Perfion PIM & Umbraco
Perfion PIM & Umbraco
Perfion PIM & Umbraco
By serving as a Single Source of Truth, Perfion The Perfion PIM system handles product data in
makes it simple to enhance your website all languages and enables clear processes for
presence with much more real-time product translating, so that you can have product
information. information on several markets just as quickly
as you do when working in a single language.
You can model your product features in Perfion
via simple drag and drop and make them avai- No need to build new websites from scratch for
lable on your Umbraco websites immediately - each country.
no coding required.
The data set of any new language can be
Advanced search and filtering published instantly on your Umbraco platform,
The Umbraco-Perfion connection enables you to which lowers the entry barrier to new markets.
take full control of how the information is
categorized and displayed in relation to
advanced searching and filtering.
Perfion, Umbraco and your ERP
for a perfect website experience
Perfion is the standard Product Information Umbraco is one of the most deployed Web
Management (PIM) solution for companies with Content Management Systems. It’s in the top five
a complex product structure or need for most popular server applications, and among
multi-channel, multi-language communication. the ten most popular open-source tools.
With Perfion you get a single source of truth for
product information which gives you control of
all product data wherever they are applied.
The Perfion PIM solution integrates into Umbraco CMS and your ERP. This means that data from
ERP and Perfion can be used in conjunction with Umbraco to generate websites with content
which is updated real-time.
In short:
» From Perfion, product information - including ERP data - flows directly to Umbraco CMS