Survey Questionnaire

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Survey Questionnaire

Customer Experiences of Super Store

Part-I. : We would like to ask few general questions

1. What is your gender?


2. How long have you been a customer?

Less than a year

More than 1 year and less than 2 year
More than 2 years less than 3 years
More 3 years

3. How often do you visit this store?

Once in a week
Once in a month
Once in a year

4. What is your age group?

Upto 18 year
19 to 30 year
31 to 45 years
46 to 60 years
Above 60 years

Part-II: In this part, we would like to get your experiences of super store

Sr. Statement Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly

No. disagree agree
1. 1. How easy did you find
searching for what you
2. Were you able to find what
you were looking for?
3. Do you feel the items are
fairly priced at store?
Sr. Statement Strongly Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly
No. disagree agree
4. How friendly was the staff?

5. Was your request

addressed properly?
6. Was the shop's
appearance pleasant?
7. How satisfied are you with
the product information
8. How do you rate the
environment and ambiance
of the store?
9. Was it easy for you to find
10. Did the store have a
reasonable return/
exchange policy?
11. Were the restrooms
generally clean?
12. Were the store hours are
convenient for you.
13. How satisfied were you
with the service overall?

Part-III: In this part, we would like to get your comments on how to improve the
customer service experience in the super store

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