Group Assignment 1: Marketing Research

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NAMES: Reg Number

Blessing Tafadzwa Mutisi h190624n
Alicia Mutsauri h190820z
Munashe Marutsi h190202a
Ruvarashe Kupara h190528y
Joanna Kagowa h190808f
Getrude Matevera h190572v
Precious Simu h190257p
Tapiwa Johannes Mudhara h190292b

COURSE NAME Marketing research




b) QUESTINNAIRE: Customers’ Satisfaction at Machikichori Food Lovers.
How are you? Thank you for deciding to take part in this survey. This survey is meant for
improving the quality levels of our services through your views and opinions, so we would
really appreciate it if you answer all the questions below. For the record let me assure you that
your information will be handled with utmost respect and care. Confidentiality and anonymity
is guaranteed. So, feel free to express your views. Thank you
We always want to improve, could you help us out for a few minutes and let us know about
your shopping experience?
Thanks for helping us. This survey has four short sections.
Section 1 is an introduction about yourself
Section 2 asks you about your recently purchased product.
Section 3 focuses on our Customer Service representatives.
Section 4 is about us as a company.

Section 1 | Introductory Questions

a) Age

o Below 18 years
o 18 – 25 years
o 25 – 40 years
o Above 40 years
b) Gender

o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to say

c) Home Province

d) Religion

o Christianity
o Islam
o Hinduism
o Others (specify in the box below)
Section 2 | Your product
a) Which of one of our meals have you purchased most recently?

M uc hic T o we r B urg e r

C hic k e n Po pe y e s

W a ffle Frie s E a t n' L ic

M uc hic Fro s ty

b) What was the main factor for you when deciding on your purchase?

Pric e

Fa m ily T ie s

B ra nd L o y a lty

O the rs (fill the bo x be lo w)

c) How often do you buy meals at Machikichori Food Lovers?

E v e ry da y

A fe w tim e s a
we e k
A fe w tim e s a m o nth

L e s s o fte n

D o n't us e it

d) How would you rate the overall quality of our meals?

    
1 2 3 4 5
e) How much do you often spend per day at Machikichori Food Lovers?

$5 - $10

$10 - $20
$20 - $30

$30 - $100

You can fill in the box below if you have the specific amount

f) Overall, how satisfied are you with your meals?

1 2 3 4 5

Extremely unsatisfied Extremely satisfied

g) And how likely are you to purchase any of our products again?

1 2 3 4 5

Not at all Likely Extremely Likely

Section 3 | Customer Service

a) How do you place your orders?

In Store On the phone Over email

b) How quick were our representatives in getting back to you?

1 2 3 4 5

Extremely Slow Extremely Fast

c) How eager to help you were they?

1 2 3 4 5

Not at all eager Extremely eager

d) And how able were they to answer your questions?

1 2 3 4 5

Not at all Extremely able

e) Overall, how satisfied were you with your Customer Service experience?

1 2 3 4 5

Extremely unsatisfied Extremely satisfied

Section 4 | Company and Competition

a) How well do you feel we understand the needs of the public?

    
1 2 3 4 5

b) Now, which of the following personality traits would you say best describes our
Others (Fill in the box below)

c) Which company would you say is our biggest competitor in the fast food chain market?
Fill in the details below

d) How would you compare the quality of our products to that of our competitors?

1 2 3 4 5

Significantly worse Significantly better

State your reasons below

e) And how would you compare our prices to those of our competitors?

1 2 3 4 5

Extremely Low Extremely Expensive

Thanks for your time, just a couple more questions before you go!

1. Overall, how likely are you to recommend our products to a friend or colleague?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Not at all hmm likely extremely likely

2. And finally, could you kindly tell us why you chose us?
We'd very much appreciate your feedback.

Thank You for Taking Part in This Survey

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