Paraliminal Accelerator Phase Charts
Paraliminal Accelerator Phase Charts
Paraliminal Accelerator Phase Charts
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________
*If your goal is to achieve your optimal weight or live smoke-free, see Pages 19, 20, 31, and 32.
How close am I to attaining my goal?
How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________
10-Minute Supercharger
p Day 1 Purpose: I recharge my energy to accomplish what I choose.
1) If there is an experience that limits you or a negative 3) What would you be able to achieve with this new
emotion from your history that gets in your way of positive emotion in your life?
achieving your goal, what is it?
p Day 3 Purpose: I open the flow of abundance in my life so I may create the success I desire.
1) How would increasing abundance in any one area of 3) If you could experience the ideal right now, would you
your life help you achieve your goal? choose to have it?
p Day 4 Purpose: I gain freedom from fears, project strength, and discover the courage to claim my desires.
If you could change any fear into power, what would you
achieve that could help you attain your goal?
p Day 5 Purpose: I boldly step forward into a richer and more successful life so I may gain freedom and strength
to create my future.
If you could change any fear into power, what would you
achieve that could help you attain your goal?
Ideal Weight–A
p Day 6 Purpose: I establish an excellent relationship with my body so I may feel good about my body and live at
my ideal weight naturally.
How can a healthy relationship with your body help you *Ideal Weight and Smoke-Free Living goal achievers,
achieve your goal? see additional questions on Pages 31 and 32, respectively.
Personal Genius
p Day 7 Purpose: I accelerate my learning to secure the achievement of my goal.
p Day 8 Purpose: I eliminate self-defeating beliefs that prevent me from attaining my goal.
1) What is one self-limiting belief you sense you need to 3) What will this enable you to achieve?
p Day 9 Purpose: I create and strengthen self-empowering beliefs in my abilities so I may achieve my desires.
1) What is a self-enhancing belief you desire to incorporate 3) What will you be giving up when you adopt this new
into your life right now? belief?
2) What will this belief assist you in having, doing, or being? 4) Are you sure this is acceptable to you?
1) In what area of your life are you choosing to break 2) What is the end result you desire to achieve?
through and gain momentum?
Round 1, Phase 2
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________
*If your goal is to achieve your optimal weight or live smoke-free, see Pages 19, 20, 31, and 32.
How close am I to attaining my goal?
How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________
1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?
Sales Leap
p Day 12 Purpose: I present a positive first impression to others and perform with the winning attitude and skills
of the top performers.
1) What performance skill would you like to enhance or 3) Think of an upcoming situation when you will be
strengthen during this session? demonstrating your skills. How will that success serve
Ideal Weight–B
p Day 13 Purpose: I create a positive awareness of myself and my eating choices and consistently make choices that
serve me well in attaining and maintaining my ideal weight.
1) What situation around eating food has recently been a 2) How would you like to behave in this situation–a way of
problem for you, or might be a problem for you in the dealing with it that would lead to your ideal weight?
near future?
Youthful Vitality
p Day 14 Purpose: I enjoy the creative energy and vitality of youth so I may flow successfully into the attainment
of my goal.
1) What new behaviors will help lead you to your goal? 2) Who do you know that consistently models and
demonstrates the behaviors you want?
1) What tasks are there to complete in order to achieve 3) Is it worth it?
your goal? (Keep it as simple as possible.)
Peak Performance–A
p Day 17 Purpose: I spark motivation to tackle any project, task, or responsibility and reinforce the attitudes and
behaviors that create superior levels of performance.
Memory Supercharger
p Day 18 Purpose: I build confidence in the inner workings of my mind.
Peak Performance–B
p Day 19 Purpose: I rise to my personal best and achieve long-lasting results.
1) Could you allow yourself to perform at your highest 3) When will you allow yourself to attain your highest
level? performance?
chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________
1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?
Dream Play–A
p Day 22 Purpose: I enhance contact with my inner mind and dream world, and I profit from remembering my
Automatic Pilot–A
p Day 23 Purpose: I specify exactly what I want, and I get my inner resources to back me up.
1) Is your goal what you, personally, really want? 3) Are you willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as it
takes to have it?
Automatic Pilot–B
p Day 24 Purpose: I lock in success by eliminating negative self-talk and vaporizing self-sabotage.
1) Identify a future speaking opportunity. How would you 2) If you act and feel the way you want to in that setting,
like to feel and act when talking with others? what would be a small concrete indicator of your
Talking to Win–B
p Day 26 Purpose: I speak effectively and comfortably in group settings, and I deliver my presentations with
1) Could you allow yourself to become a masterful 2) Are you willing to allow yourself to be a masterful
presenter? presenter? If so, when?
Self-Esteem Supercharger
p Day 27 Purpose: I support my success with profound confidence, because I am my own best friend and coach.
1) On what issue in your life have you been judgmental 2) How will it feel when you are more compassionate,
and self-castigating? forgiving, and supportive of yourself, regardless of the
results you produce?
Positive Relationships–A
p Day 28 Purpose: I maintain positive relationships while I resolve problems through effective communication.
1) What conflict with another person would you like to 3) What is at risk for the other person?
resolve that would help you move closer to your goal?
1) What specific habit or addictive behavior do you want 2) What does this freer, richer life look like, sound like,
to focus on during this listening session? and feel like?
1) What object, situation, or internal need triggered the 2) What is the positive, life-enhancing future that you have
unwanted behavior? chosen to live?
Round 1, Phase 4
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________
*If your goal is to achieve your optimal weight or live smoke-free, see Pages 19, 20, 31, and 32.
How close am I to attaining my goal?
How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________
1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?
Perfect Health
p Day 32 Purpose: I align my mind and body for self-healing and well-being.
1) In what areas of your physical or emotional experience 3) Has your body been trying to tell you something? If so,
would you like to achieve perfect health? what?
2) Can you remember a time in your life when you really 4) Are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve perfect
felt good, strong, and healthy? health?
1) How might you be dissipating the natural magnetic 3) What is a characteristic of a person with strong magnetic
energies within you? qualities that you would most like to emulate today and
instill as a habit of living for yourself?
1) What do you desire from your dream state tonight that 2) Whether you are dreaming for fun or pleasure, what is it
will give you insight into achieving your goal? you want to dream about, what dream do you request?
Creating Sparks
p Day 35 Purpose: I automatically increase the quality of my thoughts and emotions to create more fun, mystery,
adventure, and sizzle in my life.
1) With whom in your life would you like to create sparks? 2) What exactly is it that you want in your relationship? Is
it more attraction, fun, excitement, romance?
Deep Relaxation
p Day 38 Purpose: I enjoy profound and rejuvenating relaxation.
Holiday Cheer
p Day 39 Purpose: I capture the feelings of a holiday spirit and transform any day into a celebration of life.
1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?
chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________
Fresh Start
p Day 1 Purpose: I consciously align my innermost intentions with the thoughts, feelings, and actions that will
make certain their outcome.
1) In what area would you like to raise your vibration to 1) What person do you know who models the high
support your goal—physically, emotionally, or mentally vibration that you would like to experience?
and spiritually?
1) What fills you with deep satisfaction or is most 2) What are you choosing to get really good at?
meaningful for you?
1) What old stories, beliefs, and wounds from your past 1) How would you feel, act, and speak if you approached
prevent you from recognizing your own value and keep your goal from an abundant and expanded mindset?
you from claiming your success?
1) In what area of life do you feel overly burdened or 2) If you could discover a way to unburden this area of
pressured, which may be preventing your success? your life and live with greater simplicity, freedom, and
joy, would you choose to do so?
Personal Genius
p Day 6 Purpose: I accelerate my learning to secure the achievement of my goal.
1) What is the specific habit or addictive behavior you 3) What does this freer, richer life look like, sound like,
want to move beyond during this listening session? and feel like?
2) Would you allow the past to be over and step into a life
of new possibility?
Finding Treasure
p Day 9 Purpose: I effortlessly act upon the opportunities that favor my life with prosperity, happiness, and all
forms of treasure.
1) Are you willing to bring your unique expression of 2) What would you choose to have your life look like as
greatness into the world? you live fully, making a difference in the world?
Round 2, Phase 2
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________
chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________
Power Thinking
p Day 11 Purpose: I engage my ingenious mind to express my talents and creativity in extraordinary ways.
1) What specific result would you like to produce? 2) Are you willing to explore new habits of thought that
lead to this result?
1) What new action are you choosing to take today and 2) As you approach the opportunity to take this action,
when would you take it? what rewards can you anticipate?
1) What new action are you choosing to take today? 2) What small or epic win can you anticipate achieving?
Miracle Mindset
p Day 14 Purpose: I maintain a miracle mindset that helps me thrive in life and succeed in every way.
1) Which attribute will you strengthen in the next 24 3) What will you accomplish using your newly
hours to help you accomplish your goal? (Choose only strengthened miracle mindset?
Financial Security
p Day 16 Purpose: I create new habits that help me achieve my goal and meet the financial accomplishments of my
ideal future.
1) What is one situation that may be compromising your 2) What one small next step or action could you take to
financial security and preventing you from achieving handle this situation and move toward the success you
your goal? envision?
Conscious Time
p Day 17 Purpose: I intentionally direct my time and my life energy in ways that help me fulfill my passions and
1) What new behaviors will help lead you to your goal? 2) Who do you know that consistently models and
demonstrates the behaviors you want?
Peak Performance–A
p Day 19 Purpose: I reinforce attitudes and behaviors that create superior levels of performance.
Peak Performance–B
p Day 20 Purpose: I rise to my personal best and achieve long-lasting results.
1) Could you allow yourself to perform at your highest 3) When will you allow yourself to attain your highest
level? performance?
chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________
1) What is another task you must complete to achieve your 2) What is a reasonable time in which you will achieve this
goal? task?
Overcoming Overwhelm
p Day 22 Purpose: I access a reservoir of inner strength to effectively and efficiently accomplish what needs to be
done with calmness and clarity.
1) What current circumstances do you want to move 2) What new choices do you want to make?
p Day 26 Purpose: I follow through on the things I need to do to effectively accomplish my goal.
1) Why is this goal important to you? 2) How will working toward this goal complement your
Positive Relationships–B
p Day 28 Purpose: I attract and nurture positive relationships that support and strengthen me.
1) What feelings of fear, lack, or limitation do you most 3) What are you willing to give and what are you expecting
need to overcome regarding how you relate to others? to receive in your relationship?
Dream Play–A
p Day 29 Purpose: I enhance contact with my inner mind and dream world, and I profit from remembering my
1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?
chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________
1) How might you be dissipating the natural magnetic 3) What is a characteristic of a person with strong magnetic
energies within you? qualities that you would most like to emulate today and
instill as a habit of living for yourself?
Creativity Supercharger
p Day 32 Purpose: I naturally rally the intelligence, imagination, and creative genius of my mind as needed.
1) What is the ideal end result you intend for your 2) Are you ready to receive it?
creativity to accomplish?
Soul of Money
p Day 33 Purpose: I embrace the power of sufficiency to nourish and expand the abundance I already have.
1) What personal quality or inner resource are you ready to 2) How will this quality help you achieve your goal?
expand or strengthen?
1) For what issue would you most like to receive guidance? 2) What specific question do you have for your intuition
to answer?
Letting Go
p Day 36 Purpose: I release emotions and energies that derail my best intentions so I can easily move forward in all
the ways I choose to create my best life.
1) What inner obstacle, if any, still prevents you from 2) Are you ready to let go of the emotions surrounding this
attaining your goal? situation or feeling?
10-Minute Supercharger
p Day 37 Purpose: I recharge my energy to accomplish what I choose.
p Day 38 Purpose: I continually express gratitude for what is good in my life, naturally attracting more of what
gives me purpose and contentment.
p Day 39 Purpose: I open the flow of abundance in my life so I may create the success I desire.
1) In what area of your life would you like to increase your 3) If you could experience the ideal right now, would you
abundance? choose to have it?
1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?