR to the damage roll.
protection of Spectral Attack - The Extoller Soulward ignores cover, screening, and
the skorne’s most Stealth when making Spirit Eye attacks. Spirit Eye attacks may damage
models only affected by magic attacks.
revered ancestors.
that ability to any unit or model within 8” of the Extoller
Using the Extoller Soulward. Ghost Sight allows models to see through
Soulward smoke, forest templates, and other models. But there’s
The first thing to do when more! It also lets ranged attacks hit models despite Stealth
considering the proper use or Invisibility and to ignore DEF bonuses from cloud
of the Extoller Soulward effects, camouflage and concealment. Eyeless Sight is for
is to memorize the Ghost stupid blighted reptiles—the Skorne rely on supernatural
Sight ability. Imagine how Guidance.
useful this ability would The Soulward also serves as a bank for soul tokens,
be to any model or unit gaining DEF and ARM while storing these tokens for the
in the Skorne arsenal, eventual use of nearby Ancestral Guardians. This requires
particularly those with placing the Soulward closer to the action, but he can
ranged attacks such as usually find a good spot behind a wall of infantry. If you
Venators or a Titan are annyoed when Incorporeal models taunt your nearest
Cannoneer. Now firing squad, use Forced Manifestation to put an end to
read Guidance that nonsense.
and realize
you can give
War Wolf
Circle Orboros Wolves of Orboros Solo
Other families tremble at the howl of a wolf in the darkness. To us it means a brother returns home.
Strider Deathstalker
Legion of Everblight Blighted Nyss Solo
We were already without equal before the Blessings of Ethrunbal. His blight removed our only flaw,
—Deathstalker Ryllys Dyvvar, to his fellow Striders
The 2008 Newcomer Jason Flanzer, with vets Justin Herring and Adam Poirier.
Privateer Press
Masters Tournament
was merciless and challenging. Newcomers
and grizzled veterans of previous Nationals
tournaments battled it out over three days
for the championship.
2008 privateer press masters tournament
I was going to lose, but I managed to use
Strangling Chains to pull Skarre towards my
army. Even though her ARM was way up
with unspent Focus, I was just able to beat
her down. Had I not done that, I almost
certainly would have lost the match being
down one ‘caster against two.
What was the scariest?
The moment I thought I was most likely to
lose was in the previously mentioned game.
My opponent had used Epic Asphyxious’
feat to revive Soul Hunters followed by
Skarre’s feat and Dark Guidance to make
them absolute monsters. They killed Epic
Vlad and a good chunk of my army with
little effort.
The champions shake hands after a nerve wracking final round. Do you have any tips for future Masters
Justin Herring JUSTIN HERRING’S ARMY Get lucky! You can’t win seven games
against top-level opponents without
Model/Unit Points having some luck on your side. It’s good
to be a good player, but the competition is
Vladimir Tzepesci, incredibly stiff and you are going to need a
Dark Champion...................... 84 little bit of a smile from the dice gods.
Zevanna Agha, What did you think of the format this year
Old Witch of Khador............106 versus last year?
Scrapjack................................ — It’s awesome. It’s a great format and the
Man-O-War Drakhun x2... 50 ea. best I’ve ever played in, no question. The
Manhunter x3...................22 ea. new time limit rules included in this year’s
Yuri the Axe............................32 format were absolutely stellar. They allowed
us to get really deep into the games, which
Iron Fang Pikemen (7)........... 68
is great. I don’t think I’d ever had a previous
Iron Fang Officer Gen Con final go past three rounds in the
& Standard Bearer..................35 1000 point segment and this year I had
Iron Fang Uhlans (3).............. 83 games going to six or seven rounds. I also
Widowmakers (4) x2.........53 ea. liked the scenarios and thought they really
Winterguard helped to define the game and force the
Mortar Crew x2.................25 ea. action. The scenarios prevented you from
hanging back and they definitely added a
Alexia Ciannor........................52
lot of variety to your play. It provided a
Tell me about your army and why you Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios.... 29 different challenge with each scenario.
picked that faction? Gorman Di Wulfe, I think the removal of Victory Points and
Originally, I wasn’t planning to play Khador. Rogue Alchemist.................... 28 replacing them with a scenario-based
I didn’t have much spare time to practice, Gudrun the Wanderer............37 tiebreaker is great. It changes the way you
so I chose Khador because I used them
Ogrun Bokur x2.................39 ea. select your army and it’s about capturing
last year at Gen Con 2007 and was very
familiar with the list. Since I’d already
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt.....43 ground not racking up Victory Points.
won Nationals with Cryx two years ago, I Total...........................997 What will you be playing next year?
wanted to mix it up. Good question. Last year I said I wouldn’t
that I didn’t use which included Epic Irusk play Khador and obviously that didn’t pan
Epic Vlad and the Old Witch are awesome
and the Old Witch. I would have used this out. I’m going to go on record this time
on their own, so it makes sense to put
list in a mosh pit type scenario—when the and promise it won’t be Khador or Cryx.
them together. I’d used them both in the
scenario forces you to place your guys in a (Editorial note: we’ll believe it when we see
preliminary rounds of Masters and I was
small space, two control feats and the ability it, Justin!)
very comfortable with fielding them. They
to move through your own models is very
have a lot of synergy and complement each Anything else you’d like to add?
other well since the Old Witch is more of
I had a great con, I love playing Privateer
a control caster and Epic Vlad is more of a What was your favorite moment during
Press’ products and want to thank you
beatstick. The scenarios that were chosen the tournament?
guys for making such fun games! Without
required you to spread your forces and I Killing Skarre in the final round. My exception, every single one of my opponents
felt that Epic Vlad is an excellent warcaster opponent had just killed Epic Vlad and I was a good guy. It was just a fun experience
in that situation. I actually had a second list really thought I was in deep crap! I was sure all around.
2008 privateer press masters tournament
Jason Flanzer JASON FLANZER’S ARMY What was your favorite moment during
the tournament?
Jason nearly took the championship after eliminating Justin’s Epic Vladimir from the table.
2008 privateer press masters tournament
Adam puts the smackdown on his opponent, moving him into the final four with his Khador/Pirate force.
Adam Poirier ADAM POIRIER’S ARMY round opponents who lost their fully healthy
‘caster and ‘locks (Terminus and beast
Whack-A-Beast by Brian Putnam
when they emerge from their tunnels. The the charge range of both the Mauler and
What You’ll Need: risk looked worth it, especially when the
Warpwolf destroyed one of Grim’s two
the Long Riders, it looks quite safe from
destruction this turn.
remaining warbeasts. Grim reaved the
Trollbloods Blitzer’s three fury. The Druids of Orboros then used
Grim Angus Counter Magic to cover the key Circle
Dire Troll Mauler The Wolves activated Wild Hunt and forces since the cloud effects from
Fell Caller charged into the Mauler. Unfortunately,
Burrowers (1 leader, 5 troopers) Vortex would avail little against Grim.
Long Riders (1 leader, 1 trooper) it weathered their Powerful Charges and At least they could protect Morvahna
remains standing with three points in and the warbeasts from Man Trap and
Circle Orboros Body, two points in Spirit, and three fury. Lock the Target.
Warpwolf The Satyr is slightly wounded (four After the failed attempt at a game-
Gnarlhorn Satyr points off Mind and Spirit). After the winning turn, the Circle have taken up
Druids of Orboros Wolves failed to destroy the Mauler, thus
(1 leader, 3 troopers) defensive positions as best they could to
Wolves of Orboros ruining the Circle’s chances at victory hopefully survive whatever retaliation
(1 leader, 2 troopers, Standard Bearer) last turn, the Satyr took up a defensive the Trollbloods deliver. Show them that
position near Morvahna and riled for Trolls can always bounce back from
The Challenge three fury. It stands ready to Counter the brink of death. Win the scenario by
In this challenge, Grim and his fellow Slam any model approaching Morvahna. destroying both of the Circle warbeasts
Trollbloods face off against Morvahna With the Mauler penned in by the and taking the primary victory condition.
in a scenario game. The primary victory Wolves, and the Satyr sitting outside
condition is destruction of all your
opponent’s warbeasts. The Circle player Morvahna
made a valiant attempt this last turn, but Leader Druid
the Wolves of Orboros came up a little Gnarlhorn Satyr
short on damage and left the Trollblood 4” Druid
forces with a badly injured but living Druid
Dire Troll. 12”
See if you can fulfill the primary victory Warpwolf
condition by destroying Morvahna’s 16”
two warbeasts, or failing that, go for the 9”
secondary victory condition of eliminating 5” 8” Standard
Morvahna. Bearer
Setup Wolf
Morvahna upkept Regrowth on the 11” Fell Wolves
Wolves of Orboros and spent two
fury using the spell to return the two Marker
troopers destroyed last round to the
unit. Morvahna also cast Wurmwood Mauler
on the Mauler to boost damage, which
effectively lowered its ARM by 2, and 5” Long Rider
Have the Burrowers make their Slug Gun Tall In The Saddle to your advantage here. Burrowers into play next to the Warpwolf
fury to heal the Mauler’s mind. lane from the Dire Troll to the Satyr. Use During your Control Phase, place the
to reach the Satyr. Spend Grim’s last point of priority on the Wolves blocking the charge Our Solution:
Reporting by Simon Berman
Dan Schewe - Vanquisher
Tell me about your army and why you What was your favorite moment during play and the better you’ll do. Try not to
picked that faction? the tournament? get excited, keep a level head and don’t
overextend yourself. Hardcore is about
I wanted to play Epic Madrak, but there I’d have to say my favorite moment was
pace and tempo. Any way you can find
was no way I could get him and the Kriel how I won my second to last match. I
to maneuver those into your favor is
Warriors painted in time. So, I took my was playing against a Mortenebra list. I
important. Hardcore will make you a
Epic Vlad Hardcore list from last year had my Behemoth out front with Aiyana
better player. It will mold you to the play
and modified it a little. The main change and Holt, Vlad behind them with the
style of your army.
that I made was taking out my Uhlans, Drakhun to the left. My opponent had his
which many people thought was silly. I Deathjack loaded with spells and other What will you be playing next year?
added Yuri, a second Manhunter, Lady effects. The Deathjack charges Aiyana
Either Khador or Trollbloods. I have to
Aiyana & Master Holt, plus an additional and gets ready to wreck her, then ‘Shadow
look at the upcoming models as they’re
Iron Fang Pikeman to the base unit, over to Vlad and win. However, Aiyana
released and see what I feel like playing.
and a Unit Attachment, because I felt had Anti-Magic Pulse up so, I was able to
they added versatility to the list that the counter-charge with the Drakhun. I then
Uhlans were not providing. Vlad is the rolled double fours on the Impact attack,
Model/Unit Points
character that got me into Khador—I’ve critically knocking down the Deathjack Vladimir Tzepesci,
used him at every level of game-play and next to Aiyana and Holt and that was The Dark Champion............. 84
I’ve usually done pretty well with him. pretty much the game. From there, I just Behemoth.............................172
popped my feat and destroyed his army.
How much time did you spend Man-O-War Drakhun
His assassination run had failed and he
practicing for Hardcore?
was completely defenseless.
(w/Dismount)....................... 70
It’s hard to say because lists sit in the back Iron Fang Pikemen (7).......... 68
What was the scariest?
of my mind and come up when I have some Iron Fang Officer
downtime. What if I change this? How is Against an Epic Morghoul player whose & Standard Bearer.................35
my strategy going to work? How are my assassination run left Vlad with a single
units going to work together? How am I point of health! Vlad barely had enough Doomreavers (6).................100
going to counter known threats? I spent left in him to cut off Morghoul’s head. Greylord Ternion (3).............43
quite a few hours thinking about lists, but Widowmakers (4)..................53
Do you have any tips for future
I didn’t play many practice games. I think
Hardcore players? Yuri the Axe..........................32
I only played one practice game with
the list I fielded in today’s tournament. Play what you’re comfortable with, The Manhunter x2..................22 ea.
However, I played a very similar list last better you know your models and the Lady Aiyana & Master Holt...43
year at both Hardcore events (Origins models you’ll face, the faster you can
and Gen Con 2007) and did very well.
Chad Eric Rogers - Mage Hunter
Tell me about your army and why you Even if it happens to someone else, you Model/Unit Points
picked that faction/army? still cheer for them. I felt ten feet tall and
bullet proof. Vladimir Tzepesci,
I have been playing WARMACHINE The Dark Champion............. 84
since the Kodiak was released. I initially Do you have any tips for future
got into the game thanks to a friend who Hardcore players?
turned me onto other miniature games. I Iron Fang Uhlans (4).............110
Definitely read over your units and know
chose lots of ‘jacks because my play style
them inside out. It all comes down to
in all minis games has been “get up in your Demolition Corps (4)............ 70
the combos. When I built this army, I
face and hammer away”. Khador struck
designed it so no one unit or model was Man-O-War Drakhun............ 50
me as being the best at doing that.
the linchpin; the whole force plays as a Widowmakers (4)..................53
How much time did you spend practising team, but any model can pull out a win.
for Hardcore? Don’t be afraid to take chances. If my Yuri the Axe..........................32
As far as my Hardcore list goes, I can
Turn One assassination attempt failed, I Manhunter x2..................22 ea.
still had a contingency. I had a blast and Winter Guard
thank my friends who really helped me
I’m definitely coming back next year.
come up with the list. They helped me Field Gun Crew.....................24
Thanks again for that huge cheer, guys. I
refine the strategies and practice for the Eyriss, Mage Hunter of Ios... 29
love ‘em all for it.
last eight months.
What will you be playing next year?
Alten Ashley,
You earned Mage Hunter with a ‘caster Monster Hunter....................32
kill in four minutes and three seconds I’m going to stick with my favorites,
followed by applause from the whole Khador. After reading Legends, I’m
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt...43
tournament, how did that feel? definitely thinking about going with Total..........................743
a Greylord-heavy magic army, with
I was in shock. My hands were shaking.
Zerkova, the Koldun lord, and lots of
First, because I pulled it off and second
Greylords. I really like the way they all
because of how huge the reaction was. It
mesh together.
never ceases to amaze me, the camaraderie
that WARMACHINE players have.
Zafar Tejani - Executioner
Tell me about your army and why you out of it with two health left and then
picked that faction? won a game that I had expected to lose
no later than Round Three.
Epic Stryker was the reason I started
playing Cygnar. I’d read Doug That was the best game of
Seacat’s work and loved his Stryker WARMACHINE I’ve played in my
fiction. Whenever I’m feeling down on whole life. My opponent was cheering
Cygnar, I just pick him up and kick me on the entire time—we got along
some ass. When the Special Forces lists great and even exchanged dice at the
came out, I was like: “Hell yes, two start of the round.
Stormblade units!” My Hardcore army
What was the scariest?
is basically Stormguard, Stormblades,
and Storm Lances, primarily because In the last game I played, Stryker had Model/Unit Points
the Stormblades are underrated in my only three health left and was charged Lord Commander
opionion and people don’t expect to see by a Carnivean. Even with its multiple
Coleman Stryker...................91
individual troops that can hit as hard as attacks, it only got Stryker down to
a Centurion. one health! Watching that Carnivean Centurion (Bonded)............. 113
charge was scary, but thank Morrow Lancer.................................. 76
How much time did you spend
for Defense 16!
practicing for Hardcore? Stormblades......................... 84
Do you have any tips for future Stormblade Officer
This is the same list I ran last year, with
Hardcore players?
the addition of Katherine Laddermore & Standard Bearer.................43
and subtraction of Eiryss and Gorman Don’t go in expecting the VPs, just try Stormguard (8)..................... 88
di Wulfe. I ran this list at the Templecon and win, If you find that you’re doing
Hardcore event and was only beat out well at VPs, you’re doing something
Storm Lances (3)................... 93
in the final round by VPs. Basically, right and just keep at it. Have fun, Major Katherine
I’ve been playing this army for a year. laugh, enjoy yourself, and try not to be Laddermore......................... 59
I’m going to retire it for a while to go only about the win. Gun Mage Captain Adept......32
back to my first love, Cryx.
What will you be playing next year? Journeyman Warcaster.........25
What was your favorite moment
With all the Legends goodies coming Stormsmith x2................. 12 ea.
aside from finding out that you’d won
out, I’ll definitely be playing Cryx. Rhupert Carvolo,
Executioner with a staggering 141 VPs?
I don’t know which ‘caster yet, but
Piper of Ord..........................22
It was definitely when Stryker managed definitely Cryx for Templecon ‘09 and
to pull through against Saeryn. He came Gen Con ‘09. Total..........................750
Tim Flanders - Master
Tell me about your army and why you How much time did you spend What will you be playing/painting
picked that faction/army? painting and modeling for Hardcore? next year?
When I was looking at getting back into It was basically my main project for It was a toss-up between Protectorate
WARMACHINE from HORDES, I six and a half weeks. I didn’t want to or Cryx, but then I read Legends. All
read Darius’ story in Apotheosis and was go with the standard “all blue” Cygnar the models coming out are so cool that
hooked because an old Iron Kingdoms scheme and khaki and blue just seemed anything is fair game now!
RPG character of mine was a bodger. to go together well. I really, really liked
Darius and four heavies—you can’t go painting the alternate Journeyman
Model/Unit Points
wrong! I usually don’t like painting big Warcaster. That was what really pulled Captain E. Dominic Darius... 93
things like heavy ‘jacks, but I’m too slow me into the army. Thunderhead....................... 154
at painting to get an infantry army done.
Centurion............................. 113
Ironclad.............................. 103
Journeyman Warcaster.........25
Arlan Strangewayes..............32
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt...43
A Modeling & Painting Special
I n WARMACHINE: Legends, Hierarch Garrick Voyle takes the Protectorate’s crusade right to
the gates of Caspia and personally squares off with Lord Commander Stryker. Those of you
lucky enough to attend Gen Con and PAX got a look at the WARMACHINE: Legends diorama,
which depicted some key moments from the battle, including the legendary showdown between
Stryker and Voyle. Since the WARMACHINE range does not offer a Garrick Voyle model, one
needed to be scratch-built for the project. Herein, I will share the secrets of how this unique
model came together.
I decided that Amon Ad-Raza would make an ideal base model, and I used as many Protectorate
parts as possible for the more intricate details. Formula P3 Modeling Putty and polystyrene card
make up the rest of the figure.
4 7
1. Hierarch Severius’ head
11 6 2. .50mm brass rod
8 3. Aptimus Zaal’s banner tassels
10 4. High Exemplar Gravus’ torso
10 10 5. High Exemplar Gravus’ shoulder plate
11 6. Amon Ad-Raza’s gauntlets & arms
11 7. Temple Flameguard hands
9 11 8. Hierarch Severius’ vestments
9. Amon Ad-Raza’s feet & legs
10. Polystyrene card
2 11. Formula P3 Modeling Putty
NO Quarter Magazine: MODELING and PAINTING Special
A Primer for Steamroller IV
longer but end with a hard “dice down” rather than a softer and every single entry in the online FAQ document, a basic
“last round.” The longer time limits (along with the timed understanding goes a long way towards victory.
turns) ensure that more games conclude naturally rather than
Familiarity with the format itself is an important first
coming down to the buzzer. The last round style involved
step. Players still learning the basics might struggle with
allowing players to finish out their final turns before ending
the turn time limits, generous as they seem for veterans.
the game, which gave the second player a turn if last round
Players unfamiliar with the scenarios should take a long,
was called during his opponent’s turn. The dice down rule
hard look at what they need to accomplish and when
does not give the second player this chance overextend his
those accomplishments start to count towards a win. Any
whole army without fear of retaliation.
prospective player would do well to download the free rules
Fourth, SR4 has adopted a tiebreak system that does not from and familiarize themselves
depend on VPs destroyed but rather on a gauge of what with the document before the event.
attempt the player has made to win. In some cases, this
Players should take time to construct a list that functions
means VPs of models in the contested region. In others, this
cohesively and includes models they understand. Rules
means scenario “control points” scored before time runs out.
confusion both slows play and leads to mistakes, and
In either case, simply killing a couple of VPs more than an
misunderstandings can lead quickly to frustration. A hard-
opponent is no longer a certain path to victory. One must
fought game that results in a loss is one thing, but a game lost
fight to destroy the enemy warcaster/warlock or to succeed
by putting a low-ARM warcaster too close to a Bloat Thrall
in the scenario.
or Cleanser can be really disappointing. Knowing one’s army
If an event uses the official Steamroller prize pack, a final well forms an cornerstone to successful tournament play,
change will come into play – the new Steamroller prize kit. and practicing with the exact army in question provides
Gone are the faction coins of previous years. They have been significant insights into the strengths and weaknesses.
replaced with coins for first, second, and third place finishes.
Finally know your enemy. While it’s rarely practical to know
This means that a mixed event for WARMACHINE and
every model’s stats, it is very beneficial to understand the
HORDES will have just three coins up for grabs rather than
core functionality of common models. Most warcasters and
one for every faction. This change makes the competition for
warlocks have just a few defining spells and abilities to go
awards more intense and enhances the prestige of winning a
with their feats. Most solos, warjacks, warbeasts, and units
Privateer Press event coin.
have just one or two commonly used, key abilities. As with
Semper Paratus learning an army’s strengths and weaknesses, experience
Preparation forms a key element to success in virtually any always teachers best. Playing against Krueger and some
competitive event, and Steamroller events are no exception. Woldwardens, for example, can school you far faster than
While one does not need to memorize every single model simply reading HORDES: Primal.
A Primer for Steamroller IV
character names and their distinctive likenesses, are TM and/or © 2001-2009 property of Privateer Press, Inc.
Infernal Contraption, Infernal Contraption 2: Sabotage!, Bodgers, Privateer Press, logos, things, and
e g o b li n mecha ane
r c
ress whe ent of ar
r o m P r ivateer P trategic placem e a few, these
d game gh the s t to nam .
s ta n d -a lone car a c h in e s. Throu p r o c e ssors jus nal Contraption
is th e g ic a l m n tr o p ic I n f e r
tion™ ble ma , and e e ultima
Contrap ontrolla grinders n with th
Infernal mble nigh-unc nnels, chthonic p e ti ti o
sse fu the com
race to a ts like arcantric b to o vercome
en lim
compon ns risk life and
y g o b li
Nominated for
Best Family Card
Game in 2008 by
GAMES Magazine
The Pendrake Encounters lets you tag along with adventuring scholar extraordinaire Viktor Pendrake and his various pupils as they explore and investigate the
lands and creatures of Immoren. To fully utilize these encounters, you will need copies of Monsternomicon, Vol. 1 and Monsternomicon, Vol II.
B oatmen are odd creatures that ply secluded waterways throughout the Iron Kingdoms. Perhaps the most interesting aspect
of the boatman is its fascination with the mundane. Should you encounter a boatman, or if you plan on traveling by
river in unsettled lands, you must remember: You can always bargain with a boatman. A boatman seizes upon something you
own, and the creature will grant you your life in exchange for this item. The object of the boatman’s desire seems to be random;
however, no matter the item’s value, odds are good it is worth considerably less than your life.
Some have asked me under what circumstances I would advise doing battle with a boatman. These creatures are not undefeatable,
but you must realize that the battleground is always of the boatman’s choosing. Cross blades with the creature only if you are
sure of foot and possessed of a strong swimming arm.
—Viktor Pendrake
boatman is a devious This encounter for four PCs of 7th This encounter requires the Iron
creature that prowls the level takes place on a river in some Kingdoms Character Guide and the
Iron Kingdoms’ waterways. sparsely settled land. The river can Monsternomicon Vol. 1 (the boatman—
Its mode of attack is unique: It be virtually anywhere. The default with progeny—appears on pgs.
creates a mystical ferryboat and setting is the nameless river north of 14–17).
guides it to a traveler (or travelers) New Larkholm in Cloutsdown Fen
in need of such a service. After the and leading north into the Gnarls.
shore is dangerously distant, the
boatman reveals its true nature and
slays its passengers. Passengers can
pay for their passage to avoid such
a fate, but the boatman’s fare is
Unless the PCs are especially soft-
footed and moving slowly through
the woods, the boatman hears
them. You might also decide that he
happened to be using clairaudience/
clairvoyance on the lone path in this
area when the PCs approached.
The creature might also have used a
divining coin to target them.
Read Aloud:
A shadow looms from the fog and
Encounter Background The River (EL 10) resolves into a humanoid figure on a
raft. The figure wears a wide-brimmed
The boatman lives in this area and When the PCs reach the river, read hat and guides the raft with a long pole.
As the craft approaches, you see it is a
preys on the occasional traveler. or paraphrase the following. human man with a weathered face. He
smiles, and his few teeth are brown and
What brings the PCs to this area up
to you and your players. Some ideas Read Aloud: unhealthy-looking.
include: The trees here nearly blot out the sky, “Well,” he says. “Good afternoon, folks.
and a brackish smell of mud and rot Don’t see too many travelers in these
• The PCs are on their way to or from drifts in the air. Ahead you can hear the parts. My name’s Jarrick Malo. Live not
a destination relating to their current or sound of a river moving slowly under too far from here. You need a lift?”
previous adventure. the dense canopy. Huge trees rise on
each side and trail moss into the muddy The boatman has used this identity
• Rumors say that a rogue necromancer water. The river is wide, though, and
before and has fleshed out “Jarrick
fled New Larkholm to hide in the it is impossible to say how deep. Mist
Gnarls. The PCs go to hunt him down rolls across its surface and obscures the Malo” in some detail. The character
before he brings more evil to Cygnar. water and much of the far bank. In the left civilization because city life
patches you can see, fish and stranger
things occasionally break the surface.
was too hectic for him. Now he
• The trolls of the Gnarls have lost
some of their number to a “spirit of the
lives in the Gnarls and subsists
waters”. They have become superstitious Characters who make Knowledge on fish, berries, and whatever else
about the river, which is bad, because (geography) (DC 20) or Knowledge he can hunt and gather. He and
they use it as a source of water and fish. (nature) (DC 25) checks realize that the local trolls leave each other
They ask the PCs to placate the spirit. the river enters a series of rapids alone, generally. He considers
• A nobleman’s willful daughter ran not far downstream, including a himself a “tough old bugger,” and
away from home and vanished in the couple of waterfalls. Characters he brandishes a rusty rifle (stolen
Gnarls. The frantic nobleman hires the who previously consulted a map or from a victim a year ago) to prove
PCs to return her. She might still be safe
who can actively refer to a map may it. He claims he was out on the river
somewhere, or she may have become a
progeny of the boatman. Alternatively, receive a circumstance bonus on this fishing (he even has a basket of fish)
the PCs might find her safe (relatively) check (+2 to +8, depending on the when he noticed the PCs. If the
and encounter the boatman upon their map’s quality and accuracy). characters are suspicious of Jarrick,
return; the price the boatman asks for the boatman has a +10 bonus on
their safe passage is the woman. Bluff checks.
and for being under water) to notice the rapids. Characters in the water
The River the progeny, which gather about must make Swim checks (DC 15)
Ideally, the PCs need to travel down the boat. They can make additional each round to avoid taking 1d6
the river as well as cross it to get Spot checks (DC 20 including the points of bludgeoning damage from
where they’re going. The river is penalty for the fog) to notice large the rocks and the water.
divided into sections on the map, rocks on the river ahead of them.
Section E: This waterfall plunges 50
and the sections have the properties PCs distracted by the boatman’s talk
feet. If the boatman has not already
described below. The boatman lets suffer penalties on these checks at
left the boat, it dives off as the craft
the current take the boat. He only your discretion.
crests the fall, using its Swim skill to
guides it to keep it in the center. The
Section D: This section begins mitigate the damage. The progeny
river is 25 feet deep throughout.
the rapids. The river moves at 25 do the same. (A Swim or Tumble
Section A: The river is calm. It ft./round. Large rocks rise from the check (DC 20) eliminates all damage
moves at a speed of 5 feet per round. river; the boat crashes into them from the fall).
During this time, “Jarrick” makes and tosses and twists in the current.
Section F: This section is identical
conversation with the PCs. Characters must make Balance
to section D.
checks (DC 10) each round on their
Section B: The river moves at 10
A B Dense
C Forest
Start Here
E (Waterfall)
Forest F
The boatman and progeny stop fighting if the PCs offer to bargain.
Treasure: The boatman carries three divining coins (as detailed under
“Treasure” in the boatman entry, pg. 17). It also has a rifle in need of
some repair (Craft (small arms) (DC 20), 200 gp if repaired).
Secrets of the Wild:
T he secretive druids
of western Immoren
emerge from the wilds to
destroy any who threaten
the natural order or their
own inscrutable plans. With
mighty beasts of flesh and
stone and some of the most
powerful magic available, few
can stand before the might of
the Circle Orboros.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
1. Fury Management Heart Eater, The Hunt, and Fury Linked lets warbeasts
focus on buying more attacks against low-DEF targets,
Woldwatcher Woldwyrd
The elemental constructs serve not only as versatile warbeasts with powerful animi but also as a safety valve for excess fury in the Control Phase.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
It’s a Trap
Secrets of the Wild
With so many Minion options, canny Circle of Orboros players can make use of their faction abilities alongside Minion abilities
to really enhance the effectiveness of their tactics. A Blackclad Wayfarer and Bog Trog Ambushers work well in concert.
5. Masters of Magic
The Circle Orboros possesses a broad and deep command of
magic. On one hand, Woldwardens, Druids of Orboros, and
Druid Wayfarers can cast spells, the Pureblood Warpwolf
has the only animus that causes magic damage, and
numerous models have Wraith Bane attacks or equivalent
effects. On the other hand, Druids of Orboros, Woldwyrds,
Tharn Ravager Shamans, and Sentry Stones can drain or
nullify magic in some way, shape, or form.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
This combination of offensive and defensive magical efficiency of forcing multiple warbeasts against hard targets.
strength should influence the building of every Circle army. A single melee hit by one warbeast grants an attack and
Play Style
Kaya lists must generally close to melee. You generally want
to advance under the cover of woods, mist, and fog then
Kaya the
unleash a pack of snarling warbeasts upon the Circle’s foes.
Spirit Fang, Primal, and Pack Hunters all make an enemy
easier to hit and allow powerful Circle warbeasts to tear it to
shreds. Kaya can also play a Spirit Door assassination game.
Kaya does the wet work herself fairly well by raining down
blows using her Wild Mastery feat to potentially gain 13
More connected to feral warbeasts than her human peers attacks. Using Spirit Door to teleport in a warbeast under
within the Circle, Kaya the Wildborne possesses great the effects of Primal prove more effective, especially against
strength in commanding mighty beasts on the field of battle. high-DEF or ARM targets. The beast attack works really
well against warcasters, since they fall faster to a couple big
Fury Management hits than a rain of lighter ones. Remember, however, that
While 6 FURY feels a bit light for a warlock geared towards Kaya is one of the more fragile warlocks. Only involve her
leading living warbeasts, the Calm ability and Wild Mastery in the battle personally when she can teleport to safety or
feat make Kaya’s fury management a bit less taxing than when the situation becomes truly dire.
her stats imply. The Pack Hunters ability increases the
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
Baldur the
during list construction. This powerful buffing spell has
numerous drawbacks. In addition to the obvious -1 SPD
and DEF, Stone Skin prevents models from charging,
a significant penalty in a faction with Powerful Charge,
Cavalry Charge, and Wild Hunt, along with losing the
additional damage die from charging. Tharn Bloodtrackers
make an excellent choice for the spell, however, since
Ambuscade (as an advance with a movement bonus) slips
through the cracks of “no charging”. The reduced DEF is
also of fairly minor concern to this Stealthy unit, while the
ARM bonus allows them to shrug off blast damage more
Baldur the Stonecleaver taps into the power of the earth
frequently. Stone Skin proves its worth on other units
to lend strength to his warbeasts of wood and stone. His
once they get into the thick of things or on a single solo or
balanced mix of spells to support his friends and thwart his
warbeast that doesn’t rely on charging, such as the Gorax
foes combined with a powerful board control feat means
or Lord of the Feast. Just remember the spell’s cons when
that few can impede Baldur’s progress for long.
planning out a critical turn.
Krueger the
spell. A Gorax can provide late-game fury, since elemental
constructs tend to have lower FURY for their points than
living warbeasts.
Army Composition
Baldur lists benefit greatly from models that shapes the
face of the table’s terrain or models that can strike from
within or beyond woods. Models like Sentry Stones,
Druids of Orboros, Swamp Gobbers, Farrow Bone
FURY 7, an amazing feat, a potent spell list, and a POW
13 ranged attack combine to make Krueger one of the most
feared warlocks. While he does not have the survivability
of some warlocks, his Sky Borne and Wind Storm spells
largely mitigate this weakness.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
Fury Management worth keeping on two units (by upkeeping it on one unit,
activating that unit, and then casting it on another). Wind
Screening from
Woldwatcher Elevation from Hill
With the combination of elevation, cover, Wind Storm, Sky Borne, screening, Stone Form, and the cloud effect, Lylyth needs to roll a 24 to hit Krueger. Good luck, Lylyth.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
Army Composition
Secrets of the Wild
No matter his current form, Tharn Wolf Riders and Tharn
Ravagers both make good choices for a Kromac army (and
not simply because they fit his backstory). In human form,
Brutality works brilliantly with Tharn Wolf Riders or Tharn
Ravagers under the Shaman’s Mass Carnage. In beast form,
these units keep up with him nicely, thanks to the Wolf
Riders’ SPD 9 and the Ravagers’ Advance Move ability.
Blackclad Wayfarers make as excellent choice for any
player planning to use Kromac’s beast form. These CMD 9
Kromac the
models with the Commander ability help keep models on the
table or provide orders despite Kromac’s truly pitiful CMD
3. With such scant support for friendly warrior models,
minions can have a special place in a Kromac list. Gudrun
the Wanderer, Alten Ashley, and Bog Trog Ambushers
are all good selections for an aggressive Kromac army that
quickly leaves the enemy nowhere to run.
Every warlock brings something unique to the table, but
even in such illustrious company, Kromac really stands
apart. Kromac the man and Kromac the beast are practically
Play Style
two entirely different warlocks, and this chieftain of the feral In human form, Kromac is a versatile FURY 6 warlock
Tharn has ways of making his enemies pay in either form. with a support spell, an offensive spell, a control spell, and
a utility spell in addition to animi. Pounce and Pathfinder
Fury Management make him difficult to pin down while he supports his army.
When needed, Kromac can shift into a FURY 8 warlock
Kromac’s biggest fury management concern is his own with enhanced SPD, combat potential, and survivability at
shifting FURY stat: the difference between FURY 6 and the expense of spells and CMD. While Kromac’s beast form
FURY 8 can be enormous. Plan ahead carefully so that fury can only cast animi to support his army in the traditional
is neither lacking nor overflowing. An elemental construct sense, slaughtering waves of foes with Dusk and Dawn is a
warbeast proves helpful since it will not frenzy if left with pretty effective support in its own right.
extra fury when the plan changes due to an opponent’s
actions. For beast form Kromac, leaching from his own life
force is also a viable option, since he regains two damage
points for each fury spent on healing.
Warbeast Preferences
As with many aspects of playing Kromac, warbeast
preferences come down largely to Kromac’s form.
Woldwardens, for example, serve better alongside his
human form so they can cast the Howling Pit spell.
Pureblood Warpwolves, on the other hand, make an
excellent complement for Kromac in beast form, giving
Morvahna the
him a direct-damage animus when he cannot use his spells.
Kromac’s feat, spells, and abilities do not have a particularly
strong influence on his warbeast selection, though, so
warbeasts should complement the army as a whole—
powerful heavy warbeasts should accompany light warriors,
or light and support-oriented warbeasts should accompany
powerful warriors and solos. The life and death cycle of nature has nothing on
Morvahna the Autumnblade. Morvahna can restore
fallen friendly models, pull fury from the death of her
enemies, create forests from the blood of the fallen,
sacrifice allies to give life to the trees and death to her
foes, or even transfer damage to friendly and enemy
warriors. This mistress of life and death, however, does
have a weakness—her own relatively frail constitution.
NO Quarter Magazine: SECRETS OF THE WILD
Warbeast Preferences
Morvahna is arguably the most powerful “warrior
warlock” in any faction. As such, she does not rely
too heavily on her warbeasts; she is, in fact, the only
warlock capable of fulfilling her potential without a
single warbeast in her list. That said, warbeasts still have
their place in a Morvahna list. Warbeasts provide a sure
source of fury, damage transfer targets with far more
damage circles than the warriors she can transfer to via
Offering, and expand her spell selection with animi.
Finally, warriors seldom compete with warbeasts when
it comes to high-P+S attacks and cannot perform game-
changing power attacks like the double-hand throw. All
Circle warbeasts provide one or more of these strengths,
but select warbeasts wisely. Typically, one light and
one heavy warbeast works well and still leaves plenty of
points for numerous warrior models.
Army Composition
While any plan must shift and flow to deal with the
threats across the table, a good Morvahna list should
use a baseline plan for her upkeep spells. A frontline
unit like Tharn Bloodtrackers, Tharn Ravagers, Tharn
Wolf Riders, or Wolves of Orboros make excellent
default targets for Regrowth. A ranged or support unit
like Druids of Orboros or Reeves of Orboros typically
work better for Revivify. Strong candidates for Seeds
of Destruction are also an important consideration.
Tharn Bloodtrackers give a healthy POW 6 for a mere
nine points, but Mannikins are the best choices overall,
with a POW 7 created by a disposable model. Support Their mastery over the forces of magic and
models like Blackclad Wayfarers, Shifting Stones, the land itself make the Circle Orboros a
Farrow Bone Grinders, Swamp Gobber Fog Bellows, truly potent threat on the battlefield. Circle
and Feralgeists can be tempting, but do not include warlocks vary broadly and grant a wide range
them at the expense of the Regrowth combat unit, the of play experiences while bringing diverse
Revivify ranged unit, or the blood forest Mannikins. threats against their opponents.
these dossiers
Kingdoms’ premier spy. Gathered at great expense and risk,
Take a look inside the files and dossiers of Gavyn Kyle, the Iron the warcast ers and warlock s of WARMACHINE and HORDES.
motivat ions of some of
give a behind-the-scenes look at the histories and
by Chris Walton,
ris Bodan • ArMtat
Tr an sc rib ed by Ch t Wilson
Eva Widermann
Investigating indiv
iduals associate
d wi
pr es ents quite a differ
Additionally, Iosa
ent sort of
ns connected to th
rd les
ve embarked up ulties. Re ga
challenge than I ha se particular diffic
lt ca lle d th e Re tri bution of Scyrah po of Im mo re n could succeed at
shadowy cu
th at , “n o ot he r individual in all
rtion n.
your truthful asse ring me into actio
” ha d th e de sired effect of flatte o uniformly rema
this ta sk
un te re d a few Io san individuals wh im pe lle d th eir
have enco there that
Over the years, I me lan d an d the experiences tio n op er at ive s.
their ho re actually Retri bu
silent regarding ny of th es e we ds , an d
er now how ma human lan
departure. I wond ve a lon g hi st or y of operations in ch as my se lf
seems to ha people su
The organization es ca pe d (o r su ppressed) notice by
that they have su ion, and skill.
indicates a rema rk ab le lev el of caution, preparat —G.K .
he r vocation. The follow
ing excerpt comes fro
is no t alo ne in ptu red by Kh ad
Eiryss hunter ca
an interrogation of
another Iosan mage
un g wa rca ste r in 597 AR. The team of
aft er kil lin g a yo n ha d all die d by
forces informatio
Eiryss Summary to follow up on this nter
Greylords assigned su gg es t thi s ma ge hu
9 AR. Other sources death.
Aliases: Magebane the beginning of 59 on se ve ra l contracts before his
Eir ys s
cooperated with
, Glimmershadow, Ma
Hunter, ge
Angel of Retribution
Born: Unk nown. The
life cycle of elves is
poorly understood.
We know they live lon
than humans, but by ger
how much remains
disputed. Eiryss cou
years old as 30. I can ld as easily be 200
upon regaining
attach her to cer tai bound. Force-fed
n Cygnaran (Subject’s wounds d after one hour.)
and Khadoran milita
ry dating back at lea
us ne ss . In te rr ogatio n co ntinue
estimate 45+ years st 20 years. I co nscio rge is it?
as a bare minimum. tributio n. How la
: Describe this Re
Family Status: Unk Rastovik Valkez operat e?
nown. Investigatio ns s? Where does it
believe that the ma lead me to How many member Obliov
jority of the Retrib n power. (Sergeant
You stink of stole
killers, collectively ution’s chosen
called mage hunter Su bj ec t: (spits ) su bj ec t) Yo u waste
families or have for s, have no
bj ec t) An d fea r. (Valkez strikes er ywhere.
saken family and hou strikes su Retributio n is ev
I gather this is oft
en a gesture of pro
se ties. While
ur tim e. We ar e everywhere. The
test against the yo
current Iosan status u.
quo, it also seems an
attempt to She will find yo
protect Retribution r?
members fro m repris e? Your co mmande
als. Valkez: Who is sh l. She has
Training: Unk nown. r righteous ange
The Retribution app
our vengeance, ou You cannot
Subj ect: She is
stresses self-relianc arently ur bi rt h.
e yo
e, teaches martial
and stealth t de at h to yo ur kind since befor u al l and will
techniques, and pos brough yo
sesses arcane or alc
nn ot st op he r. She has marked rked
ca subject’s arm) Ma
hemical methods
to temporarily strip find her. You
mages of their pow
er. Eiryss probably wh er e to st rik e. (Obliov burns
trained in one of the
camps rumored to exi guide us
st south of the
Gate of Mists. you all! es
nd? (Obliov wash
Servic e: Eiryss has o is sh e? Wh ere can she be fou
stalked battlefields Valkez : Wh ere?
for at least a with vinegar) Wh
generatio n, possibly
longer. She first app subject’s wounds all
ears in official every fane, from
records as a mercen s) She strikes from d wide, but
Subj ect: (scream
ary seven years ago fa r an
. In that time, I can se nd he r
confidently estima s. The dedicants e co mes, driven by
across your land
te (though not prove)
t their word. A fir
warcasters, battle that the tally of
mages, warwitches, es ev en wi th ou ness– (Obliov
and other human she strik spark in the dark
spell casters who hav hate. She is the
e fallen under her
bolts and blades the winds of our s.)
exceeds one hundre ck. Subject scream
d individuals.
burns subject’s ne
n ap pa re nt ly div ide
Va lke z de du ce d th at th e Re tri bu tio us in g re lig iou sly
Ra st ov ik rr ito rie s
in to op er at ion al te n, as he
we st er n Im mo re n co uld do lit tle wi th th e in for ma tio d th is
co de wo rd s. He me on e bu rie
th em ed . Th at so
of fil in g th e re po rt
die d wi th in a we ek wh y re ma in s a my st er y. 77
, bu t
fil e se em s ob vio us
as I
but ion inc rea sed dai ly
My res pec t for the Re tri my sel f res ort ing to
an d fou nd
ass em ble d thi s rep ort ati on. Tak e the
l sou rce s for inform
mo re an d mo re gen era m a sol die r wh o me t
le. It com es fro
fol low ing as an exa mp cou ld get for
res ent ed the clo ses t I
es on both sides of Eir yss onc e, wh ich rep ght exp lai n
I remember her. I’ve seen her many tim y clearly. We had
som e tim e. It als o hin ts
at som eth ing tha t mi
s to wh ich the Re tri but ion goe s
the field, but I remember that first tour vern watch post on the the ext rao rdi na ry len gth
an d the goa ls the y pur
sue .
drawn assignment to clear out a KhadoraColonel Bricegate
wrong side of the Dragon’s Tongue, andShe stepped out of At least it look
told us we had a specialist coming along. beauty and terror.
s as if the seve
Khadoran pa n weeks of ‘way
trols have stop ward’
the mist and the sight of struck me with its took obvious de
light in ‘mista
pe d. Those crim
king’ the bord
so n bastards
up our settlem er and shooting
ents. They’ve
face is beautiful,
You’d understand if you met her. Her’s like calling a now, and we’v been quiet for
e dismissed m a fortnight
os t of the mercena
without question, but cold, dangerous. It it doesn’t care if you bolstering our
shake the feelin
numbers, but
I remain ill at
ries we had
thunderstorm beautiful. It might be, but look that stabbing g that danger ea se. I cannot
not the only on lurks in the Sc
arswall. I’m
think so. She was like that. I saw in her ount of thought. feels like somet
e jumping at sh
adows. I swea
r Padri, it
us or smiling at us would take the same amrked at it. She
hing is stalking
Makes me wis
She was polite, for an Iosan, but she woaith in the woods. who was in ou
h we still had
the services of
that mercenary
stayed out of the way. Moved like a wr ng I knew, she she was a righ
r employ a few
weeks past. A
stalker herself,
She vanished when we went in. Next thig Greylords. I felt
t terror on the
versed in ambu Khadorans an
sh. She would d clearly
came out of the shadows and started killin their life or po
wers with a fe
strip Khadora
w well-placed
n wizards of
their spells evaporate. Unnerving. of her saber. I
had heard she
was aloof and
sh ot s or strokes
work with, bu di ffi cult to
t that wasn’t
ul and frightening my experience
She danced through them. It was gracefshe could reach with her arou
friendlier than
nd. She kept to .
herself it’s true
F el t safer
at the same time. She cut down everyone ards. She took expected. Seem , but seemed
my own safety ed to take a ke
en interest in
and met us on the far side of the field afterw
she couldn’t stay. things, lingeri
. Not sure why
. Felt better wit
h her eyes on
Bricegate’s crowns and firmly told him nking that this was
ng near. The
she was worried questions she
asked I could
about me. May tell
As I watched her leave, I remember thi knew this day
would come. If
be she had the
only our pock
Sight and
my only chance to kill her. little deeper w
e could have ke
pt her on a few
ets had been a
more weeks.
’d done for us.
A strange thought, especially after all she
sn’t fighting for us or
But that was the thing. I knew she wa e so driven and so The disturbing possibility that
even for the gold. It struck me that someonous to live. You Grierson’s letter introduces gain
Captain Adept
wa s fro m
ins ide acc oun t of Eir yss
The clo ses t I cam e to an Ios an ex- pat rio ts I kno w
of the few
an old acq uai nta nce , one rch ant wit h
Vri r, an acc om plis hed me
per son ally. Thi s is Pel yth a pri ce, Vri r
nea rly any thi ng for
a rep uta tio n for acq uir ing lea ve Ios on pol itic al
elv es anx iou s to
ma int ain ed a ref uge for
gro und s.
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
Guts and Gears takes a look at the men, machines, and monsters of the Iron Kingdoms. Read about what it takes to
be a warrior or warbeast with one of the many factions or look into the mechanikal workings of hulking warjacks
and what it takes to get these multi-ton constructs to dominate the battlefield.
By Andrew Linstrom • Art by Eric Deschamp and Karl Richardson
The Seraph
he Seraph reminds Everblight of the
sinuous grace he possessed ages ago,
when he relied on his own predatory
skill, before the loss of his
body forged him into
the cunning and
cautious manipulator.
The Seraph is Everblight’s mainstay
flying spawn. Such winged creations
provide obvious advantages in battle, with their
maneuverability and speed able to complement
their landborne kindred’s tenacity and raw combat
strength. While the more numerous Harriers are
treated like fodder to swarm and distract, and the
mighty Angelius is
employed to destroy
important targets,
Seraphim are able to
swoop in to blast and decimate the
enemy’s ranks with their blight
strike. They are the Legion’s
agile predators of the air.
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
Everblight’s ability to focus the Morrdh, an aggressive power, sent fateful engagement that reversed
evolution of his spawn allowed him winged horrors upon its neighbors the course of the conflict. One
to explore new roles and capabilities. throughout the centuries of the of the best preserved lays of the
Most varieties of dragonspawn that dragon’s residency. The poets never period describes how Midar’s forces
Everblight produced were land- called out Everblight or the seraphim finished crossing the field to engage
bound. But the dragon could also by name, but their descriptive verses Morrdh’s positions and a horde of
produce spawn with an advantage are evocative of these creatures. At winged monsters took flight from
that separated them from the hulking this time, which was towards the their covered lairs behind the lines.
monstrosities of Morrdh and the end of both Everblight’s influence
They are described as the exultant
Molgur—the power of flight. Winged and Morrdh’s reign, Midar had
and wrathful emissaries of dread,
dragonspawn present a unique arisen as the largest and strongest
forgotten gods, but the description
tactical advantage. They can fly out of Morrdh’s adversaries. Historians
of the fire-laden ash they spat
of the reach of spears and swords, claim Midar’s army was formidably
marks them as Seraphim. These
ignore ranks and formations, and equipped and disciplined in this era,
creatures swept the battlefield in a
strike where they wish. Their speed considered among the most feared
chain, one sleek maw after another
and mobility allow them to advance soldiers of the region. Accordingly,
spewing blighted flames as they
through enemy lines and withdraw Midar gathered its strength and
passed, first cutting down swaths
out of their reach just as easily. launched a series of successful
of men in the front ranks and then
campaigns to reclaim lost lands.
It is likely the Seraph rose to greatest farther back. Smaller ‘demons’,
prominence during the height of As Midar, flush with victory and likely Harriers, barreled down from
Morrdh’s rivalry with Midar, a seasoned from successful conquest, above and swarmed the beleaguered
kingdom that would later become prepared to cross Morrdh’s original troops, while six-winged high-flying
part of the Midlunds. Legends borders to exact revenge for past serpents, the Angelii, dove to impale
surviving the period relate that aggressions, they were met with a key targets. It was the ash-flame
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
of the Seraphim credited with the Clearly this was a combination of With its secret weapon gone and
bulk of the slaughter. By the time the influence of Everblight along surrounded by enemies that it had
Morrdh’s soldiers could close the with whatever other dread powers systematically affronted for centuries,
distance to the stalled and decimated Morrdh possessed. Morrdh fell into ruin within a
Midar troops, their fearsome and handful of generations.
Dragonspawn do not need to be
well-disciplined foe was reduced to a
supplied and can fly or march in any Since his recent reincarnation,
shocked and easily defeated mob.
weather, at any time of day or year. Everblight has brought back the
Until the recent rise of Everblight, Waves of blight-breathing Seraphim Seraph, along with its other draconic
historians have long been puzzled obliterated Midar’s close combat brethren. The firearm presents a
at these seemingly hysterical infantry, who were unable to strike or new and widespread threat which
descriptions. Other facts have been shield themselves as death came from even flying spawn cannot ignore.
unable to answer how Morrdh in the sky. Everblight’s triumph was to Nonetheless, the modern armies
mere months erased the gains that be short-lived, however. Mere weeks are neither accustomed to looking
Midar had taken years to achieve. after re-conquering the territories for threats in the skies, nor enemies
Even the most skeptical of sages that Midar had regained, Toruk that entirely ignore their defensive
have been forced to conclude that arrived to try to reclaim Everblight’s fortifications. By attacking both from
some supernatural agency must athanc. Everblight’s narrow escape above as well as below, Everblight’s
have assisted the Lords of Morrdh. left Morrdh without the draconic forces keep even disciplined enemies
support they had come to rely on. off guard and feeling vulnerable.
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
Seraphim remain as useful as ever into a spawning vessel. Everblight’s radical innovations and the speed
and continue to reprise their role acolytes drag fresh victims, prisoners with which he is acting. They have
from ages past. Their tactic of and wildlife, into the pot, their studied dragons long enough to
wheeling over enemy formations vitality feeding the seed of draconic fear what they have seen. Recently
and blasting them apart with gouts life within. Soon, the fledgling Seraph and notably, a great number of
of fiery dragonblight remains emerges, and like other dragonspawn Seraphim participated in the battle
as effective as it was 2000 years when born, it is undeveloped and for the Castle of the Keys. They were
ago. They are also capable of weak, requiring healthy quantities instrumental in assaulting the Skorne
another manifestation of the blight. of flesh to devour. As soon as it has fortifications in the area—while
As dragonblight alters what it found its strength, a new Seraph is the Skorne were well entrenched,
touches, the blight they were
shimmering in the unprepared for
air when the Seraph an aerial assault.
flaps its two pair of The fighting
monstrous wings was brutal, and
warps the very space the surviving
around it. Carefully Seraphim went
manipulated by a on to assist the
blighted warlock, Angelii that
this slipstream pulls chased down
a friendly ally along Pyromalfic when
with a Seraph through the fully formed
the violated space in its dragon tried to
path, either removing make an escape.
a vulnerable servant of As instrumental
the Legion from harm’s as they were to
way, or depositing the victory that
ravenous, eyeless night, most of
death on the enemy’s the Legion’s
doorstep. Seraphim were
destroyed before
For all their utility,
the battle was
Seraphim are relatively
over. However,
easy to produce.
bands of
The resources
Legion troops,
required to create
including dozens
one of Everblight’s
of Seraphim,
dragonspawn is a factor
continue to
of the creature’s mass.
plague the area
The sleek and sinuous
around the Castle
Seraphim require a
of the Keys to
greater expenditure usually taken out under the watchful
this day. As the Legion recuperates,
of a warlock’s blood than the eye of one of Everblight’s shepherds
they will have to replenish their
prolific Shredders and Harriers, but to seek out more prey and grow into
dragonspawn’s depleted numbers,
considerably less than the Angelius its full power. Within days, weeks
including those of the indispensable
or the Carnivean. With Everblight at the most, the shepherd returns
dividing his athanc between multiple leading a fully grown Seraph, fully
warlocks and the use of spawning capable of bringing death and terror
vessels to supplement a warlock’s on the winds.
sacrifice with the fresh blood of other
Since his return, Everblight has
creatures, the Legion can produce
been targeted as an enemy by one
adequate numbers of Seraphim in a
organization in particular: the Circle
reasonable amount of time.
Orboros. Almost alone among human
The gestation of a Seraph begins with agencies, the druids seem to be the
a warlock spilling her own blood most concerned by Everblight’s
SERAPH Tactics
By David Boeren
NO Quarter Magazine: Guts & Gears
Painting Seraphim
Seraphim of the Bloodsmeath Marauders By Rob Strohmeyer
Base Coat
Start with a base of Thrall Flesh with a touch of Gnarls Green for the entire model. All of
the natural armor like the plates and spikes get a basecoat of Greatcoat Grey. The gums
and viscera are based in Skorne Red and the teeth are based in Hammerfall Khaki.
The flesh is first. Highlight back up with the original base color of Thrall Flesh mixed
with a touch of Gnarls Green. Afterwards, add highlights of pure Thrall Flesh. This
works best when blended. The natural armor is highlighted back up with Greatcoat
Grey, and then further highlighted with a couple of layers of Greatcoat Grey mixed
with Morrow White. Each new highlight is smaller and lighter than the previous
layer. Highlight the edges of the armor plates with a 1:1 mix of Greatcoat Grey and
Morrow White. The gums are highlighted with Khador Red Base and the details of
the teeth are brought out with ‘Jack Bone.
Highlighting Colors:
Flesh: Gnarls Green, Thrall Flesh
Natural Armor: Greatcoat Grey, Morrow White
Gums/Viscera: Khador Red Base
Teeth: ‘Jack Bone
The flesh is detailed with small highlights of Thrall Flesh mixed with Morrow White.
The armor plate on the head has spots added to it by dabbing straight Armor Wash
on the surface, then pulling the Armor Wash off by wicking it into a dry brush. The
viscera and the skin around the openings get a wash of Skorne Red and then a second
wash of Khador Red Base. Each wash is blended out away from the openings in the
skin. Finally, the details of the teeth are picked out using Menoth White Highlight.
Finish the base accordingly.
Details Colors:
Flesh: Morrow White, Thrall Flesh
Natural Armor: Armor Wash
Viscera: Khador Red Base, Skorne Red
Teeth: Menoth White Highlight
A massive obelisk of carven stone rises from the rocky
ground and dominates the surrounding landscape. The
low, guttural voices of stone scribes fill the air, causing it buzz
Building a and hum with ancient power. A massive troll emerges from
the darkness into the flickering torchlight that illuminates
the sacred site hauling an enormous stone carved with runes
that flicker and pulse. The troll gingerly and lovingly places
the stone within an alcove at the base of the obelisk and the
runes burst to life in a frenzy of light as the power of Dhunia
courses into the krielstone.
After several issues of showcasing his amazing terrain in the
Player Gallery, we decided to tap Pat Ohta to produce a specific
piece for No Quarter. Hobby Content Manager Rob Hawkins set
to the task and sketched up a gorgeous Trollblood Krielstone
Shrine meant both to house and “recharge” the massive stones
carried by Krielstone Bearers.
Pat apparently has his own laboratory full of assistants ready to
do his bidding. His minion, Dr. Twitch, is seen here assembling
the Trollblood Krielstone Shrine.
By Pat Ohta
Assisted by Dr. Twitch and Danny Lam
Formula P3 Hobby Knife
Hobby saw
Hot glue gun
Hot wire cutter
Ballpoint pen
Permanent marker
Popsicle sticks
Safety mask
Sand paper
Soldering iron
Formula P3 Modeling Putty
Formula P3 Super Glue
White glue
Wood glue
Formula P3 Paint
Bastion Grey
Bloodtracker Brown
Cryx Bane Base
Hammerfall Khaki
Menoth White Highlight
Umbral Umber
NO Quarter Magazine: TERRAIN
The Stone Base
1 2 5
Step 1.) The stone tile base is comprised of two pieces. Start by Step 5.) Glue the top tier to the bottom tier.
making the bottom tier. Cut two 9” X 9” pieces of 1/4” foamcore. Glue
these two pieces together.
Step 2.) To create the top tier, cut out two 6” X 6” pieces of 1/4”
foamcore and glue them together. Along each edge of the bottom
and top tier, make a mark at every 1-1/2”. Use a ruler, draw lines
connecting each mark, forming a grid with 1-1/2” squares.
Step 1.) Cut a 15” X 15” piece of foam insulation. This will become
the hill the shrine will sit upon.
Step 3.) Score the lines using a modeling knife. Be sure not to
cut all the way through the foam—all you want to do is cut
through the top layer of paper. Then, score the same lines using
a ballpoint pen—the pen will deepen and widen the score lines,
which will help create the illusion of a tiled surface.
Step 2.) Center the stone tile base on the foam and trace a line
around it. Then draw a circle around the square. This will be the
diameter of the hill.
Step 4.) Use joint wall compound to cover the seam along the
edge of each tier. Spread this evenly with a popsicle stick. When Step 3.) Use a foam cutter and cut the hill out. Make the edges of the hill
the compound is dry, sand the edges smooth. slope by trimming the edges with the foam cutter. Sand this smooth.
NO Quarter Magazine: TERRAIN
Stone Columns (continued)
Step 4.) On one edge, cut a 3-1/2”x 2-1/2” hole into the foam. This will
hold the staircase.
Step 1.) The stairs are made from five foamcore pieces laid one on
top the other, going from largest to smallest. The first piece is 3-1/2”
X 3-1/4”, the second piece is 3” X 3-1/4”, the third is 2-1/4” X 3-1/4”,
the fourth is 1-1/2” X 3-1/2”, and the fifth is 3/4” X 3-1/4”.
Step 3.) Use a permanent marker to draw runes into the sides of
the stone pillar. Then, use a ballpoint pen and go over each of
the runes. This will help to define the runes and make it appear
2 as if it were carved.
Step 2.) Glue the stairs one on top of each other from largest on the
bottom to smallest on the top.
Trollblood Runes
Trollblood runes are a
combination of curved lines with
dots and slashes. Go ahead and
experiment to come up with your
own variations. I used a laboratory
pen to draw out my runes. These
pens are alcohol resistant and the
special ink etches the top layer of
foam. Using this pen will save you
3 a lot of time!
Step 3.) Glue the stone tile base to the top of the hill and the stairs
into the slot on the hill.
Stone Columns
Step 1.) Glue two 2” X 3”
pieces of insulation foam
together with wood glue.
When dry, use a hot wire Step 4.) Draw the rune of Dhunia on the top face of each stone.
cutter to trim the piece
so it is square. You can
add wear marks along
the edge of the Krielstone
to show age and damage.
Make a total of four of
1 Step 5.) Carefully etch out this design with a soldering iron. Always
wear a mask, and do this in a well-ventilated area.
NO Quarter Magazine: TERRAIN
Stone Columns Obelisk
(continued) and Krielstone
Step 6.) Mix joint wall compound with a
little bit of water and stipple this all over
the stone. This adds texture and helps to
conceal the seam line created by joining
the two pieces of foam.
Step 5.) Use the ballpoint pen to draw more
runes. If you don’t have access to a lab pen,
be sure to gently press into the foam so it
looks like the glyphs were carved.
7 6
Step 7.) When the compound is dry, sand it Step 6.) Cut a 1 1/2” X 2” doorway into one of
smooth. the facings of the obelisk. This will house the
Krielstone. Cover up any seam lines with the
Obelisk water and joint wall compound mixture.
and Krielstone
Step 3.) Cut the top to look like a pyramid.
1 Step 7.) Attach the obelisk to the middle of
the piece.
Step 1.) Glue three pieces of 3” X 6” of
insulation foam together with wood glue.
2 8
Step 2.) When dry, use a hot wire cutter to
shape it into an obelisk. From the bottom,
4 Step 8.) Grind the hand off the Krielstone
start by making an 80-degree cut upwards. Step 4.) Use sandpaper to better define the using a Dremel®. Patch up the grind mark
Stop approximately 2” from the top. shape. using Formula P3 Modeling Putty.
NO Quarter Magazine: TERRAIN
Braziers Groundwork
& Offerings
1 2
Step 1.) Mix some water and wood glue Step 2.) Make a mixture of sand and small rocks.
into Celluclay. Paste this mixture onto the Sprinkle this all over the ground and let it sit
insulation foam to add texture and vary the overnight to dry. When completely dry, prime
height of the ground. the piece with black acrylic paint.
Painting & Flocking
Step 1.) Cut off eight torches from Kriel
Warrior Standard Bearer banners.
Step 2.) Drill a small hole into the bottom of
the torch. Cut a piece of barbeque skewer, and
glue it into the hole. Use Formula P3 Modeling
Putty to cover any join lines.
4 The completed Trollblood Krielstone Shrine makes a fabulous centerpiece
for your HORDES games. Use it as an objective in a scenario or a cooler
Step 4.) Randomly glue the shields and scroll approach to creating high ground. Woe to the enemies of the Trollbloods
parts, available from, who try to defile such a sacred site of Dhunia!
around the base of the obelisk.
Ol’ Rowdy Ol’ Rowdy Ol’ Rowdy Ol’ Rowdy
Head Torso Furnace Body
Right Arm
Tail Spikes
Drago Drago
Shoulder 1 Shoulder 2
Cyclops Shaman
Right Arm
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by Rob Hawkins
“Ogrun Bokur”
by Jim Rowell
Emiliano Mancini
Emiliano Mancini wins the
challenge with this fantastic
Gnarlhorn Satyr, with its
interesting conversion work and
subtle painting technique. We’ll
call him “Woody”.
Honorable Mentions
Year of the Gear is Coming!
A Year of Special Content for NQ
Obligatory Th
omas “Tamul
f” Dill sighti
ng! This tim
e he’s infiltr
ated our products
Find out how to get your FREE limited edition Mega Sky
Sentinel figure at