6.1 Slip-Line Field Theory: F S F S B
6.1 Slip-Line Field Theory: F S F S B
6.1 Slip-Line Field Theory: F S F S B
Chapter 6
6.1.2. The figure shows a slip-line field for oblique indentation of a
rigid-plastic surface by a flat punch B A Draw the Mohr’s circle representing the state of
stress at A. Write down (i) the value of f at this q
point, and (ii) the magnitude of the hydrostatic stress
s at this point. a f
Calculate the value of at point B, and deduce the
magnitude of s . Draw the Mohr’s circle representation for the stress state at B, and hence calculate the
tractions acting on the contacting surface, as a function of k and q . Calculate expressions for P and Q in terms of k, a and q , and find an expression for Q/P What is the maximum possible value of friction coefficient Q/P? What does the slip-line
field look like in this limit?
6.1.3. The figure shows the slip-line field for a rigid plastic P
double-notched bar under uniaxial tension. The material
has yield stress in shear k. The slip-lines are logarithmic
spirals, as discussed in Section 6.1.3. b Write down a relationship between the angle a
y , the notch radius a and the bar width b. y
C Draw the Mohr’s circle representing the r q B
state of stress at A. Write down (i) the value
of f at this point, and (ii) the magnitude of A b
the hydrostatic stress s at this point. Determine the value of f and the P
hydrostatic stress at point B, and draw the
Mohr’s circle representing the stress state at this point. Hence, deduce the distribution of vertical stress along the line BC, and calculate the force P
in terms of k, a and b.
6.1.4. The figure shows the slip-line field for a notched, rigid plastic
bar deforming under pure bending (the solution is valid for a y
y < p / 2 - 1 , for reasons discussed in Section 6.1.3). The solid A
has yield stress in shear k.
b Write down the distribution of stress in the triangular
region OBD M b M Using the solution to problem 2, write down the O
stress distribution along the line OA Calculate the resultant force exerted by tractions on d b
the line AOC. Find the ratio of d/b for the resultant C
force to vanish, in terms if y , and hence find an
equation relating a/(b+d) and y . Finally, calculate the resultant moment of the tractions about O, and hence find a
relationship between M, a, b+d and y . Show that the slip-line field is valid only for b+d less than a critical value, and determine an
expression for the maximum allowable value for b+d.
6.1.5. Consider the problem in 6.1.4. Propose a slip-line field solution that is valid for y > p / 2 - 1 , and
use it to calculate the collapse moment in terms of relevant material and geometric parameters.
6.1.6. The figure shows the slip-line field for a rigid plastic M
double-notched bar subjected to a bending moment. The
slip-lines are logarithmic spirals. b Write down a relationship between the angle a
y , the notch radius a and the bar width b. y Draw the Mohr’s circle representing the D Cq
state of stress at A. Write down (i) the value B rA
of f at this point, and (ii) the magnitude of b
the hydrostatic stress s at this point.
80 Determine the value of f and the hydrostatic stress just to the right of point B Hence, deduce the distribution of vertical stress along the line BC Without calculations, write down the variation of stress along the line BD. What happens
to the stress at point B? Hence, calculate the value of the bending moment M in terms of b, a, and k. Show that the slip-line field is valid only for b less than a critical value, and determine an
expression for the maximum allowable value for b.
6.1.7. Consider the problem in 6.1.6. Propose a slip-line field solution that is valid for y > p / 2 - 1 , and
use it to calculate the collapse moment in terms of relevant material and geometric parameters.
6.1.8. A rigid flat punch is pressed into the surface of an elastic-perfectly plastic half-space, with Young’s
modulus E , Poisson’s ratio n and shear yield stress k. The punch is then withdrawn. At maximum load the stress state under the punch can be estimated using the rigid-plastic
slip-line field solution (the solution is accurate as long as plastic strains are much greater
than elastic strains). Calculate the stress state P
in this condition (i) just under the contact, and
(ii) at the surface just outside the contact. A B The unloading process can be assumed to be
elastic – this means that the change in stress f
during unloading can be calculated using the
solution to an elastic half-space subjected to
b slip-line a slip-line
uniform pressure on its surface. Calculate the
change in stress (i) just under the contact, and
(ii) just outside the contact, using the solution P/a
given in Section 5.2.8. Calculate the residual stress (i.e. the state of A B
stress that remains in the solid after unloading)
at points A and B on the surface.
6.2.1. The figure shows a pressurized cylindrical cavity. The solid has yield
stress in shear k. The objective of this problem is to calculate an upper
bound to the pressure required to cause plastic collapse in the cylinder Take a volume preserving radial distribution of velocity as the
collapse mechanism. Calculate the strain rate associated with a
the collapse mechanism p Apply the upper bound theorem to estimate the internal
pressure p at collapse. Compare the result with the exact b
e2 P
6.2.2. The figure shows a proposed collapse mechanism for e1
indentation of a rigid-plastic solid. Each triangle slides as a rigid w
block, with velocity discontinuities across the edges of the q A C
triangles. Assume that triangle A moves vertically downwards.
Write down the velocity of triangles B and C Hence, calculate the total internal plastic dissipation,
and obtain an upper bound to the force P Select the angle q that minimizes the collapse load.
e1 D E
6.2.4. The figure shows a kinematically admissible r
velocity field for an extrusion process. Material
particles in the annular region ABCD move along
C q P
radial lines. There are velocity discontinuities across H 2H
the arcs BC and AD. B
82 Assume the ram EF moves to the left at constant speed V. Use flow continuity to write
down the radial velocity of material particles just inside the arc AD. Use the fact that the solid is incompressible to calculate the velocity distribution in ABCD Calculate the plastic dissipation, and hence obtain an upper bound to the force P.
6.2.5. The purpose of this problem is to extend the upper bound theorem to
pressure-dependent (frictional) materials. Consider, in particular, a solid t*
with a yield criterion and plastic flow rule given by
m b
f (s ij ) = s e + s kk - Y = 0
e&e �f e&e �3Sij m �
e&ijp = = � + d ij �
1+ m / 2 s
� ij 1 + m / 2 �2s e 2 �
as Y e&e / 1 + m 2 / 2 vt vn
e2 We need to understand the nature of the plastic
dissipation associated with velocity discontinuities in e1 h
this material. We can develop the results for a velocity
discontinuity by considering shearing (and associated
dilatation) of a thin layer of material with uniform
thickness h as indicated in the figure. Assume that the strain rate in the layer is
homogeneous, and that the surface at x2 = h has a uniform tangential velocity vt and
normal velocity vn . Show that (i) the rate of plastic work per unit area of the layer can be
computed as s 22 vn + s12vt = Y 2vn2 + vt2 / 3(1 + m 2 / 2) , and (ii) to satisfy the plastic flow
rule the velocities must be related by vn / vt = 3m / 2 (1 - m 2 ) . Note that these results are
independent of the layer thickness, and therefore (by letting h � 0 ) also characterize the
dissipation and kinematic constraint associated with a velocity discontinuity in the solid. To state the upper bound theorem for this material we introduce a kinematically admissible
velocity field v, which may have discontinuities across a set of surfaces Ŝ in the solid.
Define the strain rate distribution associated with v as
� vi � vj �
ˆ = 1 ��
e& + � e& ˆ = 2e&ˆ e&
ij e ij ij / 3
2� ��x j �xi
ˆ / 2 1 + m 2 / 2 in the interior of the solid, and
The velocity field must satisfy eˆ&kk = 3me&e
must satisfy
6.2.7. The figure shows a statically indeterminate structure. All bars have
cross-sectional area A, Young’s modulus E and uniaxial tensile yield
stress Y. The solid is subjected to a cyclic load with mean value P and 450 450
amplitude DP as shown Select an appropriate distribution of residual stress in the
structure, and hence obtain a lower bound to the shakedown
limit for the structure. Show the result as a graph of DP as a P
function of P Select possible cycles of plastic strain in the structure, and hence obtain an upper bound to
the shakedown limit for the structure.
You should be able to find residual stresses and plastic strain cycles that make the lower and upper
bounds equal, and so demonstrate that you have found the exact shakedown limit.
6.2.8. Calculate upper and lower bounds to the shakedown limit for a L/2 P
beam subjected to three point bending as shown in the figure. Assume
the applied load varies cyclically with mean value P and amplitude
DP . L/2
7. Chapter 7
NOTE: The problems in the following section require a commercial finite element program. The problems
have been tested using the commercial version of ABAQUS/CAE Ver 6.6 (available from
7.1.2. You conduct an FEA computation to calculate the natural frequency of vibration of a beam that is
pinned at both ends. You enter as parameters the Young’s modulus of the beam E, its area moment of
inertia I, its mass per unit length m and its length L. Work through the dimensional analysis to identify
a dimensionless functional relationship between the natural frequency and other parameters.
Use a linear elastic constitutive equation with E = 210GNm -2 , n = 0.3 . For boundary conditions, use
zero horizontal displacement on AB, zero vertical displacement on AD, and apply a uniform horizontal
displacement of 0.01cm on CD. Run a quasi-static computation. Linear quadrilateral elements with a mesh size of 0.00125 m (this will have around 100000
elements and may take some time to run) 8 noded (quadratic) quadrilateral elements with mesh size 0.005 m. 8 noded (quadratic) quadrilateral with mesh size 0.0025 m.
For each mesh, calculate the maximum von Mises stress in the solid (you can just do a contour plot of
Mises stress and read off the maximum contour value to do this). Display your results in a table
showing the max. stress, element type and mesh size.
Clearly, proper mesh design is critical to get accurate numbers out of FEA computations. As a rough
rule of thumb the element size near a geometric feature should be about 1/5 of the characteristic
dimension associated with the feature – in this case the radius of the fillet. If there were a sharp corner
instead of a fillet radius, you would find that the stresses go on increasing indefinitely as the mesh size
is reduced (the stresses are theoretically infinite at a sharp corner in an elastic solid)
First, recall the beam theory solution to this problem. The vertical deflection of the neutral axis of the
beam is given by
u2 ( x3 ) = - {
24 EI }
( L - x3 ) 4 + 4 L3 x3 - L4
Here, w = bp is the load per unit length acting on the beam, and I = bh3 /12 is the area moment of
inertia of the beam about its neutral axis. Substituting and simplifying, we see that the deflection of the
neutral axis at the tip of the beam is
3 pL4
u2 ( L ) =
2 Eh3
Observe that this is independent of b, the thickness of the beam. A thick beam should behave the same
way as a thin beam. In fact, we can take b << h , in which case we should approach a state of plane
stress. We can therefore use this solution as a test case for both plane stress elements, and also plane
strain elements.
88 First, compare the predictions of beam theory with a finite element solution. Set up a plane
stress analysis, with L=1.6m, h=5cm, E=210GPa, n = 0.33 and p=100 kN/m 2 . Constrain
both u1 and u2 at the left hand end of the beam. Generate a mesh of plane stress, 8 noded
(quadratic) square elements, with a mesh size of 1cm. Compare the FEM prediction with
the beam theory result. You should find excellent agreement. Note that beam theory does not give an exact solution to the cantilever beam problem. It is
a clever approximate solution, which is valid only for long slender beams. We will check to
see where beam theory starts to break down next. Repeat the FEM calculation for L=0.8,
L=0.4, L=0.3, L=0.2, L=0.15, L=0.1. Keep all the remaining parameters fixed, including
the mesh size. Plot a graph of the ratio of the FEM deflection to beam theory deflection as
a function of L.
You should find that as the beam gets shorter, beam theory underestimates the deflection.
This is because of shear deformation in the beam, which is ignored by simple Euler-
Bernoulli beam theory (there is a more complex theory, called Timoshenko beam theory,
which works better for short beams. For very short beams, there is no accurate
approximate theory). Now, we will use our beam problem to compare the performance of various other types of
element. Generate a plane stress mesh for a beam with L=0.8m, h=5cm, E=210GPa,
n = 0.33 , p=100 kN/m 2 , but this time use 4 noded linear elements instead of quadratic 8
noded elements. Keep the mesh size at 0.01m, as before. Compare the tip deflection
predicted by FEA with the beam theory result. You should find that the solution is
significantly less accurate. This is a general trend – quadratic elements give better results
than linear elements, but are slightly more expensive in computer time. Run a similar test to investigate the
performance of 3D elements.
Generate the 3D meshes shown
above, using both 4 and 8 noded
hexahedral elements, and 4 and 10
noded tetrahedral elements. (Don’t
attempt to model 2 beams together as
shown in the picture; do the
computations one at a time otherwise
they will take forever).
Prepare a table showing tip deflection for 4 and 8 noded plane stress elements, 8 and 20
noded hexahedral elements, and 4 and 10 noded tetrahedral elements.
Your table should show that quadratic, square elements generally give the best
performance. Tetrahedra (and triangles, which we haven’t tried … feel free to do so if you
like…) generally give the worst performance. Unfortunately tetrahedral and triangular
elements are much easier to generate automatically than hexahedral elements.
7.1.6. We will continue our comparison of element types. Set up the beam problem again with L=1.6m,
h=5cm, E=210GPa, n = 0.33 , p=100 kN/m 2 , but this time use the plane strain mesh shown in the
You should find that the results are highly inaccurate. Correct deformation
Similar problems occur in 3d computations if the
elements are severely distorted – you can check this out
too if you like. Undeformed
Integration points
This is due to a phenomenon know as `shear locking:’ FEM deformation
the elements interpolation functions are unable to
approximate the displacement field in the beam
accurately, and are therefore too stiff. To understand this, visualize the deformation of a material
element in pure bending. To approximate the deformation correctly, the sides of the finite elements
need to curve, but linear elements cannot do this. Instead, they are distorted as shown. The
material near the corners of the element is distorted in shear, so large shear stresses are generated in
these regions. These large, incorrect, internal forces make the elements appear too stiff.
There are several ways to avoid this problem. One approach is to use a Integration points
special type of element, known as a `reduced integration’ element.
Recall that the finite element program samples stresses at each
integration point within an element during its computation. Usually,
these points are located near the corners of the elements. In reduced
integration elements, fewer integration points are used, and they are
located nearer to the center of the element (for a plane stress 4 noded
quadrilateral, a single integration point, located at the element center, is FEM deformation
used, as shown). There is no shear deformation near the center of the
element, so the state of stress is interpreted correctly. To test the performance of these reduced integration elements, change the element type in
your computation to 4 noded linear quadrilaterals, with reduced integration. You should
find much better results, although the linear elements are now a little too flexible. Your finite element code may also contain more sophisticated element formulations
designed to circumvent shear locking. `Incompatible mode’ elements are one example. In
these elements, the shape functions are modified to better approximate the bending mode of
deformation. If your finite element code has these elements, try them, and compare the
finite element solution to the exact solution.
7.1.8. A bar of material with square cross section with base 0.05m and length 0.2m is made from an
isotropic, linear elastic solid with Young’s Modulus 207 GPa and Poisson’s ratio 0.3. Set up your
commercial finite element software to compute the deformation of the bar, and use it to plot one or
more stress-strain curves that can be compared with the exact solution. Apply a cycle of loading that
first loads the solid in tension, then unloads to zero, then loads in compression, and finally unloads to
zero again.
7.1.9. Repeat problem 7, but this time model the constitutive response of the bar as an elastic-plastic solid.
Use elastic properties listed in problem7, and for plastic properties enter the following data
Plastic Strain Stress/MPa
0 100
0.1 150
0.5 175
Subject the bar to a cycle of axial displacement that will cause it to yield in both tension and compression
(subjecting one end to a displacement of +/-0.075m should work). Plot the predicted uniaxial stress-strain
curve for the material. Run the following tests: A small strain computation using an isotropically hardening solid with Von-Mises yield
surface A large strain analysis using an isotropically hardening solid with Von-Mises yield surface. A small strain computation using a kinematically hardening solid A large strain analysis with kinematic hardening
7.1.11. This problem has several objectives: (i) To demonstrate FEA analysis with contact; (ii) To illustrate
nonlinear solution procedures and (iii) to demonstrate the effects of convergence problems that
frequently arise in nonlinear static FEA analysis.
Set the properties of the contact between the rigid surface and the block to specify a `hard,’
frictionless contact.
To set up boundary conditions, (i) Set the vertical displacement of AB to zero; (ii) Set the horizontal
displacement of point A to zero; and (iii) Set the horizontal displacement and rotation of the
reference point on the cylinder to zero, and assign a vertical displacement of -2cm to the reference
Create a mesh with a mesh size of 1cm with plane strain quadrilateral reduced integration elements. Begin by running the computation with a perfectly elastic analysis – this should run very
quickly. Plot a graph of the force applied to the indenter as a function of its displacement. Next, try an elastic-plastic analysis with a solid with yield stress 800MPa. This will run
much more slowly. You will see that the nonlinear solution iterations constantly fail to
converge – as a result, your code should automatically reduce the time step to a very small
value. It will probably take somewhere between 50 and 100 increments to complete the
analysis. Try the computation one more time with a yield stress of 500MPa. This time the
computation will only converge for a very small time-step: the analysis will take at least
150 increments or so.
7.1.12. Set up your commercial finite element software to conduct an explicit dynamic calculation of the
impact of two identical spheres, as shown below.
Use the following parameters:
Sphere radius – 2 cm
Mass density r = 1000 kg / m3
Young’s modulus E = 210GNm -2 , Poisson ratio n = 0.3
First, run an analysis with perfectly elastic spheres. Then
repeat the calculation for elastic-plastic spheres, with yield
stress s Y = 10000MNm -2 s Y = 5000 MNm -2
s Y = 1000 MNm-2 , s Y = 500 MNm -2 , and again with s Y = 50 MNm -2
Contact formulation – hard contact, with no friction
Give one sphere an initial velocity of v0 =100m/s towards the other sphere.
Estimate a suitable time period for the analysis and step size based on the wave speed.
DK r v02 r v02
= f ( , )
R3 r v02 sY E
Note that the second term is very small for any practical application (including our
simulation), so in interpreting data we need only to focus on behavior in the limit
r v02 / E � 0 . Use your plots of KE as a function of time to determine the change in KE for each analysis
case. Hence, plot a graph showing DK / R3 r v02 as a function of r v02 / s Y What is the critical value of r v02 / s Y where no energy is lost? (you may find it helpful to
plot DK / R3 r v02 against log( r v02 / s Y ) to see this more clearly). If no energy is lost, the
impact is perfectly elastic. Hence, calculate the critical impact velocity for a perfectly elastic collision between two
spheres of (a) Alumina; (b) Hardened steel; (c) Aluminum alloy and (d) lead The usual assumption in classical mechanics is that restitution coefficient is a material
property. Comment briefly on this assumption in light of your simulation results.
N a ( x1 , x2 ) =
(x 2 - x2(b) )(x( c)
1 ) (
- x1(b) - x1 - x1(b) )(x -x )
( c)
( b)
(x -x (a)
(b )
2 )(x(c )
1 - x1(b) ) -( x - x ) ( x - x )
(b )
N (x , x ) =
(x -x 2
(c )
2 )( x
( a)
1 - x1(c) ) - ( x - x )( x - x )
(c )
( c)
(x -x )(x ) -( x - x )( x - x )
b 1 2 (b ) (c) (a)
2 2 1 - x1(c) (b )
(c )
N (x , x ) =
(x -x 2
2 )( x
1 - x1( a ) ) - ( x - x )( x - x )
(b )
( a)
(x -x )(x ) -( x - x )( x - x )
c 1 2 (c ) (a) (b)
2 2 1 - x1( a) (c )
( a)
(b )
( a)
2 Show that the nonzero strain components in the element can be expressed as
�e rr �
�e � T
[ e ] = �e zz � [ u ] = �
ur( a ) u (za ) ur(b) u (zb ) ur(c ) u z(c ) ur( d ) u z( d ) �
�qq �
� �
�2e rz �
�� Na �Nb �Nc �
�� 0 0 0 �
r �r � r
� �
�0 �
Na �
Nb �Nc �
0 0
� � z � z �z �
[ B] = � �
�N a 0
0 �
�r r r �
�� Na � Na � Nb � Nb � Nc � Nc �
� �
�� z � r �z � r � z �r � Let s = [ s rr s zz s qq s rz ] denote the stress in the element. Find a matrix [ D] that
satisfies [ s ] = [ D ] [ e ] Write down an expression for the strain energy density U el of the element. The total strain energy of each element must be computed. Note that each element
represents a cylindrical region of material around the axis of symmetry. The total strain
energy in this material follows as
W el = �2p rU el drdz
The energy can be computed with sufficient accuracy by evaluating the integrand at the
centroid of the element, and multiplying by the area of the element, with the result
W el = 2p Ael r U el
where r denotes the radial position of the element centroid, and U el is the strain energy
density at the element centroid. Use this result to deduce an
expression for the element stiffness, and modify the procedure (c)
elstif() in the MAPLE code to compute the element stiffness. t The contribution to the potential energy from the pressure
acting on element faces must also be computed. Following
the procedure described in Chapter 7, the potential energy is e2 s L
(a) (b)
P = - 2p r ti ui ds
s � s� s � s�
ui = ui( a ) + ui(c) �
1 - � r = r ( a ) + r (c) �
1- �
L � L� L � L�
and ui( a ) , ui(c) denote the displacements at the ends of the element face, and r ( a ) , r (c)
denote the radial position of the ends of the element face. Calculate an expression for P of
the form
P element = - [ t1 A t2 A t1B t2 B ] �
�u ( a ) u2( a) u1(c) u2(c) �
�1 �
where A and B are constants that you must determine. Modify the procedure elresid() to
implement modified element residual. Test your routine by calculating the stress in a pressurized cylinder, which has inner radius
1, exterior radius 2, and is subjected to pressure p=1 on its internal bore (all in arbitrary
units), and deforms under plane strain conditions. Compare the FEA solution for
displacements and stresses with the exact solution. Run tests with different mesh densities,
and compare the results with the analytical solution.
7.2.3. Modify the simple FEA code in FEM_conststrain.mws to solve problems e2 (c)
which involve thermal expansion. To this end e1 Consider a generic element in the mesh. Assume that the material
inside the element has a uniform thermal expansion coefficient ,
and its temperature is increased by DT . Let [B] and [D] denote the
matrices of shape function derivatives and material properties (a) (b)
defined in Sections 7.2.4, and let q = DT [ 1,1, 0]
denote a thermal
strain vector. Write down the strain energy density in the element, in terms of these
quantities and the element displacement vector u element . Hence, devise a way to calculate the total potential energy of a finite element mesh,
accounting for the effects of thermal expansion. Modify the FEA code to read the thermal expansion coefficient and the change in
temperature must be read from the input file, and store them as additional material
properties. Modify the FEA code to add the terms associated with thermal expansion to the system of
equations. It is best to do this by writing a procedure that computes the contribution to the
equation system from one element, and then add a section to the main analysis procedure to
assemble the contributions from all elements into the global system of equations. Test your code using the simple test problem
for i from 1 to 3 do
for i from 1 to 4 do
and the same for the j loop. You will need to modify the part of the routine that calculates the residual forces. The only
change required is to replace the line reading
>pointer := array(1..3,[2,3,1]):
>pointer:= array(1..4,[2,3,4,1]): You will need to modify the procedure that calculates element strains. Now that the strains
vary within the element, you need to decide where
to calculate the strains. The normal procedure t2=3.0
would be to calculate strains at each integration
point within the element, but we used MAPLE to E=10 1.0
evaluate the integrals when assembling the stiffness
matrix, so we didn’t define any numerical
integration points. So, in this case, just calculate the n= 1.0
strains at the center of the element.
e2 To test your routine, solve the problem shown in the
figure (dimensions and material properties are in
arbitrary units).
e1 2.0 1.0
7.2.5. In this problem you will develop and apply a finite element
method to calculate the shape of a tensioned, inextensible cable L
subjected to transverse loading (e.g. gravity or wind loading). x w(x) q(x)
The cable is pinned at A, and passes over a frictionless pulley at
B. A tension T is applied to the end of the cable as shown. A A B
(nonuniform) distributed load q(x) causes the cable to deflect by T
a distance w(x) as shown. For w<<L, the potential energy of the
system may be approximated as
L 2 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
T �dw �
V ( w) =� � �dx - qwdx
2 �dx � � B
0 0 A s
To develop a finite element scheme to calculate w, divide
a wb
the cable into a series of 1-D finite elements as shown. (a)
Consider a generic element of length l with nodes a, b at its l (b)
ends. Assume that the load q is uniform over the element,
and assume that w varies linearly between values wa , wb at the two nodes. Write down an expression for w at an arbitrary distance s from node a, in terms of wa , wb ,
s and l. Deduce an expression for dw / dx within the element, in terms of wa , wb and l Hence, calculate an expression for the contribution to the potential energy arising from the
element shown, and show that element contribution to the potential energy may be
expressed as
1 �T / l -T / l ��
wa � ql / 2 �
V elem = [ wa , wb ] � �� � - [ wa , wb ] � �
2 �-T / l T / l ��
wb � ql / 2 �
98 Write down expressions for the element stiffness matrix and residual vector. Consider the finite element mesh shown in the figure. The loading q0 is uniform, and each
element has the same length. The cable tension is T. Calculate the global stiffness matrix
and residual vectors for the mesh, in terms of T, L, and q0 . Show how the global stiffness matrix and q0
residual vectors must be modified to enforce
1 4
the constraints w1 = w4 = 0 Hence, calculate values of w at the two 2 3
intermediate nodes.
Chapter 8
8.1.3. Consider the mapped, 8 noded isoparametric element illustrated in the figure. Write a simple
program to plot a grid showing lines of x1 = constant and x 2 = constant in the mapped element, as
shown. Plot the grid with the following sets of nodal coordinates
x1(1) = 0, x2(1) = 0 , x1(2) = 2.0, x2(2) = 2.0 ,
x1(3) = 2.0, x2(3) = 6.0 , x1(4) = 0.0, x2(4) = 4.0 ,
x1(5) = 1.0, x2(5) = 1.0 , x1(6) = 2.0, x2(6) = 4.0 ,
x1(7) = 1.0, x2(7) = 5.0 , x1(8) = 0.0, x2(8) = 2.0
x1(1) = 0, x2(1) = 0 , x1(2) = 2.0, x2(2) = 0. , x1(3) = 2.0, x2(3) = 2.0 , x1(4) = 0.0, x2(4) = 2.0
x1(5) = 1.5, x2(5) = 1.0 , x1(6) = 2.0, x2(6) = 1.0 , x1(7) = 1.0, x2(7) = 2.0 , x1(8) = 0.0, x2(8) = 1.0
Note that for the latter case, there is a region in the element where det � (
x j < 0 . This is
xi / � )
unphysical. Consequently, if elements with curved sides are used in a mesh, they must be designed
carefully to avoid this behavior. In addition, quadratic elements can perform poorly in large
displacement analyses.
8.1.4. Set up an input file for the general 2D/3D linear elastic finite element code
6 5
provided to test the 6 noded triangular elements. Run the test shown in the
figure (dimensions and loading are in arbitrary units) and use a Young’s modulus 8 9 4 10 2
and Poissons ratio E = 100,n = 0.3 . Compare the FEA solution to the exact
solution. 1 2 3 x1
8.1.5. Set up an input file for the general 2D/3D linear elastic finite element
code provided to test the 4 noded tetrahedral elements. Run the test shown in 7 x3
the figure. Take the sides of the cube to have length 2 (arbitrary units), and 6
take E = 10,n = 0.3 . Run the following boundary conditions:
x1 u1 = u2 = u3 = 0 at node 1, u2 = u3 = 0 at node 2, and u3 = 0 at x2 5
nodes 3 and 4. The faces at x3 = 2 subjected to uniform traction 2
t3 = 2 (arbitrary units) 1
8.1.7. Set up an input file for the mesh shown in the figure. Use material 1 1
properties E = 100,n = 0.3 and assume plane strain deformation. Run the
following tests 1 Calculate the determinant of the global stiffness matrix 1 Change the code so that the element stiffness matrix is
computed using only a single integration point. Calculate 1 the
determinant and eigenvalues of the global stiffness matrix.
8.1.8. Extend the 2D/3D linear elastic finite element code provided to solve problems involving anistropic
elastic solids with cubic symmetry (see Section 3.2.16 for the constitutive law). This will require the
following steps: The elastic constants E ,n , m for the cubic crystal must be read from the input file
101 The orientation of the crystal must be read from the input
file. The orientation of the crystal can be specified by the x3
components of vectors parallel to the [100] and [010] 6 5
crystallographic directions. x1
4 The parts of the code that compute the element stiffness x2
matrix and stress (for post-processing) will need to be 2
modified to use elastic constants Cijkl for a cubic crystal. 3
The calculation is complicated by the fact that the
components of Cijkl must be expressed in the global coordinate system, instead of a
coordinate system aligned with the crystallographic directions. You will need to use the
unit vectors in 6.2 to calculate the transformation matrix Qij for the basis change, and use
the basis change formulas in Section 3.2.11 to calculate Cijkl . Test your code by using it to compute the stresses and strains in a uniaxial tensile specimen
made from a cubic crystal, in which the unit vectors parallel to [100] and [010] directions
have components n[100] = cos q e1 + sin q e2 n[010] = - sin q e1 + cos q e 2 . Mesh the
specimen with a single cubic 8 noded brick element, with side length 0.01m. Apply
displacement boundary conditions to one face, and traction boundary conditions on another
corresponding to uniaxial tension of 100MPa parallel to the e1 axis. Run the following
tests: (i) Verify that if E ,n , m are given values that represent an istropic material, the
stresses and strains the element are independent of q . (ii) Use values for E ,n , m
representing copper (see Section 3.1.17). Define an apparent axial Young’s modulus for the
specimen as E (q ) = e11 / s 11 . Plot a graph showing
E (q ) as a function of q .
8.1.9. Extend the 2D/3D linear elastic finite element code to solve
problems involving body forces. This will require the following 5
steps You will need to read a list of elements subjected to body forces, and the body force vector
for each element. The list can be added to the end of the input file. You will need to write a procedure to calculate the contribution from an individual element
to the global system of finite element equations. This means evaluating the integral
bi N a ( x)dV
Ve(l )
over the volume of the element. The integral should be evaluated using numerical
quadrature – the procedure (other than the integrand) is essentially identical to computing
the stiffness matrix. You will need to add the contribution from each element to the global force vector. It is
simplest to do this by modifying the procedure called globaltraction(). Test your code by using it to calculate the stress distribution in a 1D bar which is
constrained as shown in the figure, and subjected to a uniform body force. Use 4 noded
plane strain quadrilateral elements, and set E = 10,n = 0.25 (arbitrary units) and take the
body force to have magnitude 5. Compare the displacements and stresses predicted by the
finite element computation with the exact solution.
8.1.10. Implement the linear 3D wedge-shaped element shown in the figure the 2D/3D linear elastic finite
element code. To construct the shape functions for the element, use the shape functions for a linear
triangle to write down the variation with (x1 , x 2 ) , and use a linear variation with x3 . Assume that
0 �xi �1 . You will need to add the shape functions and their derivatives to the appropriate procedures
in the code. In addition, you will need to modify the procedures that compute the traction vectors
associated with pressures acting on the element faces. Test your code by meshing a cube with two
wedge-shaped elements as shown in the figure. Take the sides of the cube to have length 2 (arbitrary
units), and take E = 10,n = 0.3 . Run the following boundary conditions: u1 = u2 = u3 = 0 at node 1, u2 = u3 = 0 at node 2, and u3 = 0 at nodes 3 and 4. The faces
at x3 = 2 subjected to uniform traction t3 = 2 (arbitrary units) 7 x3 u1 = u2 = u3 = 0 at node 1, u2 = u1 = 0 at node 5, and u2 = 0 at 8
nodes 3 and 6. The face at x2 = 2 subjected to uniform traction 5 x1
t2 = 2 (arbitrary units) x2
In each case compare the finite element solution with the exact 2
solution (they should be equal). 1
x w(x)
8.2.3. In this problem you will implement a simple 1D finite element method to calculate the motion of a
stretched vibrating string. The string has mass per unit length m, and is stretched by applying a tension
T at one end. Assume small deflections. The equation of motion for the string (see Section 10.3.1) is
d 2w d 2w
T =m
dx 2 dt 2
and the transverse deflection must satisfy w = 0 at x = 0, x = L . Weak form of the equation of motion. Let d w be a kinematically admissible variation
of the deflection, satisfying d w = 0 at x = 0, x = L . Show that if
d 2w dw dd w
�dt 2 d wdx + �
m T
dx dx
dx = 0
0 0
for all admissible d w , then w satisfies the equation of motion. Finite element equations Introduce a linear finite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
element interpolation as illustrated in the figure.
Calculate expressions for the element mass and
stiffness matrices (you can calculate analytical s
expressions for the matrices, or evaluate the wa
integrals numerically)
(a) Implementation: Write a simple code to compute (b)
and integrate the equations of motion using the
Newmark time integration procedure described in
Section 8.2.5. Testing: Test your code by computing the motion of the string with different initial
conditions. Try the following cases:
w( x, t = 0) = ( L /10)sin( np x / L) , n=1,2…. These are the mode shapes for string, so the
vibration should be harmonic. You can calculate the corresponding natural frequency
by substituting w = cos wt sin( np x / L) into the equation of motion and solving for w
�x / 5 x < L/2
w( x, t = 0) = �
�( L - x) / 5 x > L/2
Use geometric and material parameters L=10, m=1, T=1. Run a series of tests to investigate (i)
the effects of mesh size; (ii) the effects of using a lumped or consistent mass matrix; (ii) the
effects of time step size; and (iii) the effects of the Newmark parameters b1 , b 2 on the accuracy
of the solution.
8.2.4. Modify the 1D code described in the preceding problem to calculate the natural frequencies and
mode shapes for the stretched string. Calculate the first 5 natural frequencies and mode shapes, and
compare the numerical results with the exact solution.
8.2.5. The figure below shows a bar with thermal conductivity k and heat capacity c. At time t=0 the bar
is at uniform temperature, T = 0 . The sides of the bar
are insulated to prevent heat loss; the left hand end is L
held at fixed temperature T = 0 , while a flux of heat q *
is applied into to the right hand end of the bar. In x qb
addition, heat is generated inside the bar at rate qb per T=0
unit length.
The temperature distribution in the bar is governed by the 1-D heat equation
dT d 2T
c =k + qb
dt dx 2
and the boundary condition at x = L is
k = q*
In this problem, you will (i) set up a finite element method to solve the heat equation; (ii) show that the
finite element stiffness and mass matrix for this problem are identical to the 1-D elasticity problem
solved in class; (iii) implement a simple stepping procedure to integrate the temperature distribution
with respect to time. Variational statement of the heat equation. Let d T be an admissible variation of
temperature, which must be (a) differentiable and (b) must satisfy d T = 0 on the left hand
end of the bar. Begin by showing that if the temperature distribution satisfies the heat
equation and boundary condition listed above, then
dT dT d d T
c dT + �
k qbd Tdx - q*d T ( x = 0) = 0
dx - �
dt dx dx
0 0 0
where d T ( x = 0) denotes the value of d T at the left hand end of the bar. To show this,
use the procedure that was used to derive the principle of virtual work. First, integrate the
first integral on the left hand side by parts to turn the d d T / dx into d T , then use the
boundary conditions and governing equation to show that the variational statement is true.
(Of course we actually rely on the converse – if the variational statement is satisfied for all
d T then the field equations are satisfied) Finite element equations Now, introduce a linear 1D finite element interpolation scheme
as described in Section 8.2.5. Show that the diffusion equation can be expressed in the
dT b
Cab + K abT b (t = 0) = f a (t = 0) 1 < a �N
T1 = 0
where T b , b=1,2…N denotes the unknown nodal values of temperature, Cab is a heat
capacity matrix analogous to the mass matrix defined in 8.2.5, and K ab is a stiffness
matrix. Derive expressions for the element heat capacity matrix, and the element stiffness
matrix, in terms of relevant geometric and material properties. Time integration scheme Finally, we must devise a way to integrate the temperature
distribution in the bar with respect to time. Following the usual FEA procedure, we will
use a simple Euler-type time stepping scheme. To start the time stepping, we note that T a
is known at t=0, and note that we can also compute the rate of change of temperature at
time t=0 by solving the FEM equations
dT b
Cab + K abT b (t = 0) = f a (t = 0) 1 < a �N
T1 = 0
For a generic time step, our objective is to compute the temperature T a and its time
derivative T&a at time t + Dt . To compute the temperature at the end of the step, we write
dT a
T a (t + Dt ) �T a (t ) + Dt
and estimate dT / dt based on values at the start and end of the time step as
dT dT (t ) dT (t + Dt )
= (1 - b ) +b
dt dt dt
where 0 �b �1 is an adjustable numerical parameter. The time derivative of temperature
at t + Dt must satisfy the FEA equations
dT b (t + Dt )
Cab + K abT b (t + Dt ) = f a (t + Dt ) 1 < a �N
T 1 (t + Dt ) = 0
Hence, show that the time derivative of temperature at time t + Dt can be calculated by solving
dT b (t + Dt ) �b dT b (t ) �
[ ab
C + D t b K ab ] = - K T
ab � (t ) + (1 - b ) Dt �+ f a (t + Dt )
1 < a �N
dt � dt �
T 1 (t + Dt ) = 0
whereupon the temperature at t + Dt follows as
dT a (t ) dT a (t + Dt )
T a (t + Dt ) �T a (t ) + Dt (1 - b ) + Dt (1 - b )
dt dt Implementation. Modify the 1D dynamic FEA code to calculate the temperature variation
in a 1D bar. Testing: Test the code by setting the bar length to 5; x-sect area to 1; heat capacity=100,
thermal conductivity=50; set the heat generation in the interior to zero (bodyforce=0) and
set the heat input to the right hand end of the bar to 10 (traction=10), then try the following
To check the code, set the number of elements to L=15; set the time step interval to dt=0.1and
the number of steps to nstep=1000. Also, set up the code to use a lumped mass matrix by
setting lumpedmass=true and explicit time stepping b = 0 . You should find that this case runs
quickly, and that the temperature in the bar gradually rises until it reaches the expected linear
Show that the explicit time stepping scheme is conditionally stable. Try running with dt=0.2
for just 50 or 100 steps.
Show that the critical stable time step size reduces with element size. Try running with dt=0.1
with 20 elements in the bar.
Try running with a fully implicit time stepping scheme with b = 1 , 15 elements and dt=0.2.
Use a full consistent mass matrix for this calculation. Show that you can take extremely large
time steps with b = 1 without instability (eg try dt=10 for 10 or 100 steps) – in fact the
algorithm is unconditionally stable for b = 1
8.3.2. Solve the following coupled nonlinear equations for x and y using Newton-Raphson iteration.
( ) ( )
1/ 3 1/ 3
x x2 + y 2 + 1 -5= 0 y x2 + y 2 + 1 +3=0 Test your code by (i) calculating a numerical solution with material properties s 0 = 5 , n=2,
e 0 = 0.1 and loading b=0, t1* = 10 . and (ii) calculating a numerical solution with material
properties s 0 = 5 , n=10, e 0 = 0.1 and loading b=10, t1* = 0 . Compare the numerical
values of stress and displacement in the bar with the exact solution.
s ij / �
8.3.4. Calculate the tangent moduli � e kl for the hypoelastic material described in the preceding
8.3.5. In this problem you will develop a finite element code to solve dynamic problems involving a
hypoelastic material with the constitutive model given in Section . Dynamic problems for nonlinear
materials are nearly always solved using explicit Newmark time integration, which is very
straightforward to implement. As usual, the method is based on the virtual work principle
�2ui d vi
��t 2 d vi dV + �
r s ij [e kl ] dV - � bid vi dV - � ti*d vi dA = 0
R R R �R2
ui = ui* on �
1R By introducing a finite element interpolation, show that the virtual work principle can be
reduced to a system of equations of the form
( M abu&&ib + Ria - Fia ) = 0
and give expressions for M ab , Ria , Fia . These equations of motion can be integrated using an explicit Newmark method, using the
following expressions for the acceleration, velocity and displacement at the end of a generic
Dt 2 a
uia (t + Dt ) �uia (t ) + Dtu&ia (t ) + u&
&i (t )
a -1 � b a
&i (t + Dt ) = M ab � - Ri [ui (t + Dt )] + Fib (t ) �
a a a a
u&i (t + Dt ) �u&i (t ) + Dt � (1 - b )u&& (t ) + b1u&
& �
i (t + Dt ) �
� 1 i
A lumped mass matrix should be used to speed up computations. Note that the residual
force vector Ria is a function of the displacement field in the solid. It therefore varies with
time, and must be re-computed at each time step. Note that this also means that you must
apply appropriate constraints to nodes with prescribed accelerations at each step.
Implement this algorithm by combining appropriate routines from the static hypoelastic
code and the Newmark elastodynamic code
provided. x2 Test your code by simulating the behavior of a 1D
(plane strain) shown in the figure. Assume that the
bar is at rest and stress free at t=0, and is then
subjected to a constant horizontal traction at x1 = 10 for t>0. Fix the displacements for the
node at x1 = x2 = 0 and apply u1 = 0 at x1 = 0, x2 = 1 . Take the magnitude of the traction to
be 2 (arbitrary units) and use material properties s 0 = 1, e 0 = 0.01, n = 2,n = 0.3, r = 10 .
Take b1 = 0.5 in the Newmark integration, and use 240 time steps with step size 0.01 units.
Plot a graph showing the displacement of the bar at x1 = 10 as a function of time. Would
you expect the vibration frequency of the end of the bar to increase or decrease with n?
Test your intuition by running a few simulations.
8.4.1. Write an input file for the demonstration hyperelastic finite element code described in Section 8.4.7
to calculate the stress in a Neo-Hookean tensile specimen subjected to uniaxial tensile stress. It is
sufficient to model the specimen using a single 8 noded brick element. Use the code to plot a graph
showing the nominal uniaxial stress as a function of the stretch ratio l = l / l0 . Compare the finite
element solution with the exact solution.
8.4.2. Extend the hyperelastic finite element code described in Section 8.4.7 to solve problems involving a
Mooney-Rivlin material. This will require the following steps:
e Calculate the tangent stiffness Cijkl for the Mooney-Rivlin material Modify the procedure called Kirchoffstress(…), which calculates the Kirchoff stress in the
material in terms of Bij , and modify the procedure called materialstiffness(…), which
computes the corresponding tangent stiffness. Run the following tests on the code, using
an 8 noded brick element to mesh the specimen:
Subject the specimen to a prescribed change in volume, and calculate the corresponding stress
in the element. Compare the FE solution with the exact solution.
Subject the specimen to a prescribed uniaxial tensile stress, and compare the FE solution with
the exact solution
Subject the specimen to a prescribed biaxial tensile stress, and compare the FE solution to the
exact solution.
8.4.3. Modify the hyperelastic finite element code described in Section 8.4.7 to apply a prescribed true
traction to the element faces. To do this, you will need to modify the procedure that calculates the
element distributed load vector, and you will need to write a new routine to compute the additional term
in the stiffness discussed in Section 8.4.6. Test your code by repeating problem 1, but plot a graph
showing true stress as a function of stretch ratio.
8.5.2. Modify the viscoplastic finite element program to apply a constant (nominal) uniaxial strain rate to
the specimen described in the preceding problem, by imposing an appropriate history of displacement
on the nodes of the mesh. Test the code by plotting a graph showing uniaxial stress-v-strain in the
specimen, for material parameters E = 10000, n = 0.3 Y = 15, e 0 = 100. n = 100, e&0 = 0.1 m = 4
(in this limit the material is essentially a power-law creeping solid with constant flow stress) with an
applied strain rate of e&33 = 0.1 . Compare the numerical solution with the exact solution.
8.5.3. Modify the viscoplastic finite element program so that instead of using a power-law function to
represent the variation of flow-stress s 0 (e e ) with accumulated plastic
strain e e , the flow stress is computed by interpolating between a user- s
defined series of points, as indicated in the figure (the flow stress is
constant if the plastic strain exceeds the last point). Test your code by
using it to calculate the stress-strain relation for the viscoplastic
material under uniaxial tension. Use the mesh described in Problem 1, ee
and use material parameters E = 10000, n = 0.3 e&0 = 0.1 m = 150
(this makes the material essentially rigid and rate independent, so the stress-strain curve should follow
the user-supplied data points).
8.5.4. Modify the viscoplastic finite element code described in Section 8.5.7 to solve problems involving a
rate independent, power-law isotropic hardening elastic-plastic solid, with incremental stress-strain
De ij = De ije + De ijp
1 +n � n � 3 Sij
De ije = �Ds ij - Ds kk d ij � D e ijp = De e
E � 1 + n � 2 se
3 2 p p
Sij = s ij - s kk d ij / 3 s e = Sij Sij De e = De De
2 3 ij ij
and a yield criterion
1/ n
� ee �
s e - Y0 �1+ � = 0
� e0 �
Your solution should include the following steps:
( n +1) Devise a method for calculating the stress s ij at the end of a load increment. Use a
fully implicit computation, in which the yield criterion is exactly satisfied at the end of the
load increment. Your derivation should follow closely the procedure described in Section
8.5.4, except that the relationship between s e( n+1) and De e must be calculated using the
yield criterion, and you need to add a step to check for elastic unloading. Calculate the tangent stiffness � s ij( n+1) / �
De kl for the rate independent solid, by
differentiating the result of 4.1. Implement the results of 4.1 and 4.2 in the viscoplastic finite element code. Test your code by using it to calculate the stress-strain relation for the viscoplastic material
under uniaxial tension. Use the mesh, loading and boundary conditions described in
Problem 1, and use material properties E = 10000, n = 0.3 Y = 18, e 0 = 0.5 n = 10
8.5.5. Modify the viscoplastic finite element code described in Section 8.5.7 to solve problems involving a
rate independent, linear kinematic hardening elastic-plastic solid, with incremental stress-strain
De&ij = De&ije + De&ijp
1 +n � n � 3 Sij - ij
De ije = �Ds ij - 1 + n Ds kk d ij � D e ijp = De e
E � � 2 Y
3 2 p p
Sij = s ij - s kk d ij / 3 s e = ( Sij - ij )( Sij - ij ) De e = De De
2 3 ij ij
and a yield criterion and hardening law
se -Y = 0 D ij = cDe e
( Sij - ij )
Your solution should include the following steps:
( n +1) Devise a method for calculating the stress s ij at the end of a load increment. Use a
fully implicit computation, in which the yield criterion is exactly satisfied at the end of the
load increment. Your derivation should follow closely the procedure described in Section
8.5.4, except that the relationship between s e( n+1) and De e must be calculated using the
yield criterion and hardening law, and you need to add a step to check for elastic unloading. Calculate the tangent stiffness � s ij( n+1) / �
De kl for the rate independent solid, by
differentiating the result of Implement the results of and in the viscoplastic finite element code. Test your code by using it to calculate the stress-strain relation for the viscoplastic material
under uniaxial tension. Use the mesh, loading and boundary conditions described in
Problem 1, and use material properties E = 10000, n = 0.3 Y = 18, c = 100
8.5.6. In this problem you will develop a finite element code to solve dynamic problems involving
viscoplastic materials. Dynamic problems for nonlinear materials are nearly always solved using
explicit Newmark time integration, which is very straightforward to implement. As usual, the method is
based on the virtual work principle
�2ui d vi
��t 2 d vi dV + �
r s ij [e kl ] dV - � bid vi dV - � ti*d vi dA = 0
R R R �R 2
ui = ui* on �
1R By introducing a finite element interpolation, show that the virtual work principle can be
reduced to a system of equations of the form
( M abu&&ib + Ria - Fia ) = 0
and give expressions for M ab , Ria , Fia . To implement the finite element method, it is necessary to calculate the stress s ij in the
solid. Idealize the solid as a viscoplastic material with constitutive equations described in
Section 8.5.1. Since very small time-steps must be used in an explicit dynamic calculation,
it is sufficient to integrate the constitutive equations with respect to time using an explicit
method, in which the plastic strain rate is computed based on the stress at the start of a time
( n +1)
increment. Show that the stress s ij at time t + Dt can be expressed in terms of the
( n)
stress s ij at time t, the increment in total strain De ij during the time interval Dt and
material properties as
� m ( n) �
E � �s e( n ) � 3 Sij � E
( n +1) (n)
s ij = s ij + �De ij - Dte&0 exp(-Q / kT ) � �
�+ De kk
1 +n � �s ( n ) � 2 ( n)
s � 3(1 - 2n )
� �0 � e
� The equations of motion can be integrated using an explicit Newmark method using the
following expressions for the acceleration, velocity and displacement at the end of a generic
Dt 2 a
uia (t + Dt ) �uia (t ) + Dtu&ia (t ) + u&
&i (t )
a -1 � b a
&i (t + Dt ) = M ab � - Ri [ui (t + Dt )] + Fib (t ) �
u&ia (t + Dt ) �u&ia (t ) + Dt � &a (t ) + b1u&
(1 - b )u& & a �
i (t + Dt ) �
� 1 i
A lumped mass matrix should be used to speed up computations. Note that the residual
force vector Ria is a function of the displacement field in the solid. It therefore varies with
time, and must be re-computed at each time step. Note that this also means that you must
apply appropriate constraints to nodes with prescribed accelerations at each step.
Implement this algorithm by combining appropriate routines from the static viscoplastic
code and the Newmark elastodynamic code
provided. x2 Test your code by simulating the behavior of a 1D
(plane strain) shown in the figure. Assume that the
bar is at rest and stress free at t=0, and is then
subjected to a constant horizontal traction at x1 = 10 for t>0. Fix the displacements for the
node at x1 = x2 = 0 and apply u1 = 0 at x1 = 0, x2 = 1 . Take the magnitude of the traction to
be 2 (arbitrary units) and use material properties s 0 = 1, e 0 = 0.01, n = 2,n = 0.3, r = 10 .
Take b1 = 0.5 in the Newmark integration, and use 240 time steps with step size 0.01 units.
Plot a graph showing the displacement of the bar at x1 = 10 as a function of time.
8.6.2. Modify the hypoelastic finite element code described in Section 8.3.9
to use selective reduced integration. Check your code by (a) repeating the
calculation described in problem 8.6.1; and (b) running a computation
with a mesh consisting of 4 noded quadrilateral elements, as shown in the
figure. In each case, calculate the variation of the internal radius of the
cylinder with the applied pressure, and plot the deformed mesh at
maximum pressure to check for hourglassing. Compare the solution
obtained using selective reduced integration with the
8.6.3. Run the simple demonstration of the B-bar method described in Section 8.6.2 to verify that the
method can be used to solve problems involving near-incompressible materials. Check the code with
both linear and quadratic quadrilateral elements.
8.6.4. Extend the B-bar method described in Section 8.6.2 to solve problems involving hypoelastic
materials subjected to small strains. This will require the following steps: The virtual work principle for the nonlinear material must be expressed in terms of the
modified strain measures e ij and de ij defined in Section 8.6.2. This results in a system of
nonlinear equations of the form
s ij [e ij (uk )]de ij dV - �
bid vi dV - �ti d vi dA = 0
R R �2 R
ui = ui* on �1R
which must be solved using the Newton-Raphson method. Show that the Newton-Raphson
procedure involves repeatedly solving the following system of linear equations for
corrections to the displacement field dwkb
K aibk dwkb = - Ria + Fia
s pq
� a b
K aibk = ��e kl B pji Bqlj dV Ria = s kj �
� e (wb ) �B a dV Fia = bi N a dV +
� �
ti N* a
�kl i � kji
R R R �
where Bijk is defined in Section 8.6.2. Modify the hypoelastic code provided to compute the new form of the stiffness matrix and
element residual. You will find that much of the new code can simply be copied from the
small strain linear elastic code with the B-bar method Test the code by solving the problems described in 8.6.1 and 8.6.2.
8.6.5. Extend the B-bar method described in Section 8.6.2 to solve problems involving hypoelastic
materials subjected to small strains, following the procedure outlined in the preceding problem.
8.6.6. In this problem you will extend the B-bar method to solve problems involving finite deformations,
using the hyperelasticity problem described in Section 8.4 as a representative example. The first step is
to compute new expressions for the residual vector and the stiffness matrix in the finite element
approximation to the field equations. To this end
New variables are introduced to characterize the volume change, and the rate of volume
change in the element. Define
1 1 1
h= det(F ) dV � h&= JF ji-1F&
ij dV = � JLkk dV �
Vel Vel Vel
Vel Vel Vel
Here, the integral is taken over the volume of the element in the reference configuration.
1/ n
The deformation gradient is replaced by an approximation Fij = Fij ( h / J ) , where n=2
for a 2D problem and n=3 for a 3D problem, while J=det(F).
The virtual velocity gradient is replaced by the approximation
d Lij = d Lij + d ij (dh&/h - d Lkk ) / n
The virtual work equation is replaced by
� �
t ij [ Fkl ]d Lij dV0 - r 0bid vi dV0 - �ti d vih dA0 = 0
V0 V0 �2V0
Chapter 9
9.1. Summary of mechanisms of fracture and fatigue under static and cyclic
9.1.1. Summarize the main differences between a ductile and a brittle material. List a few examples of
9.1.2. What is the difference between a static fatigue failure and a cyclic fatigue failure?
9.1.3. Explain what is meant by a plastic instability, and explain the role of plastic instability in causing
9.1.4. Explain the difference between `High cycle fatigue’ and `Low cycle fatigue’
9.1.5. Summarize the main features and mechanisms of material failure under cyclic loading. List
variables that may influence fatigue life.
9.2.1. A flat specimen of glass with fracture strength s TS , Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio n is
indented by a hard metal sphere with radius R, Young’s modulus E2 and Poisson’s ratio n 2 . Using
solutions for contact stress fields given in Chapter 5, calculate a formula for the load P that will cause
the glass to fracture, in terms of geometric and material parameters. You can assume that the critical
stress occurs on the surface of the glass.
9.2.3. A number of cylindrical specimens of a brittle material with a 1cm radius and length 4cm are tested
in uniaxial tension. It is found 60% of the specimens withstand a 150MPa stress without failure; while
30% withstand a 170 MPa stress without failure. Calculate values for the Weibull parameters s 0 and m for the specimens Suppose that a second set of specimens is made from the same material, with length 8cm
and radius 1cm. Calculate the stress level that will cause 50% of these specimens to fail.
9.2.4. A beam with length L, and rectangular cross-section b �h is made from a brittle material with
Young’s modulus E, Poisson’s ratio n , and the failure probability distribution of a volume V0 is
characterized by Weibull parameters s 0 and m . Suppose that the beam is loaded in uniaxial tension parallel to its length. Calculate the
stress level s 0 corresponding to 63% failure, in terms of geometric and material
parameters. Suppose that the beam is loaded in 3 point bending. Let s R = 3PL /(bh 2 ) denote the
maximum value of stress in the beam (predicted by beam theory). Find an expression for
the stress distribution in the beam in terms of s R Hence, find an expression for the value of s R that corresponds to 63% probability of
failure in the beam. Calculate the ratio s R / s 0 .
9.2.5. A glass shelf with length L and rectangular cross-section b �h is used to display cakes in a bakery.
As a result, it subjected to a daily cycle of load (which may be approximated as a uniform pressure
acting on it surface) of the form p(t ) = p0 (1 - t / T ) where 0 < t < T is the time the store has been open,
and T is the total time the store is open each day. As received, the shelf has a tensile strength s TS 0 ,
and the glass can be characterized by static fatigue parameters and m . Find an expression for the
life of the shelf, in terms of relevant parameters.
9.2.6. A cylindrical concrete column with radius R, cross-sectional radius R, and length L is subjected to a
monotonically increasing compressive axial load P. Assume that the material can be idealized using the
constitutive law given in Section 9.2.4, with the compressive yield stress-v-plastic strain of the form
1/ m
�e p �
Y (e ) = s 0 � �
�e 0 �
� �
where s 0 , e 0 and m are material properties. Assume small strains, and a homogeneous state of stress
and strain in the column. Neglect elastic deformation, for simplicity. Calculate the relationship between the axial stress P / A and strain d / L , in terms of the
plastic properties c, s 0 , e 0 and m Calculate the volume change of the column, in terms of P / A , c, s 0 , e 0 and m Suppose that the sides of the column are subjected to a uniform traction q. Repeat the
calculations in parts and
9.2.7. Suppose that the column described in the previous problem is encased in a steel tube, with (small)
wall thickness t. The steel can be idealized as a rigid perfectly plastic material with yield stress Y .
Calculate the relationship between the axial stress P / A and strain d / L , in terms of geometric and
material properties.
9.2.8. Extend the viscoplastic finite element program described in Section 8.5 to model the behavior of a
porous plastic material with constitutive equations given in Section 9.2.5. This will involve the
following steps:
( n +1) ( n +1) Develop a procedure to calculate the stress s ij , the void volume fraction V f , the
effective strain measures e m( n +1) , e e( n+1) at the end of the time increment, given their values
at the start of the increment and given an increment in plastic strain De ij . You should use a
fully implicit update, as discussed in Section 8.5. The simplest approach is to set up, and
( n +1)
solve, three simultaneous nonlinear equations for ( V f e m( n+1) , e e(n+1) ) using Newton-
Raphson iteration, and subsequently compute the stress distribution. s ij( n+1) / �
Calculate the tangent stiffness � De ij for the material Implement the new constitutive equations in the viscoplastic finite element program Test your code by simulating the behavior of a uniaxial tensile specimen subjected to
monotonic loading.
9.2.9. A specimen of steel has a yield stress of 500MPa. Under cyclic loading at a stress amplitude of 200
MPa it is found to fail after 104 cycles, while at a stress amplitude of 100MPa it fails after 105 cycles.
This material is to be used to fabricate a plate, with thickness h, containing circular holes with radius
a<<h. The plate will be subjected to constant amplitude cyclic uniaxial stress far from the holes, and
must have a life of at least 105 cycles. What is the maximum stress amplitude that the plate can
9.2.10. A spherical pressure vessel with internal radius a and external radius b=1.5a is repeatedly
pressurized from zero internal pressure to a maximum value p . The sphere has yield stress Y, and its
fatigue behavior of the vessel (under fully reversed uniaxial tension) can be characterized by Basquin’s
law s a N b = C . Find an expression for the fatigue life of the vessel in terms of p , and relevant geometric
and material properties. Assume that the effects of mean stress can be approximated using
Goodman’s rule. Assume that p / Y < 2(1 - a3 / b3 ) / 3 Suppose that the vessel is first pressurized to its collapse load and then unloaded, so as to
induce a distribution of residual stress in the cylinder. It is subsequently subjected to a
cyclic pressure with magnitude p . Calculate the mean stress and stress amplitude as a
function of position in the vessel wall, and hence deduce an expression for its fatigue life.
9.2.11. The figure shows a solder joint on a printed circuit board. The
printed circuit board can be idealized as a pinned-pinned beam with e3 L/2
thickness h, length L, Young’s modulus E and mass density r . The
board vibrates in its fundamental mode with a frequency
e1 h
w = (p h / L) E /12 r and mode shape u3 = A sin(p x1 / L) . The yield
stress of solder is so low it can be neglected, and it is firmly bonded L
to the printed circuit board. As a result, it is subjected to a cyclic
plastic strain equal to the strain at the surface of the beam. The fatigue life of solder can be
characterized by a Coffin-Manson law De p N b = C . Find an expression for the time to failure of the
solder joint, in terms of relevant geometric and material parameters.
9.2.12. A specimen of steel is tested under cyclic loading. It is found to have a fatigue threshold
s 0 = 75MPa , and fails after 103 cycles when tested at a stress amplitude s a = 1.5s 0 . Suppose that,
in service, the material spends 80% of its life subjected to stress amplitudes s a < s 0 , 10% of its life at
s a = 1.1s 0 , and the remainder at s a = 1.2s 0 . Calculate the life of the component during service
(assume that the mean stress s m = 0 during both testing and service).
9.3.2. Briefly describe the way in which the concept of stress intensity factor can be used as a fracture
9.3.4. Hard, polycrystalline materials such as ceramics often contain a distribution of inter-granular
residual stress. The objective of this problem is to estimate the influence of this stress distribution on
crack propagation through the material. Assume that
The solid has mode I fracture toughness K IC
As a rough estimate, the residual stress distribution can be idealized as s 22 = s R sin(p x1 / L) ,
where L is of the order of the grain size of the solid and s R is the magnitude of the stress.
A long (semi-infinite) crack propagates through the solid – at some time t,the crack tip is located at
x1 = c
The solid is subjected to a remote stress, which induces a mode I stress intensity factor K I� at the
crack tip If the solid is free of residual stress, what value of K I� that causes fracture. Calculate the stress intensity factor induced by the residual stress distribution, as a function
of c. What value of K I� is necessary to cause crack propagation through the residual stress
field? What is the maximum value of K I�, and for what crack tip position c does it occur?
9.3.5. A dislocation, with burgers vector b = b1e1 + b2 e2 and line direction e3 lies a distance d ahead of a
semi-infinite crack. Calculate the crack tip stress intensity factors.
9.3.8. Find expressions for the Mode I and II stress intensity factors for the angled
crack shown. If = 450 , what is the initial direction of crack propagation? 2a
Confirm your prediction experimentally, using a center-cracked specimen of paper.
9.3.9. A large solid contains a crack with initial length 2c0 . The solid has plane-strain
fracture toughness K IC , and under cyclic loading the crack growth rate obeys Paris
da n
= C ( DK I )
dN Suppose that the material is subjected to a cyclic uniaxial stress with
amplitude Ds and mean stress Ds (so the stress varies between 0 and 2c0
2 Ds ). Calculate the critical crack length that will cause fracture, in terms of K IC and
Ds Calculate an expression for the number of cycles of loading that are necessary to cause a
crack to grow from an initial length 2c0 to fracture under the loading described in 7.1 Show that the number of cycles to failure can be expressed in the form of Basquin’s law
(discussed in Section 9.2.7) as N ( Ds ) b = D , where b and D are constants. Give
expressions for b and D in terms of the initial crack length, the fracture toughness, and the
material properties in Paris law
h P
9.4.2. The figure shows a thin film with thickness h, Film
Youngs modulus E and Poisson’s ratio . To test the
interface between film and substrate, a delaminated 2a
region of the film with width 2a is subjected to a
vertical force (per unit out of plane distance) P. By Substrate
idealizing the delaminated region as a beam, and using
the method of compliance, estimate the crack tip energy release rate in terms of P and relevant material
and geometric properties.
9.4.5. Use the J integral, together with the solution for the stress and displacement field near the tip of a
crack given in Section 9.3.1, to calculate the relationship between the crack tip energy release rate and
the stress intensity factor for a Mode I crack.
insight into the nature of the crack tip fields, the constitutive behavior can be approximated as a
hypoelastic material, characterized by a strain energy density W such that s ij = � W /� e ij . Suppose that
the solid is subjected to remote mode I loading (so that the shear stresses s12 = s13 = 0 on x2 = 0 ). Construct the full stress-strain equations for the hypoelastic material, using the approach
described in Section 3.3 Consider a material point that is very far from the crack tip, and so is subjected to a very
low stress. Write down the asymptotic stress field in this region, in terms of an arbitrary
constant K I� that characterizes the magnitude of the remote mode I loading Consider a material point that is very close to the crack tip, and so is subjected to a very
large stress. Write down the asymptotic stress field in this region, in terms of an arbitrary
constant K Itip that characterizes the magnitude of the near tip stresses. Using the path independence of the J integral, find a relationship between K I�, K Itip , and
the slopes E , H of the uniaxial stress-strain curve Suppose that the material fractures when the stress at a small distance d ahead of the crack
tip reaches a critical magnitude s 0 . Assume that the critical distance is much smaller than
the region of high stress considered in 2.4. Calculate the critical value of K I� that will
cause the crack to grow, in terms of relevant material parameters. Consider a finite sized crack with length a in the hypoelastic material. Assume that the
solid is subjected to a remote uniaxial stress far from the crack. Discuss qualitatively how
the stress field around the crack evolves as the remote stress is increased. Discuss the
implications of this behavior on the validity of the fracture criterion derived in
9.6.1. Calculate values for the elastic constants , b and the crack tip singularity parameter e for the
following bi-material interfaces:
(a) Aluminum on glass (b) A glass fiber in a PVC matrix
(c) Nickel on titanium carbide (d) Copper on Silicon
9.6.3. A bi-material interface is made by bonding two materials together. The material above the
interface has shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio m1 ,n1 ; the material below the crack has shear modulus
and Poisson’s ratio m2 ,n 2 Due to roughness, a residual stress distribution
s 22 ( x1 ) = s 0 sin(2p x1 / l )
acts on the bi-material interface. Suppose that the interface contains a long (semi-infinite) crack, with
crack tip located at x1 = a . Calculate the crack tip stress intensity factors as a function of the elastic
mismatch parameter e and other relevant parameters. Deduce expressions for the energy release rate
and the phase angle.
Chapter 10
Approximate theories for solids with special shapes:
rods, beams, membranes, plates and shells
10.1.1. Let {e1 , e2 , e3} be a Cartesian basis. Express the identity tensor as a dyadic product of the basis
10.1.2. {e1 , e2 , e3} and {m1, m 2 , m 3} be two Cartesian bases. Show that the tensor R = mi �ei can be
visualized as a rigid rotation (you can show that R is an orthogonal tensor, for example, or calculate the
change in length of a vector that is multiplied by R).
10.1.3. Let a and b be two distinct vectors (satisfying a b 0 ). Let S = a �b . Find an expression for all
the vectors u that satisfy S �
10.1.4. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the tensor S = a �b in terms of a, b, and their magnitudes
(Don’t forget to find three independent eigenvectors).
10.1.5. Let S = a �b . Find the condition on a and b necessary to ensure that S is orthogonal.
10.1.6. Let ai be three linearly independent vectors. Define ai to be three vectors that satisfy
�1 i= j
ai �
ai = �
�0 i �j
a j , g ij = ai �
and let gij = ai � a j and g ij = ai �
a j denote the 27 possible dot products of these vectors. Find expressions for ai in terms of vector and scalar products of ai
� Let S = Sij ai �a j be a general second order tensor. Find expressions for S ij , S�
i i
j, Sj
S = S ij ai �a j = S�
i j i j
j ai �a = S j a �ai ( i
)( j
) i
Calculate ai �a �a j �a . What does the tensor ai �a represent? ) ( i
) ( )
Express ai �a in terms of ai �a j and appropriate combinations of gij , g ij and g ij Show that the internal moment satisfies the equations of equilibrium. Find the two equilibrium equations relating the axial tension T3 to the external loading and
geometry of the cable, by substituting M1 = M 2 = M 3 = T1 = T2 = 0 into the general
equations of motion for a rod.
10.3.2. Consider a long, straight rod, with axis parallel to e3 , which is subjected to pure
twisting moments Q = Qe3 acting at its ends. The rod may be idealized as a linear
elastic solid with shear modulus m . The deformation of the rod can be characterized
by the twist y ( x3 ) and the transverse displacement of the cross-section u3 ( x ) .
Assume that the only nonzero internal moment component is M 3 , and the nonzero
internal stress components are s 3 . Simplify the general governing equations for a
deformable rod to obtain: A simplified expression for the curvature tensor κ for the deformed rod,
in terms of y ( x3 ) Equations of equilibrium and boundary conditions for M 3 and s 3 Expressions relating s 3 to y ( x3 ) and the warping function w. Show that the equilibrium
equation for s 3 reduces to the governing equation for the warping function given in
Section 10.2.10. Expressions relating M 3 to y ( x3 ) .
10.3.4. The goal of this problem is to derive the equation of motion for an inextensible stretched string
subjected to small displacements by a direct application of the principle of virtual work. Assume that at
some instant the string has transverse deflection u1 ( x3 ) and velocity v1 ( x3 ) as indicated in the figure. Write down an equation for the curvature of the string, accurate to first order in u1 ( x3 ) Write down an expression for the relative velocity of the end B of the string relative to A, in
terms of u1 ( x3 ) and v1 ( x3 ) . Write down the rate of virtual work done by the transverse forces p1 ( x3 ) in terms of a
virtual velocity d v1 ( x3 ) Write down the rate of virtual done by the applied tension T0 . Hence use the principle of virtual work to derive the equation of motion for the string.
10.4.1. A slender, linear elastic rod has shear modulus m and an elliptical cross-section,
as illustrated in the figure. It is subjected to equal and opposite axial couples with
magnitude Q on its ends. Using the general theory of slender rods, and assuming that
the rod remains straight: Write down the internal force and moment distribution in the rod Calculate the twist per unit length of the shaft y Find an expression for the displacement field in the shaft Find an expression for the stress distribution in the shaft Find an expression for the critical couple Q that will cause the shaft to
10.4.2. A slender, linear elastic rod has shear modulus m and an equilateral triangular
cross-section, as illustrated in the figure. It is subjected to equal and opposite axial
couples with magnitude Q on its ends. Using the general theory of slender rods, and
assuming that the rod remains straight: Write down the internal force and moment distribution in the rod Calculate the twist per unit length of the shaft y Find an expression for the displacement field in the shaft Find an expression for the stress distribution in the shaft Find an expression for the critical couple Q that will cause the shaft to
flexible cable, the area moments of inertia can be neglected, so that the internal moments M i �0 . In
addition, the axial tension
T3 = s 33dA
is the only nonzero internal force. Show that under these conditions the virtual work
equation reduces to
L0 L L
d d s&
( pid vi ) ds - �
r Aaid vi ds - �
�dx3 T3dx3 + � P (0)d vi � - �
�i �
Pi( L )d vi � = 0
x3 =0 � �
x3 = L
0 0 0
where d vi is the virtual velocity of the cable, and d s&is the corresponding rate of change of arc-length
along the cable. Show that if the virtual work equation is satisfied for all d vi and compatible d s&, the
internal force and curvature of the cable must satisfy
10.4.6. The figure shows a flexible cable with length L and weight m
per unit length hanging between two supports under uniform vertical b e1
gravitational loading. In a flexible cable, the area moments of e3
inertia can be neglected, so that the internal moments M i �0 -y1
m1 Write down the curvature vector of the cable in terms of s y3
the angle q ( s) shown in the figure q Hence, show that the equations of equilibrium for the m3
cable reduce to
dT3 dq
+ m sin q = 0 T3 + m cos q = 0
ds ds Hence, show that T3 cosq = H , where H is a constant. Interpret the equation physically. Deduce that w( y3 ) = tan q = -m( s - L / 2) / H � dw / dy3 = -m 1 + w2 / H Hence, deduce that w( y3 ) = dy1 / dy3 = - sinh( my3 / H ) and calculate y1 as a function of
y3 Finally, calculate the internal forces in the cable.
10.4.8. The figure shows a flexible string, which is e3
supported at both ends and subjected to a tensile L
force T0 . The string has mass per unit length m and
can be approximated as inextensible. Calculate the u1(x3)
natural frequencies of vibration and the T0 T0
corresponding mode shapes, assuming small x3
transverse deflections.
10.4.9. Estimate the fundamental frequency of vibration for the stretched string described in the preceding
problem, using the Rayleigh-Ritz method. Use the approximation u1 ( x3 ) = Ax3 ( L - x3 ) for the mode
shape. Compare the estimate with the exact solution derived in problem 10.4.8.
10.4.10.The figure shows an Euler-Bernoulli beam with Young’s modulus E, area moments of inertia I1 , I 2
and length L, which is clamped at x3 = L and pinned at x3 = 0 . It is subjected to a uniform load p per
unit length. Calculate the internal moment and shear force in the beam, and calculate the transverse
10.4.11. The figure shows an initially straight, inextensible elastic rod, with
Young’s modulus E, length L and principal in-plane moments of area
I1 = I 2 = I , which is subjected to end thrust. The ends of the rod are
constrained to travel along a line that is parallel to the undeformed rod, but
the ends are free to rotate. Use the small-deflection solution for beams
subjected to significant axial force given in Section 10.3.3 to calculate the
value of P required to hold the rod in equilibrium with a small nonzero
deflection, and find an expression for the deflected shape. Compare the predicted deflection with the
exact post-buckling solution given in Section 10.4.3.
10.4.15.The figure shows a rod, which is a circular arc with radius R in its stress free configuration, and is
subjected to load per unit length p = p1m1 + p3m 3 and forces P (0) , P ( L ) on its ends that cause a small
change in its shape. In this problem, we shall neglect out-of-plane deformation and twisting of the rod,
for simplicity. Let s = Rq denote the arc length measured along the undeformed rod, and let
u = u1 (q )m1 + u3 (q )m3 the displacement of the rod’s centerline. Note that approximate expressions for the resulting (small) change in arc length and
curvature of the rod can be calculated using the time derivatives given in Section 10.2.3.
Hence, show that
d d s 1 �du3 �
The derivative of the change in arc-length of the deformed rod is = � + u1 (q ) �
ds R �dq �
1 �d 2u1 du3 �
The change in curvature vector is d κ = 2 � - �
R � �dq
2 dq �
� The geometric terms in the equilibrium equations listed in Section 10.2.9 can be
approximated using the geometry of the undeformed rod. Show that internal forces
T = T1m1 + T3m3 and internal moment M = M 2m 2 must satisfy the following static
equilibrium equations
dT1 dT3 dM 2
- T3 + Rp1 = 0 + T1 + Rp3 = 0 + RT1 = 0
dq dq dq Assume that the rod is elastic, with Young’s modulus E and area moment of inertia
I1 = I 2 = I , and can be idealized as inextensible. Show that under these conditions the
axial displacement u3 must satisfy
EI �d 6u3 d 4u3 d 2u3 � dp1
� +2 + �+ + p3 = 0
R4 ��dq
dq 4 dq 2 �
� dq m3
and write down expressions for the boundary conditions at m1 p1
the ends of the rod. m 2
p 3 As a particular example, consider a rod which is a s
semicircular arc between q = � , subjected to R
equal and opposite forces acting on its ends, as
shown in the figure. Assume that the displacement q
and rotation of the rod vanish at q = 0 , for
simplicity. Calculate u1 (q ) and u3 (q ) for the rod.
133 Suppose that the shell is elastic, with Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio n . Calculate
the contravariant components of the internal force T b and internal moment M b Find the physical components of the internal force and moment, expressing your answer as
components in the spherical-polar basis of unit vectors {e R , eq , ef } Calculate the covariant, contravariant and mixed components of the curvature tensor κ for
the shell
i Find the components of the Christoffel symbol Gb for the undeformed shell Suppose that under loading the shell simply expands radially to a new radius r , without
axial stretch. Find the covariant components of the mid-plane Lagrange strain tensor γ
and the covariant components of the curvature change tensor Dκ Suppose that the shell is elastic, with Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio n . Calculate
the contravariant components of the internal force T b and internal moment M b . Find the physical components of the internal force and moment, expressing your answer as
components in the spherical-polar basis of unit vectors {e r , eq , e z }
10.5.3. The figure illustrates a triangular plate, whose geometry can be described
by two vectors a and b parallel to two sides of the triangle. The position b
vector of a point is to be characterized using a coordinate system (x1, x 2 ) by
setting r = x1a + x 2b where 0 �x1 �1 , 0 �x 2 �1 . Calculate the covariant basis vectors ( m1 , m 2 , m3 ) in terms of a a
and b
( 2 3
Calculate the contravariant basis vectors m , m , m in terms of a and b Calculate the covariant, contravariant and mixed components of the metric tensor g Suppose that the plate is subjected to a homogeneous deformation, so that after deformation
its sides lie parallel to vectors c and d . Find the mid-plane Lagrange strain tensor
( )
γ = g b m �m b = gb - gb m �m b , in terms of a, b, c and d
2 Suppose that the plate is elastic, with Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio n . Calculate
the contravariant components of the internal force T b
10.5.4. The figure illustrates a triangular plate. The position points in the plate e2
is to be characterized using the height z and angle q as the coordinate
system (x1, x 2 ) . Calculate the covariant basis vectors ( m1 , m 2 , m3 ) q
expressing your answer as components in the basis z e1
{e1 , e2 , e3} shown in the figure.
( 2
Calculate the contravariant basis vectors m , m , m
as components in {e1 , e2 , e3} Calculate the covariant, contravariant and mixed components of the metric tensor g
i Find the components of the Christoffel symbol Gb for the undeformed plate Suppose that the plate is subjected to a deformation such that the position vector of a point
that lies at ( z ,q ) in the undeformed shell has position vector r = z tan(q + )e1 + ze2 after
deformation Find the mid-plane Lagrange strain tensor γ = g b m �m b , in terms of
z ,q , Suppose that the plate is elastic, with Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio n . Calculate
the contravariant components of the internal force T b
135 Find the physical components of the internal force T as components in the {e1 , e2 , e3}
10.6. Simplified versions of general shell theory – flat plates and membranes
10.6.2. The figure shows a thin circular plate with thickness h, mass
density r , Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio n that is
simply supported at its edge and is subjected to a pressure
distribution acting perpendicular to its surface. The goal of this
problem is to derive the equations governing the transverse
deflection of the plate in terms of the cylindrical-polar
coordinate (r ,q ) system shown in the figure. Write down the position vector of a point on the
mid-plane of the undeformed plate in terms of (r ,q ) , expressing your answer as
components in the {e1 , e2 , e3} basis. ( 1 2 3
Calculate the basis vectors ( m1 , m 2 , m3 ) and m , m , m , expressing your answer as
components in the basis {e1 , e2 , e3} shown in the figure.
i Find the components of the Christoffel symbol Gb for the undeformed plate; Calculate the contravariant components of the metric tensor g Find the basis vectors ( m1 , m 2 , m 3 ) for the deformed plate, neglecting terms of order
( �u3 / �r ) 2 , ( �u3 / �q ) 2 , etc Show that the curvature tensor has components
�2u3 1� u3 �2u3 �u �2u3
k11 = - k12 = k 21 =
- k 22 = -r 3 -
� r2 r � q �� r q � r �q2 Express the internal moments M b in the plate in terms of E ,n and u3 and its derivatives. Write down the equations of motion for the plate in terms of M b and V Hence, show that the transverse displacement must satisfy the following governing
+ CI n ( k( m,n ) r )sin(nq + q 2 ) + BK n (k(m,n) r )sin( nq + q3 ) cos(w( m,n) t + f )
where A,B,C,D, f q0 ...q3 are arbitrary constants, J n , Yn are Bessel functions of the first
and second kinds, and I n , K n are modified Bessel functions of the first and second kinds,
with order n, while k( m,n) and w( m,n) are a wave number and vibration frequency that are
related by
k(2m,n) = w(m,n ) 12(1 -n ) r / Eh 2
137 Show that most general solution with bounded displacements at r=0 has the form
u3 (r ,q ) = � ( sin(nq )
A1J n (k( m,n ) r ) + B1I n (k( m,n) r ) �
� �
A2 J n (k( m,n) r ) + B2 I n (k( m,n) r ) �
� � )
cos(nq ) cos(w( m,n)t + f ) Write down the boundary conditions for u3 at r=R, and hence show that the wave numbers
k( m,n) are roots of the equation
J n (k( m,n) R ) I n +1 (k( m,n ) R) + I n (k( m,n) R ) J n +1 (k( m,n) R ) = 0 Show that the corresponding mode shapes are given by
U ( m,n ) ( r ,q ) = A � sin(nq + q1 )
I n ( k ( m , n ) R ) J n ( k( m , n ) r ) - J n ( k( m , n ) R ) I n ( k ( m , n ) r ) �
� � Calculate k( m,n) for 0<n<3, 1<m<3 and tabulate your results. Compare the solution to the
corresponding membrane problem solved in Section 10.7.2. Plot contours showing the mode shapes for the modes with the lowest four frequencies.
10.7.4. Repeat the preceding problem for a plate with a simply supported edge. You should find that the
wave numbers k( m,n) are the roots of the equation
(1 - n ) �
k( m,n) RJ n ( k( m,n ) R) I n +1 ( k(m,n) R ) + I n (k( m,n ) R ) J n +1 (k( m,n) R) �
� �
( )
- 2 k( m , n ) R I n ( k ( m, n ) R ) J n ( k ( m , n ) R ) = 0
Calculate the natural frequencies for n = 0.3 .
10.7.5. Use Rayleigh’s method, with a suitable guess for the mode shape, to estimate the fundamental
frequency of vibration of the circular plate described in Problem 10.7.3. Compare the approximate
solution with the exact solution.
10.7.6. Use Rayleigh’s method, with a suitable guess for the mode shape, to estimate the fundamental
frequency of vibration of the circular plate described in Problem 10.7.4. Compare the approximate
solution with the exact solution.
in the figure. The goal of this problem is to estimate the critical value of mismatch strain that will cause
the wafer to buckle. Assume that the displacement of the mid-plane of the wafer-film system is
u3 = k1x12 / 2 + k 2 x22 / 2 u1 = A1x1 + A2 x13 + A3 x1x22 u2 = B1x1 + B2 x23 + B3 x2 x12
Calculate the distribution of strain in the film and substrate, and hence deduce the total
strain energy density of the system. It is best to do this calculation using a symbolic
manipulation program. Calculate the values of Ai , Bi that minimize the potential energy of the plate, and hence
show that the two curvatures satisfy
k1k 22 (1 - n 2 ) R 4 + 16h 2k1 + 16 h 2nk 2 - Ce 0 = 0
k 2k12 (1 - n 2 ) R 4 + 16h2k 2 + 16h 2nk1 - Ce 0 = 0
and find a formula for the constant C. Hence, plot a graph showing the equilibrium values of the normalized curvature
k1R 2 1 + n /(4h) as a function of a suitably normalized measure of mismatch strain, for a
Poisson’s ratio n = 0.3 .
10.7.9. Repeat the preceding problem for a plate with a simply supported edge. You should find that the
wave numbers kn are the roots of the equation
(1 - n ) J1 (kn R) - kn RJ 0 (kn R ) = 0
Calculate the critical buckling temperature and plot the corresponding buckling mode for n = 0.3 .
Eh3 Eh3
M rr = ( Dk rr + nDkqq ) M qq = ( Dkqq + nDk rr )
12(1 - n 2 ) 12(1 -n 2 ) Equations of motion
dTrr 1 d 2u dM rr 1
+ (Trr - Tqq ) = r h + ( M rr - M qq ) - Vr = 0
dr r dt 2 dr r
dVr Vr d 2w
+ - Trr Dk rr - Tqq Dkqq + p3 = r h
dr r dt 2 Check your spreadsheet by calculating the potential energy of a heated flat plate with
w = u = 0 , and compare the prediction with the exact solution. The deflection of the plate under loading can be calculated by using the solver feature of
EXCEL to determine the values of ui and wi that minimize the potential energy. To test
your spreadsheet, use it to calculate the deflection of a circular plate with thickness
h/R=0.02, with a clamped boundary, which is subjected to a pressure
pR3 (1 - n 2 ) / Eh3 = 0.0025 . You will need to enforce the clamped boundary condition
using a constraint. You can set w ' N = 0 but you will find that this makes the plate slightly
too stiff. A better result is obtained by extrapolating the slope of the plate to r=R based on
the slope of the last two segments, and enforcing the constraint ( 3w ' N - w ' N -1 ) / 2 = 0 .
Show that, for this pressure, the numerical solution agrees with the predictions of the exact
small-deflection solution. Show that if the deflection of the center of the plate is comparable to the plate thickness, the
small deflection solution predicts deflections that are substantially greater than the
numerical solution of the Von-Karman equations. This is because the in-plane strains
begin to significantly stiffen the plate. Plot a graph showing the deflection of the center of
the plate (normalized by plate thickness) as a function of normalized pressure
pR3 (1 - n 2 ) / Eh3 .
10.7.13. The interface between a thin film and its substrate contains a
circular crack with radius R. The film has Young’s modulus E,
Poisson’s ratio n and thermal expansion coefficient . The
substrate can be idealized as rigid. The film is initially stress free,
then heated to raise its temperature by DT , inducing a uniform
biaxial stress field s b = - EDT db /(1 - n ) in the film. At a
critical temperature, the film buckles as shown in the figure. For R>>h the buckled film can be
modeled as a plate with clamped edge, so that the critical buckling temperature is given by the solution
to problem 10.7.8. When the film buckles, some of the strain energy in the film is relaxed. This
relaxation in energy can cause the film to delaminate from the substrate. Show that the change in strain energy of the system during the formation of the buckle can
be expressed in dimensionless form by defining dimensionless measures of displacement,
position and strain as
uˆ = u / R DT wˆ = w / R rˆ = r DT / R
duˆ 1 �dwˆ � uˆ d 2 wˆ 1 dwˆ
gˆrr = + � � gˆqq = Dkˆrr = - Dkˆqq = -
drˆ 2 �drˆ � rˆ drˆ2 rˆ drˆ
so that
1� 1
b2 � 2 �
(1 + n ) DU
= -� �
2 2
gˆ + gˆqq + 2ngˆrr gˆqq + 2 �
Dkˆ rr + Dkˆqq + 2nDkˆ rr Dkˆqq �
12 �
x dx + 2�
�� ( )
gˆrr + gˆqq x dx
0� � 0
where b = h / R DT and U 0 = p R 2 hE ( DT ) 2 /(1 - n ) is the total strain energy of the
circular portion of the film before buckling. The implication of is that the change in strain energy (and hence the normalized
displacement field which minimizes the potential energy) is a function of material and
geometric parameters only through Poisson’s ratio n and the dimensionless parameter b .
Use the spreadsheet developed in problem 10.7.12 to plot a graph showing (1 + n )DU / U 0
as a function of b for a film with n = 0.3 . Verify that the critical value of b
corresponding to DU = 0 is consistent with the solution to problem 10.7.8. Find an expression for the crack tip energy release rate G = - ( � DU / �R ) / ( 2p R ) and the
dimensionless function (1 + n )DU / U 0 = f ( b ,n ) . Hence, use the results of to
plot a graph showing the crack tip energy release rate (suitably normalized) as a function of
b , for a film with n = 0.3 .
Appendix A
Vectors and Matrices
A.1 Calculate the magnitudes of each of the vectors shown below
A.1.1 r = 3i + 6 j + 2k
A.1.2 r = 16i + 6 j
A.1.3 r = -9.6 j + 2.4i - 4.6k
A.2 A vector has magnitude 3, and i and j components of 1 and 2, respectively. Calculate its k component.
A.3 Let {i,j,k} be a Cartesian basis. A vector a has magnitude 4 and subtends angles of 30 degrees and 100
degrees to the i and k directions, respectively. Calculate the components of a in the basis {i,j,k}
A.5 Calculate the angle between each pair of vectors listed in Problem A.4. – i.e. find the angle q ( a , b)
between a and b in each case
a 1500
A.6 The vectors a and b shown in the figure have magnitudes a = 3 , b = 5 . Calculate a b .
A.8 The vectors a and b shown in the figure below have magnitudes a = 3 , b
b = 5 . Calculate a b . What is the direction of a b ? a 1500
A.9 Let a=5i-6k; b=4i+2k Let r=5k. Express r as components parallel to a and b, i.e. find two scalars
and b such that r = a + b b
A.12 Let a and b be two unit vectors. Let and b be two scalars, and let c be a vector such
c = a + bb
A.12.1 Prove that
(b � b) - ( a �
c)(a � c) (a � b) - (b �
c)(a � c)
= b=
1- ( a �
b) 1- ( a �
2 2
A.12.2 Let {i,j,k} be a Cartesian basis. Consider the three vectors a = (3 / 5)i + (4 / 5) j ,
b = k , c = i + k . For this set of vectors, calculate values for
(b � b ) - (a �
c)(a � c) (a � b) - (b �
c)(a � c)
= b=
1- ( a �
b) 1- ( a �
2 2
A.12.3 By substituting values, show that if a, b, c, and b have the values given in
(3.2), then c � a + b b
A.12.4 In 30 words or less, explain why the vectors used in (3.2) and (3.3) cannot satisfy
c = a + b b for any values of and b . (You may use as many mathematical
equations and symbols as you like!).
A.14 Suppose that the three vectors {a, b, c} are used to define a (non-Cartesian) basis. This
means that a general vector r is expressed as r = a + b b + g c , where ( , b , g ) denote the
components of r in the basis {a, b, c} . Let r1 = 1a + b1b + g 1c and r2 = 2a + b 2b + g 2c denote
two vectors, and let r3 = r1 �r2 . Calculate formulas for the components of r3 in {a, b, c} , i.e.
find formulas in terms of (1, b1 , g 1 ) and ( 2 , b 2 , g 2 ) for ( 3 , b 3 , g 3 ) such that
r3 = 3a + b3b + g 3c .
A.20 The figure shows a three noded, triangular finite element. (3,3,2)
In the basis { e1 , e2 , e3 } , the nodes have coordinates (2,1,3);
(4,2,3), (3,3,2). All dimensions are in cm.
A.20.1 Find the area of the element. Use vector algebra to do e2
this – you do not need to calculate the lengths of the (2,1,3)
sides of the triangle or any angles between the sides. e1 m2 m3
A.20.2 Find the angles subtended by the sides of the e3
A.20.3 Find two unit vectors normal to the plane of the
element, expressing your answer as components in the basis { e1, e2 , e3 }
A.20.4 Let { m1, m 2 , m 3 } be a basis with m1 parallel to the base of the element, m 2 normal to the
element, and m3 chosen so as to ensure that { m1, m 2 , m3 } are right handed basis vectors.
Find the components of m1 , m 2 and m3 in the basis { e1, e 2 , e3 } . (To do this, first write
down m1 , choose one of the solutions to the preceding problem for m 2 , and then form m3
by taking the cross product of m 2 and m3 )
A.20.5 Set up the transformation matrix [ Q ] that relates vector components in { m1, m 2 , m 3 } to
those in { e1 , e 2 , e3 }
A.20.6 The displacement vector at the center of the element has coordinates (4,3,2) mm in the
basis { e1, e 2 , e3 } . Find its components in the basis { m1, m 2 , m3 }
Appendix B
Brief Introduction to Tensors
B.1 Let { e1 , e2 , e3 } be a Cartesian basis. Vector u has components (1, 2,0) in this basis, while tensors S and
T have components
�1 6 0� �1 -1 3 �
� � �
T �� 6 2 0 � S �� 2 4 2� �
�0 � � �
� 0 5 � �1 2 6 �
� �
B.1.1 Calculate the components of the following vectors and tensors
v = Tu v = u � T V =S +T V =S� T V = ST
B.1.2 Find the eigenvalues and the components of the eigenvectors of T.
B.1.3 Denote the three (unit) eigenvectors of T by m1 , m 2 , m3 (It doesn’t matter which
eigenvector is which, but be sure to state your choice clearly).
B.1.4 Let { m1, m 2 , m 3 } be a new Cartesian basis. Write down the components of T in
{ m1, m 2 , m3} . (Don’t make this hard: in the new basis, T must be diagonal, and the
diagonal elements must be the eigenvalues. Do you see why this is the case? You just need
to get them in the right order!)
B.1.5 Calculate the components of S in the basis { m1, m 2 , m 3 } .
�1 2 -2 � 1 -1 3 �
T ��� -1 4 3 �
2 4 2�
S �� �
�1 2 6 � � �
1 2 1�
� �
B.2.1 Calculate S : T and S ��T
B.2.2 Calculate trace(S) and trace(T)
B.4 Let { e1, e 2 , e3 } be a Cartesian basis, and let m1 = (5e1 + 6e2 - 3e3 ) , m 2 = (3e 2 + 6e3 ) ,
m3 = (9e1 - 8e2 + 3e3 ) be three vectors.
B.4.1 Calculate the components in { e1 , e2 , e3 } of the tensor T that satisfies mi = T �
ei .
B.4.2 Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of T.
B.4.3 Calculate the components of T in a basis of unit vectors parallel to m1 , m 2 , m3 .
(e )
} { }
(m )
the trace of S is invariant to a change of basis, i.e. show that trace [ S ] = trace [ S ] .
B.6 Show that the inner product of two tensors is invariant to a change of basis.
B.7 Show that the outer product of two tensors is invariant to a change of basis.
B.8 Show that the eigenvalues of a tensor are invariant to a change of basis. Are the eigenvectors similarly
B.9 Let S be a real symmetric tensor with three distinct eigenvalues li and corresponding eigenvectors
m ( j ) = 0 for i �j .
m (i ) . Show that m (i ) �
B.10 Let S be a real symmetric tensor with three distinct eigenvalues li and corresponding normalized
eigenvectors m (i ) satisfying m (i ) �
m (i ) = 1 . Use the results of B.9 to show that
S� �li (m(i) �b) m(i)
i =1
for any arbitrary vector b, and hence deduce that
S= �li m(i) �m(i)
i =1
B.11 Use the results of B.10. to find a way to calculate the square root of a real, symmetric tensor.
�0 a12 a13 �
T ��
- a12
� 0 a23 �
- a13
� - a23 0 ��
Find expressions for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of T in terms of its components aij
Appendix C
Index Notation
C.1 Which of the following equations are valid expressions using index notation? If you decide an
expression is invalid, state which rule is violated.
� s ij �2ui
(a) s ij = Cklij e kl (b) �kkk = 0 (c) + bi = r (d) �ijk �ijk = 6
�xj �t2
C.2 Match the meaning of each index notation expression shown below with an option from the list
(a) l = Tij Sij (b) Eij = Tik Skj (c) Eij = S kiTkj (d) ai =�kij b j ck (e) l = aibi
(f) d ij (g) Tij m j = l mi (h) ai = Sij b j (i) Aki Akj = d ij (j) Aij = A ji
(1) Product of two tensors
(2) Product of the transpose of a tensor with another tensor
(3) Cross product of two vectors
(4) Product of a vector and a tensor
(5) Components of the identity tensor
(6) Equation for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a tensor
(7) Contraction of a tensor
(8) Dot product of two vectors
(9) The definition of an orthogonal tensor
(10) Definition of a symmetric tensor
C.5 Let A and B be tensors with components Aij and Bij . Use index notation to show that
( A �B ) T = BT �
C.6 Let A , B and C be tensors with components Aij , Bij and Cij . Use index notation to show that
B ) : C = ( AT �
( A� C) : B = ( C �
BT ) : A
C.7 Let
Cijkl =
2 ( 1 +n )
(d ild jk + d ikd jl +) d d
( 1 +n ) ( 1 - 2n ) ij kl
1 +n n
Sijkl =
( E
d ild jk + d ik d jl - d ijd kl
be two tensors. Calculate ijkl = S C
ijpq pqkl
�R �2 R
C.8 Let R = xk xk . Calculate and
xi �
xi �
C.9 The stress-strain relations for an isotropic, linear elastic material are
1 +n n
e ij = s ij - s kk d ij + DT d ij
Calculate the inverse relation giving stresses in terms of strains.
( n +1) / 2 n
1 2ns 0e 0 �I 2 �
U = KI12 + �2 �
6 n +1 � �
�e 0 �
I1 = e kk I2 =
e ij e ij - e kk e pp / 3 )
Show that the stresses follow as
(1- n ) / 2 n
�U K �I � �e ij - e kk d ij / 3 �
s ij = = e kk d ij + s 0 � 2 � � �
e ij 3
� �e 2 � � e0 �
�0 �
C.12Let Fij denote the components of a second order tensor and let J = det(F) denote the determinant of
F. Show that
� J
= JF ji-1
C.13 The strain energy density of a hyperelastic material with a Neo-Hookean constitutive relation is given
m K
U = 1 ( I1 - 3) + 1 ( J - 1) 2
2 2
I1 = ki ki J = det(F)
J 2/3
Show that
1 �W m � 1 �
s ij = Fik = 1 �Fik F jk - Fkl Fkl d ij �+ K1 ( J - 1) d ij
J � Fkj J �5/3 3 �
You may use the solution to problem C.9
ds ij 4 e e 2 d d +d d d d E
= ( Et - Es ) ij 2kl + Es ( ik jl il jk - ij kl ) + d kl dij
d e kl 9 ee 3 2 3 9(1 - 2n )
where Es = s e / e e is the secant modulus, and Et = ds e / d e e
Appendix D
Vectors and Tensors in Polar Coordinates
D.1 A geo-stationary satellite orbits the earth at radius 41000 km in the equatorial
plane, and is positioned at 0 o longitude. A satellite dish located in Providence,
Rhode Island (Longitude 410 40.3' N , Latitude 71034.6' W ) is to be pointed at
the satellite. In this problem, you will calculate the angles and b to
position the satellite. Let {i,j,k} be a Cartesian basis with origin at the center of
the earth, k pointing to the North Pole and i pointing towards the intersection
of the equator (0o latitude) and the Greenwich meridian (0 o longitude). Define a
spherical-polar coordinate system ( R, f ,q ) with basis vectors {e R , ef , eq } in
the usual way. Take the earth’s radius as 6000 km.
D.1.1 Write down the values of ( R, f ,q ) for Providence, Rhode Island
D.1.2 Write down the position vector of the satellite in the Cartesian {i,j,k}coordinate system
D.1.3 Hence, find the position vector of the satellite relative to the center of the earth in the
{e R , ef , eq } basis located at Providence, Rhode Island.
D.1.4 Find the position vector SP of the satellite relative to Providence, Rhode Island, in terms of
basis vectors {e R , ef , eq } located at Providence, Rhode Island.
D.1.5 Find the components of a unit vector parallel to SP, in terms of basis vectors {e R , ef , eq }
located at Providence, Rhode Island.
D.2 Calculate the gradient and divergence of the following vector fields
D.2.1 v = R 2e R
D.2.2 v = R sin QeF
D.2.3 v = eR / R2
D.3 Show that the components of the gradient of a vector field in spherical-polar coordinates is
� �vR 1 � vR vq 1 � vR vf �
� - - �
�� R R � q R R sin q � f R �
�� v 1� vq vR 1 � vq vf �
v �Ѻ+-� q cot q �
�� R R � q R R sin q � f R �
�� �
v 1� vf 1 � vf v v
+ cot q q + R �
�� R R � q R sin q � f R R�
D.5 In this problem you will derive the expression given in Appendix D k ez
for the gradient operator associated with polar coordinates.
D.5.1 Consider a scalar field f (r ,q , z ) . Write down an P eq
z r
expression for the change df in f due to an infinitesimal er
change in the three coordinates (r ,q , z ) , to first order in O
(dr , dq , dz ) .
D.5.2 Write down an expression for the change in position q j
vector dr due to an infinitesimal change in the three i
D.6 Show that the components of the divergence of a tensor field S in spherical-polar coordinates are
��S RR S 1� Sq R S 1 � Sf R 1 �
� + 2 RR +
+ cot q q R +
R sin q � f
- (
Sqq + Sff � )
� � R R R � R R �
��S Rq S Rq 1 � Sqq Sqq 1 � Sfq Sq R Sff �
S � � 2 cot q cot q �
�� R R R � q R R sin q � f R R �
S S �S S �Sff 1 �
� Rf + 2 Rf + sin q qf + cosq qf + 1 + (
Sf R + Sfq � )
� R R R � q R R sin q � f R �
D.7 Show that the components of the gradient of a vector field in cylindrical-polar coordinates are
�� vr 1 � vr vq � vr �
�� -
r r � q r �z �
� �
�� vq 1 � vq vr � vq �
v �Ѻ+ �
� r r � q r �z �
� �
�� vz 1� vz �vz �
�� r r � q �z �
D.8.2 Write down the velocity field in the sphere in terms of & and (r ,q , f ) , expressing your
answer as components in {e r , eq , ef }
D.8.3 Find the spatial velocity gradient L = v ��y as a function of (r ,q , f ) , expressing your
answer as components in {e r , eq , ef } .
D.8.4 Show that the deformation gradient can be expressed as F = er �e R + eq �eQ + ef �eF
and find a similar expression for F -1 . (its enough just to show that material fibers parallel
to the basis vectors in the undeformed solid are parallel to the basis vectors in the deformed
D.8.5 & -1
Use the result of (d) and (e) to verify that L = FF
Appendix E
Miscellaneous Derivations
E.1 Let Aij be a time varying tensor. Show that
dA-pq1 dAij
= - A-pi1 A-jq1
dt dt
Fij = J = det(F)
Show that
dA d � -1 dFkl dFkj �
= �ni ni dA = ��Fkl d ij - Fik-1 ni n j dA
dt dt � dt dt �
V �