Female Fertility
Female Fertility
Female Fertility
Please fill in to the best of your ability. If you are unsure please leave it blank.
Are you preparing for an IVF cycle? Yes / No Frozen Cycle: Yes / No Donor Cycle: Yes
/ NoSurrogate: Yes / No Estimated Retrieval Date_______________ Estimated Transfer
Prior IVF History (please provide date, fertility center and outcome of cycle )
FSH / LH_______________________________________________________________
Ovaries / PCOS Fibroids___________________________________________________
Fallopian Tubes Uterine lining______________________________________________
Thyroid ________________________________________________________________
NK Assay/Immunolgy_____________________________________________________
Blood Clotting Issues ?_____________________________________________________
Menstrual History:
Age of first period ______ Prior to fertility treatments, were your cycles regular? Y / N
Interval between periods (day between one period to the next)_________ How many
days of flow______________
Is there spotting before your actual flow? If so, how long does it last and what color is it?
Do you experience PMS? If so, please describe symptoms, either emotional or physical:
How close to your period do experience these symptoms?_________________________
Do you ovulate?__________________________________________________________
How do you know you ovulate?______________________________________________
Do you get cervical mucus at ovulation?_______________________________________
What day of your cycle typically is ovulation?__________________________________
Other information:
Have you taken birth control pills in the past? Please provide
Your Overall Health: Excellent Good Fair Poor Do you have a tendency to feel hot or
cold?_____________________________ Do you have cold hands and/or