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srivsss0/148 HAL: MUTEESA FIRST REG: — 20172018
‘Academic Voar: 2017/2018 Peta) eee
‘Nam ‘Course Name.
‘Christan Ethies ar Valves | (Chistian Ethics and Valves
Computing | 4 Thermodynamics |
Engineering Mathematics | Coming
Communication Skis Fig Mechanics |
Intocuction 1 Engingering 1 ——_—tectrcal Sysioms
EEnginoerng Drawing | Engineering Mathematics I
Engineering Mocharics | 2 Engineering Mocarics I
GPA: 488 GPA: 408 CGPA: 4.46
Perse ‘Academio Year: 201
ourse Name ‘Course Name (CU Score Grade
ELezio8 __Eleotcal Machines | . Enginooring Mathematics 68 C+
FeT2101 Engineering Mathemates I . Measurements and instumen 7 8
ENG1901 Recess Term cz Jmece002 —_Enginooring Materials Scienc oA
encesoy Spggstn rawra MOLD IMec2209 Fad Mechanics I a A
MeC2204 Engineering Mechanics IV (
IMEC2t01 _Exgonomics and Work Dasign ‘ Cea
IMece102 _Engineaing Mechanics Il (Machines)
lcrous: 71 GPA: 467 CGPA: 437
‘Course Namé (Course Name
Renewable Enorpy 5 IMECS201 Control Systom Principles
Ieustal Training | Enginaering Managoment
Engineering Mechanis V (Oynamic i
Systone) Manulacturing it (Technology) «ee
gineering Management | lMEc2204 Engineering Design I (Proc «78 Ge
(Principle ans Practice) MEC2205 Thermodynamics l (Heat T a tea
Engineering Materiais Science Il A Tivecsz0s Fluid Mechanics Il (Power Sysioms) 380A
arte | Processes and
Engineering Design | (Machine)
GPA: 49 CGPA: 4.48 lcYous: 142 GPA: 463. CGPA: 454
‘Course Nam (Code ‘Course Name
Irdustial Tearing 2 Ecaao; Energy and Environments
ring Ethics MECA201 —Engooring
Enginoering Ethos and Law
Enginserig Management Ii wecazoe —_‘Manulacturing V (Planning
Enginaerng Managenent V
erodyaics Il (Power Systems)
Engineering Management IV
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Eignature of the Faculty Examination Officer and an officia
sigimp. Please note that this is not an official
Sea pit. Transcripts can only be obtained from the Academic
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