Asymmetric Ion-Pairing Catalysis: Katrien Brak and Eric N. Jacobsen
Asymmetric Ion-Pairing Catalysis: Katrien Brak and Eric N. Jacobsen
Asymmetric Ion-Pairing Catalysis: Katrien Brak and Eric N. Jacobsen
Charged intermediates and reagents are ubiquitous in organic
transformations. The interaction of these ionic species with chiral
neutral, anionic, or cationic small molecules has emerged as a
powerful strategy for catalytic, enantioselective synthesis. This review
describes developments in the burgeoning field of asymmetric ion-
pairing catalysis with an emphasis on the insights that have been
gleaned into the structural and mechanistic features that contribute to
high asymmetric induction.
1. Introduction
Here we provide an analysis of the four classes of asymmetric Because extensive secondary literature exists on asymmetric
ion-pairing catalysis defined in Figure 1, with emphasis placed on catalysis with onium ions, this review will focus only on selected
the conceptual and mechanistic underpinnings of key illustrative systems that have yielded mechanistic and conceptual insight into
reactions. This field has a relatively long history in phase-transfer the basis for enantioselectivity.
catalysis with chiral cationic or cation-binding catalysts. [5] In
contrast, ion-pairing catalysis with chiral anionic [6] and anion-
binding[7] catalysts is a much newer field of endeavor, but research 2.1. Quaternary Ammonium Cations
in this area has progressed at a particularly rapid pace in the last five
years. The aim of this review is to tie together these different Quaternary ammonium salts are the largest and most well-
activation modes to help shed light on the common features that studied class of chiral phase-transfer catalysts (Figure 4). Building
enable highly enantioselective transformations of reactive, charged on the pioneering work by the Merck research group, [5i] O’Donnell
species with small-molecule chiral catalysts, with the ultimate goal and co-workers reported a similar cinchona alkaloid-derived
of providing design principles for future discovery efforts. ammonium salt for the enantioselective synthesis of α-amino acids
under phase-transfer conditions.[8] N-benzyl cinchonidinium chloride
(1b) was found to effect the alkylation of the benzophenone imine
2. Chiral Cation-Directed Catalysis of glycine tert-butyl ester (4) with moderate levels of
enantioselectivity (Scheme 2a). This synthetically useful alkylation
The history of ion-pairing catalysis as an important approach in of 4 has served as a benchmark reaction for the development of new
asymmetric synthesis can be traced to the 1984 report by Merck enantioselective phase-transfer catalysts.
Katrien Brak was born in Leuven, Belgium Eric N. Jacobsen was born and raised in
in 1983. She obtained her B.S. degree in New York City. He earned his B.S.
chemistry in 2000 from MIT, and completed degree from New York University in 1982
her Ph.D. studies at UC Berkeley working and his Ph.D. degree at the UC Berkeley
under the supervision of Prof. Jonathan A. in 1986, working under the direction of
Ellman. Her graduate work focused on the Robert Bergman. He carried out
design of nonpeptidic cruzain inhibitors and postdoctoral studies with Barry
Sharpless at MIT. In 1988, he began his
the development of methods for the
independent career at the University of
asymmetric synthesis of α-branched allylic Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. He moved
[] Dr. K. Brak, Prof. E. N.amines. She is currently an NIH
Jacobsen to Harvard University in 1993, where he
Department of Chemistrypostdoctoral fellowBiology
and Chemical in the laboratories of is currently the Sheldon Emory Professor
Harvard University Prof. Eric N. Jacobsen. Her research of Organic Chemistry and Department
12 Oxford St, Cambridgeinvolves the development
MA 02138 (USA) of Chair. His research interests lie in the
enantioselective catalytic reactions of cationic intermediates by anion-
Fax: (+1) 617-496-1880 discovery, mechanistic elucidation, and application of new catalytic
binding catalysis.
E-mail: processes.
the highly efficient and enantioselective catalysts 1c-d (Scheme 2a).
Subsequently, Park and Jew took advantage of the positive influence
of sterically bulky N(1)-substituents to develop dimeric and trimeric
cinchona alkaloid-derived catalysts linked via the quinuclidinium
nitrogen. These multimeric catalysts provide dramatically improved
levels of asymmetric induction in alkylations of 4 compared to less
sterically congested, monomeric catalysts such as 1b.[5e]
The basis for enantioselectivity in the alkylation of glycine
derivative 4 catalyzed by N-anthracenylmethyl ammonium salts 1c
and 1d has been probed by several research groups. The quaternary
ammonium ion of these catalysts can be envisioned at the center of a
tetrahedron composed of the four carbon atoms adjacent to the
Figure 4. Structures of chiral ammonium phase-transfer catalysts.
bridgehead nitrogen (Figure 5a). [12] Based on an X-ray crystal
structure of the p-nitrophenoxide salt of 1d, Corey and co-workers
propose that three of the faces of this tetrahedron are blocked by the
Two general mechanistic descriptions have been proposed for quinuclidine, quinoline, and anthracenyl groups. The remaining
phase-transfer-catalyzed reactions using aqueous bases, differing in face, however, is sufficiently open to allow for close contact
the location of the substrate in the deprotonation event – either at the between the enolate anion and ammonium cation. 26 Pochapsky and
interface of the aqueous and organic phases (interfacial mechanism), co-workers provided experimental support for preferred anion
or in the organic phase (extraction mechanism). [9] For enolate occupancy at this face of the ammonium ion with the observation of
alkylation reactions, experimental support for the interfacial specific interionic NOE correlations of a cinchona alkaloid-derived
mechanism was provided by Merck scientists (Scheme 2b). [10] ammonium• borohydride ion pair in solution.[14] The higher
Specifically, the alkylation of glycine ester 4 was shown to proceed selectivity observed with the N-anthracenylmethyl catalysts 1c-d
via α-deprotonation of the ester at the aqueous/organic interface by versus N-benzyl catalyst 1b is attributed to more effective
metal hydroxide. The resulting metal enolate remains at the interface differentiation of the tetrahedron faces.
until ion exchange with the chiral catalyst cation (Q* +) generates Studies by the Reetz and Houk research groups have provided
key lipophilic ion pair intermediate 5. After diffusion into the insight into the noncovalent interactions that result in highly
organic phase, this chiral ion pair reacts with an alkyl halide, structured enolate•ammonium catalyst contact ion pairs. Reetz and
affording the optically active monoalkylated product and co-workers used molecular orbital calculations to determine that the
regenerating the catalyst. positive charge of tetraalkylammonium cations is delocalized to a
significant extent onto the α-carbon atoms. [15] This charge
distribution is consistent with the stabilizing R 3N+–C–H•••–O–C=C
hydrogen bonds identified in several X-ray structures of
tetrabutylammonium•enolate ion pairs.[16] Using MP2 calculations
with a large basis set, Houk and Cannizzaro evaluated the
geometries and interaction energies of such hydrogen bonds using
[Me3NH•CH2COOMe] as a model ion pair (Figure 5b).[17] The most
stable complex identified has the plane containing the enolate
parallel to the tetrahedral face of the trimethylammonium cation
defined by the hydrogens of three parallel C-H bonds α to the
quaternary nitrogen. Based on this computational model, Houk
proposes a mechanism for the alkylation reaction in which the Z-
enolate of 4[18] binds in a parallel fashion to the open face of the
cinchonidinium, leaving the si face exposed for electrophilic attack
(Figure 5a).[19] This arrangement also allows for π-stacking between
the electron-rich phenyl substituents of the enolate substrate and the
electron-deficient anthracenyl unit of the catalyst. The high
enantioselectivity observed in the alkylation of glycine derivative 4,
catalyzed by cinchonidinium salts 1c-d, is thus ascribed to a highly
ordered catalyst-enolate complex stabilized primarily by N +–C–
Scheme 2. (a) Enantioselective alkylation of glycine ester 4
H•••X hydrogen-bonding and π-stacking interactions. This complex
catalyzed by various quaternary ammonium ions and (b) the
interfacial mechanism for phase-transfer catalysis. leaves only one face of the nucleophile exposed to alkylation.
3. Cation-Binding Catalysis Song and co-workers recently evaluated the reactivity and
selectivity of a BINOL-based bis(hydroxy) polyether catalyst/KF
By capitalizing on the well-established cation-binding property complex in the desilylative kinetic resolution of silyl ethers (Scheme
of polyethers, researchers have long sought to devise effective 5).[36] The polyether catalyst was designed such that simultaneous
enantioselective catalysts that operate through binding of a chiral binding could take place to (i) the potassium cation, through
polyether to the cationic counterion of the reacting anion (Figure chelation with the ether groups, and (ii) the fluoride anion and the
10). Phase-transfer catalysis with polyether compounds differs from silyl ether, through hydrogen bonding with the terminal hydroxy
catalysis with onium salts (Section 2) in that the entire reacting ion groups. Computational support was provided for the proposed
pair, not just the anion, is transferred into the organic phase. [33] cooperative mechanism.[37] An additional catalyst–ion-pair
interaction was suggested by the observation that only catalysts
having halogen substituents at the 3,3’-positions of the BINOL units
exhibit catalytic activity, and that the reaction outcome is
dramatically affected by the identity of the halogen atom. An X-ray
crystal structure analysis of a bromo-substituted polyether using chiral phosphoric acid derivatives, and has been discussed in
catalyst/KF complex suggests that this effect is the result of a strong several recent reviews on asymmetric catalysis with hydrogen-bond
interaction between the halogen substituent and the potassium ion. donors.[4b-d]
5. Anion-Binding Catalysis
Scheme 30. Thiourea-catalyzed (a) acyl-Pictet-Spengler and (b) acyl- The hydroxylactam-based acyl-Pictet-Spengler methodology has
Mannich reactions proceeding via N-acyliminium ions. been extended successfully to the regio- and enantioselective
cyclization of pyrrole nucleophiles using the same thiourea catalyst
32.[113] In agreement with the proposed S N1-type mechanism, rate
In an effort to further broaden the scope of thiourea-catalyzed acceleration due to increased substitution at the electrophilic center
reactions of N-acyliminium ions and obtain insight into the nature of was observed again. An intermolecular addition of indoles to N-acyl
the substrate-catalyst interactions, an acyl-Pictet-Spengler-type iminium ions derived from hydroxylactams was also achieved upon
cyclization of tryptamine derivatives was developed wherein the N- fine tuning the catalyst structure. [114] In this case, replacing the
acyl iminium ions are generated in situ by the dehydration of pyrrole moiety on the thiourea catalyst with a Schiff base was
hydroxylactams (Scheme 31).[112] 1H-NMR studies of a necessary for achieving high enantioselectivity. These variants of
hydroxylactam substrate in the presence of the TMSCl dehydrating the hydroxylactam-based acyl-Pictet-Spengler methodology, [113-114]
reagent indicated that formation of the corresponding chlorolactam in addition to the acylative acyl-Pictet-Spengler [109] and acyl-
is fast and irreversible. The experimentally observed increase in Mannich[111] reactions described above, were proposed to proceed
reactivity with hydroxylactam derivatives generated by imide via an anion-binding mechanism by analogy.
alkylation (R = Me) versus by imide reduction (R = H) pointed to an The first catalytic asymmetric Petasis reaction was reported by
SN1-type mechanism. While these experiments established that the Takemoto and co-workers in 2007.[115] The authors designed a chiral
reaction proceeds via an N-acyliminium ion, the mode of the bifunctional thiourea that promotes the enantioselective addition of
catalyst interaction in the enantiodetermining transition state was not vinyl boronic acids to in situ generated N-acylquinolinium salts
yet apparent. (Scheme 32). The 1,2-amino alcohol and thiourea moieties of the
DFT computational analyses failed to converge for all structures catalyst were both shown to be important for achieving high
of the thiourea bound to the N-acyliminium ion carbonyl, but a reactivity and enantioselectivity. The 1,2-amino alcohol was
productive interaction was identified between the thiourea and the α- proposed to chelate the boronic acid and form a reactive “ate”
chloroamide via the α–chloro substituent. Enantioselective complex, whereas the thiourea was presumed to control the cis/trans
cyclization of the indole was therefore proposed to occur via a chiral isomer distribution of the N-acylquinolinium amide bond by
thiourea-bound N-acyliminium•chloride ion pair resulting from hydrogen bonding to the carbonyl. However, in light of the
thiourea-induced dissociation of the chloride. Further support for the mechanistic studies outlined above, [112] it is worth considering
anion-binding model includes the pronounced halide counterion whether the thiourea moiety is in fact interacting with the N-
effects (Cl, 97% ee; Br, 68% ee; I, <5% ee) and solvent effects acylquinolinium salt via the chloride anion in an ion-pairing
(TBME, 97% ee; CH2Cl2, <5% ee) on enantioselectivity. catalysis mechanism (Scheme 32).
Additionally, treatment of the thiourea catalyst with a chloride
source resulted in a 0.56 ppm downfield shift of the thiourea N-H
protons, consistent with strong binding to the chloride anion.
The dual catalysis approach was also extended by Seidel and co-
workers to reactions proceeding via thiourea-bound
acylpyridinium•enolate ion pair intermediates (Scheme 40). [133] A
chiral thiourea–DMAP co-catalyzed asymmetric Steglich reaction,
the rearrangement of O-acylated azlactones to the corresponding C-
acylated products, affords α,α-disubstituted amino acid derivatives
in 49-65% yield and 87-91% ee. By replacing the DMAP
nucleophilic co-catalyst with isoquinoline, Seidel and co-workers
achieved incorporation of the nucleophile framework into the
product; the azlactone-derived enolates were found to add to the 1-
position of the isoquinoline ring as opposed to the acyl group of the
acylisoquinolinium ion. This transformation resulted in the efficient
synthesis of α,β–diamino acid derivatives in 81-95% yield with high
levels of enantio- and diastereocontrol (Scheme 40). The optimal
Scheme 38. Acylative kinetic resolution of primary amines by an thiourea catalyst (42) for both the azlactone addition and
anion-binding approach to nucleophilic catalysis.
rearrangement reactions, is structurally similar to the optimal
catalyst (41) identified by Jacobsen and co-workers for a reaction
that is also proposed to proceed via a thiourea-bound enolate. It is
5.5. Enolate Anions
worth noting that the facial selectivity of the azlactone addition to
isoquinolines is opposite to that of the azlactone rearrangement
Asymmetric anion-binding/nucleophilic co-catalysis has been
reaction, suggesting that significantly different secondary
applied successfully by Jacobsen and co-workers to the C-acylation
interactions must be at play in the corresponding thiourea-bound ion
of enolate equivalents. By using chiral arylpyrrolidine-based
pair intermediates. The reports by the Seidel [130-133] and Jacobsen[121]
thiourea catalyst 41 in combination with 4-pyrrolidinopyridine, the
groups demonstrate the power of anion-binding in asymmetric
enantioselective acylation of silyl ketene acetals with acyl fluorides
nucleophilic catalysis, and suggest that this strategy may be broadly
was developed to generate valuable α,α-disubstituted butyrolactone
products (Scheme 39).[121] A marked dependency on the nature of the
acylating agent was observed, with benzoyl fluoride being
Jacobsen and co-workers demonstrated that anion-binding
catalysis can be used as a strategy for inducing enantioselectivity in
reactions proceeding via specific acid mechanisms. [135] The
combination of an achiral sulfonic acid and chiral bifunctional
sulfinamidourea 44 was found to be optimal for promoting a highly
enantioselective [4+2] cycloaddition of N-aryl imines and electron-
rich olefins, also known as the Povarov reaction (Scheme 42a).
Structure–reactivity/enantioselectivity studies established the
importance of both the urea and sulfinamide groups of the catalyst.
Kinetic analysis of the reaction revealed a first-order dependence on
triflic acid (TfOH) and a zeroth-order dependence on imine 45,
consistent with quantitative protonation of imine 45 by triflic acid
(TfOH) under the reaction conditions and protioiminium triflate
45•HOTf as the resting state of the sulfonic acid catalyst. A large
binding constant (K = 9 x 103 M–1) was determined for the
interaction of the urea catalyst 44 with salt 45•HOTf.
Computational and 1H NMR spectroscopic analysis of the ternary
complex (44•45•HOTf) shed light on the nature of the binding
Scheme 40. Dual catalysis approach to the enantioselective Steglich interaction. A dynamic structure was elucidated, consisting of the
rearrangement and addition of O-acylated azlactones to urea-sulfonate anion complex associated to the protioiminium ion
isoquinolines. through a combination of electrostatic and hydrogen-bonding
interactions (Scheme 42b).
A comparison of the kinetics of the HOTf/urea 44 co-catalyzed
5.6. Imidate Anions reaction relative to the reaction catalyzed by HOTf alone revealed
that the urea induces a several-fold decrease in the reaction rate. It
The development of catalytic, enantioselective was concluded that 44 serves to stabilize the protoiminium ion
iodolactonizations has proven challenging due to the inherent triflate ground state more than the cycloaddition transition state.
difficulty in controlling the stereoselectivity in the formation and However, the racemic pathway was shown to be suppressed, and
reaction of iodonium ions. Inspired by the success of (thio)urea high enantioselectivity was still achieved because the high
catalysts in effecting enantioselective reactions of a diverse array of association equilibrium of the urea catalyst and the protioiminium
cationic intermediates, Jacobsen and Veitch developed a tertiary intermediate ensures that the iminium ion undergoes cycloaddition
aminourea-catalyzed enantioselective iodolactonization (Scheme only in association with the chiral urea. Additional investigations led
41).[134] 1H-NMR studies of the aminourea catalyst in the presence of to the proposed basis for enantioselectivity: a stabilizing π-π
the iodinating agents suggested an N-iodo derivative of the catalyst interaction between the (bis)trifluoromethylphenyl group of the
is formed in situ. This species was proposed to undergo reaction catalyst and the aniline arene of the imine. This attractive interaction
with the hexanoic acid substrate to form thiourea-bound is apparent in the computed transition structure leading to the major
imidate•iodonium ion pair intermediate 43. Based on the difference enantiomer, but absent in the competing diastereomeric transition
in reactivity observed with substrates forming 5-, 6-, or 7-membered state (Scheme 42c). Careful study of the urea-catalyzed Povarov
lactone products (5 > 6 >> 7), the subsequent cyclization step was reaction thus revealed that a network of weak, noncovalent
proposed to be rate- and enantio-determining. The level of interactions can function cooperatively to attenuate the reactivity of
enantioinduction was shown to be sensitive to the structure of the a highly reactive intermediate as well as effect a highly
imidate, indicating that it is directly involved in the enantioselective transformation.
enantiodetermining step. Preliminary computational studies of
putative intermediate 43 support a tertiary amino-iodonium
interaction and deprotonation of the carboxylic acid by the urea-
bound phthalimide in the enantiodetermining cyclization event.
Detailed mechanistic studies such as this one have provided This work was supported by the NIH (GM43214) and through a
valuable insight into how the stereochemical outcome of reactions postdoctoral fellowship to K.B. (GM090477).
can be controlled solely through noncovalent interactions between a
neutral catalyst and an ion-pair intermediate. In several cases of
anion-binding catalysis mechanisms, it has been established that Received: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff))
high levels of enantioselectivity are attained via stabilization of the Published online on ((will be filled in by the editorial staff))
dominant transition state through attractive noncovalent interactions.
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