TLE-Sep 20

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DAILY Teacher Mr. Augustus Methodius delos Santos Learning Area TLE- Home Economics
LESSON Date and September 20, 2022 Quarter First
LOG Time 7:40-8:30 Section D
8:40-9:30 Section H
9:40-10:30 Section B

, 8. Before removing the pattern and the

pin from the fabric, study each piece
I.OBJECTIVES carefully so you will
A. Content Standard Demonstrates an understanding and know what part of the project it is and
skills in sewing household linens what you will do.
B. Performance Standard Sews household linens using
appropriate tools and materials and Steps in cutting the fabric for
applying the basic principles in sewing household linens
1. Fold the cloth on its lengthwise grain
C. Learning Competency/ 2.4 Drafts pattern for household linens
with the wrong side out.
Objectives 2.4.1 steps in drafting pattern 2.4.2
2. Lay and pin the pattern on the cloth.
safety precautions
3. Mark all stitching and folding lines.
4. Mark all allowances.
Follow the steps in drafting pattern for 5. Cut the cloth.
household linens Draft patterns for 6. Transfer all marks to the other side
pillow case/table napkin/hand towel of the cloth.
Illustrate the types of fabric folds
E. Discussing new Using your materials demonstrate:
Explain the tips in laying the pattern
concepts and practicing cutting the fabric and transferring
and cutting the fabric Discuss the tips
new skills # 2 sewing lines
in cutting the fabric and transferring
sewing lines F. Developing mastery What are the things we should
Demonstrate the steps in cutting the (leads to Formative consider when cutting our fabric?
fabric Assessment 3)
II.CONTENT PATTERN DRAFTING AND G. Finding practical Why do we have to cut our fabric
CUTTING FABRIC FOR application of concepts cautiously?
HOUSEHOLD LINENS and skills in daily living
III.LEARNING RESOURCES H. Making generalizations Tips in cutting the fabric and
and abstractions about transferring sewing lines
A. References
the lesson 1. Cut the large pieces first.
1.Teacher’s Guide pages TG p 2. Cut along the edges of the pattern.
2.Learner’s Materials pages LM p 3. Hold the fabric with your left hand.
3.Textbook pages Do not hold the pattern and material
4.Additional Materials from PowerPoint up nor place your hand
Learning Resource under the fabric while cutting. This may
(LR)portal stretch the fabric out of shape if cut in
B. Other Learning this manner.
Resource 4. For long spaces, such as straight
side seam, use long strokes.
5. For short spaces, curved spaces
A. Reviewing previous What are the types of folds? use short strokes.
lesson or presenting the What are the tips in laying the pattern 6. With the use of a tracing wheel and
new lesson on the fabric dressmaker’s carbon paper so that all
B. Establishing a purpose After laying out the pattern on the markings are on the
for the lesson fabric, what should we do next? wrong side of the fabric.
C. Presenting What are the things we should 7. Fold each piece together with the
examples/Instances of remember when using cutting tools? pattern until you are ready to work on
the new lesson it.
D. Discussing new Tips in cutting the fabric and 8. Before removing the pattern and the
concepts and practicing transferring sewing lines pin from the fabric, study each piece
new skills # 1 1. Cut the large pieces first. carefully so you will
2. Cut along the edges of the pattern. know what part of the project it is and
3. Hold the fabric with your left hand. what you will do.
Do not hold the pattern and material
up nor place your hand Steps in cutting the fabric for
under the fabric while cutting. This may household linens
stretch the fabric out of shape if cut in 1. Fold the cloth on its lengthwise grain
this manner. with the wrong side out.
4. For long spaces, such as straight 2. Lay and pin the pattern on the cloth.
side seam, use long strokes. 3. Mark all stitching and folding lines.
5. For short spaces, curved spaces 4. Mark all allowances.
use short strokes. 5. Cut the cloth.
6. With the use of a tracing wheel and 6. Transfer all marks to the other side
dressmaker’s carbon paper so that all of the cloth.
markings are on the I. Evaluating learning What are the tips in cutting the fabric
wrong side of the fabric. and transferring sewing lines?
7. Fold each piece together with the What are the steps in cutting the fabric
pattern until you are ready to work on for household linens?
it. J. Additional activities for Write down the tips in cutting the fabric

DAILY Teacher Mr. Augustus Methodius delos Santos Learning Area TLE- Home Economics
LESSON Date and September 20, 2022 Quarter First
LOG Time 7:40-8:30 Section D
8:40-9:30 Section H
9:40-10:30 Section B

application or and transferring sewing lines and the

remediation steps in cutting the fabric for
household linens in your notebook.
A. Remarks Score No. of Pupils

B. Reflection

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