Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 1 Introduction
International airport authority of India
Civil aviation department
Airport Authority of India
Open sky policy
Airport terminology
Aircraft characteristics
Classification of aerodromes
Classification of airports
Flying activities
Airport surveys - Objectives of surveys
Types of surveys
Drawings to be prepared
International airport authority of India (IAAI)
Aerodrome Apron
Airplane Balloon
Aircraft Beaufort scale
Airfield Blast pad
Airport Boundary lights
Airport capacity Calm period
Airship Cargo
Approach zone Clearway
Airport terminology
Turbo jet and turbo prop eject hot exhaust gases at high
velocities. < 300kmph
Causes inconvenience to the passengers boarding aircraft
Several types of blast fences are available as an effective
measure of diverting the smoke and gas ejected by engine
Minimum circling radius
Fuselage length
Gear tread
Tail width
Wheel base
Wing span
Classification of aerodromes
Approach zone
Natural resource
Approach zone survey
Shows the position of buildings, Shows the original and final contours
runways, taxiways, aprons, etc. of the proposed runway, aprons,
together with pipelines forming the taxiways.
drainage network
Lighting plan Master plan
Shoes the top elevations of the Shows the paving details w.r.to
obstructions, their ground location. thickness, width, joints, etc for
Obstruction to be removed and runway, taxiway, aprons
those to be provided with light at
night are clearly defined.
Topographic plan