Policy On MS, M.phil and Mba - Degrees

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1. This policy deals with the award of degree of Master of Science (MS), Master of
Philosophy (MPhil) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) by the Air University.
The degree requirements, time duration, admission & registration requirements,
evaluation procedure, conditions for dismissal from Master’s studies, and other related
requirements are part of this policy. The policy is inline with the guidelines provided by
Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. The policy finds its elaboration in current AU
Academic Rules.

Award of MS/MPhil/MBA Degree

2. On the recommendations of the Faculty Board of Graduate Studies (FBGS) to

Vice Chancellor through Director Academics and Registrar, the Air University will
award MS/MPhil/MBA degrees to the candidates who satisfy the requirements
mentioned below. Faculties and departments may specify additional requirements if
considered appropriate/necessary on case to case basis, however those requirements
are to be approved by FBGS. The standard requirements are further explained in
subsequent paragraphs.

a) Coursework. The minimum coursework required is 24 credits of

graduate level courses.

b) Cumulative grade point average (CGPA). Master’s Students are

required to maintain a CGPA of 2.50 or above on the scale of 4.00. Revised
Academic Standing for Spring – 2017 & onwards intakes is placed at
CGPA criteria
changed from Annexure A (Table A1). (1)
3.00 to 2.50
from Spring - c) Defense of Research Proposal. Each Master’s student has to prepare,
2017 and submit, and defend a thesis proposal, after carrying out a comprehensive
intakes literature review and taking guidance from his/her supervisor and GEC, and
defend it successfully in not more than two attempts.

d) Research Credits. In addition to the class coursework, all Master’s

students must register for at least six Cr Hr of research work and get satisfactory
grades for these credit hours.

OPR: Office of Dir. Academics
e) Plagiarism check. The thesis should pass a plagiarism test before
sending it to external examiner, for evaluation, using specialist software.

f) Research Publication. Master’s student must make an effort to

publish at least one research paper preferably in an International
Conference or HEC recognized journal

g) Final Defense. It is essential to successfully defend one’s thesis in an

open defense (in the form of a presentation) and earn its approval by a majority
vote of GEC

h) Submission of Master’s Thesis. Three copies of Master’s thesis (in

hard bound copies of approved color) duly signed by GEC members along with
its soft copy on CD/DVD shall be submitted within 30 calendar days from the
date of final defense. Director Examination & Dean Faculty (with consultation of
the concerned Department Chair) may relax this period (maximum for another
one month) if GEC asked student to incorporate significant changes/additions
in the thesis, with intimation to offices of Director Examination and Director

i) Payment of Fees. Each Master’s student has to pay full semester

fees for every extended semester beyond normal duration of respective degree
program. Additionally Rs 20,000/- would be charged as Thesis evaluation fee
from graduate students.

Absolute Grading System

3. Absolute Grading system will be followed from Fall 2017 Semester
(instead of Relative Grading System) – as placed at Annexure B (Table A2). (2)

Duration of Master’s Studies

4. The normal duration of the Master’s studies (except MBA 1.5 years, MSPM
and MS Mgmt Science) shall be two academic years - an academic year consists of
two regular semesters ie Fall and Spring semesters - extendable by two more
semesters by Dean of the concerned Faculty on the recommendation of concerned
Chair Department. Student who fails to complete the degree requirements within three
academic years shall have to apply in writing with justification to the FBGS through
GEC. The FBGS may recommend extension (beyond three years) to VC for max
period of two regular semesters (on semester by semester basis before the expiry of
previous extension, if any) provided the student has successfully defended his
research proposal, has been getting satisfactory research progress reports and FBGS
has reasons to believe that student will be able to finish all the academic requirements,
if given extension. Offices of the Director Examination, Registrar and Director
Academics will be intimated of any extension granted for record purposes. In case the
student still fails to complete the degree requirements, then the case for his/her
dismissal from that program will be referred to VC through FBGS and Director

5. Semester Leave. A Master’s student who has successfully completed his/her

course work may take leave up to one semester, which includes the leave on medical
grounds, with the approval of FBGS. The leave granted will not be counted towards the
duration of the studies.

Admission in Master’s Program

6. Eligibility and other matters related to admission are as follows:-

a) Eligibility Criteria. The applicant has to meet following minimum

eligibility requirements.

(i) Four year BS degree/equivalent degree in the relevant field with

at least 124 Cr Hrs beyond 12 years of schooling with a CGPA of at least
2.00(3)(on the scale of 4.00) OR equivalent ie First Division under annual

(ii) GRE (International) or GAT General, with at least 50% score

in relevant discipline. In case of non-availability of GRE/GAT
General due to any reason, concerned Department may arrange an
equivalent test under the auspices of Air University. The applicant
has to score 60% in this test for becoming eligible for admission.(4)

b) Rejection and Transfer Cases. In case of rejection of

application, applicant may apply again after removing the observations of
concerned Department or Admission Office. An applicant, who is already
pursuing a Master’s program elsewhere, can get transferred to Air University
provided he/she meets all the admission requirements of AU.

Registration Requirement of Master’s Student

7. A Master’s student has to maintain his/her registration and pay the applicable
fee for coursework as well as for the research work, throughout the duration of
Master’s studies. If a student fails to register in any semester, he/she shall cease to be
a student of the Air University. In case the student applies for reinstatement of his/her
status to the Registrar, he/she shall have to clear all dues, deposit re-admission fee
and fine as applicable, within 45 days of start of the semester.

8. Master’s students are required to register for nine Cr Hrs of coursework in each
semester, in the first two regular semesters. Dean of faculty, on the recommendations
of Chair Department, may allow registration of minimum of six Cr Hrs instead of nine.
From second year of the program onwards in which student has registered, a Master’s
student may register for research Cr Hrs in addition to courses as per existing policy
and procedure of registration and fee payment, provided he/she has completed 18 Cr
Hrs of coursework with CGPA not less than 2.50/4.00. Master’s student may register
for courses during summer semester, if offered, for maximum of two courses, to
complete his/her coursework requirements or repeat one/two courses for improving
his/her CGPA.

Supervisor, Guidance and Evaluation Committee (GEC) and External Thesis


9. By end of second semester, a supervisor will be appointed by concerned Chair

Department duly approved by FBGS. The supervisor will preferably be regular PhD
qualified faculty member of AU. A GEC will be formed by Department Chair within four
weeks of the appointment of the Supervisor, with the approval of FBGS. GEC will
consist of at least three members; depending upon any specific requirement.
Department Chair may appoint a larger GEC. GEC will be chaired by the Supervisor of
the Master’s student and must have at least one faculty member of AU in addition to
the Supervisor (preferably holding PhD degree) and one external member (holding
PhD degree), who is a researcher/faculty member of public or private sector HEI other
than AU. Members of GEC should not be relatives of the supervisor and/or the
student. The VC will also appoint one external examiner, as part of GEC, on the
recommendation of FBGS through Dir Academics. Each Department will recommend
two names, as external thesis examiner, to FBGS for each Master’s student.

Research Progress

10. After successful defense of Research Proposal, quarterly research progress

reports by the Master’s student duly signed by the Supervisor are to be submitted to
GEC, Chair Department and the office of the Dir Examinations for posting of awarded
“S” and “U” interim grades within 30 days of the end of quarter.(5)
Postgraduate program coordinator is to update the progress on thesis tracking
module as well.

Plagiarism Check

11. Before sending the thesis for evaluation by external examiner(s), the supervisor
is required to conduct plagiarism check of the Master’s thesis using software approved
by AU. The similarity index of the test should be less than 19% before sending it for
evaluation. A certificate to this effect duly signed by supervisor and countersigned by
Department Chair is to be forwarded to Registrar and Dir Exam. This certificate shall
also be attached with the final hardbound copies of the Master’s thesis.

If Plagiarism is established in the thesis of MS/MPhil/PhD scholar (at a later stage
on a complaint received), then the Supervisor will also be held responsible for
this act and will be blacklisted for five (05) years. A disciplinary action against
such supervisor may also be initiated by the University. However, if the
complaint is proved to be false, then the complainant of false allegation of
plagiarism may be blacklisted for five (05) years.(6)

Evaluation of Master’s Thesis

12. In addition to the evaluation of the thesis by GEC and plagiarism test,
submission of finalized thesis (second Draft) to GEC/expert for evaluation shall be
done within two years from the date of admission, otherwise the student will have to
apply for extension. After receiving positive evaluation reports by the external examiner
and Supervisor, the student shall apply for final defense of his/her thesis. The
correspondence with the external examiners shall be done through the office of the
Director Examination.

Final Defense

13. Master’s student will be eligible for the defense, and will formally apply for it,
provided he/she has met conditions as mentioned in para 2 and 4 above. The final
defense must be an open defense (in the form of presentation) attended by entire
GEC, all available faculty, AU MS & PhD students, Department Chair and preferably
Dean. For this purpose, Director Exams or his representative will also attend the
final defense. Master’s thesis will be awarded a Letter Grade by the GEC after the
final defense. Once the letter grade has been awarded to the thesis, it shall stand as
final grade of thesis. After the final defense GEC will make one of the following
recommendations to the VC through FBGS:-

a) Pass without any observation.

b) Pass with minor changes.
c) Major changes required (second final defense, if needed).
d) Failure.

Note: In case GEC recommends “Pass with minor changes”, the student will
incorporate these changes in the thesis within 30 days and the Supervisor will
certify accordingly. (7)

14. In case GEC is of the opinion that a second final defense by the student is
needed, GEC will recommend the time of next defense also and shall not award any
letter grade to the thesis.

15. Master’s students securing positions in their departments may be awarded

medals as per University Medal Award Policies.

Final Submission of MS/MPhil/MBA Thesis
16. After successful final defense, the student will submit final hard bound copies (in
required numbers) duly signed by all concerned & soft copy to the following offices:-
a) Concerned Department 01 Copy
b) Registrar 01 Copy (Registrar will send this copy to
c) Director Exams 01 Copy

Dismissal from Master’s Program

17. A student shall be dismissed from the Master’s Degree program if:-

a) CGPA remains below 2.50 on completion of his/her course work even

after availing all chances for improvement of grades.

b) CGPA is below 2.50 in two consecutive semesters (irrespective of

courses taken in each semester).
c) SGPA is below 2.00 in first semester
d) Fails twice in the defense of research proposal.
e) Declared fail in final defense.
f) Fails to complete all the degree requirements within the maximum time
allowed including the extensions.
g) On account of plagiarism or falsification of research data.
h) Fails to pay fee for every extended semester, beyond normal
duration of respective program, and the Thesis Evaluation fee.

18. After dismissal from a Master’s program, student shall not join any Master’s
program offered by the Air University

Award of MBA 1.5 Degree

19. On the recommendations of the Faculty Board of Graduate Studies (FBGS) to

Vice Chancellor, the Air University will award MBA 1.5 degree to the candidates who
satisfy the requirements mentioned below:

a) Minimum Duration of MBA 1.5 Program. The minimum duration for

award of MBA degree is 1.5 years.

b) Course work. The minimum course work required for award of MBA 1.5
degree is 30 credits of graduate level courses.

c) Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). MBA 1.5 students are
required to obtain a CGPA of 2.50 or above on the scale of 4.00 on completion
of academic requirements.

d) Project/Thesis Credit Hours. In addition to coursework, all MBA 1.5

students must register for at least six Cr Hrs of a business Capstone Project or
thesis work and get satisfactory grades for these credit hours.

MBA 1.5 Thesis. The MBA 1.5 program at Air University also provides an
option by thesis track for students who opt for a more academic approach
to research. The rules for submitting and evaluating the MBA 1.5 thesis
shall be the same as the MS and MPhil thesis which have been
expounded in the following sections.

e) Plagiarism Check. The thesis should pass a plagiarism test before

sending it to external examiner for evaluation, using specialist software.

f) Final Defense of Thesis. For MBA 1.5 student with Thesis option, it is
essential to successfully defend one’s thesis in an open defense (in the form of
a presentation) and earn its approval by a majority vote of GEC.

g) Final presentation for Capstone Project. For MBA 1.5 students with
project option, successful open defense (in the form of a presentation) of the
Capstone Project and approval by a majority vote of Capstone Project
Evaluation Committee (CPEC) is required.

(h) Submission of Capstone Project. Three copies of the MBA 1.5 Capstone
project in hard bound copies of approved color (duly signed by all CPEC
members) along with its soft copy on CD/DVD shall be submitted within 15
calendar days from the date of final presentation/defense for the intakes of Fall
2017 Semester and onwards. Students of the previous intake/batches will
continue to be governed by previous policy on the subject.

(i) After successful final defense, the student will submit final hardbound copies
(in required number) duly signed by all concerned to the following offices:-
i. Concerned Department 01 Copy
01 Copy (Registrar will send this copy
ii. Registrar
to Library)
iii. Examination Department 01 Copy

20. MS Mgmt Science & MS Project Mgmt Programs : MS Mgmt Science and
MSPM are of 1.5 years whereas Master’s in Engg Programs is of 2 years
duration, however, Credit Hours for these are the same as 30 CHs (24 CHs for
Course work and 06 CHs for thesis). MS Mgmt Science & MSPM programs
consist of two (02) Semesters course work only.

21. This policy shall be applicable to all MS/MPhil/MBA programs wef Fall –
2017 unless stated otherwise in the preceding pages. Academic Regulations may
also be consulted for details of any relevant points.

22. The policy shall be reviewed as and when required.

No. IBD/AU/202/2/ACAD dated: 02 March, 2018


1. Grading Table Associated with Min CGPA (2.5/4.0) For Passing MS/MPhil/MBA
Programs (page 1)
Agenda Item No. 2, para 13 : Minutes of, University Functional Committee, Meeting
issued on 28 April, 2017.

2. Absolute Grading Scheme (page 2)

Agenda Item No. 2 : Minutes of, 151 University Functional Committee, Meeting
issued on 18 Aug, 2017

3. Eligibility Criteria Grades for PG Studies (page 3)

Agenda Item No. 3 Sub Item - 3, para 25 : Minutes of, University Functional
Committee, Meeting issued on 31 Jan, 2018

4. Constitution of Committee to Prepare/Conduct the Test at Par with GRE

(General), GRE (Subject) for Admission in MS/MPhil & PhD or Equivalent Programs
(page 3).
HEC Letter No. 1- 3 /AD-QA/HEC/(NQAC)(21)/2016)/52 dated 18 Mar, 2016

5. Research Progress Reports for MS/MPhil/MBA Students (page 4).

Agenda Item No. 2, para 15 : Minutes of, University Functional Committee, Meeting
issued on 28 April, 2017.

6. Responsibility on Supervisor of Plagiarized PhD/MS/MPhil Thesis (page 5).

HEC letter no. 1-22(NQAC)/QAD/2017/HEC/07-364 and 08-365 both dated 24
March, 2017

7. Amendments to MS & PhD Policy of Air University (page 5).

Para 1(f) of Letter No. IBD/AU/207/Acad dated 29 Dec, 2015

Note : Highlighted Bold font in the document indicates amendments

Annexure A

*Table A1

Academic Standings applicable for MS/MPhil/MBA Intake of Spring – 2017 and

onwards intakes

S No CGPA Academic Standing

1. 3.75 ≤ CGPA ≤ 4.00 Honor

2. 3.50 ≤ CGPA < 3.75 Very Good

3. 3.00 ≤ CGPA < 3.50 Good

4. 2.50 ≤ CGPA < 3.00 Satisfactory

Probation (Repeat Course(s) to

5. <2.50 in a semester
improve CGPA)

<2.50 in second consecutive

6. semester Dismissed
<2.00 in 1st semester

Note : Intakes / students enrolled before Spring – 2017 Semester would continue to be governed
by CGPA limit of > 3.0, on the scale of 4.0, and related Academic Standing.

Annexure B

**Table A2

Absolute Grading Scheme, applicable from Fall – 2017 Semester for

MS/MPhil/MBA/PhD Programs

S No Marks in %age Grades GPA

1. 80 - 100 A 4.00

2. 75 - 79.99 A- 3.67

3. 70 - 74.99 B+ 3.33

4. 65 - 69.99 B 3.00

5. 60 - 64.99 B- 2.67

6. 55 - 59.99 C+ 2.33

7. 50 - 54.99 C 2.00

8. Below 50 F 0.00


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