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Campus Event Web-Based System

Hazirah Bt Mohd Abdul Raushin

Dissertation report submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the Bachelor of Technology (Hons)
(Business Information System)

MAY 2015

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Bandar Seri Iskandar
31750 Tronoh
Perak Darul Ridzuan

Campus Event Web-Based System

Hazirah Bt Mohd Abdul Raushin

A project dissertation submitted to the

Business Information System Program
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the


Approved by,

(Mrs. Nazleeni Samiha Binti Haron @ Baharon)


MAY 2015


This is to certify that I am responsible for the work submitted in this project, that the
original work is my own except as specified in the references and acknowledgements,
and that the original work contained herein have not been undertaken or done by
unspecified sources or persons.



This report elaborates on the chosen research, Campus Event Web-Based

System. It is a system that can update, shares and register information on local events
going around the campus on real-time basis. Based on this system, the target users
which are students are expected to enhance their knowledge and interest of what’s
happening in and out of the campus.
The problem faced by students that they are not able to get the latest information
on events or programmes happening inside the university. A part from that, they also did
not know how to set up an event in terms of its procedures and regulations.
For this project, methodology used to design the system is by using web-based
information systems development as it is best fit for the project and also, how it will
impact its target users. The results gained from the methodology used are from the
feedback from the users were collected through qualitative and quantitative methods
such as questionnaires, interviews, comparative studies and so on.


To begin with, I would like to thank Puan Nazleeni Samiha Binti Haron @
Baharon, my main supervisor, who is a lecturer in Computer Information Science (CIS)
department for her encouragement and guidance throughout my final year project.
I am also grateful to Dr Ahmad Sobri Bin Hashim who is also a lecturer under
the same department as Puan Nazleeni for being my co-supervisor in guiding and
advising me in improving my project.
Apart from that, I would like to thank all my classmates and other lecturers, for
their support and teachings that contribute to my self-development, knowledge and
attitude towards accomplishing the objectives of this project.
Last but not least, I would like to share my gratitude to my parents and families
for supporting my studies and respond to my project by giving suggestions and feedback
for me to enhance the outcome of the project.


ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………….…. iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………………….... v
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES..…………………………………………….... viii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………. ...1

1.1 Background of Study .....................................................................1-2

1.2 Problem Statements........................................................................2-4

1.3 Objective .......................................................................................... .4

1.4 Scope of Study .............................................................................. .4-5

1.5 Project Feasibility…………………………………………….…….5

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................6

2.1 Event Management........................................................................... 6

2.2 Usability Features...................................................................... ….6-7

2.2.1 Benefits of web-based system………………………………7-8

2.3 Understanding graphic presentation on web-based system ........... …9

2.4 Comparison between Available Technologies in the Market ...….9-11

2.5 Designing Effective Web System………………………………….11-12

CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ ..13

3.1 Introduction ............................................................................... ..….13

3.2 Research Methodology………………………………………….13-14

3.3 Development Methodology....................................................... …….14

3.3.1 Web-Based Information Systems (WIS………………..14-15

3.4 Project Phases ........................................................................... …15-17

3.5 Key Milestone……………………………………………………….18

3.6 Gantt Charts……………………………………………………...18-19

3.7 Tools Used for Development……………………………………….20

CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION .......................................................... 21

4.1 Data Collection and Research ........................................................ 21

4.1.1 Literature Review Findings ................................................... 21

4.1.2 Interview and Research Findings ...................................... 21-22

4.1.3 System Testing and User Feedback……………………..23-25

4.2 System Architecture…………………………………………...25-26

4.3 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) ....................................................... 26-27

4.4 Use Case Diagram .....................................................................27-28

4.5 Functional and non-functional requirements ............................ 29-30

4.6 System Design……………………………………………………30-38


REFERENCES .....................................................................................................40-42


Figure 1: UTP Facebook page for campus events 3

Figure 2: Web-Based Information System (WIS) Phase Methodology 14
Figure 3: Student’s Feedback for Application System Testing 24
Figure 4: System Architecture 25
Figure 5: Data flow diagram of Campus Event Web-Based System 26
Figure 6: Use Case Diagram 28
Figure 7: Homepage of the UTP Campus Events system 30
Figure 8: Login or sign up page of UTP Campus Events system 31
Figure 9: Registration navigation page 32
Figure 10: Club registration page 33
Figure 11: Event registration page 33
Figure 12: Upcoming Events page 34
Figure 13: UTP Event Monthly Calendar 35
Figure 14: Heart of Tronoh (HOT) page 35
Figure 15: Clubs & Societies Available in UTP 36
Figure 16: News & Information page 37
Figure 17: Email confirmation received to admin from the system 38
Table 1: Comparison on Previous Work regarding event web-based system 9-11
Table 2: Project Key Milestone 18
Table 3: FYP 1 Gantt Chart 18
Table 4: FYP 2 Gantt Chart 19
Table 5: Functional Requirements 29
Table 6: Nonfunctional Requirements 30


UTP Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

CSD Corporate Service Department

HOD Head of Department

WIS Web-Based Information Systems

HOT Heart of Tronoh


1.1 Background of Study

Today, technology makes our life more convenient. It improved the methods of
communication, amended the occurrence of mobility and had a great impact on
cultivating our lives in this emerging world. The advancement of web-based sites has
made people very keen with latest technology and they prefer to get all information
within their reach and in fast manners.

University is a place for students not only to study but to be exposed to variety
of activities in form of campus-wide events. These events which include cultural, music,
sports, recreational, religious and many others are held for the benefit of students. Some
of the benefits include educating social skills, increasing confidence level, improving
health, relieving stress are very crucial for the students to keep motivated staying in the

This system handles events happening around the campus for students to get
noted and help improve their participation in non-academic curriculum such as sports,
arts and so on. Events or university programme is essential for a student and every
university has their own clubs and societies are created in order to be well-rounded

When students join events, it allows them to become more connected to their
university where there is sense of belongings in them. Thus, encouragement of joining
campus events should be spread widely as it gives benefits and opportunities to the

In web-based system development, its interface plays a crucial part to secure
public access while enhancing user-friendly computational environment for end-users
but at the same time, it should be easy maintenance for administors to handle.
Therefore, this paper propositions an interactive design of web-based features that help
students to get up-to-date with what happenings around their campus.

The aim is to introduce students on procedures to conduct events such as register

the proposed events and wait for approval from CSD and HOD to encourage them to get
involved into making their events a successful turnout. With the provided platforms,
users can easily get informed and understand the process of conducting an event in the
university with approval from respective authorities.

1.2 Problem Statements

There are two (2) main difficulties faced by students and management staffs in the
university in event management such as:

1. Uncentralized information access to latest events / programmes for students or


2. Difficulty in event registration - currently was done manually (not event


Most information of the events or programmes in the campus is shared through

E-Learning and social media such as Facebook and Twitter that is not centralized into
one source. Students always missed out important lectures or talks held by the university
given by well-known spokespersons about important educational matters that can give a
lot of benefits for those students that attend it but because of the information were not
fully spread, thus the attendance of the students is low.

A part from that, most students did not register or inform to respective CSD
staffs for any events that they have created, which makes it difficult to see progress of
each event. Many students do not know event management and the procedures need to
be taken into considerations such as the facility booking, transportation and so on.

Figure 1: UTP Facebook page for campus events

Figure 1 shows a Facebook page by UTP students to promote their events. As

can be seen, the posts are unorganized and difficult to keep track if it has been approved
by respective authorities from CSD and HOD in the university.

The current procedure established by the university is that all events has to be
approved and supervised under Corporate Service Department (CSD) and any booking
to use utility or any equipment from the university has to be made to Property &
Maintenance Department (PMD).

With the current process of handling events, it makes the job of authority
becomes harder to keep track of events going around the university as there is no
centralized or only source to get information. Therefore, a system is proposed to
eradicate the current situation.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of this project are as follows:

 To develop a web-based system to inform events happening in the campus.

 To evaluate the user satisfaction of the campus event web-based system.

1.4 Scope of study

The scope of study for this project is to solve the problem stated above in the
problem statement through user experience. The development is focused for UTP
students to use the system to get noted on events happening in the campus as well as
register their events easier online instead of sending form to the office of CSD or HOD
which is time-consuming.
All of events inside the campus require getting approval from CSD staff and
HOD of their club or society to conduct any event in the university. The project will be
focused on usability of web-based system in terms of user interface and navigation
structure and usability.

The system was developed by using Wix Application which is a Content

Management System (CMS) which provide the information such graphic displays in
slideshow or picture collage to attract students to view on upcoming events, and some
features which user can submit the form through this site for event or club registration.

User needs to register their club email and password by self. in order to be log in
the system. The scope for this only is focusing on user and CSD. The CSD will be
acting as Admin to check and approve event request by students. System Admin will
help CSD understand the functions of the system to ease their role in the system.

1.5 Project Feasibility

The advantage to develop this system which to develop a graphic-oriented

content management system which provides information about upcoming events,
available clubs and societies, latest news and information, help information and
registration of club and events form through online and direct to the CSD staff.

This project will be completed within the 28 weeks’ time. For the first four
months, it is to complete the project designation, proposal, idea generating and
preliminary result. It is also the period of analyzing and study of literature review.
The development of the application is to be done in the next 4 months, which is
during Final Year Project (FYP) 2 time frame.

The scope of development is also being focused as to set the basic

requirement of the development which to implement a system which converting a
paper based form into website in interactive way.



2.1 Event Management

Based on (“event - definition of event in English from the Oxford dictionary,”

n.d.), an event is classified as a thing that happens or takes place providing some
importance to the audience. It is also known as a planned public or social occasion such
as social gathering or sports program.

Meanwhile, event management is defined in (“Event management - Wikipedia,

the free encyclopedia,” n.d.) as the application of project management to the creation and
development bigger events such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies and so on.

(“Event management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,” n.d.) also explained

that in managing an event, few process will be undertake known as event planning that
covers the budgeting, scheduling, site or venue selection, booking necessary permits or
rents which can be taken account by designing a proper system that can well-managed all
these events.

2.2 Web-Based System

Chiu, C.-M., & Wang, E. T. G. (2008) mentioned that a successful web-based

information application depends on the user’s constancy to subsequently use the system.
Some researchers said that end users are looking for performance and effort expectancy,
computer self-efficacy and attainment value that sustain an individuals’ intentions to
continue using the web-based system.

Besides, Duan, Y., Edwards, J. S., & Xu, M. X. (2005) says that advancement of
technologies in the Internet and field of expert systems has found better methods to share
and distribute information and knowledge worldwide. Design, development and use of
web-based expert system help to improve the system performance if correctly utilized.

In designing web interfaces, Chapman, C. (2010) said that it is not easy to portray
the messages or information needed for end users from raw data, up to images. Suitable
requirements must be grasped into the system in order to meet the expectation of users.
Great user interface will prioritize the functionality first above anything else.

This is because most people use applications because of its easiness and
flexibility. Visitor of the site will interact with the system, so it is important to have
proper user interface (UI) design in terms of its color theory, negative space and layout.

2.2.1 Benefits of web-based system

According to Nicholas (2015), he said that you can event’s marketing

campaign can only be measured by pairing them up with the analytics
software in one of the many event planning platforms out there, and you’ll
give yourself a complete picture of how well you’re actually doing from an
advertising perspective which is this case, same goes to campus events.

Web-based information system helps to promote students events more

easily and in attractive ways. A part from that, the previous research of
(Arthur, n.d.), he mentioned that the benefits of a web-based system can be
summarized as follows:

Save Money

When a business is using database online software, it saves money

because no need to buy software program for the business which results in
major savings of cost.

Flexible Use
Another benefit of using web-based system, it allows flexibility of the
amount of storage that the business used.

In addition, researchers (Magic Web Solutions) also studied that web-

based application provides other valuable advantages such as the followings:

Accessible anywhere
Web systems can be accessed at anytime, anywhere as long as there is a
PC with an Internet connection, giving user the control of where and when
they can access the application.

Easily customizable

The user interface (UI) of web-based applications can easily be

customized in desktop application which makes it convenient to update
the design and layout of the application according to different set of users.

Easy to install and maintain

It is easy to manage a computer-based system by install or upgrade into a

new version application that is installed on the host server. All users can
straight away access and use it.


Most web-based applications have dedicated servers, which are monitored

and maintained by experienced server administrators as it can supervise
hundreds or even thousands of users at the same time.

Cost effective developments

Cost savings such from reduction by using of paper and print based from
and to use.

2.3 Understanding graphic presentation on web-based system

Researchers known as Michael F. Guheen, James D. Mitchell, J. J. B. (2002)

studied that a person can captivate and understand information better in visual
representation or graphical context much faster compared to in alphanumeric text or
conveyed verbally.

The individual is likely to able to retain that information longer when it is visually
represented. Nevertheless, a balance must be sustained between presenting the
information in a manner that able to hold viewer’s attention while keeping the graphic
presentation simple enough to be easily and quickly comprehended

Researcher (Bernard, 2000) studied that in construct user-oriented websites, few

design implications must be considered such as

Organization of the Information

Studies shown that user tend to fixate on text rather than images at the early visit
to a site. Thus, best way to insure that user grasps the content and meaning of a web page
by well-organized titles and headers under the images. Besides that, users prefer to have
fit horizontal viewing area of the site as they are unwilling to scroll in a particular
direction if it is located outside the main view area. A part from that, user prefers to have
hyperlinks on a web page as they are link headings in a group by columns rather than
rows. It increases the response time to search information. And the writing style in each
page is important because some users scan the page looking for information that interests
them only, so highlight keywords, bulleted lists and one key idea per paragraph is highly
recommended to retain user consistency in viewing the website.

Making the Structure More Navigable

It is highly recommended that a site should only present links that are necessary
for navigation to avoid user get confused on how to use the site. The placement of
information should follow genera Web conventions and guidelines that have been set by
most usability experts to aid in design the webpage.

2.4 Comparison between Available Technologies in the Market

Below are some explanations on previous work regarding event web-based system.

Table 1: Comparison on Previous Work regarding event web-based system

Topic / Context /
Author / Paradigm /
Focus / Setting / Findings Gaps
/ Date Theoretical Method
Question Sample
Eaglesync Activity
creates an request and
online tools for
community users Provides
More time
for EWU many other
efficient and
campus tools for
User-friendly organized by
organizations users such
method for using the
as to-do Restricted
our clubs and web-based
Moncy, “Designed to lists, requests
organizations system
S. help clubs Google- that might
to connect to instead of
(2015) and synced take a little
the campus paper forms
organizations calendars, bit time.
events and for requests
on campus forms for
repository is also a
plan events event
and manage planning
everyday and others

of a web-
based system
is used to
“To design a involves
web-based intensive
systems for
ECM Deals with data of
Huang, EC engineering
framework product products
G.Q, classification Industrial change
for configuration and
Yee, and case studies management
facilitating and processes.
W.Y, prioritisation, on the ECM (ECM).
information structuring, Difficult to
Mak, and subject. Information
sharing nor with collect
K.L effectivity regarding
between process appropriate
(2001) analysis. organisation,
various workflow. data and
parties that analysis is
and forms
are dispersed time
are easily
at different consuming.
built into the
locations and
for achieving
data access

Development Qualitative
of a web- descriptive
based A number of
Geographic Comparison site
Information among investigation
System for projects in reports and No fully
History of
the case studies borehole reliable
management logs were data
of borehole analyzed to standard in
in Seoul
Chang, and reveal preceding
GeoLibrary, area
Y.S geological principal projects to
and data. components suggest
et al., 2001). 9 subway
Park, among more
lines with
H.D “To develop various suitable
length of
(2004) a prototype borehole data
316 in total
model of data from standards
Web-based different for each
from year
Geographic construction geological
Information works of data.
System road,
(GIS) railway, and
application buildings.
for efficient
of borehole

Based on the table above, these researchers were studying on how to enhance the
process of distributing information and knowledge by using web-based system.
Information must be portrayed in a way that user understood the information that is being

2.5 Designing Effective Web System

Friedman (2008) have said to build a website, element of user-centric has to be

considered in the design as it is more successful and profitable design because the user
will keep on using the website if the designed features fit their requirement. Then, there
is some usability features need to develop systems which are:

Quality and Credibility

Most user prefer to get high-quality content, rather than design that supports it
as the content is more valuable to them.

Instant Gratification

A website has to meet the user’s expectations to avoid designer loses their job and
the company making loss of money due to failure retaining the user on the
website. If not, the user will leave the website and find another alternative if they
are not satisfied.

Obvious and Self-Explanatory

When creating a web-based, the user must be able to use the system without
having too much thoughts or efforts in utilizing the website. They need to make
decisions consciously, considering the pros, cons and alternatives.

The information provided in a system must be relevant to inform. To ensure

user attract with the information and help user to search according to their


3.1 Introduction

According to (“methodology - definition of methodology in English from the

Oxford dictionary,” n.d.), methodology is defined as a system of methods used to
investigate the concept or theories in a particular area of study or activity.

In this chapter, author will describe the research methodology used for this
project; explain how to design the proposed application, elaborate the procedures and
process used in designing the application and data collection as well as provide methods
on how to analyze the collected data.

3.2 Research Methodology

Based on Clarke, R.J (2005), he explains that there are four (4) main ideas when
constructing a research; exploring ideas, enquiring an issue, solving a problem and
making arguments that induces author to turn into external help. He also described that in
doing research, there are two major research approaches; qualitative and quantitative

Based on Hohmann (n.d.), he explains that qualitative approach is a constructive,

naturalistic and interpretive perspective which is to use to gain insight into a problem,
issue or theory. It is also used to study social and cultural phenomenon which includes
structured and unstructured interviews, focus groups, case study, and diary accounts and
so on.

For research and information gathering, author uses methods like interviewing
experts to get their understanding and requirements and comparative studies on previous
work of other authors in validating the feasibility and reliability of this project.

According to Hohmann (n.d.), a quantitative approach is traditional, experimental
and empirical advances to study natural phenomenon. He explains that quantitative
methods are including surveys, laboratory experiments, econometrics and numerical
methods like mathematical modeling.

3.3 Development Methodology

In software engineering, development methodology is known as software

development life cycle (SDLC). Based on McConnell (n.d.), SDLC have few stages to
improve better planning and management in developing the software. It is also
considered as a subdivision of systems development life cycle.

There are common development methodology approaches such as waterfall,

prototyping, iterative and incremental development, spiral development, rapid application
development, extreme programming and agile methodology.

For this project, author decides to use agile software development as it is more
suitable for this project which uses both iterative and incremental development at the
same time.

3.3.1 Web-Based Information Systems (WIS)

Figure 2: Web-Based Information System (WIS) Phase Methodology

Web-based Information System (WIS) approach is more detailed than traditional
Information System (IS) approach in terms of its presentation, user profiling and so on.
In web engineering, as was mentioned by (Gnaho, 2001), he studied that user modelling
and customization is vital in WIS.

He also said that by identifying and meeting the user needs, he was able to define
directions on how to navigate in his system in order to achieve his user satisfaction.
There are three (3) different phase in abstraction of the system, namely conceptual,
logical and physical.

WIS also specifically separates the management of potential users, data, content
design and many others to lead to a higher level of independence and flexibility.

3.4 Project Phases

Phase 1: Requirement Analysis

In the WIS life cycle, a requirement analysis includes elements of the traditional
planning and analysis phase. During this phase, user’s requirements are determined but
the determination is done in the framework of a discussion of the problem statement.

Once specific requirements have been identified for development, developer had
will decide on suitable and feasible requirements that can be included. This stage requires
analysis made up such define problem, finding title proposal, collect data, review
previous research, initial drafting for user interface, analyse data and conduct literature

An interview was conducted with CSD Manager Universiti Teknologi

PETRONAS and some of staffs under same jurisdiction were there to help author
understand their needs from the system.

Phase 2: System Design

This stage is the designation of the interfaces and creates system architecture. At
this phase, author design the system by following the features mentioned in literature
review sections. Author creates prototypes that capture systems requirements and that
become the basis for the physical design of the system being developed. The outcome of
this project is storyboard and prototype procedure created.

There are five chosen modules for the development of the mobile learning
application shown as below.

• Module 1: Home - This module will show student all events happening in the
campus in a masonry position to attract student to click on each event poster to
know more about certain events. Students are more attracting to see images rather
than reading numerous words; this homepage helps to promote events.

• Module 2: Clubs & Societies - This module will sort available clubs and societies
in the university, therefore it is easier for students to know and join any clubs that
fit their interest. At the same time, this module provides links that connect to the
club’s Facebook to find out more about previous club activities.

• Module 3: News & Information - This module will provide the students about the
latest information and achievement on any club activities to get positive review
from the students. Students can give feedback by give comments on this module.

• Module 4: Club Registration - In this module, student can register on their new
club. Admin will add their details in the clubs & societies module thus attract new
members to join the new established clubs.

• Module 5: Event Registration - In this module, it will provide students function to

request to conduct any events by filling important details of their proposed events
and have to wait for approval from CSD and HOD. Once approved, admin will
send confirmation email to the respective requester. All approved events will be
uploaded in Module 1 which is the homepage.

Before user can carry out any given tasks in the system, they have to be log in
using their club emails especially for club and event registration. Other module like
viewing available clubs or news and information, no log in is needed as they can preview
as free access.

This is because the main goal of this application is to give information and attract
students to know and join any interesting events handled both by students and the
university itself.

Phase 3: Development

During this phase, author start to develop system after analyze the data and
information needed by using software such Wix Content Management System and
database is connected to Gmail and hardware such laptop and local host. The outcomes
of this project design have been finalized and system success builds are Wix application
and connected with Gmail Database.

Phase 4: Cutover

Cutover is the delivery of the new system to its end users. Planning for cutover
must begin early in the WIS process because the WIS approach is flexible. Cutover
involves many of the traditional implementation of activities, including testing the
system, guiding users, dealing with administrative changes, and running the new and old
systems in equivalent, but all these activities occur on an fast-tracked basis.

The outcomes of this project are the new system has been implemented and testing.
Therefore, by building this system able to solve the problem and give a better solution to
the user.

3.5 Key Milestone

Table 2: Project Key Milestone

Num. Milestone Completion Week

1 Requirement Gathering Week 10
2 Interim report submission Week 12
3 Proposal Defense Week 14
4 Progress Report Week 18
5 Dissertation and Technical Report Week 25
5 Prototype Development Complete Week 26
6 Project Submission and Presentation Week 28

3.6 Gantt Charts

Table 3: FYP 1 Gantt Chart

No. Project Activities (FYP1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Selection of Project Title
Search for Project Title
2 Planning & Research Analysis
Conduct interview and
Define the system scope
Determine system outline
Literature review research
3 Proposed Design
Design storyboard diagram
Preliminary design layout


Suggested Milestone

Table 4: FYP 2 Gantt Chart

No. Project Activities (FYP2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
4 System Construction
 Build
Develop User Interface
Create pages in Wix
Content Management
Homepage design and
navigation structure
 Demonstrate
Run simple test to show
the workability
Ensure all components
interrelated and working
 Refine
Fix coding error
Reconstruct the system
5 System Cutover
Testing system functionality
and usability
Check system specification
aligned with the requirements
System implementation


Suggested Milestone

3.7 Tools Used for Development

To develop this project, there are several tools and requirements needs to be used to run
the system. Below is the minimum requirement and tools required:

 Personal computers with Windows platform, 1 GB RAM (minimum), 50

GB hard-disk space, including 115 MB of available space on the hard disk
that contains the operating system – to store all files and documents
regarding the system

 Wix Content Management System Application – to design the user interface
of the system for all the features and functions required

 123 Form Builder Application – To generate registration form, user testing
form to get their feedback on the use of the system

 Gmail Database – To store all club and registration request send from user
through the system

 Microsoft Excel – To calculate percentage of user satisfaction after using
the system


4.1 Data Collection and Research

Below are some findings throughout the project such as previous research regarding
chosen topic, campus events web system and other medium such as interviews, user
feedback has been carried out to get proper results.

4.1.1 Literature Review Findings

From previous literature review research, the findings can be simplified as:

• Event Management – process of managing an event that covers

the budgeting, scheduling, site or venue selection, booking

• Web-Based System - application depends on the user’s constancy

to subsequently use the system

• Understanding graphic presentation on web-based system

• Comparison between Available Technologies in the Market

• Designing Effective Web System

4.1.2 Interview and Research Findings

In order to determine the requirements needed for Campus Events Web-

Based System, an interview was conducted with CSD Manager of Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS and staff through a meeting to collect the information
and request the form to be used for sample. Below are description of each
respondent and their roles in the university.

1. Mohd Zulkarnain bin Zulkifli

• Manager of Corporate Service Department, CSD in UTP

• Working under Conference Management unit

• Deals with the university’s corporate and official events or


2. Sayuthi bin Shaaran

• Senior clerk in Property Management & Maintenance

Department, PPMD in UTP

• Working under Property (Project & Civil Engineering) unit

• Deals with facility booking such as venue, IT & Media support

and many more

3. Mohd Azizi bin Abd Wahab

• Senior executive in Property Management & Maintenance, PPMD

in UTP

• Working under Property (Project & Civil Engineering) unit

• Deals with development and maintenance of the facility booking


Objectives of Interview:

1. To understand current problems faced by two important departments,

CSD and PMD in handling any UTP events and programs.

2. To get the department’s requirements in the system and application.

3. To seek their ideas and future planning for the proposed system.

4. To get brief ideas on how the system should look like.

4.1.3 System Testing and User Feedback

System testing was divided into two parts, which are developer testing
and user testing. The project needs to be tested for conformance with the system
requirements stated in the early stage. Below is the two parts involved:

a. Developer Testing

The developer needs to test the application that deals with request sent by
users. The user needs to register their account in the application and try to send
request. Log in function need to be synchronize with sign up details of the user

Plus, the every request made will be send to developer’s email and it will be
recorded and updated where CSD has approved the request. Beside, testing also
involves syntax, functionality and logical errors. No major problem found in this

b. User Testing

The system had been tested with university students when the system was
almost completed. The system is tested by 20 students under the instructions of
the developer. Each student tested all the functionalities.. After the application
prototype testing, the students need to fill in survey feedback form.

The purpose of the survey is to collect the feedback from students regarding
the usage of the application. There will be 4 categories be asked in the feedback
form which basically related to the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use
and ease of learning.

The bar chart in Figure 5 shows the result of the user testing. The rating is
from 1 to 5 which rating 1 signifies strongly disagree by the users and 5 signifies
strongly agree by the users. It shows that most of the students like the modules
lesson in the application.

Most of them agree with functionalities provided in the system. Moreover,

most of the students also want to use the system again if it is available in the
future as additional support tool to register and promote their events Regarding
the modules, the students agree that it can help them to keep track of any
upcoming events in the university from the system. Lastly, the user believes that
the system is easy to use and it saves their time to know events happening in
their campus.

Figure 3: Student’s Feedback for Application System Testing

The development of Campus Event Web-Based system could be enhanced in

the future in order to add more improvement for students to know about their
campus events. More research on campus event modules and interactive
platform should be done.

This will definitely enhance the modules to be more interactive and complex
in terms of solving the problem. Besides that, more interesting features can be
added such as sortation and geographical information can also be added to give
more edges on the interface whereby students can mapped out the location of the
event for future recommendation.

4.2 System Architecture

Figure 4 shows the design of the system architecture for campus events web-
based system.

Figure 4: System Architecture

From the figure, the users i.e. the students (user) will start the communication
with the system by logging in and accessing the system through their club email and
password that has been approved by the admin.

The model also illustrates several levels of user authentications i.e. Student and
Corporate Service Department (CSD) staff, which have different role of permission in
accessing the contents and functionalities and the system will be handled by the admin
in regarding to maintain the system.

Each of the users has to go through an authentication function before proceeding
to the individual function such as club and event registration. For user, functionalities
provided for them are club and event registration as well as public access to latest events
and programmes in the campus.

Meanwhile, admin has the functionalities to approve or disapprove the event

requested by user. Email confirmation will be generated through the system to both
admin and user when an event request has been made. But only, admin will send
approval or disapproval email once CSD or PR staffs approve the request and upload the
approved event poster on the homepage.

4.3 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

At its simplest, a data flow diagram looks at how data flows through a system.

Figure 5: Data flow diagram of Campus Event Web-Based System

Process involved in the data flow diagram:

1. Event Request

• Users will create an event request to book the date, time and place.

• The data will be stored in the server.

• The data request will be forwarded to administration (HOD, CSD and SSD).

2. Event Approval

• Get approval from HOD and CSD on the confirmation on the event requested.

3. Event Notification & Post Event Reporting

• Once approved, an email will be sent to inform on status of the request that has
been made.

4.4 Use Case Diagram

Figure 5 shows the use case diagram for Campus Event Web-Based System.
Three different actors engage in this system which is the user, CSD and admin.

It illustrates two main use cases which are login and choose function for the
student. From Choose Function use case, the student can select to view homepage,
available clubs and societies and help & support from the system.

There are registrations that can be chosen under registration function; club or
event. Then, the student also can view their university official news and information.
Meanwhile, admin also has six main use cases which are login, get HOD & CSD
approval, booking confirmation, notify supporting services and send email

Lastly, the system administrator is the one that will manage the application in
terms of improve the performance of the campus event system.

Figure 6: Use Case Diagram

4.5 Functional and non-functional requirements

Functional Requirements

Table 5: Functional Requirements

*Must 1.0 User User friendly interface for students to

- Auto-populate student username upon log in
- Update club information and details.
- Log In system,
- View homepage on latest upcoming events
- Update and register club or society to admin
- Receive auto-reply email from admin.
- Register event
- Receive auto-reply email from admin once
approved by CSD
- Contact and email person in-charge.
2.0 CSD An easy to use online tool for staffs to
- Auto-populate event information and
- View pending request directly.
- Approve student events through email.
- Assign supporting staff to the event.
- Receive an application through email.
- Receive and send inquiry through email.
3.0 System - Register and add a user
- Update user information
- Delete user
- Update record
- Send auto-reply email to user and CSD staffs.
*Should 1.0 CSD staff
Have - Auto populates email and approve button.
View and edit their details before sending
*Could 1.0 User - request.
2.0 CSD staff - Approve application through the system.
Nonfunctional requirements

Table 6: Nonfunctional Requirements

Performance System responses should not be more than 10 seconds

The system should be accessible concurrently to few

users with no performance degradation

Availability The system should be online 24 x 7

Scalability Phased roll out to other departments and employee between

the organizations.

Support unlimited users

Localization Support multiple time zones

Allow access to only authenticated users [ system admin

Security and CSD staffs ]

4.5 System Design

Figure 7: Homepage of the UTP Campus Events system

Figure 8: Login or sign up page of UTP Campus Events system

Figure 6 shows the homepage of UTP Campus Events system. Meanwhile,

figure 7 shows the login or sign up page to UTP Campus Events system. User need to
register or log in if they want to register for their club or event application. There is a
login form that user need to log in to enter the system.

Then, new users need to create accounts, and user forgets their username or
password, our system will trace user authentication through their registration. Before
users log in the system, they only can view homes, clubs and societies available in the
campus, news and information as well as help instructions.

Figure 9: Registration navigation page

When a user click on the registration menu, figure 8 will pop out and the user
has to choose which tasks to do. An instruction has been pointed at the top of the page
saying that a user has to register their club first before registering for an event.

Figure 10: Club registration page

Figure 11: Event registration page

Only users with registered login can view the registration feature as in figure 9
and 10. For home navigation site will view the image transaction gallery as a masonry

By using a graphical presentation design of concept will attract a user to meet

the system expectations. Keep it simple and clear with the visual concept to ensure
people remember using a system.

Figure 12: Upcoming Events page

Figure 13: UTP Event Monthly Calendar

Figure 14: Heart of Tronoh (HOT) page

This page is designed by arranging video per video to get user interested
more on events happening in the campus. Each video have briefly explained give
highlights on each events turnout. Instead using articles or words to share
information, author decided to enhance on visual and hearing aid to user to get
faster information time.

The logo HOT on the right side on top of the page is can be clicked by
user to get into HOT’s official Facebook page where user can get to know more
about campus events and at the same time, see their friends who follow the page.

In figure 14, user can find more information on available clubs and
societies as the page is designed based categorization element to help user
choose and get the information they are looking for instead of searching it one
by one which might take some time.

Figure 15: Clubs & Societies Available in UTP

Figure 16: News & Information page

This page is designed for user in a masonry position where each news are next to
one another, so that user can keep on reading the news in just one page instead of
opening many links by link to read more. A part from that, user can also view and
comment on the news posts that is in the site. The user can comment by log in to their
login email or in more conventionally way, is by using their personal social network
such as Facebook and Twitter.

Figure 17: Email confirmation received to admin from the system

Once a registration has been made on both club and event, an email will be
sending to the admin from the system and will be forwarded to CSD staffs for event
approval process.


In conclusion, the advancement in the web technologies, designing a system

seems reliable and suitable in exchanging information between two parties. From
traditional based information sharing, to electronic information sharing environment
then upgrade to the new way of greener solution; paperless method that widely
implemented in developed countries abroad.

After three months developing this system, the prototype application is tested
almost 20 students in different programme and year of study at the same university. The
results of the testing showed the excitement of the student towards the system which is a
good feedback for the implementation as additional support tool for the university to
handle student’s events or programmes.

Overall, the objectives of the project have been met and the system has increased
the interest of student to get active in their campus events. In another word, to create a
user-friendly, time efficient and greener solution for campus event information sharing
and registration.

For future recommendations, the system should be upgraded to mobile version in

the future. A part from that, the approval status feature for the administration should be
enhanced. The system should also be linked or connected to official university portal for
guest (non-students) user to get informed any events on the campus. In the future, the
system could become one-stop event management portal system that include booking of
venue, equipment and tools as well as personnel or technicians.


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