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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

12 Zest for Progress

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Philippine Politics and Governance

First Semester (Quarter 2) – Module 13:
Nature of Elections and Political Parties
in the Philippines

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
Development Team of the Module
Writer/s: Jalaini C. Diambrang
Editor: Florence S. Gallemit
Evaluators: Perga A. Cadiente
Florence S. Gallemit
Dr. Jephone Yorong
Illustrator: Name of illustrator/Photographer
Layout Artist: Peter Alavanza, Name of layout artist
Management Team: Dr. Isabelita M. Borres, CESO III
Dr. Eugenio B. Penales
Sonia D. Gonzales
Dr. Ella Grace M. Tagupa
Dr. Jephone P. Yorong
Florence S. Gallemit

Good day learners! Welcome to our new lesson in Philippine Politics and
Governance. This module is prepared for you to learn about the nature of elections and
political parties in the Philippines.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 analyze the nature of elections and political parties in the Philippines

Before we proceed to our lesson, I want you to answer this activity. Circle the
correct answers.

1. It is the legislative body of the municipality that composed of the municipal vice-
mayoras as the presiding officer, the regular sanggunian members, the president
of the municipal chapter of the liga ng mga barangay, the president of the
pambayang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan, and the sectoral
representatives, as members.
a. Sangguniang Bayan c. Sangguniang barangay
b. Sangguniang Panlungsod d. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
2. The chief executive of the provincial government is called _________.
a. Mayor c. Punong Barangay
b. Governor d. Vice-Governor
3. It is the means for increasing democratic strides.
a. Insurgency c. Decentralization
b. Dissemination d. Centralization
4. Vice-governor presiding officer in a ________.
a. Sannguiniang Panlungsod c. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
b. Sanguniang Bayan d. Sangguniang Panbarangay
5. Vice-mayor is the presiding officer in a ______________.
a. Sannguniang Panlungsod c. Sangguniang Panbarangay
b. Sangguniang Panlalawigan d. Sannguniang Bayan

Lesson Nature of Elections and

13 Political Parties in the Philippines

Election. The means by which the people choose their official for a definite and fixed period
and to whom they entrust for the time being the exercise of the powers of government.

An “election” means the choice or selection of candidates to public office by popular

vote through the use of the ballot, and the elected officials that are determined through
the will of the electorate. An election is the embodiment of the popular will, the expression
of the sovereign power of the people. The winner is the candidate who has obtained a
majority of plurality of valid votes cast in the election. Sound policy dictates that public
elective offices are filled by those who receive the highest number of votes cast in the
election for that office. For, in all republican forms of government the basic idea is that no
one can be declared elected and no measure can be declared carried unless he or it
receives a majority or plurality of the legal votes cast in the election. Rulloda v. Comelec, G.R.
No. 154198

An “election” is the embodiment of the popular will, the expression of the sovereign
power of the people. In common parlance, an “election” is the act of casting and receiving
the ballots, counting them, and making the return. An “election”, under the Constitution,
involves every element necessary to the complete ascertainment of the expression of the
popular will, embracing the entire range, from the deposit of the ballot by the elector up
to the final ascertainment and certification of the result. An election by the people means
and includes the perfect ascertainment of such result. Hontiveros v. Altavas, 24 Phil. 632

The term “election” refers to the conduct of the polls, including the listing of voters,
the holding of the electoral campaign, and the casting and counting of votes.

Kinds of election
a. Regular. – One provided by law for the election of officers either nation-wide or in
certain subdivisions thereof, after the expiration of the full term of the former
A “regular election” is an election held on such dates established by law at
regular intervals.
A “regular” election, whether national or local, also refers to an election
participated in by those who possess the right of suffrage, are not otherwise
disqualified by law, and who are registered votes. The election for Sangguniang
Kabataan is not “regular” election because the latter is participated in by youth ages
ranging from 15 to 21, some of whom are not qualified voters to elect local or
national elective officials.
b. Special. – One held to fill a vacancy in office before the expiration of the full term for
which the incumbent was elected.
A “special election” is an election not regularly held to supply a vacancy in a
particular office before the expiration of the full term for which the incumbent was
elected. A “special election” also refers to an election held when there is a failure of

The purpose of an election is to give the voters a direct participation in the affairs of
their government, either in determining who shall be their public officials or in deciding
some question of public interest; and for this purpose, all of the legal voters should be
permitted, unhampered and unmolested, to cast their ballots. Yason v. Comelec, 134 SCRA

Initiative and referendum

Initiative and referendum are law-making powers that belong to the people and have
been described as the “people-power” features of our Constitution. Initiative is a process
of law-making by the people without the participation of their elected representatives.
Referendum consists merely of the electorate approving or rejecting what has been drawn
up or enacted by a legislative body. Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority v. Comelec, 262 SCRA 492
The word plebiscite comes from the Latin plebiscite, which originally meant a decree
of the Concilium Plebis, the popular assembly of the Roman Republic. Referendums and
referenda are both commonly used as plurals of referendum.
The word “plebiscite” is generally used with reference to the voting to determine
whether the voters in the country are in favor or against the ratification of the constitution
or an amendment thereto. The term is also used in connection with the voting to
determine whether voters in the political units affected agree to a proposed creation,
division, merger, abolition or boundary change of a political unit.
As used in R.A. No. 6735, other known as “The Initiative and Referendum Act”, the
term “plebiscite” is the electoral process by which an initiative on the Constitution is
approved or rejected by the people.

Recall is a method for removing an elective public officer by the people before the
end of the officer’s term of office. Angobung v. Comelec, 269 SCRA 245

R.A. No. 7160 prohibits a recall election within one year immediately preceding a
regular local election. The term “regular local election” refers to an election where the
position of the official to be recalled is to be actually contested and filled by the electorate.
Angobung v. Comelec, 269 SCRA 245

The period of campaign shall be as follows:

1. Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election - 90 days;
2. Election of Members of the Batasang Pambansa and Local Election - 45 days; and
3. Barangay Election - 15 days.
The campaign periods shall not include the day before and the day of the election.
However, in case of special elections under Article VIII, Section 5, Subsection (2) of the
Constitution, the campaign period shall be forty-five days.

The phrase “election period” is specified by law but may be fixed in special cases by the
Comelec, and extends beyond the date of the election itself, while “campaign period” is
fixed by law, and covers only the period before the day of the election. Peralta v. Comelec,
82 SCRA 30

The term “election day” is the day legally established for the election of a public official.

Sec. 4. Obligation to register and vote. - It shall be the obligation of every citizen qualified
to vote to register and cast his vote.

Suffrage. The right to vote in the election of officers chosen by the people and in the
determination of submitted to the people. Includes within its scope: election, plebiscite,
initiative and referendum.

The term “suffrage” means a voice given not only in the choice of a man for an office
or trust, but also in deciding a controverted question.

Suffrage is the means by which the people express their sovereign judgements and
its free exercise must be protected especially against the purchasing power of the peso.

Th right of suffrage is predicted upon the theory that the people who bear the burden
of government should share in privilege of choosing the officials of that government.

Suffrage is both a right and a privilege. It is a right because it is the expression of

the sovereign will of the people. It is a privilege because its exercise is conferred only to
such person s or class of persons as are most likely to exercise it for the purpose of the
public good.

Sec. 5. Postponement of election. - When for any serious cause such as violence,
terrorism, loss or destruction of election paraphernalia or records, force majeure, and other
analogous causes of such a nature that the holding of a free, orderly and honest election
should become impossible in any political subdivision, the Commission, motu proprio or upon
a verified petition by any interested party, and after due notice and hearing, whereby all
interested parties are afforded equal opportunity to be heard, shall postpone the election
therein to a date which should be reasonably close to the date of the election not held,
suspended or which resulted in a failure to elect but not later than thirty days after the
cessation of the cause for such postponement or suspension of the election or failure to elect.

Sec. 6. Failure of election. - If, on account of force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud, or
other analogous causes the election in any polling place has not been held on the date fixed,
or had been suspended before the hour fixed by law for the closing of the voting, or after the
voting and during the preparation and the transmission of the election returns or in the
custody or canvass thereof, such election results in a failure to elect, and in any of such
cases the failure or suspension of election would affect the result of the election, the
Commission shall, on the basis of a verified petition by any interested party and after due
notice and hearing, call for the holding or continuation of the election not held, suspended or
which resulted in a failure to elect on a date reasonably close to the date of the election not
held, suspended or which resulted in a failure to elect but not later than thirty days after
the cessation of the cause of such postponement or suspension of the election or failure to

Sec. 7. Call of special election. -In case a vacancy arises in the Batasang Pambansa
eighteen months or more before a regular election, the Commission shall call a special
election to be held within sixty days after the vacancy occurs to elect the Member to serve
the unexpired term.
In case of the dissolution of the Batasang Pambansa, the President shall call an
election which shall not be held earlier than forty-five nor later than sixty days from the date
of such dissolution.
The Commission shall send sufficient copies of its resolution for the holding of the
election to its provincial election supervisors and election registrars for dissemination, who
shall post copies thereof in at least three conspicuous places preferably where public
meetings are held in each city or municipality affected

Sec. 8. Election Code to be available in polling places. - A printed copy of this Code in
English or in the national language shall be provided and be made available by the
Commission in every polling place, in order that it may be readily consulted by any person
in need thereof on the registration, revision and election days.

Sec. 10. Election expenses. - Except in barangay elections, such expenses as may be
necessary and reasonable in connection with the elections, referenda, plebiscites and other
similar exercises shall be paid by the Commission. The Commission may direct that in the
provinces, cities, or municipalities, the election expenses chargeable to the Commission be
advanced by the province, city or municipality concerned subject to reimbursement by the
Commission upon presentation of the proper bill.
Funds needed by the Commission to defray the expenses for the holding of regular
and special elections, referenda and plebiscites shall be provided in the regular
appropriations of the Commission which, upon request, shall immediately be released to the
Commission. In case of deficiency, the amount so provided shall be augmented from the
special activities funds in the general appropriations act and from those specifically
appropriated for the purpose in special laws.

Sec. 11. Failure to assume office. - The office of any official elected who fails or refuses
to take his oath of office within six months from his proclamation shall be considered vacant,
unless said failure is for a cause or causes beyond his control.

Sec. 12. Disqualifications. - Any person who has been declared by competent authority
insane or incompetent, or has been sentenced by final judgment for subversion, insurrection,
rebellion or for any offense for which he has been sentenced to a penalty of more than
eighteen months or for a crime involving moral turpitude, shall be disqualified to be a
candidate and to hold any office, unless he has been given plenary pardon or granted
This disqualification to be a candidate herein provided shall be deemed removed upon
the declaration by competent authority that said insanity or incompetence had been removed
or after the expiration of a period of five years from his service of sentence, unless within
the same period he again becomes disqualified.


Sec. 60. Political party. - "Political party" or "party", when used in this Act, means an
organized group of persons pursuing the same ideology, political ideas or platforms of
government and includes its branches and divisions. To acquire juridical personality, quality
it for subsequent accreditation, and to entitle it to the rights and privileges herein granted to
political parties, a political party shall first be duly registered with the Commission. Any

registered political party that, singly or in coalition with others, fails to obtain at least ten
percent of the votes cast in the constituency in which it nominated and supported a
candidate or candidates in the election next following its registration shall, after notice and
hearing be deemed to have forfeited such status as a registered political party in such

A political party is “an organized group of persons pursuing the same political ideals
in a government.” In order that a group of persons be organized, all of them must be joined
in a corporate body, articulate, with the attributes of a social personality. In addition, it
must have a constitution, by-laws, rules, or some kind of charter. Furthermore, some kind
of agreement, written or unwritten, must exist on how the group is to function, how it will
be presided over, and how it is to express its collective will. Although the platform of the
Goodwill Party embodied many ideals of a political character, nowhere appeared the
existence of “an organized group of persons” pursuing said ideals.

Party System. A free and open party system shall be allowed to evolve according to the free
choice of the people (Sec. (2) 5, Art. IX-C)

1. No votes cast in favor of a political party, organization or coalition shall be valid, except
for those registered, under the party-list system as provided in the constitution (Sec.
7, Art. IX-C)
a. Party-List System. The party-list system is a mechanism of proportional
representatives from national, regional and sectoral parties or organizations or
coalitions thereof registered with the Commission on Elections (RA 7941)

2. Political parties registered under the party-list system shall be entitled to appoint poll
watchers in accordance with law. (Sec. 8, Art. IX-C)

3. Party-list representatives shall constitute 20% of the total number of representatives in

House of Representatives (Sec. 5(2), Art. VI)

Political Party
a. A party means either a coalition party or a sectoral party or a coalition of parties.

b. A political party refers to an organized group of citizens advocating an ideology or

platform, principles and policies for the general conduct of government and which,
as the most immediate means of securing their adoption, regularly nominates
certain of its leaders and members as candidates for public office. It is national party
when its constituency is spread over the geographical territory of at least a majority
of the regions. It is regional party when its constituency is spread over the
geographical territory of at least a majority of the cities and provinces comprising
the region.

c. A sectoral party refers to an organized group of citizens belonging to any of the

following sectors: labor peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural
communities, elderly, handicapped, women youth, veterans, overseas workers and
professionals, whose principal advocacy pertains to the special interest and
concerns of their sector.

d. A sectoral organization refers to a group of citizens or a coalition of groups of citizens
who share similar physical attributes or characteristics, employment, interests or

e. A coalition refers to an aggrupation of duly registered national, regional, sectoral

parties or organizations for political and/or election purposes.

Sec. 61. Registration. - Any organized group of persons seeking registration as a national
or regional political party may file with the Commission a verified petition attaching thereto
its constitution and by-laws, platform or program of government and such other relevant
information as may be required by the Commission. The Commission shall, after due notice
and hearing, resolve the petition within ten days from the date it is submitted for decision.
No religious sect shall be registered as a political party and no political party which
seeks to achieve its goal through violence shall be entitled to accreditation.

In order to acquire juridical personality as a political party, to entitle it to the benefits

and privileges granted under the Constitution and the laws, and in order to participate in
the party-lists system, the group must register with the Commission on Elections by filing
with the Comelec not later than 90 days before the election a verified petition stating its
desire to participate in the party-list system as a national, regional, sectoral party or
organization or a coalition of such parties or organizations.
1. Groups which cannot be registered as political parties.
a. Religious denomination or sects;
b. Those who seek to achieve their goals through violence or unlawful means;
c. Those who refuse to uphold and adhere to the Constitution;
d. Those supported by foreign governments.

2. Grounds for cancellation of registration

 Accepting financial contributions from foreign governments or their agencies
 Failure to obtain at least 10% of the votes cast in the constituency where the party
fielded candidates.

Under R.A. 7941, the Comelec may, motu propio or upon a verified complaint of
any interested party, refuse or cancel, after due notice and hearing, the
registration of any national, regional or sectoral party, organization or coalition on
any of the following grounds:
a. It is religious sect or denomination, organization or association organized for
religious purposes;
b. It advocates violence or unlawful means to seek its goal;
c. It is foreign party or organization;
d. It is receiving support from any foreign government, foreign political party,
foundation, organization, whether directly or through any of its officers or
members, or indirectly through third parties, for partisan election purposes;
e. It violates or fails to comply with laws, rules or regulations relating to elections;
f. It declares untruthful statements in its petition,
g. It has ceased to exist for at least one year; and
h. It fails to participate in the last two preceding elections, or fails to obtain at least
2% of the votes cast under the party-list system in the two preceding elections
for the constituency in which it was registered.

Sec. 62. Publication of petition for registration or accreditation. - The Commission
shall require publication of the petition for registration or accreditation in at least three
newspapers of general circulation and shall, after due notice and hearing, resolve the
petition within fifteen days from the date it is submitted for decision.

At this point, let us analyze what have you understood on the discussion
above. Answer the following questions.

1. Distinguish elections from suffrage?

2. Define political party?

3. What is the procedure in registration of a political party?


Enrichment Activity

1. Grounds for cancellation of registration of political parties

a. _____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________

2. Groups which cannot be registered as political parties

a. _____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________________________

3. Grounds for failure of election

a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________
e. _______________________________

Directions: Match Column A with the correct answers in Column B


1. campaign period in Barangay Election a. Within Fifteen days

2. election for vacancy that arises in the Batasang Coalition
Pambansa b. sectoral organization
3. a process of law-making by the people without the
c. sectoral party
participation of their elected representatives.
4. method for removing an elective public officer by d. Political party
the people before the end of the officer’s term of e. Religious sector
office f. Recall
5. disqualified to be a political party g. Initiative
6. Organized group of citizens advocating an ideology h. Special election
or platform, principles and policies for the general i. 15 days
conduct of government
7. Organized group of citizens belonging to labor
peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural
communities, elderly, handicapped, women youth,
veterans, overseas workers and professionals.
8. group of citizens or a coalition of groups of citizens
who share similar physical attributes or
characteristics, employment, interests or concerns.
9. an aggrupation of duly registered national, regional,
sectoral parties or organizations for political and/or
election purposes
10. period in which petition for registration must be

Directions: Complete the following statements by filling in the blanks.

1. An ________________ means the choice or selection of candidates to public office by

popular vote through the use of the ballot, and the elected officials that are
determined through the will of the electorate. The winner is the candidate who has
obtained a majority of plurality of valid votes cast in the election.

2. A ___________________ is an election held on such dates established by law at regular


3. A __________________ is an election not regularly held to supply a vacancy in a

particular office before the expiration of the full term for which the incumbent was
elected. A “special election” also refers to an election held when there is a failure of

4. ________________ is a process of law-making by the people without the participation

of their elected representatives.

5. ________________ consists merely of the electorate approving or rejecting what has

been drawn up or enacted by a legislative body.

6. ________________ is generally used with reference to the voting to determine whether

the voters in the country are in favor or against the ratification of the constitution
or an amendment thereto. The term is also used in connection with the voting to
determine whether voters in the political units affected agree to a proposed creation,
division, merger, abolition or boundary change of a political unit.

7. _____________ is a method for removing an elective public officer by the people before
the end of the officer’s term of office.

8. _____________ is the means by which the people express their sovereign judgements
and its free exercise must be protected especially against the purchasing power of
the peso.

9. A _____________________ is an organized group of persons pursuing the same political

ideals in a government. In order that a group of persons be organized, all of them
must be joined in a corporate body, articulate, with the attributes of a social
personality. In addition, it must have a constitution, by-laws, rules, or some kind of
charter. Furthermore, some kind of agreement, written or unwritten, must exist on
how the group is to function, how it will be presided over, and how it is to express
its collective will.

10. A ____________________ refers to an organized group of citizens belonging to any of

the following sectors: labor peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural
communities, elderly, handicapped, women youth, veterans, overseas workers and
professionals, whose principal advocacy pertains to the special interest and
concerns of their sector.

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The means by which the people choose their official for a definite and fixed period
and to whom they entrust for the time being the exercise of the powers of
a. Suffrage c. Initiative
b. Election d. Referendum
2. What is the purpose of election?
a. organized group of persons pursuing the same political ideals in a government
b. give the voters a direct participation in the affairs of their government
c. hold a free, orderly and honest way of organizing people in the government
d. organized group of citizens advocating an ideology or platform, principles and
policies for the general conduct of government
3. The period of campaign for presidential and Vice-Presidential election is _______.
a. 15 days c. 60 days
b. 45 days d. 90 days
4. The period for the election of Members of the Batasang Pambansa and Local Election
is _________.
a. 15 days c. 45 days
b. 30 days d. 90 days
5. When can an office of an elected official be considered vacant?
a. If after six months the elected official fails to take oath
b. If after three month the elected official fails to take oath
c. If after the result of election, the elected official fails to take oath
d. If within six months the elected official fails to take oath
6. Which is NOT a ground for postponement of election.
a. Fraud c. Violence
b. Terrorism d. Force majeure
7. In case a vacancy arises in the Batasang Pambansa eighteen months or more before
a regular election, the Commission shall call for ________.
a. Special election c. Initiative
b. Regular election d. Recall
8. An elected official through special election will serve the _______.
a. Full term c. 3 years
b. Unexpired term d. 6 years
9. When an election in any polling place has not been held on the date fixed, or had
been suspended before the hour fixed by law for the closing of the voting, or after
the voting and during the preparation and the transmission of the election returns
or in the custody or canvass thereof, it deemed considered to be _________.
a. Postponement of election c. Failure of election
b. Suspension of election d. Holding of election
10. What should a political party attach in its registration?
a. Constitution and by-laws
b. Platform or program for the government
c. Relevant information required by the commission
d. All of the above
11. Is publication of petition for registration necessary?
a. Yes, it is mandatory that the petition be published in at least three newspaper of
general circulation
b. No, mere passing of required documents in the commission is enough to express
the intent of the party to register
c. Depends if whether the commission wants to publish it or not
d. None of the above
12. Are all citizens obligated to vote?
a. Yes, it is the obligation of every citizen qualified to vote, to reregister and cast
his vote
b. No, not all have the obligation to vote
c. Depends on whether the citizen like to vote or not
d. None of the above
13. In what case a special election may call for?
a. Vacancy in the Senate and House of Representatives
b. Vacancy in Executive Department
c. Vacancy in the Judiciary Department
d. Vacancy in the Commission on Election
14. Who can postpone election?
a. Comelec alone
b. Comelec with the majority vote of the Congress
c. Comelec with an order from the president
d. Comelec with an order from the Supreme Court
15. Which among the following is a ground for disqualification of a candidate in an
a. Insane c. sentenced by final judgement for rebellion
b. Incompetent d. all of the above

Additional Activity
Directions: Answer the question below with supporting details.

When and how may an election be postponed?


1. Grounds for cancellation of registration of political parties
a. Accepting financial contributions from foreign
governments or their agencies
b. Failure to obtain at least 10% of the votes cast in the
constituency where the party fielded candidates.
2. Groups which cannot be registered as political parties
REVIEW a. Religious denomination or sects;
b. Those who seek to achieve their goals through violence
1. d
or unlawful means;
2. c
3. b c. Those who refuse to uphold and adhere to the
4. a Constitution;
5. b d. Those supported by foreign governments
3. Grounds for failure of election
a. force majeure
b. violence
c. terrorism
d. fraud
e. other analogous causes
Rubrics for the essay on the Analyze
Focus Content Organization Convention Total
4 points 3 points 2points 1 point
The presence of The order developed Grammar,
The single ideas developed and sustained mechanics,
controlling through facts, within and across spelling, 10
point made with examples, anecdotes, paragraphs. This usage and points
an awareness of details, opinion, also include use sentence
task about a statistics, reason, and arrangement of formation
specific topic and /or explanations sentence structure
Answer Key
De Leon, Hector S. (1999). Textbook on the Philippine Constituition. REX Printing
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Nachura, Antonio E.B. (2009). Outline Reviewer in Political Law. VJ Graphic Arts , Inc.
Albano, Ed Vincent, et. al. (2014). Political Law Reviewer. ChanRobles Publishing
When for any serious cause such as violence, terrorism, loss or destruction of election
paraphernalia or records, force majeure, and other analogous causes of such a nature
that the holding of a free, orderly and honest election should become impossible in any
political subdivision, the Commission, motu proprio or upon a verified petition by any
interested party, and after due notice and hearing, whereby all interested parties are
afforded equal opportunity to be heard, shall postpone the election therein to a date
which should be reasonably close to the date of the election not held, suspended or
which resulted in a failure to elect but not later than thirty days after the cessation of
the cause for such postponement or suspension of the election or failure to elect.
1. b
2. b
5. d 1. election
6. a 1. j 2. regular election
7. a 2. i 3. special election
8. b 3. h 4. Initiative
4. g 5. Referendum
9. c
5. f 6. Plebiscite
10. d
6. e 7. Recall
11. a 7. d
12. a 8. Suffrage
8. c
13. a 9. political party
9. b
14. a 10. a 10. sectoral party
15. d
Region IX: Zamboanga Peninsula Hymn – Our Eden Land

Here the trees and flowers bloom Gallant men And Ladies fair
Here the breezes gently Blow, Linger with love and care
Here the birds sing Merrily, Golden beams of sunrise and sunset
The liberty forever Stays, Are visions you’ll never forget
Oh! That’s Region IX
Hardworking people Abound,
Here the Badjaos roam the seas
Every valleys and Dale
Here the Samals live in peace
Zamboangueños, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
Here the Tausogs thrive so free
Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Subanons, Boholanos,
With the Yakans in unity
All of them are proud and true
Region IX our Eden Land
Region IX

The Footprints Prayer Trees by Joyce Kilmer

One night I had a dream. I dreamed I think that I shall never see
that I was walking along the beach A poem lovely as a tree.
with the LORD.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
In the beach, there were two (2) sets Against the earth’s sweet flowing
of footprints – one belong to me and breast;
the other to the LORD.
A tree that looks at God all day,
Then, later, after a long walk, I And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
noticed only one set of footprints.
A tree that may in Summer wear
“And I ask the LORD. Why? Why?
A nest of robins in her hair;
Why did you leave me when I am sad
and helpless?”
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
And the LORD replied “My son, My Who intimately lives with rain.
son, I have never left you. There was
only one (1) set of footprints in the Poems are made by fools like me,
sand, because it was then that I But only God can make a tree.


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