Steam Prob

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All substances under suitable conditions of temperature and pressure can exist in one of the
three states, viz., solid. liquid or gas. But water is one of the pure substances* that exists in all
the three phases namely, in the solid phase as ice, liquid phase as water, and gaseous phase as
vapour (steam).
Most of the practical problems in thermal engineering are concerned with liquid and gaseous
phase rather than the solid phase. Water, which is liquid at normal temperature begins to boil to
form steam when heated sufficiently. The steam thus formed can be used as a working fluid in
the operation of steam turbines to generate
electricity. In practice, steam is generated in steam
generators or popularly known as Boilers. The details regarding the generation of steam, and its
various properties required for engineering calculations are discussed herein.
Steam exists in three different states (or
conditions) viz., wet steam, dry steam and superheated
steam. It is important to know the various
properties of steam such as pressure, tenperature,
enthalpy, specific volume, internal energy, and entropy for different conditions of steam. The
values of these properties are detemined
a steam
generation experiment, briefed as follows.
Consider 1 kg. of water at 0°C taken in a
W is cylinder, fitted with a freely moving piston. A weight
placed over the piston as shown in figure 3.1(a). The
weight of the piston and the weight W
placed over the piston exerts a constant pressure P on the water. Let V be
the volume occupied
by the water in the cylinder. The condition of water at 0°C is
temperature enthalpy (T-H) diagram as shown in figure 3.2. represented by a point A on the
When water is heated at constant
in the process are discussed pressure, it is converted to steam. The various stages involved
1) On heating, the temperature of the water rises
and at a certain
(evaporate). The temperature at which water starts temperature
boil water begins to
temperature and is denoted by ,. The boiling known as sqturation
temperature ((,) is shown by the line AB on T-H
of water from 0°C to the
slight increase in the volume diagram. At this temperature, there is a
of water (V) as shown in figure
*A pure substance 3.1(b)
is a homogenous material that retains its
underaoes a chanae in chemical composition even
phase during a thermodvnamic process though it
Module - 1 23

Note The saturation temperature depends on the pressure, i.e., for each pressure, there is a
different boiling point. If the pressure is increased, the saturation temperature also increases. At

atmospheric pressure (1.01325 Bar), its value is 100°C.

2) When water is heated beyond the saturation temperature, there will be no rise in temperature,
but evaporation of water takes place. In other words, water starts converting into steam. At
this stage, water exists as a two-phase mixture containing saturated liquid and waler
vapour occupying volume Ve as shown in figure 3.1(c). The steam in this condition is
called wet steam. Evaporation of water continues at the same saturation temperature until
the whole of the water is completely converted into steam. This process is shown by the
line BC on T-H diagram.
3) At point C, the steam formed does not contain water vapour (water particles in suspension)
and hence the steam in this state is called dry steam or dry saturated steam. The volume
occupied by the dry steam is shown in figure 3.1(d).
4) If heating is further continued at point C, the temperature of the steam increases above the
saturation temperature and this temperature is called superheat temperature denoted
by The steam in this condition is called superheated steam. The process ofheating the
dry steam is called superheating, shown by the line CD on T-H diagram. The volume
occupied by superheated steam is shown in figure 3.1(e).

Water at boiling Saturated liquid + Water vapour

temp. ,°C at °C
at 0°C Water
WI vapour
Heat Heat Heat
a) (b) (c)

Dry steam at ,°C Superheated steam at °" C

,Vapour up

Heat Heat
(d) (e)

Figure 3.1 Formation of steam at constant pressure

Temperature (T)

E Water heating


Superheating '
Module-1 25
3. As there is no moIsture content in superheated steam, erosion/corrosion of turbine blades
are minimized.

4. Superheating is done in a superheater, that obtains heat from waste burnt gases. This improves
efticiency of the boiler*


The various properties of steam are briefed as follows. Students are advised to refer temperature-
enthalpy (T-H) diagram shown in figure 3.2 for clear understanding ofthe following
a) Dryness fraction
of wet steam to the
It is defined as the ratio of mass of dry steam present in a known quantity
indication of
total mass of wet steam. The dryness fraction refers to the quality of steamn, or an
the extent of dryness of steam. It is denoted by x.
mass of dry steam present in wet steam
Dryness fraction (x) =
mass of wet steam m, +m

where nm. mass of dry steam and m,= mass of suspended water particles.
For example, if T kg. of wet steam contains 0.9 kg. of dry vapour, then dryness
x = 0.9. For wet steam, the dryness fraction ranges from 0 < x< 1, and for dry stcam x = 1.

b) Sensible heat (Total heat of water or enthalpy of saturated water)

It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of I kg. of water from 0°C to saturation
temperature (() at a given pressure. It is denoted by h

c) Latent heat of evaporation (Enthalpy of evaporation)

It is the amount of heat required to convert 1 kg. of water at the saturation temperature (1,) to
I kg. of dry saturated steam at the same temperature ((,) and at a given pressure.

d) Superheat
It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of dry saturated steam above its
saturation temperature and at a given pressure. The process is known as superheating.

e)Degree of superheat
It is defined as the difference between the superheat temperature (,up) and the saturation
temperature (1,), i.e., Degree of superheat up
) Enthalpy of steamn
Enthalpy (or total heat) of steam is the amount of heat energy contained in a unit mass ofsteam

A boiler is a closed metalic vessel in which steam at the desired pressure and temperature can be
generated from water by the application of heat.
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Enthalpyis defined as the sum ot intemal energy (U) and the product of pressure (P) and
volume (). It is denoted by h and enpressed n &/kg

Enthalpy h + P

.Enthalpy of wet steam

detinod the amount of heat required at a given pressure to
Enthalpy ot wet steam is as
convert 1 kg. of water at OC to 1 kg. of wet steam at a given dryness fiaction. Iu is
denoted by k and is given by k, = k, t a.hkJkg.

= dryness fraction.
where h, =sensible heat, x

latent heat or latent heat of evaporation

Enthalpy of dry saturated steam

It is definei as the amount of heat required at a given pressure to convert 1 kg. of water
at 0°C to 1 kg. of dr saturated steam at the saturation temperature. It is denoted by h.
and is g n e n by h = ,

Note We know that h =h, - xh, Dry steam exists completely in pure vapour form. Hence,
dnness fraction x = 1 . Therefore. h =h, - h,

Enthalpy ofsuperheated steam

It is defined as the amount of heat required at a given pressure to convert 1 kg. of water
at 0 C to 1 kg. of s u p e r h e a t e d s t e a m at t h e g i v e n s u p e r h e a t t e m p e r a t u r e . It is d e n o t e d b y

h and is grven by the equation h , Cp, ap

uhere h = enthalpy of dry steam u superheat temperature,

saturation temperature. & C= Specific heat* of superheated steam

g) Specific volume of steam

Specific volume of steam is defined as the volume occupied by a unit mass ofsteam at a given
temperature and pressure. It is expressed in m°kg.

Specific volume of saturated water

It is defined as the volume occupicd by 1 kg. of water at the saturation temperature and at
a given pressure. It is denoted by ,

Specific volume of wet steam

Wet steam contains a two-phase mixture of saturated water and vapour (steam). lence
specific volume of wet steam is defined as the volume occupied by the saturated water
and vapour at a given pressure. It is denoted by V and is given by: V=x.Vy
where x = dryness fraction of steam
specific volume of dry steam

Specific heat of a suhs tance is defined as the umount of heat reyuired to change the temperature of.
of a
unit mass of substance througih one degre. i is different for different subhstances.
Module 1 27
Specific volume of dry saturated steam
I is defined as the volume occupied by 1 kg, of dry saturated steam at the saturation
temperature and at a given pressure. It is denoted by Vg.

Specifie volume of superheated steam

It is defined as the volume occupied by 1 kg. of superheated steam at the superheat
given pressure. It is denotedby sup
temperature (and at a
Superheated steam behaves like a perfect gas. Therefore, according to Charles law, we

sup where n and t, are in Kelvin.

have '.SuD sup

h) Density of steam
It is the mass of steam per unit volume of steam at the given pressure and temperature. It is the
reciprocal of specific volume.

. Density ofwet steam = P,= and for dry steam = p,= y ( : x = | for dry stream).

i) External work of evaporation
When water at the saturation temperature is heated at constant pressure, it gets converted into
steam by absorbing the latent heat. A part of this latent heat is used to move the piston due to the
increase in volume ofsteam during evaporation. Refer Figure 1.7. The work done, due to change
in volume of steam from V,to V is called external work of evaporation.
External work of evaporation = W= 100.P (V, - V where P= pressure in bar.

At low pressure,
V, is very small and hence can be neglected. Hence W= 100.P.V,
For wet steam of dryness fractionx, W 100.Px.V, =

For dry steam Wg =

For superheated steam, Wup 100.P.up
Note The remaining part of the latent heat is used to overcome the internal resistance of water
molecules to the change of phase of substance. It is called the internal latent heat and may
be obtained by subtracting the external work of evaporation from the latent heat. Therefore
internal latent heat x.h-100.P x. V,

j) Internal energy
Every substance has definite amount of heat energy stored in it. The actual heat energy stored
n the steam is known as internal energy of steam. and can be obtained by subtracting the
external work of evaporation from enthalpy of steam.
Eements of Mechanmcal
28 Engineerina
For exampie. enthalpy of dry steam is oqual to the sum of sesible Ieat, intemal latent heat ad
extemal work of evaporatin. But wori of eapmration iIs not stored in the steam, as it is utilizcd
in doing exiemal work. say movement of piston Hene, intemal cnergy of steam is found by
subtracting exiemal w ori of evaporatnn from enthalpy of diry steanm
Intemal energy ) = nthalpy of steam etemal work of evaporation
* tor her sieam. nicrmal emengr . = h. ah, 100.P'a AJAg.

For drn steam i k100.PI &k

For surheaied skeam h 100.P
AC.u 100.P1, kJkg.
Problem1 Determ1ne the dryness fraction of steam. w hich has 1.5 kg of water in suspension
w th S0
g ot steam
Step 1 Data
Mass of water particies m, 1.5 kg Mass of dry steam m = 50 kg

Step 2 To find drymes fraction

t dryness fraction = 0.97
15 50
dryness fraction = x = 0.997

Probiem 2 Sig of wet steam oontains 1.56 kg of water particles in suspension. What is the
dryness fraction of steam

Step 1 Data
Mass of we sleam = 8 hg Mass of water particles m 1 . 5 6 kg

Mass of áry steam prsat m, 8 - 1 56- 6.44 kg

Step 2 To find drycss fracton
wk dryTes iraclun 0.805

fraction 0.805

Problem 3 Calculate the enthalpy of steam at a pressure of 30 bar if ils dryness fraction
AMOP (2002 scheme) 05 m
is 0.75
Module 1

Step 1 Data

Pressure p 30 bar Dryness fractionx =0.75

of steam (h).
Step 2 To find enthalpy
0.75 is less than 1, the given steam is wet.
w.k.t. enthalpy of wet steam h, = h tx hg
. -

in the problem, the properties (h, & h) from steam tables has to
Note Since pressure (P) given

read on pressure basis.

we have, h 1008.3 kJ/kg and h
1794 kJ/kg
From steam tables for pressure, P=30 bar,

equation (1) reduces to, h = 1008.3 [0.75 1794]-2353.8

. e n t h a l p y o f wet steam h, = 2353.8 kJ/kg

Find the enthalpy of 1 kg of steam at 12 bar when steam is (i) dry saturated
Problem 4
(ii) 22% wet, and (1i) superheated to 250C. Assume specific heat of the superheated steam as
2.25 kJ/kg K. July 2003 08m & Jan 2010
Step 1 Data
Mass of steam = m= l kg Pressure P = 12 bar

From steam tables, corresponding to a pressure of 12 bar, we have

su 4 , 188 c, h,= 798.4 kJ/kg,. h =1984.3 kJ/kg. and h,- 2782.7 kJkg
Step 2 To find enthalpy of dry saturated steam (h)
w.k.t. for dry saturated steam, enthalpy = h , = h + hg 798.4 1984.3 2782.7
h 2782.7 kJ/kg of steam
Step 3 To find enthalpy (h) when steam is 22% wet
w.k.t. of - - [1]
enthalpy wet steam =
h, =
h+ x
but x ?
I fsteam is 22% wet, then it is 100- 22 = 78% dry.

i.e., r = 0.78

equation (1) reduces to, h,=798.4 + [0.78 x 1984.3] = 2346.15

h = 2346.15 kJ/kg

Step 4 To find enthalpy when steam is superheated to 250 C.

w.k.t. enthalpy of superheated steam hsuph Cps (sup sa
where Cps =2.25 kJkg K, and 250 C
u2782.7 2.25 (250-188) =2922.2
hu 2922.2 kJ/kg of steam
Problem 5 Find the enthalpy of 0.5 kg of steam at pressure of 10 bar absolute for the
Elements of Mechanical
conditions. (i) it is 1.5% wet, (i) it is dry saturated, (in) it is at a temperature of 200'C. AAssume
specific heat as 2.3 kJ/kg K. Jan 2007 06
Step 1 Data
Mass of steam m = 0.5 kg Pressure P= 10 bar
From steam tables. corresponding to P = 10 bar, we have
sa179.9C, h,= 762.6 kJ kg. h = 2013.6 kJ/kg and h, = 2776.2 kJ/kg

Step 2 To find enthalpy when steam is 1.5% wet.

w.k.t. for wet steam, h,, h, tx he - - [1]

but x =?
Ifsteam is 1.5% wet, then it will be 100 1.5 =98.5% dry
dryness fraction = x=0.985

equation ( ) reduces to, h = 762.6 + (0.985 x 2013.6) = 2746 kJ/kg

f o r 0.5 kg of steam h,, = 0.5 x 2746

1 3 7 3 kJ
Step 3 To find enthalpy of dry steam
w.k.L. fordry saturated steam, enthalpy h, =h+ h = 762.6+ 2013.6- 2776.2

h2776.2 kl/kg ofsteam

for 0.5 kg of steam. h, =
0.5 x
2776.2 1388.1
h = 1388.1

Step 4 To find enthalpy of superheated steam at 200'C.

for superheated steam, hsup =h + Cps sup-sat) where sup= 200 CC
h 2776.2 +2.3 (200- 179.9)- 2822.43
kJ/kg of steam
for 0.5 kg of steam, hsu 0.5 2822.43 1411.21
= x =

hsup1411.21 kJ
Problem 6 What is the enthalpy of 5 kg steam under the
absolute and 90% dry, and (ii) 20 bar absolute and at 300'C. following condition (i) 0.8 bar
2.25 kJ/kg K. Specific heat of superheated steam is
Feb. 04- 04 m
Step 1 Data
Mass of steam m =
5 kg Cps=2.25 kJ/kg K
Step 2 To find enthalpy when P= 0.8 bar and
90% dry
Steam is 90% dry, i.e., 0.9 x =

dryness fraction of steam

Since x <1, the steam is in wet condition
enthalpy of wet steam =

h,, =

h+ he x
- - -

Module 1 31

From steam tables, atP=0.8 391.7 kJ/kg & he =2274.1 kJ/kg

bar, we have, h =

equation (1) reduces to, h, = 391.7 + (0.9 x 2274.1) = 2438.4 kJ/kg of steam

For 5kg of steam, enthalpy= ,= 2438.4x 5

h =
12192 kJ

Step 3 To find enthalpy h when P =

20 bar & temperature 3000C
From steam tables, at P= 20 bar, we have, Isat212.4'C, and h, = 2797.2 kJ/kg

Since the temperature 300°C is greater than sa 212.4 C, the given steam is in superheated state.
w.k.t. for superheated steam, hqup = h + Cps (lsup - sa) ---- [1]
2797.2 + 2.25 (300 -212.4) = 2994.3 kJ/kg
. for 5 kg of steam, hsup= 2994.3x5 = 14971.5

sup14971.5 kJ
Problem 7 By actual measurement, the enthalpy of saturated steam at 190 C is 2500 kJ/kg. What
is the quality of steam.

Step 1: Data
Saturation temperature tsat=190°C Enthalpy of saturated steam = hy = 2500 kJ/kg

Since saturation temperature (a)is given in the problem, the properties of steam from steam
tables hand book has to be read on temperature basis. Note that in previous problems, the
properties of steam was recorded on pressure basis.

From steam tables, corresponding to fga 190C, we have,

P-12.551 bar, h= 807.5 kJ/kg, hg= 1976.8 kJ/kg & h,= 2784.3 kJ/kg
w.k.t. enthalpy of steam= h =

h+x hg
2500 807.5 +x(1976.8)
x = 0.8561

Quality of steam= 0.8561 x 100 85.61%

i.e., the steam is 85.61% dry and 14.39 % wet.

Problem 8 A mixture of wet steam at a pressure of 10 bar is found to have

Determine its enthalpy, internal energy,
a quality of 85%.
specific volume and density.
Step 1 Data
State of steam = WET, Pressure = P = 10 bar

Quality of steam = 85°% Dryness fraction = x = 0.85

From steam tables,
corresponding to P =
10 bar, we have,
sut179.9'C, h =762.6 kJ/kg, h =
2013.6 kJ/kg, h= 2776.2 kJ/kg, &
Elements of Mechanical
32 Engineering
2 To find enthalpy of wet
h, h762.6 +(0.85 2013.6)
W&.t. for wet steam. h, 2474.16 kJ/kg
Enthalpy= h, =
Step 3 To find intemal enngy l
, hgl- 100 Px -/, kJ/kg
w.t Internal eneng fr wet
0.85 0.19430
(2474. 16) - [100x 10 x

Internal energy of wet steam = l , = 2309 kJ/kg

Step 4 To find sparitic volume of wet steam

wk.t. spoaific volume of wet stcam = 1. =x m kg

T 0.85 0.19430

= 0.1651 mkg
Step 5 Density of we steam = p.

wkt. density of we steam =

6.057 P6.057 kg/m'
(0.85x 0.19430)

Problem 9 Steam at a pressure of 8 bar has temperature of 200C. What is the specific
enthalpy? What is its specific volume. Assume specific heat of steam to be 2.25 kJ/kg K
July 2006 08 m

P (bar) (C) m' kg m'kgh, kJ/kg hg kJ/kg h kJ/kg

8.0 170.4 0.001115 0.24026 720.9 2046.5 2767.4
Step 1: Data
Pressure =
P =8 bar C2.25 kJ/kg K
Since the saturation temperature1,u = 170.4 C is less than the given temperature of steam (200°C),

200 C
thesteam is in superheated state. sup
Step 2 To find specific volume of superheated steam ( , )

w.k.t. Specific volume ofsuperheated steam= V= , whereu& must be in Kelvin.

su 170.4+273

Specific volume u p = 0.2563 m''kg

Step 3 To find specific enthalpy of superheated steam (h,u)

w.k.t. for superheated steam, enthalpy, h,u =h, + Cp (1.usad 2767.4 + 2.25 (200 170.4)
Enthalpy = hup = 2834 kJ/kg
Module -1
1.2 MPa (i) when
Calculate the specific volume and enthalpy of 8 kg of steam at 08 m
Problem 10 MQP (2002 scheme)

wet (i1) when the steam is superheated at 300 C.

steam is 12%

Step 1 Data
Pressure =
P= 1.2 MPa
Mass of steam
m = 8 kg
106 N/m2 (Mega =
105 & 1 Pa
1 N/m-)
P = 1.2
P 12 bar ('. I Bar = 103 N/m)
12 bar, have
From steam tables, at P=
0.16321 m'/kg
h, =2782.7 kJ/kg, and Vz

sat188'C, h
798.4 kJ/kg, hg= 1984.3 kJ/kg,
is 12% wet
Step 2 When steam
dryness fraction =
x 0.88
when steam is 12% wet, it will be 88% dry. .

w.k.t. specific volume of wet steam
Vw=x V,= 0.88 x

V = 0.14362 m'/kg of steam

8 0.14362
kg of steam, specific volume
= x
' For 8
V =
1.149 m3
w.k.t. Enthalpy of wet steam= h,, = h + x h = 798.4 ( 0 . 8 8 x 1984.3)

h 2544.58 kJ/kg of steam

F o r 8 kg of steam, enthalpy = 2544.58 x 8

20356.67 kJ

Step 3 When steam is superheated at 300C

300+2733 0.16321 = 0.20286

w.k.t. Specific volume of superheated steam Vsup= xV=18S773
x V 188+273
suD 0.20286 m/kg of steam
F o r 8 kg of steam, s u 8 x 0.20286= 1.622

Vsup= 1.622 m
w.k.t. enthalpy of superheated steam =

h,up=h, +
Cps supsa)
Assume Cps 2.25 kJ/kg K when not specified in the problem
hsup 2782.7 + 2.25 (300- 188) - 3034.7 kJ/kg of steam
For 8 kg ofsteam, h u 8 x 3034.7 24277.6 hsup24277.6 kJ
Problem 11 Determine the specific volume & density of 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 7x 10° Pa
when the condition of steam is. (i) wet,having dryness tfractions 0.9, (ii) dry, and (i) superheated
at 250 C. If required, use the extract of the steam table provided below:
July 2009- 09 m
P 's

7 bar 437.92 K 0.273341 m'/kg

Elements of echanical
34 Engineeriringng
Stcp I Data
Mass of stcam 7

10° Nm (IPa I N/m)

Pressure - 7 10'Pa
10' Nm)
bar (1 Bar =
Step 2 When sieam s uet uth a

w.tspaitic olume of wet stcam1 0.9 0.2753341

0.246 m'kg

Densiy of wet steam


= 4.065 kg/n
Step 3 When steam is dry
But, for dry steam x =1
AtSpecific volume of wet steam = l=x l-
Specific volumc of dry stcam = 1 = 0.273341 m°kg (from extract ofsteam tables)

density of dry steam= P 1, , 0.273341 3.658

P3.658 kem
Step 4 W hen steam is superheated to 250 C

.k Specific voiume of superheated steam = u

(250+273 x0.273341
xV=7 437.92

SP0.3264 m°/kg
= 3.063
Density of superheated sieam= Paur sup 0.3264 00.
Psup 3.063 kg/m

Problem 12 Determine the condition of steam in the following cases

(a) at a pressure of 5 Bar, the lotal heat is 2654 kJ/kg
(b) at a pressure of 10 bar, the total heat is 2832 k/kg
(c) at a pressure of 20 bar and temperature 222 C.
(d) at a pressure of l0 bar & spo:ific volume 0.23 m'kg

1 When P- 5 bar
Toal heat or enthalpy=h - 2654kJkg

From steam tables, at P s bar, we have, h,= 2747.5 kJ/kg (enthalpy of dry stean
Module - 1

of stcam (h) is less than the enthalpy
of dry steam (hg),
Since the given total heat
or cnthalpy
steam is in WET

10 bar
Step 2 When P
Total heat or enthalpy h = 2832 kJ/kg

From steam tables, at P 10 bar, we have, h, =

2776.2 kJ/kg
the steam is in superheated
Since the given total heat h> h,
Step 3 When P= 20 bar and temperature 222 C
From steam tables, at P =20 bar, we have, sat212.4C
steam (222 C) is greater than
the saturation temperature
Since the temperature of the given
(212.4' C), the steam is in the superheated state.
Step 4 When P
10 bar & specific volume 0.23 m'/kg
V 0.19430 m'/kg
=10 bar, specific volume of dry steam
= =

From steam table, at P

Since the specific volume of the given steam (V= 0.23 m'/kg) is greater than the specific
of dry steam (V =0. 19430 m'/kg), the steam is in the superheated state.

Problem 13 By actual measurement, the enthalpy of saturated steam at 190C is 2500 kJ/kg.
what is the final state
What is the quality of steam. If 500 kJ of heat is added at constant pressure,
of steam. Also determine its final temperature. Aug 2001

Step 1 To determine quality of steam
Saturation temperature =g a t 1 9 0 C Enthalpy= h = 2500 kkg

From steam tables, corresponding to st=190 C, we have, h, = 2784.3 kJ/kg

Since the enthalpy of given steam h <hg, the steam is in WET condition.
WKT, for wet steam h = h + x hg - - [1]
From tables, at tat= 190'C. h, = 807.5 kJ/kg & h = 1976.8 kJ/kg

equation (1) becomes, 2500 807.5+

+(r x 1976.8) or *=0.856

Quality of steam =85.6%

Step 2, Heat addition process
If500 kJ of heat is added, then total enthalpy 2500+500 3000 kJkg
Since 3000
kJ/kg is greater than h, (2784.3 kJ/kg), the steam after heat addition becomes
To find
temperature of superheated steam (u)=2
w.k.t. for superheated
steam, h=h,+ Cp» (,up
Assume Cps= 2.25 kJ/kg k
. 3000 = 2784.3+2.25(7,up 190)
Elements of Mechanical Ens

0.98. Findthe
the final
will be at 9 bar and dryness

when steam loses so quality and


Problem 14 A steam initially

each of the following
operations. (a)
an 2000
preSsure Jan 2000 se J/kg al

constant pressure
of the steam

(b) when
150 kJ kg at c o n s t a n t July 05
Step 1 Data fraction =r= 0.98
Prsure =P =9 bar, Dryness
From steam tables, at P= 9 bar. we have
2772.1 kJ/kg
2029.5 kJkgand h,=
s a 1 7 5 . 4 C . k, -742.6kJ kg. hg-
Step 2 To find the enthalpy of given
is WET
Since x0.98 is les than 1. the given steam
742.6 + (0.98 x
h+ ax he

.t. tor wa s a m enthalpy


h =

2731.51 kJ/kg
h =

Step 3 When steam loses 50 kJkg of heat

Let h, be the enthalpy in this condition
h- 50
of heat. the total enthalpy is h

When steam loses 50 kl

2731.51 50 =

h = 2681.51 kJ/kg
Since h < h the steam is wet.

To find quality of steam:

For wet steam h = h,+x hg where h = h, = 2681.5 kJ/kg

2681.51 = 742.6+(r* 2029.5))

x = 0.955

Quality of steam 95.5%=

steam receives 150 kJ/kg of heat

Step 4 When
Let h be the enthalpy in this condition. .. h> =
h,, + 150
h2 2731.51 + 150= 2881.51

h 2 = 2881.51 kJ/kg

Since h > h, the steam is superheated

Tofind up=?
- - [1]
w.k.t. hup h, + Cps (supsa)
Assume Cp = 2.25 kJ/kg K

equation (1) becomes, 2881.51 = 2772.1 +2.25(.u-175.4)
sup 224'C

Problen 15 2 kg of wet steam is heated at a constant pressure of 2 bar until its temperature
increases to 150 C. The heat iransierred is 2100 kJ. Find the initial dryness fraction of steam.
Module- 1

table provided below.

2.1 kJ/kg K. If required use the extract of the steam
Assuine Csteam Jan 2006 08-

h (kJ/kg)
P(bar) (C)V, (m/kg) V, (m/kg) h (kJ/kg)
504.5 2706.5
120.23 0.001061 0.8857
be calculated, which in
the enthalpy of wet steam has to
Solution: In the present problem,
us to obtain the dryness
fraction of steam.
Step 1 Data
Mass of wet steam = 2 kg

sup 150C (: given temperature> sat 120.23 C)

Pressure = P =2 bar

Heat transfered = enthalpy= 2100 kJ for 2 kg of steam

for 1 kg of steam = 1050 kJ/kg

steam=Cps2.1 kJ/kg K
Step 2 To find initial dryness fraction of steam
w.k.t. hsup =h,+Cps (np- ls)=2706.5+2.1 (150 -120.23)
. hgup2769.01 kJ/kg
Heat supplied for 1 kg of wet steam = 1050 kJ

Heat initially present in wet steam = 2769.01 - 1050 1719.01 kJ/kg

i.e., enthalpy of wet steam = h,, = 1719.01 kJ/kg

w.k.t. hy =

h+ x h -- - [1]
Note Value of h is not provided in the extract of steam tables. However hg can be obtained by
using h hg - hy (: h hy* hig
i.e., h = 2706.5 - 504.5 2202 kJ/k

equation (1) becomes, 1719.01 = 504.5 + (x x 2202)

x = 0.55

initial dryness fraction of steam was x = 0.55

Problem 16 3 kg of steam is generated at 5 bar from water at 34'C. Determine the quantity of
heat required when, (a) steam is wet, having dryness fraction 0.8. (b) steam is dry saturated, and
() steam is superheated to 240C. Assume Cp =2.25 kJ/kg K and Cp=4.187 kJ/kg K

Step 1 Data
Mass of steam = 3 kg, Pressure = P=5 bar Initial temperature ofwater 34'C

Cp 2.25 k/kg K. Cpw Specific heat of water =4. 187 kJ/kg k

lcmperature (I

to produce 3 kg of stcam, heat required h = 32183.67

6551.01 kJ for 3 kg of steam

3 wet steam from water at 34 C.

Thus 655 I.01 kJ of heat is required to produce kg
When steam is dry saturated
Step 3 0'C into dry steam
Let h, heat required to convert I kg of water at
water at 34C
Let actual heat rcquired to produce 1 kg of dry steam from
h =

h, - heat already in water

h 2605.15 kJ/kg of steam
3x2605. 15
produce 3 kg of steam, heat required

. To
h 7815.45 kJ for 3 kg of steam

from water at 34C.

Thus 7815.45 kJ of heat is required to produce 3 kg of dry steam

Step 4 When steam is superheated to 240 C.

Let hsu heat required to convert 1 kg of water at 0C to superheated steam

w.k.t. sup = h +Cps (sup-sar) = 2747.5 2.25(240- 151.8)

hsup2945.95 kJ/kg of steam

Let h actual heat required to produce l kg of superheated steam from water at 34°C.

h =

hgup -heat already in water

= 2945.95- 142.35
h3 2803.6 kJ/kg of steam
T o produce 3 kg ofsteam, heat required = 3 x 2803.6 = 8410.8 kJ.

Thus 8410.8 kJ of heat is required to produce 3 kg of superheated steam from water at 34C.
h3 8410.8 kJ

Problem 17 How much heat energy is required to generate 2 kg of dry saturated steam at
7 bar from feed water at 25'C. Jan 07 - 05 m
Step 1 Data
Mass of dry steam- m= 2 kg. Pressure = 7 bar Initial temperature of water 25'C.

From steam tables, at P= 7 bar, we have.

t165 C, h, = 697.I kJ/kg, h 2064.9 kJ kg & h, - 2762 kJ/kg
The details are plotted the T-H diagranm shown in
on as
tigure P.17
Step 2 To find h
lleat initially present in water (AA') =

Cp A (m I kg of water & Cp= 4.18 kJ/kg K)

I418 25-0)-
104.5 kJ/kg
Elements of Mechanic



- Enthalpy (H)
w aler


Figure P.17 T-H diagram

of water at 0'C into dry saturated steam.

Let h, =
heat required to convert 1 kg
w.k.t. enthalpy of dry steam = h h + hfe

From steam tables, at P= 7 bar, we have, h, = 2762 kJ/kg

produce I kg of dry steam from water at 25C

Let h, =
actual heat required to
2762 104.5
h =

h -

already in water
h 2657.5 kJ/kg of steam
heat required, h, 2 x 2657.5 =
kg of dry steam,

.. to generate 2
for 2 kg of dry steam
h =
5315 kJ

What amount of heat would be required to produce 4 kg of steam at a pressure of

Problem 18
6 bar and temperature of 250°C from water at 30°C. Take Coe 2.2 kJ/kg K, specific heat of
4. 18 kJ/kg K. At 6 bar h= 670.4 kJ/kg, hg= 2085 kJ/kg, T, 158.8°C. Jan 2009 06 m = -

water =

Solution :

Step 1 Data
Mass of steam = m = 4 kg, Pressure = 6 bar

Since 250'C >

Tsat (158.8 C), the steam is in the superheated state
sup250 C
Temperature of water

C Cp= 2.2 kJ/kgK, h= 670.4 kJ/kg, hfge

2085 kJ/kg, 1sa=158.8 C, & Cp= 4.18 kJ/kg K
The details are plotted on the TH diagram as shown in figure.P. 18.
Step 2 To find h
Heat already present in water (AA') = m Cpu AT

I x 4.18 x
(30 -

0) (m =
1 kg of water)
Let hu heat required to convert I kg of water at 0C into superlheated steam
Module 1 41




0°C Enthalpy (H)

heat n

water h

Figure P.18 T-H diagram

w.k.t. for superheated steam= sup = hg + Cp (sup - (sau)

hg h

h 670.4 + + =
2085 (from data)
'. hup2755.4 + 2.2 (250 158.8) = 2956.04 kJ/kg of steam

Let h = actual heat required to produce 1 kg of superheated steam from water at 30C.
h =

hup- heat already in water 2956.04 125.4

h = 2830.64 kJ/kg of steam

t o generate 4 kg of steam, heat required = h = 4x2830.64

h =
11322.56 kJ for 4 kg of steam

Problem 19 Find the internal energy of 2.5 kg of steam at 20 bar, when (i) it is wet, its dryness
fraction being 0.9, (ii) it is superheated, its temperature being 350'C. (take the specific heat of
steam as 2.3 kJ/kg K). Feb 2005 - 06 m

Step 1 Data
Mass of steam = m = 2.5 kg. Pressure 20 bar

From steam tables, at P = 20 bar, we have,

sa212.4C, h = 908.5 kJ/kg, h = 1888.7 kJ/kg, hy = 2797.2 kJ/kg, & V, = 0.09955 m/kg

Step 2 To find internal energy of wet steam (U,).

Given, dryness fraction= x = 0.9
w.kt. for wet steam, internal energy, U, h, 100
= -

Px.V, kJ/kg ..-- []

but h =?
for wet steam h = h t x h e = 908.5 +(0.9x1888.7) = 2608.33

cquation (1) becomes, U = 2608.33 - (100*20x0.9x0.09955) = 2429.14 kJ/kg of steam

of Mechanical
2420.14 of steam
U=2.5 kg
tor 2.5 kg of steam, = 6072.85k. for 2.5

steam sup
Step 3 Internal energy of suprheatai (100.Psup) k.J/kg - - 121

internal ener
w.k.t. for superheateai steam.
but Rs
)2797.2+2.3 (350 -212.4)
w.k.t p o
w.t 2124+273 0.09955

su0.1277 m kg ofsteam
U's3113.68-(100*20x0.1277) =2858.28 kJ/kg of
quation (2) becomes,
285828 25
for2.5 kg of steam. of steam
su7145.7 kJ for 2.5 kg
Problem 20 Determine the density of 1 kg of steam initially at a pressure of 10 bar absolute

a dryness fraction of 0.78. 1f 500 kJ of heat

is added at constant pressure, determine the
condition and internal energy for the final state of steam. Take specific heat of superheated
Jan 2003 - 10 m
steam 2.1 kkg K

Step 1 Data
Mass of steam = m = 1 kg. Pressure = 10 bar, Dryness fraction = x = 0.78

Heat added to sieam = 500 k , Cs =2.1 kJ/kg K

From steam tables, at P = 10 bar, we have,

sar179.9C, h, = 762.6 kJkg. h 2013.6 kJkg. h = 2776.2 kJ/kg, & V = 0.19430 m'/kg

Step 2 To find density of steam

Sincex 1, the steam is WET

w.k.t. for wet steam, density P. V (0.78x0.19430)

Approximately p. = 6.6 kg/m'

Step 3 Condition of steam on heat addition

By data, 500 kJ of heat was added to wet steam
w.k.t. Enthalpy of wet steam =
h, =

h, t
x h762.6+ (0.78 2013.6) 2333.2 kJ/kg
Let hy be the enthalpy after heat addition
h = 500 + 2333.2

h 2833.2 kJ/kg
Module- 1 43

Sinceh> h, (2776.2 kJ/kg), the steam is superheated after heat addition

. h = h,up 2833.2 kJ/kg

To find internal energy of superheated steam

w.k.t. Uuph,up100 PVsup

- - -

but sun=?

w.k.t. sup su
sat Vg
- - - -

But sup ?
using hsuph+ Cps (up sa), we have,

2833.2 =2776.2 +2.1 (sup-179.9)


207.04 +215 0.19430

equation (2) becomes, sup179.9+273
Vsup 0.2059 m'/kgg
Substituting Vsup in equation (1) we have, Usup = 2833.2-(100x 10x0.2059)
Usup2627.3 kJ/kg
Problem 21 A mixture of saturated water and saturated steam at a temperature of 250C is
contained ina closed vessel of 0.1 m> capacity. Ifthe mass of saturated water is 2 kg, find the mass
of steam in the vessel. Also find the pressure, specific volume, dryness fraction and the enthalpy of
the mixture. Use the properties of the steam given the table below. July 08 10 m -

Saturation Saturation Specific Specific Specific Specific

temperature pressure enthalpy ofenthalpy of | volume of volume of
C bar saturated saturated saturated saturated

Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour

kJ/kg kJ/kg mkg m'/kg
250 39.77 1085.8 2800.4 0.00125130.05004
Step 1 Data collection
Saturation temperature =st250C
Volume of vessel =0.1 m
Mass of saturated water = 2 kg

Step 2 To find mass of steam in the vessel

The vessel contains a mixture of saturated water and saturated steam (dry steam).
Elements of chanical
44 gineering
. Total volume =m, vyt m,'g *-[I
saturated water Saturated vapour
2 kg
where m of saturated water
0.0012513 m>/kg (by
volume of saturated water
m mass of saturated steam =
0.05004 m/kg (by data)
volume of saturated steam
equation (1) becomes, 0.1 (2x0.0012513) +(m,
= 0.05004)
mass of saturated steam in the vessel m, = 1.948 kg

of mixture mt+ m,
Total mass

mass of mixture 3.948 kg

Step 3 To find pressureP

From the extract of steam tables provided in the problem, we have,
at sat250 C, pressure =P= 39.77 bar

Step 4 To find specific volume of mixture

Specific volume of the mxiture is the volume of unit mass of mixture at the given temperature and
= 0.02532
Specific volume of mixture=
Specific volume of mixture = 0.02532 m'/kg

Step 5 To find dryness fraction of the mixture

w.k.t. dryness fraction = *= =0.4934

dryness fraction of mixture =

x =

Step 6 Enthalpy of mixture

enthalpy of mixture = enthalpy of saturated water + enthalpy of saturated steam

myhy +m, hg
(2x1085.8) +(1.948*2800.4)

enthalpy of mixture = 7626.78 kJ

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