Airport Plan

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Assignment 4

Project composition
Phase 1 of a new combined terminal established over the
next five years
Second runway built by around 2025
Capacity to extend second runway after 2044
2022, 2030, 2044 and beyond phases
New northern runway
Connecting taxiway
Combined international and domestic terminal

Plaza and forecourt

Pedestrian and cycleway

Ring road
Main road access

Rail corridor and station

New control tower
Airport parking will increase from 56 to 94 spaces over next
30 years

Check about future planes

Car parking

Land reserved for underground station

Upgrade road network

Ring road system

Utility needs

Phase 1 by 2025
New road layout

Terminal building - first phase of combined completed

Extended runway
Terminal precinct buildings
Establish rapid transit pathway and station

Phase 2 by 2030
New runway operational
Extension of terminal forecourt
Roads added
New air traffic control tower
Buildings added
Terminal extended to north

Runway refurbishment
In Airport disclosure 2021 page 34

COVID downturn meant more work could be performed

(although assignment mentions ignore covid)

Short 3 hour maintenance closures Saturday mornings

Active part of runway was shortened so work could carry

on while planes landed and took off
Runway composed of concrete blocks, seems easier to
replace than asphalt road.

Normal maintenance work takes place overnight during


Deflectometer used to detect movement in concrete.

Defects appear only in touchdown areas, not everywhere.

Planes advised to have extra 20 mins fuel
Assignment 4


Public art programmes, temporary displays and events. Retail outlets. Will
probably require a governance board for art and displays, and commercial
retail management.
Check compliancy with disabled entry standards as well as AT rules for
cycle paths
Check standard is known, and verify plan with AT

Need to establish plan with Auckland Transport, and technical matters

related to a station's needs
Oversee both runways

Seems unclear the timings

Plan expects planes will have higher passenger capacity. However, A380
seems to have been a flop and the airlines are looking at fuel effiency and
range over capacity. Consequently, larger runways might not be required

Two new multistoried parking connected by pedestrian walkways.

Assume that siting was chosen after detailed investigation by contractor,
and this is cojoined with AT expansion plans
Separate business district and airport terminal traffic
Caters for all transport modes: cars, shuttles. Taxis, rail, bus, pedestrian
and cycle

Establish power needs with Vector, and water & sewage requirements

First phase includes bus and public transport access

First phase of combined airport terminals

Aircraft parking to west ot terminal extended
Terminal plaza constructed
Unclear if rail?
Would be interesting to see how safety was maintained, e.g. protecting
hearing of ground workers, and preventing planes accidentally landing in
wrong spot.

Can quality-control blocks before placement, seems quicker

Need to control risk of time-overrun. Maybe easier to plan because of

modular concrete sections, and know how long to replace

Safety to warn of problems.

If the touchdown part of the runway is changed, then this new part may
also need inspected for failing concrete
Mitigate risk of time overrun as planes can circle

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