Abdeck Safety SG
Abdeck Safety SG
Abdeck Safety SG
PAGE UNIT INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 LESSON 1 TOPIC FIRE PREVENTION AND FIRE FIGHTING (1.1 THROUGH 1.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 PRACTICE EXERCISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-33 PRACTICE EXERCISE ANSWERS KEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Some fires may be purely accidental, and others may be caused by circumstances beyond control. But many fires have been the result of crew member carelessness or irresponsible actions. No matter how a shipboard fire starts, it could result in the loss of the ship or perhaps the loss of lives. Therefore it is extremely important that crew members be constantly alert for situations that could cause a fire on board their ship.
This lesson discusses the causes of shipboard fires, various methods of fire prevention, the classes of fires, and their appropriate extinguishing agents. In addition, fire fighting personal protective equipment, on board fire fighting organization and smoke/fire detection and alarm systems are covered.
A. CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF ON BOARD FIRE (1.1) Human Error - Careless smoking and disposal of smoking materials is at the top of every list of fire causes. Most shipboard fires are caused by human error. One of the best ways to prevent fires is to keep the vessel clean and make sure areas below decks are well ventilated. Sloppy housekeeping and poor ventilation are additional factors that can be controlled by the crew. Electrical - All electrical equipment should be specially constructed for marine use and must be well maintained by qualified personnel. When electrical equipment is worn out, misused, or poorly wired, they can convert electrical energy to heat. For this reason, electrical equipment must be installed and properly maintained. All electrical equipment should be inspected regularly. With age and use, wiring can become brittle and crack. Once the insulation is broken, the wire is dangerous. A single exposed wire can arc to any metal object. Vapor type fixtures are designed to keep moisture out, but also retain heat. This causes the insulation to dry out and crack. "Jury-rigging" of electrical outlets is a particular dangerous practice. Every electrical circuit is designed to carry a particular load. Finally, all hand tools and portable equipment must be properly grounded. Static Electricity - Static electricity is not an obvious cause of fire, but it is dangerous. During fuel transfer operations, the usual method is to provide an electrical bond between the vessel and the shore facility. Certain cargoes such as kerosene jet fuels and distillate oils can generate static electricity as they are moved. Water suspended in these cargoes increases the possibility of static sparks.
To reduce the hazards from static electricity, oil must be pumped through fixed piping. Oil that is splashed or sprayed may become electrically charged. For this reason, oil should never be loaded into a tank through an open hose. Electrical bonding (grounding) between a vessel and the shore facility also reduces the build up of hazardous static charges. Cargo Stowage - Loading and unloading operations should be closely supervised. Leaking cargo should be brought to the attention of the mate, because oil coming into contact with some materials can start the cycle of spontaneous combustion. Properly used, "dunnage" or "shoring" can prevent hazardous cargoes from shifting or being damaged. Hazardous materials that are incompatible can mix and ignite spontaneously or release flammable fumes. "Dunnage" is a term used for pieces of lumber, pallets, etc., that are placed in stowage areas to wedge the cargo tightly and to keep it off the deck to provide ventilation. Spontaneous Combustion - Spontaneous combustion is often overlooked as a cause of fire aboard ship. An example of spontaneous combustion aboard a vessel might be a rag soaked with vegetable oil or paint thinner that has been discarded in the corner of a workshop. The area is warm, and has very little ventilation. The oil on the rag begins to oxidize or react chemically with the oxygen in the warm air around it. The heat causes the remaining oil to oxidize faster and produces more heat. After some time, the rag gets hot enough to burst into flames. All this can occur without any outside source of heat. Many materials that are carried as cargo are subject to spontaneous combustion. Precautions for stowing many of these materials may be found in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), which are enforced by the U.S. Coast Guard. B. ELEMENTS OF COMBUSTION (1.2) The Elements of Combustion - Three elements are required for combustion: FUEL (combustible material), OXYGEN (to combine with fuel), and HEAT (to raise the temperature of the fuel vapor to its ignition temperature) and are commonly known as the three sides of the "Fire Triangle."
The first leg of the fire triangle is fuel. The most obvious solid fuels are wood, mattresses, paper, etc., or flammable liquids such as bunker fuel, lubricating oil, oil-base paints, and their solvents. The second leg of the fire triangle is oxygen. Ordinarily, a minimum of 16 percent oxygen in the air is needed to support flaming combustion. However, smoldering can take place in about 3 percent oxygen. Air normally contains about 21 percent oxygen. The third leg of the fire triangle is heat. It can come from the flame of a match, sparks caused by ferrous metals striking together, lightning, or the over heating of an electrical motor. Sufficient heat may also be produced through spontaneous combustion. For fire to exist, these three elements must be present. A fire can be extinguished by removal of the fuel, oxygen, or heat basically removing one of the three elements from the fire triangle. Large quantities of water put on a fire will absorb heat and reduce the temperature below the level needed to sustain combustion. Other firefighting agents are designed to break the fire triangle, by smothering the fire; removing the oxygen. Flammable liquid fires can often be contained by simply closing the proper valve; therefore, removing the fuel supply. This illustrates (figure 1-1-1) two facts of importance in preventing and extinguishing fires: If any side of the fire triangle is missing the fire cannot start. If any side of the fire triangle is removed the fire will go out.
Figure 1-1-1. Fire Triangle For example, suppose a liquid gas line has broken and the liquid gas is leaking from the line has ignited. What should the immediate reaction be? If shutting off the flow of liquid gas came to mind, you are correct, this is one of the fastest and best ways to remove the fuel side from the fire triangle. The Fire Tetrahedron - The fire triangle is the simplest means of expressing the three requirements for the existence of fire. However, it does not explain the nature of fire. Primarily the fire triangle does not include the chain reaction that results from the chemical reactions among fuel, oxygen and heat. The fire tetrahedron is a better representation of the combustion process. The basic difference between the fire triangle and the fire tetrahedron is: The tetrahedron illustrates (see figure 1-1-2) how flaming combustion is supported and sustained through the chain reaction. In a sense the chain reaction face of the tetrahedron keeps the other three faces (fuel, oxygen, heat) from falling apart.
This is an important point, because extinguishing agents used in many modern portable fire extinguishers, automatic extinguishing systems, and explosion suppression systems directly attack and break down the chain reaction sequence. A fire can be extinguished by destroying the fire tetrahedron. As discussed earlier, if any one of the three faces of fire triangle are removed the fire will go out. If the chain reaction is broken, the resulting reduction in vapor and heat production will extinguish the fire.
Figure 1-1-2. The Fire Tetrahedron Characteristics of Flammable Materials - There are a number of important terms and terminology that must be understood by fire fighters that describe the characteristics of burning solids, liquids and gases. The following is a list and an abbreviated definition of the more important terms or terminology related to describing the characteristics of flammable materials: 1-10
Flammable range (explosive range) - A flammable gas or the flammable vapor of a liquid must mix with air in the proper proportion to make an ignitable mixture. The smallest percentage of gas (or vapor) that will make an ignitable air-vapor mixture is called lower explosive limit (LEL). If there is less gas in the mixture, it is too lean to burn. The greatest percentage of gas (or vapor) in an ignitable airvapor mixture is called the upper explosive limit (UEL). If a mixture contains more gas (or vapor) than air, it is too rich to burn. Ignition point/temperature - Lowest temperature at which sustained combustion will occur without the application of a spark or flame. Burning temperature - Lowest temperature of a burning solid, liquid or gas at which sustained combustion continues. Burning speed/rate - Rate or speed of burning of solid fuels. For example, a solid fuel of dust or shavings will burn at a faster rate than bulky materials such as a solid wooden beam. Thermal value - The units of heat produce by combustion in a fire. Expressed in units, such the British Thermal Unit (BTU). Lower flammable limit (LFL) - Minimum flammable concentration of a particular gas in the air. Upper flammable limit (UFL) - Maximum flammable concentration of a particular gas in the air. Static electricity - An accumulation of an electrical charge on an insulated body, and the electric discharge resulting from such an accumulation. For example, liquid moving through a pipeline will build up a charge of static electricity, unless the pipeline is connected to a ground, which will release to ground (discharge) the static electricity charge. Flashpoint - The temperature at which a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture near its surface.
Auto/Spontaneous-ignition - Flammable liquids become warm and begin to oxidize (react chemically with the oxygen in the air around it). The oxidization produces heat, the heat will cause the liquids surface to oxidize faster, producing more heat, until ignition temperature is reach, resulting in combustion. Classes of Fires - To extinguish a fire successfully, it is necessary to use the most suitable type of extinguishing agent. The job of selecting the proper agent has been made easier by the classification of fires. Fires are classified in four groups, depending on the combustible material or fuel involved. CLASS ALFA FIRES (A) - CLASS 'A' fires are those involving solid combustible materials (figure 1-1-3) such as mattresses, dunnage, piles of wood, paper, or other solid materials. Remember that anything that burns and leaves an Ash is regarded as a CLASS 'A' fire.
CLASS BRAVO FIRES (B) - CLASS 'B' fires involve flammable and combustible liquids (figure 1-1-4) such as gasoline, oil, grease, lubricant, alcohol, paint thinner, etc. A major problem with CLASS 'B' fires is that they can be easily spread by trying to extinguish them with the wrong agent. Extinguishing is accomplished through cutting off the supply of oxygen to the fire or by preventing flammable vapors from being given off.
Figure 1-1-4. Class 'B' Fire Flammable or Combustible Liquids Do not try to extinguish Class 'B' fires with a straight or solid stream of water. Shooting a solid stream of water onto the surface of a burning liquid will splash the burning liquid, creating an even greater danger and hazard.
CLASS CHARLIE FIRES (C) - CLASS 'C' fires are those involving energized electrical equipment (figure 1-1-5) such as conductors, appliances, and wiring systems. Due to the shock hazard that such a fire presents to the firefighter, the extinguishing agent must be non-conducting. For that reason, water and water based agents should not be used on CLASS 'C' fires.
Figure 1-1-5. Class 'C' Fire Energized Electrical Equipment and Wiring
CLASS DELTA FIRES (D) - CLASS 'D' fires are those involving combustible metals (figure 1-1-6) such as magnesium, sodium, titanium, lithium, and aluminum. Extinguishment is affected through the use of heat-absorbing extinguishing agents such as dry powders that do not react with the burning materials. When these materials burn, they burn at such extremely high temperatures, that oxygen is produced. This quality allows Class 'D' materials to continue to burn underwater. Most conventional extinguishing agents have little or no effect on this class of fire.
Fire Spread - If a fire is attacked early and efficiently, it can easily be confined to the area in which it started. If it is allowed to burn unchecked, it can generate great amounts of heat that will travel away from the fire area, igniting additional fires wherever fuel and oxygen are available, and both are plentiful in supply through most ships. Steel bulkheads and decks and other fire barriers can stop or delay the passage of heat to some extent, but not completely. As the original fuel source is consumed, the heat, and thus the fire will extend to new fuel sources. Heat from a fire is transferred by one or more of three methods; conduction, radiation, and convection. Conduction Conduction is the transfer of heat through a solid body. For example, on a hot stove, heat is conducted through the cooking pot to its contents. Wood is ordinarily a poor conductor of heat, but metals are good conductors. Since most ships are constructed of steel and metal, heat transfer by conduction is a potential hazard. Fire can move from one hold to another, one deck to another and one compartment to another via heat conduction. In many cases the skillful application of water, particularly in the form of a spray or fog, will retard or halt the transmission of heat by conduction. Water serves to cool the affected structural members, bulkheads and decks. A water spray pattern absorbs heat more efficiently than a solid stream, because the smaller droplets present more surface to the heat source. At the same time less water is used so there is less water runoff problem and less danger of adversely affecting the stability of the vessel. Radiation Heat radiation is the transfer of heat from a source across an intervening space; no material substance is involved. The heat travels outward from the fire in the same manner as light, that is, in straight lines. When the traveling heat contacts a body, it is absorbed, reflected, or transmitted. Absorbed heat increases the temperature of the absorbing body. For example, radiant heat that is absorbed by an overhead will increase the temperature of that overhead, perhaps enough to ignite its paint.
Heat radiates in all directions unless it is blocked. Radiant heat extends fire by heating combustible substances in its path, causing them to produce vapor, and then igniting the vapor. Within a ship, radiant heat will raise the temperature of combustible materials near the fire, or depending on the ships design, at quite some distance from the fire. Intense radiated heat can make an approach to a fire by fire fighters extremely difficult. For this reason, protective clothing and equipment must be worn by fire fighters, and the heat reduced through the use of a heat shield such as water spray or dry chemicals. Convection Convection is the transfer of heat through the motion of heated matter, i.e., through the motion of smoke, hot air, heat gases produced by the fire and flying embers. When it is confined (such as in a ship), convected heat moves in predictable patterns. The fire produces lighter-than-air gases that rise toward high parts of the ship. Heated air, which is lighter (less dense) than cool air (denser), will rise up and over cool air, as does smoke produced by combustion. As heated products of combustion rise, cool air takes their place; the cool air is heated in turn and then also rises to the highest point it can reach. As the heated air and gases rise from the fire, they begin to cool; as they do, they drop down to be reheated and rise again. This is called the convection cycle. Heat originating at a fire on a lower deck will travel horizontally along passageways, and then upward via ladder and hatch openings. It will ignite any flammable materials in its path. To prevent fire spread, the heat, smoke and gases should be released into the atmosphere. However, the structural design of the ships often makes it next too impossible to rapidly cut openings through decks, bulkheads or the hull to create a ventilation opening. Thus, it is important that the fire be confined to the smallest possible area. For this purpose doors and hatchways should be kept closed when not in use. If a fire is discovered, attempts should be made to close off all openings to the fire area until fire fighting personnel and equipment can be brought into position to fight the fire.
Water - Water is a very effective heat absorber and breaks the fire triangle by removing heat from the fire. It is generally applied through the ship's firemain system with hoses and nozzles, or with portable extinguishers. Water may also be used to extinguish Class 'B' fires, but is applied to cool tanks and surrounding areas using high or low velocity fog applicators. Do not use water on Class 'C' fires, as it is a conductor of electricity and therefore dangerous to the firefighter. Foam - Foam is one of the most effective agents for extinguishing Class 'B' fires (oil, grease, paint, alcohol, etc.). Foam consists of a chemical which, when mixed with water, creates a blanket of bubbles that prevents flammable vapors from leaving the surface and prevents oxygen from reaching the fuel. The water in the foam also has a cooling effect, which gives foam its Class 'A' extinguishing capability. The conductive effect of the water-based foam makes it dangerous to use on Class 'C' electrical fires. The advantages of foam is illustrated in figure 1-1-7. Water, which is heavier than oil will sink below the burning liquid's surface. Foam is lighter than oil and will float on the burning liquid's surface, thus smothering the fire.
The proper application of foam to a fire is extremely important. In most cases, a stream of foam (figure 1-1-8) should be bounced off a bulkhead or other vertical surface to avoid agitating the burning liquid's surface any more than necessary. If the fire is on deck, or it is a running fire, it is most effective to play the foam stream ahead of the burning liquid or bounce it onto the fire. If the liquid continues to run, it can be diked with foam, which will hold the burning liquid until a blanket of foam can be spread on its surface.
Figure 1-1-8. Applying Foam The blanket of foam smothers the fire by cutting off the oxygen needed to sustain combustion. If this blanket is disturbed, oxygen can once again contact the heated fuel, which could cause a re-ignition of the flammable or combustible liquid. Carbon Dioxide - Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an excellent smothering agent for smothering Class 'B' and Class 'C' fires. CO2 dilutes the air surrounding the fire until the oxygen content is to low to support combustion. CO2 does not conduct electricity. CO2 will not damage the most delicate machinery or instruments. Because CO2 is a non-conductor of electricity, it can be safely used in fighting fires around energized electrical equipment.
The qualities which make carbon dioxide a valuable extinguishing agent can also make it dangerous to personnel. When used to extinguish a fire, the discharged carbon dioxide replaces the oxygen in the air. Enough carbon dioxide needs to be discharged to the extent that combustion can no longer be sustained. However, at this point, respiration can no longer be sustained by personnel in the space. A person exposed to this concentration would suffer dizziness and unconsciousness. Unless removed quickly to fresh air, the individual will die. For this reason, fixed CO2 systems include an alarm that goes off to warn personnel in the engine room or closed compartment to evacuate before the carbon dioxide is discharged. Fires extinguished by CO2 may restart if oxygen is allowed back into the space to soon. If the oxygen level rises above 16 percent and is allowed to replace the CO2 in the space, re-ignition can take place. Therefore, all openings through which air can enter the space or compartment must be secured prior to the discharge of CO2. This includes hatches, doors, and ventilation systems. These openings must remain closed long enough to allow cooling; which may be several hours. Due to the tendency of CO2 gas to dissipate in an open area, carbon dioxide is not recommended for fighting Class 'A' fires. If you are forced to use a carbon dioxide extinguisher on a solid combustible material, it should be watched carefully after the flames have been extinguished ensuring that the material does not reflash. Dry Chemical - Dry chemical extinguishing agents are chemicals in powder form. Dry chemical may be in a fixed system or in portable and semiportable extinguishers. Dry chemical agents extinguish the fire by cooling, smothering, shielding of the radiant heat and to the greatest extent by breaking the combustion chain. ABC or multipurpose dry chemical extinguishers may, as the name implies, be used on Class 'A', 'B', and 'C' fires, however; ABC dry chemical may only control, but not extinguish. Dry Powder - Dry powder (not dry chemical) is the only extinguishing agent developed to control and extinguish Class 'D' (combustible metals) fires. The extinguishing agent is composed primarily of graphite and sodium chloride. The powder is directed over the burning metal, forms a crust on the burning metal, and smothers the fire.
Table 1-1-1 shows the different classes of fires, the combustible materials involved, and the appropriate extinguishing agents. The best agent for extinguishing each class of fire is listed first. CLASS OF FIRE A TYPES OF MATERIAL Wood, paper, and other solid combustible materials (Think of A for "Ash.") Oil, gasoline, and other liquid combustible materials (Think of B for "boiling liquids.") Electric motors, fuse boxes, electrical circuits, etc. (Think of C for "Current.") Combustible metals. EXTINGUISHING AGENT Water Foam Dry Chemical Foam CO2 Dry Chemical CO2 Dry Chemical
Fire extinguishing systems are designed and installed in a ship as a part of its original construction. Many factors are analyzed when a fixed extinguishing system is installed on board. A study is made of the ships design and potential fire hazards. Water pressure of the system must be approximately 50 psi for cargo vessels and 75 psi for tank vessels. Fire hose on vessels and facilities come in 50 foot lengths of two different diameter sizes. Standard diameter firefighting hoses are either 1 or 2 inch. Additional lengths can be connected through the use of the "spanner wrench" which should be located at each fire station.
All Purpose Nozzle - The all purpose or combination type nozzle must be connected to the hose at all times. This allows the hose to be charged with water from the ship's firemain system immediately. The nozzle is fitted with a control that permits the stream to be shut off and to be adjusted for solid stream or high-velocity fog. When the all purpose nozzle is going to be used, the handle should be in the forward or shut position until the water reaches the nozzle. To close or shut the nozzle (figure 1-1-9), push the handle as far forward as it will go.
Figure 1-1-9. Closing the All Purpose Nozzle When the handle is pulled all the way back (figure 1-1-10), produces a straight solid stream out of the top hole in the nozzle.
Figure 1-1-10. Solid Stream, All Purpose Nozzle When the handle is in the upright position (figure 1-1-11) a coarse water spray is produced, which is capable of being projected for 25 to 35 feet to absorb heat. This spray is called "high velocity fog."
When advancing on a fire, it may be helpful to switch from high velocity fog to straight stream periodically. Care must be taken however, when changing from high velocity to straight stream because the higher water pressure can cause the nozzle to slip and get loose from the hoseman. The all purpose nozzle can also produce another type of water spray called "low velocity fog." This is accomplished by removing the high velocity fog tip (figure 1-112) and inserting an applicator. The high velocity fog tip is attached to the body of the all purpose nozzle with a small lanyard chain. This ensures that the tip is not lost whenever an applicator has been inserted in the nozzle for use with the all purpose nozzle.
Figure 1-1-12. Outlet End of All Purpose Nozzle The low-velocity fog applicator (figure 1-1-13), produces a fine, diffuse water spray that gives the maximum total surface for absorption of heat. Since the low velocity applicator breaks the water stream into fine droplets, which do not have force for more than a few feet from the head, a suitable applicator must be used.
The applicator can provide a protective shield of fog between a team of firefighters and the fire. In addition an applicator enables the firefighter to reach over or around obstructions in order to place a cooling cloud of water fog that will absorb heat from the fire. The effective fog pattern range is usually about 5 feet from the applicator tip.
Figure 1-1-13. 10-Foot and 4-Foot Low Velocity Fog Applicators Foam - Foam is used mainly in fighting Class 'B' fires, although low-expansion foam (with a high water content) can be used to extinguish Class 'A' fires. Foam extinguishes mainly by smothering, with some cooling action. Foam systems are acceptable as fire protection for boiler rooms, machinery spaces, and pump rooms. Foam may be generated chemically or mechanically. Foam systems are no longer required for vessels protecting flammable-liquid cargo. Carbon Dioxide - Carbon dioxide (CO2) systems are used to protect cargo spaces, pump rooms, generator rooms, and storage spaces (paint lockers). CO2 will not damage expensive cargo or machinery, leaves no residue, and does not conduct electricity so it can be used on live equipment. CO2 is hazardous to humans because it reduces the oxygen level in a space to less than 15 percent.
There are several types of portable fire extinguishers. Most vessels are provided with portable fire extinguishers to enable the crew members to control the fire before it can turn into a major disaster. They vary according to the firefighting agent and their intended use. Foam - Foam extinguishers are similar in appearance to those discussed previously, but they have a greater extinguishing capability. The extinguisher may be used on Class 'A' or 'B' fires. To use the bulkhead mounted portable foam extinguisher (figure 1-114), grasp the extinguisher's hose and top carrying ring in one hand, lift the extinguisher off its hanger with the other hand. Carry the extinguisher to the fire in the upright position, once at the fire scene, and you are ready to discharge the extinguisher, turn it upside down at that time to operate it and discharge the foam. It is necessary to turn the extinguisher upside down in order to pressurize the container. However, do not invert the extinguisher until just before you are ready to use it.
Figure 1-1-14. Portable Foam Extinguisher Portable foam extinguishers should be protected from cold and freezing temperatures. The foam will freeze, and cannot be stowed in areas where the temperature falls below 40 F.
The foam can be applied indirectly to the fire (figure 1-1-15) by bouncing it off a bulkhead or other vertical surface or letting the foam fall gently on the burning surface. The portable foam extinguisher lasts slightly less than a minute.
Figure 1-1-15. Applying Foam to a Fire Carbon Dioxide - Carbon dioxide (CO2) extinguishers are used primarily on Class 'B' and 'C' fires. The most common size of portable extinguisher is 15 pounds. The extinguisher is carried to the fire and activated on the scene. The operator must grasp the hose handle and not the horn. The CO2 expands and cools very quickly as it leaves. The horn gets cold enough to frost over and cause frostbite if held. Coast Guard regulations state that an extinguisher which has lost more than 10 percent of the charge, must be refilled, and by the manufacturer. Portable CO2 extinguishers should also be recharged after each use, even if it was only partly discharge. Weighing CO2 extinguishers involve a simple procedure and mathematical calculation, the following are the steps of the procedure: Look at the extinguisher's label to determine the weight of the CO2 charge.
Compute 10 percent of that charge. In the case of a 15 pound fire extinguisher, 10 percent of the weight equals 1.5 pounds. Determine the fully charged (gross) weight of the extinguisher, including the weight of the cylinder, hose, horn, and fittings. This gross weight should be stamped somewhere near the neck of the cylinder. Assume that the gross weight of a fire extinguisher is 50 pounds. Subtract the 1.5 pounds (10 percent) from the total gross weight (50 pounds) of the extinguisher when fully charged. The result (48.5 pounds) will give the minimum allowable weight of the fire extinguisher. A total weight of less than 48.5 pounds would indicate that the fire extinguisher has lost more than the 10 percent of its charge. In this case, the extinguisher needs to be taken out of service until it has been recharged by an authorized activity. Mark the CO2 cylinder as empty, at first opportunity have the extinguisher recharged by an authorized shore facility or manufacturer. The extinguisher is carried to the fire in an upright position. (The short range of the CO2 extinguisher means the operator must get fairly close to the fire.) The extinguisher is placed on the deck, and the locking pin is removed. The discharge is controlled either by opening a valve or by squeezing two handles together. The operator must grasp the hose handle, and not the discharge horn. The CO2 expands and cools very quickly as it leaves the extinguisher. The horn gets cold enough to frost over and cause severe frostbite as earlier mentioned. When a CO2 extinguisher is used in a confined space, the operator should guard against suffocation by wearing breathing apparatus. The horn should be aimed first at the base of the fire and slowly moved forward in a sweeping motion. The result should be a "sweeping" motion leaving a carbon dioxide "snow" on the surface. On Class 'C' fires the horn should be aimed at the base of the fire with the electrical equipment de-energized if at all possible, to eliminate the chance of shock and the source of ignition.
When discharging a CO2 cylinder on a fire (figure 1-1-16), always keep the cylinder bottle in contact with deck. Static electricity will build as the CO2 discharges, keeping the cylinder in contact with the deck will prevent a discharge of static electricity to the operator. The effective range of the CO2 discharge is 3 to 8 feet from the end of the discharge horn.
Dry Chemical - There are several types of dry chemical extinguishers commonly found in use. The "cartridge" type derives its name from the carbon dioxide cartridge which is punctured, which forces the extinguishing agent up to the nozzle. To operate a cartridge-operated dry chemical extinguisher (figure 1-1-17), pull the locking pin from the lever on the CO2 cartridge. The flow of dry chemical is controlled with the squeeze-grip on-off nozzle at the end of the hose.
Figure 1-1-17. Cartridge-Operated Dry Chemical Extinguisher The discharge is directed at the seat of the fire, starting at the near edge. The stream should be moved from side to side with rapid sweeping motions, to sweep the fire off the fuel. The initial discharge should not be directed onto the burning material from close range. The velocity of the stream may scatter the burning material. The extinguisher must be recharged after each use or activation due to leakage of the propellant gas cylinder. For on deck fires, whenever possible attack the fire from windward. Attacking the fire from up wind provides two advantages. First, the wind will help blow some of the fires heat away from the firefighters. Second, the wind will help carry the Dry Chemical into the fire.
The "stored pressure" type is fully pressurized (figure 1-1-18) when purchased and are available in the same sizes as cartridge-operated types. They have the same ranges and discharge durations. The only difference is that the propellant gas is mixed in with the dry chemical in the stored-pressure type. A pressure gauge indicates the condition of the charge.
Figure 1-1-18. Stored Pressure Dry Chemical Extinguisher In order to be fully effective, dry chemical extinguishers must be properly maintained. The CO2 cartridge or the gauge on the "stored pressure" type should be inspected and weighed every 6 months. Cartridges that are punctured or weigh less than the indicated weight should be replaced. At the same time, the hose and nozzle should be checked to ensure that they are not clogged. Dry chemical extinguishers are unaffected by temperature extremes and may be stowed anywhere aboard ship. They do not deteriorate or evaporate, so periodic recharging is not necessary. When refilling Dry Chemical canisters, always use the same type of Dry Chemical. Different types of Dry Chemicals, when mixed together may chemically react, causing caking, which will clog the system. Dry Chemical portable extinguishers are unaffected by temperatures, and may be stored anywhere on board a vessel.
Portable cartridge-operated dry chemical extinguishers range in size from 2 to 30 pounds. Cartridge-operated dry chemical extinguishers have a discharge range from 10 to 30 feet. Units under 10 pounds have a discharge duration of 8 to 10 seconds, while the larger extinguishers provide up to 30 seconds of discharge time. The label on a fire extinguisher provides a great deal of information. Found on the label are the classes of fires the extinguisher is designed to fight, a Coast Guard approval notation, and the size of the extinguisher. Some extinguishers will be labeled as "B-II" type. This means that it is designed for Class 'B' fires and is a size II. If a vessel is required to carry a B-II extinguisher, any of the following extinguishers could meet this requirement: 15 pound CO2 10 pound Dry Chemical 2 Gallon Foam All are designed to fight Class 'B' fires, and all are considered to be size II extinguishers.
Which fire extinguishing agent has the greatest capacity for absorbing heat? A. B. C. D. Water Foam Dry chemical Carbon dioxide .
A "fifteen pound" CO2 extinguisher is so called because A. B. C. D. there are fifteen pounds of CO2 in the container the container, when full, weighs fifteen pounds the pressure at the discharge nozzle is 15 psi the empty container weighs fifteen pounds
The main advantage of a steady stream of water on a class "A" fire is that it . A. B. C. D. breaks up and cools the fire protects the firefighting crew removes the oxygen washes the fire away
5. The spray of water in low-velocity fog will have A. B. C. D. 6. greater range than high-velocity fog lesser range than high-velocity fog about the same range as high-velocity fog greater range than a solid stream
When the handle of an all-purpose nozzle is pulled all the way back, it will . A. B. C. D. produce produce produce shut off high-velocity fog low-velocity fog a straight stream the water
When a low velocity fog applicator is attached to the all-purpose nozzle it is capable of producing an effective fog pattern up to . A. B. C. D. 5 feet from the applicator tip 10 feet from the applicator tip 15 feet from the applicator tip 20 feet from the applicator tip
Recharging a cartridge-operated dry chemical extinguisher is accomplished by . A. B. C. D. authorized fire equipment servicing personnel only replacing the propellent cartridge and refilling with powder puncturing the cartridge seal after installation sending the extinguisher to an authorized facility
How do you operate a portable CO2 fire extinguisher? A. B. C. D. Point the horn down Turn the cylinder upside-down Break the rupture disc Pull pin, squeeze grip
10. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should be recharged A. B. C. D. at least annually whenever it is below its required weight only if the extinguisher has been used before every safety inspection
11. What action is routinely performed at the annual servicing and inspection of a dry chemical cartridge operated portable fire extinguisher? A. B. C. D. Insure the chemical is powdery Replace the cartridge Pressure test the discharge hose Test the pressure gauge for proper operation
12. The most effective cooling agent among those normally used to fight fires is . A. B. C. D. water fog chemical foam mechanical foam carbon dioxide
13. In continuous operation, the effective range of the 15 pound CO2 extinguisher is limited to . A. B. C. D. 2 to 4 feet 3 to 8 feet 9 to 12 feet 10 to 15 feet
14. What portable extinguisher should be protected from cold temperature? A. B. C. D. Foam CO2 Dry chemical All of the above
15. Which portable fire extinguisher is not normally recharged aboard ship? A. B. C. D. Dry chemical Soda-acid Foam Carbon dioxide
PAGE UNIT INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 LESSON 2 TOPIC MARINE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS (2.1 THROUGH 2.4) . 2-5 PRACTICE EXERCISE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 ANSWER KEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
The Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act, is applicable on all navigable waters of the United States, inside of certain boundary lines established by the Code of Federal Regulations. The Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act set down specific guidelines pertaining to radio equipment requirements, procedures, and use of radiotelephones installed on board certain vessels.
This lesson discusses The Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act requirements. Additionally, message procedures, calling and monitoring channels and their frequencies are explained.
A. MARINE RADIOS (2.1) Radios - The Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act is applicable on navigable waters of the United States inside of the boundary lines established in 46 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Subchapter A, Part 7. This Act applies on waters subject to the Inland Rules. In some instances, the Act may apply all the way out to the three mile limit, depending on where the boundary lines are located. In no instance does the Act apply beyond the three mile limit. Definitions - For the purpose of the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act the following terms are defined: Secretary - means the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is operating. Act - means the "Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act," 33 U.S.C. sections 1201 - 1208. The "Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone regulations are outlined in 33 CFR Subchapter A, Part 26. Length - is measured from end to end over the deck excluding sheer. Power-driven vessel - means any vessel propelled by machinery. Towing vessel - means any commercial vessel engaged in towing another vessel astern, alongside, or by pushing ahead.
Radios - There are two types of radios in general marine use. "Very High Frequency" (VHF) radios are most commonly found on small boats in coastwise operations. The range of transmission is approximately 20 miles, but can vary widely depending upon atmospheric conditions. "Single side band" (SSB) radios are used on vessels that need long distance communications. They can only be installed on vessels that are already equipped with a VHF radio. Depending on the frequency used and the weather conditions, an SSB is capable of transmitting for more than 1,000 miles. All marine radios must be equipped with a channel that is reserved for calling and distress messages. On VHF radios, Channel 16 is the "distress and calling" frequency. Vessels that are required to carry a radio must continuously monitor "156.800 MHz", which is the frequency designator of Channel 16. The distress and calling frequency for SSB equipment is 2182 kHz. When preparing to call another station, you should keep in mind that the most important function of Channel 16 or 2182 kHz is for emergency communications. Be ready to switch to a "working channel" once you make contact with the other station. No other conversation, no matter how brief, is permitted on the "distress and calling" frequency. The U.S. Coast Guard broadcasts routine weather reports on VHF Channel 21 or 22. These reports can be extremely useful in making operational decisions. B. RADIO USE (2.2) The radiotelephone required by this Act is for the exclusive use of the master or person in charge of the vessel, or the person designated by the master or person in charge of the vessel, or the person designated by the master or person in charge to pilot or direct the movement of the vessel, who shall maintain a listening watch on the designated frequency. Nothing contained herein shall be interpreted as precluding the use of portable radiotelephone equipment to satisfy the requirements of this Act.
Priority Messages - There are three types of "priority messages" which take precedence over all other routine radio communications. At the top of the list is the "distress" message, indicating that the caller is in grave and immediate danger and needs immediate assistance. A distress message is signalled by the spoken word "MAYDAY" repeated three times, followed by the identification of the vessel, and then any information about the nature of the emergency. If you hear a "MAYDAY" call, answer it if you are in the immediate vicinity. If you are not near the vessel in distress, wait for a closer station to acknowledge. If no one else responds, then you should answer. Next on the list of priority messages is the "urgency" call, which is used when the safety of the vessel or a person is in jeopardy. A medical emergency requiring a helicopter evacuation would be an example of an urgency message, which would be signalled by the spoken word "PAN" (pronounced pahn.) A "safety" message is the third type of priority message. Signalled by the word "SECURITY" (pronounced say-curitay,) this is a message concerning the safety of navigation or weather warnings. Many times "SECURITY" messages are broadcast over Channel 22, which is the working frequency to Coast Guard shore stations. Regular weather broadcasts can also be heard on Channel 22 on VHF radios or on 2670 kHz on SSB equipment. English Language - No person may use the services of, and no person may serve as a person required to maintain a listening watch under section 5 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 1204 unless he/she can speak the English language. Penalties - Section 9 of the Act states: (a) Whoever, being the master or person in charge of a vessel subject to the Act, fails to enforce or comply with the Act or the regulations hereunder; or whoever, being designated by the master or person in charge of a vessel subject to the Act to pilot or direct the movement of a vessel fails to enforce or comply with the Act or the regulations hereunder - is liable to a civil penalty of not more than $500 to be assessed by the Secretary.
(b) Every vessel navigated in violation of the Act or the regulations hereunder is liable to a penalty of not more than $500 to be assessed by the Secretary, for which the vessel may be proceeded against in any District Court of the United States having jurisdiction. (c) Any penalty assessed under this section may be remitted or mitigated by the Secretary, upon such terms as he/she may deem proper. C. RADIOTELEPHONE REQUIREMENTS (2.3) Vessel Requirements (a) Unless an exemption is granted under the Act this part applies to: (1) (2) Every power driven vessel of 20 meters or over in length while navigating. Every vessel of 100 gross tons and upward carrying one or more passengers for hire while navigating. Every towing vessel of 26 feet or over in length while navigating. Every dredge and floating plant engaged in or near a channel or fairway in operations likely to restrict or affect navigation of other vessels except for an unmanned or intermittently manned floating plant under the control of a dredge.
(3) (4)
(b) Every vessel, dredge, or floating plant described in paragraph (a) of this section must have a radiotelephone on board capable of operation from its navigational bridge, or in the case of a dredge, from its main control station, and capable of transmitting and receiving on the frequency or frequencies within the 156 162 MegaHertz band using the classes of emissions designated by the Federal Communications Commission for the exchange of navigational information. (c) The radiotelephone required by paragraph (b) of this section must be carried on board the described vessels, dredges, and floating plants upon the navigable waters of the United States.
(d) The radiotelephone required by paragraph (b) of this section must be capable of transmitting and receiving on VHF FM channel 22A (157.1 MHz). Bridge-to-Bridge Frequency - Certain vessels on U.S. navigable waters are required to monitor Channel 13 (156.650 MHz) at all times. Known as the "Bridge to Bridge" frequency, Channel 13 is used for vessel to vessel communications concerning navigation conditions, passing signals and traffic reports. Channel 13 should not be used for any other purposes, and power transmitter is limited to 1 watt under normal circumstances. Vessels over 300 gross tons, vessels over 100 gross tons carrying one or more passengers, towing vessels over 26 feet, and dredges and floating plants must be equipped with Channel 13. Vessels equipped with a radiotelephone must also obtain and keep on board a radio station license issued by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC.) Operators of radiotelephones must hold at least a restricted radiotelephone operator permit. Logkeeping Requirements - If your vessel has a radio, you must keep a radio log. A simple notebook can be used as the log, as long as each page is numbered and has the name and call sign of the vessel. Each page must also be signed by the operator. The following information must be recorded in the log: 1. The time the radio is in operation. The date and time kept in the log commences at midnight each day. ANY MAYDAY messages that are broadcast or received. The message should be recorded word for word, if possible. Any PAN or SECURITY messages you transmit. Any repairs to the radio. This should be logged by the repair person. Daily statement concerning the operating condition of the required radiotelephone equipment.
3. 4. 5.
Radiotelephone records (old or filled up radio logs) must be retained for one year from the date of the last entry.
D. GLOBAL MARITIME DISTRESS AND SAFETY SYSTEM (GMDSS) (2.4) The GMDSS and Digital Selective Calling (DSC) services When vessel radio operators transmit distress and emergency messages either on 2182 KHz over Single Side Band (SSB) radio or on Chanel 16 (156.8 mHz) over VHF-FM radio, there is always wonderment if another vessel or station will be close enough to pickup and receive the transmission. The SSB or VHF-FM radio systems have numerous deficiencies as an aid in search and rescue. Some of these deficiencies are: Reception difficulties - radio waves can be adversely affected by atmospheric conditions. Uncertainty about whether or not the message will be received? Congestion of other radio traffic on the air ways.
These deficiencies were noted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the possibilities of use of satellite communications in world shipping was appreciated for its abilities to overcome these deficiencies. In 1988, the IMO held a conference in order to adopt related amendments to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention and its 1978 Protocol. These amendments are known as the Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention concerning radio communications for the GMDSS. The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) concept is to provide rapid alertness of a vessel in distress to shore based Search and Rescue (SAR) authorities, as well as shipping in the immediate vicinity. The shore based authorities designated as the Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) can assist in coordinating search and rescue operations with minimal delay. The United States has the U.S. Coast Guard as the designated maritime SAR organization, which operates with the applicable RCC for search and rescue operations. The GMDSS includes the COSPAS-SARSAT Satellite systems, which provide distress alerting using the 406 mHz EPIRB. The International Maritime Satellite organization possesses the INMARSAT geostationary satellites system, which forms another major component for distress alerting and communications.
INMARSAT is an on board system with a ship earth station capable of transmitting and receiving distress and safety telegraphy, initiating and receiving distress priority calls, maintaining watch for shore to ship distress alerts, and transmitting and receiving general radio communications by radiotelephony or telegraphy. The GMDSS provides the newer Digital Selective Calling (DSC) services on high frequency (HF), and medium frequency (MF), and very high frequency (VHF), bands depending upon location of a vessel in distress. The DSC service is used for ship-toship, ship-to-shore, and ship-to-ship automatic alerting. DSC forms an integral part of the GMDSS. It operates on VHF Channel 70 (158.525 mHz) and MF frequency 2187.5 kHz to communicate. The standard for DSC radios includes an external communications port for connecting a radio to a computer or vessels navigation equipment allowing automatic position reporting. DSC gets its name from the fact that it operates using a digital code. A radio identification digital code is assigned to each radio. The U.S. Coast Guard expects a decrease in the number of hoax or prank calls with the use of the ID codes. Currently DSC radio is mandatory for SOLAS vessels, the FCC is considering requiring the manufacturers of all radios to include some DSC capability. This would allow nonSOLAS vessels to speak to SOLAS vessels complying with the GMDSS monitor requirements. As of February 1999, SOLAS vessels equipped with DSC under the GMDSS are no longer required to continuously maintain a monitoring watch on VHF Channel 16 or MF 2182 kHz. Messages sent by DSC are received in the form of a print out or displayed on a screen and can also be stored in its memory. In an emergency, all that is necessary is to press the distress button on the DSC radio. This automatically sends transmits a distress message containing digital code, which enables a radio station to establish contact with DSC radio transmitting distress, and transfer the message contents to another station or group of SOLAS ships.
The DSC distress calls are received by all DSC equipped ships and shore/coast stations. The distress signal is re-transmitted at intervals of about four minutes until a receiving station acknowledges the signal. A DSC radio station receiving a distress transmission sounds an acoustic alarm. The nature of the distress and time are indicated, and by linking the DSC equipment with other equipment the vessel in distress position and the time of the message can be determined automatically. U.S. Coast Guard National Distress and Response System Modernization Project (NDRSMP) - Since September 11, 2001 the U.S. Coast Guard implemented NDRSMP to enhance homeland security capabilities as well as other safety and security missions. The National Distress and Response System Modernization Project, is also known as "Rescue 21". The Coast Guard currently uses the National Distress and Response System to monitor for maritime distress calls and coordinate response operations. The system consists of a network of VHF-FM antennae high sites and with analog transceivers that are remotely controlled by regional communications centers and rescue boat stations providing coverage out to approximately 20 nautical miles from the shore in most areas. The current system lacks several important features and uses outdated technology. The Rescue 21 system brings the NDRS into the 21st Century to ensure the public's maritime safety. When search and rescue (SAR) is involved, time saves lives. The Rescue 21 system will reduce response time by providing effective communications on Channel 16 and Channel 70 Digital Selective Calling (DSC) for maritime distress and on Coast Guard working channels for rescue coordination. Rescue 21 will also assist the Coast Guard in enforcing laws, preventing terrorism and security threats, and reducing damage to the marine environment.
Channel 13 (156.65 MHz), the designated bridge-to-bridge channel, may NOT be used for which of the following? A. B. C. D. To To To To exchange navigational information between vessels. exchange navigational information between a vessel and a shore station. conduct necessary tests. exchange operating schedules with company dispatcher.
The "Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act" establishes the frequency for bridge-to-bridge communications as 156.65 MHz or Channel . A. B. C. D. 12 13 14 16
The VHF radiotelephone calling/safety/distress frequency is A. B. C. D. 156.8 MHz (Channel 16) 156.7 MHz (Channel 14) 156.65 MHz (Channel 13) 156.6 MHz (Channel 12)
The "Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act" applies to which of the following towboats? A. B. C. D. A A A A 100 gross ton towboat 24 feet in length 90 foot towboat tied to the pier 60 foot towboat of any GT 400 gross ton towboat anchored
The VHF radiotelephone frequency designated to be used only to transmit or received information pertaining to the safe navigation of vessel is . A. B. C. D. 156.8 MHz (Channel 16) 156.7 MHz (Channel 14) 156.65 MHz (Channel 13) 156.6 Mhz (Channel 12)
According to the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act, your record of use of the radiotelephone is required to contain . A. B. C. D. a record of all routine calls a record of your transmissions only the home address of the vessel's master or owner the substance of all distress calls and messages
The radiotelephone required by the "Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act" is for the exclusive use of . A. B. C. D. the master or person in charge of the vessel a person designated by the master a person onboard to pilot the vessel All of the above
According to the regulations, you are required to retain a record of use of your radiotelephone for a period of not less than . A. B. C. D. one month four months six months one year
10. The date and time kept in the radiotelephone log shall commence at . A. B. C. D. midnight noon beginning of the watch any convenient time
11. You are required to continuously monitor and maintain a watch on Channel . A. B. C. D. 6 (156.3 MHz) 12 (156.6 MHz) 14 (156.7 MHz) 16 (156.8 MHz)
12. What VHF channel does the Coast Guard use to broadcast routine weather reports? A. B. C. D. 13 16 21 44 or or or or 14 17 22 45
13. If your vessel is equipped with a radiotelephone, what must also be aboard? A. B. C. D. Certificate of Inspection Copy of part 83 of FCC regulations Copy of ship to shore channels Radio station license .
14. The operator of the ship's radiotelephone must hold at least A. B. C. D. a mate's license a restricted radiotelephone operator permit a second-class radio operator's license no license or permit at all
PAGE UNIT INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 LESSON 3.1 3.2 3.3 TOPIC LIFERAFTS (3.1.1 THROUGH 3.1.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES (3.2.1 THROUGH 3.2.7) . 3-17 EPIRBs, GMDSS, DSC AND SART (3.3.1 THROUGH 3.3.5) . 3-27
Inflatable liferafts are found on board ships and oil rigs as a "back up" for lifeboats. Inflatable liferafts are provided for egress from a oil rig or ship in an emergency situation where abandoning the ship or oil rig by the on board crew has become necessary. It is important that all crewmembers on board a ship or offshore rig be familar with the use and location of all survival/lifesaving equipment. Emergency procedures collectively refers to those steps which you, as a prudent seaman, should be prepared to take in case of an accident or misfortune befalls your vessel, its passengers, crew, or some other vessel in your vicinity. Maritime emergency procedure must also provide for aircraft that are forced to land on the water (ditch) and for those that participate in Search and Rescue (SAR) and evacuation operations. In addition, consideration must be given to what survival methods are required in the event a vessel must be abandoned in an emergency situation.
Inflatable liferafts are found on board ships and oil rigs as a "back up" for lifeboats. Inflatable liferafts are provided for egress from a oil rig or ship in an emergency situation where abandoning the ship or oil rig by the on board crew has become necessary.
Liferafts - Liferafts have the advantages of taking up less space, providing insulation from the heat or cold water, and being able to strike hard objects (like the side of a ship) without damage. On board a vessel or rig, a liferaft looks like a plastic barrel tied down horizontally to a cradle frame as illustrated in the figure 3-1-1. The liferaft is secured to the cradle frame with tie down straps connected to a "hydrostatic release" mechanism. A "sea painter" also leads from the inside of the container to a permanent attachment point or object on the deck. Sometimes called the "operating cord," the sea painter is connected to a deck with a "weak link" (float free link) which can be broken by a sharp pull (approximately 60 pounds of pull). The length of the operating cord is 100 feet. An inflatable liferaft can carry from 4 to 25 people, depending on its size. The capacity of a specific raft is painted on the outside of the container. The container should be stowed where it can float free of any overhanging obstructions. It should also be protected against the effects of sunlight, heat, or chemicals which might damage the materials used in construction. The seal on the equipment and container packing bands should not be broken by the ship's crew except in an emergency. Any maintenance or servicing is to be done only by the manufacturer or his designated servicing agent. Rafts must be inspected once a year.
Cylindrical Container
There are two methods of launching a inflatable liferaft; manually or mechanically (automatically). Manual Launch - To launch a liferaft manually, first hit the button in the center of the "hydrostatic release" device (figure 3-1-2). By hitting the button, the tie down straps will be released, which will allow the liferaft container to be carried from the cradle frame to the leeward side of the vessel. Because liferafts weigh up to 400 pounds, this may be a job for two or more people. 3-7
The sea painter attached to the liferaft can either be cut or the "weak link" which connects the sea painter to the deck can be broken. In either case, the sea painter should be tied off to the rail or some other fixture before the raft and its container are put overboard to prevent it from drifting away. Do not remove the packing bands from around the container, they will be broken when the liferaft inflates. Once the container is in the water, let the sea painter pay out to its full length; 100 feet. The give the sea painter a sharp pull. This will activate the canister of carbon dioxide (CO2), which will inflate the liferaft.
Automatic Launch - If a vessel sinks before the crew has a chance to launch the liferaft manually, the raft is designed to float free and inflate automatically (mechanically). As the vessel goes down, the "hydrostatic release" will activate at about 10 to 15 feet below the water, when pressure reaches 6 pound per square inch (psi). The container will float free from the cradle frame and rise to the surface. If the water depth is less than 100 feet, the sea painter will remain attached to the vessel's deck to keep the raft container near the vessel. The raft can be inflated with a sharp pull on the sea painter. If the depth is greater than 100 feet, the raft will inflate when the sea painter pays out to its maximum length as the container floats up to the surface. The additional buoyancy provided by the inflation of the raft will then be strong enough to break the weak link, allowing the raft to rise to the surface. Table 3-1-3, discusses automatic launch (release) of a common inflatable liferaft and the sequence of events after the vessel sinks.
Sequence of Events
Sequence Actions
The liferaft is secured to its cradle with the hydrostatic release. If time permits the hydrostatic release can be tripped for manual release and inflation of the raft. If time does not permit for a manual release and inflation, it will be accomplished automatically. As the vessel sinks, water pressure at a depth of about ten (10) feet will actuate the release mechanism, freeing the raft from its stowage. The liferaft is inherently buoyant and will float to the surface. As the vessel continues to sink it pulls on the operating cord, which will act to inflate the raft. The CO2 gas expands into the buoyancy chamber within a few seconds. This prevents the raft from being pulled down by the ship. A sea anchor deploys automatically as the raft inflates, which reduces drift. All rafts are equipped with a spare sea anchor in the emergency equipment pouch. The "weak link," which attaches the sea painter to the vessel parts; permitting the raft to float free. The water-activated lights come on to guide survivors to the raft. Once on board, survivors help others to get on board. Read the raft's manual to learn its details of operation and other survival data.
Liferaft Construction - Because a liferaft is light weight, it may be quickly blown away by high winds. When the liferaft inflates, two features minimize this possibility. First, the sea anchor is "streamed" (let out) automatically upon inflation. This creates a drag to slow the drift. Second, "ballast bags" also called "skimmers" or "stabilizer bags or pockets" located on the bottom of the liferaft. The bags fill with sea water to keep the raft from drifting. A cutaway end view of a inflated liferaft is shown in figure 3-1-4. The gunwale tubes, hull tubes, and floor are inflated automatically by CO2 to form the basic hull structure of the craft. The canopy, which is colored International Orange, is supported by inflated tubular arches. Lights located on both the interior and exterior of the canopy are battery powered, which are activated by contact with salt water. The lights will come on automatically and are designed to remain illuminated for 30 days, they may be turned off by unscrewing the light bulbs. However, unscrewing the light's bulb does not aid in preserving any battery power. Also attached to the canopy is a rain catcher for collecting drinking water. The water coming through the rain collecting tube can be caught in plastic bags found in the equipment pouch. The equipment pouch is usually attached near the base (neck) on the canopy.
Figure 3-1-4. Cutaway End View Inflated Liferaft A typical four man inflatable liferaft (figure 3-1-5) has a lifeline which encircle the raft and provides a hand hold for survivors in the water. The line leading under the raft is called a "righting line" or "righting strap" and can be used to right the raft if it is inflated upside down or on its side. The righting strap is also used to right the raft in the event it should capsize. Entering the raft is done by climbing up the boarding handles on the ramp at the bow or stern of the craft. The raft in the figure shows a four man liferaft, which has only one door. At the front of the raft is a towing bridle or a "D-ring." These are the only connections on the raft strong enough to take the strain of towing. If the raft is to be lifted on to a deck or towed, the towing bridle must be used as the connection point. For a period of time after the raft first inflates, a hissing sound can be heard. This is the automatic relief valve allowing CO2 to escape. Do not be concerned, the relief valve prevents the raft from being over inflated.
After all survivors are on board the raft, the sea painter is cut as close to the sunken ship as possible. A knife, which is located in a small pocket near the entrance can be used to cut the painter. The knife has a "sheep foot" blade, which means it has a blunt tip to prevent holes from being accidentally poked in the raft. If the ship has sunk in shallow water it might be a good idea to leave the sea painter attached, this will keep the raft in the same vicinity as the ship, which will aid rescuers. If your raft is endangered by burning oil on the water; cut the sea painter and the sea anchor line so that the raft will drift away from the flames (there is a spare sea anchor on board). If there is more than one raft in the area, tie them together to make a larger target for sighting by rescue craft. 3.1.4 EQUIPMENT
Equipment Pouch - Inside the raft is a equipment pouch, which contains the following gear and equipment: First aid kit Fishing kit Liferaft instructions Six hand held red flares Two hand held red parachute flares Orange smoke signals Dye on the sea markers Signal mirror One pound of food, 1 quarts of water for each person of the rated capacity 100 foot heaving line 2 paddles (in separate bag) Hand pump Cellulose sponges and bailers Repair kit (patches and glue, sealing clamps) Radio (not all liferafts) When using the flares, make sure they are held over the water to avoid burning holes in the raft. The orange smoke signals should be thrown over the leeward side. Dye on the sea markers should be placed in the water to windward.
The signal mirror is a device to help get the attention of rescue searchers. To use the mirror, face a point between the sun and the searching ship or aircraft that you want to signal and hold the mirror in one hand about 4 inches from your face. Sight the object to be signalled through the hole in the mirror. The other hand should be about 12 inches in back of the mirror so a small spot of light appears on your hand. Keeping the ship or aircraft in the mirror's hole, tilt the mirror until the light spot on your hand disappears. With the mirror in this position, the sunlight will be reflected to the ship or aircraft. Food and water are also provided in the equipment pouch. There is one pound of food and 1 quarts of water per person for the rated capacity of the liferaft. The food is replaced in the raft at each annual inspection when the raft is sent ashore to an authorized servicing facility. There is no canned milk in the raft. A 100 foot heaving line and 2 paddles are also located in the liferaft. The heaving line can be used to haul people to the raft. The paddles are of marginal uses, since the raft is not easily maneuvered by paddling because of the stabilizer bags, the large sail area of the raft and canopy and its non-rigid construction. A hand pump is in the equipment pouch, which is used to inflate the floor of the raft if it becomes necessary. This can be done to provide extra buoyancy and to protect on board survivors from extreme hot or cold water temperature.
In the event that a hole is poked in the raft, the on board repair kit has the equipment with which to patch holes or fix leaks. For repairs above the waterline, patches and glue similar to an inner tube repair kit are provided. Underwater holes can be fixed with "sealing clamps." The small end of the clamp is placed through the hole. When the handle is straightened out, the small end expands and compresses against the large end; sealing the hole. A radio may be provided in the liferaft. Follow the instructions for raising the antenna and put the ground wire in the water. Power is supplied by turning a hand crank about 21 times per minute in a clockwise direction. This transmitter works on 500 kilohertz (khz) and will activate an automatic alarm in other vessel's radio rooms. If there is a person on board the raft who knows Morse code, the radio can be used to transmit and receive messages. If water gets into the raft, the equipment pouch contains a bailer and cellulose sponges to remove the water. The hand-pump used for inflating the floor of the raft can also be used to empty water from the raft if the inflation hose is placed at the top of the pump. When in the raft, the best way to improve the chances of survival is to stay calm, stay with the raft, and maintain discipline. If in warm water, keep clothing wet, get plenty of rest, but stay busy when awake. If near land, the best time to try to reach shore is in the afternoon when the breeze will be blowing toward land. Your chances of survival are better if everyone stays in the raft. Once ashore, pull the raft up on shore to provide shelter and wait for rescue.
Coast Guard-approved personal flotation devices are marked with a PFD "Type" designation to indicate to the user the performance level that the device is intended to provide. There are five PFD Type designations. The PFDs that are on board any vessel must be in serviceable condition. Regulations for PFD requirements on the various types and sizes of vessels are contained in 46 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) SubChapters C, D, H, I, L, Q, T and U. The appropriate Part number will be titled "Lifesaving Equipment" in each CFR subchapter.
Coast Guard regulations are very specific in that a approved life preserver must be on board for each person on board a motor vessel carrying passengers. These regulations apply to both recreational and commercial operations (carrying passengers for hire). Type I PFD - Type I PFDs (figure 3-2-1) are designed to turn an unconscious person from a face downward position in the water to a vertical or slightly backward position. Type I PFDs must have at least 20 pounds (9.07 kg) of buoyancy. However, Type I PFDs are somewhat less "wearable" than the other types of PFDs. Type II PFD - Type II PFDs are designed to turn an unconscious person from a face downward position in the water in the same manner as a Type I. Type II PFDs must have at least 15 pounds (7.03 kg) of buoyancy. A Type II device is more comfortable for wearing than a Type I PFD.
Figure 3-2-1. PFD Types I and II Type III PFD - Type III PFDs (figure 3-2-2) are designed to keep an unconscious person in a vertical or slightly backward position and to have at least 15 pounds of buoyancy. Note that that a Type III PFD must have the same amount of buoyancy as the Type II. However, Type III PFDs lack the turning requirement of an unconscious person while in the water to a face up position that Type I and II PFDs must have. These factors make it possible to design Type III PFDs as a more comfortable and wearable device. This is especially desirable for activities where the wearer is likely to enter the water. In-water test have shown that while Type III PFDs will provide adequate support to the wearer in clam waters, it may not keep the wearer's face clear of the water in rough waters. This limitation should be kept in mind in the selection and use of this device.
Figure 3-2-2. PFD Type III Type IV PFD - The Type IV PFD is designed to be thrown to a person in the water. These devices are meant to be grasped rather than worn. A Type IV PFD must have at least 16 pounds (7.48 kg) of buoyancy. Type V PFD - A Type V PFD is any device designed for a specific and restricted use. 3.2.2 STYLES OF PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES (PFDs)
PFD Styles - Coast Guard Regulations recognize a number of different styles of PFDs and contain specification that must be met or exceeded for each. Each device must be marked with its approval number and all other information required by the specifications. Life Preservers - Type I PFDs consist of "Life Preservers" or "Life Jackets" of various styles. The floatation material of the jacket type are pads of kapok or fibrous glass material inserted in a cloth cover fitted with the necessary straps and ties. Kapok or fibrous glass types must be encased in sealed plastic film covers; older life preservers without plastic inner containers are no longer acceptable.
Life preservers of the "bib" type may be of cloth containing unicellular plastic foam sections of specified shape, or they may be of uncovered plastic foam material with a vinyl dip coating. The bib type must have a slit all the way down the front and have adjustable body straps. Life preservers come in two sizes -adult, for persons 90 pounds (40.8 kg) or more in weight, and child, for individuals less than 90 pounds, and are so marked in large letters. Life preservers will be marked with the Type, manufacturer's name and address, and USCG approval number. In addition, life preservers are marked with a date and place of individual inspection along with the inspector's initials. All life preservers are required to be "international orange" in color. Life preservers are identified from other lifesaving gear by the words "Approved for Use on All Vessels and Motorboats," which appear near the other markings. Buoyant Vests - Type II PFDs include "Buoyant Vests," which come in many styles and colors. They have the same flotation materials as life preservers and have the same requirements for plastic inner cases. But vests are smaller and provide much less buoyancy, hence somewhat less safety for a person in the water. Vests are designed so to float the wearer in the same safe position as required for life preservers. Buoyant vests are made in three sizes. One size for adults and two sizes for children; medium and small. Weight ranges for the children sizes are marked on each vest. Each PFD must be of the proper size for its user. Buoyant vests are marked with the model number, manufacturer's name and address, USCG approval number, and other information. These water safety items are approved by lot and are not individually inspected and marked. Special Purpose Devices - PFDs in this category may be either Type II or Type III if they are designed to be worn. Type IV (figure 3-2-3) if designed to be thrown (throwable device). The designs of "Special Purpose Water Safety Buoyant Devices" are examined and approved by recognized laboratories, such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL), this approval is accepted by the Coast Guard. These devices are labeled with information about the intended use, the size or weight category of the user, instructions as necessary for use and maintenance, and an Approval number. Devices that are designed to be "grasped" rather than worn will also be marked "Warning: Do Not Wear on Back."
Figure 3-2-3. Throwable Flotation Devices 3.2.3 TYPE IV PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES (PFDs)
Buoyant Cushions - Probably the most widely used of the Type IV are the Buoyant Cushions. Buoyant cushions actually provide more buoyancy then vests, this design, however, does not provide safety for an exhausted or unconscious person in the water. These devices are made of kapok, fibrous glass or unicellular plastic foam.
Buoyant cushions are fitted with covers of fabric or coated cloth fitted with grab straps. As discussed earlier, kapok or fibrous glass material pads must be encased in sealed plastic film covers. Life Rings Buoys - Life ring buoys may be made from cork, balsa wood, or unicellular plastic foam. The ring is surrounded by a light grabline fastened at four points. Standard sizes are 20 inches (51 cm), 24 inches (61 cm) and 30 inches (76 cm) in diameter. Life rings of 18 inch (47 cm) have been approved under the "Special Purpose Water Safety Buoyant Device" category and are authorized for use on boats of any size that are not carrying passengers for hire. Horseshoe Ring Buoys - This type of PFD is designed for "Man-Overboard Emergencies." They are made from unicellular foam encased in a vinyl cover. The shape aptly described by it's name, is much easier to get into in the water than a ring buoy. Horseshoe Ring Buoys are normally carried vertically in special holders near the boat's stern. Hybrid PFDs - The new HYBRID PFD combines inherent buoyancy -7.5 pounds with the capacity of being inflated to a buoyancy of 22 pounds. This characteristic provides a PFD that is less bulky and more comfortable to wear, yet has some initial support in the event if the wearer accidentally falling overboard. Much more buoyancy is available if the wearer is conscious and capable of inflating the device. Hybrids are acceptable toward the legal requirement only if they are being worn unless the person is within an enclosed space on board the vessel. Hybrid PFDs should be assigned to individuals and fitted to that person. Each person should try their hybrid PFD on in the water. Hybrid PFDs are not desirable for use by on board guests; they should have Types I or II supplied to them. 3.2.4 WORK VESTS
Buoyant work vests are classified as Type V PFDs. These are items of safety equipment for crew members and workmen when employed over or near water under favorable conditions and properly supervised. Such PFDs are not normally approved for use in recreational boats.
Stowage of PFDs - The Code of Federal Regulations are very specific about stowage of PFDs. Any required Type I, II, or III PFD must be "readily accessible." Any Type IV PFD that is required to be on board must be "immediately available." These rules are strictly enforced. All PFDs must be in "serviceable condition." 3.2.6 PFD LIGHTS AND REFLECTIVE MATERIALS
In order to locate persons in the water at night, boats engaged in commercial operations on certain waters must now carry PFDs that are equipped with lights and reflective material. The reflective material must be on both the front and back (31 sq. in./ 200 sq. cm) of the PFD so that it will show up in the beam of a search light. If the PFD is reversible the same amount of reflective material must be on the reversible sides. All PFDs in vessels on ocean, coastwise voyages are required to have Coast Guard approved PFD lights. 3.2.7 SURVIVAL/IMMERSION SUITS
Survival/Immersion Suits - Minimum buoyancy is 22 pounds. Constructed of a closed cell flexible foam. Immersion suits prevent cold shock upon entering cold water. They lessen the effect of hypothermia. These suits may be worn over clothing, but must not restrict action. Attached to immersion suits are reflective material, PFD light, and a whistle. Immersion suits offer a dry suit effect to the wearer. They are require survival equipment on board vessels working above or below 32 degrees North and South latitude in all oceans. If an Immersion suit is not available, personal items (clothing and PFD) can be used to create a wet suit effect, though not as protective, it will extend your chances of survival. Donning an Immersion Suit - Your life may depend upon the ability to quickly don the suit in an emergency. Practice beforehand can reduce donning time from minutes to seconds.
The steps to donning a survival/immersion suit are: S S S Open closure at the top of suit storage bag, turn in upside down remove suit onto the deck. Layout the suit on deck with the hood toward you. Don the suit first, while standing or lying or sitting on deck. Vessel movement often prevents donning while standing. Pull hood over your head. Place one arm into each sleeve; and reset the hood. Or, place your weaker arm into the sleeve of the suit, then reach up and pull the hood over your head with your free hand, then place your stronger arm into the other sleeve of the suit. Holding the zipper below the slide with one hand, fully close the zipper by pulling on the lanyard with the other hand. Secure the flap over the face and mouth. Warning - To prevent injury or damage, DO NOT inflate the air bladder until you are in the water.
Every boat that goes offshore beyond reliable VHF radio range, roughly 20 miles, should carry some type of Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon (EPIRB). Regulations dictate the category, class or type of EPIRB requirements for various vessels types depending upon the area of operation, and the purpose of the voyage. The 46 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) outlines the EPIRB requirements for each vessel.
A Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon (EPIRB) is a station in the maritime mobile services whose transmissions are intended to assist Search and Rescue (SAR) operations. An EPIRB may be one of a number of different types of "radiolocation devices" consisting of a floating, waterproof radio transmitter. This floating radio transmitter's distinctive signal allows satellites, civilian and military aircraft, and in some instances surface vessels to home in on the device. 3.3.2 EPIRB CATEGORIES AND CLASSES
An EPIRB is a small portable VHF transmitter that sends out distinctive distress signals. Presently there are five principle classes of EPIRBs: Category I EPIRB - Category I EPIRBs are automatically activated. Category II EPIRB - Category II EPIRBs must be manually activated. Class A EPIRB - A 'Class A' EPIRB is capable of floating free of a sinking vessel and activating itself "automatically." It transmits signals on two frequencies 121.500 MegaHertz (mHz), which is monitored by private and commercial aircraft, and 243.00 mHz, which is monitored by military aircraft. Class A' EPIRBs are required on self-propelled inspected vessels.
The 'Class A' EPIRB was the recommended maritime emergency radiobeacon during the 1970s and 1980s and was required equipment on board most inspected vessels. However, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) discovered in the late 1980s that many of these units were unable to pass operational tests and had to be recalled from service. Class B EPIRB A 'Class B' EPIRB operates in the same manner as a 'Class A' unit. However a 'Class B' must be turned on "manually." Class B' EPIRBs transmit on frequencies of 121.5 mHz and 243 mHz, which are monitored by civilian and military aircraft respectively. Effective January 1, 2007, under the new regulations, requires installation of Category I 406 MHz EPIRBs to replace the old 'Class A' and B' units. Class C EPIRB - A 'Class C' EPIRB is used to alert VHF "shipboard radios" only at relatively short ranges (usually under 20 miles). It uses an audible two-tone alarm signal first on VHF channel 16 (156.800 mHz) and then for a longer period of time on VHF channel 15 (156.750 mHz). Class C EPIRBs must be used for distress purposes only if no VHF radio is installed on the vessel or after failing to make contact using the VHF radio, or when specifically requested by a station engaged in search and rescue operations. The 'Class C' EPIRB units used on vessels on the Great Lakes and other areas close to shore have never proven to be particularly effective. Class C' EPIRBs are only authorized for use on vessels operating within 20 miles of shore or safe refuge and in the Great Lakes. They are also authorized on passenger or cargo vessels with survival craft as required or recommended by the Coast Guard. These units too are scheduled to be phased out. Effective February 1, 2009, satellite processing of distress signals from all 121.5/243 mHz beacons by the International Cospas-Sarsat Satellite System which provides distress alert and location data for search and rescue operations around the world. The regulation applies to all Class A, B, and S 121.5/243 MHz EPIRBs. It does not affect 121.5/243 MHz man overboard devices which are designed to work directly with a base alerting unit only and not with the satellite system.
Class S EPIRB - A 'Class S' EPIRB is designed to be used in or secured to a survival craft. It is similar in operation to a 'Class B' EPIRB in that it must be manually activated. If a 'Class S' is designated to be in a survival craft, it need not be able to float. It must be stowed in such a way that it will be readily available for carriage to the survival craft. Class S EPIRBs may either be designed to transmit and operated intermittently or continuously. Class S EPIRBs transmit on frequencies of 121.5 mHz and 243 mHz, which are monitored by civilian and military aircraft respectively. 3.3.3 406 EPIRB SYSTEM
The newest and most technically advanced as well as the most expensive is the 406 EPIRB. A Category I, 406.025 mHz EPIRB may be used on any ship required by the Coast Guard regulations to carry an EPIRB or that is equipped with a VHF radio station. This type of EPIRB is programmed to send out a distinctive signal which, properly pre-registered by its owner and programmed, can identify and provide information about the vessel in distress. The 406 EPIRB replaced 'Class A, B, and C EPIRBs in February 1999. These new Category I, 406 system EPIRBs operate on 406.025 mHz, which is monitored by polar orbiting satellites. This category EPIRB are on the market with prices ranging from $1,000,00 to $2,000.00. After March 10, 1994, owners of fishing vessels, fish processing vessels or fish tender vessels are restricted in operating their vessels on the high seas or beyond three miles from the coastline of the Great Lakes unless there is Category I 406 mHz EPIRB on board that is stowed in a manner so that it will float-free if the vessel sinks. Owners of fishing vessels, fish processing vessels or fish tender vessels less than 11 meters (36 feet) in length, or 11 meters or more in length, which has a builder's certification that the vessel is constructed with sufficient inherently buoyant material to keep the flooded vessel afloat.
These vessels are restricted in operating their vessels on the high seas or beyond three miles from the coastline of the Great Lakes unless there is a Category II (manually activated) 406 mHz EPIRB installed in a readily accessible location at or near the principle steering station; or a Category I 406 mHz EPIRB on board that is stowed in a manner so that it will float-free if the vessel sinks. Figure 3-3-1 shows a typical 406 mHz EPIRB mounted in its stowage bracket.
121.5/243.0 mHz EPIRB - (46 CFR 25.26-30) A 121.5/243.0 mHz EPIRB manufactured after October 1, 1988, may be used on certain manned uninspected commercial vessels, if the EPIRB is operable and was installed on the vessel on or before April 26, 1993. The EPIRB must be a 'Class A' or 'Class B', which is watertight, self-buoyant, and stable if a floating position to properly transmit a distress signal.
Servicing of EPIRBs - (46 CFR 25.26-50) The master of each vessel required to have an EPIRB under Coast Guard regulations shall ensure that each EPIRB on board is tested and serviced according to the following requirements: The EPIRB must be tested immediately after installation, and at least each month thereafter; EPIRBs installed in a Coast Guard approved inflatable liferaft may be tested annually during servicing of the liferaft at an authorized and approved servicing facility. The EPIRB test must be conducted in accordance to the manufacturer's instructions, using the visual or audio indicator on the EPIRB. If the EPIRB is not operating, it must be repaired or replaced with an operating EPIRB. EPIRB batteries must be replaced when: - Immediately after the EPIRB is used for any purpose other than being tested. - Before the expiration date that is marked on the EPIRB's battery. Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon - (46 CFR 94.60-1) Each self-propelled vessel in ocean and coastwise service must have an approved 'Class A' EPIRB that is: Operative. Stowed where it is readily accessible for testing and use. Stowed in a manner so that it will float free if the vessel sinks. Coastwise vessels that meet the following criteria are exempt from the above requirement: Carry a VHF radio-telephone that complies with the FCC requirements. Certificate of Inspection is endorsed for a route which does not extend more than 20 miles from a harbor of safe refuge. 3-32
Vessels carrying certification for Great Lakes service, and each other vessel operating on the Great Lakes that is not required to have a 'Class A' EPIRB must have two 'Class C' EPIRBs installed in such a manner, which meets the following requirements: In a weather tight enclosure; In a readily accessible location; One on each side of the vessel; and At or near the principle embarkation stations. 3.3.5 GMDSS, DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING (DSC), AND SART
When vessel radio operators transmit distress and emergency messages either on 2182 KHz over Single Side Band (SSB) radio or on Chanel 16 (156.8 mHz) over VHF-FM radio, there is always wonderment if another vessel or station will be close enough to pickup and receive the transmission. The SSB or VHF-FM radio systems have numerous deficiencies as an aid in search and rescue. Some of these deficiencies are: Reception difficulties - radio waves can be adversely affected by atmospheric conditions. Uncertainty about whether or not the message will be received? Congestion of other radio traffic on the air ways.
These deficiencies were noted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the possibilities of use of satellite communications in world shipping was appreciated for its abilities to overcome these deficiencies. In 1988, the IMO held a conference in order to adopt related amendments to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention and its 1978 Protocol. These amendments are known as the Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention concerning radio communications for the GMDSS. The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) concept is to provide rapid alertness of a vessel in distress to shore based Search and Rescue (SAR) authorities, as well as shipping in the immediate vicinity. The shore based authorities designated as the Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) can assist in coordinating search and rescue operations with minimal delay.
The United States has the U.S. Coast Guard as the designated maritime SAR organization, which operates with the applicable RCC for search and rescue operations. The GMDSS includes the COSPAS-SARSAT Satellite systems, which provide distress alerting using the 406 mHz EPIRB. The International Maritime Satellite organization possesses the INMARSAT geostationary satellites system, which forms another major component for distress alerting and communications. INMARSAT is an on board system with a ship earth station capable of transmitting and receiving distress and safety telegraphy, initiating and receiving distress priority calls, maintaining watch for shore to ship distress alerts, and transmitting and receiving general radio communications by radiotelephony or telegraphy. The GMDSS provides the newer Digital Selective Calling (DSC) services on high frequency (HF), and medium frequency (MF), and very high frequency (VHF), bands depending upon location of a vessel in distress. The DSC service is used for ship-toship, ship-to-shore, and ship-to-ship automatic alerting. DSC forms an integral part of the GMDSS. It operates on VHF Channel 70 (158.525 mHz) and MF frequency 2187.5 kHz to communicate. The standard for DSC radios includes an external communications port for connecting a radio to a computer or vessels navigation equipment allowing automatic position reporting. DSC gets its name from the fact that it operates using a digital code. A radio identification digital code is assigned to each radio. The U.S. Coast Guard expects a decrease in the number of hoax or prank calls with the use of the ID codes. Currently DSC radio is mandatory for SOLAS vessels, the FCC is considering requiring the manufacturers of all radios to include some DSC capability. This would allow nonSOLAS vessels to speak to SOLAS vessels complying with the GMDSS monitor requirements. As of February 1999, SOLAS vessels equipped with DSC under the GMDSS are no longer required to continuously maintain a monitoring watch on VHF Channel 16 or MF 2182 kHz.
Messages sent by DSC are received in the form of a print out or displayed on a screen and can also be stored in its memory. In an emergency, all that is necessary is to press the distress button on the DSC radio. This automatically sends transmits a distress message containing digital code, which enables a radio station to establish contact with DSC radio transmitting distress, and transfer the message contents to another station or group of SOLAS ships. The DSC distress calls are received by all DSC equipped ships and shore/coast stations. The distress signal is re-transmitted at intervals of about four minutes until a receiving station acknowledges the signal. A DSC radio station receiving a distress transmission sounds an acoustic alarm. The nature of the distress and time are indicated, and by linking the DSC equipment with other equipment the vessel in distress position and the time of the message can be determined automatically. The GMDSS also enhances SAR operations through the use of a 9 GHz (Gigahertz) Search and Rescue Transponder (SART). On vessels that must comply with the SOLAS Convention and GMDSS requirements, in addition to the ships EPIRBs, must carry on board one or two 9 GHz SART transponders, positioned and ready to be taken to survival craft in the event of an abandon ship situation. Search and Rescue transponders (SARTs) provide another means for locating survival craft under the GMDSS. The GMDSS amendments requires that SARTs be carried on board vessels. They can be carried into or permanently installed in survival craft. A SART can be activated either manually or automatically. Once a SART has been activated, its radar transponder can be triggered to send out a signal when a radar pulse from a nearby ship is received. The SART signal appears on a receiving vessels radar screen display as a line of 20 dots providing a radar bearing and distance (range) to the SARTs position. The SART signal as it appears on the radar scope radiates outward from the center of the Plan Position Indicator (PPI) with the outermost dot indicating the SARTs position. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) standard is that the SARTs position on the radar PPI must be provide an approximate location of the SART within 2 nautical miles.
Figure 3-3-2 shows a typical 9 GHz SART transponder equipment and protective case.
Figure 3-3-2. Typical 9 GHz SART The following are the general GMDSS equipment requirements for U.S. and Foreign Flagged Ships: Small passenger vessels carrying more than 12 passengers on unrestricted international voyages. All passenger ships on ocean, coastwise, or international voyages. All cargo ships 300 Gross Tons (GT) and over. All self-propelled Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) 300 GT and over.
In the following Table 3-3-1 is an outline of the GMDSS equipment requirements for vessels that must comply with the SOLAS Convention and certain applicable U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
Satellite capable of transmitting distress alert in the 406 mHz band (47 CFR 80.1085/SOLAS Ch IV/Reg. 7) No requirement: however, the Coast Guard recommends that vessels carry Class B or Category 2 EPIRB in survival craft. Cargo ships/MODU >300GT <500GT carry one 9 Ghz radar transponder (47 CFR 80.1085/SOLAS Ch IV/Reg. 7). Two 9 Ghz radar transponder on >500GT, one on each side of the vessel, ready to be taken to survival craft. (SOLAS Ch III/Reg. 6.2.2) Three transceivers VHF Channel 16 (156.8 mHz) and one other channel (channel 6 recommended). A transceiver permanently installed in a survival craft may count towards this requirement (47 CFR 80.1095/SOLAS Ch III/Reg. Cargo ships/MODU >300GT <500GT are only required to carry two VHF transceivers. A transceiver capable of operating on VHF channels 6 (156.3 mHz), 13 (156.65 mHz) and 16 (156.8 mHz). Capability to maintain continuous DSC watch and transmit on VHF channel 70. Capability to initiate DSC distress alert transmissions. (47 CFR 80.1085/SOLAS Ch IV/Reg. 7). Transceivers capable of operating on 2182 kHz using radiotelephony, 2187.5 kHz using DSC and all distress and safety frequencies using radiotelephony or telegraphy between 1605-27,500 kHz (47 CFR 80.1091 and SOLAS Ch IV/Reg. 9). Ships without INMARSAT must have MF/HF DSC watch receivers with the capability of receiving frequencies 2187.5 kHz and 8418.5 kHz and at least one other HF DSC frequency (4207.5, 6312, 12,577 or 16,804 kHz). One NAVTEX receiver required. If service is not available, vessel must have INMARSAT enhanced group calling system, or HF direct printing telegraphy. One INMARSAT ship earth station capable of transmitting and receiving distress and safety telegraphy, initiating and receiving distress priority calls, maintaining watch for shore to ship distress alerts, and transmitting and receiving general radio communications by radiotelephony or telegraphy. (47 CFR 80.1085 and SOLA Ch IV/Reg. 7). US declared A1 And A2 capability, ships engaged exclusvely in Sea Areas A1 and A2 will not be required to carry INMARSAT. In lieu of INMARSAT ships may carry a HF direct printing safety broadcast receiver. This equipment is also known as Narrow Band Direct Printing (NBDP) or Simplex Teletype over Radio (SITOR). 2 GMDSS Operators
VHF Installation
MF/HF Installation
This lesson is a discussion of the background and the current national and international pollution prevention regulations. The primary source of information on pollution is contained in 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Subchapter 'O', Parts 151 to 159.
Pollution - Every year increased attention is being paid to the effects of pollution in the United States on our rivers, lakes, bays and sounds. Waterways are polluted from many sources. Small particles of pollutants are released into our air daily from industrial, utility, and transportation systems. All eventually enter into the water as a result of rainfall or direct discharge. Our ground water carries pesticides and other pollutants from the rural areas to the waterways. Of the many things dumped into the water, oil and oily wastes are perhaps the most noticeable. Unfortunately, dumping and accidental discharges of oil and oily wastes are increasing each year and have become a major pollution threat to our nation's water resources. With oil pollution, the problem remains the same whether heavy or light oil is discharged into the water. The slick from heavy oil discharges tends to be visible over a long period of time; while the slick from light oil, such as gasoline, tends to vaporize or dissolve. Even though you can no longer see them, the dissolved parts of light oil are very poisonous to sea life. Another fact about oil pollution, particularly with heavy oils, is that small discharges tend to be cumulative; that is, each time oil is discharged it tends to join with the oil already in the water and thus increases the problem. It is also important to know that while most of the major discharges are caused by major casualties, most of the minor discharges are caused by human error rather than equipment failure. It is this type of discharge that can be prevented and which has been the subject of many laws.
Over 30 years ago the Coast Guard estimated that about 80 percent of oil spilled into our oceans each year from the maritime sources was not the result of casualties, but from personnel taking shortcuts in normal tanker operations such as tank cleaning and deballasting. As a result the Coast Guard began operating a sensor system to detect illegal discharges of oil in all types of weather, day or night. This system is installed on board Coast Guard aircraft and is called Airborne Oil Surveillance Systems (AOSS). AOSS combined and uses four sensors to spot pollution. The sensors include a sidelooking radar and passive microwave imagining to locate and map oil spills within 25 miles of the aircraft's path. Also used is an aerial reconnaissance camera and a multichannel line scanner, which provide clear images of oily discharges and aid in identifying suspected violators. The Coast Guard has other scientific tools with which to connect an oil spill to a specific vessel. The Coast Guards Oil Identification Laboratory is located in Groton, CT. The Coast Guards laboratory is an effective tool, which aids Coast Guard investigators in determining the source of oil spills. The laboratory uses a complement of chemical tests that characterize the unique intrinsic properties of petroleum oil. Once the spilled oil's properties are identified, the spill can be matched with its correct source. This means that the Coast Guard has the means to the to determine oil pollution responsibility, assess penalties, and help to recover federal pollution cleanup funds. Many laws have been passed to prohibit pollution. One of the earliest is The River and Harbor Act of 1899, which is still in effect today. Part of this act, called the Refuse Act, made it illegal to dump garbage or any wastes into navigable waters. The courts have used this act to prohibit the dumping of oil into waterways or on its banks. In 1945, many countries agreed to an international treaty to control pollution of the sea by oil. The treaty contains operating limitations for tank vessels to reduce the amount of oil discharging into the sea. The President signed the treaty, and the Oil Pollution Act of 1961 was passed, making the rules in the treaty applicable to U.S. vessels under U.S. laws. The treaty and the act make it illegal for tank vessels to clean their tanks near shore and for other types of vessels to pump bilges or deballast bunker tanks within 50 miles (and in some cases 100 miles) of shore.
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act will affect most people involved with transfer and transportation of oil. This law is the basis of regulations dealing with oil transfer between vessels and shore facilities. Section 311 of the Act concerns oil pollution and liabilities. It states there will be no discharge of oil "into or upon navigable waters of the United States, adjoining shorelines or into or upon the waters of the contiguous zone." According to the law, the person-in-charge of a vessel shall immediately notify the Coast Guard as soon as he knows of any oil discharged from that vessel. This is a very important part of the law. As soon as steps to stop the discharge have been taken, the Coast Guard must be notified by the fastest method (telephone or radio.) Failure to notify the Coast Guard immediately can lead to, upon conviction, a fine of $10,000 or five years in jail or both. Your company may have special rules about what to do if a discharge occurs, and these should be followed. If your company does not; when you call the Coast Guard, tell them your name, the company name, where the discharge occurred, what type of oil was discharged and approximately how much. Also report the weather, state of the tide, sea conditions, what caused the discharge. This information is helpful to the Coast Guard in determining the best action for response. Another reason for reporting the discharge is that this information cannot be used against you later in a criminal case, unless you purposely give false information. Your company can, however, be assessed a penalty for the discharge, up to $5,000 for each offense. But keep in mind that the fine for not reporting a discharge is $10,000 or 5 years in prison or both. In any case, the $5,000 maximum penalty can only be assessed after the company has been charged and has had a hearing. Another important part of this law specifies that the owner or operator of the vessel or facility is responsible to pay for any cleanup costs. When an accidental oil spill into the water occurs there are two things that need to be done after reporting the discharge. First, the oil needs to be contained, or fenced in, to prevent the slick from spreading. Containment is usually more desirable in the case of heavy oil discharges. Because of the possible dangers of fire from light oils, such as gasoline and kerosene, it is sometimes better not to contain these products.
The decision must be made by the proper people, who will consider all the problems involved. Second, as much oil as possible must be removed from the water. At times the clean-up may be your responsibility. Since oil floats on water, much of it can be contained. However, weather conditions, tides and currents may make it difficult to contain the oil on the surface and may cause the oil and water to mix, or emulsify. This makes it much harder to effectively clean it up. The most common type of oil containment device is the boom. A boom is really just a floating fence that is used to surround an area of spilled oil. Most modern oil booms are made from plastic and have skirts that hang down into the water from its underside. Some booms are inflatable, other types must be towed to the sight, while other types of booms are permanently mounted at areas where oil is routinely transferred. Removing oil from the water is done by different methods. One method is the use of special suction equipment that sucks up the oil in a similar fashion to a vacuum cleaner. Especially equipped small boats called skimmer boats have a pick up skimmer unit mounted on its bow. The skimmer boat skims the oil from the water surface by picking up the top layer of spilled oil floating on the surface. Another common method of cleaning up spilled oil is by using sorbents. Sorbents are spread on the water's surface to soak up the spilled oil. Sorbents may be spread straw, sawdust, or any other material that has the ability to soak up the oil. In some parts of the world, sinking and dispersing agents are used. Grains of sand, chalk or carbon might be used to sink the oil to the bottom or chemicals might be used to disperse the oil, that is, to cause it to dissolve into the water rather than float on the surface. The use of sinking or dispersing agents is not generally allowed in the United States because dispersed or sunken oil is more harmful to sea life than oil on the surface and because oil on the surface can be cleaned up, while sunken or dispersed oil cannot. Also, some of the chemicals are more poisonous than the oil. A dispersant may be used in some cases where the danger of fire is serious. However, they must be authorized by the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (OSC.)
Normal operations of cargo loading and fueling result in the collection of waste oil at drip pans, collector troughs, buckets and containers. Removal and disposal of slop oil and sludge are also part of normal operations. Laws and regulations concerning the discharge of oil into the water apply to these as well. The same care you would take to avoid discharging cargo oil must also be taken in handling sludge, slop and waste oil. These should not be dumped into the water, but placed in proper disposal facilities either on shore or on special slop barges. Some places will have a disposal system where oil can be returned for reprocessing; others may only provide storage drums. No matter what disposal system provided, it must be used. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA-90), was signed into law by the President on August 18, 1990. The statutes of this Act are designed to fulfill the following: Expand oil spill prevention activities. Establish new federal authority to direct responses to oil spills. Improve preparedness and response capabilities. Ensure that shippers and oil companies are responsible for damages from spills that do occur (subject to limits of liability). Establish an expanded oil pollution research and development program. The primary responsibility for implementing the regulations for OPA-90 goes to the Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Rules and requirements resulting from the passage OPA-90 will be effecting mariners and pollution controls in different ways probably for a number of years into the future.
B. MARINE SANITATION DEVICES (MSDs) (4.2) Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD) - The regulations for Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD) are outlined in 33 CFR, Subchapter 'O', Part 159. The objective of these regulations are to prevent the discharge of untreated or improperly treated sewage into United States waterways. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) also addresses the requirements and laws affecting MSDs. The laws and regulations pertaining to MSDs are really quite straight forward. They simply say that every vessel that has an installed toilet system is required to use a Coast Guard certified MSD. On board portable toilets that do not use the vessel's water or electrical system is not considered a certified MSD, because they are not designed to be installed devices. The portable collapsible units with disposable bags are not acceptable because the bag may be torn and could result in a sewage discharge into the water. Plastic bags dumped into waterways is a violation of the law. 33 CFR, Part 159, defines sewage as human body wastes from toilets or other receptacles intended to receive or retain body wastes. On the Great Lakes the term sewage is expanded to include graywater. Graywater is galley, bath, shower water, etc. On the United States waters including our territorial seas the regulations prohibit the discharge of untreated sewage. Territorial seas are the areas measured from the low water marks on the coastline that are in direct contact with the open sea and the seaward limit of inland waters, seaward for a distance of three miles. Territorial sea boundaries are clearly labeled on most nautical charts. Raw sewage cannot be pumped overboard inside the three mile limit of the territorial seas boundaries. Types - There are three numbered types of MSDs: Type I, II, and III. However, MSDs are in two major groups. One group retains waste water on board until it can be discharged at sea or at a shore reception facility. These are normally referred to as the Type III MSDs. The other group treats waste water and discharges the effluent into the water. In this group are the Type I, and II MSDs.
Type I MSD - Type I MSDs means a device that, under test conditions, produces an effluent having a fecal coliform bacteria count not greater than 1,000 per 100 milliliters and no visible floating solids. This type usually are chemical types that may include a macerator/chlorinator. A macerator/chlorinator is a device that mechanically soaks, softens, breaks down, and chops solid matter and then chlorine is added. This type of sewage is referred to as blackwater. Type II MSD - Type II MSD means a device that, under test conditions, produces an effluent having a fecal coliform bacteria count not greater than 200 per 100 milliliters and suspended solids not greater than 150 milligrams per liter. Type III MSD - means a device that is designed to prevent the overboard discharge of treated or untreated sewage or any waste derived from sewage. Type III MSDs are normally holding tanks. However, a Type III may be incineration or recirculation systems. Since January 30, 1980, no person may operate a vessel equipped with an installed toilet in the navigable waters of the United States unless the vessel is equipped with a U.S. Coast Guard certified MSD.
MARPOL - An international designation for marine pollution. a. Placards: 1. Placards can generally be found in the galley, backdoor area and in the wheelhouse. 2. MARPOL placards give specific instructions about the proper disposal of garbage. 3. Plastics (including packing materials, Styrofoam cups or Styrofoam plates) can not be dumped overboard at any time. 4. Substances that create a film or sheen on the water, such as fuel, oil and paint, can not be dumped overboard at any time. b. Waste Management/Disposal: 1. When at all possible, do your best to minimize your waste. 2. Written instructions regarding your company's disposal policy should be posted on the vessel. Familiarize yourself with these policies in order to avoid noncompliance. 3. The Captain will issue, or crew members should ask for, specific disposal instructions. 4. Separate all waste for proper disposal at a shore side facility. 5. Recycle whenever possible.
Bulk Product Transfer Procedures - The most likely time for a spill to occur is during bulk cargo transfer operations. a. Bulk cargo includes but is not limited to: 1. Diesel fuel 2. Barite/Cement 3. Liquid Mud/Drilling Fluids b. The Bulk Fuel Transfer Checklist is to be checked by the engineer each time bulk fuel is transferred. This checklist must be signed by the person supervising the transfer, prior to beginning the transfer. The following is an example of a typical checklist: Determine amount of fuel for intake. Check condition of valves, connections and hoses and their proper alignment. Maintain proper supervision of fuel transfer by vessel engineer along with dock or rig personnel until transfer is complete. Restrict smoking and other combustible activities during the entire operation. After fuel transfer is completed, make certain that all valves are closed and hoses are drained. Notify your office and have an established procedure with contact list should a spill occur.
c. Extra precautions
1. Check gaskets in transfer line connections prior to beginning transfer. 2. All hoses shall be checked prior to each transfer procedure. Any defective hose shall be replaced. 3. If transferring a liquid bulk cargo, place a catch basin or bucket under the connections. Check the integrity of the catch basin and be sure that the plugs are in place. d. Vessel Spill Response Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. Stop the source of the spill if possible. Notify the Captain. Follow the Captain's orders. The Captain will report the spill to the proper authorities as soon as possible. Information should include the type of spill, the approximate amount of the spill and the condition of the seas including wind and current.
The term "oil" as used in the Oil Pollution Regulations means A. B. C. D. fuel oil sludge oil refuse All of the above
Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills? A. B. C. D. They usually disappear quickly. They usually stay in a small area. They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative. A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.
Which of the following statements concerning an accidental oil spill in the navigable waters of the U.S. is FALSE? A. B. C. D. The person in charge must report the spill to the Coast Guard. Failure to report the spill may result in a fine. The company can be fined for the spill. The Corps of Engineers is responsible for the clean up of the spill.
Which of the following statements concerning an accidental oil spill in the navigable waters of the U.S. is TRUE? A. B. C. D. The Corps of Engineers is responsible for the clean up of the spill. The Department of Interior is responsible for the clean up of the spill. A warning broadcast must be made by radiotelephone. The person in charge must report the spill to the Coast Guard.
If you fail to notify the Coast Guard of an oil spill, you may be subject to a fine of up to . A. B. C. D. $500 $1,000 $5,000 $10,000
The use of sinking and dispersing agents for removal of surface oil is . A. B. C. D. the most common method used in the United States too expense for common use generally safe to sea life generally harmful to sea life
What is the maximum civil penalty for discharging oil in U.S. waters in violation of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act? A. B. C. D. $500 $1,000 $5,000 $10,000
Emergency procedures collectively refers to those steps which you, as a prudent seaman, should be prepared to take in case an accident or misfortune befalls your vessel, its passengers, crew, or some other vessel in your vicinity. Maritime emergency procedure must also provide for aircraft that are forced to land on the water (ditch) and for those that participate in Search and Rescue (SAR) and evacuation operations. The scope of this lesson does not include every emergency situation nor does it provide remedies that will consistently work in every situation. You, as a prudent seaman, must use your discretion in deciding the appropriate course of action after considering the situational factors.
A. EMERGENCY SAFETY (5.1) Float Plan - No matter who you are or what size vessel you operate, it is safe to say that you may really be in a jam if an emergency develops and nobody knows that you are in trouble or exactly where you are. The Coast Guard Auxiliary makes the point that boatmen should always leave a 'float plan' with a trusted friend or relative before departing on a 'boating outing.' A copy of the information contained in a recommended "sample float plan" furnished by the Officer-in-Charge Marine Inspection, Morgan City, LA is reprinted in table 5-1-1, and may be reproduced. Sensible seamen can easily apply this good advice to voyages of commercial vessels as well as recreational vessels. This form contains the information required by a Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) to mount a search and rescue (SAR) operation for a missing vessel. A "float plan' is important for any vessel operating in remote areas, offshore, or under all types of dangerous sea and weather conditions. Since mechanical and electrical equipment is always subject to malfunction and breakdown in cold water areas, survival are often measured in minutes, not hours or days.
Complete this plan before going boating and leave it with a reliable person who can be depended upon to notify the Coast Guard or other rescue organization, should you not return as scheduled. Do not file this plan with the Coast Guard 1. NAME OF PERSON REPORTING AND PHONE NUMBER
The essential elements of a float plan include the following: Where do you intend to be and when do you plan to be there? Describe your vessel and give its state registration number or 'official number' (O/N) used for documentation. What communication equipment do you have on board; what is your call sign; and what channel do you monitor; when do you plan to call in? What are the names of all the persons on board (POB)? What safety and lifesaving equipment do you carry? What is your estimated time of arrival (ETA) or return? What are your alternate plans in case of emergency or bad weather?
After you prepare your float plan, be sure you leave it with a trustworthy person who will contact the authorities promptly if you are overdue according to your prearranged plan; and, if you are overdue but not in trouble, be sure to check in. Also, be sure to check in as soon as you return so as not to trigger search and rescue activity. Always be considerate of the people who will be called on to search for you in a real emergency. Station Bill 1. Signals a. Fire and Emergency - A continuous sounding of the ship's whistle supplemented by a continuous ringing of the General Alarm bells for not less than 10 seconds. b. Dismissal from Fire and Emergency Stations - 3 short blasts on the ship's whistle and 3 short rings sounded on the General Alarm bells. c. Abandon Ship - 7 or more short blasts, followed by 1 long blast on the ship's whistle and the same signal sounded on the General Alarm bells. d. Dismissal from Boat Stations - 3 short blasts on the ship's whistle.
Man Overboard - Immediately throw a ring life buoy. Hail, and pass the word "MAN OVERBOARD - PORT (OR STARBOARD) SIDE" to the pilothouse. The vessels' whistle is used to sound the International Signal Code for "Oscar" ( ) repeated at least four times on the ship's whistle followed by the same signal on the General Alarm bells.
Fire and Emergency Instructions a. If you discover a fire, immediately notify the pilothouse and fight the fire with suitable available equipment. Immediately upon hearing the Fire and Emergency signal, start all fire pumps, close all watertight doors, hatches and air ports, stop all fans, blowers and heating, air conditioning or ventilating equipment. Lead fire hose out in the affected area as directed. When you hear the hail or signal for a "Man Overboard" throw a ring life buoy overboard; stop the engines and keep the man or ring life buoy in sight.
Abandon Ship Instructions a. When handling whistle signals are sounded on the ship's whistle they shall mean as described in the following: (1) () One short blast means to launch the inflatable life rafts and/or rescue boat. (2) ( ) Two short blasts mean to stop launching the inflatable liferafts and/or rescue boat. b. The Master may alter assignments in emergencies to fit actual conditions.
4. Responsibilities - Table 5-1-2 a. b.
These instructions apply to each and every crew member on board a vessel. You must learn the location of your assigned fire and emergency station and become thoroughly familiar with your duties immediately upon boarding this vessel. Passengers must be notified of their liferaft station before sailing. You must take part in all emergency drills and be properly dressed including a properly donned life preserver and/or exposure suit. In all vessel carrying passengers, the cook is responsible for the following actions: (1) Warning passengers (2) Seeing that the passengers are properly dressed and have correctly donned their life preserver and/or exposure suit. (3) Assembling and directing passengers to appointed emergency stations. (4) Keeping order in passageways and stairways. (5) Controlling passenger movements. (6) Gathering and moving a supply of blankets to the inflatable life rafts.
If a key person in the chain of command becomes disabled, the next senior member must take his/her place and assume his duties. The Mate is responsible for the maintenance and readiness of all lifesaving and firefighting appliances and equipment on and above the main deck. The Chief Engineer is responsible for the readiness of all lifesaving and firefighting appliances and equipment below the main deck. During periods of restricted visibility, you must keep all watertight doors and ports below or leading to the main deck closed and dogged except those specifically exempted by the Master.
Commands the vessel from the pilothouse area; operates all controls, radios and public address systems; directs and supervises all operations. Instructs crew on specific duties according to circumstances. Assigns two crewmen to man the rescue boat and orders ring life buoys for man overboard drills. At the scene of the emergency. provides fire extinguishing or emergency equipment as n e e d ed . C l oses ports, watertight doors and air ducts for fire and all drills. Stands by in engineroom at or near telephone or escape hatch. Starts pumps; shuts off blowers. Closes all watertight doors and other closures. Leads out fire hose #1, opens valves, tends the nozzle. On Master's orders, he reports to the scene of the emergency. Opens valve and leads out fire hose #2 and tends the nozzle. On the Master's order he reports to the scene of the emergency. Stops ventilation system in galley and accommodation spaces. Arouses all passengers; sees that they are properly dressed and don life jackets. Evacuates and secures the quarters; reports to his abandon ship station and stands by awaiting the Master's orders.
Stationed on deck at liferaft #1 - musters crew. Direct all operations. If passengers are carried be sure they board assigned liferafts. Takes command of liferaft #1.
Stationed in command of liferaft #2. Removes, checks and activates EPIRB when ordered or conditions warrant.
Stationed on deck at liferaft #2. On orders, he assists in launching the liferaft and the assigned passengers to board liferaft #2 before boarding it himself. Is second in command. Stationed on deck at liferaft #1. On orders, he assists in launching liferaft #1. Assists assigned passengers to board this liferaft before boarding it himself. Stationed on deck at liferaft #2. On Master's orders assists in launching liferaft #1. Assists assigned passengers to board this liferaft before boarding it himself.
Emergency Checklist - Table 5-1-3 1.
Rough Weather at Sea or Crossing Hazardous Bars a. Close all watertight and weather tight doors, hatches, and airports to prevent taking water aboard. Keep bilges dry to prevent loss of stability due to water in bilges. Keep passengers seated and evenly distributed. Have passengers put on life preservers if the going becomes very rough or you are about to cross a hazardous bar. Never abandon a vessel (particularly a wooden boat) unless actually forced to do so. If assistance is needed use the International Distress call over radiotelephone or call the Coast Guard immediately. Prepare life floats for launching.
b. c. d.
g. 2.
Man Overboard a. b. c. d. Throw a ring buoy overboard as close to the person as possible. Post a lookout to keep the person overboard in sight. Maneuver the vessel to pick up the person in the water. Have a crewmember put on a life jacket, attach a safety line to him and have him standby to jump in the water to assist the person overboard if necessary. If the person is not immediately located notify the Coast Guard and other vessels in the vicinity by radiotelephone. Continue the search until released by the Coast Guard.
A. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Close all watertight and weathertight doors, hatches, and airports to prevent taking water aboard. Keep all bilges dry to prevent loss of stability due to water in bilges. Keep passengers seated and evenly distributed. Have passengers put on life preservers if the going becomes very rough or you are about to cross a hazardous bar. 5. Never abandon a vessel (particularly a wooden boat) unless actually forced to do so. 6. If assistance is needed use the International Distress call over radiotelephone or call the Coast Guard immediately. 7. Prepare life floats for launching. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. MAN OVERBOARD
Throw a ring buoy overboard as close to the person as possible. Post a lookout to keep the person overboard in sight. Maneuver the vessel to pick up the person in the water. Have a crewmember put on a life jacket, attach a safety line to him and have him standby to jump in the water to assist the person overboard if necessary. 5. If the person is not immediately located notify the Coast Guard and other vessels in the vicinity by radiotelephone. 6. Continue the search until released by the Coast Guard. C. FIRE AT SEA
1. Cut off air supply to fire - close hatches, ports, doors, and ventilators, etc. 2. Immediately use portable fire extinguishers at base of flames for flammable liquid or grease fires or water for fires in ordinary combustible materials. 3. If fire is in machinery spaces shut off fuel supply and ventilation; then discharge fixed CO2 if installed. 4. Maneuver vessel to minimize the effects of wind on the fire. 5. If unable to control fire, immediately notify the Coast Guard
Note: "Before getting underway, the operator in charge of each vessel subject to this subpart shall ensure that suitable public announcements, instructive placards or both are provided in a manner which affords all passengers the opportunity to become acquainted with: (1) stowage location of life preservers; (2) proper method of donning and adjusting life preservers of the type(s) carried on the vessel; (3) the type and location of all lifesaving devices carried on the vessel and (4) the location and contents of the "Emergency Checkoff List" required by 46 CFR 185.25-5." (46 CFR 185.25-1 (d)).
3. Fire at Sea a. b.
Cut off the air supply to fire - close hatches, ports, doors, and ventilators, etc. Immediately use portable fire extinguisher at base of flames for flammable liquid or grease fire or water for fire in ordinary combustible materials. If fire is in the machinery spaces shut off fuel supply and ventilation; then discharge fixed CO2 if installed. Maneuver vessel to minimize the effects of the wind on the fire. If unable to control fire, immediately notify the Coast Guard and other boats in the vicinity by radiotelephone, etc.
d. e.
f. Move passengers away from fire; have them put on life preservers and if necessary, prepare to abandon ship. B. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (5.2) 1. Station Bills - The starting point for shipboard survival and survival training is the station bill. The station bill is a muster list that is required by federal regulations. It lists the emergency duty station and duty position for each crew member assigned on board ship and also the signals for fire and abandon ship. The station bill is prepared by the ship's master. Each time a new master is assigned to the ship, one of his first responsibilities is to prepare a new station bill. When a new crew member is assigned aboard ship, the crew member will be assigned to a specific line and station bill number. When transferred, the crew member's name is removed from the station bill.
The ship's master is the only one who can sign the station bill, and it is the master's responsibility to keep it current. Copies of the station bill are posted in conspicuous places in the ship, such as the crew's quarters, crew's mess, and bridge. a. Filling in a Station Bill - The following information should be included on a station bill: 1. Vessel's name or number. 2. Date station bill was filled out. 3. "Name of Company." 4. Master's signature. 5. A numerical listing for each man authorized aboard the vessel. The Master is listed as 1; the Mate is number 2. 6. Crew rating and crew member's name. The crew rating is listed according to precedence in rating and department. The sequence for departments is deck, engine, radio, stewards, and medical, if carried. 7. Location and specific emergency duty to be performed by crew member. 8. Specific lifeboat assigned to crew member. 9. Specific location and task to be performed by crew member. Station Bill Card - The crew member will also be issued an individual station bill card. This is usually posted next to the crew member's bunk. The card will list the crew member's station bill number, name and rating, fire and emergency station, lifeboat number, abandon ship and boat station. Assigning Emergency Duties - The emergency duties assigned to a particular crewman should whenever possible, be similar to the normal work activity of that person. For instance, steward's department personnel should be assigned to assist passengers, deck department personnel should be assigned to run out hoses and lifeboats; and the engineering department should be assigned to run out hoses in the machinery space with which they are most familiar.
Emergency Squad - An emergency squad is a group of crew members selected by the master for their special training to deal with emergencies. The chief mate (assisted by the boatswain) is normally in command of the emergency squad. The rest of the squad should be made up of crewmen trained in the use of fire, emergency, and rescue equipment. Candidates for the emergency squad would be crew members who are highly knowledgeable in emergency procedures.
A mustering location for the emergency squad should be included in the station bill. The mustering location could be on either wing of the bridge, at a designated position on the main deck, or wherever the master feels would be best. However, the chosen location should be one that the members of the squads can reach promptly - for example, in less than 2 minutes. 3. Training - A emergency squad is a team. A team is a group of people brought together to accomplish a common goal. The word team brings to mind the words coordination, cooperation, and training. Training is absolutely essential, since without it there can be little coordination or cooperation. Training consists basically of two parts, which must come in the following order: 1. 2. A teaching-learning process in which the necessary knowledge is communicated to the trainee. Practice and demonstration of the necessary skills. Using the proper equipment.
As an example, fire drills are practice and demonstration sessions. They must come after crewmen have learned what to do; otherwise, they can serve no purpose except to reinforce bad habits. Under an able and understanding leader, proper training will gradually produce coordination and cooperation among members of the emergency squad. After several practice sessions they will indeed be operating as a team. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the master is responsible for all ship's functions, including those he assigns to subordinates. Therefore, although the master assigns the training of the emergency squad (and the rest of the crew, for that matter) to his chief mate, he should review and approve the plans for proposed lessons and drills. These sessions are made more meaningful when the master personally observes them and then discusses them with the person in charge. The members of the emergency squad should attend periodic instructional sessions dealing with the variety of emergencies that could occur on board ship. At each session, a problem could be presented, solutions discussed until a satisfactory one is found, and the necessary tools and equipment handled for familiarity. Then the regularly scheduled fire drills would be demonstrations of efficiency rather than training sessions.
Crew Fire Fighting - The emergency squad may be called upon to deal with many emergencies, such as collision, man overboard, and a lost or damaged rudder; but when the fire signal is sounded, all hands are involved. The station bill lists an assigned task and station for each member of the crew. Therefore, all crew members should receive some training in fire fighting.
C. COLLISION (5.3) Collision - Most mariners chuckle at the famous understatement of the Athenian historian Thucydides that: "A collision at sea can ruin your entire day." Everything has grown in size since the time these words were spoken including the magnitude of the problems caused by a collision. Collisions are often referred to as high energy, moderate energy, or low energy collisions which are defined as follows: 1. High Energy Collision - A high energy collision occurs if two ships ram or sideswipe each other at high speeds or one ship strikes an immovable object such as an iceberg at high speed. Merchant vessels, such as the RMS Titanic to use a historical example, are neither designed nor realistically expected to survive this type of collision or "allision." Moderate Energy Collision - A moderate energy collision is described by George1 as one in which damage would be no more than one of the following: A penetration of one-fifth the beam transversely. A penetration of 10 feet plus 3% of the length of the load water line longitudinally. A vertical penetration of the depth of the vessel.
In a collision where damage is limited to these parameters, the loss of one or two compartments is possible. If a collision is imminent, it is better to take a glancing blow than to experience a solid impact that will lead to penetration of the shell plating on either vessel. If a collision appears to be unavoidable, a last moment maneuver may reduce the angle of impact and the extent of the damage.
If a collision takes place and one vessel is impaled on the other, do not try to separate the two vessels until all persons on both vessels are accounted for and a search is made for survivors in the area of impact on both vessels if anyone is missing. The Master of the two vessels should consider the stability of their vessel as one vessel may be supporting the other. Only after this information has been studied and the safety and welfare of persons on board the vessels has been considered should an attempt be made to separate the two vessels. In fact, it may make more sense to try to lash the two vessels together temporarily until help arrives than to pull them apart. The circumstances of the case, which will include such factors as the sea state, firefighting, personnel injuries sustained and pollution control will dictate the best course to take. A collision between vessels poses a number of legal problems. Therefore, as Master, Mate, or Operator, you should be aware of the provisions of the law as they appear in the following excerpts from Title 46 United States Code (46 USC): 22303. Duties related to marine casualty assistance and information: 1. Subsection (a) The Master or individual in charge of a vessel involved in a marine casualty shall: a. Render* necessary assistance to each individual affected to save that affected individual from danger caused by the marine casualty, so far as the Master or individual in charge can do so without serious damage to the Master's or individual's vessel or individuals on board. Give the Master's or Individual's name and address and identification of the vessel to the Master or individual in charge of any other vessel involved in the casualty, to any individual injured, and to the owner of any property damaged.
Subsection (b) An individual violating this section or a regulation prescribed under this section shall be fined not more than $1000 or imprisoned for not more than 2 years. The vessel is also liable in rem* to the United States Government for the fine.
Subsection (c) An individual complying with subsection (a) of this section or gratuitously* and in good faith rendering assistance at the scene of a marine casualty without objection by an individual assisted, is not liable for damages as a result of rendering assistance or for an act of omission in providing or arranging salvage, towage, medical treatment, or other assistance when the individual acts as an ordinary, reasonable, and prudent individual would have acted under the circumstances.
* render in rem
- To give or provide. - A legal proceeding 'in rem' is taken against property such as a vessel and aims to dispose of the property without reference to the title of the individual's who claim it. gratuitously - Free of charge; without attempting to make a profit. 2304 (46 USC) Duty to provide assistance at sea: 1. Subsection (a) A Master or individual in charge of a vessel shall render assistance to any individual found at sea in danger of being lost, so far as the Master or individual in charge can do so without serious danger to the Master's or individual's vessel or individuals on board. Subsection (b) A Master or individual violating this section shall be fined not more than $1,000, imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both.
George, W. F. Stability and Trim for the Ship's Officer, 3rd edition, MET Stock # BK175. D. FIRE AND EXPLOSION (5.4) Fire and Explosion Fire Drills - The 'fire and emergency' signal is a continuous blast of the whistle for a period of not less than 10 seconds followed by a continuous ringing of the general alarm bells for not less than 10 seconds. In port, this distinctive whistle signal is used to alert nearby vessels and personnel on shore.
The 'general alarm' bells, generally required on inspected vessels over 100 gross tons and found on most other vessels as well, alert the crew and passengers aboard ship to the danger of fire or other emergency situation. This is why the 'general alarm' bells must never be used for any purpose other than a genuine emergency. When the fire signal is sounded, all hands are required to become involved since the 'station bill' lists an assigned task and station for each member of the crew. Therefore, a licensed officer (generally the Mate) or the operator of an uninspected passenger or towing vessel must train the crew in firefighting drills and procedures. The requirements for 'cargo and miscellaneous vessels' in 46 CFR, Subchapter 'I'1 state that: The Master is responsible for conducting a fire and boat drill at least once each week. The Master may schedule the drills at his discretion. At least one fire and boat drill must be held within 24 hours of leaving a port if more than 25% of the crew were replaced at that port. The fire and boat drill must be conducted as if an actual emergency existed. All hands must report to their stations and be prepared to perform the duties specified in the 'station bill.' Fire pumps must be started. Enough hydrants must be placed in operation to verify that the system works properly. All rescue and safety equipment must be brought from the emergency equipment lockers. Designated persons must show they can use the equipment. Close all watertight doors which are in use while the vessel is underway.
Fire Fighting Procedures - All crewmembers must be instructed in how to transmit a fire alarm. The type of alarm equipment carried and its locations will vary from vessel to vessel and may not be familiar to new members of the crew. In addition, use of the internal phone system to report fires and to maintain communications during emergencies must be explained. Since ships in port are usually in the greatest danger of fire for a number of reasons, every crew member must have the specific knowledge of how to summon the nearest land-based fire department while in port. Since many crewmembers may be ashore when a fire breaks out, manpower is at its lowest and there may be no power readily available to operate the ship's pumps. Consequently, everyone should know how and when to use each type of portable fire extinguisher. All crewmen assigned to hose lines or to start fire pumps and activate fixed firefighting systems must have additional training and cross-training. For example, a crewman assigned to a fire station must know how to couple the hose, attach, operate and clean a three-position nozzle as well as how to attach and use a fog applicator. A crewman assigned to start the fire pump must know which circuit breakers and switches to use, which valves to turn, how to tell whether the pump is operating properly, how to prime the pump if necessary, how to clean the strainer and isolate various parts of the fire main system. The Coast Guard has expanded its licensing and certification examinations to include more questions on firefighting and emergency equipment - even for persons who complete the required, formal, hands-on firefighting training. Furthermore, witnessing fire drills conducted by the crew and supervising the testing of a vessel's equipment are part of the Coast Guard's vessel inspection procedure. Therefore, the Coast Guard marine inspectors will require crewmembers to demonstrate their knowledge of the proper operation of the fixed firefighting systems installed on the vessel. This is reason enough to ensure that each crewman is fully trained in the firefighting procedures that apply to his vessel since firefighting is considered to be part of his assigned duties. Fire Fighting Team Training - According to the new licensing regulations, you must complete a Coast Guard approved firefighting course if you apply for a Master's license on any vessel of less than 200 gross tons in 'oceans service' or for a license as Master or Mate for any vessel over 200 gross tons after December 1, 19882.
At the time of this writing, a Master can consider himself fortunate if his crew includes hands who have received any formal 'hands-on' firefighting training. New regulations should start to improve this situation in the near future. However, regardless of the background of the crew, shipboard training as well as fire drills are required for the crew as a whole and must be logged when they are held. References:
46 Code of Federal Regulations 97.15-35 (a)(b) 46 Code of Federal Regulations 10.205 (g).
E. SEARCH AND RESCUE (5.5) Search and Rescue - Regulation V/10 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (i.e. SOLAS) of which the United States is a signatory, requires the Master of a ship at sea, after receiving a signal from any source that a ship, aircraft, or survival craft is in distress, to proceed with all speed to assist the persons in distress, and inform them, if possible, of his intentions. After receiving a distress message, the Master of a merchant vessel is expected to take certain definite actions which are outlined in the Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual (MERSAR)1. References:
The MERSAR manual, MET Stock # BK-331, is a copyrighted publication of the International Maritime Organization. F. HELICOPTER EVACUATION AT SEA (5.6) Helicopter Evacuation at Sea Determining if Helicopter Evacuation is Feasible - When a vessel is faced with a medical evacuation at sea, lives depend on knowing the right procedures and on planning well in advance. An oversight or poor planning on the ship can imperil the helicopter, its crew, and even the patient's shipmates helping on deck. Knowing the right way makes everyone safer.
First, distance will determine whether an evacuation is even possible. The maximum range of the types of helicopters now used by the U. S. Coast Guard, the HH52A amphibious single-turbine-powered and the HH3F amphibious double-turbine-powered, is 150 and 300 nautical miles respectively. This is in ideal weather, with ideal weight aboard, and includes going out, hovering for 10 minutes, and returning. Bad weather or extra weight shortens these distances. Obviously, if a vessel is 500 miles out at sea and needs a helicopter evacuation, she will have to divert (i.e. change course) and steam for a point where a helicopter can reach her. Normally, the Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) working the case will tell the ship if a diversion is necessary, and will establish a rendezvous point. If the vessel is already within helicopter range, a diversion in the direction of the helicopter's base may still be helpful to speed the removal of the patient. 2. Voice Communications - Voice communications between ship and aircraft are normally conducted on international distress and/or calling frequencies such as 2182 kHz and 156.8 mHz. Other frequencies common to both helicopter and vessel may be used, but once good communications have been established, avoid making frequency changes and risk a loss of communications. Information to provide when requesting helicopter assistance: a. Give an accurate position including time, your speed and course, weather conditions, wind direction and velocity, and the voice and C radio frequencies available. If not already provided, give complete medical information, including whether the victim can walk, stand, move, etc. If you are beyond helicopter range, advise the RCC of any intentions to change course to arrange a rendezvous point. If there are any changes, advise the RCC immediately. Be sure to advise the RCC if the patient dies before the helicopter arrives. Remember, that the flight crew are risking their lives in an attempt to help the patient.
4. Determining the hoist location: a.
Provide a continuous radio watch on 2182 kHz, or the specified voice frequency if possible. Select and clear a hoist area, preferably aft, with a minimum 50-ft radius. Secure all loose gear, awnings, and antenna wires. Trice up running rigging and booms. If the hoist is aft, lower the flagstaff. If the hoist is at night, light the pickup area as well as possible. Be sure you do not shine any lights on the helicopter and blind the pilot. If there are obstructions in the vicinity, put a light on them so the pilot will be aware of their positions. Point a searchlight vertically to help the pilot locate your ship. Secure the searchlight when the helicopter has reached you. Advise the pilot where your pickup area is located before he arrives so that he may plan his approach. Since there will be a high noise level under the helicopter, voice communication will be almost impossible. Arrange to use a set of hand signal among the crew who will assist.
Hoist Operations: a. If possible, move the patient to a position as close to the hoist area as his conditions permits. Time is important. Normally, if the patient needs a litter, he must be moved to the special litter lowered by the helicopter. Be prepared to make this transfer as quickly as possible. Be sure the patient is strapped in with his face up and with a life jacket if his condition permits. The patient, depending upon his/her condition may be hoisted up to the helicopter by a rescue basket, stokes litter (for severe injuries), or a sling. Be sure that the patient is tagged to indicate what medication, if any, was administered, and when it was given.
Have the patient's medical record and any other necessary papers in an envelope or package ready for transfer with him. Change course so the ship rides as easily as possible with the wind on the bow, preferably on the port bow. Try to choose a course to keep the stack gases clear of the hoist area. Once established, maintain course and speed. Reduce speed if necessary to ease the ship's motion, but maintain steerageway. If you do not have radio contact with the helicopter, and when you are in all respects ready for the hoist, signal the helicopter in with a 'come on' by hand or at night - by flashlight. Allow the basket or stretcher to touch the deck prior to touching or handling it to avoid static shock. If the helicopter drops a trail line (i.e. tag line), use it to guide the basket or stretcher to the deck. Keep this line clear at all time. Never secure this line to any object on deck! Place the patient in the basket, sitting with his hands inside and clear of the sides (to keep them from being crushed) - or in the litter as described above. Signal the hoist operator when ready to begin hoisting. The patient signals by nodding his head if he is able to do so. Deck personnel give 'thumbs up.' If necessary to move the litter away from the hoist point, unhook the hoist cable and keep it free for the helicopter to haul it in. Never secure the hoist cable to the vessel attempt to move the stretcher without unhooking. When the patient is strapped in the stretcher, signal the helicopter to lower the cable. Hook it up. Then signal the hoist operator when ready to hoist. Steady the stretcher from turning, or swinging.
f. g.
m. If a trail line is attached to the basket or stretcher, use it for steadying. Keep your feet clear of this line.