CWTS Clean Up Drive Event Details 2
CWTS Clean Up Drive Event Details 2
CWTS Clean Up Drive Event Details 2
The University NSTP-CWTS Student Organization is commencing its first activity known as the Clean-Up Drive
Event. The College NSTP-CWTS Student Officers are in-charge in disseminating the details of the said activity to
the Block Presidents so that everyone is aware of the initiative.
With this, students are required to bring any cleaning materials as per the decision of their block president
depending on the designated area. Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles and extra clothes in the
clean-up event for their comfort during and after the activity. Students should follow COVID-19 safety protocols-
observe social distancing, bring alcohol sprays, and wear facemasks for safety. The clean-up drive per college will be
facilitated by the College NSTP-CWTS Student Officers. It is in their discretion to assign the locations to be cleaned by
each block.
Attendance will be taken by the block president. Non-participation in the event will be considered absent. Thus,
As per the instruction of the University CWTS Coordinator, the Campus Clean-up Drive flow of activities on
Sunday will be the following;
• At 8:00am, the students will first have a meeting with the trainers including short discussions of various topics in
the classroom;
• At 9:45am, the students will start cleaning their own department buildings and the surroundings. The students
shall bring reusable sacks, sweepers or walis, and other essential cleaning tools.
After cleaning the respective building, the students will then proceed to these areas:
The attendance shall be facilitated by the Block Presidents. The attendance sheet, printed or written, shall contain
the name of the students, time-in and time-out with signature.
President, University NSTP-CWTS
Attested by:
Noted by: