Coarse Aggregate1

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Practical No: 1 Date: 10/9/2021

Sieve analysis

Aim: To determine the particle size distribution of coarse aggregates by sieving.

1.1 Reference code:

IS:2386- Part 1: 1963 (reaffirmed in 2002) -Methods of tests for aggregates for concrete.
IS:383: 2016 – Specifications for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete.0

1.2 Apparatus:
Balance, Oven, Sieves of size 40mm, 31.5mm, 25mm, 20 mm, 16 mm, 12.5 mm, 10 mm, 6.3
mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm.

1.3 Sampling and selection of test specimens:

The sample shall be brought to an air-dry condition before weighing and sieving.
This may be achieved either by drying at room temperature or by heating at a temperature of
100°C to 110°C.
The air-dry sample shall be weighed about 3000g (Kapchi).

1.4 Procedure:

STEP 1: Sample of 3 kg of Kapchi. s

STEP 2: Sample is sieved with variety of motions in the sieve set.

STEP 3: Separate the sieve set carefully, to avoid any lose of sample.

STEP 4: Measure the retained weight in each sieve.


1.5 Observation table:

IS sieve size Weight retained Cumulative Cumulative % Cumulative %

(gm) weight retained weight retained weight passed
25 24.66 24.66 2.14 97.86
20 404.68 429.34 37.29 62.71
16 381.41 810.75 70.43 29.57
12.5 279.21 1089.96 94.65 5.35
10 57.93 1147.89 99.71 0.29
6.3 3.25 1151.14 100 0
4.75 - - - -
Pan - - - -
Total 1151.4

Cumulative retained weight (%) = Cumulative weight / Weight of the Sample x 100
Cumulative Passing weight = 100 –Cumulative retained weight (%)
Fineness modulus = Σ of % cumulative weight retained up to 4.75 mm / 10

1.6 Significance:
The total possesses a large portion of the volume of the substantial. It is the stuff that the
concrete glue coats and ties together. The composition, shape & size of the aggregate all have
significant impact on the workability, durability, strength, weight & shrinkage of the concrete.
Aggregates can also influence the appearance of the cast surfaces.

1.7 Conclusion:
By looking at this test the aggregates passes through 25 mm to 6.3 mm sieves, whereas
aggregates don’t passess through 4.75 mm sieves. The main observation of doing this test was
to determine that the Kapchi is poorly graded.

Practical No: 2 Date: 10/9/2021

Bulk density

Aim: To determine the bulk density of aggregates.

1.1 Reference IS Code:

IS:2386- Part 1: 1963 (reaffirmed in 2002) -Methods of tests for aggregates for concrete.
IS:383: 2016 – Specifications for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete.

1.2 Apparatus:
Balance, Cylindrical metal measure, Measure, Tamping rod

1.3 Procedure:


STEP 1: The test shall normally be carried out on dry material when determining the voids, but
when bulking tests are required material with a given percentage of moisture may be used.

STEP 2: The Metal cylinder must be weighed first.

STEP 3: Sample is delivered to the cylinder to the pinnacle and leveled to the pinnacle aspect
with a tamping rod. It is measured then.

STEP 4: The cylinder is emptied and one-third is filled with sand. 25 blows are given with a
taming rod. This is continued until the cylinder is filled. The sand is then levelled with the top
edge and measured.

STEP 5: Similar procedure is done for another fresh sample.

1.4 Observation table:

Particulars Unit Value

Volume of container Litres 15
weight of empty mould Kg 12.67
Weight of mould+ loose Kg 37.07
Weight of mould+ Kg 38.13
compacted aggregates
Loose wt. of aggregates Kg 24.4
Compacted wt. of Kg 25.53

Loose bulk density = B/A

Compacted bulk density = C/A


1.5 Result:
Loose bulk density of Kapchi is 1.626 Kg/ltr.
Compacted bulk density of Kapchi is 1.702 Kg/ltr.

1.6 Significance:
The bulk density test is carried out to determine the volume or weight of the aggregates if
known; This is essentially used for dosing concrete to convert weight batches to volume
batches or vice versa.

1.7 Conclusion:
From the previous result, we can conclude that the voids in the loose coarse grain are more
than in the compacted coarse aggregate. Higher bulk density would result into fewer voids in
the aggregates.


Practical No: 3 Date: 10/9/2021

Flakiness Index

Aim: To determine the combined flakiness index of coarse aggregates.

1.1 Reference IS Code:

IS:2386- Part 1: 1963 (reaffirmed in 2002) -Methods of tests for aggregates for concrete.
IS:383: 2016 – Specifications for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete.

1.2 Apparatus:
Balance, Metal gauge, Sieves (As shown in specification)

1.3 Procedure:

STEP 1. 200 Pieces of 16mm, 12.5mm, and 10mm are retained (only 20 pieces of each taken
as lack of sample and time constrain).

STEP 2. 200 pieces retained by sieve size of 16, 12.5 and 10 mm are taken as sample.

STEP 3. The pieces are passed through thickness gauge and the appropriate dimensions is

STEP 4. The retained weight and passed weight are noted.

1.4 Observation table:

IS sieve size Weight Cumulative Cumulative % Cumulative %

retained(gm) weight retained weight retained weight passed
16 mm 106 71 66.9 33.1
12.5 mm 49.5 28.5 57.57 42.43
10 mm 25 12 48 52

Flakiness Index = ∑ Z =42.51


1.5 Results:
The sample has high percentage of flaky pieces this could be due to lack of sample.

1.6 Significance:
Flakiness index helps to find physical properties of coarse aggregates that have an effect on the
standard of concrete mixes.

1.7 Conclusion:
The sample is not making up to the standards therefore, the sample can’t be use for concrete.
The presence of flaky aggregates on the far side sure limits decreases compressive strength and
causes extreme harshness in concrete mixes. Flaky particles tend to lower the workability of
concrete mix which can impair the semipermanent durability.


Practical No: 4 Date: 10/9/2021

Elongation Index

Aim: To determine the combined elongation index of coarse aggregates.

1.1 Reference IS Code

IS:2386- Part 1: 1963 (reaffirmed in 2002) -Methods of tests for aggregates for concrete.
IS:383: 2016 – Specifications for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete.

1.2 Apparatus:
Balance, Metal gauge, Sieves (As shown in specification)

1.3 Procedure:
STEP 1. 200 pieces retained by sieve size of 16,12.5 and 10 mm are taken as sample.
STEP 2. The pieces are passed through thickness gauge and the appropriate dimensions is
STEP 3. The retained weight and passed weight are noted.


1.4 Observation table:

Passing through Retained Mass of Mass of X= E/A*100

IS sieves through IS aggregate for aggregate
sieves each sieve passing through
thickness gauge
16 12.5 106 100 94.33
12.5 10 49.5 25 50.50
10 6.3 35 10 40
Total mass 3180

1.4 Significance:
In the elongation index the properties of aggregates which affect the concrete mixes.

1.5 Conclusion:
Sample too less to make conclusion. The presence of elongated aggregates beyond certain
limits decreases compressive strength and causes extreme harshness in concrete mixes. The
particles tend to low the workability of concrete mix which may impair the long term



Practical No: 5 Date: 10/9/2021

Water absorption & specific gravity

Aim: To determine specific gravity & water absorption of fine aggregates.

1.1 Reference code:

IS:2386- Part 3: 1963 (reaffirmed in 2002) -Methods of test for aggregates for concrete, Part 3:
Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking [CED 2: Cement and Concrete].
IS:383: 2016 – Specifications for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete.

1.2 Apparatus:
Balance, Oven, Wire basket and stout water tight container, kapchi and water.

1.3 Procedure:
Sampling and selection of test specimen:
Kapchi samples should be properly washed with water, after cleaning, the sample should be
kept in water for 24 hours and then dried in the saturated sun.
STEP 1: Measure 2000 g of S.S.D kapchi sample
STEP 2: Fill the bucket with water and put wire basket in it and measure the weight without
STEP 3: Add the sample in wire basket
STEP 4: Dunk the wire basket in the bucket for 25 times and put the basket in the bucket.
STEP 5: Weight the sample with water and remove the sample and put it in oven for 24 hours.
STEP 6: Take the weight of the oven dried sample.

1.7 Observation table:


Particulars Value (g)

Weight of sample in saturated surface- dry conditions (A) 2000

Weight of wire basket fill with distilled water (B) 2135

Weight of wire basket contain sample & filled with distilled water (C) 802.5

Weight of oven dried sample (D) 1934

1.8 Calculation:

Specific gravity, water absorption shall be calculated as follow:

Specific gravity= D/A-(B-C)
Water absorption (% of dry weight)= 100(A-D)/D

1.9 Result:

Specific gravity= 2.92

Water absorption= 3.41

1.6 Significance:
This test helps to measure strength of the material, the strength of concrete depends on the ratio
of mass of water and the cement material. The ratio controls the volume and size of pores. It
determines the durability and the resistance both.

1.7 Conclusion:
The capacity of concrete depends on the strength of the aggregates, 70% of concrete is
occupied by the coarse aggregates. The maximum strength is the specified aggregate sample.
This aggregate are then used in construction to with stand crushing strong enough.

Practical No: 6 Date: 10/9/2021

Crushing value


Aim: For determination of the aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregate, which passes
12.5 mm and retained on 10 mm.

1.1 Reference code:

IS: 2386 (Part IV)-1963 Methods of test for aggregate for concrete Part IV Mechanical

1.2 Apparatus:
Steel measure cylinder, cylindrical metal measure, sieves of 12.5 mm and 10 mm, Tamping
rod, Balance, Oven and compression testing machine, kapchi and water.

1.3 Procedure:
Sampling and selection of test specimen:
The material for the standard test shall consist of aggregate passing a 12.5-mm IS Sieve and
retained on a IO-mm IS Sieve, and shall be thoroughly separated on these sieves before testing.
For other sizes, the material shall be separated on the appropriate sieves given in Table below.
STEP 1: The cylindrical steel cup is filled with 3 equal layers of aggregate and each layer is
tamped 25 strokes by the rounded end of tamping rod and the excess aggregate struck off,
using tamping rod as a straight edge.
STEP 2: The net weight of aggregate in the cylindrical steel cup is determined to the nearest
gram and weight of aggregate is used for the duplicate test on the same material.
STEP 3: The cup is fixed firmly in position on the base of the machine and the whole of the
test sample is added in thirds, each third being subjected to 25stokes from tamping rod.
STEP 4: The surface is level and the plunger is inserted so that it rests horizontally on the
surface. The whole assembly is then placed between the platens of testing machine and loaded
at a uniform rate so as to reach a load of 40 tone in 10 minutes.
STEP 5: The load is then released and all aggregate is removed from the cup and sieved on
STEP 6: The fraction passing the sieve is weighed to an accuracy of 0.1 g (WB)
Observation table:
Sr. no. Particulars
1 Weight of sample (A)


2 Time taken to apply 40 T load

3 Weight retained on 3.34 mm sieve after crushing
4 Weight passing after crushing (C=A-B)(g)
5 Aggregate crushing value (C/A)*100%

1.4 Result:
The test was not performed completely.

1.5 Significance:
This test helps to measure strength of the material, the strength of concrete.

1.6 Conclusion:
The capacity of concrete depends on the strength of the aggregates, 70% of concrete is
occupied by the coarse aggregates. The maximum strength is the specified aggregate sample.
This aggregate are then used in construction to with stand crushing strong enough.

Practical No: 7 Date: 10/9/2021

Impact value

Aim: This method of test covers the procedure for determining the aggregate impact value of
coarse aggregate.


1.1 Reference code:

IS: 2386 (Part IV)-1963 Methods of test for aggregate for concrete Part IV Mechanical

1.2 Apparatus:
Sieves, measure, tamping rod, balance, oven, impact testing machine.

1.3 Procedure:
Sampling and selection of test specimens:
The test sample shall consist of aggregate the whole of which passes a 12.5-mm IS Sieve and is
retained on a IO-mm IS Sieve. The aggregate comprising the test sample shall be dried in an
oven for a period of four hours at a temperature of 100 to 110°C and cooled.

The measure shall be filled about one-third full with the aggregate and tamped with 25 strokes
of the rounded end of the tamping rod. 12 IS : 2366 (Part IV) - 1963 further similar quantity of
aggregate shall be added and a further tamping of 25 strokes given. The measure shall finally
be fined to over tamped 25 times and the surplus aggregate struck off, using the tamping rod as
a straight-edge. The net weight of aggregate in the measure shall be determined to the nearest
gram (Weight A) and this weight of aggregate shall be used for the duplicate test on the same

STEP 1. In a cylindrical container kapchi is filled in 3 layers and after filling each layer it is
tamped 25 times.
STEP 2. Weight of the sample is taken.
STEP 3. The sample is then put in container and hold with clamps provided
STEP 4. Then 15 blows are given with impact testing machine
STEP 5. The sample is then sieved in a 2.36 mm sieve
STEP 6. The retained and passed weight of the sample is taken

1.4 Observation table:

Sr. no. Mass of sample Retained in 2.36 mm Percentage retained

1 335 41.7 12.44

1.5 Calculation:


W2 percentage retained = (w2/w1)*100

1.6 Result:
Percentage retained is 12.44 %.

1.7 Significance:
The impact value for aggregate is an overall proportion of the opposition that the total
proposals in the occasion of an sudden impact. The higher the effect resistance of the total,
the bigger the total, the more resistance.

1.8 Conclusion:
The impact value of aggregates is which is less than 45%, the higher the value higher the


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