MATH 251-02 Fall 22, Sept 6th Calculus Quadratic Surfaces

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MATH 251 Section 02

Section Syllabus
Multivariate and Vector Calculus, Fall 2022

Instructor: Dr Kiah Wah Ong TA/Grader name: Stanley Nicholson

Email: Email:
Office: RE 206 TA Office hour: TBA
Kiah’s office hour: TBD ARC SI: Mario Carvalho,

Welcome to MATH 251 where we will study Calculus in multiple variables. But, before getting into the
content of this course, let us focus on a few housekeeping practical matters that you need to know.

This class will be in-person. The class will have NO recording; however, lecture notes are

Lecture Location 1:50 pm - 3:05 pm MWF Perlstein Hall 108

1. Textbook

Calculus, 9th ed

By James Stewart
With WebAssign Access.

2. WebAssign:

Here is how to get started:

(a) Go to WebAssign:

(b) Click on "I Have a Class Key"

(c) Enter the class key: iit 0842 3042

(d) Follow the instructions and set up your username and password. Please use your IIT-email
username as your WebAssign username.
For example, if my IIT email is, then the WebAssign user name should be kong2.

Once you have set up an account you can log in from WebAssign's front page. If you have not
purchased a WebAssign access code you can still enroll now, but after a short grace period (2
weeks) you will need to purchase an access code to continue using it.

3. Addition comments about WebAssign:

You can print a copy of the assignment (or write out the questions), logout of WebAssign,
and work out the solutions on the printout page. When you are finished on paper then enter
the solutions into WebAssign. You have 5 answer submissions for most problems. If you
get a problem wrong then come back to it and try to obtain the correct result on paper. If
your second try is wrong then its time to think and maybe read the related material in the
text. Avoid guessing, it will not help you on exams.

Please keep all the handwritten homework in a folder for future reference. Remember you
will need to show all work all the exams so please work out the homework problems in a
careful manner. I may ask to see your homework collection during the semester.

4. Assessments and Grades

Assessments: Grading:

Homework 19% A 90-100 Excellent

Quizzes 10% B 74-89 Above Average
Test 1,2, 3 36% C 60-73 Average
Final Exam 35% D 50-59 Below Average
E 0-49 Fail

5. Recitation

There will be a recitation each week, starting on week 1. During recitation, your TA will go over
homework problems or concepts that you need further clarification. The best way to make use of the
recitation is to prepare questions that you need help with. At the end of the recitation, a quiz will be
given. Attendance of these sessions is important for the obvious reason.

The location of the recitation is at

Recitation 11:25 am - 12:40 pm Friday John T. Rettaliata Engg Center 10

6. Math Department Virtual and In Person Math Tutoring Center

(i) This is a place where you can get help from the TAs from the math department.
(ii) They are the PhD students in Mathematics. Check out their schedule and you can connect
with them during the day. Our class TA will also hold his/her office hour there. More
information on our class TA when I have them.

You can also go to ARC for help.

7. Calculator

No calculator will be allowed during quizzes and exams.

8. Disability assistance:

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities. In order to
receive accommodations, students must obtain a letter of accommodation from the Center for
Disability Resources and make an appointment to speak with me as soon as possible.

9. Academic Integrity:
Department of Applied Mathematics takes academic integrity very seriously. The usual penalty for a
student caught cheating includes an E in the course. Further penalties may include probation,
suspension, or expulsion from the university.

10. Course outline based on Stewart’s Calculus 9th Ed.


o 12.1. Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems

▪ 3D Space

▪ Surfaces and Solids

▪ Distance and Spheres

o 12.2. Vectors

▪ Geometric Description of Vectors

▪ Components of a Vector

▪ Applications

o 12.3. The Dot Product

▪ The Dot Product of Two Vectors

▪ Direction Angles and Direction Cosines

▪ Projections

▪ Application: Work

o 12.4. The Cross Product

▪ The Cross Product of Two Vectors

▪ Properties of the Cross Product

▪ Triple Products

▪ Application: Torque

o 12.5. Equations of Lines and Planes

▪ Lines

▪ Planes

▪ Distances

o 12.6. Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces

▪ Cylinders

▪ Quadric Surfaces

▪ Applications of Quadric Surfaces (Optional)


o 13.1. Vector Functions and Space Curves

▪ Vector-Valued Functions

▪ Limits and Continuity

▪ Space Curves

▪ Using Technology to Draw Space Curves (Optional)

o 13.2. Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions

▪ Derivatives

▪ Differentiation Rules

▪ Integrals

o 13.3. Arc Length and Curvature

▪ Arc Length

▪ The Arc Length Function

▪ Curvature

▪ The Normal and Binormal Vectors

▪ Torsion

o 13.4. Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration

▪ Velocity, Speed, and Acceleration

▪ Projectile Motion (Optional)

▪ Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration (Optional)

▪ Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion (Optional)

▪ Applied Project. Kepler’s Laws (Optional)


o 14.1. Functions of Several Variables

▪ Functions of Two Variables

▪ Graphs

▪ Level Curves and Contour Maps

▪ Functions of Three or More Variables

o 14.2. Limits and Continuity

▪ Limits of Functions of Two Variables

▪ Showing That a Limit Does Not Exist

▪ Properties of Limits

▪ Continuity

▪ Functions of Three or More Variables

o 14.3. Partial Derivatives

▪ Partial Derivatives of Functions of Two Variables

▪ Interpretations of Partial Derivatives

▪ Functions of Three or More Variables

▪ Higher Derivatives

▪ Partial Differential Equations

o 14.4. Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations

▪ Tangent Planes

▪ Linear Approximations

▪ Differentials

▪ Functions of Three or More Variables

o 14.5. The Chain Rule

▪ The Chain Rule: Case 1

▪ The Chain Rule: Case 2

▪ The Chain Rule: General Version

▪ Implicit Differentiation

o 14.6. Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector

▪ Directional Derivatives

▪ The Gradient Vector

▪ Functions of Three Variables

▪ Maximizing the Directional Derivative

▪ Tangent Planes to Level Surfaces

▪ Significance of the Gradient Vector

o 14.7. Maximum and Minimum Values

▪ Local Maximum and Minimum Values

▪ Absolute Maximum and Minimum Values

▪ Proof of the Second Derivatives Test (Optional)

o 14.8. Lagrange Multipliers

▪ Lagrange Multipliers: One Constraint

▪ Lagrange Multipliers: Two Constraints


o 15.1. Double Integrals over Rectangles

▪ Review of the Definite Integral

▪ Volumes and Double Integrals

▪ The Midpoint Rule (Optional)

▪ Iterated Integrals

▪ Average Value

o 15.2. Double Integrals over General Regions

▪ General Regions

▪ Changing the Order of Integration

▪ Properties of Double Integrals

o 15.3. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates

▪ Review of Polar Coordinates

▪ Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates

o 15.4. Applications of Double Integrals

▪ Density and Mass

▪ Moments and Centers of Mass

▪ Moment of Inertia

▪ Probability (Optional)

▪ Expected Values (Optional)

o 15.5. Surface Area

o 15.6. Triple Integrals

▪ Triple Integrals over Rectangular Boxes

▪ Triple Integrals over General Regions

▪ Changing the Order of Integration

▪ Applications of Triple Integrals

o 15.7. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates

▪ Cylindrical Coordinates

▪ Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates

o 15.8. Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates

▪ Spherical Coordinates

▪ Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates

o 15.9. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals

▪ Change of Variables in Double Integrals

▪ Change of Variables in Triple Integrals


o 16.1. Vector Fields

▪ Vector Fields in ℝ2 and ℝ3

▪ Gradient Fields

o 16.2. Line Integrals

▪ Line Integrals in the Plane

▪ Line Integrals with Respect to x or y

▪ Line Integrals in Space

▪ Line Integrals of Vector Fields; Work

o 16.3. The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals

▪ The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals

▪ Independence of Path

▪ Conservative Vector Fields and Potential Functions

▪ Conservation of Energy

o 16.4. Green’s Theorem

▪ Green’s Theorem

▪ Finding Areas with Green's Theorem

▪ Extended Versions of Green’s Theorem

o 16.5. Curl and Divergence

▪ Curl

▪ Divergence

▪ Vector Forms of Green’s Theorem

o 16.6. Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas

▪ Parametric Surfaces

▪ Surfaces of Revolution

▪ Tangent Planes

▪ Surface Area

▪ Surface Area of the Graph of a Function

o 16.7. Surface Integrals

▪ Parametric Surfaces

▪ Graphs of Functions

▪ Oriented Surfaces

▪ Surface Integrals of Vector Fields; Flux

o 16.8. Stokes’ Theorem

o 16.9. The Divergence Theorem

Class Schedule

Week 1 8/22-8/26 12.1, 12.2; 12.2, 12.3; 12.3, 12.4

Week 2 8/29-9/2 12.4, 12.5; 12.5; 12.6

Week 3 9/5-9/9 Sept 5th Labor Day; 13.1, 13.2; 13.3

Week 4 9/12-09/16 13.3, 13.4; 14.1; 14.2;

Week 5 9/19-9/23 14.3; 14.4; 14.5 Test 1

Week 6 9/26-9/30 14.6; 14.7; 14.8

Week 7 10/3-10/7 15.1, 15.2; 15.3;

Week 8 10/10-10/14 Oct 10th Fall Break; 15.4; 15.5, 15.6; Test 2

Week 9 10/17-10/21 15.6; 15.7; 15.8

Week 10 10/24-10/28 15.9; 16.1, 16.2; 16.2

Week 11 10/31-11/4 16.3; 16.4

Week 12 11/7-11/11 16.5; 16.6; 16.7; Test 3

Week 13 11/14-11/18 16.7, 16.8; 16.8

Week 14 11/21-11/25 16.9 Thanksgiving Break Nov 23-27

Week 15 11/28-12/2 16.9; Review, Review

Final Exam 12/5-12/9


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