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0004 Organization

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• According to keith Davis, "Organization may be defined as a group of individuals,

large or small, that is cooperating under the direction of executive leadership in
accomplishment of certain common object."

• According to Louis A. Allen, "Organization is the process of identifying and grouping

the work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority, and
establishing relationship for the purpose of enabling people to work most
effectively together in accomplishing objectives."

• The term 'organization' is used in four different senses: as a process, as a structure

of relationship, as a group of persons and as a system
Characteristics / Features of Organization

• Outlining the Objectives: Long-life objectives of profitable manufacturing and

selling its products

• Identifying and Enumerating the Activities: Identify total task involved and its
break-up closely related component activities

• Assigning the Duties: Functional duties should be allotted to particular individuals

• Defining and Granting the Authority: Authority and responsibility should be well

• Creating Authority Relationship: After assigning the duties and delegations of

authority, the establishment of relationship is done
Principles of Organization

• Unity of Objectives: Every enterprise prescribes certain basic objectives

• Principle of Specialization: Precise division of work facilitates specialization

• The Scalar Principle: Clear lines of authority

• The Principle of Authority: Responsibility delivered to every employee should be

given its related authority

• The Principle of Unity of Command: Supervision of one boss only

• Segregation of Line and Staff Functions: Should have line and staff manager

• The Principle Span of Control: Should be proportional 'span of management’

Principles of Organization

• The Principle of Definition: Contents of every position should be clearly defined

• The Principle of the Unity of Direction: there should be one objective and one plan
for each group of people

• The Principle of Balance: Balance in grouping and assigning activities

• The Principle of Discipline: Maintain proper discipline in the enterprise

• Adapt the changes: Be flexible and adapt new changes in organization

• The Principle of Human Element: Success or failure of an enterprise largely

depends on the handling of human element

• Communication: Good communication network

Process of Organization

• Organization process involves determining what work is needed to accomplish the

goal, assigning those tasks to individuals, and arranging those individuals in a
decision-making framework

Process consists of five steps

1. Review plans and objectives: Objectives are the specific activities that must be
completed to achieve goals

2. Determine the work activities necessary to accomplish objectives: List and analyze
all the tasks that need to be accomplished

3. Classify and group the necessary work activities into manageable units: Break
down the work and classify the activities
Process of Organization

4. Assign activities and delegate authority: Assign the defined work activities to
specific individuals

5. Design a hierarchy of relationships: Using the organizational chart, a manager

should diagram the relationships
Structure of Organization

• An organization is the structural framework for carrying out the functions of

planning, decision-making, control, communication, motivation

• In order to achieve the desired goals, sound and effective organizational structure
is necessary

• Organizational structure, as we know is the system of job positions, roles assigned

to these positions and specifying authority, responsibility and task of every position
Structure of Organization

Key Elements of Organizational Structure;

1. Work Specialization: Degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into

separate jobs

2. Departmentalization: It breaks down how jobs are grouped together to create


3. Chain of command: Continuous line of authority that extends from upper

organizational levels to the lowest levels

4. Span of Control: It suggests how many employees each manager can handle
within an organization

5. Formalization: Jobs within the organization are standardized

Structure of Organization

6. Centralization and Decentralization:

Centralization Decentralization
Environment is stable Environment is complex, uncertain
Lower-level managers are not as Lower-level managers are capable and
capable or experienced at making experienced at making decisions
decisions as upper-level managers
Lower-level managers do not want to Lower-level managers want a voice in
have say in decisions decisions
Decisions are significant Decisions are relatively minor
Organization is facing a crisis or the Corporate culture is open to allowing
risk of company failure managers to have a say in what
Company is large Company is geographically dispersed
Effective implementation of company Effective implementation of company
strategies depends on managers strategies depends on managers
retaining say over what happens having involvement and flexibility to
make decisions
Types of Organizational Structure

Functional Organizational Structure

• The organization is divided into segments based on the functions when managing.
This allows the organization to enhance the efficiencies of these functional groups.

• Functional structure is set up so that each portion of the organization is grouped

according to its purpose

• In this type of organization, for example, there may be a marketing department, a

sales department and a production department.
Types of Organizational Structure

Product Organizational Structure

• It groups jobs by product line. Each manager is responsible of an area within the
organization depending of his/her specialization

• Organization producing different types of products so they emphasize more on

division for each of the product.

• Product and product line is an important basis for this structure. It facilitates the
use of specialized and specialist services of the divisional managers in their product
Types of Organizational Structure

Territorial Organizational Structure

• It groups jobs on the basis of territory or geography.

• Organizations having their business all over the country may adopt divisional
structure on the basis of area, such as north division, south division, east, west and
central division

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