Stone Masonry English
Stone Masonry English
Stone Masonry English
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Jitendra Bothara
Svetlana Brzev
This tutorial is published by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, a nonprofit corporation. The objective of
the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute is to reduce earthquake risk by advancing the science and practice of
earthquake engineering by improving understanding of the impact of earthquakes on the physical, social, economic,
political, and cultural environment, and by advocating comprehensive and realistic measures for reducing the harmful
effects of earthquakes.
Production of this tutorial has been supported in part by generous contributions from the New Zealand Society for
Earthquake Engineering and the Earthquake Engineering Center of the University of Engineering and Technology,
Peshawar, Pakistan.
This tutorial was written and reviewed by volunteers, all of whom participate in EERI and IAEE’s World Housing
Encyclopedia project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are the authors’ and do
not necessarily reflect the views of their organizations.
ISBN: 978-1-932884-48-7
EERI Publication Number WHE-2011-01
This tutorial was developed and reviewed by an international team of experts, who volunteered their time and knowledge
to develop this document over the last three years. The primary authors are Jitendra Bothara (New Zealand) and Svetlana
Brzev (Canada). The authors are particularly grateful to those who provided many useful suggestions as reviewers. The
authors are especially grateful to Qaisar Ali (Pakistan) and Tom Schacher (Switzerland) for performing a thorough review
of the manuscript and contributing photographs. The authors would like to acknowledge the individuals and organiza-
tions who provided useful review comments and contributed photographs and illustrations, including Marjana Lutman
and Miha Tomazevic (Slovenia), Martijn Schildkamp (Smart Shelter Foundation), Randolph Langenbach (U.S.A.), Mo-
hammed Farsi (Algeria), Stavroula Pantazopoulou (Greece), Krishna Vasta (India), and Robert Culbert, Builders Without
Borders (Canada). The authors appreciate valuable feedback provided by Mel Green (U.S.A.). The authors of all the vari-
ous WHE housing reports cited in this tutorial provided much useful information in their reports, for which the authors
are very grateful.
The authors are grateful to C.V.R. Murty (India), former WHE Editor-in-Chief, who supported the idea of developing
this tutorial and contributed in the early stages of its development. Special thanks are due to Andrew Charleson (New
Zealand), current WHE Editor-in-Chief who served as the Technical Editor of this publication and has reviewed its many
drafts. This publication would not have been possible without Marjorie Greene (EERI) and Heidi Faison (U.S.A), WHE
Associate Editor, who played a critical role in developing the final draft of the publication. The authors are grateful to
Dr Richard Sharpe (New Zealand) for reviewing the final draft of the tutorial on behalf of the New Zealand Society for
Earthquake Engineering. The quality of the publication would not be the same without superb illustrations developed
by Ruslan Idrisov and Simon John Harrison (New Zealand), and editorial effort by Rachel Beebe (U.S.A.). The authors
appreciate contributions by Ruben Negrete and Emmett Seymour, EERI Interns, in the editing stage of this document.
Production of this tutorial has been supported in part by generous contributions from the New Zealand Society for
Earthquake Engineering and the Earthquake Engineering Center of the University of Engineering and Technology,
Peshawar, Pakistan. The financial support was used to enable the development of graphics and production of this
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor
Andrew Charleson Marjorie Greene
Victoria University of Wellington Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
New Zealand U.S.A.
Associate Editor
Heidi Faison Associate Editor
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Dominik Lang
U.S.A NORSAR Foundation
Tatsuo Narafu
Craig Comartin Japan International Cooperation Agency
CD Comartin Inc. Japan
Sahar Safaie
Junwu Dai The World Bank
Institute of Engineering Mechanics U.S.A.
Baitao Sun
Dina D’Ayala Insitute of Engineering Mechanics
University of Bath China
United Kingdom
Sugeng Wijanto
Trisakti University
Jorge Gutierrez Indonesia
University of Costa Rica, Dept. of Civil Engineering
Costa Rica
Andreas Kappos
University of Thessaloniki
About the World Housing Encyclopedia
The World Housing Encyclopedia (WHE) is a project of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute and the
International Association for Earthquake Engineering. Volunteer earthquake engineers and housing experts from around
the world participate in this web-based project by developing reports on housing construction practices in their countries.
In addition, volunteers prepare tutorials on various construction technologies and donate time on various special projects,
including a collaborative project to generate information on global construction types with the U.S. Geological Survey,
and an initiative to promote confined masonry construction. The WHE is also a partner of the World Bank’s Safer Homes
Stronger Communities project. All information provided by the volunteers is peer-reviewed. Visit
net for more information.
Andrew Charleson
February 2011
About the Tutorial
Durable and locally available, stone has been used as a construction material since ancient times. Stone houses, palaces,
temples, and important community and cultural buildings can be found all over the world. With the advent of new
construction materials and techniques, the use of stone has substantially decreased in the last few decades. However, it is
still used for housing construction in parts of the world where stone is locally available and affordable material.
Traditional stone masonry dwellings have proven to be extremely vulnerable to earthquake shaking, thus leading to
unacceptably high human and economic losses, even in moderate earthquakes. The seismic vulnerability of these buildings
is due to their heavy weight and, in most cases, the manner in which the walls have been built. Human and economic
losses due to earthquakes are unacceptably high in areas where stone masonry has been used for house construction. Both
old and new buildings of this construction type are at risk in earthquake-prone areas of the world.
This document explains the underlying causes for the poor seismic performance of stone masonry buildings and offers
techniques for improving it for both new and existing buildings. The proposed techniques have been proven in field
applications, are relatively simple, and can be applied in areas with limited artisan skills and tools. The scope of this
tutorial has been limited to discussing stone masonry techniques used primarily in the earthquake-prone countries of Asia,
mostly South Asia. Nevertheless, an effort has also been made to include some stone masonry construction techniques
used in other parts of the world, such as Europe. For more details on global stone masonry housing practices, readers are
referred to reports published in the World Housing Encyclopedia (
The authors of this document believe that by implementing the recommendations suggested here, the risk to the occupants
of non-engineered stone masonry buildings and their property can be significantly reduced in future earthquakes. This
document will be useful to building professionals who want to learn more about this construction practice, either for the
purpose of seismic mitigation or for post-earthquake reconstruction.
Stone Masonry Construction Around the World 1
Key Building Components 3
Wall Construction Practices 8
1. Introduction
Stone Masonry Buildings Around the World
Stone masonry is a traditional form of construction buildings can be found in many earthquake-prone
that has been practiced for centuries in regions regions and countries including Mediterranean
where stone is locally available. Stone masonry has Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and
been used for the construction of some of the most Southeast Asia. The World Housing Encyclopedia
important monuments and structures around the currently contains 15 reports describing stone
world. Buildings of this type range from cultural masonry housing construction practices in
and historical landmarks, often built by highly Algeria, Greece, India, Iran, Italy, Nepal, Pakistan,
skilled stonemasons, to simple dwellings built Palestinian Territories, Slovenia, and Switzerland
by their owners in developing countries where (see References section). Examples of stone
stone is an affordable and cost-effective building masonry around the world are shown in Figures
material for housing construction. Stone masonry 1.1 to 1.6.
a) b)
Figure 1.1 Stone masonry buildings in Greece: a) older construction in Northern Greece, and b) recent construction (photos: S. Pantazopoulou)
Figure 1.2 Stone masonry in Italy: a) castle tower in San Giuliano di Puglia, the village most affected by the 2002 Molise earthquake, and b) a
street lined with stone masonry houses in Sermonetta, a village between Rome and Naples (photos: R. Langenbach)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1.5 Typical rural housing in Maharashtra, India (photo: S. Brzev) Figure 1.6 Typical rural housing in Nepal (photo: M. Schildkamp)
Timber planks
Timber planks along
the wall between
Intermediate piece
successive beams
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Vaulted Floors/Roofs
Brick or stone masonry vaults are typical floor/roof
systems found in Mediterranean Europe and the
Middle East. Figure 1.8a shows a typical early 20th
century floor structure in Slovenia, in which iron
beams support shallow brick masonry arches (this
is known as a jack arch system), while Figure 1.8b
shows a typical 19th century brick masonry vault in b)
Slovenia. In multi-story buildings, jack arches are of-
ten found at the ground floor level, and timber joist Figure 1.8 Brick masonry vaults: a) jack arch system, and b) brick ma-
sonry vault supported by stone walls (source: M. Lutman)
floors at upper levels. Figure 1.9 shows examples of
vaulted floor and roof structures from Italy.
a) c)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Tile flooring
Figure 1.11 A timber floor structure in Nepal (source: WHE Report 74)
Figure 1.12 A timber roof structure with mud overlay in Maharash- Figure 1.13 Timber truss roof structure in the area affected by the
tra, India (photo: S. Brzev) 2005 Kashmir earthquake in Pakistan (source: M. Tomazevic 1999)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Figure 1.14 A stone masonry building with an RC slab roof in Pakistan (photo: J. Bothara) In some cases, walls are built using
concrete with smaller stone boul-
ders or rubble; this type of com-
Reinforced Concrete Floors/Roofs posite construction is called “stone-
crete” in India. Concrete construction which uses
It is a common structural/seismic rehabilitation prac- small stone pieces is known as “plum concrete”
tice to replace the original floor structures in historic (Figure 1.16).
buildings with either a precast concrete joist system
or solid reinforced concrete (RC) slabs; examples of Stone masonry construction practices, including
this practice were reported in Italy (WHE Report types of stone and wall configurations, are often
28) and Slovenia (WHE Report 58). The use of RC region-specific. Differences in stone masonry wall
slabs is increasingly popular because cement-based construction also depend on economic factors, the
construction materials and technology are becoming availability of good quality construction materials,
widely accessible. An example of a stone masonry and artisan skills and experience.
building with an RC roof in Pakistan is shown in
Figure 1.14. RC slabs are affordable because they re-
quire low maintenance and use space efficiently.
Figure 1.15 A stone masonry house built using slate stones in Duao, Chile (photos: S. Brzev)
Chapter 1: Introduction
a) Figure 1.16 Concrete wall construction using stone rubble: a) an ancient Roman concrete wall, and
b) in-situ concrete construction with stone rubble in Pakistan (photos: T. Schacher)
Foundations support the wall weight and provide an
interface between the underlying soil and the build- In most cases, stone masonry
ing structure. In most cases, stone masonry walls are
supported by continuous stone masonry strip foot-
walls are supported by con-
ings (Figure 1.17). In some cases, footings do not tinuous stone masonry strip
exist at all (Figure 1.18).
Stone wall
Mud plaster
Mud plaster
Mud floor
Compacted earth
Stone masonry
in mud mortar
Figure 1.18 A wall without foundations in the area
affected by the 1993 Maharashtra, India, earthquake
Figure 1.17 Typical stone masonry foundation in Nepal (source: WHE Report 74) (photo: S. Brzev)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Chapter 1: Introduction
a) b)
Figure 1.21 Semi-dressed stones ready for wall construction: a) wedged stones in Maharashtra, India (photo: S. Brzev), and b) shaped stones in
Pakistan (photo: T. Schacher)
are few wall openings. between the wall wythes) (photo: Smart Shelter Foundation)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Figure 1.23 Construction of an uncoursed random rubble stone wall Figure 1.24 Construction of an uncoursed random rubble stone wall
in Maharashtra, India (photo: S. Brzev) in Pakistan after the 2005 Kashmir earthquake (photo: M. Tomazevic)
Uncoursed Semi-Dressed
Stone Masonry
This construction type is similar
to random rubble stone masonry
in that there are two external wall
wythes and an interior wythe
filled with rubble or dirt. How-
ever, in the case of semi-dressed
stone masonry, the exterior wy-
thes are dressed. As a result, the
construction has a better appear-
ance, although its seismic perfor-
mance may not be significantly
improved. Examples of uncoursed
semi-dressed stone masonry from
Switzerland and Pakistan are
Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1.26 Uncoursed semi-dressed stone masonry wall in South- Figure 1.27 Stone masonry wall built using round river stone boulders
ern Switzerland (photo: T. Schacher) with shaped exterior surfaces near Balakot, Pakistan (photo: T. Schacher)
Figure 1.28 Stone masonry walls in Maharashtra, India: a) an uncoursed random rubble stone masonry wall (source: CBRI 1994); b) a semi-
dressed stone wall with an exterior wythe built using wedge-shaped dressed stone (Source: CBRI, 1994), and c) an example of a semi-dressed
stone wall (photo: S. Brzev)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Chapter 1: Introduction
a) b)
Figure 1.31 Dressed stone masonry: a) an isometric view of a typical wall, and b) an exterior of a wall in Umbria, Italy (source: Maffei et al. 2006)
Figure 1.32 Dressed stone masonry construction in Southern Switzerland: a) a typical building in Giornico, and b) a detail of the exterior
(photos: T. Schacher)
Chapter 2: Seismic Deficiencies and Damage Patterns
Stone Masonry Tutorial
• Foundation problems
Chapter 2: Seismic Deficiencies and Damage Patterns
a) b)
Figure 2.5 Masonry building during earthquake shaking: a) loosely connected walls without slab at the roof level, and b) a building with well-
connected walls and a roof slab (source: Tomazevic 1999)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Chapter 2: Seismic Deficiencies and Damage Patterns
a) b)
Figure 2.11 A stone masonry building with an RC lintel band that survived the 2005 Kashmir earthquake in Pakistan: a) the building suffered only
moderate damage in the top portion, and b) separation at the wall intersection took place in spite of the band (note inadequate anchorage of
the band reinforcement) (photos: Builders Without Borders)
a) b)
Figure 2.12 Damaged models at the end of the test: a) failure of model SM1, and b) model SM3 at the end of the experiment (source: Ali et al. 2010)
displacement capacity. However, they did not im- Floor and/or Roof Collapse from Inad-
prove the overall capacity of the structure, as the equate Wall-to-Floor and Wall-to-Roof
model faced moderate damages at a PGA of 0.16 g
and major damages at a PGA of 0.26 g. Model SM3 Anchorages
showed an excellent response, and maintained its in-
tegrity until the base acceleration (PGA) of 0.27 g Reports from many past earthquakes have con-
was reached. Model SM1, with semi-dressed stone firmed that wall-to-floor and wall-to-roof anchor-
walls in cement mortar, showed worse performance ages are critical for ensuring the integrity of a
than model SM2, which had uncoursed rubble walls building and preventing floor and roof collapse.
in mud mortar. It was concluded that bands pro- When an anchorage is not adequate, the walls
vided at several levels are effective in maintaining the perpendicular to the direction of the earthquake
integrity of a building because these elements divide shaking move away from the floors and roof, and
the walls into smaller portions. Figure 2.12 shows might topple; this is known as “out-of-plane” col-
models SM1 and SM3 at the end of the test. lapse (illustrated in Figure 2.13).
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Direction of
inertia forces
Shear failure of
masonry wall
Direction of
ground motion
Chapter 2: Seismic Deficiencies and Damage Patterns
the 2005 Kashmir, Pakistan, earthquake. These to the collapse of stone masonry walls, as shown
buildings have a few important seismic deficiencies, in Figure 2.17. It should be noted that the seismic
such as an absence of effective ties or ring beams performance of hipped roofs in the earthquake was
(bands) at the eaves level (beneath the roof ), inad- excellent in terms of maintaining their integrity
equate wall-to-roof anchorage, and an absence of and shape. After the earthquake, people were able
through-stones in the walls. Buildings of this type to lift the roof of their collapsed house and rebuild
showed poor performance in the earthquake due the walls (Bothara and Hiçyılmaz 2008).
Figure 2.17 Collapse of stone masonry buildings with hipped roofs in the 2005 Kashmir, Pakistan, earthquake (source: Bothara and
Hiçyılmaz 2008)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
a) b)
Figure 2.18 Collapse of roof structures due to the loss of gravity load-bearing capacity of stone walls in the 2005 Kashmir, Pakistan, earthquake:
a) reinforced concrete roof, and b) timber and steel roof (photos: M. Tomazevic)
Figure 2.19 Wall collapse in the 1993 Maharashtra, India, earthquake: a stone masonry building with a timber roof and a heavy mud overlay
(photo: S. Brzev)
Chapter 2: Seismic Deficiencies and Damage Patterns
Vertically split
shaped stones are used. Another
Vertical gap possible cause of delamination
layer of wall
is an increase in internal lateral
pressure from the soil or rubble
core of the wall, which pushes
the wall wythes outward. The
Mud mortar delamination process observed
during the testing is illustrated
in Figure 2.21.
Outward bulging
of vertical wall Delamination of the wythes in
Half-dressed stone masonry walls has been
oblong stones observed in several earthquakes
around the world, as shown in
Figures 2.22 and 2.23. Delami-
a) b) nation is usually initiated in the
upper portion of the wall, and
Figure 2.20 Delamination of stone masonry walls: a) delamination in progress (source: Murty 2005), the appearance of the damaged
and b) delamination of wall wythes due to the 1993 Maharashtra, India, earthquake (photo: S. Brzev) wall is as if the exterior wythe has
been peeled off. It was reported
after the 2002 Molise earthquake
in Italy that “spreading (delami-
nation) damage in stone mason-
ry walls begins at the top of the
building, where the lack of over-
burden weight allows the mason-
ry to vibrate apart. The stability
of the wall can be most at risk
when the masonry units vary in
a) b) c) d)
size and are laid with a minimum
of horizontal bedding” (Deca-
Figure 2.21 Delamination of stone masonry walls: a) two-wythe stone wall with a rubble core; nini et al. 2004).
b) stones are displaced due to vibrations; c) internal lateral pressure due to rubble fill increases,
and d) the wall collapses (source: Meyer et al. 2007)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Figure 2.23 Delamination was a common damage pattern observed in the 1993 Maharashtra, India, earthquake (photos: S. Brzev)
More pronounced
response at higher levels
Figure 2.24 Out-of-plane vibrations of stone masonry walls are most Figure 2.25 Out-of-plane collapse at the top floor of a stone masonry
pronounced at the top floor level (source: Tomazevic 1999) building in the 2003 Boumerdes earthquake in Algeria (photo: M. Farsi)
Chapter 2: Seismic Deficiencies and Damage Patterns
Figure 2.26 Rendered images of a building damaged in the 2002 Molise (Italy) earthquake: a) the stone masonry construction is damaged at the
corner resulting in a loss of gravity support; b) a façade falls away from the floor and roof diaphragms (source: Maffei et al. 2006)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Figure 2.29 (left and above) Out-of-plane collapse of stone masonry walls in the
2009 Padang, Indonesia, earthquake (source: Bothara et al. 2010)
Adequate connec-
tions between cross
walls and long
walls are critical for
preventing out-of-
plane wall collapse.
Chapter 2: Seismic Deficiencies and Damage Patterns
a) b)
Figure 2.32 Collapse of stone masonry gable walls in New Zealand earthquakes: a) a partial collapse in the 2010 Darfield earthquake, and b)
total collapse of the same building in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake (photos: J. Bothara)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Chapter 2: Seismic Deficiencies and Damage Patterns
Figure 2.36 Detail of wall failure caused by irregular stones (source: Bothara and Hiçyılmaz Figure 2.37 A stone masonry wall with
2008) thick mud mortar (thickness on the order
of 80 mm) in the area affected by the 2001
Bhuj, India, earthquake (photo: J. Arlekar)
When the mortar used for construction is made of mud instead
of cement and/or lime, the mortar becomes the weak link and
prevents a proper bond between the mortar and the stones. In
some cases, mud mortar is excessively thick (Figure 2.37). Even
when cement mortar is used, minimum quality standards (as dis-
cussed in Chapter 3) are often not met during construction.
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
Stone Masonry Tutorial
E TA I N I Nprovisions
Special G W A L Lfor
S building construction on a steep slope (source: Schacher 2009)
Building Configuration
Building Plan tween them; these blocks could be built on the same
foundation (see Figure 3.4). Another approach is to
Building plans should be regular, simple, and sym- construct buttresses or interior cross walls (these will
metrical. Buildings with square, rectangular, or cir- be discussed in Chapter 4).
cular plans have shown better seismic performance
in past earthquakes than buildings with irregular
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
Building Elevation
A stone masonry building should be
as regular as possible up its height
(see Figure 3.5). Setbacks are not
recommended. However, if they
cannot be avoided, a load-bearing
wall should be provided beneath
each wall in the upper story.
Building Height
Non-engineered stone masonry
Figure 3.4 Building configurations: DOs and DON'Ts (adapted from: IAEE 2004) buildings with walls built using ce-
ment mortar should be limited to
two stories in high seismic zones,
and three stories in moderate to
low seismic zones. However, when
mud mortar is used for wall con-
struction, building height should
be limited to one story in high
seismic zones, and two stories in
moderate and low seismic zones.
The definition of seismic zones is
country-specific and is usually pre-
Figure 3.5 Building irregularity in vertical direction: regular buildings are recommended, scribed by national building codes.
and buildings with setbacks or overhangs are not.
Structural Integrity (Box
Roof that stays together as Walls Action)
a single integral unit during with small
earthquakes openings Past earthquakes have shown that
Good connection be- damage to unreinforced masonry
tween roof and walls
buildings is significantly reduced
when building components are well
connected and the building vibrates
like a monolithic box, as discussed
in Chapter 2. In many cases, unrein-
Lintel band forced masonry buildings have flexi-
ble floors (in-plane), so there is a need
to provide additional elements to tie
the walls together and ensure accept-
able seismic performance. Structural
integrity of a building can be achieved
Good connection
Stiff foundation between walls by developing a box action by ensur-
and foundation ing good connections between all
building components—foundations,
Good connections
at wall corners
walls, floors, and roof. Key require-
ments for the structural integrity in
a masonry building are illustrated in
Figure 3.6. A ring beam (band) at lin-
Figure 3.6 Key requirements for ensuring box action in a stone masonry building (adapted
tel level is one of the critical provisions
from: Murty 2005)
for ensuring structural integrity.
Stone Masonry Tutorial
A seismic band is the most critical earthquake-re-
sistant provision in a stone masonry building. Usu-
ally provided at lintel, floor, and/or roof level in a
building, the band acts like a ring or belt, as shown
Lintel band
in Figure 3.7. Seismic bands are constructed using
either reinforced concrete (RC) or timber. Proper
placement and continuity of bands and proper
use of materials and workmanship are essential for
their effectiveness.
Roof band
Figure 3.7 A seismic band acts like a belt (adapted from: GOM 1994)
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
Figure 3.10 Seismic bands should always be continuous; an offset in elevation is not ac-
ceptable (adapted from: GOM 1998) A floor/roof band is not re-
quired in buildings with RC
CGI sheet floor/roof structures. In such
cases, the slab itself ties the
Do This Avoid This walls together.
RC slab or
floor band
with lintel
Timber lintel
a) b)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
a) 135° hook
6 mm ø @ 150 mm c/c
75 mm
min 30 mm cover
link b)
Figure 3.17 RC band cross-section: a) a band with four bars and ties, Figure 3.18 Inadequate bending of reinforcement in RC bands: a)
and b) a band with two bars and links links, and b) ties (photos: Smart Shelter Foundation)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Timber bands
In many countries, such as Turkey, Nepal, Pakistan,
and India, timber bands have been used in stone ma-
sonry construction for centuries. At the present time,
however, a scarcity of timber leads to unacceptably high
costs and makes the use of timber in new construction
impractical. Timber bands are made using a pair of par-
allel planks or runners nailed together with small cross
members. The corners of the timber band should be
strengthened by diagonal knee-braces that match the
size of the cross members (see Figure 3.21). The cross
members should be placed either perpendicular to the
long runners (like rungs on a ladder), as shown in Fig-
ure 3.21, or diagonally at approximately 45 degrees, to
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
Wired overwall
to timber blocks
passing through
Stone Masonry Tutorial
tions regarding the maximum length and height of ing size and locations are summarized in Figure
stone masonry walls are summarized in Figure 3.25. 3.26.
When possible, construction of stone masonry gable The following guidelines can be followed when plan-
walls should be avoided (see Figure 2.31). The use of ning the openings in a stone masonry building:
light-weight materials such as galvanized iron sheets
or wood panels is recommended instead. • The number and size of openings should be mini-
mized since excessive openings weaken the walls.
Size and location of openings
• Ideally, openings in opposite walls should be of
Special consideration must be made regarding the similar size.
size and locations of doors and windows within a
wall, to ensure satisfactory building performance in • Openings should be located away from the wall
an earthquake. Recommendations related to open- intersections, and placed as far apart as possible.
Figure 3.25 Recommendations regarding the length and story height of stone masonry walls
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
b1 + b2 ≤ 0.33L
b5 b4
L1 L2
1 Story: b1 + b2 + b3 < 0.5L1
b6 + b7 ≤ 0.5L2
Figure 3.26 Recommended location and size of openings for stone masonry walls (source: IAEE 2004)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Figure 3.27 Examples of stone masonry in cement mortar with a wall thickness limited to 450
mm (note through-stones) (photos: S. Brzev)
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
Alternatives to Through-Stones
Wood plank
> 600 mm
< 1200 mm
Overlapping stones
each 3/4 of wall
> 600 mm thickness
< 450 mm
Figure 3.30 Placement of long stones at wall intersections (adapted from: Bothara et al. 2002)
600 mm
Stone Masonry Tutorial
50 x 30 mm — 50 x 30 mm
Cross-Section of
Timber Battens
600 mm
600 mm
60 x 38 mm — Cross-Section 60 x 38 mm
of Timber
b b = Wall Thickness
Figure 3.32 Stitches made from wood dowels at wall corners and intersections (adapted from: Bothara et al. 2002)
8 mm Steel Bar
600 mm
Figure 3.33 Wall stitches made from reinforced concrete with steel reinforcement (adapted from: Bothara et al. 2002)
Floor and Roof Construction Compared to masonry walls, timber and steel floors
and roofs are flexible in their own planes, so they
Roof structures should be as light as possible. Also, the should be braced. Examples of diagonal bracing
integrity of floor and roof structures and their connec- schemes are shown in Figure 3.36.
tions to the supporting walls are of critical importance
because these structures act as a lid on top of a box. RC floor or roof slabs are heavy compared to timber
and metal roofs, and that may be a disadvantage. How-
An example of a light roof is a timber or steel roof ever, these slabs are stiff in their own planes, which is a
structure with metal roofing. Adequate connections positive feature. In most cases, wall-to-slab connections
between the roof rafters, floor joists, and the lintel or are adequate, but the top wall surface should remain
roof-level seismic band are critical for seismic safety, rough to ensure a satisfactory bond between the walls
as shown in Figures 3.34 and 3.35. and the RC slab built on top of the walls.
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
It is important to ensure an
adequate connection between the
roof and the wall.
Collar tie
Cross-bracing in
plane of roof Detail A
Roof band
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Figure 3.37 Different foundation depths are required for building sites with variable soil properties (source: GOM 1998)
300 mm
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
Construction Materials
Stone masonry must be con-
structed using good quality
materials and following sound
construction practices. Gen-
eral recommendations are out-
lined below.
Good building stone should be
hard, tough, compact grained,
uniform in texture and color, Figure 3.39 Construction of an RC plinth band using large stone rubble (also known as "stone-
and crack-free. A simple test to crete") (photo: S. Brzev)
prove that stone is hard is to
try to scratch it with a knife—
hard stone cannot be scratched Sand
Sand used for mortar mix should be clean and free of
Round-shaped stone boulders commonly found organic matter. It should not contain more than 10%
in river valleys should not be used without further clay or silt (note that excess clay or silt can be removed
shaping (dressing). Figure 3.40 illustrates the collec- from the sand by washing). The suitability of sand can
tion of stones in a hilly area of Nepal. be tested, as shown in Figure 3.41.
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Take a bottle and fill it with the sand until it is half full. Pour in clean water until the bottle
is three-quarters full. Shake it violently for about half a minute and leave to settle for about
one hour. Clean sand will settle immediately, while silt and clay will settle slowly on top of
the sand. The thickness of the clay and silt layer should not exceed one-tenth of the sand
layer below.
10% clay/silt
90% sand
a) b)
Figure 3.41 Testing of sand
Cement is a key ingredient of both concrete and
mortar. It must be of good quality and “fresh”. If c)
the cement has large lumps, it indicates that it is stale
and should not be used (see Figure 3.43).
Figure 3.42 Sand for different uses: a) fine sand for plaster construc-
tion; b) coarse sand for mortar and concrete construction, and c) ex-
Mortar cessively coarse sand (photos: Smart Shelter Foundation)
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
Properties of different types of mortar are briefly dis- Ash, produced by burning coal, coke, or rice husks,
cussed below. can be used to stabilize mud mortar (usually 5 to
10% by volume). Ash can be somewhat pozzola-
Cement mortar nic and additional improvements are possible when
combined with lime.
Cement mortar mix used for wall construction
should preferably be 1:6 cement:sand or 1:2:9 Lime can also be added for stabilization, usually 3
cement:lime:sand. The use of leaner (lower strength) to 10% by volume (the higher, the better). In order
cement-based mortars should be avoided. to make the soil easier to work and compact, lime
should be added at least 2 hours (preferably 8 to 16
Mud mortar hours) before short-term stabilization. It is appropri-
ate to mix lime with soils characterized by a relatively
Mud mortar must be of good quality and free of or- high proportion of clay.
ganic matter, pebbles, and other large particles which
affect the mortar thickness. The sand content of the Mud can also be stabilized by adding cement, which
mud should be less than 30% in order to achieve improves both the dry and wet compressive strength.
sufficient cohesiveness. Soil should be thoroughly Some soils require only a 3% cement by volume, but
kneaded with water to achieve a dense mortar paste. usually 5 to 8% is recommended. A variety of fi-
The addition of lime helps increase the strength of brous additives including straw, chaff or husks, hay,
mud mortar. hemp, millet, sisal, or elephant grass can be used.
Alternatively, cow, horse, or camel dung can also be
Stabilized mud mortar used for stabilization.
Stone Masonry Tutorial
It is very important to ensure the use of good qual-
ity concrete for RC band construction. Typically, a
concrete with a 1:2:4 cement:sand:aggregate ratio
can be used. Sand properties were discussed earlier
in this chapter. Aggregate for concrete construction
can be obtained by crushing the stone, as shown
in Figure 3.44. The aggregate size must not exceed
20 mm.
• Reinforcement manufactured
from scrap steel must be avoided.
Such steel is of widely variable
quality and thus inappropriate for
use in RC construction.
Chapter 3: Stone Masonry Construction with Improved Earthquake Performance
Chapter 4: Retrofitting a Stone Masonry Building
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Building integrity is the most important prerequi- Figure 4.1 presents models used for shake-table
site for survival during earthquake shaking (this was testing performed after the 1993 Maharashtra,
discussed in detail in Chapter 3). The integrity of an India, earthquake, with an objective to compare
existing building can be enhanced by means of the the seismic performance of strengthened and un-
following provisions: strengthened uncoursed stone masonry buildings.
Two one-half scale models of a traditional build-
• Tying walls together by means of external steel tie- ing with uncoursed random rubble stone masonry
rods, reinforced concrete bands, or bandages, walls and timber roofs were tested on a wagon-type
field shake-table that simulated earthquake effects.
• Connecting the walls at corners or intersections, The strengthened model survived all 12 tests, while
the unstrengthened one collapsed. This testing
a) b)
Figure 4.1 Verification of seismic retrofitting methodology for stone masonry buildings through shake-table testing: a) strengthened (retrofitted) mod-
el, b) unstrengthened model after testing, and c) models at the end of the experiment (unstrengthened model shown on the left) (source: GOM 1998)
Chapter 4: Retrofitting a Stone Masonry Building
Steel tie 16 – 20 mm ø
Anchor plate
confirmed the effectiveness of seismic
strengthening provisions, including Steel tie 16 – 20 mm ø
bandages and through-stones, in re-
sisting earthquake effects.
Iron ties have been used for many cen-
turies to strengthen masonry build- 16 – 20 mm diameter steel
ings in Mediterranean Europe, includ- prestressing rods on both
ing Italy and neighboring countries. sides of wall
Steel ties have been used for seismic
retrofitting in several post-earthquake
Steel anchor plate
projects in Europe (including after
the 1979 Montenegro earthquake);
Figure 4.2 Plan view of a building showing layout of steel ties and anchor plates (adapted
for more details refer to UNIDO
from: Tomazevic 1999)
(1983) and Tomazevic (1999). Steel
ties are 16 to 20 mm threaded rods in-
stalled horizontally beneath the floors
and roof. These rods are restrained at
the ends by steel anchor plates. Steel
tie concepts and layouts are shown in
Figures 4.2 and 4.3. The rods help to
connect the walls at floor and roof
levels and thus prevent separation Steel tie 16 –
during ground shaking. In the case of 20 mm ø
Anchor plate
Stone Masonry Tutorial
a) b) c)
Figure 4.4 A field application of ties in Slovenia: a) and b) installation of steel ties after the 1998 Bovec, Slovenia, earthquake (note that anchorage
end-plates are yet to be attached), and c) an example of a retrofitted building (photos: M. Lutman)
Figure 4.5 illustrates the steps in in- Figure 4.5 Installation of an RC band at the roof level in a stone masonry building
stalling an RC band at roof level in a (source: GOM 1998)
building with a timber frame and a
flexible timber roof. In this case, the
roof is not connected to the walls; this is typical for size and number of reinforcing bars in the bands will
rural construction in Maharashtra, India. The required depend on the wall span between the adjacent cross
Chapter 4: Retrofitting a Stone Masonry Building
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Steel tie
200 – 400 mm
m 00 mm
Welded steel mesh tied
Overlapping to the wall by nails
a) b) length
Figure 4.8 Construction of a reinforced concrete bandage: a) a retrofit application in Maharashtra, India and b) concept (source: GOM 1998)
enhancing building
Continuous band
around all bends
Chapter 4: Retrofitting a Stone Masonry Building
Anchors at 600
mm horizontal and Stone wall
1,000 mm vertical
600 mm
Figure 4.10 Strengthening of intersecting walls using splints : a) a concept, and b) anchorage - anchor bars tying splints on both sides of wall
(source: GOM 1998)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Chapter 4: Retrofitting a Stone Masonry Building
Connecting steel 80 x 5 mm
30° Existing
wooden floor
80 x 5 mm connecting steel flat Plan
nailed to existing floor beam New concrete
topping 40 Connecting
mm thick steel 80 x 5 mm Possible slab stiffening
Figure 4.13 Steel straps for wall-to-floor anchorage: a) floor beams perpendicular to the wall, and b) floor beams parallel to the wall (source: UNIDO 1983)
New, stiffening
wood planks
Existing floor
Concrete layer
Existing slab
Wooden beams
Figure 4.14 Stiffening the floor structures: a) RC topping, and b) new timber planks (source: UNIDO 1983)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Existing wall
Steel truss
Steel truss
a) Timber joist
1.5 – 2.0 m
RC dowel Existing wall
Anchor 12 mm ø
New RC slab
Figure 4.15 Retrofitting the floor and roof structures: a) diagonal braces, and b) a new RC slab (adapted from: Tomazevic 1999)
Chapter 4: Retrofitting a Stone Masonry Building
Section A – A
12 mm ø steel bar
6 mm ø mesh at ø 12 ø6
40 mm concrete slab
100 mm spacing
Vertical Section
600 mm
Isometric View
Figure 4.16 Wall-to-floor anchorage with steel dowels embedded into the wall (source: Maffei et al. 2006)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
1. 2. 3.
Figure 4.18 Procedure for the installation of
through-stones (source: GOM 1998)
8 mm ø bar
1:2:4 Concrete
mimic good construction practice for stone masonry
where long stones (bonding stones) are provided. 1:3 Cement -
The effectiveness of through-stones in new construc- sand mortar
tion is discussed in Chapter 3. Cross section of a through-stone
The installation of through-stones is labor-inten-
sive, but it may be a feasible retrofit option for stone
masonry walls provided that the wall thickness is interior. A hooked steel bar needs to be installed
not excessively large. The procedure is illustrated in and the hole should be filled with concrete. Finally,
Figure 4.18. First, a hole needs to be created in the the exposed surface should be covered with a rich
wall by removing stones. To create a hole, stones cement and sand plaster coating and cured for at
need to be loosened by means of gentle pushes side- least 14 days. Through-stones should be installed
ways, upward and downward using a small crow- very carefully, otherwise surrounding portions of
bar, so that the other stones in the wall are not dis- the wall may be damaged. Examples of through-
turbed. The hole should be dumbbell-shaped, that stone applications are shown in Figures 4.19 and
is, it will be larger on the wall surfaces than in the 4.20.
Chapter 4: Retrofitting a Stone Masonry Building
Figure 4.20: Examples of completed through-stone retrofit projects in Maharashtra, India (photos: S. Brzev)
Through-wall anchors can be used instead of tally, as shown in Figure 4.21 (note that spacing
through-stones. These anchors were used to ret- depends on the masonry strength and seismic
rofit stone masonry walls after the 2002 Molise, zone at the site). Each pipe section had slotted
Italy, earthquake (Maffei et al. 2006). Steel pipes holes cut in eight locations to ensure a good bond
of approx. 90 mm diameter and 4 mm thickness between the grout injected and the steel elements.
were installed into 130 mm diameter holes in the Once these slotted pipes were installed, they were
wall at 1500 mm spacing vertically and horizon- filled with cementitious grout.
ø 130 mm hole
1.5 m
Section A – A A
4 mm pipe thickness
Figure 4.21 Installation of though-wall anchors in stone masonry walls after the 2002 Molise, Italy, earthquake (source: Maffei et al. 2006)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Jacketing consists of covering the wall surface with a segments). It is critical that the mesh is anchored to
thin overlay of reinforced mortar, micro-concrete, or the floors below and above and the foundations. Fig-
shotcrete. Jacketed wall surfaces must be intercon- ure 4.24 shows a stone masonry building in Slovenia
nected by means of through-wall anchors. When being jacketed. Note the dowels extending from the
properly implemented, jacketing provides confine- floor structure below.
ment and ensures wall integrity for in-plane and
out-of-plane seismic effects. Two retrofit provisions Jacketing causes an increase in the wall mass and stiff-
described earlier in this chapter, namely bandages ness. This in turn causes an increase in shear forces
and splints, represent localized applications of the and overturning moments at the base of wall, which
jacketing technique. need to be transferred to foundations. In some cases,
strengthening the foundations may be required.
Different materials can be used for jacketing, how-
ever the most common application includes the use
of cement plaster or shotcrete reinforced by welded
wire mesh (UNIDO, 1983). Jacketing consists of re- Through-stones prevent
inforced cement plaster (40 to 50 mm overall thick-
ness) applied to the wall in two layers with welded the delamination of stone
wire steel mesh between them. Ideally, jacketing is
applied on both the exterior and interior wall sur-
masonry walls.
faces, and jacketed surfaces are connected by passing
steel ties through the wall at 500 to 750 mm spacing
horizontally and vertically (Figure 4.22). It is criti-
cal to remove existing plaster and dirt from the wall
surface before jacketing. An adequate bond between
the new jacket and the existing wall surface must be
8 mm ø internal
ensured. Figure 4.23 shows stone masonry buildings corner bar 75 mm thick concrete
in Pakistan being jacketed. roof band
50 x 50 mm
welded wire
40 – 50 mm
thick micro- 40 – 50 mm thick
concrete layer micro-concrete layer
Chapter 4: Retrofitting a Stone Masonry Building
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Wall buttresses
Long unsupported walls may be vulnerable to the ef-
fects of out-of-plane earthquake vibrations. Damage
or collapse of these walls can be prevented by con-
structing new buttresses to provide lateral support
(Figure 4.28). The concept of buttresses is introduced
in Chapter 3. The spacing between buttresses should
not exceed 5 m. It is critical to connect new but-
tresses with the existing wall by providing steel dowels
anchored into the wall.
New buttress
Stone masonry walls can be strength- a) Existing walls
ened by injecting cementitious grout
into air voids. The hardened grout is
effective in bonding the loose parts of
the wall together into a solid structure.
Cement-based grouting was first ap-
plied on a large scale in Italy and Slo-
venia after the 1976 Friuli, Italy, earth- Stones removed to
make through-holes
quake. The grout mix proportions may
vary, but the common ingredients are
Portland cement and pozzolana mixed Internal
with water. The grout is injected into
Filled concrete with
the wall at low pressure through injec- hooked steel bar
tion tubes and nozzles, which are built External
into the joints between the stones uni-
formly over the entire wall surface. For
more details about this technique refer
to Tomazevic (1999) and Lutman and
Tomazevic (2002). A stone masonry b)
wall prepared for grouting is shown in
Figure 4.27. Figure 4.28 Strengthening an existing stone wall with buttresses
Chapter 4: Retrofitting a Stone Masonry Building
Strengthening Foundations
of the foundation. In this way, the foundation is
Strengthening existing foundations is a difficult supported sideways and also underneath.
and expensive task. A special investigation is rec-
ommended before any such intervention. A few Sliding movements of a foundation structure can
foundation strengthening schemes are discussed in also be prevented by providing RC belts (tie beams)
UNIDO (1983), GOM (1998), Tomazevic (1999), around the building at the foundation level, or by in-
and IAEE (2004). stalling a tie beam along the inner side of the foun-
dation (similar to an RC plinth band), as shown in
A foundation structure which has experienced dif- Figure 4.29b.
ferential settlement can be supported by underpin-
ning. Underpinning can be carried out in phases The continuity of longitudinal reinforcement bars
by placing concrete blocks, as illustrated in Figure should be ensured in all the above schemes. Foun-
4.29a. Sliding movement of a foundation structure dation capacity can also be improved by providing a
can be prevented by constructing new RC support- drainage apron around the building to avoid water
ing beams. This method is especially feasible in seepage directly into the soil beneath the foundation.
sloping ground areas. These beams are constructed An example of foundation strengthening in Slovenia
deep in the soil, toward the downward sloping side is shown in Figure 4.30.
min 2b
a) A
Section A – A New RC supporting beam
Bricks or stones to be removed at 2.5
m spacing to provide anchorage for
the belt in concrete-filled “chases”
350 mm 350 mm
4 ø 16 mm
“Chase” 200 mm
200 mm
4 ø 16 mm Sound soil
Stitching Bars
b) 4 ø 10 mm
Figure 4.29 Strengthening existing foundations: a) underpinning the foundation, and b) external RC belt (adapted from: GOM 1998 and UNIDO 1983)
Stone Masonry Tutorial
Figure 4.30 Strengthening a stone masonry foundation: a) reinforcement cage and form-
work, and b) new reinforced concrete foundation under construction (photos: M. Lutman)
Chapter 5: Conclusions
5. Conclusions
Stone masonry is one of the oldest and most com- • Properly detail seismic provisions, such as seismic
mon vernacular construction practices. Stone ma- bands
sonry construction varies widely around the world
depending on the type of locally available materials, It is often difficult to follow these guidelines in envi-
the level of artisan skills and tools, and economic ronments where the availability and level of artisan
constraints. In the past, stone masonry construction skills are very limited and there is no quality control
was used to build simple dwellings and also palaces, during construction.
temples, and heritage landmark structures. It contin-
ues to be used for housing construction in develop- Technology Transfer
ing countries and in areas where stone is a locally
available and affordable building material. The dissemination of knowledge on the earthquake-
resistant construction of stone masonry buildings is
Stone is one of the most durable construction ma- a major challenge because of the informal nature of
terials, and many stone masonry buildings have re- the construction process and the absence of input
mained in use for centuries. In many cases, earth- by qualified engineers and architects. Those in-
quakes pose a major threat to these structures. The volved in the construction process typically have a
seismic vulnerability of stone masonry buildings is limited knowledge of earthquake-resistant construc-
due to their heavy weight and, in most cases, the tion practices. There is a widespread lack of under-
manner in which the walls have been built. Human standing, at all levels, of the issues related to stone
and economic losses due to earthquakes are unac- masonry construction and its seismic risk mitigation
ceptably high in areas where stone masonry has options. In most cases there is no mechanism to de-
been used for house construction. Both old and liver available knowledge to the field. Even when the
new buildings of this construction type are at risk in knowledge is delivered, it is very difficult to change
earthquake-prone areas of the world. traditional construction practices, and to ensure the
long-term implementation of new or modified tech-
This document explains the underlying causes for nologies that are required for improved seismic per-
the poor seismic performance of stone masonry formance of these buildings. Artisans and builders
buildings and offers techniques for improving it play a pivotal role in the process by acting as organiz-
for both new and existing buildings. The proposed ers, project planners, consultants, and contractors.
techniques have been proven in field applications,
are relatively simple, and can be applied in areas Closing Remarks
with limited artisan skills and tools. The authors of
this document believe that there are two main chal- Past earthquakes have revealed the extremely high
lenges related to improving the seismic performance vulnerability of stone masonry buildings, which re-
of stone masonry buildings: technical challenges and sulted in unacceptably high human and economic
challenges related to the technology transfer. losses. The authors of this document believe that, by
implementing the recommendations suggested here,
Technical Challenges the risk to the occupants of non-engineered stone
masonry buildings and their property can be signifi-
The satisfactory seismic performance of stone ma- cantly reduced in future earthquakes.
sonry buildings can be ensured by following three
critical guidelines: This document will be useful to building profession-
als who desire to learn more about this construction
• Improve the quality of building materials and con- practice, either for the purpose of seismic mitiga-
struction practices tion, or for post-earthquake reconstruction.
6. References
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Residential Buildings, Report 138 (Pakistan). (Lower and Middle Class), Report 121 (Italy).
7. Glossary
Bearing Wall: A wall that carries (vertical) gravity large amount without breaking or collapsing, even
loads due to floor and roof weight. when it suffers overload and bends, sways, and de-
Bed Joint: The horizontal layer of mortar on which
a stone is laid. Flexible Diaphragm: A diaphragm which is so flex-
ible that it is unable to transfer the earthquake loads
Brittle: A brittle material or structure fractures or to shear walls even if the floors/roof are well con-
suddenly breaks while subjected to bending, sway- nected to the walls. Floors and roof constructed of
ing, and deforming. A brittle structure has little ten- timber, steel, or precast concrete without reinforced
dency to deform before it fractures. concrete topping fall in this category.
Cover: In a reinforced concrete member cover is a Gravity Load: The load applied in vertical direc-
clear distance between the embedded reinforcement tion, including the weight of building materials
(link or tie) and the concrete surface. The main role (dead load), environmental loads such as snow, and
of cover is to protect the reinforcement from corro- moveable building contents (live load).
In-Plane Load: Seismic load acting along the wall
Cross Wall: An interior wall that extends from the length.
floor to the underside of the floor above or to the
ceiling, securely fastened to each and capable of re- Irregular Building: A building that has a sudden
sisting lateral forces. change in the shape of plan is considered to have
a horizontal irregularity. A building that changes
Dead Load: The weight of the building materials shape up its height (such as setbacks or overhangs) or
that make up a building, including its structure, en- is missing significant load bearing walls is considered
closure and architectural finishes. The dead load is to have a vertical irregularity. It is not desirable for a
supported by the structure (walls, floors, and roof ). building to be irregular—regular buildings perform
better in earthquakes.
Deformed bar: A steel bar with projections or in-
dentations for improved bonding with concrete. Lateral Load: Load acting in the horizontal direc-
Preferably, deformed bars should be used for lon- tion; this load can be due to wind or earthquake
gitudinal reinforcement in RC members in seismic effects.
regions. In some countries, plain (smooth) steel bars
without projections are still used for concrete con- Lime Putty: Slacked quicklime in the form of liquid
struction. slurry.
Delamination: Bulging of exterior wythes in stone Link: A transverse reinforcing bar used to tie (con-
masonry walls due to earthquake shaking. Delami- fine) the longitudinal reinforcing bars together. A
nation usually leads to either partial or total wall col- link acts like a belt, that is, it confines the cross-sec-
lapse. Delamination is a common failure mechanism tion of a reinforced concrete member. Links are used
in stone masonry walls without through-stones. in horizontal RC members (beams or bands), while
the term “tie” is used for transverse reinforcement in
Diaphragm: A horizontal structural element (usu- RC columns.
ally a suspended floor or ceiling or braced roof struc-
ture) that is strongly connected to the walls around Liquefaction: An earthquake-induced phenom-
it and distributes earthquake lateral forces to vertical enon when saturated, loose, granular soils lose shear
elements, such as walls, of the lateral force resisting strength and behave as a liquid.
system. Diaphragms can be classified as flexible or
rigid. Live Load: The weight of all moveable contents of
a building, including the occupants, furnishings,
Ductility: The ability of a structure to deform by a books and personal belongings that are supported
Stone Masonry Tutorial
by the structural system of the building. are a part of a continuous load path. Walls are key
structural elements in a stone masonry building.
Load: Active force (or combination of forces) ex-
erted on a structure. The load can be classified, based Through-Stone: A long stone that connects two
on direction, into gravity (vertical) load and lateral wythes together in a stone masonry wall. It is also
(horizontal) load. known as bond stone. Contrary to its name; a
through-stone can also be a concrete block, a wood
Load Path: A path through which vertical or seis- element, or steel bars with hooked ends embedded
mic forces travel from the point of their origin to the in concrete that perform the same function.
foundation and, ultimately, to the supporting soil.
Transverse Wall: see Cross Wall
Low-Strength Masonry: Masonry laid in weak
mortar; such as mud, weak cement/sand or lime/ Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Wall: A masonry
sand mortar. wall containing no steel, timber, cane, or other rein-
forcement. An unreinforced wall resists gravity and
Out-of-Plane Load: Seismic load (earthquake shak- lateral loads solely through the strength of the ma-
ing) acting normally (perpendicular), or at right- sonry materials.
angle to the wall surface. Walls subjected to out-of-
plane shaking are also known as face-loaded walls or Wall: Vertical, planar building element.
transverse walls. Walls are weaker and less stable un-
der out-of-plane than under in-plane seismic loads. Wythe: A vertical leaf or layer of stone in a masonry
wall. Stone masonry walls usually have two exterior
Polypropylene Bands (PP Bands): Bands (strips) wythes constructed using large stone boulders.
similar to the straps used for securing boxes for ship-
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