Reasoning Question
Reasoning Question
Reasoning Question
Q6. Why is butter solid at room temperature but mustard oil is not?
A. Butter is solid at room temperature because it contains saturated fatty acid whereas mustard oil
is liquid because it contains unsaturated fatty acid.
Q8. Which disease is caused by the impairment of hemoglobin? Name any two type.
A. A) Sickle cell anemia B) Thalassemia
Q12. Why are the lungs of birds more efficient than human lungs?
A. Bird lungs are much better at getting oxygen out of the air than human lungs. This is
important for birds, because they use up a lot of energy when they fly, so their cells need
more oxygen to get the energy out of the food they eat.
Q14. How does the substrate concentration effect the activity of enzyme?
A. The activity of an enzyme increases with the increase in the substrate concentration up to a
certain limit, it mean as the concentration of substrate increases the activity of enzyme
Q15. Why is the double circuit heart in the animal is better than single circuit heart?
A. Double circuit heart in animal is better because in this system oxygenated and deoxygenated
blood is separated and oxygen is easily supplied to the tissue and all the organs whereas in
single circuit circulation the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood is mixed.
Q17. Why is archaeopteryx considered as connecting link between reptiles and birds?
A. Archaeopteryx is known to be a communicating connection between reptiles and
birds because it looks like a bird and has bird wings. The teeth and tail, however, are
closer to those of reptiles. Therefore Archaeopteryx links reptiles and birds.