Syllabus - Mining Engineering - BE - III - Revised - 2013
Syllabus - Mining Engineering - BE - III - Revised - 2013
Syllabus - Mining Engineering - BE - III - Revised - 2013
Elect. &
10 339364(28) Programming with C Lab - - 4 40 - 20 60 2
12 Library - - 1 - - - - -
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, ESE: End Semester Exam, CT: Class Test, TA: Teachers Assessment
Note: Duration of End Semester Examination all theory papers will be of Three Hours duration.
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Mathematics – III Code: 339351(14)
Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Tutorial Periods: 10
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students understand that Fourier series analysis is a powerful method where the formulas are integrals and to have
knowledge of expanding periodic functions that explore variety of applications of Fourier series.
2. To provide knowledge of Laplace transform of elementary functions including its properties and applications to solve ordinary
differentials equations.
3. To have a thorough knowledge of PDE which arise in mathematical descriptions of situations in engineering.
4. To provide a sound background of complex analysis to perform a thorough investigation of major theorems of complex analysis
and to apply these ideas to a wide range of problems that include the evaluation of both complex line integrals and real
5. To study about a quantity that may take any of a given range of values that can’t be predicted exactly but can be described in
terms of their probability
Course Outcome:After studying the contents of the syllabus in detail the students will be able to
1. define Fourier series including half range series, Harmonic analysis and variety of its applications.
2. define (mathematically) Unit step, Unit impulse, Laplace transforms, its properties, Inverse and applications to solve ordinary
differential equations.
3. form and solve by direct integration method Linear equation of first order including Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous Linear
equations and also method of separation of variables.
4. solve difficult problems using theorems of complex analysis and apply Residue theorem to evaluate real integrals.
5. understand discrete and continuous probability distribution and be able to find mean and standard deviation and use the Uniform
UNIT- I FOURIER SERIES: Euler’s Formula, Functions having points of discontinuity, Change of interval, Even & Odd
functions, Half range series, Harmonic analysis.
UNIT- III PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION:Formation, Solution by direct integration method, Linear equation of
first order, Homogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients, Non-homogeneous linear equations, Method of
separation of variables.
UNIT-IV COMPLEX VARIABLES:Derivative, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Analytic functions, Harmonic functions, Flow
problems, Complex integration, Cauchy theorem, Cauchy integral formula, Taylor & Laurent series, Singularity,
Residue, Evaluation of real definite integrals.
UNIT-V STATISTICS:Random variables, Discrete & continuous probability distributions, Expectation, Mean & Standard
Deviation, Moments & moment generating function, Distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions.
Text Books:
1. Higher Engg. Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal– Khanna Publishers.
2. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig – John Wiley & Sons.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engg.Mathematics by R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyengar – Narosa Publishing House.
2. Applied Mathematics by P.N.Wartikar& J.N. Wartikar. Vol- II– Pune VidyarthiGrihPrakashan,Pune
3. Applied Mathematics for Engineers & Physicists by Louis A. Pipes- TMH.
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Mechanics of Solids & Fluid Code: 339352(20)
Total Theory Periods: 36 Total Tutorial Periods: 12
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28
Course Objectives:
1. Discuss the stress and strain relationship, Mohr’s Circle, principal stress and principal strain, tension and compression in composite
2. Derive the bending stresses in beams and plates.
3. Determine the slope and deflection of beams by deflection methods, area moment and conjugate beam methods.
4. Study the physical properties of the fluid, compressibility & incompressibility of fluid, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids.
5. Study the fluid in static and kinematics
Course Outcome:
1. The students are expected to enhance the technical knowledge on relation between stress & strain, Mohr’s circle, principal stress &
principal strain.
2. The students are expected to possess ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in bending stresses in beams and
plates, deflection of beams and knowledge in fluid statics & fluid dynamics.
3. The students are expected to posses ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for mechanics of solid
& fluid mechanics.
4. Work effectively as an individual and as a member of multidisciplinary team.
UNIT- I Concept of Stress and Strain: Stress and strain at a point; Axial and shear stresses' Ultimate an working stresses; Relation
between stress and strain' Poisson's Ratio; Two dimensional state of strain' Principle stresses and Principle planes' Mohr's Circle'
Two state of strain' Principle strains and principle axis of strain; Determination of Principle strain from strain measurements;
Calculation of Principle stresses from; Principle strains; Composite bars in tension and compassion; Thermal stresses in
composite bars.
UNIT-II Bending Stresses in Beams and plates: Pure bending' Bending Stresses' Section Modulus of rolled and built up sections
Composite beams' Distribution of normal and shear stresses across the section of a simple beam with vertical section of
symmetry; Theory of plates.
UNIT- III Deflection of beams: Slope and deflection of beams by deflection methods; Area moment and conjugate beam methods'
propped cantilever and fixed beams.
UNIT-IV Introduction to Fluid Mechanics: Physical properties of fluids; Compressible and Incompressible fluids; Newtonian and Non-
Newtonian fluids.
UNIT-V Fluid Statics: Pressure, density and height relationships; manometer pressure on curved and plane surfaces; Centre of Pressure;
Buoyancy; Stability of Immersed and Floating bodies; Fluids in relative equilibrium.
UNIT-VI Fluid Kinematics: Classification of flow: Uniform and Non-Uniform; Steady and Non- Steady; Laminar and Turbulent; One,
Two, Three dimensional flows; Stream lines; Streak lines; Path lines; Stream Tubes; Elementary Explanation of stream function
and velocity potential; Basic idea of flow nets.
Text Books:
Strength of Material – Dr. Sadhu Singh – Khanna Publishers
Elements of Strength of Material – Timo Shenko & Young – EWP Press
Strength of Material – R.K. Rajput – Dhanpat Rai & Sons
Fluid Mechanics and Machines – Dr. A.K. Jain (Khanna Publications)
Fluid Mechanics and Machines – Dr. R.K. Bansal (Laxmi Publications)
Reference Books:
Strength of Material – Rider – ELBS
Mechanics of Material – F.P. Bear & E.E. Johnston – McGraw Hill
Mechanics of Material – J.M. Gera & Time Shenko – CBS Publishers
Fluid Mechanics – Dr. P.N. Modi (Standard Book House)
Mechanics of Fluid – Irving H. Shames (McGraw Hill)
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics – James A. Fay (Prentice Hall India)
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Programming with C Code: 339353(28)
Total Theory Periods: 36 Total Tutorial Periods: 12
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28
Course Objectives:
1. Discuss the history and development of C compiler, data types, functions, operators, debugging.
2. Explain if-else statements, conditional operator, loop control, arrays and pointer.
3. Explain declaring and defining functions, library function, recursion.
4. Discuss the reading and writing strings & declaring and using structures.
5. Discuss the reading and writing the text files through C programs.
Course Outcome:
1. The students are expected to enhance the technical knowledge on C language
2. The students are expected to possess ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in data types, functions, operator,
arrays, pointer, functions, debugging, structures.
3. The students are expected to posses ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for C Programing
4. Work effectively as an individual and as a member of multidisciplinary team.
UNIT- I Introduction to C Language: history and development C compilers. Data types, types of instructions, input/output
functions. Operators, precedence and associativity of operators. Type casting, Developing simple programs,
compilation, debugging and testing of programs. Relevance of C language.
UNIT-II Conditional constructs: if statement, if-else statements , nested if-else ,forms of if. Conditional operator, Switch case
construct. Loop control structures, nested loops, break and continue statements. goto statement.
Arrays: Syntax and definition, one and multidimensional arrays, reading and writing an array. Pointers and arrays.
UNIT- III Functions: Declaring and defining functions, storage classes, call by value, introduction to pointer data type, call by
reference, using library functions in programs, macro definitions. Preprocessor directives - #if, #elif, #define etc.
Passing arrays into functions. Recursion.
UNIT-IV Strings: reading and writing strings, passing a string into a function, using library functions to manipulate strings.
Array of strings.
Structures: Declaring and using structures. Array of structures, passing structures into function. Unions and enums,
Pointers to structures Bit fields.
UNIT-V File Handling: reading and writing text files though C programs. File manipulating functions: fputc, fgetc, fgets,
fputs, fseek, ftell etc. Working with Binary files ,fread and fwrite. Command line arguments. Bitwise operators in C.
Text Books:
1. Let us C – YashwantKanetkar BPB Publication
2. Programming in ANSI C – E. Balaguruswamy Tata Mc-Gcraw Hill
Reference Books:
1. The C programming Language by Dennis M Ritchie and Kernighan ( PHI)
2. C for all by S. Thamarai Selvin & R. Murugesan ( Anuradha Agencies)
3. Programming in C by Ghosh ( PHI)
4. Computer Programming in C by V. Rajaraman ( PHI )
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Mining Geology – I Code: 339354(39)
Total Theory Periods: 48 Total Tutorial Periods: NIL
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28
Course Objectives:
1. Discuss the size, shape, mass & density of earth, age of earth, internal structure of earth, earthquake and volcanism.
2. Explain physical properties of the mineral.
3. Brief discussion of igneous rock, sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock.
4. Discuss the folds, faults, joints, geological maps.
Course Outcome:
1. The students are expected to enhance the technical knowledge on shape, size, mass & density of earth, age of earth, structure of the
2. The students are expected to possess ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in properties of minerals, structural
geology, types of rocks and geological maps
3. The students are expected to posses ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for Engineering
4. Work effectively as an individual and as a member of multidisciplinary team.
UNIT- I The Earth in Space and Time: Solar System; Size, Shape, Mass and Density of Earth; A Brief idea of the
origin and the age of the Earth; Interior of the Earth- seismic data, Density and Pressure within the Earth; The
internal structure and composition of Earth;; Elementary knowledge of Diastrophism, earthquakes and volcanism,
Volcanic and earthquake belts, and their relationship with plate tectonics.
UNIT-II Mineralogy: Physical Properties of Minerals; Classification of various Rock forming Minerals; Introduction and
preliminary study of principle Rock forming Mineral groups - Garnet, Pyroxene, Amphibole, Mica, Feldspar and
Felspethoid, Megascopic properties of Economically important non Silicate Minerals.
UNIT- III Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology: Elementary knowledge of Magma and its Crystallization; Classification of
Igneous Rocks; Textures and Structures of Igneous Rocks; Petrographic Description of Common Igneous Rocks;
Agents and Types of Metamorphism; Depth zones, Facies and Grades of Metamorphism and Petrographic
Description of Common Metamorphic Rocks.
UNIT-IV Sedimentary Petrology: Textures and Structures of Sedimentary Rocks; Sedimentary Processes- Weathering,
Transportation and Deposition; Classification and Petrographic Description of Common Sedimentary Rocks.
UNIT-V Structural Geology: Concept of Deformation; Primary and Secondary Planer and Linear structure of Rocks;
Topography and its representations; Altitude of strata- Dip and strike; Outcrop patterns; Width of Outcrop and
thickness of beds; Structural Contours; Geological Maps; Study of Unconformity; Folds, Joints, Faults and their
influence in Mining Operations.
Text Books:
1. A Text Book of Geology : P.K. Mukherjee
2. Engineering And General Geology : Parbin Singh
Reference Books:
3. Physical And Engineering Geology : S.K. Garg
4. Rutley’s Elements of Mineralogy : H.H.Read
5. Principles Of Petrology : G.W.Tyrell
6. Structural Geology : M.P.Billings
7. Geological Maps : G.W.Chiplonkar
8. Applied Geology : S. Banger
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Mine Surveying – I Code: 339355(39)
Total Theory Periods: 48 Total Tutorial Periods: 12
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28
Course Objectives:
1. Discuss the chain survey for linear measurements
2. Explain the compass survey
3. Discuss the plane table surveying and Miner’s Dial
4. Brief discussion on types of leveling instruments, temporary and temporary adjustment of leveling instruments,
trigonometric leveling, reciprocal leveling.
Course Outcome:
1. The students are expected to enhance the technical knowledge on linear measurements by chain surveying & tape surveying, compass
surveying and plane table surveying.
2. The students are expected to possess ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in leveling.
3. The students are expected to posses ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for mine surveying.
4. Work effectively as an individual and as a member of multidisciplinary team.
UNIT- I Chain Survey: Linear Measurements; Types of chains; Tapes; Errors in chaining and corrections in linear
measurements; Direct and indirect Ranging; Principles of chain surveying offsets; Limiting length of offsets;
Booking field notes; Obstacles in chaining; Instruments for setting out right angles.
UNIT-II Compass Survey: Theory of Magnetism; Dip of Magnetic needle; Prismatic Compass; Surveyor’s Compass;
Bearings; Designation of Bearings; Calculation of Included Angles; Local Attraction; Magnetic Declination.
UNIT- III Plane Table Surveying: Principles of Plane Tabling; Working operations; Methods of Plane Table Surveying;
Two and Three point problems.
UNIT-IV Miner’s Dial: Construction; Use; Tests and Adjustments; Loose and fast Needle surveying; Common sources of
errors in Dial surveying; Methods of elimination and compensation.
UNIT-V Levelling: Definitions of important terms used in levelling; Development in levelling Instruments; Types and
Constructional details; Temporary and Permanent Adjustments; Methods of levelling; Straight edge levelling; Fly
levelling; Check levelling; Reciprocal levelling; Longitudinal Sections; Cross- Sectioning; Trigonometric
levelling; Methods of booking and reduction of levels; Levelling through drifts and shafts (Including steeply
inclined shafts) ; Plumbing measurements of depth of shaft and subsidence.
Text Books:
1. Surveying- Vol.I, by B.C. Purmia
2. Surveying & Labelling. Vol-I by T.P.Kanethar & S.V.Kulkarni.
Reference Books:
1. Metalliferous Mine Surveying : Frederick Winniberg
2. Surveying – by Husain & Nagnas
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Mine Development Code: 339356(39)
Total Theory Periods: 36 Total Tutorial Periods: 12
Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum)
ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 80 Minimum Marks: 28
Course Objectives:
1. Discuss the various drilling machines are used .for exploratory drilling.
2. Explain the drives of inclines, drifts and adits for the opening of the underground mines.
3. Explain the drilling, blasting, loading, transportation, ventilation, lightening and drainage operation used in shaft
sinking in the underground mines.
4. Discuss the various methods of shaft sinking.
5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of surface mining and underground mining.
6. Discuss the various types of machinery used in the underground mining and surface mining.
Course Outcome:
1. The students are expected to enhance the technical knowledge on exploratory drilling, drivage of inclines, adits
and shaft sinking
2. The students are expected to possess ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems in drilling
and shaft sinking.
3. The students are expected to possess ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for mine development practice.
4. Work effectively as an individual and as a member of a multidisciplinary team.
UNIT- I Exploratory Drilling: Drilling machines used for exploratory drilling viz. Rotary & Percussive, their attachments;
Core Barrels; Conditions of applicability of drilling methods; Borehole Survey, Directional drilling
UNIT-II Drivage of Inclines/Drifts/Adits: Types of Openings; Choice of Openings; Location of Openings; Drilling,
blasting, loading and transportation of muck during drivage of inclines/adits/drifts, Ventilation, lighting and
drainage, Extension of center line; Organization and cycle of operations; Mechanized methods of drivages of
UNIT- III Shaft Sinking: Drilling, blasting, loading and transportation of muck, Ventilation, lighting and drainage,
Extension of center line; Shaft lining and its design; Special methods of shaft sinking; Shaft boring; Deepening and
widening of shafts. Upward drivage; Organization and cycle of operations.
UNIT-IV Introduction to Underground Mining: Definition of important terms used in underground mining, advantages
and disadvantages of underground mining, Mine development, Activities involved in development of a mine,
Stages in the life of a mine, Introduction to unit operations in underground mining. Choice of method of mining,
Introduction to various Underground Mining methods. Introduction to various types of machineries used in
Underground mining.
UNIT-V Introduction to surface Mining: Definition of important terms of surface mining, Advantages and disadvantages
of surface mining, mineral deposits amenable to surface mining, Various surface mining methods, Introduction to
unit operations in surface mining. Introduction to various types of machineries used in surface mining.
Text Books:
1. Surface Mining: G.B. Misra
2. Elements of Mining Technology (Vol. 1 & 3): D. J. Deshmukh
3. Coal Mining: R.D.Singh
Reference Books:
1. Mining Engineer’s Handbook (Vol. 1&2), 2nd Edition: Edited by Harold Hartman
2. U.M.S. Notes :
3. Mining of Mineral Deposits : Shevyakov
4. Modern Coal Mining : Samir Das
5. Introduction to mining : Hartman
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Mine Development Laboratory Code: 339361(39)
Total Lab Periods: 24 Batch Size: 30
Maximum Marks: 40 Minimum Marks: 20
1. Study of exploratory drilling by manual and power operated percussive drilling machine.
2. Study of working of diamond drilling machine.
3. Study of different types of drilling tools and bits required for exploratory drilling.
4. Study of Single tube and double tube Core barrel.
5. Study of surface arrangements required during shaft sinking and its cycle of operation.
6. Study of various special methods of Shaft sinking.
7. Study of drivage of Incline/Adit by conventional method using drilling and blasting, cycle of operation and
calculation of manpower.
8. Study of drivage of Incline using tunnel boring machine.
9. Study of erection of temporary lining during shaft sinking operation.
10. Study of erection of permanent brick/concrete lining during shaft sinking.
11. Study of development of a coal mine by Board & Pillar method.
12. Study of development of a coal mine by Longwall advancing & retreating method.
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Mining Geology – I Laboratory Code: 339362(39)
Total Lab Periods: 24 Batch Size: 30
Maximum Marks: 40 Minimum Marks: 20
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Mine Surveying – I Laboratory Code: 339363(39)
Total Lab Periods: 48 Batch Size: 30
Maximum Marks: 40 Minimum Marks: 20
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Name of program: Bachelor of Engineering
Branch: Mining Engineering Semester: III
Subject: Programming with C Laboratory Code: 339364(28)
Total Lab Periods: 48 Batch Size: 30
Maximum Marks: 40 Minimum Marks: 20
1. Write a program to take the radius of a sphere as input and print the volume and surface and surface area of
that sphere.
2. Write a program to take a 5-digit number as input and calculate the sum of its digits.
3. Write a program to take three sides of a triangle as input and verify whether the triangle is an isosceles,
scalene or an equilateral triangle.
4. Write a program that will take 3 positive integers as input and verify whether or not they form a Pythagorean
triplet or not.
5. Write a program to print all the Prime numbers between a given range.
6. Write a program to define a function that will take an integer as argument and return the sum of digits of that
7. Write a program to define a macro that can calculate the greater of two of its arguments. Use this macro to
calculate the greatest of 4 integers.
8. Write a program to define a recursive function that will print the reverse of its integer argument.
9. Write a program to print the sum of first N even numbers using recursive function.
10. Write a program to sort an array using Bubble sort technique.
11. Write a program that will take the elements of two integer arrays of 5 element each, and insert the common
elements of both the array into a third array (Set intersection)
12. Write a program to take 5 names as input and print the longest name.
13. Write a program to define a structure Student that will contain the roll number, name and total marks of a
student. The program will ask the user to input the details of 5 students and print the details of all the students
whose total marks is greater than a given value.
14. Write a program to define a union Contact that will contain the members Mobile no and E-mail id. Now
define a structure Employee that will contain name, roll number, mode of contact (mob/e-mail) and a variable
of type Contact as members. The program will ask the user to give the details of two Employees including
mode of contact and the contact num/ E-mail. Print the details of both the Employees.
15. Write a program that will ask the user to input a file name and copy the contents of that file into another file.
16. Write a program that will take any number of integers from the command line as argument and print the sum
of all those integers.
PCs, C-Compiler
Recommended Books:
1. This course is designed to provide the importance of education with why, what & how.
2. To impart students with an understanding of fundamental humanitarian viewpoint and its outcomes.
3. To provide the knowledge about whole existence and its impact on values.
4. To bring the awareness about life long exercise so that they can fulfill their responsibility towards themselves, the family,
the society, the planet.
UNIT- I Aim of Education and Necessity for Value Education: Education in values/wisdom/etc and education in
traits/technologies/etc as the two fundamental strands of education; Answer to the frequently asked questions such
as “Why to do studies”, “What studies to do in overall”, “How to do studies in a proper way”, “How to think
systematically and talk systematically”
UNIT-II Humanitarian Viewpoint and Basic Human Objective: Meaning and concept of happiness, Need for a
fundamental viewpoint to judge things in all cases of human concerns, Proposal of the natural path of humanitarian
coexistentialism; Consciousness development and its expression; Fundamental want of sustainable happiness in
human being; Understanding the distinct activities and needs of self (I) and body in human being; Fundamental goal
of human being; Sustainable-solution in individual (At the place of delusion); Sustainable-prosperity in family (At
the place of poverty); Sustainable-cooperation in society (At the place of competition); Sustainable-coexistence in
planet (At the place of struggle)
UNIT- III Elements of Holistic and Systematic Perspective: Need for study of fundamental information categories to
develop holistic perspective; Particular-time actions and general-time laws; Need for fundamental information
sequence to develop systematic perspective, Some examples for systematic study sequence
UNIT-IV Elements of Society-friendly and Environment-friendly Goals: Elements of Knowledge of whole existence;
Elements of Knowledge of human being; Elements of fundamental Values and Wisdom; Value spectrum with
reference to general relationships and particular relationships of the objects in nature; Elements of History and
Contemporarity used to set current goals; Elements of Sciences and Techniques to formulate methods to achieve
goals; Elements of Motoricity and Mattericity to make actions to execute the methods
UNIT-V Lifelong Exercise for All-round Sustainability: Collecting information for sustainability issues; Motivating
people towards sustainable life-style; Ability to identify and develop appropriate technologies and management
patterns for society-friendly and environment-friendly systems for
production/protection/utilization/experimentation; Ability to establish and execute the fundamental five-fold system
in order to ensure sustainable peace-and-prosperity worldwide.
Text Books:
Value Education for Consciousness Development by Dr P B Deshmukh, Radha K Iyer, and Deepak K
Kaushik (2nd Edition, 2012, ISBN: 978-81-924034-0-3)
Reference Books:
1. International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing by Terence Lovat, Ron
Toomey, Neville Clement (Eds.), Springer 2010, ISBN: 978-90481-86747
2. Values Education and Lifelong Learning: Principles, Policies, Programmes by David N Aspin and Judith D
Chapman (Eds.); Springer 2007, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6183-7
3. Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers by E G Seebaur and Robert L Berry, 2000, Oxford
University Press