Tsamarah Huwaida - 9 Fundamental Concepts of Geomorphology
Tsamarah Huwaida - 9 Fundamental Concepts of Geomorphology
Tsamarah Huwaida - 9 Fundamental Concepts of Geomorphology
9 Fundamental Concepts of Geomorphology
1. The same physical processes and laws that operate today operated throughout geologic
time, although not necessarily always with the same intensity as now
- Known as Principle of Uniformitarianism (Hutton,1785)
“The present is the key to the past”
- Hutton argued that geologic process operated throughout geologic time with the
same intensity as now -> false
- Example :
● The wind deposited the Navajo sandstone during Jurassic times obeyed
different laws in wind flow.
● Karst topography of Permian periodis same as occur today
2. Geologic structure is a dominant control factor in the evolution of landforms and reflected
in them
- Structure, process, and stage are major control factors in the evolutions of
landforms - W. M. Davis
- Structure : Includes all way how the earth materials differ from one another in
their physical and chemcal attributes.
● Rock attributes
● The absence or presence of structures
● Rock massiveness
● Permeability of rocks
- The structural features of rocks are much older than the geomorphic forms
developed upon them
- rock may be resistant to one process and nonresistant to another and under
varying climatic conditions may exhibit different degrees of resistance.
- Example : Recumbent fold control exogenik process of landforms
3. Geomorphic processes leave their distinctive imprint upon land forms, and each
geomorphic process develops its own characteristic assemblage of land forms.
- Process : physical and chemical ways by which the earth’s surface undergoes
- Exogenic (worn down) : weathering, mass-wasting, erosion
- Endogenic (bulid up) : diastrophism/slow movements, volcanism, earthquake
- Example : Individual process responsible leave their stamp upon the earth
4. As the different erosional agencies act upon the earth's surface there is produced a
sequence of land forms having distinctive characteristics at the successive stages of
their development.
- Geomorphic cycle : the various changes in surface configuration which a land
mass undergoes as the processes of land sculpture act upon it
- Davis and metaphorical terms : youth, mature, old are commonly used to
designate the stages of development
- Example : River stage (erosion)
9. Geomorphology, although concerned primarily with present day landscapes, attains its
maximum usefulness by historical extension.
- Paleo geomorphology : includes stratigraphy & sedimentology
- Proper interpretation needs historical approach on the geomorphic landscape
- Example : Now the processes that occur is sedimentation by the river, but in the
past this is the location of graben. Now the problem is flood and earthquake
(because of graben)