Shalom (MSX Walkthrough)

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Shalom: Knightmare III for the MSX

Version 1.0
By Vahan Nisanian
(C) 2022 Vahan Nisanian (Do not copy without my

Table of Contents

1. About This Game

2. Story
3. How To Play
3.1 Controls
3.2 Command Menus
3.3 Saving & Loading
4. Inventory
5. Characters
5.1 Main Cast
5.2 Minor Cast
5.3 The Eight Demon Kings and Gog
6. Tips
7. Walkthrough
7.1 First Demon King (Devil, Younger Brother)
7.2 Second Demong King (Devil, Older Brother)
7.3 Third Demon King (Half-Fish Man)
7.4 Fourth Demon King (Lizard)
7.5 Fifth Demon King (or Queen) (Lana)
7.6 Sixth Demon King (Agol)
7.7 Seventh Demon King (Gangan)
7.8 Eighth Demon King (Puzzla)
7.9 Great Demon King (Gog)
8. Thanks
1. About This Game
"Shalom: Knightmare III" (full title being "Shalom: Demon Castle Legend III: Final
Edition") is the third and final game in Konami's MSX Knightmare trilogy. This one
was a top-view adventure that relied on command menus, much like LucasArts' point-
and-click titles. It was released for the MSX in Japan only on December 23, 1987.

This is easily the most complex in the trilogy due to the sheer amount of text it
relies on, and if you don't have the essential (albeit, slightly flawed) English
translation, you can be uncertain of what to do. You may even have the tendency to
stare at the action on the screen, and not pay any attention to the smaller than
expected window of commands. That's what this guide is for. But when you get pass
these flaws, and progress further into the game, you're gonna be in for a quite an
enjoyable an engaging tale that it has to tell. The storytelling is very well done
and innovative at times for an MSX game from 1987. The game even has occasional
creepy moments that are legit scary, especially for an 8-bit title.

2. Story
You take control of the nameless Hero (it's up to you what he should be named), the
director of the High School Computer Club. The nameless Heroine (also up to you
what she should be named) has the new game "Shalom". You forcibly take it away from
her, start the game, and in the style of the Disney movie "Tron", suddenly get
sucked inside of it.

An entire century has passed since the events of "The Maze of Galious". Popolon &
Aphrodite have since gone to Heaven, and their son, King Pampas, has ruled Greek
Kingdom. One day, Gog, the Great Demon King, causes a new plague, King Pampas
becomes ill, and Princess Chelsea, his beloved daughter, goes missing.

To get back to the real world, the Hero must defeat the Eight Demon Kings, as well
as the Great Demon King Gog. What makes this game quite quirky and unique, is that
the style of the boss battles vary from time to time. One involves a boxed puzzle
similar to Klotski, another involves a block breaker battle similar to Konami's
Famicom Disk System title "Crackout", for example. There are also many gags and
toilet humor that, again, can only be understood if you play the game via an
English translation.

3. How To Play

3.1 Controls
The Hero moves in four different directions. Pressing M activates the cursor for
the Command Menus. Space fires your dagger during boss battles, as well as performs
the commands you want. Scroll down further to get the other eight commands.

3.2 Command Menus
There are eight different Commands for you to choose, when performing an action in
the overworld. Below is the original Japanese text, and what each Command
translates to.

話しかける = TALK
見る = LOOK AT
取る = TAKE
使う = USE
見せる = TO SHOW
わたす = GIVE

3.3 Saving & Loading
To Save, approach a lone Villager dressed in blue & white. There are nine save
stations in total. You can record your progress by either using a blank disk,
recording to a cassette tape and then cueing that tape to the part where you saved
your progress when you're ready to load, or type a password. But be forewarned, the
passwords given are VERY long. 130 characters long.

4. Inventory

There are twelve pieces of Inventory for you to collect. They are listed in the
order you collect them, as you progress further into the story. Again, below is the
original Japanese text, and what each name translates to.

たんけん = DAGGER
Your primary weapon.

ローソク = CANDLE
Lights up Hokorah.

オノ = AXE
Used to chop down wood.

みず = WATER
Restores people who disappeared.

フリーパス = FREE PASS

Show this to the Moles in order to go through the underground paths.

ハンマー = HAMMER
Needed to enter Diamond Mountain.

てがみ = MAIL
Mermaid Letter.

はたけのき = Pitchfork
Use it to find Water Veins.

マント = CLOAK
Maria's Cloak.

ゆびわ = RING
Give this to the Mermaid after giving Triton the Mail.

ネックレス = NECKLACE
Belongs to Princess Chelsea.

Holds the key to the story.

5. Characters

5.1 Main Cast
Once more, below is the original Japanese text, and the translation.

主人公 = Hero
The unpopular head of the High School Computer Club.

ヒロイン = Heroine
The Hero's classmate. She is constantly ridiculed by him, but she has secret
feelings for the Hero.

ブタ子 = Butako
An anthropomorphic female Pig. She acts as a guide for the Hero in Greek Kingdom.

パンパース = King Pampas

100 year old ruler of Greek Kingdom. Has a missing daughter named Princess Chelsea.

チェルシー = Princess Chelsea

King Pampas' missing daughter.

ダンテ = Dante
A Greek Kingdom soldier who is in love with Chelsea.

ポポロン・アフロディテ = Popolon & Aphrodite

King Pampas' long departed parents. They watch over Greek Kingdom from Heaven.

5.2 Minor Cast
ベティ = Betty
Iriko Villager kidnapped by the Devil's brother, and the single most beautiful girl
in the Village.

サウル = Saul
A young boy who collapsed from exhaustion. He was looking for a Water Vein.

テレサ = Teresa
Candle saleswoman with a flattering personality.

モグラ = Mole
Guardians of underground tunnels, you need a Free Pass to show to them to gain
access. They all speak in the Kansai dialect, described as somewhat angry.

グヌス = Gunus
Blind Village Hypnotist.

ティオス = Tios
Dojo owner who has mastered the Exorcism technique.

アレク = Alex
A Woodcutter who forgot his axe.

アーサ = Eartha
He has a hazel plantation in his Garden, and speaks in the Tohoku dialect, a
country sounding Japanese accent.

マリア = Maria
A missing girl with a cloak.

マーマ・マーマン = Mama & Merman

Two Mermaids living separately, one in Lake Onna, and the other in Lake Otoko. They
lost their correspondence letters.

カリレオ = Calileo
Iriko Village Astronomer.
カミオム二世 = King Camiom II
Rules a region in the Greek Kingdom, and thinks the darkness taking over is just a

5.3 The Eight Demon Kings and Gog
デビル(弟) = Devil (Younger Brother)
Kidnaps Betty as a sacrifice to Gog. Segment takes place in a side-view

デビル(兄)= Devil (Older Brother)

Makes Villagers visible in Blind Village. Segment involves a gondola moving up and
down, similar to Konami's Arcade game "Pooyan".

半魚人 = Half-Fish Man

Sits in a local hole. Segment takes place in an overhead-view perspective.

リザード = Lizard
Brainwashes the Villagers into worshipping Gog. Segment takes place in a "Crackout"

ラーナ = Lana
A Witch enchanted by immortality. Defeat her while she is talking.

アゴル = Agol
Her weakspots are her eyes.

ガンガン = Gangan
Ruler of Diamond Mountain, and the strongest of these Demons.

パズラ = Puzzla
The final boss of the Eight Demon Kings. Kidnaps Princess Chelsea, and takes place
in the form of a Klotski puzzle.

ゴグ = Gog
The ultimate Demon King who wants to destroy the world. He returns when the
Celestial Grand Cross forms.

6. Tips
*Except for the first and last, the order of the other Demon Kings can be defeated
in any sequence that pleases you.

*If you're attempting a blind playthrough, try to exhaust every option when talking
to someone. That way, you can make notes of which commands to use for future

*Stop and read each signpost, if you're not too familiar with the locations.

*Typing this 130 character password will allow you to start with everything,
including the Diamond.

*While you're viewing the telescope in Galileo's house, select the TO DO command
seven times. By the eighth, a new command called SPY will appear. You can use that
to see a woman taking a Bath (Hero, you creep!)

7. Walkthrough

7.1 First Demon King (Devil, Younger Brother)

Leaving the game alone after booting it triggers an opening cutscene that lists off
all the characters in the main cast. Hero, Heroine, King Pampas, Princess Chelsea,
Popolon, Aphrodite, Butako, and Great Demon King Gog appear in order. This is then
followed by a demonstration. All commands will be capitalized.

1. After naming the Hero and Heroine (I prefer to name them Hero and Heri
respectively), you start off in the High School Computer Club, playing. The first
thing you see is a headshot of Heri with a new game. LOOK at her, and you ask her
what that is she is holding, of which she says "It's nothing...". EXAMINE it, and
you that it's "Shalom", the new Konami game, of which you want to play. The Heroine
refuses, and you say that it wouldn't hurt to play a little, but she still refuses.
TALK to her, and you will ask her if she came alone, of which she says she did.
TALK to her, and she will scold you for not programming, to which you are aware of.
LOOK at what she is holding again. GET the game from her, of which you will try to
fake her out, so that you can take it from her. Now, you are facing the computer,
about to put the game in. KISS her, and she will beat the crap out of you for being
a pervert! Turn the GAME on, and she will remind you to be careful, of which you
question "With what?". You input your name, and the Heroine's name, start the game,
and that's when you suddenly get sucked inside of it!

2. Your body is in pieces upon being teleported inside the game. HEAR, and you'll
detect Pig sounds. LOOK, and you will see a female Pig staring at you. You insit
you're dreaming. EXAMINE her, who asks if you are exaggerated, she scolds you for
being a pervert. TALK to her, and she apologizes for scaring you. You fire back at
her, for having a face that scares everyone. You then notice that she can talk, of
which she asks if you are scared, of which you say that anyone would be scared with
a face like that. She notices that you look lost, and opts to show you where you
are. She says that it's an old realm of fantasy with magic and miracles. You
object, then she tells you to look around. You then realize that it doesn't look
like your own world. She adds that you came to this world because of the game's
curse, and gives you your objective of returning back to the real world, which is
to defeat the Great Demon King Gog. You then ask where he is, of which she says
that his whereabouts are unknown. She says that they should find King Pampas first.
You ask her who he is, and she says that you will understand when you meet him, and
wants you to call her a better name. You suggest Butao, to which she scoffs at, so
you suggest Butako instead. She jumps on your back; your sprite looks like it's two
heads, but it's just you basically giving Butako a piggyback ride. (I see what they
did there!)

3. You atuomatically go to the Castle. Once inside, TALK to everyone in the first
room twice. Go up one screen, and left another. There, you will find the ill
cenetarian King Pamaps in his bed. TALK to both Soldiers. Face the right side of
the bed, and TALK to King Pampas. He says that he wasn't expecting you and Butako,
and that he knew they would come. He says that the Greek Realm is now in great
danger, because of Gog. You ask what Gog is doing, to which he says that he is the
lord of incarnated evil, ruling as the Great Demon King. He cites an old prohpency
that someone will seduce men's hearts to deviate them from God's path. And when
this time has come, he will ressurect from Hell, to spread the evil and terror in
men's world. He also says that the destruction begins with the help of eight
Demons, and that this will happen when the stars from the sky for a Great Cross. He
mentions that his only daughter, Princess Chelsea, has been missing for more than
15 days. He begs you to find her, and defeat Gog. He mentions a picture of his
daughter that you can see. You remark that this story is too scary (indeed, it is).
Now, LOOK at the photo of Princess Chelsea to the left of King Pampas. Go down one
screen, and TALK to the man who is not a Soldier. His name is Rod, and you ask him
if he has a weapon or a shield to borrow, to which he asks why you want that. You
say that you are going to defeat Gog, to which he says that you're too young for
that. He wonders if there's something here you would like, and he gives you Item
#01, a Dagger. TALK to everyone in the weapons room. Make sure you talk to everyone
on the island, so that a hole will open in the mountain to the left of the Village.

4. Leave the Castle, and go right one screen. TALK to Peka, who tells you about the
stars forming a big cross in the Realm's sky, signalling the Great Demon of
Darkness emerging. Go up one screen to talk to LEVY, who mentions the region
dominated by King Camion St, with lots of missing residents. Go up another screen
to TALK to Naya, who built the Greek Castle's fountain. Go up one screen, and left
another to TALK to Omuri, who says that Gog sent eight Demons to the Greek Realm.
Go left one screen, and down another to TALK to Yoram, who prays a special person
appears to stop Gog. Go down one screen to TALK to Elisa, who says that Princess
Chelsea is very important to King Pampas, hence why he spoiled her. Go down one
screen to TALK to Puff, who tells you that Gunus is the best doctor of Greek Realm,
because he uses hypnosis as a part of his treatment. Go right one screen to TALK to
a man named Serum, who laments that this world is ending because of Gog. Go left
two screens, and TALK to another man there named Watt, who tells you that there are
eight Demons throuhout the Realm, causing havoc. Go left another screen to arrive
at a house. Go inside and talk to the woman named Tana, who is very worried. She
mentions her husband Alex, a woodcutter, who went to work, and forgot his axe. You
offer to help with TO DO, to which she gives you Item #02, an Axe, to take to her

5. Go up another screen to find Tana's son Ruson. TALK to him, and he tell syou
that his father always goes far away from the house to cut the wood. Go down two
screens, and right another to TALK to Jonas. He tells you that Betty, a Village
girl, will be sacrificed to a Demon, and that this is the first of the eight Demons
Gog has sent to the world. Go down one screen to find two people. TALK to Barun,
who mentions the observator where Galileo studies the stars. TALK to Patty, who
simply remarks that Galileo is a great astronomer (boy, I bet he sure is!). Go left
one screen to find Galileo. TALK to him, and encourages you to look through the
telescope. LOOKing through it shows Planet Dummy, and several others around it. He
says that according to his calculations, these Planets will soon form a cross. He
says that it will mean the end of the world. If you select the TO DO command
several times, you can perform the aforementioned trick of spying a woman taking a
bath. (did I mention you're a creep, HERO?)

6. Leave the Observatory by going right two screens. TALK to the man on the bottom
named Esau. He tells you that Betty is the only daughter of Tanu. On top is Tanu,
Betty's mother. TALK to her, and she cries for Betty about her impending sacrifice.
Go up one screen to find Bebbe. TALK to him, and he tells you that the Demon is
near the Helmon Mountain. On top is Luna, Betty's best friend. TALK to her, and she
begs of you to defeat the Demon. Go down two screens and left one screen to find a
group of four people there. Jotam quotes the "Turning the Other Cheek", a verse in
The Bible. But says that's a thing in the past. TALK to the other people (Sara,
Paul, and Blonde), and they all tell you that he's a fake. Go left two screens to
talk to a woman named Naba, who tells you she has a Cousin named Teresa who makes
candles, and likes to be flattered a lot. Remember this for later. Go left three
screens to talk to Mane, a Carpenter. He's trying to cut the tress to fix the other
side of the bridge. Go left one screen and up two screens to find a young boy. If
you TALK to him, Butako tells the boy that he can't sleep here. His name is Saul,
and he says he's not sleeping, but instead, he's very weak. Select TO DO, and he
wonders what. Select GIVE, and he wonders if you're going to give him something.
Select LOOK and EXAMINE, and Butako thinks you're suffering, and your lips are dry.
Try to GET, and he'll think you're a thief. Select TO DO reveals new options. HEAR
prompts Butako to ask Saul why he is sleeping here. He onces again clarifies that
he is NOT sleeping, and that the water from ther well has dreied off, and because
of that, there is nothing to drink. He decided to find new places to make new
wells. He adds that he was told here that there was underground water. You question
if there is not even one drop of water in his Village. Select REFLECT, but there is
nothing to reflect off of. CONSOLE him, and Butako assures that the boy will be
fine, of which you tell her to shut up. Try to MOVE him, but to no avail. TALK to
Saul again, and you'll ask what a pitchfork is, of which Saul says it's a tree
branch used to find water. TALK to him again, and he will tell you to walk around
here and "Use" the Pitchfork. Go up one screen to TALK to a Goat. Go up two screens
to talk to another Goat. Go right six screens to TALK to Kanan, who tells you that
if you want to get on the other side of the river, you have to chop down a nearby
tree. Go up one screen to find that tree. USE the axe to chop it down, and a bridge
will appear.

7. Go right one screen, down four more, and right one more to find a save station,
where you can record your progress on either a blank disk, or a very long password.
The music always changes for these screens. Go down one screen, and right another.
TALK to Ahazu, who says that Gog wants to destroy the world, but only one person
can save the population, and that the key is with a girl. Go right one screen, and
up another. Talk to Petaha, who says that God foresees the events, speaking through
the Prophets, and that when it happens, everyone will believe in God. Go down two
screens, and right another to find an Angel. TALK to him and he will tell you that
the portal will not open for you, and that it is not the time yet. Go left one
screen, up another, right two, and up one more to find a House. Enter it, and TALK
to a woman named Brena. She asks you if you have seen her daughter Maria, to which
you say that you haven't. TALK to her again, and you ask if something happened to
Maria. Brena tells you that she left two or three day ago, and never came home. She
thinks she was kidnapped by a Demon. She wonders what to do, and begs for help from
God, Buddah, Alah, and you. TALK to Maria's brother Pierre, who tells you that she
always has been a little flirty. TALK to him again, and he and wonders where she
went. Go up one screen to find two more people. Talk to Nicola on the left, who
tells you about a cloak inside a nearby box from a past generation. TALK to her
again, and she tells you that the cloak has a strange power, used by King David
during his battles. Talk to her again, and she tells you to rest. TALK to the
grandmother named Catherine on the right to ask her how old she is. She tells you
that her son went to cut wood in the mountain. TALK to her again to ask her if she
knows anything about Gog. She says that King Pampas was sexy when he was young.
TALK to her once more, and she tells you that the cape is fake; the real one
disappeared two or three days ago. Go up one screen, and right another, to TALK to
a man named Ray. He tells you that the end of the world is near, and that there is
a cursed place where they worship Gog at night. He thinks someone is behind all
this. Go left one screen, down four screens, left two screens, down one screen,
left two screens, up one screen, and left one screen. TALK to Chiao, and he tells
you that when the Demon from Helmon Mountain appeared, he destroyed the bridge made
by Mane. Go left six screens, and up five more to TALK to Simon, to which you'll
question if he has seen a girl named Maria. He tells you that he saw a girl playing
around a couple of days ago. Go right one screen, and TALK twice to a girl named
Hanna. She tells you a secret, that there is a guy named Arthur, who doesn't like
people, but is an expert in underground streams. You ask if he is a Worm, to which
she scolds you for. Go right two screens, up one screen, and right two screens. Go
right two screens, down five screens, right four screens, down one screen, right
one screen, and up one more screen. There, you will find a woman named Teresa, who
is selling candles. TALK to her, and she demands you to get out, if you don't want
to buy anything. TALK to her again to inquire about the price for a small candle.
She tells you that they are handmade, and take time and effort to make. She tells
you to give her a price. TALK to her again, and you tell her you want one for free,
of which she scofss at that idea. TALK to her again twice, then try to GET a
candle. LOOK at the candle, and she scoffs at Butako calling her an old lady.
EXAMINE the candle, and she tells you a secret: You and Teresa are third grade
cousins. LOOK at her again, then GET again. Finally, select TO DO to try a new
option called FLATTER. You compliment her for making excellent quality candles, of
which she compliments you back. Thus, she finally gives you Item #03, a Candle.

8. Remember what I said earlier: Make sure you already talked to everyone on the
island, in order for a hole in Helmon Mountain to appear. You might have to double
check with everyone just to make sure you did just that. Go down one screen, left
one screen, up two screens, left five screens, and up one screen. Follow the path
around, and you'll find Betty, who cries for help. Approach her, and you'll
automatically enter a battle screen with the Younger Brother Devil, the first Demon
King. He throws projectiles at you. There are two energy bars on the upper-left
corner; the blue one is yours, and the red one is the Demon's. Just dodge the
projectiles by moving and jumping with the directional keys, and throw Daggers at
him with the space key. If you die, simply try again. TALK to Betty, and she'll
thank you, of which you promise to make tea with her. She heads back to her
mother's house, and Butako scolds you for being a flirt.

7.2 Second Demong King (Devil, Older Brother)

9. After retracing your steps, save your progress, and go left three screens,
followed by down one screen. There, you will see the bridge that you couldn't cross
before. You will arrive at Blind Village, in which the citizens are invisible. Go
left one screen, and down one screen. If you stay on the left path, you will notice
a citizen that you can't see named Remy. TALK to her, and she will tell you that
there are six people on the Village. On top is Kalios, the Village Chief. TALK to
him, and he tells you about how Gog, jealous of them praying to God, erased the
people from existence. Go down one screen, to TALK to a man named Dee, who mentions
a mark on his belly the last time he prayed. TALK to Peter, who cries about a lack
of people in the Village. You assure him not to cry. Go left one screen, and TALK
to Rick, who says that Demon cursed their Village, that he's dangerous, and tells
you to run now. Go up one screen, and TALK to Gunus, a Hypnotist, who complains
about how you're not looking where you going. He doesn't have any customers,
because nobody can see him. TALK to Kelly, and you just say "Ouch! Watch out!".
Wait a minute, the Village Chief said six, but we counted seven. Did we forget one?
Anyways, go left two screens to Oma Desert. Go up one screen, and left another. You
will find Amos, who remarks that Gof will transform Greek Reign into an evil
empire. TALK to Amos, who tells you that they are trying to improve the progress of
the water in the Desert. TALK to Bret, who tells you that no one listens to him.
Talk to Melanie, who wonders if it may be true. Go right one screen, and down two
to another save place. Go left one screen, and down one screen to TALK to Ratsuka,
who says the other margin has some old ruins. Go right two screens to TALK to Eru,
who says that the Village on the other margin looks inhabitated. Go left one screen
and down two screens to talk to Dau, who tells you of a lagoon in this area. Go
right two screens to TALK to Carl & Sally, who enjoy walking in the Desert
sometimes, and that they always come back. Go up one screen to find a Mole with a
pathway. TALK to the Mole, who tells you that only they can pass. Select TO DO and
ASK on how to pass, and the Mole tells you to get a Free Pass. He mentions helping
a wounded Mole with a bad foot. Go right one screen, and face the water at the end
of the dock. Select TO DO, CLEAN, and DRINK. More importantly, select GET to pick
up Item #04, Water.
10. Go back to the Village, and bein the objective to USE the Water on the six
inhabitants. They will all thank you for your efforts. Hang on, so the Demon was
the one in the bottom-left corner of the Village? Anyways go there, and USE the
water to reveal... the Older Brother Demon, the Second Demon King, alias Rick. He
complains that you saw a little too much, and vows to kill you right now. In this
battle, you control a gondola, and you must catch and use rocks to throw at his
head, similar to Konami's Arcade game "Pooyan". Up and Down moves the gondola,
Space throws the rocks.

11. After the battle, go right one screen to LOOK at Dee, who shows you an
interesting mark on his belly. You decide to watch as well, and it could be useful
in the future.

7.3 Third Demon King (Half-Fish Man)

12. After saving your progress, go back to the first Island. Begin at the bridge,
and from there, go to the northern eastern corner. There, you will find a wounded
Mole. TALK to him, and he scoffs at you for calling him a Mouse. TALK to him again,
and he tells you that he broke his foot and can barely move. TALK to him again, and
he asks you to help him out. Select TO DO and HEAL. Butako makes the bandages.
Repeat this process, then TALK to him. He tells you that he was digging the
corridors in the underground, and gives you Item #05, a Free Pass. He then

13. Go back to Oman Desert, and TALK and SHOW the Free Pass to the Mole. The
underground tunnels consist of eight passageways, which will be labeled as A-H for
this walkthrough. From passageway B lies passageway C. You are now at Amnesia Land.
Watch out for the holes. Be careful not to fall into a hole, though one of them has
a boss. Go down one screen and another to TALK to a man named Bibi, who tells you
to talk to Sturaro before entering a hole. Go left two screens, and LOOK at the
Women Lagoon. Butako will notice a Mermaid swimming. TALK to her, and she asks you
for your help. She tells you to find her a mail. TALK to her again, and she tells
you the women are Mermaids, and men are Tritons, each one living on a separate
lagoon. Their mails were switched in an underground tunnel that links the lagoons.
She adds that she sent a wedding mail over there, but didn't receive it yet. She
wonders what's stopping her from receiving news from her. TALK to her once more,
and she tells you to get it for her, since she can't get on the surface. Go left
one screen to TALK to Temuna. She tells you that the Monster is inside one of the
holes. Above is Nebu. TALK to him, and he tells you that there are a lot of holes
on this island, and that you can die if you fall in one of them. Go left to find a
woman named Mide. TALK to her, and she tells you that she fell int a pit that is
inhabited by a Monster with a horrible face. No kidding, don't all Monsters have
horrible faces? Anyways, go down one screen, and TALK to a man named Yabin. He begs
of you to kill the Monster that lives inside one of the holes; don't worry, Yabin,
we will. Go left three screens, and go up another to TALK to a man named Lemo. He
tells you that this island has many rock landslides. Go left two screens to TALK to
a woman named Sheba, who tells you the same thing as Lemo did (along the way, make
sure you don't read the signpost, otherwise, a rock will fall on your head, and you
could develop amnesia. Now you see why this is Amnesia Island. *Cue The More You
Know jingle*. In fact, above Lemo is a man named Uiya, and if you TALK to him, he
tells you that the other day, a villager was strongly hit on the head, but was
cured by Doctor Gunus). Go down one screen to talk to a woman named Jill, who
repeats what the other two people said. Now, it is time to fight the Half-Fish Man,
the third Demon King. Go down one screen, and right two screens to fall into the
hole. To defeat the Monster, shoot the Daggers at him, and use the M key to jump
over his shots. He leaves behind Item #06, a Hammer. LOOK, EXAMINE, and GET it.
7.4 Fourth Demon King (Lizard)

14. After saving your progress, TALK and SHOW the Free Pass to the Mole, and return
to the first island through Passageway A. Return to the Castle, and LOOK and
EXAMINE the right side of the fountain. You'll GET Item #07, the Mail.

15. Look for a Mole above Helmon Mountain, where you fought the first boss. TALK
and SHOW the Free Pass to him, and you will gain access to two new areas. Go left
through Passageway D to arrive at Heretics Land. Go left two screens, and down one
to TALK to Barna, who says that the Castle is very well protected. Indeed, it is.
Go left one screen, and down three more to TALK to Fujike who tells you that King
Camiom is a games expert. Go down one screen, and right two to TALK to Butan, who
tells you that somewhere in this island lies an underground passage. Go left one
screen, up one screen, right two screens, up one screen, and right one more. This
is Erato Village. TALK to Karl & Marine, who tell of some strange voices at
midnight, like a crowd singing together in a bass voice. TALK to Scott, who tells
you have some voices he's been hearing every night. Go down one screen, and TALK to
Teela, who tells you that the other day, she saw a villager disappear in front of
her eyes. She adds that he pushed four rocks, and even gives you the correct order
(left, up, down, and right). However, she has no idea what rock he started on. The
rocks are in a field nearby. Afterwards, retrace your steps to enter Kaimom's

16. Inside Caimom's Castle, TALK to everyone, including Aline, who tells you that 2
or 3 years ago, the village inhabitants disappeared, one by one. You question if
they were abducted by a Demon, of which she says that wasn't what happened.
Instead, what happened was that a demonic cult performed a ceremony to Gog at night
(yikes! I said there were legit scary moments in this game, and this is one of
them) She says that everyone was brainwashed by the Demon. After you're finished
talking to her, go up to King Caimom's room. TALK to him, and he says he was
expecting you. He says that everyone talks about a Gog Demon, who invated the Greek
Realm, but insists that this is just a rumor. He denies the existence of Gog.
Hmm... something is VERY off about this King. You question how clueless he is, to
which he replies that when people get bored, they make up dark and silly stories.
You then ask a very logical question, that if Gog doesn't exist, than how are you
supposed to get back to the real world? He concludes the conversation by insiting
that you rest from the trip.

17. Go down to where the four rocks are, and remember what Teels told you. Use TO
Do to PUSH the rock from the right to the left, the rock from the top to the top,
the rock from the bottom to the bottom, and the rock from left to the right. A
staircase opens! Take it, and's dark! It's rather hard for me to explain how
to get to your destination. Instead, I will provide a computer-generated map, that
the people who wrote information on this game in Spanish helped put together.
( Anyways, upon reaching your
destination, you'll find the Gog-worshiping cult you were told about not too long
ago. They chant how they belong to Gog, and that they'll take the humans, the
reason, the moral, the justice, and love, and change it to hate, treason, desire,
and evil. They demand to open your soul and accept Gog in your heart. Not a chance!
LOOK at the Monk, EXAMINE the Monk, and TALK to the Monk. He wonders how you got
here, and you identify him as the leader of Gog's cult. TALK to the Monk, and you
question what his plan is. He says that he plans to brainwash all humans, so that
they will work for Gog. Horrible... If you LOOK at the group, Butako tells you that
it's the hideout of this evil religion. EXAMINE them, and Butako tells you that
those worshippers are obsessed villagers. You can't talk to them. TALK to the Monk,
and he remarks that now that you found his hideout, it's now useless. He runs away,
and you must now stop him to return things to normal. Go up one screen, and left
all the way through the dark up a staircase. You'll find the Monk's robe that he
left when he was in a hurry. They're still warm. LOOK, EXAMINE, and TO DO + SMELL.
You tell Butako to smell it, since she has a big nose. She says she notices that
smell from before, but doesn't remember. You could try to WEAR or STEP on it, but
they're useless. EXAMINE the left wall, and Butako notices a breeze coming in from
somewhere, which happens to be a crack. Use TO DO to PUSH the wall, and go left.
TALK to King Camiom, and you question whose clothes were in the other room. He says
he doesn't know. LOOK at him, and Butako notices he has sweat all over him. EXMAINE
him, and Butako notices that he's breathless. Use TO DO to SMELL him, and Butako
notices that she felt the smell from the room nearby. King Camiom thinks Butako has
a bad nose, to which you think she has some allergy, of which she calls you long-
winded. If you ASK King Camiom, he again insists that he doesn't know. Finally,
TALK to him to question if those clothes really are his. He claims he never had
clothes like that. Try to TALK to him again, to which remains he defiant. ASK to
demand him to confess, yet he STILL remains defiant, and thinks you would forget if
he had a Monk outfit. Butako says you said it was some clothes, but didn't mention
it was from a Monk. You think she's too smart for her own good. Finally, you have
outed King Camiom as the Monk who leads Gog's cult. He confesses to lying about
denying the existence of Gog, and runs away. Chase him to the bottom-right corner,
and TALK to him. He tells you that you are going to die (fat chance!), then TO DO,
and GAME (Remember what Fujike told you about King Camiom being a games expert). He
then challenges you to a human torture game he planned, a take on "Crackoutout".
This is fourth Demon King, the Lizard, and the true identity of King Camiom. Move
from left to right, and press the space key to shoot the ball. You have seven
chances. You've won the moment every single pixel of the Lizard is off the screen.
Watch out for his projecticles and tear drops, and the ball gets faster the longer
it goes on. The paddle gets longer, too, but getting hit resets the speed and

18. After that's over, return to the bottom-right portion of the first island. You
will now be able to go down the hole that you couldn't before. Step on the cloud to
talk to to the deceased Popolon & Aphrodite in the Heaven. The music is a remix of
the ending theme from "Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious". TALK to Popolon, and he
tells you that he beat the "Knightmare", to which to remark that as the subtitle of
the game the Heroine brought. You say that when the game started, you ended up on
Greek Realm. You wonder what kind of trick the game made on you, to which Popolon
says it has a plan to help people. He adds that at your time, some people disobey
the laws and commit several crimes. Thus, Satan entered their hearts. It gave Stan
the strength to live in the surface and cause destruction. You wonder if God
couldn't do anything, and Popolon says just one person can defeat Satan, the one
who has "Shalom". Popolon adds that when they game started, your heart was filled
with confidence to defeat Satan. He assures you that you will destroy Satan.
Popolon tells you that were chosen by God, to fulfill this mission, and recalls
three times disgrace came upon people. He adds that when you defeat Gog, his world
will be saved, as will yours. He adds that you were chosen by the game programmer
to be the Hero. You wonder if the Heroine knew all about this, and Butako thinks
she bought the game because she knew about everything, and tells you to always be
kind to the Heroine. TALK to Aphrodite, and she says she has been protecting this
world with all her strength, setting people free from the agony. Her reason why she
has been gifted with the honor of becoming a Goddess. She ends that people never
forgot about her past, and now lives in peace with her beloved husband. Finally,
LOOK at both, and return to Greek Realm.

19. Go to the very top of the island, and cross the bridge you helped form awhile
back. This is Reset Island. Go left three times, and step in the orchard, to which
Arthur gets angry. LOOK and EXAMINE to find the FIELD and GET the PLANT, Item #08,
a Pitchfork.
20. Go left one screen, and drop down inside one of the two holes, again resulting
in an angry Arthur. You end up inside the stomach of Hokora, Gog's servant. USE the
Candle, and you'll find a girl. TALK to her, and she turns out to be Maria, the
lost girl you were informed about early on. After helping her get out, you wonder
why she was so calm in Hokora's stomach. It was because she was wearing Item #09,
the Cloak, that she then gives to you.

21. Go back to where you found Saul, and USE the Pitchfork on the bottom-left
corner. Water appears. Saul thanks you, and takes you to meet his Grandfather. TALK
to Saul again, then TALK to Chris, his grandfather. You wonder if he knows anything
about Gog's whereabouts, to which he has no idea. Go to TO DO and REMIND, which
does nothing. But try SLAP, and TALK to him to ask him if Gog ran away; he actually
said Lana. He says that Lana is a Witch. He tells you that a long time ago, she
made a pact with the Demon to gain eternal life. She may have several hundreds of
years! He says that she may know where Gog appeared. You ask him where Lana is, and
he tells you that if you walk to the south of Killer Rocks Land, you'll find the
Ruins where she lives. But a sandstorm makes people go back to where they came

22. Go back to where you found the Mermaid, and GIVE her the Mail. She offers you
to give something to the Man's Lagoon, because she doesn't trust the underground
channel anymore.

23. The Men's Lagoon is to the east of where we met Arthur. LOOK and EXAMINE, and
GIVE Triton the Mail. He gives you Item #10, a Ring. Butako gushes about how love
is a many-splendored thing, and you ask her who else she is also in love with, who
you think is a wild Boar.

24. Return to the Meramid, and GIVE her the RING. She then takes you to her home.
TALK to her a couple of times, going up a screen, and she encourages you to read a
message in all three items. The first one is made of seafood, and says "Sea
Happiness". There's a lot of seafood on it. TO DO and REFLECT reveals that it says
"Be Very Happy". The second one is made of gold, and is an upside down fish.
REFLECTing reveals that if the statue is upside down, then the message as the
opposite meaning. It says "Don't get stiff like the statue, relax!". The last one
is a salty mackerel Fish, with a heart cut in half. REFLECTing it reveals it to say
"We should open our heart to people". You think Butako is halucinating. TALKing to
Anna reveals that you think the messages pass good vibrations (and giving you
excitations, couldn't resist!). TALK to hear once more before leaving, and you say
that the message were very useful.

7.5 Fifth Demon King (or Queen) (Lana)

25. After saving your progress, TALK and SHOW the Free Pass to the Mole. Go through
Passageway E. You are now on Relic Land. Go up one screen to TALK to a woman named
Ranao, who tells you that a man named Dante was wandering around here. TALKing to
Sepa on the right has him telling you that if you get buried in the sand, don't
panic, press "?". Remember this for later. Go left to TALK to Sarak, who tells you
that Princess Chelsea was around, some days ago, scorted by someone. Go right and
one screen, and down another to TALK to Walan, who tells you the exact think Sepa
said. Go back up one screen, left three screens, and down two to TALK to Lyzol, who
sank in the middle of the sand. Go right one screen to TALK to Stola, who says the
exact same thing. Go down two screens, and left one screen, to TALK to Zoba, who
says the same thing Lyzol told you. Doesn't seem like much new information, does

26. Anyways, wander off to the right, and you are suddenly sucked in by the sand.
It appears your adventure has come to an end, but has it really? Not quite.
Remember what you were told, and also, notice the flashing question mark at the end
of the message ("When [your name] was killed doomed the Realm to a sad end!"). Push
that on your keyboard, and you and Butako wake up in bed, realizing that you saved.
You quip that if this is Heaven, then Saint Peter has an awful taste for furniture.
TALK to Mami, and you ask her if she saved you. She tells you that her son Dante
did. You ask her where he is, and she tells you that he just left. To your left is
a flashing object. LOOK, EXAMINE and GET it. It is Item #11, a Necklace. SHOW it to
Mami, and she tells your it isn't hers.

27. You are now on Mask Mountain. After you leave the house, go left two screens,
up three, and left one. TALK to Abuto, and he tells you that the Mask Mountain is
too big. Indeed, it is. Go down three screens, to TALK to Pasha, who tells you that
if something goes wrong, use all the resources you have. The bridge to leave Ravine
Land won't be fixed until tomorrow. You could technically finish the game in one
sitting, but there is one instance where you don't have a choice, but to save your
progress in order to advance the story. Above you is a save station. You can record
your progress with one of three aforementioned methods (Disk, Cassette, or
Password). Shut off the MSX and, and power it back on. When you recover your
recorded progress, the bridge will be fixed, and you can return to where you were.

28. After recovering your recorded progress, the bridge will be fixed. Retrace your
steps to the Mole where Triton is, and go down to Passageway F. (Author's note: Is
it just me, or is this part glitchy as hell? It seems sometimes, the computer will
disobey you and not allow you to show your Free Pass to any of the Moles after you
recover your recorded progress up to this point. Maybe it's an error in the
translation? I have no idea if the original Japanese is like this. If anyone can
tell me what's up with that, I would greatly appreciate it.)

29. Anyways, now you are at the Land of the Deadly Rock. There are five people
around you to TALK to. Minare tells you about a Witch named Lana, and that finding
her won't be so easy. Kanuk tells you to come back where you came from if you get
lost in the Desert. Sook says the same thing as Minare. Shirata says the same thing
as Kanuk. Bamiya says the same thing as Kanuk and Shirata. Heki says the same thing
as Bamiya, Kanuk, and Shirata. Stay on the very bottom of the island (Hoots says
the same thing as Minare and Sook), until you reach a bridge. Cross it, and TALK to
a man named Alex. He says he is in trouble. SHOW him the Axe, and GIVE it to him.
You say that his wife asked you to give it to him, of which he is thankful for.
After going through a sandstorm right two screens, up one screen, right one screen,
down two screens, and left one screen, LOOKing and EXAMINing, LOOK at and EXAMINE
the lone tree on all four sides. Then, approach Alex, and GET the Axe from him,
asking him to borrow it for awhile. Go to the tree, and use the Axe to chop it
down. You yell "TIMBEEEEEER", and it comes down. LOOK at the remains of the tree,
and Butako will notice that it was a very precise cut. EXAMINE it, and Butako will
also notice an exit from the Desert. You think she suggested cutting the tree, and
she wonders if she did. You then quip that this only happens in Konami games.
Finally, GIVE the Axe back to Alex.

30. Go all the way to the right, until you reach a building. Fall into one of the
three holes. There's no one there. Try TALKing, and suddenly, you've awakend Lana.
She's the fith Demon King (or rather, Demon Queen in this case). TALK to Lana, who
wonders who interrupted her slumber. You ask her where Gog will appear, to which
she says not to play games with her. She reminds you that she was one of the eight
Demons sent by Gog. She calls you a parasite. You quip that you're really a
Butterfly. TALK to her again, and she says she came back to life. Next, select TO
DO and FIGHT. But her black magic is too much for you. LOOK at her, and the moving
direction is forming letters. They seem to form H-E-L-P for "HELP". Butako thinks
Lana made that move. TALK to her, and Butako thinks that this call for help reveals
her true feelings, to which you concur, noticing she threw you against the wall
instead of killing you. You ask her to reveal her true feelings, and she tells you
that she wants to die. She tells you that 200 years ago, a Demon who said was sent
by Gog told her that he could cure her only son's disease. The Demon said that he
could save her son's life he she gave her soul to him. She would save her son if
she did what the Demon spoke. But he betrayed her, and her son ended up dead. She
then ended up posessed, resulting in a restless soul wandering in the darkness. The
Demon has prevented her body from dying. She wants to have her soul back so she can
go to Heaven. A power no one seems to have. Select TO DO and FIGHT and she pleads
with you to kill the Demon inside of her. Finally, select TO DO and RUN.

31. Return to the first island, and the Mole guarding Passageway A. Return to Relic
Land. Cross the bridge on the far right to arrive in Work Land. Go to the bottom
right of the island (you'll have to work your way around the bottom portion) to
TALK to Oran, who tells you that only Mr. Tios has the strength to defeat one of
the Demons. Go inside the house in the middle. TALK to Ben, who says that Mr. Tios
can make miracles, and TALKing to Mira reveals that they are his students, but it's
very difficult to talk to him. You're not quite sure who this Mr. Tios is, as
you've never heard of him, but you will now. TALKing to the man at the far left
reveals that he is Mr. Tios. You tell him that he is strange. TALK to him again,
and he tells you that he does very dangerous things, and that anyone who isn't his
student can't learn. You tell him that that is selfish of him, and it is. After
exhasuting all other options, and leaving and returning a few times, TO DO now
reveals two ASK options. The first one has Butako asking him if he knows there's a
dark shadow over Greek Realm, and wants him to show them his technique. He says
that his technique is the art of "Exorcism". A technique he's studited for years.
Sounds like just what we need to defeat Lana. The other ASK option has Butako
asking if he minds using this technique in an immortal body. He accepts, and wants
you to take him to where the person is.

32. Return all the way to the hole where you found Lana, and Mr. Tios arrives.
Select TO DO and FIGHT. Mr. Tios begins his exorcism technique. He calls for the
powerful God in Heaven to remove the Demon that lives inside of Lana's body. She
disappears, and a powerful light appears. TALK, and Lana thanks you and Mr. Tios.
Her soul will finally be in Heaven. She also reveals where Gog will appear:
Somewhere inside a mountain, and that the final battle will be inside a Castle. She
warns you to be very careful when fighting him. She disappears, and Butako remarks
about how she was only a victim. You add that Gog's allies, on the other hand, are
unforgivable. Finally, Mr. Tios announces he's leaving. Select TO DO and RUN. You
know, come to think of it, this may have been why one of the Demons was a woman and
actually made to be good and helpful to the hero. A good change of pace in Demon

7.6 Sixth Demon King (Agol)

33. Go to the upper-left corner of the island, and fall down the hole. You end up
on a smaller island. TALK to Tritonete, the son of Triton and Anna. He thanks you
for helping in their wedding. He gives you a Ship. Now, you won't have to rely on
the underground passageways so much anymore.

34. Return to Mask Mountain, and select TO DO and HEAR. Mami tells you that the
last time Dante was here, he brought a very pretty girl. She seemed to be a
Princess. Butako then remembers seeing the necklace on Greek Castle, revealing the
Princess to be Chelsea. Mami then tells you that Dante told her that their wedding
would be approved as a reward for Gog's defeat. But King Pampas disapproved,
according to Butako. That may have been why she left the Castle. You conclude that
the really want to be together, but Gog is bad to the bone.
35. Sail back to Relic Land and go to the Giant Ruins. There is now a hole for you
to enter that wasn't here before. Enter it, and go to the middle upper-right
section. TALK to the blue warrior twice, who turns out to be Dante, Mami's son. You
find out that he was the one who saved you when you got sucked in by the sand. SHOW
him the Necklace, and he is surprised when he finds out that it is Princess
Chelsea's. He wonders where you found it. You say that it was at the floor in his
house. Dante says he's in love with Princess Chelsea. He hopes that defeating Gog
will allow the wedding. TALK to him again, and he tells you that both him and
Princess Chelsea are looking for old scrolls that spoke of Gog. He thinks they are
in a ruin on the desert, and she is now looking in another one. TALK to him again,
and he asks you to help him find those scrolls. You agree to help. LOOK at and
EXAMINE the pillar next to Dante. It reveals a Magic Lamp. Select TO DO and POLISH
(Rub, in other words) the Magic Lamp. It reveals not a Genie, but instead, the
sixth Demon King, Agol (bummer, man). Move left and right to dodge his shots, and
fire at his face above you with the space key. Then TALK to Dante. ...But
tragically, a stray bullet wouned Dante, and he dies. As a result of his death, all
hopes for a potential wedding between him and Princess Chelsea are officially gone.
He tells you to tell Princess Chelsea "Sorry for not making her happy. I'll be
looking her from Heaven". He turns into a cross, and that's it.

7.7 Seventh Demon King (Gangan)

36. After saving your progress, return to the Ship, and sail to a lone island west
of Oma Desert. LOOK at and EXAMINE the Ruins. Then select TO DO, and Butako
remembers that this shape appeared on Dee's belly. LOOK more on the bottom to
reveal a staircase, and take it. Go left, and it looks like you found Princess
Chelsea. TALK to her three times. You tell her that Dante has passed away, to which
she reacts in horror, among other things he told you to tell her. She wonders how
they could defeat Gog, and she hopes that Dante's death won't be in vain. She says
that somewhere in here is a scroll about Gog. LOOK at and EXAMINE the fourth block
on the third horizontal row to the left. It is an old scroll. Since you can't GET
it (try as you might), select TO DO instead. SLEEP and CUT will have Butako scold
you for using it as a pillow or as toilet paper. Select READ, and it turns out it's
very difficult to read. It says "When Greek Realm will be ruled by King Pampas, the
disaters caused by Galious will happen again, as the Great Demon King of Demons Gog
will emerge in this world. When the stars on the sky form a Great Cross, Gog will
appear and kill all humans. Only one person will be able to stop him. It will be a
visitor from another world, not from Greek Realm." You question if they're talking
about you. You have a bad feeling about this, but Butako tells you to keep reading.
The rest of the scroll says that there are two Great Crosses, one on the sky, and
the other on space. If they overlap, a reaction will change Gog's destiny, and he
will be defeated. You then mention that the rest of the paper is messed up. TALK to
Princess Chelsea, and she says she's going to leave before the evil arrives. She
thanks you and leaves.

37. Go back to the Ship, and sail to Reset Island. From the bridge that you would
normally enter the island from, go up one screen, and TALK to Yasau, who says that
an Angel can take you to the gates of Heaven, climing the clouds, and that the
great heroes from the past can welcome you there. Go left one screen, and TALK to
Jason, who warns you never to fall in a hole. Go left one screen, and TALK to
Yuteko, who tells you that Arthur made a planting in the house's garden by himself.
Go up one screen and left three more. TALK to Daha, who says that a whirlwind
nearby at a Villager, and was found outside the bay! Go up one screen and left
another to TALK to Agaho, who says that a whirlwind emerged near the margin. Go to
the upper-corner of the island, which is Bay Puzzle. TALK to Agu on top, who says
that there's a whirlwind on the other side of the bay. TALK to the couple on the
right, who says NT00000C00. Whatever that means. TALK to Kirion on the right, who
says that the bridge on the other side of the Bay fell. TALK to Marlon on the
bottom who says that there's a hidden monster on the island in the middle of the
bay, and to RUTH, who says that she thinks the bay Monster is one of the eight
Demons. TALK to Anna on the left, who says that this bay has a dangerous Monster.
Go back to the Men's Lagoon, and TALK to Taluta, who says that it seems someone
lives in the Lagoon, and on the far right to Ludan, who says that there's a rumor
that Mermaids live in the lagoon. As you can see, all this information is stuff you
either already know, or haven't done yet. But if you want to get all caught up, and
learn all the information from the people, then go ahead and follow this step.

38. Return to the Ship, and sail to Paddle Land. Since you have a Ship, you won't
have to use Passageway H. There's three people to TALK to, and they're all up
north. Baher says the weather is good. It sure is. Yafuo says that long ago, a
Fairy which carried diamonds was inside Diamond Mountain. Aden says to enter
Diamond Mountain, you need a Hammer. Fortunately, you have it. From your Ship, go
right one screen, down two screens, and right one screen. Use the Hammer that you
got after defeating the Half-Fish Man to enter Diamond Mountain. Follow the path
until you reach a hole. Drop down inside, and you're in a maze. Go bottom-right one
screen, down one screen, right two screens, up two screens, and all the way right
to fight the seventh Demon King, Gangan. Watch out for the boulders he shoots out,
as well as the falling stalagmites, and shoot at his eyes.

39. Afterwards, you find the Diamond Fairy. TALK to her twice. She thanks you for
freeing her from being trapped by the Demon for a long time. She offers one of four
diamonds from the mountain (3 sides, 4 sides, 6 sides, and an orb). If you're not
satisifed with one, she will gladly let you switch it later. Select GET and 3SIDE,
and Item #12, a Diamond, will be yours.

7.8 Eighth Demon King (Puzzla)

40. After retracing your steps back to your Ship, sail to the west of Bay Puzzle to
find the whirlwind you were told about not too long ago. Enter it to get inside the
inner lake of the island, since the bridge is destroyed. Dock the ship on the right
to enter a stiarcase down. It is the Eigth Demon King, the appropriately named
Puzzla, and he's got Princess Chelsea! He introduces himself as the last boss, and
boasts that you will die in here. He assures you that it will give you agony and
pain, as well as all over your body. You remark that he has a big mouth. Puzzla
then gives you 18 minutes to solve his puzzle. Helping her will answer your
questions. Now, as stated previously, this boss takes place in the form of a
Klotski puzzle. Move the cursor with the directional keys, and hold the M key to
move a piece of the puzzle around. Follow these 30 steps below to solve the puzzle:
*Move the left-middle piece below the right one.
*Move the left vertical piece to the right.
*Move the small and big pieces on the top-left corner all the way down.
*Move the top-middle and right vertical pieces all the way to the left.
*Move the bottom-left corner small and big vertical pieces all the way up.
*Move the smaller and big vertical pieces to the right.
*Move the small piece on the bottom-left corner one space right, one space up, and
the vertical piece down.
*Move the middle big piece to the left, and the bottom-right big piece up.
*Move the bottom-right small piece all the way to the right, and the big piece back
*Move the big vertical piece in the middle down, and the upper-right small piece to
the left.
*Move the big vertical piece on the right up, and the smaller piece up.
*Move the bottom-right vertical piece to the right, and the upper one all the way
*Move the smaller far right piece one space left, and one space up, then the bigger
vertical piece all the way to the right.
*Move the two smaller piece on the bottom up, blocking Princess Chelsea.
*Move the left big vertical piece to the right, and the smaller left piece all the
way down.
*Move the smaller piece to the bottom-left corner, and the big vertical piece all
the way to the left.
*Move the upper-right corner big vertical piece down, and the top smaller piece
*Move the smaller piece up, and the second vertical piece all the way up.
*Move the first vertical piece to the right, then the upper smaller piece one space
right, one space down.
*Move both the bigger vertical piece and archway all the way down.
*Move both upper-right corner smaller pieces all the way to the left, and the
bigger vertical pieces up.
*Move the bottom-right corner vertical pieces up, and the bottom-left corner
smaller pieces all the way to the right.
*Move both the bigger vertical piece and archway down.
*Move the second smaller piece below the first one, and the first vertical piece
*Move the first middle bigger vertical piece up, and the archway right.
*Move the smaller upper-right corner pieces all the way down, and the three
vertical pieces all the way to the left.
*Move the right bigger vertical piece up, and the archway right.
*Move the bottom smaller block to the upper-right corner, and the bigger horizontal
piece up.
*Move the smaller bottom-right corner pieces all the way to the left, and the
archway down.
*Move the smaller middle pieces all the way to the right, the bigger horizontal
piece up, and the second small piece above the first one. This will allow you to
move the archway to the middle. The end result is... ...erm, Puzzla pooping out
Princess Chelsea, like she is poop or something... what?

41. She thanks you, and Puzzla finally answers your questions. You ask him when the
Great Cross shows up, where will Gog appear. He says inside the Mask Mountain. She
remarks that it's near Dante's house. She goes there right now. Next, you ask him
what does he know about the "Great Cross on the Sky", and the "Great Cross on
Space". He says "Not much. But there was a tip about this on the Diamond Mountain".
He says he can't talk anymore, and he dies. Seems his weight was dependent on
Princess Chelsea, and losing her ceases all his body functions? Butako suggests
returning to Galileo, so, to Galielo we go!

7.9 Great Demon King (Gog)

42. You are automatically sent back to Galileo. LOOK at the telescope, and you see
the Great Cross! Uh-oh. It's happening. The battle with Gog is getting closer.
Unfortuantely, you can't use your Ship anymore. But that's okay. There's not much
left to do anyways.

43. After leaving Galileo, right away, you'll notice that the overworld music has
changed to the theme from the original "Knightmare". Fitting. If you remember,
Princess Chelsea said that she was going to Diamond Mountain. But before you go
there, go back to Men's Lagoon, and go to Passageway H. Return to Paddle Land, and
go all the way to the right, crossing a bridge. After many screens, you'll reach
Staff Village. As the name implies, they're the names of all the people who worked
on the game, and the intro music plays. Unfortunately, since the English version
was not fully translated, the names are all gibbersih. Hopefully, an update will
reveal what their names actually are. The names displayed are NT00003E07,
NT00003E08, NT00003E09, NT00023207, NT00023208, NT00023209, NT0002320A, NT00023307,
NT00023308, NT00023309, NT0002330A, NT00023407, NT00023408, NT00023409, and

44. Return to the Men's Lagoon, and head to Mask Mountain, where Princess Chelsea
said she was going to. After you make it there, Princess Chelsea approaches you.
You ask her if Gog showed up. She tells you that she was so scared, that she was
hiding alone when Gog appeared, and that she almost didn't get out alive. You then
ask her how she is. She says she was shaking. You assure her that it's all right,
and that she should go back to Greek Realm. She agrees and leaves. Go all the way
to the left, and you see ...Princess Chelsea dead?! TALK to her twice. You realize
that that was an impostor just now. LOOK at and EXAMINE her. She look so pale, with
a badly wounded body. Select TO DO and ENCOURAGE. In her dying breath, she says
that she cannot be saved. Select HEAR to ask how she ended up like this. She says
that she was here when Gog showed up. A lightning must have brought Gog when the
Great Cross appeared. That was when Gog attacked her. Then, he disguised himself as
Princess Chelsea. You conclude that it was really Gog you were talking to just now.
Select GET, and you notice she has a warm hand. She says she is going to see him in
Heaven again, and asks you of one last favor: Her child, her Baby with Dante, she
sent the Baby to King Pampas, and that he will be very sad when he hears about
Dante's death. She adds that she forgot to tell her father the kid's name; his name
is engraved on the necklace she gave you. You promise to tell this to her father.
TALK to her one last time, and she says it's time to say goodbye, and that you and
Butako are very important. She says she will be reunited with Dante soon, and
demands you to defeat Gog for good. As she dies, you see her body slowly become a
tombstone. You swear that you will never forgive Gog, and vow to Dante and Princess
Chelsea to protect not only the Realm, but all mankind, swearing that their deaths
won't be in vain. You say that you need to go to the Greek Castle. The battle time
is getting near.

45. Save your progress, and retrace your steps all the way back to the Greek
Castle. Once at the entrance, Butako tells you that she's scared. You agree, but
it's too late to go back. The world should not be destroyed. She says she'll die
happy for him. You acknowledge her as a Pig with a sweet heart. You then tell her
that you have someone waiting for you in your world. She asks you to say her name,
and you do. She asks you how she is, to which you say that before, you thought she
was ugly, until realizing how special she was. You vow to defeat Gog and go back to
your world for her. You tell Butako that you weren't always in love with her, and
thinks she must hate you. Butako disagrees. You think she'll be lucky if you return
home alive. You think maybe you and Gog defeat each other. You then say, enough
small talk. Let's go!

46. TALKing to the guards reveals that there is a celebration going on in honor of
King Pampas' 100th birthday. TALKing to the crowd prompts Butako to tell you that
no one noticed that this Princess Chelsea is a fake, and wonders if there is a way
to prove she is not who she says she is. TALK to one guard, who says the King got
his health back when the Princess returned, and another who says he heard they can
dance after the party. TALK to King Pampas, and he's happy you came back, and says
Princess Chelsea told him evreything already, including how Gog appeared on Mask
Mountain, fought, and defeated him, all Greek in debt with him. Wow, these people
really have no idea! They're so delusional! TALK to the fake Princes Chelsea, who
asks if you defeated Gog. LOOK at her, and Butako says she's a fake. EXAMINE her,
and Butako says it's a perfect disguise. Try to use the TO DO command five times,
but nothing happens. Try to face the crowd with TO DO, and Butako wonders if there
is any way to prove the real Princess Chelsea is dead. Use TO DO one more time, and
the Hero suggests to Butako to tell King Pampas Princess Chelsea's last words. GIVE
the necklace to King Pampas, and you tell him that the real Princess Chelsea gave
it to you, and that on the back is engraved the name she gave to this Baby. He
acknowledges that it's true, and that he always said this name to Princess Chelsea.
He said "Chelsea, when you're in love and decide to get married, give this name to
your Baby." You add that the real Princess Chelsea would know this name. He
concurs, and you decide to go ask her then. Approach the fake Princess Chelsea, and
TALK to her. You ask her to tell me the name of her Baby. To which, she is silent.
You reply about how she always heard from your father how she should name her Baby,
the name is engraved on the back of the necklace, and to prove that she knows it.
You yell at her, "If you're really Princess Chelsea, the real mother of the Baby,
you'll know the name!" She then laughs evilly. You did it, you proved to everyone
that she's Gog in disguise!

47. The fake Princess Chelsea reveals her true identity as the Great Demon King
Gog, and the screen goes all black. Gog then goes into a long-winded speech, vowing
to cause the destruction of this world, appearing to destroy love, culture, and
man's religion, hoping evil would conquer everything, creating a new world of
shadows. He decides to start with you, cutting you into pieces. After he appears on
screen, he then tries to shoot you. He calls you very cross. He then tries to end
your life with just one blow. Butako then shows up to come to your rescue. TALK to
her, and she tells you she hurt her right arm. LOOK at and EXAMINE it. She says she
suddenly jumped in front of Gog and he got scared. Hence why his energy got fast,
and she got wounded just a little. She says she's lucky it wasn't a full attack.
Select TO DO and HEAL her arm, and you use your scarf to treat her wounds. You
wonder why she risked her life to protect you. TALK to her, and she asks you where
Gog is. He boasts that this story is about to end, vowing to unleash the light that
would kill everyone in the world. Butako then tells you that Gog is going up to the
sky, so she decides to go outside. You vow not to give up, and think there must be
a way to defeat him. Select TO DO, LOOK, and TALK to Butako. Select TO Do and PRAY.
You pray to God to help them defeat Gog. Just then, the skies turn to blue, and a
rainbow appears. Butako wonders what it means. Select USE, TO DO, LOOK, and
EXAMINE, until you can finally progress further in defeating Gog. Butako tells you
that when you were with Princess Chelsea, you read a scroll that taught you how to
defeat Gog. Butako then reminds you of what it said. You finally got it! USE the
Diamond, and another rainbow appears, forming a cross, just like what the scroll
said. The rainbow was the "Great Cross in the sky" the scroll was talking about.
The correct prism for a seven-colored rainbow was the 3-faced Diamond. Gog has been

48. Suddenly, the image cuts to the High School Computer Club where the game began.
You see the Heroine's reflection as you return from the game. You feel relieved to
see her again, and she wonders what you are talking about. TALK to her. He says it
was all just a dream. LOOK at her, and she says some very familiar words about
being distracted. EXAMINE her, and says something about how you're a little too
young to play Doctor, some more familiar words. LOOK at her, and you ask what
happened to her hand. You notice a scarf, and she says it's nothing to worry about.
EXAMINE her, and you realize the scarf is yours. Yes, if you haven't figured it out
by now, Butako was the Heroine all along. TALK to her, and you think her real
identity is a Pig. She scolds you for being a dumb, and says it's the opposite! You
then think that all that happened was for real. She says that she was also
surprised when the game started. The game and reality blended together, and she
remembered you were stuck on Greek Realm because of Gog's curse. She acknowledges
you as the hero who would defeat Gog, and herself as your helper Butako. She then
adds that if you managed to defeat Gog, and if Butako didn't reveal her true
identity, then they would return to their world. She concludes that all that
happened in the game was for real. You conclude that her wound on her arm was for
real also. You add that if Butako hadn't used her own body as a shield, you would
have been dead. You then ask her if she cares for you that much. You then ask her
if she wants to be your little Pig. The final two commands are HUG and KISS. HUG
doesn't do much, but select KISS, and she slaps the crap out of you. You then see a
humorous Anime/Manga-esque image of your face being slapped, relieved that she
didn't change a bit. She then tells you to look at the screen, because it's going
to show the ending. It shows Popolon & Aphrodite, Dante & Princess Chelsea, King
Pampas, and the new Baby. Popolon congratulates you on your courage and bravery,
which will be remembered on the Greek Realm forever for generations and
generations. Aphrodite acknowledges you as the true hero of the Knightmare legend.
Dante says they're part of the past, you're part of the future, and to live your
time intensely. Princess Chelsea tells you to make the Heroine very happy. King
Pampas says the Knightmare Saga has now come to an end. He adds that although
everything has ended, in your world, Satan tries to enter in people's hearts. Hate,
betrayal, and greed are his tricks to tempt humans. A challange that will be the
most heroic battle that men will fight. He adds never to be afraid, and pray to the
Heavens with lots of love. He adds that in the end, it will depend on the heart of
every person to resist or not to Satan. He reveals the nae of the Baby that
Princess Chelsea left, "Shalom" (so that's why the game is called that?), a name
that symbolizes hope to everyone, vowing to create the Baby with much love. He
concludes that God will bless all people who share love. And when that happens,
everyone will say... SHALOM!


8. Thanks
My special thanks to the following:

*Konami for making this game.

*The MSX Fan Community on who inspired me to play this game.

*This Spanish-language guide on the game:

*The manual.

*And finally, everyone here for taking the time to read this walkthrough. I know I
said I would write more soon. Sorry if it's been a year since my first Walkthrough.
But I hope you enjoyed reading it, and found it very detailed and informative.
Until next time everyone, SHALOM!

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