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GRADE 7 ( Section-B )
School : GGES CHAK NO.13 TDA (EMIS: 38140641)
Tehsil : DARYA KHAN District: BHAKKAR

General Instructions for Teachers : :‫ااسذتہ ےک ےیل ومعیم دہاایت‬

1. It is mandatory to use Rubrics for marking of papers for uniform marking throughout the Punjab.
‫۔ رپیپ یک امرگنک ےک ےیل روربرسک اک اامعتسل رضوری ےہ ات ہک وپرے اجنپب ںیم اسکیں ایعمر ےک اسھت امرگنک وہ ےکس ۔‬۱
2. In case of any ambiguity, please consult rubrics manual, rubrics video or PEC trained LMT of your district.
‫ ےس راہطب رک ےتکس ںیہ ۔‬LMT ‫ ےک رٹڈنی رکدہ اےنپ علض ےک‬PEC ‫روربسک وڈیوی ای‬،‫ آپ روربسک ونیملئ‬،‫۔ یسک ااہبم یک وصرت ںیم‬٢
3. If a student writes anything other than that given in textbook or model answer of rubrics and if that is correct, please award
him/her marks.
‫ ۔ ارگ اطملعبل دریس اتکب ای روربسک ںیم وموجد امڈل وجاب ےک العوہ ھچک اتھکل ےہ اور وہ درتس ےہ وت اےس اس ےک ربمن دےی اجںیئ ۔‬٣
4. No marks will be given for irrelevant answer.
‫ ۔ ریغ ہقلعتم وجاب ےک وکیئ ربمن ںیہن دےی اجںیئ ےگ ۔‬٤

Question No: 1

1 ‫وسال ربمن‬

a ) (https://www.zone2.pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/6110) Define System Unit and write down

the name of its different shapes. (3 Marks)
)‫ ربمن‬3( ‫مٹسس ویٹن یک رعتفی رکںی اور ایکس فلتخم ااکشل ےک انم ںیھکل۔‬
Item Rubric (English) :
Award Two marks for correct definition of System Unit.

Award Half (0.5) mark for each correct name of shape.

Acceptable Answer:

System Unit

System unit is a box where processing take place. It consists of the main circuit board, processor, power supply, storage devices etc.
System Unit protects internal electronic components from damage.

Shapes of System Unit

1- Desktop

2- Tower

What are Peripheral devices? Write the name of any two Peripheral devices. (3 Marks)
)‫ ربمن‬3( ‫ایک وہیت ںیہ؟ وکیئ یس دو ریپی ریفل ڈویازسئ ےک انم ںیھکل۔‬ ‫ریپی ریفل ڈویازسئ‬
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One mark for correct definition of Peripheral devices.

Award Half (0.5) mark for each correct name of Peripheral devices.

Acceptable Answer:

Peripheral Devices

The input and output devices that are connected externally through cables to the system unit, they are called Peripheral devices.

Names of Peripheral Devices

1. Keyboard

2. Mouse

3. Printer

4. Scanner

5. Monitor etc

Write the correct name of the devices as shown in the figure below. (4 Marks)

)‫ ربمن‬4( ‫ےچین وصتری ںیم داھکیئ یئگ ڈویازسئ ےک درتس انم ںیھکل۔‬

Item Rubric (English) :

Award One mark for each correct name of the device.

Acceptable answer:

1. Hard Disk.
2. Processor
3. Motherboard
4. Power Supply
Question No: 2

2 ‫وسال ربمن‬

a ) (https://www.zone2.pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/15549) Define Utility Program and give an

example. (2 Marks)
)‫ ربمن‬2( ‫وییٹیلیٹ رپورگام یک رعتفی رکںی اور اکی اثمل دںی۔‬
Item Rubric (English) :
Award one mark for correct definition of Utility program‫
Award one mark for the correct example of a utility program.

Acceptable Answer:

Utility Program:

        A utility program is system software that allows a user to analyze, configure and maintain the computer.


Disk cleanup

Windows Explorer

Windows picture and fax viewer


Security center etc

Define device drivers. Name any two devices which have device driver software. (3 Marks)
)‫ ربمن‬3( ‫ڈویاسئ ڈراویئرز یک رعتفی رکںی ۔وکیئ یس دو ڈویازسئےک انم ںیھکل وج ڈویاسئ ڈراویئراسٹف وریئ اک اامعتسل رکیت ںیہ ۔‬
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One mark for correct definition of device drivers.

Award One mark each for correct name of devices that have device driver software.

Acceptable Answer:

Device drivers:

A device driver is a system software that tells the operating system how to communicate with a device.

Name of Devices:



Sound card etc

Write the steps to search the disk for unnecessary files by using Disk Cleanup. (5 Marks)
 )‫ ربمن‬5( ‫رحتری رکںی ۔‬ ‫ڈکس نیلک اپ اک اامعتسل رکےت وہےئ ریغ رضوری افزلئ وک ڈوھڈنےن ےک رمالح‬
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One mark for each correct step to search the disk for unnecessary files by using Disk Cleanup.

Acceptable Answer:

Using Disk Cleanup:

1. Click Start button.

2. Point to All Programs, then Accessories & then go to System Tools.
3. Click Disk Cleanup.
4. Disk Cleanup dialogue box appears.
5. Select the drive which you want to cleanup and then click ok.
Question No: 3

3 ‫وسال ربمن‬

a ) (https://www.zone2.pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/17845) Write the shortcut key of Undo,

Redo and Find used in MS-Word. (3 Marks)
)‫ ربمن‬3( ‫ ںیھکل۔‬key ‫ یک اشرٹ ٹک‬Find ‫اور‬ Redo,Undo ‫ ںیم اامعتسل وہےن وایل‬MS-Word
Item Rubric (English) :

Award One mark for each correct shortcut key.

Acceptable Answer:




Write the steps to insert the Date and Time in MS Word document. (3 Marks)
)‫ ربمن‬3( ‫ ارسنٹ رکےنےک رمالح ںیھکل۔‬Time ‫ اور‬Date ‫ ڈاوکٹنم ںیم‬MS-Word
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One mark for each correct step to insert date & time.

Acceptable Answer:

Insert Date & Time in MS-Word document:

On the Insert Tab, in text group, click Date and Time.

The Date and Time Dialog box will appear.

Click date and time format, Click Ok.

A Paragraph is written in MS Word containing the name ‘Quaid-e-Azam’. Write the steps to change ‘Quaid-e-Azam’ with
'Muhammad Ali Jinnah'. (6 Marks)
)‫ ربمن‬6( ‫اک انم اشلم ےہ۔ 'اقدئامظع' وک 'دمحم یلع انجح' ےک اسھت دبتلی رکےن ےک ادقاامت ںیھکل۔‬ '‫ںیم اکی ریپارگاف اھکل ایگ ےہ سج ںیم 'اقدئامظع‬ MS Word
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One mark for each correct step.

Acceptable Answer:

Find & Replace Text:

In the Home Tab, click Replace in the Editing group and click Replace.
Find and Replace dialogue box appears.
In the Find what box, type Quaid-e-Azam.
In the Replace with box, type Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Click Replace All.
This will replace Quaid-e-Azam with Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the whole document, click OK.
Question No: 4

4 ‫وسال ربمن‬

a ) (https://www.zone2.pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/5941) What is Multimedia Presentation? (2

)‫ ربمن‬2( ‫یٹلم ڈیمای رپزینشیٹن ایک ےہ؟‬
Item Rubric (English) :
Award Two marks for correct definition of Multimedia Presentation.

Acceptable Answer:

Multimedia Presentation

An orderly display of information using different media elements such as audio, video, animation, text and graphics is known as
Multimedia presentation.

Define Slide Show and write the steps to run Slide Show in MS-Powerpoint. (3 Marks)

)‫ ربمن‬3( ‫ںیم السڈیئ وش الچےن ےکرمالح ںیھکل۔‬ MS Powerpoint ‫السڈیئ وش یک رعتفی رکںی اور‬

Item Rubric (English) :

Award One Mark for correct definition of Slide Show.

Award One mark for each correct step to run Slide Show.

Acceptable Answer:

Slide Show:

The presentation of all the slides created in Powerpoint one after another is known as Slide Show.

Run Slide Show:

1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Start Slide Show group, click from the beginning.

2. Slide Show starts from the first slide.

Define different Multimedia Elements used in MS-Powerpoint. (5 Marks) ‫یلیمنٹ‬

)‫ ربمن‬5( ‫ ںیم اامعتسل وہےن واےل فلتخم یٹلم ڈیمای ا س یک رعتفی رکںی۔‬MS-Powerpoint
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One Mark for each correct definition of multimedia element.

Acceptable Answer:      

Multimedia Elements

1. Graphics

Digital representation of non-text information such as drawings, photographs etc.

2. Text

Text is a combination of letters and numbers that a user types with the keyboard.

3. Sound

A wave or vibration which can be heard by human ears is known as Sound.

4. Video

A series of pictures that are displayed one after another along with the sound is known as Video.

5. Animation

Animation is a technique used to create movement in objects.

Question No: 5

5 ‫وسال ربمن‬

a ) (https://www.zone2.pecassessment.com/admin/pilot_items/pilot_view_combine/5827) Who are e-mail Service Providers?

Give the name of two famous e-mail service providers. (3 Marks)
)‫ ربمن‬3( ‫لیم رسوس رپوواڈئرز ےک انم ںیھکل۔‬-‫ وکیئ ےس دو وہشم ر ای‬ ‫ای لیم رسوس رپوواڈئرزوکن وہےت ںیہ؟‬ 
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One mark for correct defining the E-mail Service Provider.

Award One mark for each correct name.

Acceptable answers:

Email Service Providers

Internet companies/organization which provides E-mail service are called E-mail Service Provider.

Name of Email Service Providers

1. Hotmail

2. yahoo mail

3. Gmail

4. Outlook etc

Write the purpose of the following parts of the E-Mail message: (3 Marks)

(To, Cc, Bcc)

)‫ ربمن‬3(:‫ای لیم اغیپم ےک درج ذلی وصحں اک دصقم ںیھکل‬
)To, Cc, Bcc(
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One mark for each correct purpose of parts of the e-mail message.

Acceptable Answer:

To, In this field, a user type the e-mail address of the person who will receive this e-mail.

Cc: Means Carbon Copy, that sends a copy of an email to several people at once.

Bcc: Means blind carbon copy, similar to carbon copy except that recipients are invisible to all of the other recipients of the message.

Write the steps to check the new message in an e-mail account. (4 Marks)
)‫ ربمن‬4( ‫ای لیم ااکؤٹن ںیم این اغیپم کیچ رکےن ےک ےیل ادقاامت ںیھکل۔‬
Item Rubric (English) :
Award One mark for each correct step to check the new message in an e-mail account.

Acceptable Answer:

Check new Email Message:

1. Type the address of the webpage in the address bar.

2. Sign in to your account.

3. Click the inbox.

4. Double click on an email to open.

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