Lecturers' Perception On Students Writing Difficulties in The International Foundation Programme

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Lecturers' perception on students writing difficulties in the international

foundation programme

Article · July 2017


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5 authors, including:

Leovigildo Lito Mallillin Arlo R. Mortos Edd

Gulf College Oman FEU-NRMF


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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Online ISSN: 2349-4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72
Volume 4; Issue 7; July 2017; Page No. 114-118

Lecturers’ perception on students writing difficulties in the international foundation programme

Dr. Leovigildo Lito D Mallillin, 2 Dr. Romeo C Castillo, 3 Dr. Arlo R Mortos
1, 2
FFS-Lecturer, Gulf College, Sultanate of Oman
English Coordinator, General Education, Far Eastern University-NRMF, Fairview, Quezon City, Philippines

This study aims to investigate the lecturers’ perception on writing difficulties of students in the International Foundation
Programme of Gulf College particularly before writing, during writing and after writing.
Nineteen (19) respondents are utilized in the study. They are English lecturers in Gulf College teaching General English subjects.
Purposive sampling is utilized in the study because purposive sampling is also known as judgment, selective or subjective
sampling and descriptive correlation is used also because this is called a cross-sectional study under investigated.
Results show that writing difficulties before writing is observe, during writing is moderately observe while after writing is observe.
It is evidently show that there is no significant relationship on writing difficulties when tested against before writing, during
writing and after writing.

Keywords: perception in writing, writing difficulties, writing skills and writing proficiency

Introduction processes, community concerns and technical issues. The four

Teachers play an important role in the development of the main themes that emerged from the three categories include
writing skills of students particularly to those students who the following: (1) the changing roles of the teachers and
have no knowledge in the skills in writing. For them, this a students, (2) little sense of community building, (3) lack of
great challenge on their part. Teachers have the skills in training in blended teaching of summary writing and (4)
demonstrating how to write and what to write among their unfamiliarity with the new systems or technologies. The
students. Reviewers and researchers have been investigating language teachers’ perspectives on solving these problems are
response to student writing for several decades. To what to (1) distinguish the significant differences between on-site
extent have these research findings influenced teachers’ real- and online language teaching contexts, (2) identify strategies
world practices? Beyond investigating teachers’ mechanisms and techniques to facilitate students’ blended learning in
for providing feedback, this study aimed to examine what is summary writing, and (3) develop community building skills
behind those choices: What principles guide teachers and how to encourage teachers and students to actively participate in
were those philosophies formed? Do their practices appear to collaborative learning. These solutions shed light on the
be consistent with their views about response? The teachers’ preparation of language teachers in blended teaching of
voices have been the missing link in the research base to date. summary writing (Yang, 2014) [12]. These factors mentioned
There have been surveys of student opinion about response above have great contributory to writing skills of students.
and text analyses of teachers’ comments, but only rarely have Teaching the students the proper way of writing could help
teachers themselves been utilized as primary informants in them improve and develop their motor skills in writing. There
studies on response (Ferris, 2014) [6]. These questions posted are ways and means to help students learn on such skills.
will lead to where the process of writing skills is developed to Corpora have been suggested as valuable sources for teaching
the students who are unaware of the skills and process in English for academic purposes (EAP) particularly in writing.
writing. They know how to write the letters but how to start The focused on corpus use in classroom settings more research
and formulate their writing is the problem. is needed to reveal how students react to using corpora on
Teaching the students the proper way of writing is a skill their own and what should be provided to help them become
among the teachers, the techniques on how to write is a autonomous corpus users considering that their ultimate goal
challenge among them and how to motivate students to write is to be independent scholars and writers. The specialized
especially to students who are lazy to write aside from those corpus was particularly valued for its direct help in academic
students who have no idea in writing. This challenge could writing because as non-native English-speaking students they
motivate English writing teachers or lecturers to manage their wanted to follow the writing conventions of their discourse
teaching effectively among their students. Preparing language community such as academic experience, search purposes and
teachers for blended teaching of summary writing, a mix of writing tasks. The several suggestions for better corpus use
on-site and online instruction for college students to grasp the with EAP students regarding the compilation of a corpus,
gist of the texts is scarce in higher education (Yang, 2014) [12]. corpus training, corpus competence and academic writing
This is not only being applicable to online instruction but can (Chang, 2014) [3].
be applied to face to face teaching of writing among students. Writing difficulties can be enhanced among the students who
The language teachers’ problems in blended teaching of have the desire to do it with the help of the English lecturer
summary writing fell into three categories: instructional because writing is one of the components in English being
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

used in their communication process. Learning to write means which will result in saving time and money (Saunders, Lewis,
many things and learning to write means acquiring one aspect & Thornhill, 2012) [10].
to literacy learning (Freedman, Pringle, & Yalden, 2014) [7].
Research Instrument
Statement of the Problem For data gathering purposes, the researcher used a standard set
1. What is the perception of teachers on writing difficulties of of questionnaire that elicited the data and information on
students on matters that pertained to the topic under study. This consisted
1.1 Before writing, of writing difficulties of students before writing, during
1.2 During writing, and writing and after writing. This is floated to the English
1.3 After writing? lecturers of Gulf College under the Faculty of Foundation
2. Is there a significant relationship on the perception of Studies.
teachers on writing difficulties before writing, during The following respective scales are followed in terms of
writing and after writing? measuring the level of exposure of the respondents in their
English level and perception of teachers’ writing
Research Design 1. Before Writing
Scale Descriptive Level Descriptive Interpretation
The study used the quantitative research method particularly
the descriptive correlation method. Quantitative research 4.20-5.00 Highly Observe The students have great skills
because it aims to answer a specific research question; it is before their writing
tangible and countable in nature and the designs are 3.40-4.19 Observe The students have adequate skills
predetermined and structured, remaining consistent throughout before their writing
the study making them potentially reproducible. This involves 2.80-3.39 Moderately The students have limited skills
the researcher(s) either intervening teachers’ perception in Observe before their writing
writing difficulties among their students. The study design is 1.80-2.79 Not Observe The students have little skills
chosen based on how well it can answer the research question before their writing
1.00-1.79 Not Observe at All The students have no skills before
of interest while being ethical and cost effective (National their writing
Council for Osteopathic Research, 2014). Descriptive
correlation is used also because this is called a cross-sectional 2. During Writing
study the people they are interacting with, it is a descriptive Scale Descriptive Level Descriptive Interpretation
correlational study. This is called a longitudinal study.
4.20-5.00 Highly Observe The students have great skills
Descriptive studies generally use surveys or other methods of during their writing
data collection that rely on existing records (Descriptive 3.40-4.19 Observe The students have adequate skills
correlation research, 2016). during their writing
2.80-3.39 Moderately The students have limited skills
Research Subjects Observe during their writing
The subjects of the study are the English Lecturers of Gulf 1.80-2.79 Not Observe The students have little skills
College under the Faculty of the Foundation Studies. The during their writing
subjects are lecturers who are teaching General English 1.00-1.79 Not Observe at All The students have no skills during
subjects particularly on the elements of writing. They are their writing
officially lecturers in the Academic Year 2016. 3. After Writing
Scale Descriptive Level Descriptive Interpretation
Sampling Technique
The study employed the purposive sampling because 4.20-5.00 Highly Observe The students have great skills after
purposive sampling is also known as judgment, selective or their writing
subjective sampling. It is a sampling technique in which 3.40-4.19 Observe The students have adequate skills
researcher relies on his or her judgment when choosing after their writing
members of population to participate in the study. Purposive 2.80-3.39 Moderately The students have limited skills
sampling is a non-probability sampling method and it occurs Observe after their writing
1.80-2.79 Not Observe The students have little skills after
when elements selected for the sample are chosen by the their writing
judgment of the researcher. Researchers often believe that they 1.00-1.79 Not Observe at All The students have no skills after
can obtain a representative sample by using a sound judgment their writing

Table 1: Writing difficulties before writing?

S. No Before Writing SD M Description
1 Finds a topic or idea of personal interest appropriate for writing. 0.627 3.94 Observe
Generates ideas for writing by using strategies such as brainstorming, questioning,
2 0.612 3.74 Observe
quick write, conferencing, clustering, webbing, discussing and drawing.
3 Accesses and gathers additional ideas and information from any sources. 0.619 3.84 Observe
4 Selects and focuses on topics given. 0.615 3.79 Observe
5 Develops a plan or approach. 0.600 3.58 Observe
6 Chooses a writing format. 0.591 3.47 Observe
7 Organizes ideas in writing. 0.600 3.58 Observe
Average Weighted Mean 3.71 Observe
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Table 1 shows the writing difficulties of students before Selects and focuses on topics given is observe (M=3.79),
writing. Finds a topic or idea of personal interest appropriate Develops a plan or approach is observe (M=3.58), Chooses a
for writing is observe (M=3.94), Generates ideas for writing writing format is observe (M=3.47) and Organizes ideas in
by using strategies such as brainstorming, questioning, writing is observe (M=3.58). The overall average weighted
quickwrite, conferencing, clustering, webbing, discussing and mean (3.75) which is observe. This indicates that students
drawing is observe (M=3.74), Accesses and gathers additional have adequate knowledge and skills before their writing.
ideas and information from any sources is observe (M=3.74),

Table 2: Writing difficulties during writing

S. No During Writing SD M Description
1 Explores ways to start. 0.596 3.53 Observe
2 Puts ideas down in paper. 0.591 3.47 Observe
3 Drafts, shapes, connects, composes and creates their writing. 0.575 3.26 Moderately Observe
4 Experiments their writings. 0.554 3.00 Moderately Observe
5 Modifies, changes and solves problems. 0.558 3.05 Moderately Observe
6 Reflects and clarifies. 0.567 3.16 Moderately Observe
7 Talks over drafts with others. 0.558 3.05 Moderately Observe
Average Weighted Mean 3.22 Moderately Observe

Table 2 shows the writing difficulties of students during their composes and creates their writing (M=3.26), Experiments
writing. It shows on the two variables which are Explores their writings (M=3.00), Modifies, changes and solves
ways to start is observe (M=3.53) and Puts ideas down in problems (M=3.05), Reflects and clarifies (M=3.16) and Talks
paper is observe (M=3.47) which means that student here have over drafts with others (M=3.05). The average overall
adequate skills and knowledge during their writing. On the weighted mean (3.22) which is moderately observe. This
other hand the rest of the variables during writing is indicates that students have limited knowledge and skills
moderately observe which are Drafts, shapes, connects, during their writing.

Table 3: Writing difficulties after writing

S. No After Writing SD M Description
1 Rereads during and after drafting. 0.584 3.37 Moderately Observe
2 Rethinks what has been written. 0.584 3.37 Moderately Observe
3 Reviews and edits content 0.600 3.58 Observe
4 Reviews and edits form and organization 0.596 3.53 Observe
5 Checks language for clarity, precision and appropriateness. 0.603 3.63 Observe
6 Confers and discusses 0.588 3.42 Observe
7 Shows concern for overall appearance 0.603 3.63 Observe
8 Shares by reading aloud, readers circle, displaying what he/she writes. 0.600 3.58 Observe
Average Weighted Mean 3.51 Observe

Table 3 shows writing difficulties of students after their clarity, precision and appropriateness is observe (M=3.36),
writing. Two variables under after writing is moderately Confers and discusses is observe (M=3.42), Shows concern
observe which are rereads during and after drafting and for overall appearance is observe (M=3.63), and Shares by
rethinks what has been written (M=3.37) it shows that students reading aloud, readers circle, displaying what he/she writes is
here have limited skills and knowledge after writing. Reviews observe (M=3.58). The overall average weighted mean (3.51)
and edits content is observe (M=3.58), Reviews and edits form is observe which means that students after writing have
and organization is observe (M=3.53), Checks language for adequate knowledge and skills after writing.

Table 4: Correlation result on the significant relationship between before, during and after writing difficulties
Variable Computed r-value Relationships *Significant *Not Significant Hypotheses *accepted *rejected
Difficulties in writing
Before 0.003 Not Significant Accepted
After 0.002 Not Significant Accepted
During 0.003 Not Significant Accepted
Significant at 0.05 level, one tailed test, df at 17 with critical value of 0.410

As observed in table 4 on the correlation result on the the hypothesis is accepted, hence, after writing shows the r-
significant relationship between before, during and after value of 0.003 which is not significant and the hypothesis is
writing. It shows that the computed r-value of before writing is accepted. The results show that there is no significant
0.003 which is lower than the critical value of 0.410 shows not relationship between before, during and after writing which
significant and the hypothesis is accepted, while after writing means the hypothesis is accepted.
shows the r-value of 0.002 which is also not significant and

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

Discussion ideas and having ideas about the suggested topics and deciding
Writing difficulties among students has a great impact in their how to start an essay/paragraph. Approaches to writing in the
learning process. The skills are being taught to them. Lots of context of English as foreign language informed the study.
factors are being observed among them before, during and The results indicated that both groups of students
after writing. Consider also the level of learning of students in acknowledge that they have problems when writing in English
their writing skills and their capacity skills which is limited. (mean score 3.78 and 3.85). Data regarding writing problems
The respondents are not used to write in English because they suggest that majority of school and university students
are exposed to Arabic language and their mode of learning is struggle with lexical and content aspects of writing, however
Arabic. Teaching the proper technique in writing could help university students’ perceptions of the kind of problems they
students alleviate their writing skills. The activity of producing encounter and of the strategies to address them are more
a text is a complex one involving three main cognitive assertive. The study recommended alignment of school and
processes: Planning, translating, and revising. Although these university writing curricula with emphasis on ideas’
processes are crucial in skilled writing, beginning and development, content knowledge, critical and creative
developing writers seem to struggle with them, mainly with thinking. Therefore, the school or university is doing their
planning and revising (Limpo, Alves, & Fidalgo, 2014) [8]. very best to help the Omani students improve their writing
When proper planning, translating and revising is skills to enhance learning process among them.
demonstrated on the part of the students, there is an effect on After writing, rereads, rethinks, reviews, checks, confers,
the improvement of their writing skills since the increase in shows and shares their writing which is observed among them,
planning, revising and translating could contribute to the high- the students exerted a lot in their writing though they have
level skills of students' writing, supplementary instruction and difficulty in doing it, they are trying to follow the instructions
practice among them (Limpo, Alves, & Fidalgo, 2014) [8]. given by their lecturer however; they have insufficient
Before writing, generate ideas for writing, accesses and knowledge about their writing. Advances in technology,
gathers information, selection of topics, develop a plan, changes in communication practices, and the imperatives of
chooses a writing format and organizes ideas is observed the workplace have led to the repositioning of the role of
among the respondents. Teachers or lecturers in writing play writing in the global context. This has implications for the
an important role in the writing proficiency of students. Proper teaching of writing in schools. This article focuses on the
demonstration on how, where, what and when to write is given argumentative essay, which is a high-stakes genre. The writing
an emphasis among the students. It is always the intention to practices can be inferred from material artifacts, as well as
guide and develop sequence on the writing processes of the critical discourse analysis, it showed that the argumentative
students depending largely on the writing competence of the genre is complex, especially for novice first additional
students in relations to the activity being taught in writing. It language English writers. The implications of planning,
requires teacher to precise with their students on their writing particularly in relation to thinking and reasoning, the need to
activity outcome inside the classroom. The more the writing read in order to write argument and how social and school
activity is defined well, the more the activity outcome result capital are insufficient without explicit instruction of the
better writing proficiency among the students. Writing is one conventions of this complex genre (Dornbrack, & Dixon,
of the most important in the skills proficiency of the students. 2014) [5].
It cannot simply hit or miss that could manage by the teacher Since there is no significant relationship between before,
(Callaghan, Knapp, & Noble, 2014) [1]. during and after writing, this study must give emphasis on
During writing, explores ways to start, puts ideas down to what a teacher does, to be more vigilant in teaching writing to
paper, drafts, experiments writing, modifies, reflects and talks students and to be more fruitful in the enhancement of writing
over drafts with one another is moderately observe among the skills among them to alleviate if not to eradicate problems
respondents. The students know the process however they encountered by the students in their writing difficulties.
have difficulties in the formulation of their write-ups because Looking students at this point of view, what we saw was not
they do not have enough knowledge on how to write, the student failing to learn to write. We saw student succeeding in
words, vocabulary and the proper construction. However, the learning to write poorly. Student at succeeding and acquiring a
description and analysis of text, the interpretation of the skill in writing that would permit them with increasing
process involved in writing and the exploration of the economy of effort to meet the demand of the university or
connection between and the institutional practices or what is college and adult work. These students did not know one must
being taught which are constituted and sustained through ask what would cause them to care that the path they were on
writing have a problem among them (Candlin, & Hyland, would at best to polish mediocrity and would most likely lead
2014). Note that students are non-native speakers and to writing of the kind of people point to in lamenting to
therefore English for them is new and it is a foreign language decline literacy (Freedman, Pringle, & Yalden, 2014) [7].
to them and that is the reason why they encounter difficulties
in writing. (Seyabi, & Tuzlukova, 2014) [11] investigated the Conclusions
gaps in English language teaching and learning that exist Based on the findings, it is concluded:
between post-basic schools and universities in the Sultanate of 1. Writing difficulties before writing is observed among the
Oman. The gaps were examined in relation to the problems students, which means that students have adequate
that school and university language learners encounter when knowledge in writing while during the writing is
writing in English and to the strategies they follow to moderately observe among the students which means
overcome these problems. The examined problems concerned students have limited knowledge in writing. Hence,
writing a correct English sentence; putting the ideas together difficulties after writing is observe which means that
in a coherent way; choosing the right vocabulary to express students also have adequate knowledge in writing.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development

2. There is no significant relationship on the writing

difficulties as tested against before writing, during writing
and after writing among the respondents.

Based on the conclusion, it is recommended:
1. English Lecturers must be more vigilant in the proper
demonstration of writing skills among their students since
students have difficulties in the writing techniques.
Emphasis must be given to techniques in writing, accuracy,
focus, development, vocabulary and coherence to improve
writing skills among the respondents.
2. A thorough study must be given emphasis since there is no
significant relationship on the writing difficulties among
the students in terms of before, during and after writing.
This includes proper writing efficacy, level of capacity in
writing, unity and proper methods of writing.

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