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1.1. Background of the study

English is important aspect for communication. English language is

used in many countries in the world. English language can be used to access

all information about anything, such as to access about education, culture, art

and so on. English is also used in the school for examples at the elementary

School, junior high School and in senior high school. The students who know

the basic of learning English, they can continue to learn English for the next

grade for example in university.

In English, there are four skills that have divisible by English skill, they

are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The fourth skill is used to

receive or create discourse on the living people. In this study, the researcher

will focus on teaching and learning writing in Junior High School. Writing is

one way to improve the English skill. Writing demand the students to explore

what is on their mind. Writing is also one of method to communicate with

people, and writing make student more creative.

Writing is one of the basic skills of the English language. It is generally

considered one of the most difficult skills than other skills for foreign

language students. According to Ashbaugh (2002: 2). Writing is a means of

communication, writing is considered the most difficult skill since it involves

several components including content, vocabularies, rhetoric, grammatical

structure, and mechanics, such as punctuation and capitalization. People can


explore their idea with writing. According to Heaton (2003: 135-136) writing

skills are complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not

only of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and

judgmental element.

The writer persue that writing is one of skill that have some benefits

such as to improve vocabulary, to know about punctuation, to know about

grammar and so on. Writing have a purpose such as to inform to the readers

about all the information that writer have.

Based on observation in MTsN Ponorogo, the researcher found a

problem that some of the students in MTsN Ponorogo difficult to write, the

student difficult to find the appropriate vocabulary, the students do not feel

confident because there are factors, low spirit to writing, do not confident

with their written task, and then some student regard that writing is boring

activity so the student confuse to express their idea in writing, additionally

writing English is difficult for the students.

In learning process the writers suggest that this condition should be

change by using alternative strategy and this is inside outside circle.

According to Crandall and Miller (2011) Inside/Outside Circles is an activity

that involves all students in the class. Inside/Outside Circles are particularly

useful for: differentiation, kinesthetic learners, conversation practice, and

community-building in the classroom. This activity can be a great warm up as

well as a useful way to change things up and get students moving during a

long class.

Besides, Stenlev (2003: 33) said Inside Outside Circle is one of the

most versatile structures. It appears under the categories Class building,

Mastery and Information sharing. It is very good for getting the pupils/

students to feel related with each other in a new class.

The researcher would improve student ability in writing through inside

outside circle because it is fun strategies in learning process, and then make

student know about information especially related to lesson or knowledge in

the class activity.

Based on the background above, the writer is interested in this research

entitled “Improving Students’ writing Skill through Inside-Outside Circle

(IOC) Strategy at Seventh Class Student of MTsN Ponorogo in academic year


1.2. Statement of problem

Based on the background above, the statement of the problems are:

1. Does inside outside circle improve student writing skill at the seventh

grade of MTsN Ponorogo in the academic year 2016/2017?

2. How does inside outside circle can improve student writing skill at the

seventh grade of MTsN Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017?

1.3. Purpose of study

Based on the problems statement above, the purposes of research are:

1. To know that inside outside circle improve student writing skill at the

seventh grade of MTsN Ponorogo in the academic year 2016/2017.


2. To know the implementation inside outside circle to improve the student

proficiency in writing skill of the seventh class student of MTsN Ponorogo

in academic year 2016/2017.

1.4. Significance of study

The researcher hopes this research can give some significance for:

1. English Teacher

To share experiences in improving the student ability in writing skill using

inside outside circle and to help the teacher to modify the strategy to teach,

to know method inside outside circle.

2. The Student

To improve student knowledge about writing in junior high school and to

make student enjoy in English learning process.

3. The researcher

To make different learning about English lesson and to give new

experience about using method inside outside circle.

4. Institution

To give new idea with using method inside outside circle.

1.5. Scope and limitation

The scope of this research is teaching writing skill. And then the limitation

in this research is the writer focuses on teching writing by using method

Inside Outside Circle strategy. The writer uses seventh grade class in MTsN

Ponorogo in academic year of 2016/2017 as the subject of research.


1.6. Definition of key term

The writer defines the key term used in this research. The key terms are as


Writing skill : writing is the mental, work of inventing ideas,

thinking about how to express them, and

organizing them in to statement and paragraph

that will be clear (Nunan, 2003: 80).

Inside outside circle : is an activity that involves the students in the

class. Inside-Outside Circles are particularly

useful for : differentiation, kinesthetic learner,

conversation practice, and community building in

the classroom. This activity can be a great warm

up as well as a useful way to change think up and

get students moving during a long class (Crandall

and Miller: 2011).

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