Minor Performance Task Lets Work It Out

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My Activity Exercise Work-out Plan

Instructions: Make an Activity Exercise Work-Out Plan. Be guided with the

Goal: (why you will do physical activity/exercise? It must be specific)
Date of Implementation: (when will you start conducting your plan?).

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Every week Every Every week Every week Every week Every week

(Rest) Week

Light Hard Light Very Hard Light Hard


1 Hour 1.5 Hours 1.5 Hour 2 Hours 2 Hours 1.5 Hours


Jogging + Muscle Jogging + Muscle Jogging + Muscle

Basketball Workout Basketball in Workout Basketball Workout
(Rest) in the (Biceps, the afternoon (Shoulders, in the (Biceps,
afternoon Triceps & Forearms & afternoon Triceps &
Legs) Abs) Legs)

Rubrics for Activity Exercise Work-out Plan

Fitness Journal
Instructions: Make a creative Fitness Journal by answering the following
questions based on your personal experience upon conducting the activities.
Your work will be rated according to the given Rubrics below.

1. How do you feel the activity?

2. What challenges do you encounter in performing the activities?
3. What do you feel about the results you got?
4. What are the exercise(s) that you find it difficult to perform? Why?
5. What are the exercise(s) that you find it easy to perform? Why?
6. Are you satisfied with your current body composition and quality of
If not, are you willing to do something about it to properly resolve your
7. How do these activities affect you and your lifestyle?
8. What do you think is the importance of assessing your health- related
fitness before engaging any moderate to vigorous physical activities?

Rubrics in Journal Writing

My Fitness Journal
Every time I finish my work out exercises, I feel tired which is normal.

I feel satisfaction and joy every time I work out. It’s like my heroin. I get

hyped and energetic every time I work out. I usually encounter shortness of

breath when I'm doing my cardio exercise, which is normal that’s why I still

need to fortify and improve my cardiovascular endurance. I can see that I am

having improvements in my physical and mental state, which motivates me to

exercise more. In addition, it makes me happy every time I see improvements

in myself. However, muscle work out for the shoulders is for me, the most

difficult to perform on my workout plan. When doing a shoulder workout, it is

difficult to lift the weights, especially when doing lateral raises because you

are extending both arms away from the body while lifting dumbbells. After

doing a few replicates, you will feel your muscles warming up, and eventually,

you’ll feel a burning sensation in your shoulder muscles.

Even though I encounter shortness of breath when I’m jogging or

playing basketball, these two exercises are still the easiest for me in terms of

intensity. I can say that these two are the easiest to perform because I

already have a background in basketball, and in playing basketball, a person

must have a long-lasting endurance so I jog to improve my air capacity,

which makes it easy for me to perform these exercises. On contrast, even

though I say that I am seeing improvements, I am still not satisfied with my

body composition and quality of life. I am still unsatisfied because I know that

there is more to life than what I currently have, which makes me more
motivated to do more workouts. So, my solution is to work out consistently

with a specific goal in mind, “to be better than yesterday.”

These activities give me a place to escape by being my form of

escapism, where I can find enjoyment and I can fulfill my daily dose of

workout. These activities improve my lifestyle by making me more physically

active and making me aware of certain complications that may happen to me

if I am not a physically and mentally active person. Furthermore, the

importance of assessing your health-related fitness before engaging in any

moderate to vigorous physical activities is to assess a person’s capacity to

exercise or the level of intensity that he/she can handle to avoid

complications such as over fatigue, shock, cramps, injuries, and many more.

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