0004 Organization
0004 Organization
0004 Organization
• Identifying and Enumerating the Activities: Identify total task involved and its
break-up closely related component activities
• Defining and Granting the Authority: Authority and responsibility should be well
• Segregation of Line and Staff Functions: Should have line and staff manager
• The Principle of the Unity of Direction: there should be one objective and one plan
for each group of people
2. Determine the work activities necessary to accomplish objectives: List and analyze
all the tasks that need to be accomplished
3. Classify and group the necessary work activities into manageable units: Break
down the work and classify the activities
Process of Organization
4. Assign activities and delegate authority: Assign the defined work activities to
specific individuals
• In order to achieve the desired goals, sound and effective organizational structure
is necessary
4. Span of Control: It suggests how many employees each manager can handle
within an organization
• The organization is divided into segments based on the functions when managing.
This allows the organization to enhance the efficiencies of these functional groups.
• Product and product line is an important basis for this structure. It facilitates the
use of specialized and specialist services of the divisional managers in their product
Types of Organizational Structure
• Organizations having their business all over the country may adopt divisional
structure on the basis of area, such as north division, south division, east, west and
central division