Air Condition and Ventilation

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ME -416

Ransam S. Pirote, PME/DTM/CEM
⦿ Air Conditioning and Ventilation
9-12 AM, Tuesday
Mid Term: August 16-20,2021
Pre –Final: Sept. 20-24,2021
Final: October 18-22,2021
Teaching Days: July 6,13,20,27
August: 3,10,24,31
Sept. 7,14,28
Oct. 5,12
⦿ Ransam S. Pirote
⦿ BSME, WIT 1977
⦿ Professional Civil Service:1977
⦿ RME: 1987
⦿ PME: 1997
⦿ Teachers Board: 1990
⦿ LTE: 2000
⦿ Certified Energy Manager: 2018
⦿ Certified Trainer: 1992/2018
⦿ Certified Electric Welder
⦿ Certified Competent Communicator, TMI
⦿ Certified Competent Leader, TMI
⦿ Certified Adanced Communicator and
⦿ Certified Distinguished Toastmaster-TMI
⦿ Work Experience:
Passi Iloilo Sugar Central Inc. 1978-1982
Fluor Arabia Limited –Jubail, KSA-
College Instructor : (WVCST now
Saudi Aramco, KSA: Trainer ,
⦿ Saudi Aramco, KSA Senior Trainer 2000-2010
⦿ Saudi Aramco, Training Supervisor,
Metals/Mechanical , 2010-2016
⦿ Managed own Business: Pirote Pharmacy,
Pirote Copy Center, Pirote Sari Sari Store,
Pirote Travel Services, Pirote Farm, Roadside
⦿ Chairman of the Board, Ekolife OFW Multi
Purpose Cooperative
⦿ Chairman, PSME Certification Committee
⦿ Lead Facilitator: PSME Train the Trainer
Certification Training Program
⦿ Member : PSME ALMA
⦿ Member : PSME ATC
⦿ Vice Chairman: Welding Engineering
Technical Division
⦿ Past PSME National BOD
⦿ WITAA President 2018

affecting human comfori; air distribution and basic duct design; drying
heating and ventilation; cooling Ioa4 caicrilations, and, design uf an air-
conditior\inp system and its components.

⦿ Lecture - 3
Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact
Lecture — 3 hours
Hours per week
Prerequisite Program Outcomes
Ref i eration Systems
◼ E, c-E, e-E
⦿ Course Outcomes
⦿ Identify the components of an air-conditioning system and
discuss their functions
⦿ Perform an air-conditioning load calculation

Apply the principles of heat transfer and thermodynamic

analysis to air-conditioning systems
⦿ 4. Design a simple air-conditionin s tern for a given

⦿ Air conditioning application system and its psychrometric

processes and
⦿ system and its psychrometric processes and
Air-conditioning Processes
⦿ Cooling Towers and Air Dryers
⦿ Cooling load calculations
⦿ Air distribution system, duct sizing and equipment specification
⦿ Refrigerant Piping, L hilled and Cooling Water Piping System , Air Conditioning Equipment Design
and Selection, and Air Washers
⦿ 7, Ventilation
⦿ Comfort condition and Indoor Air-Quality
Introduction BLllldings
to 2010 PSVARE Standard for Energy Efficient
Conventional and alternative air-conditioning s'/stems None
Course Name
⦿ Course Description
⦿ Number of Units for Lecture and Laboratory Number of Contact
⦿ Course Outline 
⦿ Course Outcomes
⦿ 1.Identify the components of an air-conditioning system and discuss
their functions
⦿ 2.Perform an air-conditioning load calculation
⦿ 3 .Apply the principles of heat transfer and thermodynamic analysis to
air-conditioning systems
⦿ 4. Design a simple air-conditionin system for a given application
5. Air conditioning application system and its psychrometric processes
and Air-conditioning Processes
⦿ 6.Cooling Towers and Air Dryers
⦿ 7. Cooling load calculations
⦿ 8.Air distribution system, duct sizing and equipment specification
⦿ 9.Refrigerant Piping, c hilled and Cooling Water Piping System , Air
Conditioning Equipment Design and Selection, and Air Washers
⦿ 10.. Ventilation
⦿ 11.Comfort condition and Indoor Air-Quality
Introduction BLllldings
Conventional and alternative
air-conditioning s'/stems None
Course Name
⦿ Course Description
⦿ Number of Units for Lecture and Laboratory
Number of Contact

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