Understanding Disciplines and Subjects
Understanding Disciplines and Subjects
Understanding Disciplines and Subjects
experience of children,
communities- their natural
curiosity and Subject
▪All the learning which is
planned and guided by the
school, whether it is carried
on in groups or individually
inside or outside of the
school. Content is defined
as “Information to be
learned in school” .
1. Self sufficiency: Curriculum should
contain limited amount of lessons.
2. Significiance: It should improve the
knowledge of the students and helps
to develop problem solving skills.
Requirements of
Selection of 3. Validity: The selected content must be
accurate and truthful.
4. Interest: It should Kindle the interest
among the students.
5. Utility: It should be a helpful source for
the life of the children.
Curriculum content should be selected based
on the experience of the children.
▪ Developing the self respect: It helps the
students to improve their curiosity in
Selection of learning and develops the self respect.
Content-based ▪ Direct Experience: In this, learning seems to
on the Experience be very easy.
of the Children ▪ Easy Learning: Learning is easy when it is
based on direct experience.
▪ Longlasting Knowledge: As learning is based
on direct experience, it remains in the mind
of the children forever.
▪ Natural Learning: Experienced
learning becomes as the way
for natural learning and
students can achieve
Needs knowledge in a natural way.
▪ Normal Learning: Since learning
depends on natural character, it
becomes very easy.
Life Skill Development:
▪ Self development
▪ Fulfilling the self needs
Principles of ▪ Responsibility
choosing ▪ Usage of food
Experience based ▪ Personality development
Subject Content. ▪ Using leisure time in a perfect way
Emotional Skill Development
▪ Self consciousness
▪ Developing the individual skill
▪Developing the thinking ability
▪Developing the social attitude
▪Developing the service mind
Professional Skill Development:
▪Through basic skill and
previous knowledge, guidance
should be given to the students
to increase professional skills.
Community based education should be
included in the curriculum.
▪ Skill Development:
. It must help the children to develop
Selection of basic skill and good behaviour. Analysing
content-Based on skill, reasoning skill,etc should be
the Community developed.
▪ To Know the Culture:
Create curriculum on social
based.Make the students know about the
culture, protect it and propagate it to the
next generation
▪ To Know the Responsibility:
To make the children know about their
social responsibility and their duties towards
the society
▪ Professional Skill:
Community Based education helps the
students to increase eagerness and involvement
Importance towards professional skills.
▪ Knowledge of using leisure time:
Helps to spend time in a useful way
and give knowledge about time management.
▪ Being Good Citizen:
Helps in making good leaders and
citizens and future builders of the country
▪ Help the children develop their basic skill.
▪ Encourage the interest.
▪ Help to face future problems
▪ Helps to handle
Selection of ▪ Use of practical things in life
content-Based on ▪ Creative thinking.
their natural Process of developing natural interest:
curiosity ▪ Allow children to their interest action
▪ Create an atmosphere for natural curiosity
▪ Respect the activities of children
▪ Encourage them during the time of failure
▪ Appreciate the good behaviour of children.
Personality development:
▪ Makes the children change their personality and behaviour.
Independent Learning:
▪ Students can feel independent in learning.
Skill Development:
▪ Helps to develop common skill and individual talents.
Achievement Skill:
Benefits ▪ Reflect the quality of achievement and helps in scoring good marks
▪ Develop thinking capacity of children
Ability to solve problems:
▪ Helps solving future problems.
Practical Application:
▪ Activity based learning helps students learn in a natural way.
▪ Children should be
▪ Good home and peaceful
atmosphere is necessary.
▪ Giving full freedom to the
Role of parent- children
teacher in
developing ▪ Tolerating small mistakes of
natural interest children.
▪ Make them to use library.
▪ Encourage them in co-curricular
▪ Spend time with them.
▪ Lesson texts:
▪ Tamil: Prose,poem, supplementary reader, grammar
▪ English: prose, poem, grammar, letter writing
▪ Mathematics: geometry, algebra
▪ Science: physics, chemistry, biology, zoology
▪ Social science: history, geography, civic, economic
Selection of ▪ Increase interest in learning.
content- Based ▪ Acquire clarity in learning
on Subject ▪ Prevent boredom in learning.
▪ Gets whole knowledge in particular subject.
▪ Chases inattentiveness.
▪ Learning with Curiosity:
Children learn subject with full
involvement when content is based on
▪ Ability to Understand:
Understanding capacity of children will
Benefits ▪ Clearance in learning:
Relates present knowledge with previous
▪ Deep knowledge about Subject:
Helps acquire deep knowledge in
particular subject.
▪ Learning with full involvement:
There should no place for other concepts
rather than concept related to subject matter.
This paves way for full involvement of children.
▪ Avoidance of Boredom:
Helps students avoid boredom in learning
Benefits ▪ Whole knowledge in particular subject:
Helpful to acquire complete knowledge in
a particular subject.
▪ Personality Development:
Self confidence of children increases, this
paves the way for developing personality of
▪ Life-oriented curriculum is the
curriculum of the self in relation to
others and to society. It addresses
skills, knowledge and values about
Conclusion the self, environment, responsible
citizenship, a healthy and
productive life, social engagement,
recreation and physical activity,
career and career choices.
▪ https://www.slideshare.net/ka
▪ Understanding discipline and
Reference subjects IGNOU studynotes
▪ Hallan,Selvakumar(2018).
Understanding Disciplines and
Subjects (2nd edition).Sri
Krishna Publications.