Grade 7 DLL Sept. 12-17-2022 CSS Binary System

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School Western Bicutan National High School Grade Level 7

Teacher Jeffrey E. Epino Learning Area TLE 7- CSS

Grade 7 - Daily Lesson Log
Teaching Dates and September 12-16, 2022 Quarter FIRST

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts in computer component and its functions.
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to carry out mensuration and Calculation

 Determine two  Enumerate

types of computer
computer components
memory  Discuss NOTE: Online Class:
C. Learning computer Note: Online Class
Competencies /  Distinguish
Volatile from components and Explain Binary System
Objectives Write the LC
code for each Non – volatile its function
Memory  Identify Types Convert decimal to
Convert binary to
of storage device binary

Lesson 3-Perform Lesson 3-Perform Lesson 3-Perform Lesson 3-Perform Binary System
Mensuration and Mensuration and Mensuration and Mensuration and
II. CONTENT calculation – Computer calculation – Computer calculation – Binary calculation – Binary
Component Component System System

Learning Module CSS – Learning Module CSS – Learning Module CSS Learning Module CSS
III. LEARNING Learning Module –
Computer systems Computer systems – Computer systems – Computer systems
RESOURCES computer system servicing
servicing servicing servicing servicing
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide
2. Learner's Materials
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning

B. Other Learning Printed Material Printed Material Chalk and chalk

Television unit/Laptop Printed Materials
Resources Pictures Pictures board/white board
word wall game – Input  What are the
and Output Devices- two types of
Identify the picture computer  What is binary
 What are the two
based on the given memory? system? Do you know how a
A. Reviewing previous kinds of storage
function  How do Volatile  What is the computer does the
lesson or presenting the devices?
memory differ purpose of logic in understanding
new lesson  How do storage
from Non- binary the tasks given to it?
devices work?
Volatile system?

The learners will

The learners will learn
The learners will able to determine the . The learners will
to understand how to
identify and give the importance of computer The learners will learn to establish awareness
B. Establishing a purpose convert decimal to
difference between the components and how understand why on how binary work in
for the lesson binary and binary to
two types of memory – these component plays computers use binary computer system.
volatile and non- volatile an important role in system.
computer system.
. Let the students identify  What do you know  Why do How doe s binary
Let the learners the different Computer about binary computers use work?
describe and distinguish components by system? binary?
the given picture arranging the jumbled  What role does
whether volatile or Non- letters to form the binary play in
volatile memory correct word computer system?
C. Presenting examples /
instance of the new lesson

 What is
 What are the  What are  What is binary
two types of computer system?
computer components?  Who invented
D. Discussing new What are the steps in What are the steps in
memory?  How are binary system?
concepts and practicing converting binary to converting decimal to
 How do Volatile components  Why do computer
new skills #1 decimal? binary?
memory differ work in used codes or
from Non- computer symbol in binary
Volatile system? system?

 What are the two The students will be

numbers represent given ample time to
The learners will
The learners will explain binary system? work on their activity
E. Discussing new follow the proper
the function of each How are components
concepts and practicing steps in converting
type of computer differ from one another What does zero(0)
new skill #2 decimal to binary and
memory. in terms of functions? and one (1)
binary to decimal.
represents in
Other exercises was
Why do we have to be Follow the proper given to students for
F. Developing mastery Why are computer What is the significance of
familiar with the procedure in them to practice more
(Leads to Formative memory important ? using binary in computer
different computer converting binary on converting decimal
Assessment system ?
component? numbers to decimal. to binary and binary to

How are knowledge in

G. Finding practical
Why is computer different computer Why is it important to Before learning programming why should learn
applications of concepts
important nowadays? components useful to know binary system? about binary numbers?
and skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations Ask the learners on

Summarize today’s
and abstractions about what they have learned Summarize today’s lesson
the lesson in today’s lesson
Learners’ outputs will
I. Evaluating Learning Graded recitation Quiz Quiz Activity sheet be assessed using
J. Additional activities for
application or
K.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
L.No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
M.Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson.
N.No. of learners who
continue to require
O.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
P.What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
A. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use / discover which I
wish to share with other

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