Air Dryer AD-2 Service Manual
Air Dryer AD-2 Service Manual
Air Dryer AD-2 Service Manual
The air dryer collects and removes moisture and The air dryer can be used on most highway vehicles where
contaminants before the air reaches the first reservoir. It is normal compressor loaded time is 90 seconds or less and
distinctly different than a reservoir drain valve or aftercooler unloaded time is 30 seconds or more. If the compressor
in that it provides “dry air” for the air brake system. The remains loaded for long periods of time, such as on a transit
daily draining of the system’s reservoirs is no longer bus, certain changes in the purge volume of the dryer must
necessary, thus reducing maintenance considerably when be made. For more information regarding increase of the
compared to an air brake system without an air dryer. purge volume, contact our Engineering Department, in Elyria,
In a system without an air dryer, the life of air brake
components is substantially reduced because of contact The air dryer is installed in the discharge line between the
with water and oil in the system and since the air dryer compressor and the first reservoir. The unit must be mounted
removes water and oil in vapor form, life of the component vertically and mounting brackets are provided and can be
devices is substantially increased when the air dryer is used. adjusted to meet installation requirements.
The housing assembly consists of two cylindrical steel The desiccant cartridge and aluminum oil separator filter
stampings welded together. For piping convenience, two inlet are removable and comprise a complete serviceable unit.
ports, one reservoir port and one purge volume port are
The desiccant beads, which are referred to as the “drying
provided in the AD-2™ air dryer. The side outlet port of the
bed”, are a drying substance that has the unique property
AD-2™ air dryer incorporates an integral single check valve
of exposing a tremendous surface area in proportion to its
with the top port used for the addition of purge volume.
bulk. One pound of the desiccant beads has about two
(Refer to Figure 1)
million square feet of adsorptive area made up of a large
A safety valve mounted in the housing assembly protects number of submicroscopic cavities in each bead. Each
against excessive pressure build-up within the housing. desiccant bead adsorbs or collects moisture.
A. An outside air source has been used to charge the 4. Check for excessive leakage at the purge valve by
system. This air did not pass through the drying coating the exhaust with a soap solution while the
bed. compressor is loaded. (compressing air)
B. Air usage is exceptionally high and not normal for a 5. Check the operation of the safety valve by pulling the
highway vehicle. This may be due to accessory air exposed stem while the compressor is loaded.
demands or some unusual air requirement that does (compressing air) There must be an exhaust of air while
not allow the compressor to load and unload the stem is held and the valve should reseat when the
(compressing and non-compressing cycle) in a stem is released.
normal fashion. Check for high air system leakage. 6. Check all lines and fittings leading to and from the air
C. The air dryer has been installed in a system that dryer for leakage and integrity.
has been previously used without an air dryer. This 7. Check the operation of the end cover heater and
type system will be saturated with moisture and thermostat assembly during cold weather operation as
several weeks of operation may be required to dry it follows:
A. Electric Power to the Dryer
D. Location of the air dryer is too close to the air
With the ignition or engine control “on”, check for
compressor. Refer to “Installation” section.
power at the dryer’s electrical terminal (see Figure
E. In areas where more than a 30° range of temperature 16) with a voltmeter or test light. If there is no voltage,
occurs in one day, small amounts of water can look for a blown fuse, broken wires, or corrosion in
accumulate in the air brake system due to the vehicle wiring harness.
condensation. Under these conditions, the presence
B. Thermostat and Heater
of small amounts of moisture is normal and should
not be considered as an indication that the dryer is 1. Turn off the ignition switch and cool the end cover
not performing properly. assembly to below 40°F. With an ohmmeter check
the resistance between the electrical terminal and
Note also that a small amount of oil in the system
the aluminum of the end cover (see Figure 16).
may be normal and should not, in itself, be considered
This resistance should be 2.0 - 4.0 ohms for a
a reason to replace the desiccant; oil stained
12 volt end cover, 8.1 -13 ohms for a 24 volt, 60
desiccant can often function adequately.
watt cover, and 4.0 - 7.0 ohms for a 24 volt, 120
2. Check mounting bolts for tightness. watt end cover.
3. Check the operation of the integral single check valve 2. Warm the end cover assembly to over 90°F. and
in the AD-2™ air dryer or the “in line” check valve used check the resistance as above. This resistance
with the AD-1™ air dryer. Build the air system to governor should exceed 1,000 ohms.
cut-out and observe the test air gauge installed in the
If these resistances are within the limits, the
#1 reservoir. A rapid loss of pressure could indicate a
thermostat and heater are operating properly.
failed check valve. This can be confirmed by checking
at the purge valve exhaust. (Note: Purge valve will be If these resistances are outside the limits,
proceed to Step C to determine the cause.
C. Heater Element
With the ignition or engine control switch “off”,
remove the thermostat cover (see Figure 17). With
an ohmmeter check the resistance between the
aluminum of the end cover and the heater post (see
Figure 17). For a 12 volt end cover, the resistance
should be 2.0 - 2.8 ohms. For a 24 volt, 60 watt end
cover, 8.1 - 11.1 ohms, and for a 24 volt, 120 watt
end cover, 4.0 - 4.6 ohms. If the heater resistance
is outside these ranges, a new or remanufactured
end cover should be installed, since the heater
element cannot be serviced.
If the heater resistance is within the limits the
FIGURE 5 thermostat should be replaced (Kit Number 102637)
open when governor cut-out pressure is reached. Allow or a new or remanufactured end cover installed.
two minutes for purge cycle before testing the check
D. Reassembly 8. Use only genuine Bendix® replacement parts,
components and kits. Replacement hardware,
Reinstall the thermostat cover according to Figure
tubing, hose, fittings, etc. must be of equivalent size,
17. Take special care to assure the rubber spacer type and strength as original equipment and be
and the gasket are correctly installed, to assure designed specifically for such applications and
proper operation. systems.
8. Every 7200 hours; 200,000 miles or every 24 months, 9. Components with stripped threads or damaged parts
should be replaced rather than repaired. Do not
change the desiccant cartridge. attempt repairs requiring machining or welding
NOTE: The desiccant change interval may vary from vehicle unless specifically stated and approved by the
to vehicle. Although typical desiccant cartridge life vehicle and component manufacturer.
is two years, many will perform adequately for three 10. Prior to returning the vehicle to service, make
to four years. In order to take maximum advantage certain all components and systems are restored to
their proper operating condition.
of desiccant life and assure that replacement
occurs only when necessary, it is important that
Serviceability Checks 1 - 7 be performed. REPLACING OR REBUILDING THE AD-1™ AND
PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH: If, after completing the routine serviceability tests, it has
When working on or around a vehicle, the following been determined that one or more components of the air
general precautions should be observed at all times. dryer requires replacement or maintenance, refer to page
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, apply the parking 13 to ascertain the appropriate kit(s) needed. When rebuilding
brakes, and always block the wheels. Always wear or replacing components of the air dryer use only genuine
safety glasses. Bendix replacement parts or kits.
2. Stop the engine and remove ignition key when
working under or around the vehicle. When working
in the engine compartment, the engine should be
shut off and the ignition key should be removed.
Where circumstances require that the engine be in AIR DRYER
operation, EXTREME CAUTION should be used to CAUTION!
prevent personal injury resulting from contact with
1. Loosen the air line to the control port of air dryer and
moving, rotating, leaking, heated or electrically
charged components. allow the trapped air to escape to atmosphere. After
3. Do not attempt to install, remove, disassemble or the air escapes, remove the control line from the air
assemble a component until you have read and dryer.
thoroughly understand the recommended 2. Loosen the delivery line from the delivery port or outlet
procedures. Use only the proper tools and observe
of the air dryer. After the pressure drops, remove the
all precautions pertaining to use of those tools.
4. If the work is being performed on the vehicle’s air delivery line. Loosen the delivery check valve from this
brake system, or any auxiliary pressurized air port to relieve any trapped air above the desiccant plate
systems, make certain to drain the air pressure from assembly. If the AD-1™ air dryer has an external check
all reservoirs before beginning ANY work on the valve at the delivery port loosen it to relieve air pressure.
vehicle. If the vehicle is equipped with an AD-IS™ 3. Disconnect the heater wire.
air dryer system or a dryer reservoir module, be 4. Remove any exhaust silencers or the exhaust check
sure to drain the purge reservoir. valve cover from the base of the air dryer. Using a hex
5. Following the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended socket and wrench, loosen the purge valve assembly
procedures, deactivate the electrical system in a
and allow any trapped air to escape. Slowly unscrew the
manner that safely removes all electrical power from
the vehicle. purge valve and remove it.
6. Never exceed manufacturer’s recommended 5. Check all ports to insure that air is not trapped in the air
pressures. dryer by powdered desiccant material.
7. Never connect or disconnect a hose or line
containing pressure; it may whip. Never remove a
component or plug unless you are certain all system Air Dryer End Cover Removal Procedure
pressure has been depleted. Warning - The AD-2™ air dryer cartridge contains a high
spring load. When replacing the AD-2™ air dryer cartridge or
performing any maintenance requiring end cover removal
follow the procedure outlined below.
End Cover Removal the plate is removed. In the past, three methods have been
1. Loosen the three cap screws on the end cover and turn employed, to secure the desiccant sealing plate to the
the retaining clamps aside (cap screws may be left desiccant cartridge: a Tru Arc retaining ring, two special
finger tight). thin nuts, and the latest method, a single hex lock nut.
2. Locate the notch in the air dryer shell. While pushing the Removing the securing device will permit the desiccant plate
end cover up into the dryer, insert the blade of a to be separated from the desiccant cartridge. After removing
screwdriver in the notch and slowly pry out the retaining the desiccant cartridge:
ring. If the cartridge bolt has loosened the cartridge
spring may exert a force on the end cover retaining ring 1. Remove the two o-rings from the desiccant plate and
making removal of the retaining ring and end cover discard them.
difficult. This spring force will prohibit the end cover 2. Remove the ball check valve retaining clip and remove
moving up into the dryer shell when pushed up. Warning: and discard the rubber ball valve.
This same force can also cause the end cover to come
out of the air dryer shell unexpectedly during the removal 3. Clean the desiccant plate thoroughly using a quality
process. Exercise extreme caution to prevent bodily commercial solvent, making sure the purge orifice and
injury. check valve seat are clean.
3. Do not stand or lay directly under the end cover while 4. Install a new ball check valve and replace the retaining
servicing. Assure adequate clearance between the end clip and screw (Figure 5).
cover and other surfaces to prevent hand injury if the end
cover dislodges rapidly during removal. NOTE: BE 5. Thoroughly lubricate the two new o-rings and install them
CERTAIN THE DESICCANT SEALING PLATE in their respective grooves in the purge plate (Figure 6).
ASSEMBLY COMES OUT WITH THE CARTRIDGE. 6. Set the desiccant sealing plate aside for reinstallation
on the desiccant cartridge.
CAUTION: Before attempting to remove the desiccant
sealing plate, measure the cartridge bolt from
the top of the desiccant plate lock nut to the
end of the bolt threads. If that measurement is
approximately 3-3/16 inches, proceed with the
If the bolt measures approximately 1-9/16
inches, disassemble using CAUTION.
Approximately 75 pounds of spring force will
remain against the desiccant plate when the lock
nut reaches the end of the bolt thread and is
5. Slide oil separator filter over the cartridge bolt with the
gasket surface next to the shell. (See Figure 9)
6. Install the bolt with the oil separator into the bottom of
the shell and through center hole of the perforated plate
in the bottom of the shell. (See Figure 10)
7. Pour the entire package of desiccant material into the
shell, making sure none is lost. Handle carefully so
that the bolt does not fall out. (See Figure 11)
8. Level the desiccant material and install second
perforated plate cloth side down. (Make sure the
shoulder of the bolt is centered, and extends slightly
above the top of the perforated plate.) (See Figure 12)
NOTE: If the shoulder of the bolt does not extend above
the perforated plate tap the side of the desiccant
9. Set the conical spring on top of the perforated plate
(large diameter down - small diameter up.)
10. Place the spring retainer on top of the spring (See Figure
11. Install the previously rebuilt desiccant sealing plate on
the cartridge bolt so that the ball check retaining clip is
in view.
12. Using the lock nut draw the assembly together to
approximately half of the spring’s free height. While
slowly turning the cartridge, tap the side of the shell
with a plastic mallet (See Figure 14). This allows the
desiccant material to settle properly into place. Continue
to tighten the nut, making sure all items are properly
aligned. Tighten nut firmly using an 11/16" socket or
box wrench. (See Figures 15-1, 15-2)
To remove the end cover assembly from the air dryer follow
steps 1-6 under the section of this manual entitled Removal
of Desiccant Cartridge AD-1™ and AD-2™ air dryer. Before
rebuilding the end cover, clean the exterior thoroughly using
a quality commercial solvent.
1. Remove and discard the large o-ring around the end
2. Remove the exhaust elbow and clamp.
3. Remove the cap nut and discard the cap nut o-ring.
4. Place the handle of a large screwdriver in a vise and
secure it.
5. Place the slot in the plunger (cap nut end) over the blade
of the screwdriver, hold it securely and remove the nut
from the plunger using a 1/2" socket wrench.
6. Remove the plunger, spring and valve. Discard the valve.
7. Clean and inspect the plunger bore and the valve seat.
8. Remove and discard the three o-rings from the plunger.
Clean the plunger.
NOTE: If during the serviceability checks it was determined
that the heater and thermostat were defective, use
the following procedure. It is not necessary to
replace this assembly each time the purge valve is
11. Remove the square cut seal ring at the bottom of the
thermostat bore.
12. Remove the screw, retaining clip, o-ring, and the heater
element. Inspect the bore for corrosion and if necessary,
clean it.
13. Install the heater element, securing it in the end cover
9. Remove the two screws that secure the shield or
with the retainer clip and screw.
thermostat retaining clip to the end cover.
14. Install the square cut seal ring in the thermostat bore.
10. Remove the shield or clip and the thermostat and inspect
the bore for corrosion.
15. Install the thermostat metal side down in the end cover NOTE: If during the serviceability checks it was determined
bore and secure it in place using the retaining clip or that the thermostat was defective, use the following
shield and the two screws. procedure. It is not necessary to replace this unit
16. Lubricate and install the o-rings on the plunger and cap each time the end cover is rebuilt. Use thermostat
nut. kit. (See Figure 17)
17. Lubricate the plunger bore and install the spring and 9. Remove nut(2), then lockwasher(3), plain washer(4) and
plunger (through the cap nut end). o-ring(5). Discard o-ring and retain other parts.
18. Install the valve on the plunger, making certain the 10. Remove and retain four Phillips head screws(7) and
chamfered end of the valve is in contact with the metal cover(6).
seat of the body. 11. Remove and discard gasket(10).
19. Using the screwdriver held in the vise, as described in 12. Remove and retain spacer(11).
Steps 4 & 5, compress the plunger into the bore while 13. Cut uninsulated thermostat wire at Point B. (Figure 17),
installing and tightening the nut. remove and discard thermostat and terminal
20. Install the cap nut and tighten it. assembly(1).
21. Lubricate and install the large diameter o-ring around 14. Clean remaining wire attached to heater terminal.
the end cover assembly. 15. Clean thermostat “pocket” in end cover(9).
COVER 16. Cut uninsulated lead of new thermostat(1) at Point A
ASSEMBLY (Figure 17).
17. Install thermostat in end cover “pocket” and position
To remove the end cover assembly from the air dryer follow
uninsulated leads next to each other.
steps 1-6 under the section of this manual entitled Removal
of Desiccant Cartridge AD-1™ and AD-2™ Air Dryer. Before 18. Using a soldering heat sink, clamp uninsula-leads at
rebuilding the end cover, clean the exterior thoroughly using Point B and solder leads with straight rosin core solder.
a quality commercial solvent. DO NOT USE ACID CORE SOLDER. Clean excess
solder off end cover.
19. Install thermostat terminal(1) in cover(6).
1. Remove and discard the large o-ring around the end
20. Install o-ring(5), washer(4), lockwasher(3) and nut(2).
cover assembly.
Torque nut to 20-30 inch pounds.
2. Remove the single #6-32 screw securing the exhaust
21. Install spacer(11) over thermostat(1).
diaphragm and separate the diaphragm, washer and
screw. Discard the diaphragm. 22. Install gasket(7) and cover(6) and secure cover to end
cover(9) using screws(7) and lockwashers(8).
3. Remove the three #6-32 screws securing the exhaust
cover and remove the exhaust cover. 23. Torque to 30-40 inch pounds.
4. Remove the purge valve assembly, the large hex cap 24. Test thermostat as follows:
nut, from the end cover and discard both o-rings around A. At a temperature above 85°F. check resistance
the cap nut. between thermostat terminal(1) and end cover(9).
5. Using a 7/16" socket wrench and a large screwdriver, Resistance should be 200,000 ohms or greater; if
remove the 1/4"-20 hex head cap screw which holds not, check for solder “path” short.
the assembly together. B. Chill entire end cover assembly to 35°F. or below
6. Separate cap screw, purge valve, purge valve piston and check resistance again. Resistance should be
and the piston return spring. 2-15 ohms.
7. Discard the piston o-ring, the purge valve, and the piston 25. Lubricate the piston o-ring and install it on the piston.
return spring. 26. Lubricate the piston bore.
8. Wash all remaining parts in a commercial solvent, making 27. Install the purge piston return spring and piston.
sure all surfaces, bores, ports, and passages are clean 28. Install the purge valve in the large cap nut so that the
and dry before assembly. rubber portion rests on the metal seat of the cap nut.
29. Secure the valve to the piston using the 1/4"-20 cap
screw and lockwasher and torque to 50 inch pounds.
30. Lubricate and install the two cap nut o-rings.
31. Lubricate the cap nut threads and the cap nut bore of 4. Remove the rubber sealing ring from the external
the end cover and install the cap nut, torquing it to threaded portion of the body and discard it.
180-250 inch pounds. 5. Disassemble the check valve by unscrewing the body
32. Secure the exhaust diaphragm to the exhaust cover using halves and note the order of the removal of the parts.
the #6-32 Phillips head screw and diaphragm washer. 6. Discard and replace the check valve, valve spring and
33. Secure the exhaust cover to the purge valve hex head metal seal washer.
cap nut using the #6-32 Phillips head screws. 7. Wash all parts in a quality commercial solvent, making
34. Lubricate and install the large diameter o-ring around sure all surfaces are clean and dry prior to reassembly.
the end cover assembly. 8. Coat all parts with a film of barium base lubricant such
REBUILDING THE AD-2™ AIR DRYER OUTLET as Bendix piece number 246671 which is supplied with
the maintenance kit.
9. Reassemble the check valve and torque the body halves
1. Make certain the vehicle is safely parked. Block the
to between 200 and 225 inch pounds.
wheels if necessary.
10. Reinstall the check valve in the AD-2™ air dryer outlet
2. Locate and remove the line connected to the outlet port
port and reconnect the line leading to the first reservoir.
of the AD-2™ air dryer.
3. Remove the check valve from the outlet port. (See Figure REINSTALLING THE DESICCANT CARTRIDGE
1. Wipe the inside of the dryer clean. If a solvent is used,
be certain that no residue is left in the shell.
2. Check to be certain a film of barium base grease is
HEATER POST present on the o-rings and install the cartridge and purge
9 plate assembly into the body. Engage the bolt and tighten
1 to 375 inch pounds or 32 foot pounds torque.
9 3. Check the end cover o-ring to be certain it is clean and
A lubricate the o-ring with a barium base lubricant such as
B Bendix 246671. Install the o-ring on the end cover and
install the end cover in the dryer body.
3 11
4. Position the end cover as marked during removal and terminal. This connection must be waterproof. Use an 8
install the retainer ring so that the gap in the ring is to 10 amp. fuse with 12 volt end covers and with 24 volt
within an inch of the notch in the body. end covers identified with the marking “24V 120W.” Use
5. Grease the threads on the three cap screws and reinstall a 4 to 5 amp. fuse with 24 volt end covers identified with
them with their retainers in the end cover. the marking “24V.”
6. Reconnect the air control line to the purge valve port in
IMPORTANT NOTE: A new 24 volt heater was
the end cover.
introduced in 1983. The new heater version draws
7. Reconnect the thermostat and heater wire. 120 watts of power and requires an 8 to 10 amp fuse.
8. Test the air dryer as outlined under the Preventive End covers with the new heater are identified with
Maintenance and Checking Serviceability Section of this the marking “24V 120W” cast on the identification
manual. boss of the end cover. The previous identification
was “24V”.
1. Install the air dryer in the compressor discharge line as 286718 DESICCANT CARTRIDGE REFILL KIT
close to the supply (first) reservoir as possible. The This kit can only be used on new revision cartridges.
discharge line between the compressor and air dryer See the cartridge rebuild section of this manual for
must not exceed 20 feet in length nor less than six feet proper identification of current revision cartridge.
in length for a two cylinder compressor or ten feet in This kit contains the necessary parts to rebuild the
length for a single cylinder compressor. Six feet of cartridge and the desiccant sealing plate.
discharge line and a 90 cubic inch reservoir can be used
in lieu of ten feet of discharge line for single cylinder
This kit contains a factory replacement desiccant
cartridge and the parts necessary to rebuild the
The discharge line should slope downward from the desiccant sealing plate.
compressor to the air dryer inlet to avoid water traps
and to allow drainage to the air dryer. (If the 90 cubic
inch reservoir is used, it should also be mounted and
This kit contains the parts necessary to rebuild the
plumbed to avoid water traps and to allow drainage into
AD-1™ air dryer end cover purge valve only.
the air dryer.) Discharge lines may be either be copper
tubing or high temperature hose. However, Bendix 287053 AD-2™ AIR DRYER PURGE VALVE MAINTENANCE
compressors require a minimum of four feet of copper KIT
tubing extending from the discharge port. The balance This kit contains the parts necessary to rebuild the
of the discharge line may be either copper tubing or AD-2™ air dryer end cover purge valve.
high temperature hose. 287298 AD-2™ AIR DRYER CHECK VALVE MAINTENANCE
2. Locate outside the engine compartment in an area of KIT
air flow when the vehicle is in motion. Do not mount This kit contains the components necessary to
near exhaust system or other heat-producing rebuild the inline single check valve that is used in
components and avoid road-splash areas. Provide 20 AD-1™ air dryer installations must be serviced
cm (8 in.) clearance below dryer for servicing. separately.
3. Mount vertically, with purge valve exhaust toward the 288918 THERMOSTAT COVER REPLACEMENT KIT
ground, away from the frame and other components. This kit contains the parts required to replace the
Connect a hose to the exhaust cover if necessary, since non-metallic thermostat cover only. This kit is used
this valve may expel rust and scale particles as well as to replace a damaged cover and does not
condensate and oil collected in the dryer. contain thermostat parts.
4. Connect the purge valve control port to one of the 102657 THERMOSTAT MAINTENANCE KIT
governor unloader ports. This line should be routed such This kit contains the necessary components to
that no water traps are formed. rebuild the thermostat assembly in the AD-2™ air
5. For the dryers with a 3/4-14 or 1 - 11-1/2 dryseal outlet
port, a check valve must be placed between the purge 101900 REMANUFACTURED DESICCANT CARTRIDGE
volume and the first downstream reservoir. (Dryers with AND DESICCANT SEALING PLATE.
1/2-14 dryseal outlet ports have a built-in check valve.) This unit allows for complete exchange, as a unit,
of the cartridge and desiccant plate.
6. Connect a fused #16 gauge wire from the “on” position
of the engine control or ignition switch to the heater
3. Safety valve on air dryer A. Desiccant cartridge plugged or A. Check compressor for excessive oil passing
“popping off” or saturated. and/or correct compressor installation. Repair
exhausting air. or replace as necessary.
Rebuild or replace cartridge.
B. Defective check valve between air B. Test to determine if air is passing through
dryer outlet port and first reservoir. (in check valve. Repair or replace.
standard AD-2™ air dryer, check valve
in outlet port.)
C. Defective fittings, hose or tubing C. Check to determine if air is reaching first
between air dryer and first reservoir. reservoir. Inspect for kinked tubing or hose.
Check for undrilled or restricted hose or tubing
4. Constant exhaust of air A. Air dryer purge valve leaking A. With compressor loaded, apply soap solution
at air dryer purge valve excessively. on purge valve exhaust, to test for excessive
exhaust or unable to leakage. Repair purge valve as necessary.
build system pressure. B. Defective governor. B. Check governor for proper “cut-in”, “cut-out”
pressure and excessive leakage in both
positions. Repair or replace as necessary.
C. Purge control line connected to C. Purge control line must be connected to
reservoir or exhaust port of governor. unloader port of governor.
D. Purge valve frozen open - faulty D. Test heater and thermostat as described in
heater and thermostat, wiring, blown Step 7 of Preventive Maintenance Section.
E. Inlet and outlet air connections E. Compressor discharge to inlet port. Reconnect
reversed. lines properly.
F. Check valve between air dryer and first F. Test check valve for proper operation (see
reservoir defective. Symptom #3, Remedy B).
G. Kinked or blocked (plugged) G. Check to determine if air passes through
discharge line. discharge line. Check for kinks, bends,
excessive carbon deposits.
H. Excessive bends in discharge line H. Discharge line should be constantly sloping
(water collects and freezes). from compressor to air dryer with as few bends
as possible.
I. Excessive system leakage. I. See Symptom #1’s Causes and Remedies.
5. Air dryer does not purge A. Broken, kinked, frozen, plugged or A. Test to determine air flows through purge
or exhaust air. disconnected purge control line. control line when compressor unloaded. Check
for undrilled fittings. (See Symptom #4,
Remedy C.)
B. Faulty air dryer purge valve. B. After determining air reaches purge valve
(Remedy A above), repair purge valve.
C. See Causes B,E,F,G,H, for Symptom C. Refer to Remedies B, E, F, G, H, for Symptom
#4. #4.
6. Desiccant material being A. This symptom is almost always A. See Causes and Remedies for Symptoms 1,2,3,4
expelled from air dryer accompanied by one or more of and 5.
purge valve exhaust Symptoms 1,2,3,4 and 5. See related
(may look like whitish causes for these Symptoms above.
liquid or paste or small
B. Air dryer not securely mounted. B. Vibration should be held to minimum. Add
(Excessive vibration). bracket supports or change air dryer mounting
location if necessary.
Unsatisfactory desiccant C. Defective cloth covered perforated C. Replace or rebuild desiccant cartridge. NOTE:
life. plate in air dryer desiccant cartridge If rebuilding cartridge, carefully follow
or improperly rebuilt desiccant instructions packed with cartridge rebuild kit.
D. Compressor passing excessive oil. D. Check for proper compressor installation; if
symptoms persist, replace compressor.
E. Faulty heater and thermostat, wiring, E. Refer to Remedy D under Symptom #4.
fuse not allowing purge. (Cold weather
operation only.)
7. Unable to remove end A. Result of reversing the inlet and outlet A. Refer to Symptom #4, Cause E.
cover, or unable to install connections. (See Symptom #4,
new desiccant cartridge. Cause E.)
8. Air dryer end cover A. Excessive system pressure build up A. Because it is difficult to determine extent of
separates from air dryer within air dryer; caused by either internal damage to air dryer, it is recommended
housing during operation. plugged desiccant, check valve failure, that the air dryer be replaced.
frozen or obstructed discharge line
(between air dryer and first reservoir) or NOTE: This type of failure can be prevented by
governor failure in conjunction with checking the dryer for proper operation every
safety valve failure. three (3) months.
BW1597 © 2004 Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC All rights reserved. 7/2004 Printed in U.S.A.