YCB Level 1 - Aasanas & Practical Exam Syllabus
YCB Level 1 - Aasanas & Practical Exam Syllabus
YCB Level 1 - Aasanas & Practical Exam Syllabus
# Aasan Name English Name Meaning Complementary Pose Youtube Video
Type Pose Pic Benefit Contra-Indications / Pre-caution Additional Read
Strengthens:Thigh, Knee, Ankle
Tadasan helps in correcting your posture and improves your balance by
tāḍa: “Palm tree” making your spine more agile.
āsana: “posture” It helps to increase heights in children. Tadasan should not be performed if you experience giddiness or
Tadasan / com/watch? https://www.easyayurveda.com/2018/01/16/tadasana-mountain-
1 Palm Tree Pose or Standing It helps in increasing the flexibility of your ankles, thighs and joints. suffer vertigo,low blood pressure or have severe headache. Self Complementary
Samasthitiḥ v=TmnVRKygyk0&ab_c pose/
sama: “upright” It helps to improves respiration,digestion & waste relimination with Tadasana should not be done by pregnant women.
sthiti: “stand” regular practice.
It can tone your hips and abdomen and helps to gain control over your
muscular movements.
If you’ve got high blood pressure, practice vrikshasana in
Strengthens: Vertebral column, Thigh, Calf, Ankle
moderation by not raising hands & keping them at chest in
Improves balance and stability in the legs. https://www.youtube.
prayer pose(Anjali Mudra).
Strengthens the ligaments and tendon of the feet. com/watch?v=1aFD- https://www.femina.in/wellness/fitness/all-about-vrikshasana-
2 Vrikshasan Tree Pose vriksa: “tree” Standing If you suffer from insomnia or vertigo or migraine issues, then Katichakrasana,Uttanasana
Strengthens and tones the entire standing leg, up to the buttocks. QtL4X8&ab_channel= and-its-benefits-142601.html
āsana: “posture” avoid doing this asana.
Assists the body in establishing pelvic stability. DirectorMdniy
Pregnant women can practice vrikshasana till their second trimester
Improves the concentration.
but should avoid it in their last trimester.
Patient of serious spine and hips problem should not practice. https://www.youtube.
ardha: “half” Strengthens: Buttocks, Abdomen, Vertebral column, Thigh, Ankle
Ulcer and hernia patient should not practice. com/watch? https://eyogaguru.com/ardha-chakrasana-benefits-steps-
3 Ardha Chakrasana Half Wheel Pose chankra: “wheel” Standing Stretches the front upper torso. Parivrtta Trikonasana
High blood pressure patient should avoid. v=97kzExeOMRs&ab_c precautions/
āsana: “posture” Tones the arms and shoulder muscles.
Should consult your doctor before practicing Ardha Chakrasana hannel=DirectorMdniy
during pregnancy.
Forward bending is strickly prohibited for people with lower
back problem.
Strengthens: Thigh, Knee https://www.youtube.
Pada - Foot Dissipates Tamas or Laziness com/watch?
Standing Forward People suffering from severe back pain, high blood pressure, heart Anuvittasana- Standing
4 PadaHastasana Hast - Hand Standing Eleiminates excessive fat around abdomen and thighs. v=HDDfZCp- https://www.tummee.com/yoga-poses/padahastasana
Bend problems, knee problems, sciatica or abdominal hernia should not Backbend
Hand to Foot Pose Purifies & strengthens Sudhmna Nadi. axs&ab_channel=Nare
practice this asana.
Strengthens: Back portion and back bone. if the thighs hurt during stretching and also causing sciatica, or if
Danda meaning Stretches the back muscles and strengthens them. Purvottanasana, Bharadvaja's https://youtu.
8 Dandasana Staff Pose Sitting the lower back does not give the support and is extremely stiff,
stick Increase the flexibility of the hips and pelvis. Twist be/ijh78ecIrUo
then one could take precautions while practicing this pose.
Increases Core strength.
Strengthens: Back portion.
Improves Awareness of Spine. Do not perform this pose in case of any severe leg problem.
Sukh meaning https://youtu.
9 Sukhasana Easy Pose Sitting Calms Mind and Body. Do not practice this pose if there is any pain in the lower spine or Self Complementary
comfort be/ngi5pWhOTZc
Enhances Flow of Prana. sciatica or in case of any severe knee problems.
Improves Flexibility of the waist and the lower region of the body.
This steadiness is the first step towards productive meditation. Not to be done if there is any form of knee injury.
This asana directs the proper flow of prana from Muladhara Chakra (in Not to be done if there is any form of injury in the ankle or calf.
Padma meaning the perineum) to the Sahasrara Chakra (in the head). Not to be done if suffering from any back or spine discomfort. https://youtu.
10 Padmasana Lotus Pose Sitting Paschimottanasana
Lotus This pose brings in fresh blood to the sacral nerves. If suffering from sciatica infections or weakness in the sciatic nerves. be/WtjHq0HLkaM
Lotus Pose (Padmasana) helps to clear up many physical, nervous and Never do this pose without practicing some stretches for the legs
emotional problems. and the spine.
Heals Body: The end of the spinal column (meru danda) is so beautifully
placed on the heels giving the body a great looking posture and helps in Injured Ankles or Knees Ligaments: This pose can be hard on the
transporting the prana smoothly to the entire body. This flow of prana knees and the ankles if one is not flexible with these muscles and
is the first stage to heal the body from within. joints. This pose should not be practiced if one is suffering from
Increases Flexibility in Ankles: The ankles are bent so well giving room for injured ligaments at the ankles or at the knees.
greater flexibility right up to the tips of the toes. Hernia or Ulcers: Those suffering from hernia or intestinal ulcers https://www.youtube.
Improves Blood Circulation: The folding of the knees and the thighs should take medical advice and guidance before practicing this and com/watch?
Thunderbolt Pose Vajra meaning
11 Vajrasana Sitting stretches these muscles and improves blood circulation and improves should perform this pose with a trained yoga teacher. The pressure Self Complementary v=82p0aGNJSF4&ab_c
/ Diamond Pose Thunderbolt
flexibility. on the anus in this pose may bring unwanted pressure to the hannel=YogaandHealt
Strengthens Pelvic Muscles: In this pose as the spine is elevated and away intestine. h
from the floor, the flow of blood is altered along with the nervous impulses Runners with Hamstring or Calf Injury: Runners should avoid this if
in the pelvic region and pelvic muscles are strengthened. they have injury in their hamstrings or the calves.
Improves Digestion: As this is one of the few yoga poses which can be Arthritis in Knees: Not to be practiced by people who have severe
practiced even after a meal, it is considered as a good way to help in arthritis of the knees.
digestion and increases the efficiency of the digestive system.
Helps to loosen the joints by flexing and stretching the tendons.
Relieves tension in the sacral and coccygeal regions of the spine.
Leg Muscles : This yoga pose works wonders on the leg muscles. It
improves the flexibility of the knees and ankles. The hamstring and the
Practice in moderation and it provides relief in cases of sciatic, https://www.youtube.
calf muscles tone well enough to make the legs strong and flexible.
Bhadra meaning varicose vein and menstrual disorders. com/watch?
Spine strength: As this pose creates a strong base for the spine, with
12 Bhadrasana The Gracious Pose Auspicious / Sitting Self Complementary v=7WroUo8ESjQ&ab_c
pressure at the hips, the entire spine stretches making it strong and
or Gracious People suffering from sciatica should not practice Baddha hannel=NarendraMod
Bound Angle Pose Konasana. i
Pelvic Muscles : This pose acts efficiently on the muscles and ligaments of
the pelvic floor and on the genital- urinary system.
Hips : This yoga pose helps prepare the hips and the groins for
meditative seated poses, which require more flexibility in these areas. https://theyogainstitute.org/how-to-do-bhadrasana/
It massages the entire abdominal organs. Thus, good for smooth
It shouldn’t be performed by those who has backache.
functioning of these organs.
It shouldn’t be practiced who has ulcer. https://www.youtube.
It controls weight. Thus effective for those who are longing for weight loss
Knee pain patients should avoid it. com/watch?
Manduka meaning and making the stomach flat.
13 Mandukasana Frog posture Sitting Don’t put maximum stretch on your stomach; try to maintain the Ushtrasan v=Jqz8U8LxNvg&ab_c
Frog It is beneficial in case of constipation and indigestion.
pose for longer period of time. hannel=BharatSwabhi
It is helpful to release unwanted gases from the stomach thus make you
Avoid if having ankle injuries,High blood pressure,Insomnia, manLive
feel relaxed and calm.
It helps to control diabetes by stimulating the pancreas.
Generally a weak back or an injured back may not give you the
Works like magic on the entire spine, giving it the tightness required
support to go into the pose.
through the stretch.
A neck injur , or someone with spondylitis should surely avoid
Stretches the shoulders and gives them shape and makes them strong.
this. https://www.youtube.
Opens the chest and tones the muscles around it thus improving the
Ushtra meaning Someone suffering from Migraine, they will find it difficult to com/watch?v=-
14 Ushtrasana Camel Pose Sitting respiration. Shashankasana
Camel balance the neck down and may not enjoy this pose as the pressure yFc6RcLBzc&ab_chan
Strengthens the thighs and the knees.
will increase and cause more pain. nel=Fitcareapp
Improves flexibility around the spine and hips.
Anyone who has high or low blood pressure should perform this
Opens up the hips, thus making them strong to give support to the spine.
yoga pose under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher or
Tones abdominal muscles and reduces fat on thighs, arms, and hips.
yoga therapist.
Flexes the spine.
Increases body awareness with breathing.
As Rabbit Pose is a forward bend pose, it calms the mind and relieves
tensions around the neck. People suffering from following should not do Shashankasan https://www.youtube.
Activates the thyroid glands, keeping the hormones in control. Neck, shoulder, arms, back injury com/watch?
Shashank meaning Relieves the stress bringing fresh blood supply to the crown of the head. Spondylitis and Vertigo v=SgWlGP36qG4&ab_
15 Shashankasana Hare pose Sitting
Hare Activates the digestive system. Yoga Sequence for Digestion Hypertension channel=MinistryofInf
Keeps the face muscles young and fresh, reducing stretches. Pregnancy ormation%
Stretches the arms and the shoulders, giving strength. Depression 26Broadcasting
Reduces lower back stiffness. Yoga Sequence for Back Pain
Sasangasana is a great posture to practice by the end of the day to induce
good sleep.
The reverse arch results in strengthening of the entire spine – the
Uttan meaning https://www.youtube.
lumbar, thoracic and cervical regions. Spinal cord problems may prevent people from performing this
Uttana upward extended com/watch?
16 Upright frog Pose Sitting This asana also strengthens the sympathetic and parasympathetic asana.
Mandukasana Maduka meaning v=mpQbrcZ7HG0&ab_
nervous system. Hip issues too, can be a hindrance
Frog channel=Fitcareapp
This asana is effective is helping resolve menstruation problems.
This yoga pose stretches the muscles around the spine and lower back
thus improving blood circulation.
Slipped Disc: Students suffering from slipped disc should avoid this
As the body moves forward the calf muscles are stretched thus toning them
yoga pose because Paschimottanasana puts a lot of pressure on the
and shaping the legs.
lower back when the body is bent forward.
The neck and shoulders are also put to work thus building strength around
Hernia: Someone who is suffering from hernia should avoid this
Paścima meaning them.
pose. The internal organs are pressed as the body moves forward https://www.youtube.
"west" or "the back The hamstrings are stretched too (to ensure maximum stretch the back of
thus putting pressure and may cause further injury to the abdominal com/watch?
Seated Forward of the body"; the knees should touch the floor as per your comfort).
17 Paschimottanasana Sitting wall or intestine. v=T8sgVyF4Ux4&ab_c
Bend uttana meaning
Pregnant Women: Pregnant women should avoid this pose as there hannel=TheArtofLivin
"intense stretch" As the body moves forward, pressure is put on the digestive organs and
would be pressure on the pelvic area and the uterus may not be able g
or "straight" or pelvic organs thus healing them from within and toning them. The
to withstand the pressure.
"extended" digestion improves and much blocked gas gets released in and around the
Spondylitis: Someone suffering from spondylitis should avoid
lower abdomen.
Paschimottanasana as the forward bend can bring pressure to the
Works on improving the respiration as the body puts pressure on the
neck and shoulders
thorax and abdomen.
Tones the internal organs like the digestive system, intestines, uterus Sciatica: pressure on sciatic nerves can cause more injury with this
and kidney. As the body twists, some pressure is felt at the lower part of yoga pose as the pressure is on the nerves while the body is twisted.
the abdomen, thus internally working on the organs. The pressure on the
abdominal muscles assists in faster toning and tightening of the muscles. Pregnancy: pregnant women should avoid this yoga pose as it will https://www.youtube.
bring discomfort to the abdomen and hence this pose is not good for com/watch?
Simple Spinal Vakra means
18 Vakrasana Sitting Works on inner muscles of the eyes because of the movement of the gaze the uterus. v=fqqotJRqncU&ab_ch
Twist “twisted”
of the eyes during the twist. annel=VENTUNOYOG
Menstruation: not to be practiced by women during menstruation. A
Activates thyroid glands as neck muscles are put to work. This improves During this time the uterus is weak and active and hence any
the functioning of the thyroid glands and ensures a balanced hormone level pressure can cause discomfort.
in the body.
Spondylitis: turning of the entire neck may make the muscles
around the neck sore for someone suffering from weak neck https://www.youtube.com/watch?
muscles or upper spine. v=sSCLl1acISo&ab_channel=NarendraModi
People with shoulder which are very stiff may have to take it slow
and easy.
Gomukhasana is both a hip opener and a heart opener, so both will help There will be too much stretch at the upper arms and wrists, so one
in bringing balance in the body and bring the maximum benefit to the spine must take caution while doing this. The guidance of the teacher is
keeping it fit. essential here. Trying to reach for the palms without understanding
This pose increases blood supply to the legs and arms, making it a useful the flexibility of the arms will turn harmful. https://www.youtube.
Gomukh meaning pose to counteract long periods of sitting in a chair or being hunched over a Any kind of hip problems or injury at the knee, hamstring, and com/watch?
19 Gomukhasana Cow Face Pose Sitting
Cowface desk. quadricep should be avoided. v=QsciKIPtmlk&ab_ch
The flexion of the knee joint can be useful to heal certain kinds of If you have sciatica, then crossing the knee may not to good as there annel=SwamiRamdev
weakness in the knee provided it is not a ligament tear. This works in will be pressure at the sciatic nerve.
opening the limb at the knee while in the pose pushing of the knee towards Any kind of neck and shoulder injury.
the ground is worked at. Completely avoid this pose when pregnant, as the crossing of the
legs at the thighs may bring pressure to the lower abdomen which
may not be safe.
The pressure on the abdomen is beneficial as it helps in better digestion, Those with severe back problems relating to the spine should clearly
stimulating appetite, relieves flatulence and constipation. avoid this yoga pose.
Bhujanga meaning Since the digestive organs are put to action, migraine is also taken care of. Someone having neck problems relating to spondylitis too should
21 Bhujangasana Cobra Pose Prone v=cL7n4_y_PHo&ab_c
Cobra A sluggish liver is also taken care of. clearly avoid this yoga pose.
As the neck is stretched, the functioning of the thyroid gland improves. Someone suffering from stomach disorders like ulcers should ensure
It is also said that this yoga pose tones the kidneys which help with proper guidance while doing this yoga pose or avoid this yoga pose if
purification of blood, removing any stagnant blood and improving the discomfort is seen or felt.
health of the whole body. Pregnant women should avoid this yoga pose as a lot of pressure is
felt at the lower abdomen and can also cause injury if the position of
the arms is not correct while in this pose.
Someone suffering from severe asthma should avoid this pose and
work on breathing techniques through pranayama before
attempting Cobra Pose.
YCB L1 Asana details. For any updates/feedback , please contact Dhananjay Gavade on +91-9930928725 on WhatsApp or call.
# Aasan Name English Name Meaning Complementary Pose Youtube Video
Type Pose Pic Benefit Contra-Indications / Pre-caution Additional Read
As the pressure is on the abdominal area, digestion is improved and the
internal organs are helped in doing their functions properly thus balancing
the body from within.
The most important benefit is this pose stimulates the parasympathetic Someone with acute back pain or slip disc, they should avoid this
nerves in the lower spinal region and blood circulation. pose.
Locust pose or Removes the pressure on the sciatic nerve and gives relief from the Someone with severe sciatica can bring in more injury here as this
Shalabha meaning com/watch?
22 Shalabhasana Grasshopper Prone backache and slipped disc if the case is not severe. pose tightens the entire body from the hip to the feet.
Locust v=YoTCq3lgi44&ab_ch
pose Removes the stiffness around the lower back, legs and neck. Someone with major problems with menstruation or with a
Removes excess fat around the hips and buttocks thus toning the muscles prolapsed uterus should avoid.
around there. Women in their pregnancy should avoid this pose.
As a lot of pressure is put at the lower abdomen, women with menstrual
disorders can practice this asana thus helping in proper functioning of the
Relaxes the Circulatory and the Respiratory System: With the flow of blood
throughout the body with the relaxed muscles, the demand for oxygen is
reduced, helping in giving the circulatory and the respiratory system to
Reduces blood pressure: With the smooth flow of breath and with the
activation of the diaphragm muscle, with the reduction of oxygen intake and Pregnant women should avoid this pose: The pressure at the
with the reduction in the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory abdomen may not be safe and hence women who are deep into their
system, the blood pressure comes under control. pregnancy should avoid this pose.
Cure for lower back stiffness: While in prone pose, the slow rhythmic Someone suffering from problems related to stomach: Stomach
breathing reduces the tensions around the lower back muscles, close to the disorders which are severe can bring more discomfort with the
Makara meaning sacrum, thereby reducing the spasm. practice of Makarasan as the abdomen gets pushed towards the
23 Makarasana Crocodile pose Prone v=nRepD5QElRY&ab_c
Crocodile Stimulates the sacrum: The most important benefit one gets with the floor while breathing, leading to over contraction of the muscles.
practice of this pose, Makarasana, is contraction of the muscles around the Avoid if blood pressure is too high: For someone who is new to yoga
sacrum. Sacrum is a triangular bone at the base of the spine which sits practice and is suffering from high blood pressure, may find it
between the two hip bones. It supports the spine and helps to flex the hips. difficult to follow the instructions related to Makarasana or Crocodile
Stimulating the sacrum, improves the prana flow through the entire spine, Pose, as the breathing plays an important role. If the breathing is not
removing all blockages. smooth, pressure builds up causing more pressure with the arteries.
Reduces symptoms related to PMS: When done with support for the lower
belly and the pelvic area, Makarasana for women will bring in many benefits
massaging the reproductive organs, thereby reducing the symptoms related
to the menstrual cycle.
" Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland: The thyroid gland at the High Blood Pressure: This pose needs to be practiced with guidance https://www.youtube.
Purva meaning neck, with the secretion of thyroid hormone, helps in metabolic rate of the when suffering from high blood pressure, as the head and neck fall com/watch?
Upward Plank
24 Purvottanasana ""east"" or ""the Supine body and also helps in the development of the human body. back loose bringing in sudden flow of blood to the head. v=DTG5GfF7nVw&ab_
Pose front of the body""; Improves the functioning of the adrenal gland: The adrenal gland which lie To be avoided if suffering from severe migraine: A proper guidance is channel=StylecrazeYo
uttana meaning above the kidneys helps in the supply of blood and secretes a number of needed if one is suffering from severe migraine, as the head falls ga
""intense stretch"" different hormones which are essential for a proper balance within the back loose during the practice of this pose.
As the focus is on the abdominal area, the intestines get massaged along Anyone with severe migraine should not try this as the pressure
or ""straight"" or body. Any kind of injury at the wrists, neck and back: Keep in mind that any https://www.youtube.
Pavan meaning with the other organs in the abdomen, also bringing in fresh blood to all the around the abdomen will make the breathing difficult thus causing
""extended""" Improves the functioning of the thymus:The thymus located in front of the injury caused will hinder the practice of this pose, hence one needs com/watch?
Wind-Relieving Wind parts of the lower abdomen. pressure to the head.
25 Pavanamuktasana Supine heart, helps in maintaining the immune system. It helps the body fight to be cautious. v=lGfq5d3q8Ws&ab_c
pose Mukta Meaning Works like wonders for someone with varicose veins. Students with High or Low Pressure should do this with the guidance
foreign invaders. General weak body: It is important to work on the basic strength of hannel=innereyeworl
Releasing Pressure on the abdomen will ensure the flow of blood to the organs which of the teacher. One can start this asana by practicing with one leg as
the body before the practice of this pose, as the elbow joints, the dfilms
help in reproduction , thus removing any imbalance. in Half Wind Release Pose.
wrist joints are not used to taking the weight of the body, while the
The expanding of the muscles around the neck and shoulders will help in Generally during the women's cycle, the uterus is enlarged thus
arms are must
Students placedwarm-up
behind you.
the body well enough before attempting to
easing initial stages of spondylitis. making it difficult to put pressure on the abdominal area. Hence
practice Uttana Padasana.
The excess
benefits fat around
derived the
with the lower abdomen,
practice for Uttana hips, chest(Raised
Padasana and arms.
Legs should be avoided during this period.
Students with neck related issues can practice the same with the https://www.youtube.
Pose) for the upper body is the same as with the practice of Matsyasana Someone with Asthma should understand the flow of breath before
Uttan meaning support of the bolster like in Matsyasana Bolster (Fish Pose Bolster), com/watch?
(Fish Pose). the practice of this pose and pressure around the chest and lungs
upward extended but with the legs raised. v=woOHICGDcl4&ab_c
26 Uttanapadasana Raised Leg Posture Supine The benefits derived with the practice for Uttana Padasana (Raised Legs may cause stress during breathing.
Pada meaning Also students can try this practice initially with Raised Legs Pose hannel=MinistryofInfo
Pose) for the lower body is the same as with the practice of Uttana Slip Disc is considered as a critical case and therefore should be
Legs Variation One Leg Knee Bent Hands On Floor with the crown of the rmation%
Padasana Variation Hands On Floor (Raised Legs Pose Variation Hands On avoided during the practice of this asana. The condition of the
head on the floor. Better still, and for more support, students can be 26Broadcasting
Floor). patient should be understood well and then introduce this practice.
taught the same with Raised Legs Pose Aerial, with the crown of the
head on the floor.
Tightens the core muscles: Ardha Halasana is recommended for those Not to be practiced by someone with severe sciatica, as there would
who want great looking abs.The tightening of the core muscles during the be pressure on the hamstring muscles along with the hip.
practice of this pose, helps to improve the muscles gaining in strength too. Not to be practiced by women who are pregnant, as the pressure is
Excess calories are burnt: The position of the legs at 90 degrees, plays a immense at the lower abdomen causing tightening around the pelvic
Ardha meaning great role in strengthening the entire abdominal area, and this helps in area. https://www.youtube.
Half toning and eliminating the excess fat around the hips, lower abdomen and Anyone suffering from acute lower back pain needs to take com/watch?v=_JBr-
27 Ardha Halasana Half Plough Pose Supine
Hala meaning thighs. precaution during this practice. LRtO2c&ab_channel=F
Plough Overall improvement of blood circulation: As this pose is considered as a Anyone recovering from any kind of stomach infection or surgery itcareapp
good exercise for achieving physical fitness, it also helps to improve the around the abdominal area should take proper precautions and
circulation of blood in the entire body. Blood flowing down from the toes to guidance.
the hips, ensure fresh blood to the entire abdominal area too.
As the blood flow in the opposite direction, it enhances digestion and thus
improves the organs related to digestion. This also works as a good As a lot of pressure is put at the neck, students with neck injury or
massage for the internal organs at the lower abdomen. someone with spondylitis should avoid this pose.
Healthy nervous system as the spine is put to work for increasing flexibility. Do not move or adjust your neck once you have entered this pose as
This in turn controls the mind and body thus making an overall healing of it may lead to a sprain. If you need to adjust your neck, lie back flat
the entire body. on the ground, and then re-adjust yourself. https://www.youtube.
Setu meaning Reduces stress and anxiety as it requires concentration during the holding It goes without saying that someone with weak back can take it easy com/watch?
28 Setubandhasana Bridge Pose Supine
Bridge of the pose and the mind is connected to the breathing. while practicing this pose but surely not someone who has an v=hgtfNp8KywM&ab_c
Since the chest is raised, the lungs are expanded thus curing Asthma and injured back or a sore back. It certainly will bring in more harm . hannel=DirectorMdniy
removing the impurities in and around the lungs. A weak knee can be cured with this pose if done carefully , but
Excess fat around the tummy is reduced as the pulling in of the tummy and someone who has undergone a knee replacement or if the stage of
abdominal muscles are essential during the practice of this pose. Excess fat osteoporosis is severe should completely avoid this pose unless the
around the chest for females too is reduced as the chest is raised up and guidance of the teacher is accurate and the teacher is well read.
burning of unnecessary fat happens.
Sciatic Nerve: The support the wall gives to the legs in this pose relaxes People with eye conditions such as glaucoma and detached
the legs completely. Hence Viparita Karani pose is good for tired leg retina should not invert
muscles and works on removing any strain due to sciatica.
viparita meaning Soothes Nervous System: As Viparita Karani (Legs up the Wall Pose) is Those with hiatal hernias or heart conditions should not perform.
'inverted' or an inversion pose, it brings a soothing effect on the entire nervous
'reversed' and system. It further calms the mind if the focus is towards breathing Women should not practice inversions during menses.
29 Vipareetakarani Inverted Pose Supine Shavasana, Sitting pranayama com/watch?
karani meaning 'to deep while in this pose.
do' or 'a particular Relaxes Lower Back: As wall is a great support for the legs, there is no
practice'. pressure at the abdomen or the lower back to maintain this pose. As a
result, the lower back gets its maximum support in Viparita Karani.
This further reduces the stiffness around the muscles near the
Stretches Neck and Shoulders: Fish pose (Matsyasana) opens and
stretches the neck muscles and shoulders. Abnormal Blood Pressure: Individuals suffering from high or low
Opens the Chest: Helps in opening the chest and corrects round shoulders blood pressure should avoid this posture.
too. Neck Injury: Neck injuries or any part of the lower back or middle
Increases Lung Capacity: This pose provides relief from respiratory back can make it difficult to practice this Fish Pose and hence should
disorders by encouraging deep breathing, hence Fish Pose (Matsyasana) be avoided. Soon after the practice of
Saral meaning com/watch?
increases lung capacity to a great extent. Migraine: Migraine patients may find this pose challenging but, if Matsyasana, bring the body to
Simple v=i1y0ZGKi-
32 Saral Matsyasana Fish pose Supine Strengthens Back Muscles: This posture,with the spine curved and bent practiced, should be done slowly with the guidance of a yoga Savasana and relax the neck,
Matya meaning e8&ab_channel=Healt
backwards, provides a great way to strengthen the back muscles with the teacher. shoulders and lower back with
Fish handHappinessTipsby
formation of the arch. Spondylitis: Care should be taken if practiced by someone who is slow breathing
Increases Supply of Blood to Glands: There is an increased supply of suffering from spondylitis. Preferably should be avoided if it is
blood to the cervical and thoracic regions of the back that helps tone the severe. But if spondylitis is in initial stages then with proper guidance
parathyroid, pituitary and pineal glands. of a yoga teacher Fish Pose (Matsyasana) can be practiced.
Regulates Anxiety and Stress: This pose helps to regulate emotions and Pregnancy: Women who are pregnant should not attempt this yoga
stress. pose
If someone finds the workout not appropriate or enough to feel
Savasana firstly brings the breath under control and makes it calm and the need for Savasana, then the whole purpose of this yoga pose is
slow which helps relax the entire body. defeated.
Savasana calms the nervous system as in this pose the spine comes to A very distracted mind is going to find it difficult to relax and by https://www.youtube.
Shava meaning
rest which is close to the ground. pushing the body, it will only backfire and cause more irritation and com/watch?
35 Shavasana Corpse Pose Corpose or dead Supine None
As in this pose the muscles are relaxed (which were expanded with the bring a headache. v=SfAoPVt64LE&ab_ch
practice of the other yoga poses) the stress gets released thus helping If the body hurts too much, then taking the mind away from the annel=NarendraModi
repair tissues and cells. body in order to relax is going to be challenging.
It is believed to have therapeutic effects for anxiety, insomnia and Someone with severe acidity may find lying on the back very
improved blood pressure. uncomfortable as the food pipe may cause irritation.
# Aasan Name English Name Meaning Complementary Pose Youtube Video
Type Pose Pic Benefit Contra-Indications / Pre-caution Additional Read
1 Sarvanga Pushti
Hrid Gati (Engine youtube.
Daud) com/watch?
Useful Links
Chakra v=SW0bRpdPnUE&
Video of Dhirendra youtube.
Branhmchari com/watch?
Concept and Recitation of Pranava
Concept and Recitation of Hymns
Selected universal prayers, invocations and Nishpatti Bhava.
Om Saha Naavavatu | Saha Nau Bhunaktu | Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai | Tejasvi Naavadhiitamastu Maa Vidvishaavahai | Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih |
Yogasana Mantra (Patanjali Prayer) - [ Source Bhojavritti Text - King Bhoj’s commentary on the Yoga Sutras]
योगेन च य पदे न वाचां।
मलं शर र य च वै यकेन॥
योऽपाकरो ं वरं मुनीनां।
पत ज लं ा ज लरानतोऽि म॥
ॐ असतो मा स गमय ।
तमसो मा यो तगमय ।
मृ योमा अमृतं गमय ।
ॐ शाि तः शाि तः शाि तः ॥
Om Asatoma Sadgamaya.
Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya.
Mrityorma Amritamgamaya.
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih..
ॐ सव भव तु सु खनः।
सव स तु नरामयाः।
सव भ ा ण प य तु।
मा कि चत ् दुःख भा भवेत ्॥
ॐ शाि तः शाि तः शाि तः॥
For any updates/feedback , please contact Dhananjay Gavade on +91-9930928725 on WhatsApp or call.
For any updates/feedback , please contact Dhananjay Gavade on +91-9930928725 on WhatsApp or call. YCB L1 Asana details. For any update/additions , please contact Dhananjay Gavade on +91-9930928725 on WhatsApp or call.
Yogic Shat Karma Benefits Pre-cautions / ContraIndications Additional Read
Kapal = forehead; bhati = shining Kapalbhati contraindicated for individuals with
high or low blood pressure,
Vatkarma (breathing) type heart disease,
Kapalbhati kriya stimulates the internal organs, especially the abdominal ones, gastric ulcer & hyper acidity,
and therefore, helps people with diabetes. epilepsy,
It refreshes the brain & energizes nerves. migraine headaches,
detached retina & glaucoma,
Kapalbhati (Vatakrama) Kapalbhati Pranayama calms your mind, it benefits you by helping with mood swings history of stroke, https://www.artofliving.org/in-en/yoga/breathing-techniques/skull-shining-breath-kapal-bhati
and minor anxiety. for anyone who has undergone recent abdominal surgery.
Increases the metabolic rate and aids in weight loss. Kapalabhati should not be practiced by pregnant or menstruating women.
Neti remove mucus & pollutants from the nasal passage. If the nose is blocked with cold or bleeding or infected internally,
avoid Neti
Helps to relieve allergies, colds and sinusitis.
One should first clear nose by Kapalbhati Pranayam and then
Neti helps air to flow without obstruction through nasal passage practice jalaneti & also do Kapalbhati after Jal Neti to remove water.
Neti: Sutra Neti & Jala Nati Neti destroys dieseases of cervical region.
Also avoid practicing it at night times. Always do Neti when sun is
shining (preferably early in the morning with empty stomach).
Why Saline Water -salt water is not easily absorbed by our blood vessels & also it
dooes not cause itching. (Saline water used so that it will not be absorbed by cells
Sutra Neti - Threat lenght 6 inches
Vaman Dhauti cleans complete digestive tract or gastrointestinal tract. Dhauti should NOT be practiced if you are suffering from
Dhauti flush out rests food residue from the stomach. Hernia
Heart Diesease
Dhauti balances Kapha, pitta & Vata doshas in the body. High BP.
Dhauti: Vamana Dhauti (Kunjal) https://www.fitsri.com/yoga/what-is-dhauti
Also increases efficiency of respiratory system & frontal brain. Dhauti shall be avoided during monthly period & pregnancy.
Helps to remove excess fat from body. Vamana Dhauti shuold be done at empty stomach.
Helps to remove infectious bacteria from mouth, ear, thoroat,stomach & eyes. (Saline water used so that it will not be absorbed by cells immediately)
In yoga, Puraka Rechaka Kumbhaka are Sanskrit words used to describe the parts of
the breathing in the context of pranayama.
Concept of Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbhaka
Inhalation known as Puraka;
Pause after inhalation or holding of the inhaled air known as Kumbhaka;
Exhalation is known as Rechaka..
In Anulom Vilom air is inhaled from left nostrils and exhaled from the right one, after
that it is inhaled from the right nostril and exhaled from the left one.
In Nadi Shodhan, the air is inhaled from left nostrils hold the breath and exhaled from
the right one.
Nadi = micro energy channel;
Shodhana = cleaning, purification;
Pranayama = breathing technique.
Forcibly stopping the breath for too long is harmful for people with
Nadia are subtle energy channels in the human body. That carry energy through
asthma and heart disease.
various parts of the respiratory system in the form of breathing and blood throughout
Anulom Vilom/Nadi Shodhan 11 wodnerful benefits of Anulom vilom | Nadi shodhana pranayama | (easyyogasan.com)
the body’s organs. But due to today’s erratic eating, irregular routines and air pollution,
Practicing Anulom vilom Pranayam during cold and cough can cause
the problem of blocking of these channels has arisen.
swelling in the respiratory tracts.
Benefits :-
Works clinically for circulatory and respiratory problems such as asthma, sugar,
arthritis, and allergies.
Effectively relieves stress accumulated in the mind and body and helps in relieving
headaches and migraine problems.
Benefits of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama is removes colostrolic inhibition from the nerves
of the body. Which is very helpful for heart health.
Keeps the body cool and calm.
It increases concentration, which increases the efficiency of human beings.
Sitali Pranayama cools the body and is best done after the practice of daily yoga
poses, bringing balance in the temperature of the body.
Sitali Pranayama helps to reduce the blood pressure in the body when done with
guidance from a yoga teacher. Best to avoid if suffering from blood pressure.
As this breathing cools the body temperature, it controls the parasympathetic and Not to be done if suffering from migraine.
somatic nervous system and hence beneficial for those suffering from anxiety related
Sheetalee Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
issues, including trauma. Best not to hold the breath within if having problems related to the Sheetali Pranayama | Banyan Botanicals
Helps in heart related diseases and can be practiced along with heart opening series
of yoga poses for better results. it should not be practiced where there is heavy environmental
pollution as breathing is done through mouth.
As it plays a great role in the endocrine system, it keeps the internal organs like
stomach, liver, spleen etc, clean from toxins.
Helps mitigate migraines. While making the humming sound, keep your mouth closed.
Bhramaree Pranayama (Without Kumbhaka)
Pranayama benefits in Improving concentration and memory. You can also do Bhramari pranayama with your fingers in the
Shanmukhi Mudra.
Builds confidence.
Do not put pressure on your face.
Pranayama benefits in reducing blood pressure.
Do not exceed the recommended repetitions of 3-4 times.
Helps calm the mind in preparation for meditation.
5 Sholkas of BG https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eOP62FdAhIPeb9q1v9f5zXLEHNuHZTx5/view?usp=sharing
Shatkarm Shlok of HYP
L1 Practical Questions from Batch July 2021
# Question Details Examiner
Trikatana shuddhi
Vamana nasya season
Hatha ratnavali author
Best season to practice pranayama
Prastana Shrutti
Time period of HYP
Goumukhasan benefits
Disorders caused by Diabetes
Best asana
Asana for 72000 nadis cleansing
Couple of questions on suryanamaskar
Couple of questions on chitta prasadana
Diebeties effect
3 Bhagwad geeta total chapters
karmanye vadhikaraste in which chapter of Geeta
Last shatkarma in hathyoga
Finished my L1 exam started before slot and completes soon. It went well
Few questions
Which chapter of HYP, pathya, apathya mentioned?
What are the no of chapters of HYP?
What do you mean by Mita in Mitahara?
Which Body is also called Linga sharira?
Asana for diabetics
Vaman and nasya preventive at which season?
L1 question
1. how many chapters in Hatha yogapradipika
2. which chapter talks of HYP about pathya and apathya
3. which vayu flows downwards in humanbody
4. shruthi prasthana -upanishads
5. prasthanathrayee
6. PYS in which period- classical
7. Psycho somatic disorder - adhi vyadhi
8. bridge between antaranga and bahiranga yoga? prthyahara, dharana, prathyaksha, none
9. not a tapatraya in yoga - adhimantric
10. Dharma bhava means
11. Vairagya bhava means (edited)
12. Vaman and Nasya is done in Vasanta ritu
13. Asana for diabetics
14. Linga sharira- subtle body
For practical
Perform kapalbhathi
Explain different types of kapal bhati
Perform Jalandhar bandha
Explain all Bandhas
Explain all Mudras
Types of pranayama as per HYP
Explain shatkriya
Perform3 types shoulder sookshmavyayam..
Perform Suryanamaskara
9 Explain how many asanas in Suryanamaskara
Perform Trikonasana
Explain benefits of trikonasana
Perform paschimotasana and explain benefits
What is paschima denotes in paschimotasana...why so
Explain the benefits of Brahmari.
Explain different types of pranayama as per HYP.
Explain what is meditation
Explain what is sookshmavyayam and how it helps in yoga..
If you are a yoga teacher explain the plan and preparation of yoga session conducted by you.
These are the complete questions what I could remember..
L1 Practical Questions from Batch July 2021
# Question Details Examiner
L1 Practicals - Panel - Dr. Sri Krishna Ji, Malathi Mam and Yogabid Hiren Sarkar Ji
ShriKrishna Ji asked the questions
Prayer and Meaning of the Prayer
What are Kriyas and have you performed any Kriyas
Demonstrate Kapalbati and tell its benefits
Neck Sukshma Vyayama
Explain Full Yogic breathing
What is Agnisara Dauti ?
Perform one round of Suryanamaskar
Perform Pashimottasana
Perform Uttana Mandukasana
10 Dr Sri Krishna ji
Perform any one asana of choice - opted to perform Ardha Halasana
Perform Bharmari pranayama
Demonstrate Chin Mudra
What is Mantra? Any one Mantra - opted to tell Gayathri Mantra
What is Moola Bandha? Explain how to perform and its benefits
Teaching Topic was Gnana Yoga - Could not remember much than the high level definition and I expressed the same he asked
me to explain any one type of Yoga - I explained the Ashtanga Yoga
Last question was on Yoga for Women
Asked if I have any other certification in Yoga or Spiritual courses?
Finally thanked me for taking time to appear for the L1 exam.
Thank one and all for supporting through out this journey.
3 rounds of om
Suksh vyayam for knee
Surya namaskar
Mandook asana
Thoriastic breathing
Sheetali prananyam
12 Dr Vikas Chote Sir
Udyan bandha
What is mudra n show all
All pys sutras
Yam niyama..how u will apply yama in your ofc
How Tata code of conduct is similar to yama..explain
What is miitahara .n how u can apply in your ofc canteen
Antarang n bahrayang yoga
L1 Practical Questions from Batch July 2021
# Question Details Examiner
L1 practical questions: Panel Sisir Sir
Demo kapalbhati
Sukhma vyam for shoulder - 3 variations
Demo Surya namaskar
Demo bhramri
Demo 1 forward bending asana, 1 back bending asana, 1 balancing asana - of your choice
Ques on:
Mudra, three types of mudra with benefits
Jalandhar bandha, demo and explain
Types of pranayama mentioned in hatha pradipika
What is dhyana?
Tell about Ashtanga yoga
13 Who wrote gherand Samhita Sisir Biswas Sir
Who wrote hath yoga pradipika
Which pranayama is for cooling body temperature
Recite patanjali yoga sutras
How many yoga sutra are there
How many asanas are there in Surya namaskar, name them
Why sashtangaasana is called so?
What is sthula vyama?
Benefits of camel pose
What is pratyahara
What is ishwara pranidhara
Explain shat kriyaa
Demo anulom vilom
What kriya will you suggest for person with sinusitis (edited)
Just finished my L1 practical exam with Shrinivas Pulluri ji and Kapil ji panel.
Waited in lobby for 1 hr. but actual practical was done in 25 mins.
There was no expression on the face of examiners. And it was a rapid fire. Felt anxious but overall good experience. :blush:
1. Prayer
2. Surya namaskar
3. Demonstrate knee sukshma vyayam
4. Demonstrate Ushtrasan
5. Demonstrate Viparit karni
6. Who should not do viparit karni
7. Demonstrate kapalbhati
8. Explain Neti kriya
9. What kind of salt should be used in saline water.
14 10. Tell a student how to do Ushtrasan Shrinivas Pulluri ji
11. Any 5 sutra
12. Benefits of surya namaskar for school going kids
13. Bhramari pranayam, benefits, contraindications
14. Why it’s called bhramari
15. Talk on prasthantryai
16. Tell 5 names of Upnishad.
17. What Upnishad Brmhasutra and Geeta means in one sentence
18. What are bandh and mudra
19. Demonstrate Jalandhar bandh
20. Demonstrate 3 mudra.
21. How mudra and Bandh are helpful in pranayam
22. How will you apply ur yoga knowledge in life?