China Colour Forecast S S 24
China Colour Forecast S S 24
China Colour Forecast S S 24
Apricot Crush
China Key Colour S/S 24
The refreshing and energetic hue of Apricot Crush first appeared in our A/W
23/24 forecast as an annual colour, and will remain important for the China
region in S/S 24. Similar in hue to the traditional colour of rosy clouds (赪霞),
this shade of orange calls to mind clouds at sunrise and sunset, and
symbolises the beauty found in nature. Apricot Crush is a mood-enhancing
and restorative colour that evokes positivity, optimism and rejuvenation.
Colour evolution
Apricot Crush: usage
Invest in the activating mid-tone of Apricot
Crush to bring energy to S/S 24 designs.
China Key Colour S/S 24
Nutshell is a rich and spicy brown that evokes feelings of warmth and
reassurance. In China, consumer attitudes remain cautious, so colours that
offer a sense of stability and authenticity, such as Nutshell, will continue to
resonate. Prominent in interiors and fashion, this brown shade is being
favoured by designers for its classic appearance. Speaking to sustainability
over newness, it appeals to longevity. This hue will appeal to consumers who
are looking for colours that feel safe and relatable.
Colour evolution
Nutshell: usage
Broaden your palette with the rich and
warming shade of Nutshell.
Glacial Blue
China Key Colour S/S 24
Blue continues to be a key colour in the China market, but in S/S 24 it will
move away from the bright shade of Galactic Cobalt to the soft pastel hue of
Glacial Blue. This light and restful shade links to wellness and nature,
aligning with holistic wellbeing priorities. We are also seeing this colour
become prominent in digital design and virtual idols – for example, AYAYI
intertwines fantasy and nature by placing meta-human characters in serene
Colour evolution
Glacial Blue: usage
Pivot to the serene and calming hue of
Glacial Blue.
Cyber Lime
China Key Colour S/S 24
Green remains important in the China market, but in S/S 24 it will move to the
punchy near-neon shade of Cyber Lime. In China, Cyber Lime is similar to the
traditional colour known as Nice Green (青粲), which signifies the beginning
of summer on the solar calendar. This shade of green is also linked to a high-
quality Chinese rice called Bi Japonica (碧粳), aligning this hue with food,
nature and energy. Tapping into multi-species thinking, lime greens are
present in virtual worlds that blend natural and digital elements. In S/S 24,
Cyber Lime will signify a powerful connection between nature and
Colour evolution
Cyber Lime: usage
Use Cyber Lime to blend traditional and
natural values with digital enhancements.
Pink Diamond
China Key Colour S/S 24
The sweet pastel hue of Pink Diamond will become a key colour for the China
market, and it will move away from being seen as a female-only shade.
Chinese artist Wang Yuhan uses pink to create abstract and dreamy displays
of colour in her work, with each piece intended to engage the heart of the
viewer. Emerging as a key colour in menswear, fashion brand Pronounce used
this hue in its recent collection, showing it as a shade with gender-inclusive
appeal. Aligning with a new generation of Chinese men who are looking to be
more honest and in touch with their emotions, we expect Pink Diamond to
resonate with this consumer as a powerful and emotive shade.
Colour evolution
Pink Diamond: usage
Embrace Pink Diamond as a gender-
inclusive colour in S/S 24.
1 234
Action points
Build a long-term colour Check the feasibility of your Invest in low-impact colour Be metaverse-ready
strategy colours solutions
Take a long-term view of your palette To ensure your colours work across Find innovative ways to apply colour As the demand for digital products
by building a lifecycle for each colour. different substrates, carry out a sustainably, and adopt circular sources grows, consider how your colours will
Think beyond seasons and evaluate feasibility check on your palette before where possible. Invest in nature- translate within the metaverse. Design
how your colours will stand the test of sharing with your supply chain. If you powered innovations alongside certified products as digital and physical equals,
time. would like your Coloro palette health- low-impact dyes and pigments. Also and ensure the colours are engaging
checked, or if you would like feasibility look to waste streams and reclaimed across multiple platforms and
data for our 50 Coloro S/S 24 colours, materials as commercial sources of environments.
click here for further information. responsible colour.
033-75-33 153-19-00
035-81-23 037-93-00
024-21-05 034-84-05
019-27-14 103-45-01
024-37-20 000-64-00
033-49-16 031-77-03
031-63-17 143-36-17
030-69-10 138-44-29
022-60-08 138-81-07
024-65-27 120-22-18
023-61-36 120-28-32
022-40-26 122-62-21
017-43-20 117-47-13
* This is a reference guide only. Colours on computer screens vary. Find out more about Coloro here.
022-62-16 112-75-11
022-81-13 105-56-31
010-64-27 105-27-15
011-50-32 078-33-24
010-42-20 072-45-06
008-26-26 074-80-06
010-38-36 064-59-32
156-56-30 062-71-14
158-44-32 058-55-18
Colour Reference S/S 24
147-82-14 050-40-14
147-70-20 051-76-36
Coloro 151-46-20 035-64-26
13-0947 TCX 19-4203 TCX
13-0941 TCX 11-4800 TCX
19-1109 TCX 12-0304 TCX
19-1220 TCX 18-4214 TCX
18-1140 TCX 17-5104 TCX
17-1036 TCX 14-4501 TCX
16-0928 TCX 19-3424 TCX
14-1208 TCX 18-3533 TCX
16-1318 TCX 14-3710 TCX
15-1247 TCX 19-3932 TCX
16-1356 TCX 19-3952 TCX
18-1250 TCX 16-4030 TCX
18-1441 TCX 18-3922 TCX
* This is a reference guide only. Colours on computer screens vary. Find out more about Pantone here.
16-1422 TCX 14-4123 TCX
14-1219 TCX 17-4440 TCX
16-1632 TCX 19-4324 TCX
18-1651 TCX 19-5421 TCX
17-1537 TCX 18-5611 TCX
19-1934 TCX 14-4807 TCX
18-1657 TCX 16-6340 TCX
17-1937 TCX 15-6317 TCX
18-2043 TCX 17-0235 TCX
Colour Reference S/S 24
136 C 426 C
134 C 7541 C
412 C 7527 C
7595 C 431 C
1615 C Cool Gray 8 C
7559 C Warm Gray 2 C
7508 C 525 C
4685 C 3559 C
4735 C 665 C
1565 C 2767 C
1575 C 287 C
7585 C 7451 C
7600 C 2373 C
* This is a reference guide only. Colours on computer screens vary. Find out more about Pantone here.
7514 C 543 C
474 C 3538 C
2029 C 3035 C
1787 C 3298 C
7419 C 5487 C
188 C 622 C
200 C 2422 C
1915 C 558 C
7635 C 576 C
Colour Reference S/S 24
Pantone Coated
517 C 7750 C
672 C 389 C
2061 C 7555 C
Colour methodology
01 02 03
06 05 04
Key Coloro Colour Selection Palette Longevity Strategy Coloro Health Check
Identifying the colours that will play Defining the longevity of each colour Rigorously testing colour
a significant role for all industries and and splitting the palette into three achievability across all key
define the mood of the season sections – Seasonal, Annual and Long- substrates to avoid wasted
Term. Over 40% of colours are carried resources
forward every season, reflecting the
importance of choosing colours
07 08
WGSN's forecast reports are created by our global team of experts
Colour forecas ting team Yvonne Kostiak, Senior Strategist, Active Contr ibutors Afr ica
Jenny Clark, Head of Colour Gemma Riberti, Head of Interiors APAC Raeesa Brey, Researcher
Helen Palmer, Head of Materials and Clare Varga, Director of Beauty Alison Ho, Consumer Researcher Amer icas
Textiles Reiko Morrison, Head of CMF, Lupi Yao, Trend Director, WGSN China Sofia Martellini, Strategist, Youth and
Sara Maggioni, Head of Womenswear Consumer Tech Womenswear
Chihiro Kakemoto, Japanese Localisation
Erin Rechner, Head of Kidswear Martina Rocca, Strategist, Insight Lead Aus tralia and New Zealand
Jane Collins, Senior Strategist, Footwear Clare Coulson, Colour Strategist Madoka Okuda-Marshall, Japanese Yianni Giovanoglou, Client Services
and Accessories Localisation Editor Specialist
Joanne Thomas, Head of Content,
Nick Paget, Senior Strategist, Menswear Coloro
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