SOP - Electrical Earthing
SOP - Electrical Earthing
SOP - Electrical Earthing
Document No: SOP/OCPL/ELE/004
1. Purpose:
The purpose of the SOP – Electrical Earthing Procedure is to train and to protect OCPL
employees from electrical injuries that could occur while working on a circuit that is
considered to be electrically isolated from all dynamic sources.
2. Responsibility:
3. Scope:
This safety standard applies to work on isolated circuits of overhead and underground
transmission lines / bus ducts (33KV, 6.6KV, 415V). The procedure in this document will
ensure that protective grounds are installed to:
ii) Provide protection in the case of accidental re-energization that may be caused by
operator error, contact with neighboring circuits, lightning, back feed, insulator
failure, etc.
iii) Provide protection from electrostatic and electromagnetic induction that may be
caused by adjacent energized circuits, wind or energized equipment.
This safety standard meets utility industry best practices and requirements contained in
OSHA 1910.269(n) "Grounding for the protection of employees."
4. Definitions:
5. Earthing Principles:
a. The available fault current for each circuit must be determined so that the correct
size ground sets can be specified.
b. The ground set specified must be able to withstand the fault current for a time
necessary to clear the fault.
c. The ground sets must be tested at least annually to ensure that they will continue
to provide a low resistant path around a worker.
6. Procedure:
7. Earthing Procedure :
8. Auditing:
The following procedure identifies how the audit program will be inspected/audited.
b Inspection records will be maintained that indicate the date of the inspection, the
employees included in the inspection, and the person performing the inspection. The
inspection records shall identify any deviations or inadequacies and the corrective
actions taken.
9. Don’ts:
i) Never try to do the Earthing without ensuring Line /Bus duct is in Dead Condition.
ii) Do not touch the Earthing Rod to Lines/Bus duct without clamping it to Earthing
iii) During opening never try to open the Earthing clamp first without disconnect it from
the line/Bus duct.
10. Training:
Team Leader (Electrical Maintenance) shall certify in writing that employee training has
been accomplished and is being kept up to date. The certification shall contain each
employee's name and dates of training. All employees who install, remove and inspect
grounds must be trained and knowledgeable on:
f. The effects of electric field (capacitive) induction and magnetic field (inductive)
g. How induction will cause current to flow in the conductor and grounds when more
than one set of grounds are installed on a circuit and how protective grounding/
bonding is needed to control voltage and current to a level that is safe for the worker.
h. The limitations of bracket grounding and the need for a protective grounding plan.
Retraining shall be provided when the work observation program reveals or whenever
the management has reason to believe, that there are deviations from or inadequacies
in an employee's knowledge on protective grounding procedures.
11. Testing:
Ground sets must be inspected and tested with a ground set tester on a scheduled
basis at least annually.
13. References:
This OCPL Electrical Earthing Procedure was developed using the following
publications as the source of the requirements contained herein:
All potential re-energization hazards have been identified and appropriate controls have
been implemented.
Signature of Engineer in Charge _______________________________