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RNI No. DELENG/2013/49640

APRIL 2018 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 4 | `100




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s we celebrate the World Health Day on April 7, we need to
reiterate the need for healthcare for all more than anytime
before. Universal health coverage (UHC), based on strong
health systems, is the best way to ensure that people can access the
health services they need, without facing financial hardship.
New data from WHO and the World Bank show that at least half
of the world's population still does not have access to essential
health services, such as having a skilled birth attendant, vaccinations
for children or treatment for HIV. But even when health services
are available, using them can mean financial ruin.
Strong health systems are vital for improving and protecting
health. But they're also the best defense against outbreaks and
epidemics. UHC is not a dream for the future. It is a reality now.
Countries at all income levels are proving that UHC is achievable
and affordable, with domestic resources.
In India a provision has been made in the Budget for 2018-19 for
providing healthcare to all. Modicare, as the scheme has come to be
termed, will provide a shot in the arm for the healthcare sector,
increasing the insurance cover per family by over 1500% from
NEW DATA FROM `30,000 under the extant Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY),
WORLD BANK SHOW to `5 lakh.
THAT AT LEAST HALF The scheme will target up to 500 million individuals from
OF THE WORLD'S financially vulnerable households, demographically that accounts
POPULATION STILL for 41.3% of the population, according to Census data. Under the
DOES NOT HAVE National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS), four in ten Indians
ACCESS TO can avail of secondary and tertiary care in government and private
SERVICES, SUCH AS hospitals, within the insurance cap earmarked per family.
HAVING A SKILLED Secondary healthcare services include those provided by skilled
BIRTH ATTENDANT, medical practitioners, for outpatient treatment, or a brief stay at a
VACCINATIONS FOR hospital for serious illness. Tertiary care is for patients who are
CHILDREN OR admitted to hospitals for longer bouts of illness, and require the
TREATMENT FOR HIV attention of specialist doctors. Tertiary care is extended to patients
who are suffering from acute pain, or terminal illness.
The success of this scheme is greatly dependent on providing
adequate funds for the scheme and also prevent any 'leaks' in form
of any financial scams, which generally fails such public good

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Ambedkar -

Vol. 6, No 4
EDITOR’S C H O I C E Intellectual Colossus

(April 2018)
RNI No. DELENG/2013/49640

Harish Chandra

Dr Minnie Bodhanwala,

Amit Goenka

KN Jayaraj, Prashant Das

Rekha Sharma (MP),
Dr Sudipta Narayan Roy (WB),

Ilaria Gualtieri (West Asia)


APRIL 2018
G Shiva (AP),
Subramanya Shastri (MS)

Anurag Nanda



Rajesh Manglani SAVING EARTH
Countering Menace
Al Zarooni Foundation:
Rajesh Thakur

GM MARKETING 06 Working For Economic

Wadia Group Celebrate C
Shruti Jain, Manoj Sandal


27 N Wadia Gold Cup 2018
22 Serving Nation
Akanksha Sharma

08 Keeping Tissues
Healthy EXPERT VIEW 28
MGL Hunar: An Initiative
for Kaushal Bharat
Rahul Thakur

Scientific Social
24 The Dynamics of Jidoka and
Disruptive Automation vis-a-vis WORLD HERITAGE
Rahul Halder

10 Responsibility
Manufacturing in India

Shared Wealth of
Suman Dobal
Mridual Pathak (USA), Scripting a bright future 26 Key Differentiator
Roob Kirat (UAE), Girish Kumar,
Ravi Shankar, BS Dhillon 14 for the girl child
'NALCO Ki Ladli'
India-UAE: Relationship of
Harish Chandra for First Step Foundation
34 Trust & Friendship
312, Vardhman Sunrize Plaza,
Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi-110096
Adolescent Health Committed Media,
Phone: 011-43085920
36 Bereft Of Wit

editor@csrtimes.org www.linkedin.com/in/csrtimesmag
www.facebook.com/csrtimesmag www.csrtimes.org

PRINTED AT : OM Printers, 324, Patparganj Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110092

DISCLAIMER: All views expressed in this issue are that of the respective authors. The publishers may not agree with the independent views expressed in this magazine. All disputes are subject to
the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only.
COPYRIGHT: No content, text or image of this magazine is permissible for reproduction in any form, print or digital, without written consent of the Editor.

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credited Prof. John Dewey as someone to
whom he owes his intellectual life. Prof. John
Dewey was an American philosopher,
psychologist, and perhaps best known as a
reformer of education. Dewey was also one
GURU PRAKASH of the central figures associated with
Writes respectively. Jadhav has termed functional psychology, philosophy and
Ambedkar as an ‘intellectual colossus’. progressive education.
Babasaheb was a multi-dimensional man. Babasaheb was a strong votary of
His multidisciplinary scholarship in attaining formal education abroad. At the
economics, sociology, anthropology and time when heading to UK for legal education
politics created an envious body of work and was considered rewarding in lucrative terms,
was second to none. The much discussed Babasaheb moved to Columbia University
policy move on demonetization of high owing to his eternal affection for humanities.
currency notes was conceived by Babasaheb He pursued diverse courses ranging from
in his days as a student of economics. economics of American railways to
Restricting his eternal legacy to a particular American history.
community, politics, idea or ideology is
indeed a grave disservice to his soul. BABASAHEB ON RELIGION
Dr. Ambedkar at Manmad Railway
MAKER OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION Workers Conference in 1938 observed,
Men and women who drafted the “Character is more important than
Constitution of India were persons of great education. It pains me to see youths
vision and foresight. Babasaheb chaired the growing indifferent to religion. Religion is
drafting committee that produced the not opium as is held by some. What good
lengthiest Constitution for the world’s most things I have in me or whatever benefits of
diverse nation. The constitution was set to my education to the society, I owe them to
impact the present and future of over 1/6th the religious feelings in me.” We must realize
of the humanity. One can only imagine the that after introspection stretching from On China, Ambedkar strongly disagreed
amount of intellectual simulation that must months to years, he decides to choose a DO YOU WANT with the Tibet policy. He said: “If Mao had
have gone into evolving a model of religion, which is closest to his parent PARLIAMENTARY any faith in the Panchsheel, he certainly
development that is inclusive of both religion. Religious heads and faith leaders would treat the Buddhist in his own country
economic growth and democracy. from across the spectrum tried to attract
GOVERNMENT? IF YOU in a very different way. There is no room for
him and even went to the extent of making WANT IT, THEN YOU MUST BE Panchsheel in politics”.
BABASAHEB AS AN ARDENT offers that were difficult to refuse. The FRIENDLY WITH THOSE WHO Ambedkar repeatedly expressed the
EDUCATIONIST cultural and spiritual side of his personality HAVE PARLIAMENTARY desirability of a league of democracies. He
Babasaheb said, “The backward classes is rarely read and analyzed. His said: “Do you want parliamentary

ndia is celebrating the 127th birth remarkable things to be written about but have come to realize that after all education is unquestionable faith in unity can be gauged government? If you want it, then you must
anniversary of Babasaheb Bhim Rao also wrote extremely worthwhile things to be the greatest material benefit for which they from his following observation, “Ethnically be friendly with those who have
Ambedkar. It was this day 127 years ago; read by the future generations. can fight. We may forego material benefits, all peoples are heterogeneous. It is the unity Chinese and urged the then leadership to parliamentary government.”
in a tiny village of Mhow, in present day Leading contemporary historian we may forego material benefits of of culture that is the basis of homogeneity. shape India’s future on the pillar of The present government on the
Madhya Pradesh, Bhim Rao was born in the Ramachandra Guha in one of his books, civilization, but we cannot forego our right Taking this for granted, I venture to say that constitutional democracy. occasion of his 126th birth anniversary in
family of erstwhile untouchables. ‘Makers of Modern India’ has acknowledged and opportunities to reap the benefit of the there is no country that can rival the Indian Speaking at a gathering of students of 2017 has fittingly announced a set of
Indeed a lot of research, reading and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as one of the doyens of highest education to the fullest extent. That peninsula with respect to the unity of its Lucknow University in 1951, Ambedkar legislative measures for Dalits to be relevant
writings have gone into the life and works of modern India whose life is a reflection of an the importance of this question from the culture.” forewarned: “The government’s foreign stakeholders in the growth story of India.
Babasaheb Ambedkar. To this day, he is excellent mix of exceptional intelligence and point of view of the backward classes who policy failed to make India stronger. Why With schemes such as Stand Up India,
considered as one of the greatest leaders of political leadership in an equal proportion. A have just realized that without education their VISIONARY DIPLOMAT should not India get a permanent seat in the MUDRA Yojana and National Hub for SC
the independence movement not only in renowned economist, public intellectual and existence is not safe.” His contribution in shaping India’s UN Security Council? Why has the prime and ST entrepreneurs, Dalits will be able to
terms of his contributions as a revolutionary Member of Rajya Sabha Narendra Jadhav Emphasis on education by Babasaheb is foreign policy is often ignored by the minister not tried for it? India must choose strongly register their presence in sectors
political activist but also in terms of an has compiled the speeches and writings of reflective of the lifelong impression that his strategic community. 11 years before the between parliamentary democracy and the that has traditionally been inaccessible for
intellectual academic. Babasaheb belongs to Ambedkar in six volumes and two editions teacher at Columbia University, Prof. John Chinese attacked India, Babasaheb Communist way of dictatorship and come to various reasons.
(Author is working as a Senior Research Fellow and Project
the legion of leaders who not only did known as Ambedkar Speaks and Ambedkar Dewey had on him. Babasaheb has often forewarned India to choose the West over the a final conclusion”. Head at India Foundation, NewDelhi. PIB)

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AL ZAROONI FOUNDATION: WORKING many social organizations which are involved

in sustainable livelihoods of the weaker section
of the society. Suhail Al Zarooni invigorate
Al Zarooni Business Forum (AZBF) a part
of Suhail Al Zarooni Group of Companies,is
another positive step in the direction of


and takes care of different societies, NGO, preparing Dubai for the Expo 2020. The idea
Social Centre, which are involved to take behind the Al Zarooni Business Forum is to
responsibility for the Children Education, play a proactive role in the Expo 2020 and
Women for Healthy Future, Midwifery, assist every business at every stage when they
His Excellency SUHAIL MOHD AL ZAROONI is a Building Tools, Shelter for Humanity, Safe participate in the Expo2020.
Drinking Water, Fisherman Project, Robot His Excellency Al Zarooni’s active
businessman from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), an Jockey and many more participation is social and a global issue is a
Emirati Collector,Prolific Writer, Author, Guinness Book CHILDREN
clear reflection of his holistic view of life. He
is sensitive to local pulse of life and
World Records holder and Philanthropist. Suhail Al Zarooni has a simple yet grand understands how these are connected to
vision that children will usher in a bright future. global, much larger issues. After all we are now

is Excellency is a trailblazer having a investment of time, resources and energy in to Investing in the children is the best investment living in a global village and our lives are
chequered past glittered with these human-oriented initiatives has brought one can make to a brighter future. He is interconnected. We cannot ignore are far off
accolades. The fact that he is the first him peace and joy. committed to the cause of educating children. neighbours for they too impact our lives in
ever Emirati after the Royal family of United Al Zarooni Foundation aims to provide It is a way to safeguard and ensure a bright dedicated his vision and resources in fulfilling many ways. His Excellency Al Zarooni is
Arab Emirates (UAE) to be awarded with Two healthcare to children / women in need future this particular basic human need. Suhail Al prolific writer and a brave author, who does
Guinness World Records is a milestone in through its various projects in Pakistan and Zarooni has run many an initiatives in not shirk from airing his opinions on social,
itself. Suhail Al Zarooni’s collection is second UAE which is further plan to extend its reach WOMEN FOR HEALTHY FUTURE developing shelters for needy wherever economic and cultural issues. He has
to none in the world. His collection of next to Bangladesh, Africa, India and Sri Suhail Al Zarooni believes that the Women required. contributed by way of many articles and blogs
Miniature and Dinky Car collection won him Lanka and beyond. Al Zarooni Foundation are cornerstone of any society. To lead any SAFE DRINKING WATER touching issue that are core to our existence
the Guinness Records. with limited sources has constructed some society ahead, the interests of women must be Drinking water is another most basic has an ever-progressive species.
He started building his empire by setting houses for the socially backward and poor protected and nurtured. Women’s health is at human need. It is shame that even today many He personally believe that we all are
up companies harnessing the power of human people. There is dire vacuum between need the top of the agenda of ensuring women’s are deprived of this simple and most basic blessed to have such great leadership, who is
intellect and perseverance. His empire now and availability of resources. Al Zarooni role in a society. human need. Suhail Al Zarooni has mobilized striving for the betterment of its citizens. As an
spread over several companies, operating in Foundation’s mission is to change lives resources required to make available Safer Emirati, He understand that it is his duty to
diverse technologies across different through the gift of clean, safe water. Access to MIDWIFERY Drinking Water to people, wherever need. support UAE Leadership in all the ways He
geographies of the world. Suhail Al Zarooni clean drinking water, a basic human right. In This is a focal point of Women’s Health. can to make the dream of Expo 2020 a
Group of Companies was established to the West, Al Zarooni Foundation tend to take Many women face dangers to their lives while FISHERMAN’S PROJECT stupendous success. It is with this notion, that
consolidate several Al Zarooni ventures and drinking water for granted and wish to provide giving birth. Best Midwifery practices followed Fisherman is a community very dear to He has also complied a Coffee Table Book on
companies both in the UAE as well as the best housing society to the people at large. will ensure low mortality rate for women Suhail Al Zarooni. He has believes in “Give a “Expo2020”with a motive by Moving Emirate
internationally. The ladder of success brings with it a set during child birth. Suhail Al Zarooni is man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a Forward-When Dreams Come True, which is
Suhail Al Zarooni Group of Companies, of definite responsibilities, enhanced bringing in knowledge and technology to man how to fish and you feed his family for a the only book on Expo2020 ever written by
based in Dubai, was founded in the early connections, greater consumption of your ensure best midwifery practices are followed. lifetime. Driven by this powerful dictum, He is anyone which is none other than His
1980s and has since branched out in size and entrepreneurial zeal over several companies, personal time and demands a lot of patience. dedicated to re-invigorate this age-old Excellency Al Zarooni himself.
stature across various segments of the operating in diverse technologies across A series of happiness, small & big, gradually BUILDING TOILETS profession with the powers of technology in to With every passing day UAE is becoming
Emirate’s business world. The Group has been different Geographic’s of the World. evolves a person into a Man with a definite Hygiene and sanitation is integral to a richer source of livelihood. stronger and stronger keeping its multi
pioneers in business with diversified activities His Excellency Suhail Al Zarooni is also personality. But there are also some Like growth of a healthy society. Suhail Al Zarooni cosmopolitan culture having Expatriates from
in construction, real estate, retail, food known for his charitable work and as Suhail Al Zarooni that leave a greater impact has earmarked building basic infrastructure to ROBOT JOCKEY more than 200 nations. UAE has achieved so
products, investments, industrial related Philanthropist. He founded a charitable on the society. ensure hygiene and sanitation will lead to Robot Jockey is a reflection of Suhail Al much in a short span of time and which sets an
materials and components, manufacturing and organization for his social and charitable work Suhail Al Zarooni also known for his healthier lives, who in-turn will contribute Zarooni’s compassion and passion for example for other countries in the region. In
general trading. Today the Group of “Al Zarooni Foundation”.Al Zarooni kindness and Charities. Suhail Al Zarooni constructively to the society they live in. His technology in enriching life. One of Suhail Al terms of development and prosperity, makes
Companies has interests in diversified sectors Foundation is a charitable & social initiative of Group of Companies also follow work and effort in introducing the awareness Zarooni’s companies based in Taiwan us not only proud to be Emiratis but also
such as Technology, Entertainment, His Excellency Al Zarooni. The sole objective responsibility of Corporate Social and building the necessary infrastructure has a developed a Robot Jockey for the famous encourages us to reflect our love and loyalty
Automotive and Real Estate. of which has been to impact the lives of the Responsibility (CSR) with a continuing positive social impact. Camel Race. Robot Jockey is a mechanized into tangible success and devotion for our
Suhail Al Zarooni Group of Companies needy people globally. His compassion for commitment by business to behave ethically jockey designed and developed entirely by his country to realize its modern vision.
has been harnessing the power of human people has taken the shape of many charitable and contribute to economic development SHELTER FOR HUMANITY team of designers and engineers. The He is Proud to be Emirati & Proud of His
intellect and perseverance. Our business initiatives run by His Excellency’s foundation. while improving the quality of life of the A roof above one’s head is one of the innovative Robot Jockey has brought relief to Country UAE…
empire is based on family tradition and values The impact of his humane endeavours in workforce and their families as well as of the most basic human needs. His Excellency Suhail small children who earlier were subjected to He always says “Long lives the Union and
forward by following compassion and enriching lives of people and far reaching. His local community and society at large. He runs Al Zarooni understands this vital need and has inhuman conditions being jockeys. Our Great Leaders”.

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● Congenital lymphedema is evident at birth, Lymphatic filariasis is a leading cause of Compression treatments can help reduce
is more common in females, and accounts permanent disability in the world. swelling and prevent scarring and other
for about 20% of all cases of primary The swelling of lymphedema usually complications. Examples of compression
lymphedema. A subgroup of people with occurs in one or both arms or legs, depending treatments are:
congenital lymphedema has a genetic upon the extent and localization of damage. ● Elastic sleeves or stockings: These must fit
inheritance which is termed Milroy disease. Primary lymphedema can occur on one or properly and provide gradual compression
World Health Day This Year Focuses on Lymphedema. ● Lymphedema praecox is the most common
form of primary lymphedema. It is defined
both sides of the body as well. Lymphedema
may be only mildly apparent or debilitating and
from the end of the extremity toward the
NEETI JHA Reports On the Ailment as lymphedema that becomes apparent severe, as in the case of lymphatic filariasis (see ● Bandages: Bandages that are wrapped more
after birth and before age 35 years and above), in which an extremity may swell to tightly around the end of the extremity and

ince 1950, every year, 7th April is symptoms most often develop during several times its normal size. It may first be wrapped more loosely toward the trunk, to
observed as World Health Day - an puberty. Lymphedema praecox is four noticed by the affected individual as an encourage lymph flow out of the extremity
opportunity for drawing worldwide times more common in females than in asymmetry between both arms or legs or toward the center of the body.
attention to the important issue of global males. difficulty fitting into clothing or jewellery. If ● Pneumatic compression devices: These are
health. The day is acknowledged by various ● Primary lymphedema that becomes evident the swelling becomes pronounced, fatigue due sleeves or stockings connected to a pump
governments and the NGOs interested in after 35 years of age is known as Meige to added weight may occur, along with that provides sequential compression from
E public health issues wherein, several disease or lymphedema tarda. embarrassment and restriction of daily the end of the extremity toward the body.
TES international, regional and local events are activities. These may be used in the clinic or in the
11 organized on a particular theme, under the SECONDARY LYMPHEDEMA CAUSES The long-term accumulation of fluid home and are useful in preventing long-
EN World Health Organization (WHO) Secondary lymphedema develops when a and proteins in the tissues leads to term scarring, but they cannot be used in all
sponsorship. normally-functioning lymphatic system is inflammation and eventual scarring of individuals, such as those with congestive
Y Each year, officials select a theme for the blocked or damaged. In many places, breast tissues, leading to a firm, taut swelling that heart failure, deep venous thrombosis, or
World Health Day and some of the past cancer surgery, particularly when combined does not retain its displacement when certain infections.
AND themes included Healthy heart beat, Healthy with radiation treatment, is the most common indented with a fingertip ● Manual compression: Massage techniques,
blood pressure, Vector-borne diseases: small cause. This results in one-sided (unilateral) (nonpittingedema). The skin in the affected known as manual lymph drainage, can be
bite, big threat, Food safety and Halt the rise: lymphedema of the arm. Any type of surgical area thickens and may take on a lumpy useful for some people with lymphedema.
Beat diabetes. This year’s focus is on procedure that requires removal of regional appearance described as an orange-peel ● Exercises: Exercises that lightly contract
WAYS “Lymphedema Awareness and Cures”. lymph nodes or lymph vessels can potentially (peaud’ orange) effect. The overlying skin and stimulate arm or leg muscles may be
WE Lymphedema is a condition faced by conditions. These include ● Redness of the skin, cause lymphedema. Surgical procedures that can also become scaly and cracked, and prescribed by the doctor or physical
AND many but still lacks basic awareness. ● Primary lymphedema is the result of an ● Asymmetrical appearance of the have been associated with lymphedema include secondary bacterial or fungal infections of therapist to help stimulate lymph flow.
anatomical abnormality of the lymph extremities, vein stripping, lipectomy, burn scar excision, the skin may develop. Affected areas may Surgical treatments for lymphedema are
T LET’S UNDERSTAND LYMPHEDEMA vessels and is a rare, inherited condition. ● Tightness or reduced flexibility in the joints, and peripheral vascular surgery. feel tender and sore, and loss of mobility or used to remove excess fluid and tissue in severe
T’S Lymphedema is swelling in one or more ● Secondary lymphedema results from an and Damage to lymph nodes and lymph flexibility can occur. cases, but no surgical treatment is able to cure
RK extremities that results from impaired flow of identifiable damage to or obstruction of ● Slight puffiness of the skin. vessels, leading to lymphedema, can also occur Other symptoms can accompany the lymphedema.
the lymphatic system. normally-functioning lymph vessels and due to trauma, burns, radiation, infections, or swelling of lymphedema including: Infections of skin and tissues associated
The lymphatic system is a network of nodes. The swelling caused by lymphedema compression or invasion of lymph nodes by ● Warmth, redness, or itching with lymphedema must be promptly and
specialized vessels (lymph vessels) throughout Worldwide, lymphedema is most ranges from mild hardly noticeable changes in tumors. ● Tingling or burning pains effectively treated with appropriate antibiotics
the body whose purpose is to collect excess commonly caused by filariasis (a parasite the size of your arm or leg to extreme changes Worldwide, however, filariasis is the most ● Fever and chills to avoid spread to the bloodstream (sepsis).
lymph fluid with proteins, lipids, and waste infection), but in many countries, lymphedema that make the limb hard to use. Lymphedema common cause of lymphedema. Filariasis is ● Decreased flexibility in the joints Patients affected by lymphedema must
products from the tissues. This fluid is then most commonly occurs in women who have caused by cancer treatment may not occur until the direct infestation of lymph nodes by the ● Aching, pain, fullness of the involved area constantly monitor for infection of the
carried to the lymph nodes, which filter waste had breast cancer surgery, particularly when months or years after treatment. parasite Wuchereria bancrofti. The disease is ● Skin rash affected area. In affected areas of the world,
products and contain infection-fighting cells followed by radiation treatment. spread among persons by mosquitoes, and The immune system function is also the drug diethylcarbamazine is used to treat
called lymphocytes. The excess fluid in the Mild lymphedema first may be noticed as a PRIMARY LYMPHEDEMA CAUSES affects millions of people in the tropics and suppressed in the scarred and swollen areas filariasis.
lymph vessels is eventually returned to the feeling of heaviness, tingling, tightness, Primary lymphedema is an abnormality of subtropics of Asia, Africa, Western Pacific, and affected by lymphedema, leading to frequent Lymphedema as a condition never gained
bloodstream. When the lymph vessels are warmth, or shooting pains in the affected an individual’s lymphatic system and is parts of Central and South America. infections and even a malignant tumor of much momentum despite many suffering from
blocked or unable to carry lymph fluid away extremity. These symptoms may be present generally present at birth, although symptoms Infestation by the parasite damages the lymph lymph vessels known as lymphangiosarcoma. this issue. It was in 2017 that many signed
from the tissues, localized swelling before there is obvious swelling of an arm or may not become apparent until later in life. system, leading to swelling in the arms, breasts, After understanding the causes and petitions asking WHO to make Lymphedema
(lymphedema) is the result. leg. Other signs and symptoms of early or mild Depending upon the age at which symptoms legs, and, for men, the genital area. The entire symptoms lets understand the possible the theme of this year’s World Health Day.
Lymphedema most often affects a single lymphedema include: develop, three forms of primary lymphedema leg, arm, or genital area may swell to several treatments of the condition. The goal by this is to lymphedema (LE)
arm or leg, but in uncommon situations both ● A decreased ability to see or feel the veins have been described. Most primary times its normal size. Also, the swelling and the There is no cure for lymphedema. and lymphatic diseases a global priority, to
limbs are affected. or tendons in the extremities, lymphedema occurs without any known family decreased function of the lymph system make Treatments are designed to reduce the swelling engage governments and researchers around
There are two types of Lymphedema ● Tightness of jewelry or clothing, history of the condition. it difficult for the body to fight infections. and control discomfort and other symptoms. the world and to create awareness.

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Mallesham was given a Padma Shri in 2017,
for inventing the Laxmi ASU Machine which
significantly reduced the time and labour
required to weave Sarees. I therefore urge you
to direct your research and innovation
towards solving the problems of our times

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY and meeting the aspirations of our people.

Scientific Social Responsibility is the need of
the hour.
NARENDRA MODI India faces major socio-economic
challenges which affect large sections of our
population. We need science and technology
to help us make India clean, green and
prosperous. Let me re-iterate some of my
expectations from scientists. A large section
of our tribal population is affected by fldylsy
vuhfe;k. Can our Scientists come up with a
simple, cost-effective solution to this
problem in the near future? A large
proportion of our children are affected by
malnutrition. To address this problem, the
Rajagopalan Vasudevan
Government of India has launched the
Bamboo Mission with an outlay of `1200 technology to the Government for free. This National Nutrition Mission. Your
crore. States like Manipur will benefit from technology has already been used to lay over suggestions and solutions can help us meet
this decision. 5,000 kilometers of roads across 11 states. the objectives of the Mission.
The Indian Science Congress has a rich Similarly, Arvind Gupta has been India requires crores of new houses. Can
legacy. It has been led by some of India’s recognized with a Padma Shri in 2018, for our scientists adopt 3D printing technology
tallest scientists, such as Acharya J.C. Bose, inspiring generations of students to learn to help us meet this demand? Our rivers are
C.V. Raman, Meghnad Saha and S.N. Bose. Science from Trash by using household polluted. It requires your innovative ideas and
New India, should seek inspiration from the materials and garbage to make toys for new technologies to clean them. We need a
high standards of excellence, set by these scientific experiments. Chintakindi multi-pronged approach including efficient
great scientists. During our interactions on
various occasions, I have exhorted our
scientists to seek solutions to our socio
economic problems. I have urged them to
take up new challenges to benefit the poor

cience has been synonymous with Effective solutions to big problems of North Eastern region, which have unique and deprived sections of society.
progress and prosperity from time science and technology, also require close medicinal and aromatic properties. In this context, the theme chosen for the
immemorial. The best scientific minds cooperation and coordination among State Climate Change Centers have been Indian Science Congress this year, is quite
of our nation, who are power-houses of scientists across diverse streams. The Union set up in seven North-Eastern States. They appropriate: “Reaching the Unreached
knowledge, innovation and enterprise, and Government has initiated several new will undertake risk analysis, and raise public through Science and Technology”. The
are best equipped to drive this change. programs for the North-Eastern States, in awareness about climate change. We have theme is very close to my heart.
The time is ripe to redefine ‘R&D’ as the area of science. Agro-Meteorological freed “bamboo” from being treated as a Take the case of Rajagopalan Vasudevan
‘Research’ for the ‘Development’ of the Services are being provided under the xzkeh.k ‘Tree’ species, and classified it as a “Grass,” recognized with a Padma Shri in 2018.He is a
nation - that is ‘R&D’ in the real sense. d`f’k ekSle lsok. This is benefiting over five lakh which it scientifically is. For this, we changed professor from Madurai who developed and
Science is after all, but a means to a far farmers. We are now working to expand this a decades old law. This amendment will allow patented an innovative method to reuse
greater end - of making a difference in the network to all districts of the North-East. for the free movement of bamboo. It will plastic waste in the construction of roads.
lives of others, of furthering human progress Several new centers are bringing relevant ensure that the production and consumption The roads made using this method are more
and welfare. The time is also ripe, to commit science and technology to the North-East. centers are seamlessly integrated. It will make durable, water resistant and load bearing. At
ourselves to facilitate ‘Ease of Living’ for 125 An “Ethno Medicinal Research Centre” has farmers realize the true potential from the the same time he has found a constructive
crore Indians, through the power as well as been set up in Manipur. This will undertake entire value chain in the bamboo ecosystem. use for the ballooning problem of plastic
potential of science and technology. research on the wild herbs available in the Government is also revamping the National waste. Professor Vasudevan has given this Arvind Gupta

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banking to our citizens. India should become

a major player in developing technologies,
devices, standards and manufacturing for 5-
G broadband tele-communication networks
by 2020. Together with Artificial Intelligence,
Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning and
cyber-physical systems, effective
communication will be a major ingredient in
PETRONET LNG LTD’S MD, Mr. Prabhat Singh
our success in smart manufacturing, smart
cities, and Industry 4.0. Let us aim for India
visits “Petronet Army Kashmir Super 30”
to be among the top 10 countries in the
Global Innovation Index by 2030. Mr. Prabhat Singh, MD, PLL – New Delhi along with Dr. C. B. Satpati, Advisor
Four years from now, we will be
celebrating the 75th year of our
PLL & Mr. Manoj Pawa, VP-CSR, PLL visited “Petronet Army Kashmir Super 30”
Independence. We have collectively resolved on 14th March 2018. They were welcomed by Mr. S. K. Shahi (Director, CSRL) &
to build a New India by 2022.We need to Mr. Krishnamurti Singh (Executive Director, CSRL).
work towards shared prosperity, in the spirit
of lcdk lkFk] lcdk fodkl. This goal requires Mr. Shahi after welcoming the guests introduced the students and shared the
whole-hearted contribution from each one of expected result. The dignitaries were impressed by knowing the fact that almost
you. The Indian economy is on a high growth
trajectory. But we rank low in Human
half of the students of our current batch came to know about the project by our ex-
Development Indicators. One of the students. In the first half, Lt. General & Corps Commander A. K. Bhatt held an
important reasons for this in-consistency is
interactive session with the PLL team and presented army plaque and gifts to Mr.
major inter-state and intra-state disparity. To
address this, we have launched a concerted Prabhat Singh & Mr. S. K. Shahi.
effort to improve the performance of over On 15th March, the PLL team visited Baramulla and had long discussions with
100 Aspirational Districts. We shall focus on
Chintakindi Mallesham
important sectors such as Health and GoC Maj Gen G. S. Rawat. After having lunch at Patan Army Camp, they
solar and wind power, energy storage and WE HAVE SET A TARGET Nutrition; Education; Agriculture and Water returned to the airport.
electric mobility solutions, clean cooking, Resources; Financial Inclusion; Skill
conversion of coal to clean fuels like
OF HAVING 100 GIGA Development; and Basic Infrastructure. All
methanol, cleaner power from coal, smart WATTS OF INSTALLED these sectors require innovative solutions,
grids, micro-grids and bio-fuels. SOLAR POWER BY 2022. which cater to local challenges and
We have set a target of having 100 Giga EFFICIENCY OF SOLAR requirements. The “one size fits all”
Watts of installed solar power by 2022. approach cannot work in this case. Can our
Efficiency of solar modules currently
MODULES CURRENTLY Scientific Institutions serve these
available in the markets around 17% to 18%. AVAILABLE IN THE Aspirational Districts? Can they catalyze
Can our scientists take a challenge to come MARKETS AROUND creation and diffusion of appropriate
up with a more efficient solar module, which 17% TO 18% technologies that generate skills and
can be produced in India at the same cost? entrepreneur-ship?
Imagine the resources we will be saving on been the main-stay for employment This would be a great service to Mother
this account. ISRO uses one of the best generation. With global competition, they are India. India has a rich tradition and a long
battery systems to run satellites in space. facing increasing challenges. Can our history of both discovery and use science and
Other institutions can partner with ISRO to scientific and technological institutions take technology. It is time to reclaim our rightful
develop cost effective and efficient battery up the cause of the MSME sector and assist place among the front-line nations in this field.
systems for mobile phones and electric cars. these units in improving processes and I call upon the scientific community to extend
We need to develop new procedures, products? its research from the labs, to the land. I am
medicines, and vaccines to get rid of silent We have to be future ready in confident that through the dedicated efforts
killers like Malaria and Japanese Encephalitis. implementing technologies vital for the of our scientists, we are embarking on the
Research should also be conducted in Yoga, growth and prosperity of the nation. road to a better future. The future we wish for
sports, and traditional knowledge disciplines. Technology will allow far greater penetration ourselves, and for our children.
(Excerpted from the speech delivered at
Small and medium scale industry units have of services such as education, healthcare, and Indian Science Congress, Imphal)

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importance of sending their girl child to

school to pursue studies.
The project managers and members of
NALCO’s CSR team carried out a baseline
study to gauge the mood before the
initiative was finally launched in 2015.
Transforming Lives - Stories of Hope NALCO is providing monthly stipend
/scholarship for meeting the educational


expenses of the girl child till they complete
class 10th standard. NALCO started the
programme with an objective to extend a
helping hand to the poor and meritorious

‘NALCO KI LADLI’ students belonging to BPL category, to

restrict the high drop-out rate owing to
poor financial condition.
In the year 2015-16, 32 students
meeting eligibility criteria from 18 schools

hat began as an initiative to (BPL) families and having minimum 60% in Angul were identified and covered under
empower the girl child through a marks in the schools located in periphery the programme. In 2016-17, 81 students
CSR programme called area of NALCO’s pants in Damanjodi, from 25 schools have been identified and
‘NALCO KI LADLI’ is turning out to be a Angul and Pottangi in Odisha. The girl provided with financial assistance under the
powerful trigger for positive change and children are identified from class 8th, 9th programme at Angul. There has been a
mindset in villages of Odisha. and 10th standard belonging to marked increase in the number of children
NALCO has started a CSR programme marginalized section of the society. benefiting in the financial year 2017-18,
‘NALCO KI LADLI’ under ‘BETI It was far from an easy job to convince with 277 girl children from 66 villages
BACHAO, BETI PADHAO’ programme of the villagers about the benefits of this across Angul and Damanjodi getting
Govt. of India, to promote meritorious girl initiative as many have never been to a enrolled in 45 schools under the
students belonging to Below Poverty Line school, leave alone understanding the programme. The scholarship amount is

NALCO-sponsored tribal children

at KISS, Bhubaneswar
IS TO PROVIDE ALL-ROUND directly credited to Savings Bank account of villagers who are witnessing the benefits
DEVELOPMENT AND ENSURE A beneficiaries through e-transfer after their from this programme. Reluctance and
bank linkage by opening of account. doubts has given way to hope and a sense of
HOLISTIC APPROACH TO The beneficiaries are exposed to various empowerment for these families who have
EDUCATION. WE AIM TO SCALE programmes and co-curricular activities seen their ‘ladli’ undergo a transformational
UP THIS PROJECT TO COVER organized by NALCO from time to time, change for a better and brighter tomorrow.
MORE THAN 1000 GIRL CHILD” including sports activities, workshops, Slowly, but surely, the revolution has begun
seminars, celebration of various events, etc. to take shape and NALCO is playing a key
— Dr T.K.Chand, CMD, NALCO There is a palpable change among the role in making those dreams come true.

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behaviour of the adolescents and has, thus, Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (SABLA).
initiated a number of schemes and Under this, the adolescent girls are provided
programmes; however, the age-groups covered iron-folate supplementation, nutrition/health
under these vary. Various education, adolescent reproductive/sexual
schemes/programmes include: health and life skill education; and for older
Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram girls (>16 years) vocational training is imparted
(RKSK) - directed towards holistic as part of National Skill Development
Dr Santosh Jain Passi Reports On Nutrition/Health development of the adolescents, was Programme. In response to the alarming
Concerns of Adolescent Girls for Breaking the Inter- launched by the MHFW in January 2014. problem of anaemia, the ministries of Health,
Rather than being limited to sexual & Education and WCD launched a nationwide
Generational Cycle of Malnutrition reproductive health, the programme Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation
addresses issues relating to nutrition, non- (WIFS) programme in January 2013 targeting

dolescence - the transient phase of life communicable diseases, injuries, violence, nearly 130 million adolescent boys and girls.
from puberty to adulthood comprises mental health and substance misuse with a Menstural Hygiene Scheme (MHFW) aims at
rapid physical growth coupled with special focus on health promotion. By promoting menstrual hygiene among
fast-paced psychosocial, cognitive and reorganizing the existing public health adolescent girls from rural areas.
emotional development. India has nearly 253 system, it is expected to reach out to 253 Other programmes include Sarva Shiksha
million adolescents (constituting >1/5th of million adolescents - particularly those from Abhiyan for providing free and compulsory
total population) who are in dire need of marginalized households, through education to 6-14 year olds; Nehru Yuva
appropriate nutrition, education, counselling community based interventions, facility Kendra Sangathan for empowering the rural
and guidance (Census, 2011). Health of an based counselling, social & behaviour youth; National Service Scheme for personality
adolescent girl indicates her health status change communication and by strengthening development of the students through
during later years of life. Several adulthood the adolescent friendly health clinics. community service. Narcotic Drugs &
diseases have their roots in adolescence; many It is also proposed to address adolescent Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 prohibits
of the premature adolescent mortalities are health holistically along with skilled counselling the sale of illicit drugs or substances to minors.
either preventable or treatable and in many support at the drop-in clinics in identified Extending the Right of Children to Free and
cases, the adolescents may suffer from life-long health facilities. These will also take care of the Compulsory Education Act, 2009 up to senior
chronic illnesses/disabilities. Major health adolescents living in insecure environments secondary (XII Plan) proposes to expand the
issues of the adolescents include nutritional and address the issues relating to HIV/AIDs. possibilities of adolescents to realise their full
deficiencies, mental-health problems, early As part of RCH-II, Adolescent Reproductive learning rights as well as address juvenile
pregnancy/child-birth, HIV/sexually and Sexual Health (ARSH) programme delinquency and the issues of early
transmitted infections, other infectious proposes to ensure improved service delivery centrally sponsored schemes (earlier named as marriage/teenage pregnancy among girls.
diseases, violence, unintentional injuries and for adolescents through routine sub-centre Promotion of Youth Activities & Training, Saakshar Bharat lays special focus on out of
substance abuse. WHO has reported that clinics as well as on fixed days/timings at the Promotion of National Integration, school adolescents (15-19 years); through
during 2012, nearly 1.3 million adolescents had PHCs and CHCs. Under outreach activities, Promotion of Adventure and Development concerted efforts, it is expected that the
died from preventable/treatable illnesses. the package of services comprises preventive, and Empowerment of Adolescents). Apart universal literacy goal would be achieved by
Globally, India has the maximum number promotive, curative and counselling services from inculcating leadership qualities and 2025 or rather earlier. In December 2016, a
of adolescents. Considering the huge potential for addressing their reproductive and sexual personality development, it motivates the joint initiative ‘Swasth Bacche Swasth Bharat’
of this demographic and economic force in problems. Under School Health Programme, youth to channelise their energy for nation was launched by MHFW, MHRD and
national development, it is crucial to invest in emphasis is laid on nutritional interventions, building. Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation for
their education, health and development. The hand, adolescents are highly prone to eating mothers and their new-borns are at an promotion of healthy lifestyle, counselling and Some of the programmes particularly achieving higher levels of cleanliness and
investments in adolescent reproductive/sexual disorders like anorexia nervosa and binge increased risk. Babies born to mothers aged immunization. Adolescence Education directed towards adolescent girls are: Kishori hygiene. Apart from these, issues relating to
health alone can yield enormous dividends in eating. Unhealthy dietary habits with greater < 20 years face a far higher risk of being Programme of the MHRD envisages to Shakti Yojana which aims at improving health, adolescents are also covered under various
terms of delayed age at marriage, reduced reliance on junk foods, poor lifestyle still-born or die within the first week of life. impart age-appropriate and culturally relevant nutrition and educational status of girls aged other schemes directly or indirectly addressing
incidence of teenage pregnancies, meeting the practices and physical inactivity are the major There is a greater likelihood of such children accurate information to the adolescents. In between 11-18 years. The major aim of Balika the nutrition and health aspects of the
unmet contraception needs, reduced maternal cause of nutritional disorders; during this being low birth weight and suffer from the risk addition, it promotes healthy attitudes and Samridhi Yojana is to raise the age at marriage population at large. Sustainable Development
mortality and lowered prevalence of HIV/STI. phase, inadequate nutrition can lead to of long-term health effects. However, many of development of appropriate skills through of adolescent girls; the programme envisages Goal-3 also highlights to ‘Ensure healthy lives
In view of rapid growth spurt and stunted growth and delayed sexual these issues can be addressed by routine curricular/co-curricular activities for to achieve this goal by bringing about and promote well-being for all at all ages’.
increased physical activity, nutritional maturation. screening followed by nutrition/health empowering them to face the real life improvements in enrolment and retention of For breaking the inter-generational cycle of
requirements of the adolescents are rather Teenage pregnancy/childbirth education. situations. National Program for Youth and the girls at school. Another programme - malnutrition, nutrition and health concerns of
high, particularly in terms of energy, protein complications are the second-most cause of Indian government has recognized the Adolescent Development by the Ministry of primarily for out of school adolescent girls (11- adolescent girls - the future mothers, need to
and various vitamins/minerals. On the other mortality among 15-19 year olds; both the importance of influencing health-seeking Youth Affairs and Sports is a merger of four 18 years), is Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for be addressed urgently and effectively!! (PIB)

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● NEW DELHI 2018●

Industries most trusted CSR awards will be held on

2nd August 2018 at New Delhi
The CSR TIMES Awards 2018 aims to recognise the best CSR practices, programmes, projects,
professionals in the sector and let the world take an example from your initiatives &
contributions and impact made on the ground.

The coveted Awards will be felicitated upon the deserving

Organisations, NGOs, Entrepreneurs& Individuals.
Selection of Award Winners will be through an open and
transparent process executed by an elite panel of judges
consisting of highly dignified and subject matter experts.

Awards to be won in the following categories:

● Education
● Healthcare
● Skill Development
● Women Empowerment
● Green & Environment Stewardship
● Livelihoods
● Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (Swachh Bharat Kosh)
● Rural Development & Infrastructure
● Special Categories ( Old age/ Specially-abled/Armed forces etc)
● Sports Promotion
● Promoting National Heritage
● Slums Area Development
● CSR Professional of the year
● Eradicating extreme hunger, poverty & malnutrition
● Any other area of substance not specified above

For more information, complete brochure and application form, log on to www.csrtimes.org
or call us on + 91 11 43085920 Email: awards@csrtimes.org
Last Date of submission of nominations : 31st May 2018
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items will need to be made from biologically
sourced materials that can be composted.
The law also follows a total ban on plastic

shopping bags. The law aims at cutting the
usage of plastic bags in the country by half
by 2025.
RWANDA: The country too suffered

from plastic pollution like any other
developing country, there were billions of
plastic bags choking waterways and
destroying entire ecosystems of Rwanda. To
fight this scourge, the government launched
a radical policy to ban all non-biodegradable
plastic from the country. This developing
country in Africa is plastic bag free since
IMMANUEL CYRUS 2008. The country implemented a complete
ban on plastic bags while other countries

illions of people took to the around the world were just starting to
streets on 22nd April, 1970, in the impose taxes on plastic bags. The ban is not
US, to protest the negative effective just because of strict enforcement
impacts of 150 years of industrial but also because of hefty penalties.
development. Smog was becoming deadly According to the law, the offenders
and evidence was growing that pollution led smuggling plastic bags can face jail time.
to developmental delays in children. SWEDEN: Known as one of the
Biodiversity was in decline as a result of the world’s best recycling nations, Sweden is
heavy use of pesticides and other pollutants. including pollution of our oceans, water, and effective implementation is an issue. the failure to implement the helmet rule in There are many ways that people can following the policy of ‘No Plastic Ban,
Earth Day is now a global event each and wildlife, and about the growing body of Most recently in Maharashtra, there has the state. help in the attainment of this goal. Instead More Plastic Recycling.’ There is
year, and more than 1 billion people in 192 evidence that decomposing plastics are been high scepticism within the government To become successful, the ban now has ● Stop using disposable plastics, especially one simple reason behind this - Sweden has
countries now take part in what is the largest creating serious global problems. itself on its ability to impose and implement to be turned into a citizen’s movement. It single use plastics like bottles, bags and world’s best recycling system. Mostly all the
civic-focused day of action in the world From poisoning and injuring marine life the March 18 ban. Therefore, the very next will be effective only when each one of us straws. trash in Sweden’s system gets burned in
where people march, sign petitions, meet to the ubiquitous presence of plastics in day, state environment minister Ramdas gives up the use of the banned plastic items. ● Collect used printer, fax, and copier incinerators. The system is so strong and in
with their elected officials, plant trees, clean our food to disrupting human hormones Kadam announced that the ban will be It will be effective only when schools, cartridges to recycle. place that less than one percent of Sweden’s
up their towns and roads. and causing major life-threatening diseases imposed in a phased manner. colleges, NGOs and citizens who are ● Convince your school district or office household waste goes into the landfill
Corporations and governments use it to and early puberty, the exponential growth However it is likely that within a few passionate about the environment celebrate building to choose reusable utensils, dump. Recently, they also run out of trash.
make pledges and announce sustainability of plastics is threatening our planet’s months or weeks of the ban, the media will the ban, adhere to it steadfastly and come up trays, and dishes in the cafeteria. Now they are actually asking other countries
measures. Faith leaders, including Pope survival. highlight the continuing use of the banned with creative ways to present biodegradable ● Bring a reusable water bottle and bring a for their garbage so that it can keep its
Francis, connect Earth Day with protecting EDN has built a multi-year campaign to items; show plastic garbage strewn all alternatives. mug to the office, to school and to the recycling plants running.
God’s greatest creations, humans, End Plastic Pollution. Their goals include around; and will pounce on the government coffee shop. IRELAND: Ireland is the perfect
biodiversity and the planet that we all live ending single-use plastics, promoting to declare that the ban has failed. WHAT IS NECESSARY TO BE DONE? ● Bring reusable bags when you shop. example that shows how one can get rid of
on. alternatives to fossil fuel-based materials, Another possibility is that the ban could Leading a grassroots movement to ● Pack your lunch in a reusable bag. the ubiquitous symbol of urban life -
Earth Day Network (EDN), the promoting 100 percent recycling of plastics, get further diluted with a court order in support the adoption of a global framework Plastics. The country passed a plastic bag tax
organization that leads Earth Day corporate and government accountability response to a petition from the Maharashtra to regulate plastic pollution. Educating, HOW ARE COUNTRIES DEALING WITH in 2002 - that means that consumers would
worldwide, today announced that Earth and changing human behavior concerning Plastic Manufacturing Association (MPMA), mobilizing and activating citizens across the PLASTIC have to actually purchase bags. It was so
Day 2018 will focus on mobilizing the plastics. which is expected. There will be a lot of globe to demand that governments and FRANCE: The country passed a high that within weeks of its
world to End Plastic Pollution, including corruption in the government and corporations control and clean up plastic ‘Plastic Ban’ law in 2016 to fight the growing implementation there was a reduction of 94
creating support for a global effort to EFFORTS IN INDIA TO REACH A municipal departments with the continuing pollution. problem of plastic pollution in the world percent in plastic bag use. And, now plastic
eliminate single-use plastics along with PLASTIC FREE STATUS use and smuggling of plastic bags and other Educating people worldwide to take which states all plastic plates, cups, and bags are widely unacceptable there.
global regulation for the disposal of Currently, cities including Delhi, banned items in the state. personal responsibility for plastic pollution utensils will be banned by 2020. France is
plastics. Mumbai, Karwar, Tirumala, Vasco, Karnataka introduced a plastic ban in by choosing to reject, reduce, reuse and the first country to ban all the daily-usable REFERENCES
EDN will educate millions of people Rajasthan, Kerala, Punjab and now Madhya 2016 but the use of plastic carry bags recycle plastics, and promoting local products that are made of plastic. The www.earthday.org
about the health and other risks associated Pradesh to name a few have the ban on the appears to be too widespread. Ditto is the government regulatory and other efforts to added benefit of this law is that it also www.ndtv.com
with the use and disposal of plastics, plastic bags in place. But, its enforcement case with the gutkhaban in Maharashtra and tackle plastic pollution. specifies that the replacements of these www.hindustantimes.com

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With alternatives now being available in

several areas, the responsibilities of
Government officers have increased, not
just in terms of scope of work, but in terms
of the challenge.
With the recent focus on the importance
of competition, the sooner that the attitude
of Government can change from regulator
to enabler, the faster this challenge of
competition will become an opportunity.
A very recent innovation that illustrates
how the Government can change people’s
lives by acting as a fulcrum was introduced
in the state of Maharashtra as the “Farm on
Demand” project.
This was introduced with an objective of
providing protective irrigation to overcome
water scarcity in the State. Farmer suicides
was a major concern and the focus was to
SIZE AND SUFFICIENCY OF cent to Group D — the two lowest paid enable preparedness of the State for
CIVIL SERVICES categories. Though these workers are handling drought situations. Vidharbha and
One of the most significant things about important, the numbers suggest there are Marathwada were the main targets under
the civil services is that it spans the entire system-wide shortages of skilled staff and this initiative.
country. But is the number of officials administrators. The approach adopted was a simple one.

enough to service the entire country? The Interestingly, the data show a marginal A user friendly online form was developed
total number of employees has remained decline of 0.13 per cent in the size of the to enable efficiency and transparency in the
more or less static despite an exponential Central government in 2008 from 2006, farm pond application process by the
growth in the number of people that it is though the population grew. farmer himself without any intermediaries
expected to serve. “People keep complaining the to hinder the process.
Data compiled from multiple sources, government is too big,” says Ajai Sahni, An application for the farm-pond is
including a 2008 official survey, Right to director of the New Delhi-based Institute of made online by the farmer through the
IMMANUEL CYRUS takes look at the current state of Information applications, media reports and
the 2011 census show that India has 1,622.8
Conflict Management (ICM), “but the figures
show that it is in fact too anaemic to govern
Aaple Sarkar Portal. This was reviewed by
the relevant Taluka-level agricultural
the civil services and the challenges that lie ahead government servants for every 100,000 the country.” committee and the approval/rejection
residents. In stark contrast, the U.S. has Eminent economist V.K. Ramachandran communicated to the farmer.

he civil services of any country are bureaucracy of the country servant is to be guided by 7,681. says: “One of the most important lessons of After site selection by Agriculture
the backbone of governmental have held true for the most maintaining absolute integrity, The Central government, with 3.1 million the economic history of modern nations is Assistant, farm-pond is constructed by the
administration. Especially in a part to that lofty goal. allegiance to the constitution employees, thus has 257 serving every that the most crucial requirements of social farmer and the agriculture assistant uploads
densely populated country like ours the Civil In memory of that first and the law of the nation, 100,000 population, against the U.S. federal transformation can only be delivered by the a photo and the farm-pond is GIS mapped.
Services have played a key role in keeping the speech, April 21 is observed patriotism, national pride, government’s 840. This figure dips further if public authority. A government that does not Subsidy is received in the farmer’s bank
country together over the last 70 years and as Civil Service Day in devotion to duty, honesty, the 1,394,418 people working for the pay for skilled personnel to deliver education, account within 7 days.
ensuring a more or less uniform system of India. Civil servants, who impartiality and transparency. Railways, accounting for 44.81 per cent of health and land reform is one that condemns Using technology and people’s
governance despite the vast diversity and run the administrative They must also discharge the entire Central government workforce, are its people to under-development.” initiatives, the area was made drought
myriad differences that is to be found. processes of the central and official duty with removed. Then, there are only about 125 resistant in a few months. This
On April 21, 1947, Sardar Vallabhbhai state governments, are responsibility, accountability central employees serving every 100,000 INNOVATIONS IN GOVERNANCE demonstrates the use of modern day
Patel addressed the first batch of civil remembered for their works on this day. The and without discrimination. There must be people. Information technology and DESPITE ENORMOUS CHALLENGES applications to deal with the day to day
servants in Independent India at the first ever function celebrating the Civil effective management, leadership communications services account for Conditions prevailing today are quite problems that are being faced by the
Metcalf House. He referred to civil Services was held in Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi development and personal growth. They also another 7.25 per cent of the Central different from about two decades ago, and is citizenry on a daily basis.
servants as the ‘steel frame of India’ during on April 21, 2006 where the excellence are instruments of good governance and government’s staff. bound to evolve much further over the next Hopefully, India can in the future shine
his speech and implored them to uphold shown by civil servants was rewarded by the help to foster social economic development The Central government’s figures also few years. Earlier the Government was as an example to demonstrate to the world
the principles of governance. Despite Prime Minister of India. without misuse of official position or show that 59.69 per cent of public servants almost the sole provider of goods and that a successful bureaucracy is not always a
challenges, obstacles and criticism, the When discharging their functions, a civil information. belonged to Group C and another 29.37 per services, which is no longer the case. large one.

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Figure 2 shows the growing technological
intervention in our lives and a detailed insight
into its impact on future jobs. CUSTOMER STATISFACTION
All signs point towards the inevitability of
automation becoming a daily part of our

AND DISRUPTIVE AUTOMATION workplace. Coincidentally, a known Japanese

technique by the name of Jidoka or
Autonomation could provide an insight into JIT Respect for People JIDOKA

VIS-A-VIS MANUFACTURING IN INDIA turning with the tide and better preparing Pull Team Building Poka yoke
Flow Empowerment Andon
ourselves for the rising giant that is
Take time Cross Training Autonomation
Hejunka Hoshin 5 Why
SMED Supplier Relationships Line stops
To understand Jidoka or
Autonomation, we must briefly understand STABILITY and STANDARDIZATION
THE PERCEIVED THREAT OF However, we must begin to understand the history of the industrial world. The Ss Standard Operations
TECHNOLOGICAL UNEMPLOYMENT that with regards to manufacturing sector, the industrial world has seen a rapid change in TMP Kaizen

esearch based on World Bank’s data majority of job losses are in lower-level jobs manufacturing practices over the past years
states that the proportion of jobs requiring little to no skill and in most cases from the mould systems which produced conversion from manual processes to the use autonomation. It is here that the role of
threatened in India due to Automation involve long-hours of repetitive work. Still, it single pieces at a time to modern of complex manufacturing systems, the shop floor personnel and his skill in
stands at 69%and in China at 77%. It clearly is imperative to sit up and take notice of the manufacturing lines that produce mass presenting long-term benefits with the handling deviation becomes
signifies that the traditional route for a developed trend of robotics and automation creeping volumes per day. The last time the world application of lean principles. This has been increasingly relevant. His competency in
country -- to move from an agrarian economy to up in use and becoming more and more ‘cost- witnessed a revolution in manufacturing improved over the years to enable these managing irregularities will ensure his place
light manufacturing and then to full scale effective’.The emergence of low-cost robots systems was in 1913 when the world came to automated lines to do a type of self-diagnosis on the shop floor, although with industry
industrial manufacturing -- could soon not be with a quicker payback period will accelerate Detroit to see Henry Ford’s line. Today, when a problem arises. This self-diagnosis as 4.0, the functions that constitute his job
possible for developing countries like India. A adoption. To quote Shripad Ranade, Practice manufacturing has advanced, and industry a quality control measure among automated could change.
deeper understanding as to the impact on the Head of Automotive, Engineering & has reached a point where products can be lines is what is commonly referred to as
most vulnerable domains of work in an Indian Infrastructure at TATA Strategic manufactured in production sequences that autonomation. Developed in the 1930s WHAT CAN INDIA DO?
manufacturing setting is required to assess and Management Group, “Robots did not cost usually involve less or no human intervention under the umbrella of the Toyota Shop floors in India requires a new type
accordingly brace for impact. less than `10-15 lakh; now, they cost `5 lakh. from start to finish in a process called Production System (TPS), it is one of the of collaboration between the IT guy, who
If we study figure 1 ( source: McKinsey They will not be as good but they will be automation. pillars of the Lean Manufacturing.It targets has no idea how the process works, and the
Global institute), we can observe that even better than having no robotics.” He says, In Industry 1.0 and Industry 2.0, the to separate the workers from the machines by assemble guy who knows exactly how the
though India is poised to lose out almost $1.1 “Manufacturers will consider installing lower- operator can be perceived as a commander. way of automated mechanisms that detect operation works but has no idea about the
trillion jobs, compared to other economies, it cost robots with a payback period of two to He was to manage everything, the machines, abnormalities or deviation from procedure. IT equipment. They have to come together,
still has the advantage of low labour cost. A three years compared to expensive ones that the cutting tools, measurement devices and The worker is relieved from judging whether embrace Industry 4.0 and use statistical
white paper from the BRICS Skill Development have a payback of six to seven years”. so on. In Industry 3.0, he can be thought of the operation being run is normal and instead methods in the process. We might need less
Working Group pegs India’s hourly Companies such as TAL Manufacturing as a captain because he told the machine, ‘I focuses on the deviation flagged by the shop floor workers in future but we will
compensation cost in manufacturing at $1.9 Solutions Limited, a subsidiary of TATA want you to do this using this software’. In running machine. definitely need skilled workers. India is set
versus $11.9 in Brazil, $2.5 in Russia, $6.4 in Motors, has developed a low-cost robot, Industry 4.0, the operator is like a conductor, Thus the need of the worker remains to go through an adjustment phase before
China and $5.8 in South Africa. Therefore, our BRABO, specifically for small and medium he communicates to the machine. The as he maintains his relevance by the current generation of workers is
labour arbitrage still stands and will not be lost enterprises, paving way for future disruptive machine talks back to him and uses the data developing an expertise, a skill in retained or up-skilled and the skilling
overnight. innovation. to improve the process. But being a mastering course-correction of the approach is adopted from the top-
Impact Felt Already 2015-17 2018-20 conductor isn’t that easy. It requires a deep machine. It endorses the ‘Ludite Fallacy’ down.More courses on robotics, 3D
understanding of both new technology and i.e. technology doesn’t kill jobs; it printing, machining, mechatronics, or
● Rising geopolitical volatility ● New energy supplies and technologies ● Advanced robotics and autonomous
of the processes and the ability to handle changes the composition of jobs. technology combining electronics and
● Mobile internet and cloud technology ● The Internet of Things transport unforeseen deviation. Shigeo Shingo, the authority on TPS, mechanical engineering, are the need of the
● Rise of the middle class in emerging ● Advanced manufacturing and 3D ● Artificial intelligence and machine The term “Autonomation” is a declared that there are 23 stages between hour at least in the manufacturing sector.
markets printing learning
● Young demographics in emerging ● Longevity and ageing societies ● Advanced materials, biotechnology
combination of autonomy and automation. purely manual and fully automated work. A “We need people who can manage, maintain
markets ● New consumer concerns about ethical and genomics It implies the independence of automation fully automated machine will be able to self- and monitor machines; not people who can
● Rapid urbanization and privacy issues or allowing a process to be able to make its detect and correct its own problems which work on it. The skill development
● Changing work environments ● Women’s rising aspirations and
● Climate change, natural resource economic power own decisions, thereby giving it a human is currently not cost-effective. 90% of the ecosystem, starting from ITIs and before is
constraints and the transition to a touch. The autonomation process is a benefits of full automation can be gained by to come together to make this a reality.
Figure 1 greener economy Figure 2

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ender Inequality has a long-
standing history of being
entrenched in various aspects of
the Indian society, excluding women not
Children Who Fought Heart Diseases, Kidney Disease & Cancer Survivor Felicitated
being contoured in dominant economic,

social and political narratives.Recognizing the o Honour Sir Cusrow Wadia; The
criticality of Gender Equality, United Wadia Group on March 11 hosted C N
Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 is Wadia Gold Cup 2018 at Mahalakshmi
centred on women emerging as equally Race course, Mumbai. Dr Minnie Bodhanwala,
invested stakeholders in our development CEO Wadia Hospitals; Actor and Social
paradigm.The UN believes “Gender equality Entrepreneur, Kunal Kapoor; and Senior
is not only a fundamental human right, but a Acceleration and Policy Support) strategy for PRADAN, Bhartiya Yuva Shakti Trust, IIM Officials from The Wadia Group were present
necessary foundation for a peaceful, relevant, effective and collaborative Sirmaur, Google, Capgemini, Philips during the occasion. More than 50 children
prosperous and sustainable world. In the implementation of the Sustainable Lightning, Nutri Health Systems and many who fought deadly diseases such as cancer,
Indian context, Prime Minister Modi has Development Agenda 2030. more. kidney diseases and heart diseases were
expressed a deep commitment towards SDG While giving the welcome address of The first plenary session “Gender felicitated.
5 and NITI Aayog has been mandated as the the Summit Dr. Uddesh Kohli, Senior Mainstreaming” set an exciting tone for this The Paddock area of the Race Course was
nodal agency responsible for the Advisor, UNGC said that “there is a one-day summit. The session highlighted buzzing with entertainment programmes
implementation and monitoring outcomes synergy between what Global Compact is various planned policies, program or organised by Wadia Hospital. A display
for projects that relate to various Sustainable doing and what NITI Aayog is doing. NITI initiative and its implications for both women showcasing the contribution of Sir Cusrow N
Development Goals (SDGs). Aayog is basically doing because the and men. The second session of the day was Wadia, a great visionary and philanthropist of
Recognizing these imperatives, United commitment of the Government, but the on “Four Case Studies” selected from the the Wadia family was among the highlights of
Nations Global Compact Network India Global Compact is doing it because the “Best Practices Compendium” released the occasion.
(UN GCNI) organized their First Gender commitment of the Businesses. We are during the inaugural session. Wadia Hospital was India’s first Paediatric
Equality Summit 2018 (GES 2018) in New focused on the business activities of the In the “My Journey” session, Ms. Chetna Hospital built in honour of Jerbai Wadia. It has
Delhi on 9th March. The theme for the Companies and also the Civil Society Sinha, founder Mann Deshi Foundation and been at the forefront of providing quality
Summit was Gender Equality - A Key organisations who are partners in the Ms. Srishti Bakshi, Founder and Managing healthcare for over a decade. The Hospital’s Hospitals expressed gratitude to all present at Children. She said “it is a team and community
Differentiator for Sustainable Growth. The Global Compact program.” Director of Cross Bow Miles, who’s walking belief has been to provide best possible care the event and thanked all the supporters and effort which helps us carry forward the great
GES was unprecedented in terms of R. Ramanan, Mission Director of the from Kanyakumari to Srinagar to educate and also to help children get back their lives. staff of Wadia Hospitals who work day and vision and mission of Sir Cusrow Wadia and
participation and the scope of its concerns. Atal Innovation Mission and Additional people about Gender Equality, captivated the Dr. Minnie Bodhanwala, CEO of Wadia night for the well-being of Women and Sir Ness Wadia, who built the two Wadia
More than two fifty delegates from Secretary, NITI Aayog said “India has never audience with their inspiring stories of hope Hospitals in the memory of their parents Bai
Government, Public & Private Sector, Civil lacked great women innovators, great and determination to keep going. The panel Jerbai and Nowrosjee Wadia. Thanks to their
Society and UN Agencies were drawn to one scientists, great thinkers, great philosophers, on “Accelerating and Scaling Gender Specific efforts and great vision, we are able to provide
platform to deliberate imperatives and great artists. But what has been lacking in this Initiatives” discussed approaches of various quality care at affordable prices, across all
prepare a blueprint for action for healthy country is an ecosystem promoting women stakeholders working towards gender sections of the society. The Children, the
gender parity starting now and for innovation and women empowerment.”He outcomes and its relevance to SDGs target. Shining stars, who are present here today is a
generations to come. emphasized that “to achieve this agenda, we The closing plenary themed “Transition to testament to the philanthropic legacy of the
The Summit addressed UN Sustainable need to accelerate the partnerships and policy” discussed collecting gender specific Wadia Family. Their smile further motivates us
Development Goal (SDG) 5 “Gender collaborations between multiple data as evidence for policy base. to do more for the generations to come.”
Equality” by reducing gender discrimination stakeholders” Kamal Singh, Executive Director, UN While speaking at the event Actor and
at workplace. Experts and research validate The panel sessions of GES 2018 were GCNI said that we believe that Social Entrepreneur, Kunal Kapoor said “I
that meaningful inclusion of women action packed and the panellists were from transformation of India cannot be possible have worked with social organizations before
increases productivity, also brings new NITI Aayog, Ministry of Women and Child without taking women into account who and it is amazing how much change every
perspectives & solutions to the table and Development, UN Women, UNICEF, almost make up for half of our population & action can bring. It is really commendable the
strengthens the efforts of work. The United National Stock Exchange (NSE), Paytm concluded the summit with request to all the efforts of Wadia Hospitals in helping these
Nations Global Compact Network India’s Payment Banks, Bank of America Merrill stakeholders to take this cause forward. Children get a second chance at life. I am very
Summit was centered on the concept of Lynch, Deloitte India, Ford Foundation, CSR TIMES was magazine partner for the happy to be here.”
UNDGs MAPS (Mainstreaming, HSBC, Axis Bank Foundation, ICICI Bank, event.

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orientation of the youth towards

requirement and expectations from the job.
MGL has also integrated inputs on soft
skills, Spoken English, personality
development and basic computers to ensure
that the trainees are equipped with
necessary skills required for securing a job.
Inputs on interview techniques are also
organized on regular basis. The students are
also trained to cook their own food. They
are mentored to manage their finances
properly for future security.
An integral part of the initiative is
community service and out bound
activities. While the core focus of the

project is on employability, it is desired that
these youth have necessary leadership’s skill
and empathy once they move out of the
campus and are in job. Some of the

AN INITIATIVE FOR community initiatives undertaken by

students include cleaning of bus stop and
temple, plantation, etc.


“True Guidance is like a small torch in a
dark forest. It does not show everything at
once, but gives enough light for the next
step to be safe.”
Mahanagar Gas Limited under its
intervention “MGL Hunar” has carried out
various career guidance workshops for slum
During the workshop, the youth are
explained about various employment options
Welding Electrician RAC Gas Plumbing that they can explore. Simultaneously Sh Rajeev Mathur, MD, MGL, inaugurating the audio visual hall built under Project Hunar
employability initiative of MGL is also

roject MGL Hunar draws inspiration those youth who are severely confined batches are designed for a duration of 3 highlighted during the workshop. Gas Plumbing.” It was rigorous yet reach out to. Fortunately, while traveling in a
from age old proverb “Give a man a owing to non-completion of education up months which includes both theoretical and entertaining training session. We enjoyed local train we got the pamphlet which got us
fish and you have fed him for a day, to 10th standard. Skills augmentation practical learning. MGL facilitates on job CASE STUDY lots of outdoor activities in Karjat. During going. The training provided us the
teach him to catch instead, and you have fed training is extended to these youth on training of youth on completion of Vaibhav Manjare, Kiran Srisath and the course of the training many officials of opportunity to earn and to lead a
him for his entire lifetime.” Project MGL various trades with high employment theoretical training and also assists in Nitesh Yadav, three youth hailing from MGL visited and apprised us about the meaningful life. We are thankful to MGL for
Hunar is designed as an enabling initiative potential. placement of the youth. Employees from Vishvi (Buldana), Gangapur (Aurangabad) trade. They also demonstrated various facilitating this change in our lives. We had
which seeks to bridge the gap between the To ensure success of the project, MGL MGL also participate in the training through and Virar respectively joined project MGL - minute skills related to gas plumbing trade. faced some troubles initially but now we are
dearth’s of manpower that many industries has initiated a multipronged initiative which guest lectures on regular basis. Hunar for gas plumbing course. They said After completion of our training, sure that we will succeed in this trade. This
are facing with the increasing challenge of includes curriculum designing focusing on MGL has facilitated equipping of AV “Initially we were doubtful about prospect Mahanagar Gas Limited facilitated our helmet and jacket that MGL has given to us
unemployment. Being implemented in practical exposure, on -job training, safety hall in one of the vocational training centre of the course. We knew about plumbing, placement with Futures Project. We are gives us a sense of pride.
partnership with 3 organizations with training, facilitation of guest lectures, usage that it supports. The AV hall facilitates but gas plumbing we had never heard about. working in the gas plumbing sector for more The trade is taking shape with various
specialization in vocational training, the of industry standards raw material for learning through digital platform on various When we approached Director of one of than one year now. Our salary has also concepts like work at height training, on job
project seeks to benefit youth from deprived training, up gradation of infrastructure in trades. Pre-recorded lectures; site videos, the vocational training centre supported by grown during this period. We hail from poor training, medical fitness and other
communities. The project targets especially the training centre amongst others. The etc. are played regularly to facilitate general MGL, we were advised to opt for the gas families with no proper education. components integrating into the course
plumbing trade. We were trained for 3 We could have picked up some odd job module making for a robust employability
months on combined trade of RAC and - we had no shelter and hardly any one to initiative.

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backgrounds, like Aryans, Guptas, Mughals,
Britishers, etc. And all of them have left their
marks on the Indian soil, in the form of
monuments and sites, that are protected and
resurrected till date.

On World Heritage Day, PRIYANKA TOMAR examines the
World Heritage Day therefore, has an
important part to play in this colourful land,
where you can find huge tombs sprawling
over the land, towers that are so high that one
can feel the sky and sites so beautiful that
keeps you mesmerized.
relevance of maintaining ancient sites and monuments India has all of it and to maintain these
monuments and keep them alive for our
upcoming generations, this day is every year
celebrated to spread awareness among the
visitors to protect these priceless monuments.

After a need was identified to protect the ICOMOS, the International Council for
valued locations, ICOMOS interestingly, Monuments and Sites makes several
organised a symposium in Tunisia on 18 April suggestions on how to celebrate the World
1982 aud it saw the coming together of Heritage Day.
experts from hundreds of related fields. These ■ Perhaps the most important way to
include architects, engineers, geographers, civil celebrate World Heritage Day is to search
engineers, and artists and archaeologists. out those locations near you that count as
They all suggested that a special day is to World Heritage Sites, and perhaps pay
be celebrated all through the world in the name them a visit.
of “International Day for Monuments and ■ Before doing so research the site and find
Sites” on the same day every year.The idea was out what steps are needed to protect it and
then also approved in UNESCO’s General respect them during your visit.
Conference in November 1983. ■ Also, if you’re feeling more proactive, then
After that from each year the organization perhaps consider submitting a site that you
work to help ensure that some of the world’s feel is worthy of being protected for its
most beautiful sites and important cultural cultural importance to ICOMOS.
monuments remain preserved for future ■ Then, organising discussions in cultural-
generations. vulnerability and the efforts required to protect centres, city halls, and other public spaces
Since its inception it has grown to include and conserve it; the day each year has a theme, and, awarding prizes to organisations or

ncient monuments and buildings in establishment was approved by the 22nd HISTORY OF WORLD HERITAGE DAY almost 10,000 members in over 150 countries but however many simply choose to use the persons who have made an outstanding
the countries, make them stand tall UNESCO General Conference in 1983. However, the first and possibly most all over the world. Of these 10,000 members day to raise awareness. contribution to the conservation and
on world map. They are an asset to World Heritage is the shared wealth of confusing part of World Heritage Day is over 400 are members from institutions, The 2018 theme for the ICOMOS promotion of cultural heritage or
value for! and that’s why, World Heritage humankind and protecting and preserving that actually World Heritage isn’t its formal national committees, and international International Day for Monuments and Sites is produced an excellent publication on the
Day is a collective effort of the these amazing places demands the collective name. What is popularly known as World scientific committees, all working together to Heritage for Generations led by the ICOMOS subject.
communities in the world to do the needful efforts of all of us. Heritage Day is the ‘International Day for save important sites and identify new ones that Emerging Professionals Working Group. ■ Don’t let an important site disappear from
for these invaluable assets. Therefore, every year on the 18th of Monument and Sites’ which was established need to be added to the watch list. Sharing stories and the transfer of the world, do your part on World Heritage
The World Heritage Day takes an April,World Heritage Day offers an in 1982 by the International Council for knowledge between generations is a crucial Day to raise awareness and preserve it for
opportunity to hoist awareness about the opportunity to raise people’s awareness Monuments and Sites, or ICOMOS. THIS YEAR’S THEME step in cultural development, characterising the future generations.
assortment of cultural legacy and the efforts about the diversity of cultural and natural This organization was established on the As the day, encourage local communities human experience since time immemorial.
that are required to protect and conserve them heritage we have across the world, and the principles set forth in the Venice Charter, and individuals throughout the world to REFERENCES
and to think about their susceptibility also. efforts that are required to look after it. known as the 1964 International Charter on consider the importance of cultural heritage to WORLD HERITAGE IN INDIA https://www.daysoftheyear.com
Every year on 18 April, UNESCO Put simply, it is an opportunity to shout the Conservation and Restoration of their lives, identities and communities, and to India is one country that has been ruled by http://www.festivalsofindia.in
celebrates the World Heritage Day, whose about how fantastic our World Heritage is. Monuments and Sites. promote awareness of its diversity and leaders from different religious and cultural http://whc.unesco.org

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Safe Water Network And Honeywell India Network, said, “We have a vision that a NITI Aayog Partners with Piramal
fundamental necessity such as safe water
Launch 100th iJal Safe Water Station must be available for all. Through strategic Foundation to ‘Transform
partnerships, technology and innovation,
Aspirational Districts’ Across India
afe Water Network (SWN) and on-ground community engagement, and
Honeywell India today launched their analyses, we have been successful in
100th iJal safe water station, deploying a strong market-based social
providing safe water access to ~330,000 enterprise model that provides sustainable
people in Telangana districts affected by access to safe water especially to the
severe groundwater contamination, bottom of the pyramid and is generating
including from fluorides. These locally-
owned and locally-operated safe water
livelihoods, as many as four livelihoods per
safe water station, enabling each person in Microsoft India And NASSCOM Foundation
stations deploy state-of-the-art six-level
filtration technology, including reverse
the value chain to become an entrepreneur,
operator, distributor, and/or technician.
Partner With UNDP & Govt. Of Delhi To
osmosis and ultraviolet filtration to purify “Together with Honeywell, we are
Launch Youth spark Code <A> Career
water. Unique technology interventions converting traditional mindset and
P rime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision for a

such as solar-powered water treatment uninterrupted and sustainable supply of centuries-old behavior of treating water as holistic approach to balanced development across urthering its commitment to Chauvet, Chief, Skill and Business
plants, Internet of Things-based remote clean and affordable drinking water. a freely available resource,” added, the country, through effective implementation of empower and enable girls Development - UNDP. Yvonne
monitoring system, and water ATMs ensure Kurt Soderlund, CEO, Safe Water Soderlund. government schemes in the Aspirational Districts, is through technology and build Thomas, Global Director, Microsoft
expected to lead to an overall improvement in the greater diversity and gender equality in Philanthropies, Shrikant Sinha, CEO
Human Development Index. For this, it is imperative the IT-BPM sector, Microsoft India has NASSCOM Foundation,
AB InBev collaborates with farmers that all section of society come together and launched Youth Spark Code <A> The “CODE <A>CAREER”
development in these districts turns into a mass Career program in two Industrial program is aimed at enhancing the
to improve barley productivity movement. Training Institutes (ITIs) in Delhi. This employability of girls and young women
through ‘Barley Growers Day’ Towards this, Niti Aayog and Piramal Foundation program will be conducted in studying under the Computer Operator
today entered into a Statement of Intent (SoI) to work partnership with NASSCOM and Programming Assistant (COPA)
closely with the District Collectors and Key officers to Foundation, United Nations course in the Delhi Government run
support the “Transformation of Aspirational Districts”. Development Program (UNDP) and the Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs).It
Earlier this year, NITI Aayog ranked 115 Government of Delhi’s Directorate of will also leverage the existing strengths of
Aspirational Districts selected by the Government on 6 Training and Technical Education the government ITI system to better
socio-economic parameters, pertaining to Health & (DTTE). The program was announced deliver training and course
Nutrition, Education, Financial Inclusion and Skill at the Jija Bai Institute for Women at Siri implementation, focus on building
Development, Agriculture and Water Resources and Fort, New Delhi - one of the benefitting capacities of their teaching faculty,
Basic infrastructure. NITI Aayog has highlighted ITIs - in the presence of the leadership enhance and establish industry connects
Prerna Award, 2018 Honours Path Breaking multiple challenges across indicators that need to be from across all four organizations, for the ITIs as an integral component to

A nheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) - the leading global brewer

reinforced its commitment towards India and it’s farmers by Women Entrepreneurs In India disentangled, in order to transform these aspirational
districts across states in India.
including Sh. Manoj Kumar, IAS,
Director DTTE Delhi and Clement
reinforce learning and all-round
development of students.
successfully organizing the third edition of ‘Budweiser Barley
Growers Day’ in Farukh Nagar, Haryana on March 24. AB In Bev
collaborated with farmers to improve barley productivity in the
S trengthening its commitment towards gender parity not only within
the organisation but also in the society at large, Schneider Electric,
the leader in digital transformation of energy management and ONGC Launches UN World Water Development Report 2018 & Industry
country and introduced new varieties of seed to help farmers grow
commercial variety of Barley that is suitable to the soil and climatic
automation, today honoured women entrepreneurs with Prerna Awards.
The awards were presented during Schneider Electric’s Innovation
Water Index On Occasion Of World Water Day
conditions of India. The second edition of this program was held
last year as well in Farukh Nagar that saw participation from more
than 700 farmers across the state.
Summit held in New Delhi on March 19 and 20. The three recipients of
the honour were Ching, founder of Shakti Foundation Trust which
ensures education of children of women from low income groups and
O NGC observed World Water Day in
association with UNESCO & UN
Global Compact Network India on 22nd
was released by Mr. Shigeru Aoyagi-
Director and UNESCO
Representative to India, Bhutan,
The highlight of this event was the display of high yielding prevents child abuse and delinquency; Laxmi Menon for her innovative March, 2018. Maldives and Sri Lanka.
varieties of Barley and training of farmers by global R&D experts. idea of making pens with waste paper embedded with ayurvedic seed In order to create mass awareness on While addressing the audience,
The initiative also extended AB In Bev’s global program ‘Smart which could become a plant once thrown away and creating a team of water conservation & protection of water, Mr. Aoyagi underscored the need for
Barley’ to the farmers, which is aimed at transforming agriculture elderly, specially abled women to support her work; Pabiben Rabari who two major studies- the UN World Water creating awareness on water
by leveraging data, technology and insights to help growers solve started one of India’s first women artisan enterprises of the country- Development Report 2018 and Industrial conservation. He also outlined the
challenges and improve their productivity, livelihoods and Pabiben.com which employs women artisans from the villages to help Water Index have been released. The UN salient points of the UN World
environmental performance. them earn a livelihood. World Water Development Report 2018 Water Development Report 2018.

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counterpart - As a follow up to the Joint Data released by UAE Federal followed by 20 percent white-collar non-
Statement issued at the conclusion of PM’s Competitiveness and Statistics Authority professionals (clerical staff, shop assistants,
visit to UAE in August 2015, regular indicates that end 2015, total FDI from India sales men, accountants etc.) and the remainder
consultations between our National Security to UAE amounted to AED 23 billion (US$ 6.5 65% comprises blue-collar workers. There is a
Council Secretariat and their UAE counterpart billion approx) (third largest source of FDI significant business community from India.
have been institutionalized. There have been into UAE after UK and US). In addition, the The Indian community has played a major role
regular exchanges of visits to further NRIs in UAE have significant portfolio in the economic development of the UAE.
cooperation in identified security related areas investment and have investments in real estate The annual remittances made by the large

INDIA-UAE: RELATIONSHIP of common interest.

India-UAE trade which was valued at US$
sector. Data released by Dubai Land
Development Department indicated that
Indians were the largest foreign investor in
Dubai real estate with investment of AED
Indian community in UAE amount to over
US$ 12.57 billion (World Bank 2016).
With a large number of blue-collared
Indian workers, focus of bilateral relations is

OF TRUST & FRIENDSHIP 180 million per annum in the 1970s, is today
around US$ 52 billion (2016-17) making India
the largest trading partner of UAE while UAE
is India’s third largest trading partner (after
20.4 billion in 2016-17 (US$ 5.5 billion approx,
13% of total). Taking all these into
consideration, a ballpark figure of US$ 55
billion is estimated for total Indian investments
also on developing efficient grievance-redressal
mechanisms for the Indian workers in the
UAE. India and UAE signed a MoU in the
field of Manpower Sourcing in December

ndia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) chaired the Meeting of the Joint Commission 2004, with the availability of other specific China and US). Moreover, UAE is the second in the UAE. 2006 and a Protocol to streamline the
established diplomatic relations in 1972; with Mrs.Sushma Swaraj, External Affairs platforms, there has not been any meetings largest export destination of India of over US$ There are more than 1000 direct flights per admission of Indian contract workers by way
the UAE Embassy in India was opened in Minister of India. subsequently. FUCCI of UAE hosted the 30 billion for the year 2016-17. week between various destinations of India of an electronic contract registration and
1972 while Indian Embassy in UAE was Joint Defence Coordination Committee - India Arab Economic Conclave in Abu Dhabi India’s exports to the UAE are well and the UAE. On April 23, 2013 Jet and Etihad validation system was signed on April 4, 2012.
opened in 1973. With signing of a Memorandum of in May 2012. diversified with a large basket. India’s major Airways signed an US$ 8 billion agreement. The Embassy of India organized a States’
Understanding on Defence Cooperation in Joint Committee on Manpower issues - export items to the UAE are: Petroleum Etihad airlines agreed to invest US$379 million Conference on 13 September 2014 in Abu
POLITICAL RELATIONS 2003, a Joint Defence Cooperation Committee Second Joint Committee Meeting between the Products, Precious Metals, Stones, Gems & in Jet Airways for a 24% stake in the Dhabi to bring representatives of various State
India-UAE bilateral relations have received (JDCC) was established. JDCC provides a two sides was held in New Delhi in September Jewellery, Minerals, Food Items (Cereals, Sugar, shareholding. Governments from India in direct interaction
impetus from time-to-time with exchange of platform for a regular exchange of dialogue in 2011 (1st meeting was held in Dubai in May, Fruits & Vegetables, Tea, Meat, and Seafood), The first Startup India Summit in Middle with the representatives of Indian community
high-level visits from both sides. The visit of defence sector. The latest round of JDCC was 2007). In the 2nd Strategic Diologue, India Textiles (Garments, Apparel, Synthetic fiber, East was held at Dubai and Abu Dhabi in UAE. The Embassy has brought out
Prime Minister of India to UAE on 16-17 held in New Delhi on 07-08 December 2017. urged the UAE side to hold of an early Cotton, Yarn) and Engineering & Machinery during 23-24 May 2017. The summit “Guidelines for Indian” for benefits of Indian
August 2015 marked the beginning of a new India-UAE High-level Task Force (HLTF) meeting of India-UAE Joint Committee on Products and Chemicals. India’s major import highlighted several Indian Startups in the Community in UAE. A comprehensive online
Comprehensive and Strategic partnership. on Investment - A High Level Task Force on Man Power issues. items from the UAE are: Petroleum and field of Software-as-a-Service, Education web-based ‘NRI registration system’ has been
Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Investment was established in May 2012. The Joint Working Group on Skill Petroleum Products, Precious Metals, Stones, Technology, Financial Technology, developed for Indians resident in UAE. An
Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy fifth HLTFI meeting was held in Abu Dhabi Development - Under the provisions of the Gems & Jewellery, Minerals, Chemicals, Wood Healthcare Technology, Video Analytics, online web based portal called E-migrate
Supreme Commander of UAE Armed Forces, on 14 January 2018. Sheikh Hamed bin Zayed MoU for Cooperation in Skill Development & Wood Products. Space Technology, Logistics etc. World Skills system has been put in place for recruitment of
visited India from February 10-12, 2016. Al Nahyan, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi and Recognition of Qualifications signed with There is an estimated US$ 8 billion UAE Competition was held in Abu Dhabi during Indian workers including Indian nurses from 1
Sheikh Mohamed again visited India in January Crown Prince’s Court, and Suresh Prabhu, UAE in February 2016, a JWG was formed to investments in India of which around US$ 15-18 October 2017. Competitors from June 2015.
2017 as the Chief Guest of India’s Republic India’s Minister of State for Commerce and establish and implement framework of 4.70 billion (Mar. 2017) is in the form of eleven states of India participated in 26 The Embassy has Indian Community
Day Celebrations. Industry, co-chaired the fifth meeting of the activities. The JWG held its first meeting in Foreign Direct Investment, while the different trade skills. Indian delegation also Welfare Fund (ICWF) for providing short-
Last few years have seen regular High India-UAE High Level Joint Task Force on New Delhi on 29 April 2016, which was co- remaining is portfolio investment. UAE is the included representatives from National Skill term economic assistance (food, shelter,
Level visits from both sides. Investments. chaired by Secretary, MSDE and DG of tenth biggest investor in India in terms of Development Corporation (NSDC), Ministry passage expenses etc.) to destitute
Joint Security Committee (JSC) - The JSC National Qualifications Authority, UAE. FDI. UAE’s investments in India are of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship workers/housemaids in distress. Indian
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISM addresses issues being dealt with under various India-UAE Strategic Dialogue between concentrated mainly in five sectors: Services (MSDE), FICCI, CII and Indian Corporates Workers Resource Centre (IWRC) with a 24-
India and UAE have following institutional security related agreements signed between the two foreign Offices - In pursuant to the Joint (10.33%), Construction Development (9.97%), like TATA, Mahindra, Maruti etc. A hour helpline is operating in Dubai since
mechanisms in place for addressing sector- two countries. The JSC will also be mandated Statement issued during the visit of Crown Power (9.54%), Air Transport (8.44%) and conference was also organized by CII in November 2010. A new IWRC has started
specific issues. to look into expeditious processing of these Prince of Abu Dhabi to India in February Hotel & Tourism (7.82%). Prominent UAE partnership with Indian Business and operating in Sharjahw.e.f. 15 August 2017.
Joint Commission Meeting (JCM) - JCM pending cases. The first meeting of the India- 2016, this dialogue at the level of MoS has companies such as DP World, EMAAR, Professional Group (IBPG) on skill Regular visits to jails and labor camps by the
deals with issues related to trade and UAE JSC was held on March 18, 2013 in Abu been institutionalized. First meeting of the RAKIA etc. have invested significantly in development. officers of the Embassy and Consulate and
commerce. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al- Dhabi. Second meeting of the India-UAE JSC Strategic Dialogue was co-chaired by MoS various sectors of the Indian economy. Several Open house held every working day of the
Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of United was held in New Delhi on 11 December 2014. (MJA) with his UAE counterpart Dr. Anwar prominent private and public sector Indian INDIAN COMMUNITY week at the Embassy and Consulate for the
Arab Emirates led a delegation to India for the Joint Business Council - A Joint Business Gargash in New Delhi on 20 January 2017. companies and banks are also operating in the UAE is home to Indian expatriate Indian Community members, are other
11th session of the India-UAE Joint Council consisting of Federation of UAE The 2nd Strategic Dialogue was held in Abu UAE. Major Indian companies such as L&T, community of more than 3.3 million - the mechanisms to ensure regular communication
Commission Meeting for Technical and Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FUCCI) Dhabi on 29 October 2017. ESSAR, Dodsal, Punj Lloyd, Engineers India largest expatriate community in the UAE. between the Embassy & and Consulate with
Economical Cooperation, held on 02-03 and FICCI is in place. However, after the first Consultations between our National Ltd., TCIL etc. have been able to obtain Professionally qualified personnel constitute the Indian community.
September, 2015, in New Delhi. He also co- meeting of the JBC in Abu Dhabi on 8 March Security Council Secretariat and their UAE significant number of contracts in UAE. about 15 & 20 percent of the community, (Courtesy - Embassy of India In UAE)

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27th April 2018

n the Bombay edition of Times of India dated 28 June 1975 was reporting the Nirav Modi scam, mostly going
published a small obituary insertion, 22-words to be precise, in the by the Press releases issued by the Central
classified columns. It said, “O’Cracy, D.E.M., beloved husband of T. Bureau of Investigation; several of the
Ruth, loving father of L.I. Bertie, brother of Faith, Hope and Justicia, expired television channels have taken it upon
on June 26.” themselves to clear the name of the Prime
This was two days after Emergency had been imposed in the country Minister from the bank rip-off. There is no
and press censorship introduced. The government clerk sitting in the Times suggestion from this writer either that the PM
of India office and clearing the news reports and paid insertions saw is directly or indirectly connected with it.
nothing anti-government in the obituary insertion, when it was placed on What’s disturbing, however, is the way
the evening of 27 June 1975. some of these anchors have vociferously
The next day, the advertiser, a young reporter with Reader’s Digest, hawked the line given by the ruling party, blaming
called up a Times journalist to tell him about the obituary and explain how it on the Congress, the auditors, the bank officials etc to keep the Prime
it “looked like a protest against press censorship.” Suddenly the Press Minister clean of any muck. Their cantankerous narration, one can be rest
fraternity of Bombay realized that everybody among them was not as assured is no lullaby for the people.
pusillanimous as their editors were. As another of the editors tweeted, “Modi’s spin doctors have started
The intrepid reporter, who had made the paid insertion, was Ashok sounding exactly like Manmohan’s spin doctors: So what there is
Mahadevan, who later went onto become India editor of Reader’s Digest. corruption. The man himself is not corrupt.” This is important in face of
At that point of time, the social media did not exist, nor did exist the 24x7 what Nik Gowing had to say, “Capacity for independent reporting has
television news channels. Thus the intensity of those 22 words was increased with cheap cameras; and phones are challenging the credibility SUPPORTED BY
realized much later. Today in the media schools it’s referred to as of governments, traditional media.” Gowing is one of the most celebrated
benchmark of a journalist’s protest against the move to control a liberal, news anchors at BBC television.
free and autonomous media. How does one define the current media scenario? Given the costs,
Four decades later, we live in the times which are very different from especially in the times of economic downturn, the print and the television
the Emergency era. There are no clerks sitting on news desks clearing the are increasingly finding it difficult to annoy their biggest advertisers -- the
news copies. There is no de jure censorship under implementation. Nor governments both in the state capitals and at the centre. On the other hand,
there is a need to make a paid insertion; these are times of social media. A given that no cost is involved, social media is full of stuff which goes HIGHLIGHTS INDIAN ACHIEVERS’ FORUM
twiddle of the fingers and the vitriol in its most acerbic form gets poured. beyond Gowing’s definition.
● Launch of “Achievers’ World” Special Edition. ● Indian Achievers’ Forum is a 20 year old international network-
There may not be media censorship but certainly there exists a In fact it’s closer to what the former US president Barack Obama had
● Presentation of International Achievers’ Awards. ing platform enhancing business opportunities uniting the glob-
phenomenon called media monitoring. Not that this is something new, to say. “One of the dangers of the internet is that people can have entirely ● Participation in hundreds from Middle East and al indian achievers in the same plenary.
media was monitored in past too but it was not in the blatant form the way different realities,” Barack Obama told Prince Harry, who interviewed him Asian Countries. ● The Forum draws attention to the theme“how the successful
it’s being done now. And when I raise my hand to point fingers, it’s not at while guest editing a programme on BBC’s Radio 4. However, in the Indian ● Participants from Industries, Trade, Health, achievers can help the social & economic infrastructural devel-
Narendra Modi government alone; it’s at the present generation of political context, these realities vary from one extreme to another more on the other Education, Infrastructural Sectors and many more. opment in and around the country.”
leaders cutting across ideologies, who have increasingly become intolerant media platforms than the internet. ● Inclusion of renowned speakers of international ● The summit is directed towards the objective of discussing areas
of criticism. Journalism always was a high risk job coming with very low repute, senior and corporate leaders, diplomats, of common interest among the business communities to
There is another phenomenon, which is more disturbing, media remuneration, as several victims of news monitoring would share. CEOs, technocrats, professionals and corporate enhance the cooperation between the corporate sectors and
persons taking the responsibility to act as midwife and groom a politician’s Journalists got their elixir from the power of the pen, scripting a well- gurus, and motivational speakers. individuals.
● Business representatives and collaborators. ● B2B meetings would also be organized during the summit in
career. Thereafter acting as agents for swelling the politician’s following in researched report; which is now sadly getting drowned in the din being
● Instrumental in bringing businesses and industries Dubai. The meeting will provide a platform to Indian compa-
the Press fraternity. Worse this gets reflected in the news they write, if at all created by the microphone.
together for growth and development nies, institutions and individuals to discuss possibilities of busi-
their stories can qualify as plain news and not opinion. In the competition for market share, with a majority of editors
● International media coverage. ness engagement with UAE.
This spectacle gets reflected in its worst form on the television functioning not only as hawkers but also promoting themselves as idols for
channels. If one were to look for a case study, s/he doesn’t need to go young journalists, one wonders if we could still produce media persons
very far back in history. The recent coverage of Nirav Modi’s escape with with sufficient wit and intelligence and the courage to even make use of
bagful of public money is the apt example. A senior editor of a national
daily recently tweeted, “If you are a TV News watcher, Modi is still the
subterfuge to beat the state and print or air an honest opinion.
A committed bureaucracy did not take the government very far during
Plot No.1, 311-313, Vardhman Sunrise Plaza, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi - 110096, India
king. BUT... if U follow social media, Whats App, Twitter et al, simmering Emergency. A committed media too is only capable of putting their patrons Telefax: +91-11-43085920, E-mail: mail@iafindia.com, iafsummit@gmail.com,
discontent is palpable on Malya, Cows, Loya, Lynching The only way on the dirt track, for media works best when it functions without fear or Website: www.iafindia.com
BJP can save itself from a rout in 2019 is: haulback Nirav Modi, favour.
@TheVijay Mallya or Dawood.” (The writer is president, Centre for Reforms, MEDIA PARTNER
While most of the newspapers have been very workmanlike in Development & Justice and Editorial Mentor, CSR TIMES)

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