NG-P002 HSSE Management System Manual
NG-P002 HSSE Management System Manual
NG-P002 HSSE Management System Manual
HSSE Management
System Manual
This document contains 25 pages
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Security Classification
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 SCOPE AND APPLICATION ................................................................................................................. 5
2. LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT ........................................................................................... 5
2.1. CASCADING OF COMMITMENT .......................................................................................................... 5
3. POLICY AND OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................................... 6
3.1 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ............................................................................ 6
3.1.1 Policies on specific HSSE subjects .................................................................................................. 6
3.2 STANDARDS, OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS ......................................................................................... 6
3.2.1 Standards......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.2 HSSE Objectives and Targets.......................................................................................................... 7
3.3 POLICY DISSEMINATION ................................................................................................................... 8
4. ORGANIZATION, RESPONSIBILITIES AND RESOURCES ................................................... 8
4.1 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................ 8
4.1.1 Organization.................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 HSSE RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................. 8
4.2.1 HSSE Management System Manual ................................................................................................ 8
4.2.2 Quality and HSE review Committee ................................................................................................ 9
4.3 COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING .................................................................................... 9
4.3.1 Competency ..................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3.2 Training ........................................................................................................................................... 9
4.5 COMMUNICATION OF HSSE ISSUES................................................................................................. 10
4.5.1 HSSE Representatives ................................................................................................................... 10
4.5.2 Health, Safety, and Environment Forums and OLNG Safety Day ................................................. 11
4.5.3 Tool Box Talks ............................................................................................................................... 11
4.5.4 Health, Safety, and Environment Alerts ........................................................................................ 11
4.6 DOCUMENT CONTROL ..................................................................................................................... 11
Issue Description Date
0 Draft Issue for comments 10/10/1998
0 2 Draft issued for comment 12/10/1998
0 Final draft issued for comment 30/05/1999
0 Additional changes made to reflect Corporate structure 06/06/1999
1 Revision 1 incorporating changes as per embedded comments. (list 30/03/2000
1 Numerous minor amendments - no control changes only clarification of 30/12/2000
certain roles. See comments dated 23/11/00
1 Added table for licenses and permits and international conventions 30/12/2001
2 Total review against requirements of GP HSE MS 30/04/2002
3 Review after organizational changes & OH audit 30/03/2004
4 2 yearly review – update for ISO 14001 -2004, transport policy, 30/05/2006
legislation and licenses. Added 5 Watchtowers model. Reference made
to JHA. Hyperlinks updated. Added reference to QHSE annual plan and
events calendar. Updated permits list
5 Periodic review and general update to reflect the HSSE control 30/11/2009
framework MS requirements
6 Added BS OHSAS 18001 ‘ Occupational Health and Safety 28/08/2011
Assessment Series ‘ and some responsibilities changed in
accordance with new organization structure.
Alignment with HSSE Control Framework, HSSE Management
System Manual
7 Periodic review and general update 26/08/2014
8 Periodic review and general update 01/10/2017
8a To update the RAM 17/01/2018
Distribution: This document is accessible though EDMS Controlled Documents Pyramid (CDP)
Comments MT
This HSSE MS manual describes how Heath, Safety and Environment are
managed at Oman LNG. It provides a simple, methodical and auditable
reference document containing information relevant to the protection of people,
the environment, the assets and thereby also the community of the Company. It
articulates activities undertaken to ensure continual improvement of the HSSE
The security function management is presently contained in the security manual
and will ultimately be integrated into this manual.
The system provides consistency in the application of HSSE controls by both
Oman LNG and Contractor employees. It compliments and integrates with the
other business controls as specified in the Corporate Management System
The controls described within this manual shall be applied by all Oman LNG
employees, and others that are part in OLNG’s activities.
Contractors working for Oman LNG are required to have their own HSSE
Management System that as a minimum must include the requirements of Oman
LNG HSSE MS applicable to their contracts. This manual is fully aligned with
standards specified in clause 3.2.1
3.2.1 Standards
Use of Standards
Oman LNG will conduct its operation within the laws of the Sultanate of
Oman to the highest business and ethical standards. Refer to OLNG
Legislation Register (under development by NGL).
Control of Standards
Standards will be maintained in accordance with the “
Compliance to Legal and Standards Procedure " (Refer to: NG-P060
Compliance to Legal and Standards Procedure)
Current list of legislations applicable to OLNG is available with NGL.
Current list of permits, licenses and their status applicable to OLNG is
available with QHSE Dept.
Details of HSE related training given to OLNG staff can be found in the
procedure for QHSE mandatory training (Refer to: NG-P049 Procedure
for QHSE Mandatory Training)
Minutes of the top four meetings are accessible to all on the QHSE web page on
the intranet. Details of deliberations are available in the various committees‘
terms of reference.
4.5.1 HSSE Representatives
Oman LNG employees are encouraged to be involved in HSSE issues
via HSSE Representatives. Their role is to act on behalf of all
employees within their department/area and are involved in the
following: -
• Facilitating HSSE activities in the unit.
• Joint consultation on HSSE matters within their departments/areas
Document No: NG-P002 Page Page 10 of 25
In meeting the objectives of the HSSE MS the Company takes a systematic
approach to hazard identification, assessment, control and recovery.
All the hazards associated with OLNG activities have been identified and tracked
in the hazards and effects register. The current Hazards and Effects register is
available at OLNG Hazards and Effects RegisterThese are hazards associated
with Assets (process and personal safety), Health (Detailed in HRAs),
Environment (Detailed in the environmental database), community and Security
(Detailed in the security risk assessment).
These hazards are classified for the worst credible scenario using the OLNG Risk
Assessment Matrix Those ranked as low (Blue area of the RAM) are managed
through effective implementation of the HSSE MS. The initial effort of managing
hazards ranked Medium (yellow) and high (red) is by elimination of the hazards
where reasonably practicable. Further management of medium ranked hazards
is by implementation of controls and recovery measures to reduce the risk to
ALARP except for medium risks with potential fatality on people managed to
ALARP as demonstrated by the use of bow ties. High ranked risks are managed
to ALARP as demonstrated by use of bowties. Details of OLNG Hazard and
Effects management can be obtained from OLNG HSSE Case document QHSE-
As part of ensuring that all operatives working in the plant areas are aware of the
hazards and mitigations in place, attending the training and passing the
prescribed examination is a mandatory requirement for all unaccompanied
visitors, contractors and staff to the plant effective 01/01/10.
OLNG has also adopted the Shell 12 life saving rules. Details on these rules and
its consequence management are covered in OLNG Life Saving Rules
Procedure NG-P085
Code Red Crisis Management Plan in the event that the emergency
begins to affect the Company on a broad front and has the
potential to threaten its long-term capacity to do business.
This plan supports the Site Emergency Plan and contains
instruction concerning liaison with government, shareholders
and national media.
Code Blue Site Emergency Response Plan in the event of a rapid
disruption of routine operations with the potential to cause
serious injury to people, damage to property or the
environment e.g. explosion, major oil spill. This plan
supports the Unit Emergency Response and contains
instruction concerning liaison with emergency services,
senior management, local contractors, and the local
Code Yellow Local Emergency Plan to protect personnel, control and
contain the emergency and to limit the effect on the LNG
facility, the people and the environment
Details of OLNG Emergency and Crisis response plans and drills can be
obtained in the “Oman LNG Emergency Response Plan” QHSE-P202) and
“Oman LNG Crisis Management Procedure NG-P014” respectively.
To provide assurance that the Company’s HSSE objectives are being met,
performance indicators (KPI) have been developed – Process safety KPIs
(QTE/2 as custodian), Environmental KPIs (QHSE/1 as custodian), Health KPIs
(QHSE/3 as custodian) and Personal safety KPIs (QHSE/2 as custodian). These
are monitored and reported on an ongoing basis.
QHSE is responsible for data submission to shareholders while QTE is
responsible for reports to pertinent regulators.
The respective line has responsibility for the accuracy of the data generated and
submitted. Reference to Procedure For Monitoring And Measuring Key
Environmental Characteristics (QHSE-P203).
In case of required exception from approved OLNG HSSE management system,
the responsible line manager or delegate should request for exception to QCM
for approval.
If the exception is temporary, the requestor has to
• State the expected end date.
• Prepare a Risk Assessment that identifies alternative controls that will reduce
the risk to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
• Describe the alternative controls to be used while the exception is in place
and provide a timeline for review of the exception.
When the exception is approved, the requestor will upload it in OMNISAFE for
tracking, follow-up and timely closure.
If the exception is for a permanent change; management of change process shall
be applied.
7.1.1 Health
Individual health monitoring is carried out by the Oman LNG
Occupational Health Advisor and includes: -
a) Exposure to chemical and radioactive substances.
b) Work related injuries.
c) Hearing loss.
d) Sickness absence rates
e) Routine medical assessments
7.1.2 Environment
Environmental monitoring comprises: -
a) Sea emissions
b) Waste generation
c) Air emissions
d) Noise levels
e) Effluents
These are in line with MECA requirements
Environmental awareness to staff and contractors is provided through:
a) site HSE induction
b) campaigns
7.1.3 Safety
Monitoring of safety performance comprises measurement of both
lagging and leading KPIs e.g. LTIF, TRCF, Number of safety audits,
safety inspections, Safety walk Visits, incident rates etc.
Area HSE committees should develop a schedule for site inspections.
The type of inspection will be appropriate to the activities carried out.
e.g. Safety Walk Visits, chemicals storage area, office environment etc.
It is the responsibility of the person carrying out the inspection to follow
up actions identified during the inspection.
To demonstrate conformance with this HSSE MS and to meet certain legislative
requirements, objective evidence in the form of records will be collected. These
records shall be maintained in accordance with Oman LNG Procedure For The
OLNG Controlled Documents NG-P012) HSSE Key Records for Oman LNG
To detect trends and areas for improvement, HSE department will routinely
analyze records of non-conformance. Changes arising as a result of this analysis
(preventive action) will be formally documented in the system, procedures or
work instructions.
Reference should be made to the corporate procedure, ‘Reporting and
Investigation of Incidents (Refer to: Procedure For Incident Investigation and
Learning NG-P015)
It is the policy of Oman LNG to investigate incidents in accordance with their risk
potential as derived from the Company’s risk assessment matrix. For guidance,
reference should be made to the Shell HSSE control framework document, ‘Risk
Assessment Matrix’.
Incident investigation objectives are: -
a) to identify the immediate and underlying causes
b) to implement preventive measures to reduce the risk of recurrence to
Incidents include: -
• Near misses
• Accidents / Occupational illnesses.
• Process safety incidents and LOPC
• Excursions from operating limits (safe guarding and trips) including
environmental and health standards.
• Complaints from the community
• Complaints from customers
All incidents (including those classed as a ‘near miss’) will be reported in the
The incident investigation process shall be in accordance with the OLNG
Procedure For Incident Investigation and Learning NG-P015. The team
composition will be determined by the severity of the incident.
These are tracked in OMNISAFE and will be followed up to ensure that the
recommendations have been implemented and that they are effective in
preventing recurrence
QHSE department will ensure that lessons learnt from incidents are
disseminated as appropriate to Oman LNG employees and contractors internally
by the incident owner, external communication of incidents and learning can only
be done with the approval of NG, to Shareholders and to local companies, and
that reports covering HSSE statistics are routinely made to Company
Major site HSSE audits are carried out on Oman LNG site in compliance with the
Oman LNG audit schedule. Reference should be made to the Oman LNG
AUDIT - NG-P056’
Selected Contractors will be audited in accordance with a plan agreed by the
contracting department, and the contractors. The selection and frequency of
audit is based upon the risk level of the activities of the concerned contractor.
The objective is to assess the effectiveness and adequacy of this Company's
management system in implementing policy and achieving objectives, and to ensure
that proper account is taken of changes in legislation, the market and stakeholders
requirements thereby driving continual improvement.
Document No: NG-P002 Page Page 22 of 25
The Management Review takes place at the Corporate HSE Steering Committee
meeting; the agenda for this meeting is contained in the ToR for Corporate HSSE
Steering Committee Meeting NG-T010.
Each year the General Manager is required to submit a letter of assurance to the
Technical Advisor. The HSE aspect of this assurance letter is contributed to by
the QHSE Manager.
• OLNG Risk Assessment Matrix
• Environmental Management Plan
• ISO 9001:- International Standard for Quality Management System
• ISO 14001 – International standard for Environmental Management System
• ISO/IEC 17025 - International standard for Laboratory Management System
• BS OHSAS 18001 – Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series
• HSSE and SP Control Framework
• TOR - NG-T010 Corporate HSSE Steering Committee
• Site Area and Admin Area HSE meetings meet every 2 months
• HO Area HSE Meeting – meets every quarter
Environment Aspect Element of an organisation’s products or services that interact with the
environment. E.g. it could involve a discharge, an emission,
consumption or re-use of a material, or noise.
Environmental Effect Any direct or indirect impact of the LNG plant’s activities on the
environment which Oman LNG can control and over which it could
reasonably be expected to have influence. E.g. pollution or
contamination of water or depletion of a natural resource.
HSSE audit This is a critical review of all aspects of the Company’s activity in
relation to Health and Safety, with the object of minimising loss
and identifying strengths and weaknesses.
LTIF Lost time injury frequency. Number of lost time injuries per
million exposure hours worked during the period.
Near Miss An incident that could have caused injury to people, damage to
the environment or assets, or impact on community but didn’t.
Safety Walk Visit This is a safety visit where an individual or a group visiting a
location and observes a task being carried out in the area with a
purpose of pointing out to the individual concerned any unsafe
act / conditions present and having them immediately corrected
– Also, looking at area where an individual could be
complimented on best practices and compliance to HSE