Tools and Methods : Deep diving into the future of work.
John Moravec, PhD - University of Minnesota
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Deep diving into the future of work
John Moravec, PhD
University of Minnesota July 2011 [agenda] Society 3.0, education and HRD Deep diving into the future Debrieng and next steps Leapf rog I nsti tutes An Introduction to Society 3.0: Global recession edition John Moravec, PhD Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development June 2011 Leapf rog I nsti tutes Food for thought Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes A shift in paradigm. Leapf rog I nsti tutes Society 1.0 Leapf rog I nsti tutes The 1.0 Paradigm Interpreted data Hierarchical Siloed jobs and roles Chaos and ambiguity avoided at all costs Leapf rog I nsti tutes career [kuh-reer] noun 1. an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training, followed as ones lifework. Leapf rog I nsti tutes Society 2.0 Leapf rog I nsti tutes Knowledge Age Interpreted information Personally-constructed meanings Socially-constructed meanings Chaos and ambiguity are managed Leapf rog I nsti tutes career [kuh-reer] noun 2. a persons progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking. Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes Citizen Journalists Leapf rog I nsti tutes Citizen Scientists Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes 140 Leapf rog I nsti tutes The Pirates Dilemma Leapf rog I nsti tutes Blending in the Groundswell Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes How do schools make the most from a cut-and-paste society? Leapf rog I nsti tutes Society 3.0 Leapf rog I nsti tutes The future is already here it is just unevenly distributed. William Gibson Past Future %
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p o p u l a t i o n
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a c c e s s Leapf rog I nsti tutes Innovation and Design Age Contextually applied knowledge Horizontalized diusion of knowledge Heterarchical relationships Chaos and ambiguity are embraced and attended to Leapf rog I nsti tutes career [kuh-reer] noun 3. To be (re)dened. Leapf rog I nsti tutes Three drivers of Society 3.0 1.Accelerating change 2.Continuing globalization 3.Innovation society fueled by knowmads Leapf rog I nsti tutes Accelerating change Accelerating Change Leapf rog I nsti tutes The future is becoming impossible to predict L e v e l
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A d v a n c e m e n t J Time Technological Singularity Leapf rog I nsti tutes Accelerating change impacts the half-life of useful knowledge. The amount of information available is doubling at an exponential rate The half-life of knowledge is decreasing exponentially Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes Earth Jupiter Callisto Ganymede Europa Leapf rog I nsti tutes Sources of innovation in Society 3.0: Leapf rog I nsti tutes Everything is Leapf rog I nsti tutes Boundless Leapf rog I nsti tutes Crowd sourcing Leapf rog I nsti tutes Pre-1.0 Nomads Leapf rog I nsti tutes Workers 3.0: Knowmads Leapf rog I nsti tutes Knowmads Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes Paradigm Domain 1.0 2.0 3.0 Fundamental relationships Simple Complex Complex creative (teleological) Conceptualization of order Hierarchic Heterarchic Intentional, self- organizing Relationships of parts Mechanical Holographic Synergetic Worldview Deterministic Indeterminate Design Causality Linear Mutual Anticausal Change process Assembly Morphogenic Creative destruction Reality Objective Perspectival Contextual Place Local Globalizing Globalized Leapf rog I nsti tutes From Information to Innovation. 1.0 Information So what? 2.0 Knowledge So what? 3.0 Innovation What can you imagine? What can you create? How can you contribute? Leapf rog I nsti tutes So? Leapf rog I nsti tutes Society 3.0 drives Education 3.0 Leapf rog I nsti tutes Education 1.0 Education 2.0 Education 3.0 Meaning is Dictated Socially constructed Socially constructed and contextually reinvented Technology is Confiscated at the classroom door (digital refugees) Cautiously adopted (digital immigrants) Everywhere (ambient, digital universe) Teaching is done Teacher to student Teacher to student and student to student (progressivism) Teacher to student, student to student, student to teacher, people-technology-people (co-constructivism) Schools are locatedIn a building (brick) In a building or online (brick and click) Everywhere (thoroughly infused into society: cafes, bowling alleys, bars, workplaces, etc.) Parents view schools as Daycare Daycare A place for them to learn, too Teachers are Licensed professionals Licensed professionals Everybody, everywhere Hardware and software in schools Are purchased at great cost and ignored Are open source and available at lower cost Are available at low cost and are used purposively Industry views graduates as Assembly line workers As ill-prepared assembly line workers in a knowledge economy As co-workers or entrepreneurs Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapf rog I nsti tutes Meet the Knowmads! 1.0 SCHOOLS CANNOT TEACH 3.0 KIDS ...and, 1.0 organizations cannot figure out what to do with 3.0 workers. LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS NEED TO USE NEW TECHNOLOGIES PURPOSIVELY It looks like youre trying to give a presentation. Would you like me to...
Teach you how to mail merge.
Insert a video of Steve Balmer.
Crash your computer now.
DONT USE NEW TECHNOLOGIES TO TEACH THE SAME OLD STUFF. Leapf rog I nsti tutes In the knowmadic, experience-driven economy, awesomeness is the new currency. Leapf rog I nsti tutes Challenges in Knowmad Society Awesome fatigue : RT @edwardharran So much rich input prevents me (sometimes) from producing my own output We are not focusing on the broader use of ICT Leapf rog I nsti tutes Challenges in Knowmad Society L e v e l
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A d v a n c e m e n t Silicon Time Meat Leapf rog I nsti tutes Challenges in Knowmad Society Leapf rog I nsti tutes We all co-invent the future. Leapf rog I nsti tutes Were all white belts. Leapf rog I nsti tutes We can design the future. Leapf rog I nsti tutes L e a p f r o g ! To move from legacy millstones: Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapfrogging just ahead of change L e v e l
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A d v a n c e m e n t J Time J Leapf rog I nsti tutes Are we thinking about the future? Leapf rog I nsti tutes Leapfrog learning outcomes: The New, New Basics for Careers 3.0 Leapf rog I nsti tutes Think systemically Leapf rog I nsti tutes Think simulationally Leapf rog I nsti tutes Thrive in the midst of changes, challenges and unknowns Leapf rog I nsti tutes Create and manipulate alternative pasts, presents, and futures Leapf rog I nsti tutes Develop and respond to goals and challenges Leapf rog I nsti tutes Understand and eectively utilize existing information Leapf rog I nsti tutes Construct and utilize personal knowledge Leapf rog I nsti tutes Construct and apply new knowledge related to contexts, processes, and cultures Leapf rog I nsti tutes Eectively utilize current and emerging ICTs Leapf rog I nsti tutes Acquire and assess knowledge and understandings of global trends Leapf rog I nsti tutes Write and speak in a unique voice Leapf rog I nsti tutes Take personal responsibility for actions and performance quality Leapf rog I nsti tutes Use head, heart and hands Leapf rog I nsti tutes Innovate, baby, innovate! [short break] [think, pair, share] 1.What is the relationship between individuals and the collective? (and, what are the implications/ consequences?) 2.How might this impact our human capital development thinking? Lets dive deep...! My take. Tools and methods for exploring human capital futures Futures thinking... us places. Its getting hard(er). L e v e l
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A d v a n c e m e n t J Time J Do it yourself. Bottom-up. Edupunk and edupop. Mindware. I C I Implications for business leaders. Anticipatory thought leadership as a soft skill. Manifestations of anticipatory thought leadership. Implications for knowmads. Implications for human capital developers. How do we get the collective to think about the future? Now for some tools and methods... Normative forecasting. Environmental scanning. Scanning made easy... Twitter Digg Future Scanner ... (MPCBM&EVDBUJPO8FCTJUF IUUQXXXHMPCBMFEVDBUJPOFEOBFEVBV 'VUVSFT8IFFM StoryTech. StoryTech: a Personalized Guidebook to the 21st Century Innovate Your Future Through Self-Stories Create Stories as Change Buffers Evolve Strategic Organizational Scenarios
by Arthur M. Harkins George H. Kubik 1uly 15. 2006 Version 2.1 - 41 - Copyright 2006 (No unauthorized reproduction) Chapter 3 Practicing StoryTech In Groups Doing StoryTech Within Your Group StoryTech oIIers you. acting as a StoryTech Iacilitator. a process Ior redesigning and renewing your group`s or group`s approach to their Iutures. Using the StoryTech method will also enable you to use your imagination to create detailed. positive stories about your own preIerred. personalized Iutures. StoryTech Helps Create Strategic Groups. StoryTech instigates individuals to respond publicly with their stories. Sharing individual stories creates a strategic community. The story telling audience becomes part of the StoryTech performance. You can request participants to write StoryTech exercises as two people: the 'real selI. and a 'virtual selI who acts as a 'scout into an group or group Iuture. ComIortable connections between 'real and the 'virtual selves are very important to the outcome oI StoryTech exercises. Aualence-parllclpanls cre- ale parallel slcrles ana ll ln mlsslng slcr\ parls wllh per- scnal ccnlevl (evperlences). Resulls: - Perscnal cwnershlp - Relenllcn cl ccnlrcl - Iser-lrlenal\ ccabular\ ('nalural`language) Step 1: Set-up 1.State the future time and location (can be near-term, mid-, or far-term). 2.Briey describe the market context. 3.Briey describe the performance of the organization. 4.Briey state the job title and/or role of the StoryTech writer. Step 2: Writing/oral reporting Ask the writer to amplify how her/his work is important to the organization in terms of growth, problem-solving, innovation, future-proong, etc. (choose ONE OR TWO). Ask why the writer is condent about the future performance of the organization and her/his role in creating it. Lets give it a go! The end? Next steps? Thank you!
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