Yewdall v. Merakey
Yewdall v. Merakey
Yewdall v. Merakey
CHRISTINE CIVATTE, in her own right, :
1271 Almshouse Road : CIVIL ACTION
Ivyland, Pennsylvania 18974 :
: JUNE TERM, 2022
Plaintiff : NO. 00107
v. :
MERAKEY WOODHAVEN a/k/a and/or :
f/k/a NHS WOODHAVEN a/k/a and/or f/k/a :
2900 Southampton Road :
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19154 :
MERAKEY USA a/k/a and/or f/k/a :
and/or f/k/a THE NORTHWESTERN :
CORPORATION a/k/a and/or f/k/a :
INC. :
620 E. Germantown Pike :
Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania 19444 :
YOU HAVE BEEN SUED IN COURT. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the
following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after this Complaint and Notice are served,
by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the Court your
defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case
may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice
for any money claimed in the Complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You
may lose money or property or other rights important to you.
CHRISTINE CIVATTE, in her own right, :
1271 Almshouse Road : CIVIL ACTION
Ivyland, Pennsylvania 18974 :
: JUNE TERM, 2022
Plaintiff : NO. 00107
v. :
MERAKEY WOODHAVEN a/k/a and/or :
f/k/a NHS WOODHAVEN a/k/a and/or f/k/a :
2900 Southampton Road :
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19154 :
MERAKEY USA a/k/a and/or f/k/a :
and/or f/k/a THE NORTHWESTERN :
CORPORATION a/k/a and/or f/k/a :
INC. :
620 E. Germantown Pike :
Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania 19444 :
and in her own right, brings this action against the above-named Defendants, and in support thereof
avers as follows:
deceased, having been so appointed by the Register of Wills of Philadelphia County on May 4,
corporation and/or other jural entity, having its principal place of business in Pennsylvania, with
asserting multiple claims against Merakey Woodhaven, including but not limited to a claim for
6. Defendant, Merakey USA a/k/a and/or f/k/a NHS Human Services, Inc. a/k/a
and/or The Northwestern Corporation a/k/a and/or f/k/a Northwestern Human Services, Inc.
(hereinafter “Merakey USA”) is a corporation and/or other jural entity organized and existing
under and by virtue of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having its principal place
of business in Pennsylvania. At all times relevant hereto, Merakey USA, among other things,
provided resources, supervision, care, funding, staffing, and services to all the Defendants and to
7. At all times relevant to this cause of action, Merakey USA engaged in substantial,
Foundation a/k/a and/or f/k/a Northwestern Human Services Foundation (hereinafter “Merakey
Foundation”), is a Pennsylvania corporation and/or other jural entity organized and existing
under and by virtue of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with its principal place
of business in Pennsylvania. At all times relevant hereto, Defendant Merakey Foundation, among
other things, provided funding, financing, tools, resources, services, and staffing to the
Defendants, raised and solicited financial contributions and donations from private donors within
9. At all times relevant to this cause of action, Merakey USA engaged in substantial,
10. At all times relevant hereto, the authorized agents, ostensible agents, principals,
servants, aides, workmen, healthcare providers, physicians, physicians’ assistants, nurses, nurse
practitioners, nurse aides, nursing assistants, licensed practical nurses, medical students,
and/or other employees of the Defendants, including but limited to Elise Clark, Arthur David
Blackshaw, R.N., Mary Thomas, Jamila Kelley, Jennifer Winters, Jean Bogardus, Christi Amato,
Sandra Bailey, Susan John, LaToya Bantum-Payton, Petrick Sanders, J. Grosscup, Nicole Miller-
Allen, Debbie St. Peter, Toshay Wright, Nana Adai-Kwateng, and all other persons involved in
the care, supervision, and provision of services to Cheryl Yewdall, who are known to
Defendant(s) and unknown to Plaintiff, acted within the course and scope of their respective
agency and/or employment relationship with the Defendants, over whom the Defendants had
12. The amount in controversy exceeds the local rules for amounts in controversy
requiring arbitration.
13. Cheryl Yewdall suffered from severe mental retardation and cerebral palsy her entire
14. Cheryl Yewdall suffered from spastic diplegia due to cerebral palsy, leg length
discrepancy, and a foot deformity all of which severely impacted her ability to walk.
15. At all relevant times, Cheryl Yewdall resided at an intermediate care facility located
16. Defendants were responsible for the supervision, protection, and care of Cheryl
18. Merakey Woodhaven’s records indicate that Cheryl Yewdall had no history of
dysphagia, or swallowing difficulties, and that her gag reflex was “within normal limits.”
19. Due to Cheryl Yewdall’s severe mental retardation and cerebral palsy, Cheryl
Yewdall had extremely limited communication skills and self-care skills, and relied entirely on the
20. When Cheryl Yewdall was walking, staff were directed to use precautions as if she
was blind.
21. Cheryl Yewdall used a rolling walker to walk short distances and a wheelchair to
22. Merakey Woodhaven progress notes from January 9, 2021 indicate that Cheryl
23. Merakey Woodhaven progress notes from January 11, 2021 indicate it was harder
24. Merakey Woodhaven progress notes from January 13, 2021 indicate Cheryl Yewdall
25. Merakey Woodhaven progress notes from January 14, 2021 indicate that Cheryl
26. Merakey Woodhaven progress notes from January 15, 2021 indicate that Cheryl
27. Merakey Woodhaven progress notes from on January 18, 2021 indicate that Cheryl
Yewdall slid to the floor while walking to the nurse and afterwards resisted walking.
28. Merakey Woodhaven progress notes from January 19, 2021 indicate that Cheryl
Yewdall was encouraged to walk using her walker when going to the bathroom.
29. Merakey Woodhaven progress notes from January 20, 2021 indicate that Cheryl
Yewdall refused walking and kept crying and yelling when staff tried to walk with her. After letting
her rest for a while, the notes indicated she cried when she was in the walker to walk.
30. Merakey Woodhaven progress notes from January 21, 2021 indicate that Cheryl
Yewdall’s leg was swollen and bruised. Furthermore, the notes from this date indicate that an
incident report was written concerning this injury. Lastly, the notes from this day indicate that
31. The x-rays showed an age indeterminate left medial tibial plateau fracture.
32. On January 22, 2021, Rothman Orthopedics ordered a knee immobilizer for Cheryl
Yewdall’s left lower extremity at all times except bathing with a follow up scheduled for four
33. Furthermore, the orders directed that her broken left leg was to be extended at all
extended and elevated. The orders further stated that Cheryl Yewdall’s leg immobilizer could be
34. Dr. Edith Hasbrouck’s notes from January 21, 2021 indicate that staff reported to her
that Cheryl Yewdall was refusing to walk for several days but because there was no incident report
the timeline was unclear. Furthermore, Dr. Edith Hasbrouck’s notes indicate that the bruising of
35. Three days after Cheryl Yewdall was diagnosed with an age indeterminate left
medial tibial plateau fracture, Dr. Edith Hasbrouck went to Merakey Woodhaven to check on the
36. At the beginning of Dr. Hasbrouck’s January 25, 2021 examination, Cheryl Yewdall
was seated in a transport wheelchair with no footrests and no leg elevation, she was agitated, and
she appeared to be in pain. Dr. Hasbrouck’s notes further indicate that Cheryl Yewdall was not
wearing the leg immobilizer because the staff reported to Dr. Hasbrouck that they did not know
37. Dr. Hasbrouck’s January 25, 2021 notes also indicated that Cheryl Yewdall had a
superficial abrasion of her right knee and right elbow which was not there from her examination
38. Dr. Hasbrouck’s February 4, 2021 notes indicate that the new leg immobilizer
ordered for Cheryl Yewdall on January 25, 2021 arrived on January 26, 2021 but was still in its
package in the nursing station on February 4, 2021. Dr. Hasbrouck’s examination of Cheryl
Yewdall’s leg showed that the posterior metal stays in the old brace had broken down and, as a
Yewdall she was not wearing her leg immobilizer. Instead, the nurse caring for Cheryl did not
know how to apply her leg immobilizer. Instead of applying the brace properly, the nurse attempted
to put the immobilizer around her lower leg and ankle rather than her knee. After Dr. Hasbrouck
applied the leg immobilizer properly, Cheryl Yewdall appeared more comfortable.
40. In stark contrast to Dr. Hasbrouck’s March 1, 2021 notes, Merakey Woodhaven’s
March 1, 2021 afternoon progress notes for Cheryl Yewdall read as follows:
“3/1/21 – 2 pm. Cheryl had a good day. She played puzzles, blocks, ball toss.
Listening to music. Got all a.m. care. There is no new marks. No concerns.”
41. Due to her severe mental retardation, and compromised medical status, Cheryl
Yewdall was never able to verbalize to Dr. Hasbrouck, any treating professional at Rothman, any
Merakey Woodhaven employee or her family when she broke her leg.
42. Due to her severe mental retardation, and compromised medical status, Cheryl
Yewdall was never able to fully verbalize to Dr. Hasbrouck, Merakey Woodhaven employees or
her family the degree of pain she was in from the time she first showed signs of leg pain on January
9, 2021 until she was diagnosed with a left medial tibial plateau fracture on January 22, 2021.
43. Due to her severe mental retardation, and compromised medical status, Cheryl
Yewdall was never able to fully verbalize to Merakey Woodhaven employees or her family the
degree of pain she was in from Merakey Woodhaven’s failure to place a leg immobilizer on her
broken left leg from January 22, 2021 to January 25, 2021.
44. Due to her severe mental retardation, and compromised medical status, Cheryl
Yewdall was never able to fully verbalize to Merakey Woodhaven employees or her family the
degree of pain she was in from Merakey Woodhaven’s failure to place a leg immobilizer on her
back and had a black eye on the right and facial contusions” wherein a “swollen cheek developed”
requiring treatment with an antibiotic. This incident was not documented by Merakey Woodhaven
46. Cheryl Yewdall wore adult undergarments due to occasional bladder and bowel
47. Cheryl Yewdall was usually continent and would ask to go to the bathroom saying,
“Potty, please.”
48. Cheryl Yewdall could respond to her name, simple context cues, prohibitions, and
vocalizations made by another person. Cheryl Yewdall engaged in immediate echolalia which
occurs immediately after hearing the words and delayed echolalia which occurs at a delayed time
50. In November 2020, Cheryl Yewdall was recorded by her sister Sandy Yewdall on
Sandy Yewdall’s IPhone. Sandy Yewdall asked Cheryl Yewdall to say, “Hi Daddy.” In response,
CHERYL YEWDALL: “Listen to me asshole settle down baby. I’m going to kill
you if you don’t settle down I’m going to kill you asshole.”
SANDY YEWDALL: “Cheryl, say ‘Hi Daddy! I miss you, Daddy!”
CHERYL YEWDALL: “[Whispers] Hi, Daddy.”
CHERYL YEWDALL: [Louder voice] Listen to me asshole, I’ll beat your ass,
51. Similarly, on March 13, 2021, Cheryl Yewdall was recorded by her sister Sandy
Yewdall on Sandy Yewdall’s IPhone. Sandy Yewdall asked Cheryl Yewdall to say, “Hi Gary” in
reference to her brother. After an exchange with Cheryl, Sandy Yewdall recorded the following:
52. According to Merakey Woodhaven notes, Cheryl Yewdall had limited verbal skills
and was able to say a few words and phrases (e.g., stop, no, thank you, potty, I am sorry) and was
known to repeat phrases of an aggressive nature (e.g., “I’ll punch you in the nose.”).
53. Cheryl Yewdall’s behavior support plan required that when Cheryl Yewdall was in
the bathroom Merakey Woodhaven had to be always within five feet of her and that she needed
54. On the morning of January 26, 2022, Cheryl Yewdall was found at Merakey
Woodhaven bottomless, in a pool of urine, unresponsive, and with a cleaning wipe lodged in her
55. Philadelphia Fire Department EMS dispatch was contacted at 6:51 AM, EMS was
dispatched at 6:52 AM, arrived on the scene at 7:04 AM and began assessing Cheryl Yewdall at
7:06 AM.
56. Agonal respirations are indicative of someone who is not getting enough oxygen and
58. Philadelphia Fire Department EMS notes recorded that Cheryl Yewdall’s had dry
60. At 7:08 AM, Philadelphia Fire Department EMS inserted a supraglottic airway into
to the insertion of the supraglottic airway as would be expected if the cleaning wipe was lodged at
the back of her throat because it was already lodged in her trachea.
61. The recordings of the Philadelphia Fire Department EMS emergency equipment
including but not limited to ETCO2 levels throughout the emergency personnel’s treatment of
Cheryl Yewdall indicate that the cleaning wipe was in Cheryl Yewdall’s trachea before
62. Philadelphia Fire Department EMS transported Cheryl Yewdall to Jefferson Health-
Northeast Hospital located at 10800 Knights Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19114 at 7:40 AM.
63. Jefferson Health-Northeast Hospital notes indicate that the treating emergency room
physician, Dr. John McMahon, discovered what was alternately described in the Jefferson Health-
Northeast Hospital records as “six inches of a paper towel”, “a cleaning wipe”, “a cleaning towel”,
64. Jefferson Health-Northeast Hospital notes indicate that Cheryl Yewdall had
65. Jefferson Health-Northeast Hospital notes indicate that Cheryl Yewdall suffered
“the most severe possible diffuse cerebral dysfunction, characteristic of severe diffuse anoxic brain
66. Cheryl Yewdall died at the age of 50 on January 31, 2022 at Jefferson Health-
Northeast Hospital.
67. On March 15, 2022, the Philadelphia Medical Examiner concluded and listed the
cause of death of Cheryl Yewdall’s death as anoxic brain injury caused by an obstruction of an
internal airway by a foreign object described by the Medical Examiner as a “disposable towel.”
69. In response to finding the cleaning wipe in Cheryl Yewdall’s trachea, Dr. John
70. The Philadelphia Police Department initiated a criminal investigation into the events
Merakey Woodhaven on January 27, 2022 to determine what happened to Cheryl Yewdall.
73. Merakey Woodhaven suspended its cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department
of Health’s investigation on February 9, 2022 on advice of their legal counsel due to the pending
74. Merakey Woodhaven notes indicate that while using the bathroom Cheryl Yewdall
Merakey Woodhaven staff had to be within five feet of her as she needed assistance with all of her
75. Merakey Woodhaven notes indicate that when she was not in the bathroom, Cheryl
76. Merakey staff notes reviewed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health that
indicate that Cheryl was toileted between 6:00 AM and 6:30 AM.
77. Merakey Woodhaven notes written by Merakey Woodhaven employee Elise Clark
On 1/26/22 around 6:40 AM something staff(sp) came in the nurse office told me
there is an Emergency on the girl side for Cheryl Yewdall. I run there and found
her on the floor unresponsive I went to the office to get the oxygen, when I get
back, I started CPR on her chest compression and 8 litter of oxygen. Stay with her
till first responders came and took over.
79. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Health report, the third shift
supervisor stated that at approximately 6:00 AM Elise Clark changed Cheryl Yewdall and
proceeded to take two other women to the bathroom for their morning routines.
80. Importantly, despite being changed at 6:00 AM, Cheryl Yewdall was found
bottomless, face down, in a pool of urine and with a cleaning wipe in her trachea.
81. Consequently, there were three times Merakey Woodhaven said they last saw Cheryl
Yewdall before finding her bottomless, face down, in a pool of urine and with a cleaning wipe in
her trachea “around 6:40 AM something”: 6:00 AM, 6:30 AM and between 6:00 AM and 6:30
82. Importantly, Merakey Woodhaven notes Cheryl Yewdall had to be checked every
five minutes while being toileted and every fifteen minutes throughout the rest of the day.
83. A television news report aired on or about January 26, 2022 indicated that a Merakey
Woodhaven employee, presumably Elise Clark, was immediately placed on administrative leave
84. Pica is an eating disorder that involves compulsively eating items that are not
85. Merakey Woodhaven notes and records confirm that Cheryl Yewdall had no history
evening before Cheryl Yewdall was found bottomless, in a pool of urine and with a cleaning wipe
lodged in her trachea, reported that Cheryl Yewdall had played with puzzles.
86. The Pennsylvania Department of Health investigative report showed that Merakey
had no effective policies in place to prevent its residents from engaging in pica behavior.
88. The Pennsylvania Department of Health investigative report noted that Merakey
Woodhaven Individual #2 had “a history of pica behavior and confirmed that (his) current plan”
did not include interventions to address pica behavior in his behavior support plan.
89. Furthermore, Merakey Woodhaven’s Director of Clinical Services stated that pica
behavior should have been included in Individual #2’s behavior support plan to prevent him from
90. On February 4, 2022, or nine days after Cheryl Yewdall’s incident, Individual #2
engaged in pica behavior leading to him to be hospitalized for “acute hypoxia with acute
respiratory failure and metabolic encephalopathy.” As of February 8, 2022 Individual #2 was still
Woodhaven, identified as “Individual #3” in the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s report, had
92. On May 13, 2021, a large paperclip was found in Individual #3’s bowel movement.
94. The level of supervision for Individual #3, Cheryl Yewdall’s roommate, was
95. Nevertheless, the Pennsylvania Department of Health investigative report noted that
on May 28, 2021 red plastic was discovered in Individual #3’s bowel movement.
96. In response to this second pica incident, Merakey Woodhaven placed Individual #3
February 4, 2022, or nine days after Cheryl Yewdall was found unresponsive, face down,
bottomless, in a pool of urine and with a cleaning wipe was in her trachea, a white paper object
98. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Health investigative report, there was
no documented evidence that Merakey Woodhaven conducted pica sweeps from February 1, 2022
99. The Pennsylvania Department of Health concluded that that Merakey Woodhaven
failed to develop and implement procedures to prohibit mistreatment, neglect and abuse of Cheryl
100. Cheryl Yewdall’s lack of any history of engaging in pica behavior indicates
that a staff member at Merakey Woodhaven placed the cleaning wipe in Cheryl Yewdall’s trachea.
101. In the alternative, Merakey Woodhaven’s gross negligence in their care of Cheryl
Yewdall enabled Cheryl Yewdall or some other person to insert the cleaning wipe in her trachea.
102. Defendants and Defendants’ authorized agents and/or employees, including but not
suffer multiple traumatic injuries due to, among other things, their failure to adequately supervise
103. As a result of the negligence, gross negligence, and recklessness of the Defendants
and their authorized agents, ostensible agents, servants and/or employees, Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s
decedent, Cheryl Yewdall, were caused to experience multiple injuries and damages, including the
e. pain as a result of failure to provide prompt and appropriate medical care and/or
i. mental anguish;
j. panic;
k. fright;
l. humiliation;
m. emotional distress;
n. embarrassment;
r. panic attacks;
s. death; and
Cheryl Yewdall, deceased, brings this Wrongful Death Action on Behalf of the beneficiaries under
and by virtue of the Wrongful Death Act, 42 Pa. C. S. A. § 8301, the applicable Rules of Civil
106. Cheryl Yewdall left surviving him the following persons who may be entitled to
107. As a result of the negligent, grossly negligent, and reckless acts and omissions of
claims all damages and losses recoverable under the Wrongful Death Act and the decisional law
punitive damages, against the Defendants individually, jointly and severally, in an amount in
excess of local arbitration limits and in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of
of Cheryl Yewdall, deceased, brings this Wrongful Death Action on Behalf of the
beneficiaries under and by virtue of the Wrongful Death Act, 42 Pa. C. S. A. § 8301, the
applicable Rules of Civil Procedure, and decisional law interpreting this Act.
111. As result of the negligent, grossly negligent, and reckless acts and
omissions of the Defendants, Cheryl Yewdall was caused to suffer catastrophic injuries and death,
damages and losses recoverable under the Survival Act, 42 Pa. C.S.A. § 8302, and the decisional
punitive damages, against the Defendants individually, jointly and severally, in an amount in
excess of local arbitration limits and in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of
114. The negligence, gross negligence, and recklessness of all the Defendants and the
Defendants’ principals, agents, ostensible agents, servants, and/or employees, including but not
limited to the individuals named in paragraph 10 of this Complaint, consisted of one or more of
the following:
b. Failure to prevent Cheryl Yewdall from being physically beaten, assaulted, abused
and/or neglected;
c. Failure to secure prompt and appropriate medical care and/or treatment for Cheryl
f. Failure to ensure adopt, establish, and/or enforce adequate policies and procedures
to prevent injury to the consumers at Merakey Woodhaven including Cheryl
j. Failure to comply and/or ensure compliance with the state and federal laws,
statutes, regulations and/or codes that are applicable to Defendants with respect to
caring for, supervising, and/or monitoring its consumers, including Cheryl
o. Negligent supervision;
v. Failure to properly vet employees before entrusting them with the duties of
oversight, supervision, and protection of Cheryl Yewdall;
x. Failure to have and/or enforce policies and procedures to require ongoing and
regular observation of its residents, including Cheryl Yewdall;
z. Failure to ensure that Cheryl Yewdall received proper medical care for her left
medial tibial plateau fracture from at least January 9, 2021 through March 1, 2021;
aa. Failure to ensure that a Cheryl Yewdall was not suffocated by a cleaning wipe in
her trachea resulting in her death.
punitive damages, against the Defendants individually, jointly and severally, in an amount in
excess of local arbitration limits and in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of
Woodhaven, Northwestern Woodhaven, Inc., Merakey USA, NHS Human Services, The
Foundation, NHS Human Services Foundation, Northwestern Human Services Foundation, and
their authorized agents, ostensible agents, servants, and/or employees, including but not limited to
the individuals named in paragraph 10 of this Complaint, in their medical and/or professional
management, care and treatment of Plaintiff’s decedent, Cheryl Yewdall, consisted of one or more
of the following:
a. Failure to provide and/or adequate, timely, and proper medical care, supervision,
and monitoring of Cheryl Yewdall to prevent her from being suffocated by a
cleaning wipe in her trachea on January 26, 2022;
c. Failure to provide and/or secure adequate, timely, and proper medical care,
supervision and monitoring of Cheryl Yewdall at Merakey Woodhaven on January
26, 2022;
d. Failure to provide and/or secure adequate, timely, and proper medical care,
supervision and monitoring of Cheryl Yewdall at Merakey Woodhaven, including
between January 9, 2021 and March 1, 2021;
e. Failure to timely discover that Cheryl Yewdall had suffered a left medial tibial
plateau fracture prior to January 21, 2021;
g. Failure to properly and timely diagnose, discover and/or treat Cheryl Yewdall’s left
medial tibial plateau fracture from January 9, 2021 through January 21, 2021;
h. Failure to adequately care for, supervise, and/or monitor Cheryl Yewdall’s left
medial tibial plateau fracture from January 21, 2021 through at least March 1, 2021;
i. Failure to comply and/or ensure compliance with the state and federal laws,
statutes, regulations, and/or codes that applicable to Defendants with respect to
punitive damages, against the Defendants individually, jointly and severally, in an amount in
excess of local arbitration limits and in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of
servants and/or employees, including but not limited to the individuals in paragraph 10 of this
Complaint, was incompetent, flagrant, and grossly deviated from what a reasonably careful person
119. The gross negligence of the Defendants for their conduct and the conduct of the
Defendants’ actual or apparent agents, servants and/or employees, including but not limited to the
a. All of the factual acts, omissions, conduct, and averments outlined in paragraphs
13 through 103 of this Complaint;
b. All of the factual acts, omissions, conduct, averments, and allegations outlined in
subparagraphs 114(a) through 114(aa) of this Complaint, supra;
c. All of the factual acts, omissions, conduct, averments, and allegations outlined in
subparagraphs 116(a) through 116(p) of this Complaint, supra; and
d. All of the factual acts, omissions, averments, conduct and allegations outlined in
subparagraphs 122(a) through 122(g) of this Complaint, infra.
120. While all the factual acts, omissions, averments, conduct and allegations outlined
subparagraphs 116(a) through 116(p), and subparagraphs 122(a) through 122(g) of this Complaint
rise to the level of ordinary negligence, these same factual facts, omissions, averments, conduct
and allegations also rise to the level of gross negligence and recklessness as applied under all
punitive damages, against the Defendants individually, jointly and severally, in an amount in
excess of local arbitration limits and in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of
122. The corporate negligence arising out of the care, treatment, supervision, and/or
monitoring rendered to Plaintiff’s decedent, Cheryl Yewdall, consisted of one or more of the
a. Failure to select and retain only competent staff and/or other personnel appropriate
in number, training, expertise and/or experience in order to ensure that the
Defendants’ consumers, including Cheryl Yewdall, were adequately monitored,
protected, supervised, cared for, not abused, not physically abused, and not
neglected at Merakey Woodhaven;
b. Failure to adequately oversee all persons who provided care, supervision, and
monitoring within the walls of Merakey Woodhaven, in such a manner that would
ensure adherence to proper protocols regarding monitoring, supervising, protecting,
caring for, not abusing, not physically assaulting and/or abusing, and not neglecting
consumers at Merakey Woodhaven;
defects and procedures that caused the harm to Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s decedent.
124. As a direct and proximate result of the corporate negligence of the Defendants as
set forth above, Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s decedent suffered the injuries and damages previously set
punitive damages, against the Defendants individually, jointly and severally, in an amount in
excess of local arbitration limits and in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of
Respectfully Submitted:
James J. Pepper
By: ________________________________________
Dated: August 12, 2022 JAMES J. PEPPER, ESQUIRE
I, Christine Civatte, hereby verify that I am the plaintiff in the foregoing action; that the
attached Complaint is based upon information which I have furnished to my counsel and
information which has been gathered by my counsel in preparation of the lawsuit. The language
of the Complaint is that of counsel and not of affiant. I have read the Complaint and to the extent
that the allegations therein are based upon information I have given counsel, they are true and
correct of the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. To the extent that the contents of
the Complaint are that of counsel, I have relied upon counsel in making this Verification. 1
understand that false statements made herein are made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa. C.S.A. §