Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India
State Profile
May 2022
National Informatics Centre (NIC) under the Ministry of Electronics and Information
Technology (MeitY) is the technology partner of the Government of India. It was established in 1976 with an
objective to provide technology-driven solutions to Central and State Governments in various aspects of
development. National Informatics Centre (NIC) provides nationwide ICT infrastructure to support e-
Governance services and various initiatives of Digital India. In order to design, development and
implementation of various eGovernance initiatives and Digital India programme, NIC State Centre in 37
States/ UTs along with 736 District Centres are continually engaged to automate and accelerate
eGovernance processes in close interaction with users of the departments.
Consequently, along with administrative reforms, the U.P State Unit of the National Informatics Centre
has been applying the Information Technology to translate archaic public service delivery system into state-
of-the-art, online and time saving architectures.
In way of theses ICT infrastructure, NIC District Centres are playing diverse role right from executing
various projects under e-Governance and Digital India initiatives to day-to-day ICT-driven technical support
to consultancy to various departments in the district. District Administration with support from NIC is
executing and implementing e-governance and Digital India initiatives to the grass root level in achieving
transparent, efficient and responsive governance by providing ICT-led developments e.g. NICNET and NKN
Connectivity, Video Conferencing, Projects Implementation, Capacity building, eMail and SMSs services, ICT
implementation in districts including Software Development.
5 Integrated Social Pension Schemes 16 19 eDistrict, eOffice, eHospital, e-Pariksha & CONFONET 32-36
8 Nivesh Mitra – Single Window System 19 22 Legislature–Vidhan Sabha & Vidhan Parishad 39
10 Integrated Finance Management System 22 24 Homeguard, RTI Online , MSME, E-Madarsa portals 41-44
Since 1976
Provide ICT Infrastructure Explore & Advise on use of
to the Government Emerging Technologies
District Websites Meghraj Firewall
All 75 Districts on Cloud NIC UP
Delegated implementation for
S3Waas standards State Mini
Administrator Cloud server security
NIC-Cert advisories &
Hosting notifications against
250+ Websites malicious threats
VPN Services Co-location
and attacks
VPN requests per Data Centre KAVACH – 2 Factor
month 100+ Services authentication for
safe email
E-mail accounts Vulnerability
Activities Email VPN for safe and
Services and authenticated
Assessment SMS access
Status of Implementation
The Hon’ble Speaker Shri Satish Mahana initiated
implementation of NeVA in the 1st Session of newly
constituted 18th Assembly.
More than 300 Officers/Employees trained on NeVA from
The Hon’ble Chief Minister Yogi Aditya Nath inaugurated
tablets equipped house and NeVA Seva Kendra on 19.05.2022.
The Orientation Program for MLAs on NeVA was inaugurated
by Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha Shri Om Birla on 20.05.02022.
NeVA is successfully implemented in the current budget
session which started on 23.05.2022.
National Informatics Centre, Uttar Pradesh State Centre
“DARPAN - Dashboard for Analytical Review of Projects in Uttar Pradesh, is one of
the flagship, generic & configurable Bilingual Product of NIC with PAN India
• Comprehensive & Graphical interface that transform complex data with the
compelling visuals for various stakeholders.
• Displays information in an objective and quantifiable way to get a
comprehensive view for Centre, State or District specific projects in a single
window with integrated department drill-down MIS.
• Facilitates presentation of real time data on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
to senior functionaries of State, Division & District.
• Addresses wide range of objectives and monitoring strategy of Government to
check department insights.
Statistics • Provides seamless, authenticated and secure integration with user repository
Departments 58 through Web APIs for automatic updation of data.
Projects 581 • Supports Personalization and Localization functionality.
KPIs 2714 • Generate Projects and District Ranking.
JGA Services 354 • DARPAN mobile app is available on Google play store.
National Informatics Centre, Uttar Pradesh State Centre 13
Mukhya Mantri Kanya Sumangla Yojana
‘Mukhya Mantri Kanya Sumangla Yojana’ is an important initiative of Hon’ble Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh to help
girl child. This is a conditional cash transfer scheme that ensures social security to the girl child along with her
development. The MKSY portal (https://mksy.up.gov.in) was inaugrated by Hon’ble Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh
Yogi Aditya Nath, on 25th October 2019
Rs. 2000/- Girl child enrolled in Standard 6 during the current academic year Statistics
Statistics 2021-22
oसंo वभाग पशन योजना कु ल लाभाथ Total Amount
Electronic Total Beneficiaries
1 समाज क याण वृ धाव था पशन 55+ Lakhs Disbursed
disbursement (PFMS
2 म हला क याण नरा त म हला पशन 30+ Lakhs
DBT) as Pensions in
3 द यांग पशन 11+ Lakhs 98+ Lakhs 7400+ Crores
द यांगजन सश तीकरण Q4 2021-22
4 कु ठाव था पशन 11,884
Documents Registered 32.3+ lakhs Auto Document 1.67+ Crore
Types of Deeds 60 in 2021-22 Generation
SROs 372 Digital Payments 2021 18,926+ Crores Digital NEC 3.52+ Lakhs
Marriage Certificates 4.5+ E-Market Value 2.28+ Lakh Crores Deeds Registered 35+ Lakhs
Lakhs Annually
National Informatics Centre, Uttar Pradesh State Centre 26
Planning Department
e-Manchitra Geo Planning Development
Portal Goals (SDGs)
• Publication of Statistical Department • The Sustainable Development
magazines of all 75 districts & 18 Goals (SDGs) are a collection
division every year . of 17 global goals designed to
• District, Block & Village Level be "blueprint to achieve a better
Information of 18 Sectors on more and more sustainable future for
than 4000 parameters. all".
No of EMM-11 : 2.17+ Crores No of ISTP : 38+ Lakhs No of Transporter : 11,838 Lessee Challan Amount : 8883+ Crores
No of eform-C : 16+ Lakhs No of lease holder : 10579 State earned: 9,328+ Crores as royalty Transporter Challan Amount : 417+ Crores
Interface is Responsive (layout Acknowledgement Verification/ Re- Verification/ Re- Verification/ Re-
adapts to different screen sizes) of Director verification of Auto verification of verification of
Nomination Taxi Fare Meters CNG/LPG Dispenser Storage Tanks
Alert mechanism (Email, SMS etc)
for the users
Verification/ Re-
Verification/ Re- Verification/ Re- Mobile App for
verification of
PULL SMS Service For Application verification of verification Of Flow Inspection in
Weights & Measures
Status Tracking Petrol Pumps Meters Business Premises
In Official Camp
Citizen services
Through Online 27+ Crores Transactions
portal & Mobile APP NSDL https://edistrict.up.gov.in eSathi
Payment Mobile APP
Gateway on Google
Play Store 1.7+ Lakhs CSCs
Registration IPD Hospitals
Workflow based (OPD &
OT (Admission, Onboarded
ICT Solution Casualty)
Management Discharge & 42
Medical College
System Store &
Billing 9
Easy Total Patients
Management eHospital Registered
of Electronic 5+ Crores
Health Record Suite Lab
e-BloodBank Information
System (LIS) Average Monthly
Online Patient Regn.
appointment 10+ Lakhs
Online Radiology
Registration Information
System (ORS) System (RIS)
Nearly 50,000
Clinic (OPD & patients registered
Online Billing
1+ Lakhs Prisoners
73 Filing 0.87+ Lacs Filing 1.64+ Lacs
1.37+ Lakhs
Basic Education
• Registered candidate
75 District
Manuscripts in Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu and Archived documents Digitized Oral History of Freedom Public and Private Record Holdings
2.0+ Crore Persian since 1810 (Regular from 1860) Fighters
Old Documents
34+ Lakh
Online Submission
of Questions by the Members 404 MLAs
Real time Processing 100 MLCs
of Questions 111 Govt. Departments
Online Submission 400+ Section Officers
of Answers by the Departments 4500+
Auto Generation Questions Submitted Yearly
of Tentative Agenda & Final Agenda
Multiple printed copies
of answers not required Legislature Profile of MLAs
Huge savings
of Time, Efforts & Money
(From Year 1962 to 2021)
Separate Dashboards
Agenda - 1192
for Members, Question Branch and Dept.
Synopsis - 1167
Gate Pass System
Vidhan Sabha Secretariat
Proceedings – 3006
e-Presence System Governor’s Address - 45
for MLAs during Session Budget Presentation - 61
The first paperless Budget of Uttar was presented on 22nd February 2021 during
Budget Session of UP Legislative Assembly and UP Legislative Council.
1 75 Districts 2 3 4
3.6+ Crores 4000
4000+ 542+ Crores to
1.1+ Lakhs Villages Text/Voice Warnings Stakeholders 15,94,444 Farmers
Salient Features
6 Fee Payment Online Total Public Authority: 503 Public Information Officer: 7347
implemented in all the 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh.
MSME would be able to apply for the margin money claim under MYSY & ODOP –MM schemes while toolkit
and training to manufacture the product under VSSY , ODOP
Important Features-
• MSME-Soft Portal provides end to end solution for beneficiaries.
• For Centralize monitoring & help in policy level decisions ,dashboard has been provided for each level.
1. Mukhyamantri Yuva Swarojgar Yojna (MYSY)
• Integration of SMS & e-Mail. 2. One District One Product Margin Money
• MSME Portal provides transparency & enforce accountability within the Government. Scheme(ODOP - MM)
3. One District One Product Training and Toolkit
Significant Achievements- Scheme (ODOP- Training &Toolkit)
4. One District One Product Marketing Development
• Out of 9,268 projects targeted in last financial year ,approximately 8,068 projects has been sanctioned Assistance (ODOP-MDA)
for which approx. 206.29 Crores of margin money will be released by the government under MYSY & 5. Vishwa karma Shram Samman Yojana (VSSY)
6. Training Scheme for SC/ST& OBC
ODOP-MM schemes. 7. Hastshilp Kaushal Vikas Training Scheme
• The Director of Industry Department has been targeted 1,05,546 applicants under various capacity 8. ODOP Common Facility Center Promotion
building and skill development programmes . For which approximately 4,35,638 applications have been
registered out of which 1,08,138 applications have been forwarded to different Institutes for training
using this portal and approx. 1,02,773 applicants have been successfully trained under various trades.
• Till now approximately 47,148 employment has been generated under MYSY and ODOP-MM benefitted
• Due to the success rate of UP MSME-Soft Portal ,ODOP now becomes ODMP (One District Multiple
The objective of the e-Madarsa is to put all Madarsa of the State on a centralized web portal to facilitate the core process of Madarsa in
regard of recognition, infrastructure, HR, examination controlling and results. It was done for the establishment of a transparent system
in regard of recognition, HR and end to end examination process.
Ensure the user friendly, transparent and trouble free Online examination controlling eliminated bogus and fraudulent students.
online mechanism. Examination centers has enabled in reporting absentee transparently.
Rollout the lapses and deficiencies in the present Evaluation Centers has transparently prepared final Marks Registers.
Board indentified loopholes causing leakage in the system
Evolved the system for making the rules in regard of
exams & recognition. Impact on transparency by fixing responsibilities digitally.
Modular approach that can be enhanced in regard of Made Madarsa level staff aware of IT solution
other functionalities.
Number of papers decreased by 50% against a course.
via Mobile
Bi lingual
State Award for opening Maximum Number of CSCs in Ballia and Varanasi by Meity,GoI
Central State
1- Project Development
2- Execution
3- Solution ownership
4- Legal Matters
• Department must take ownership of solution and Data as all credentials are
provided to the concerned department.
• NIC is not responsible for delivery and dissemination of the information.
• After successful launch, NIC will be in hand holding role for few months.
• Establishing PMU/IT Cell in every dept for software maintenance/Hand
• Every project should be Signed off from the department and letter of
acceptance/certificate should be provided to NIC.
• Litigations matters must be sole responsibility of the concerned department.
• Legal cases & legal assistance should be managed by department itself.