Grade 7 DLL Sept. 12-17-2022 CSS Binary System
Grade 7 DLL Sept. 12-17-2022 CSS Binary System
Grade 7 DLL Sept. 12-17-2022 CSS Binary System
Lesson 3-Perform Lesson 3-Perform Lesson 3-Perform Lesson 3-Perform Binary System
Mensuration and Mensuration and Mensuration and Mensuration and
II. CONTENT calculation – Computer calculation – Computer calculation – Binary calculation – Binary
Component Component System System
Learning Module CSS – Learning Module CSS – Learning Module CSS Learning Module CSS
III. LEARNING Learning Module –
Computer systems Computer systems – Computer systems – Computer systems
RESOURCES computer system servicing
servicing servicing servicing servicing
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide
2. Learner's Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
What is
What are the What are What is binary
two types of computer system?
computer components? Who invented
D. Discussing new What are the steps in What are the steps in
memory? How are binary system?
concepts and practicing converting binary to converting decimal to
How do Volatile components Why do computer
new skills #1 decimal? binary?
memory differ work in used codes or
from Non- computer symbol in binary
Volatile system? system?