Gender: Female
Nature of employment: Fulltime, regular, confirmed and permanent
Area of Research& Interest: Regional poetry, Indian Literature in English, Translation and
Comparative Literature.
Research experience:
1) Presently guiding 3 students for their PhD. and 1 student for MPhil
2) Consistently doing research on various subjects specially on
Indian Writings, Immigrant Literature, Regional and folk Literature and
Diaspora, American literatures, and women writings for last 10 years
3) Working on post doctoral research in areas like comparative
Literatures and literatures of Indian marginalized.
Resource person:
1. Invited as resource person to deliver talk at Academic staff
College, Nagpur March 2005
2. Invited by the Mohile Parekh Centre for Performing Arts to
Chair the talk by Marianne Novy and give inputs on
“Shakespeare-Sympathy and Prejudice”.
3. Invited at the “World Social Forum” to speak on
“Affirmative Action” January 2004
4. Invited as a resource person for “model parliament” under
the auspices of 50 years of India’s independence at New
Delhi in presence of George Fernandez and P.A. Sangma.
5. Invited by NCCI, CNI, CSI, UELCI at the “National
Methodology workshop”20-22 august 2005 to speak on
“Contextual and sociological scenario of marginalized”
6. Invited by Mahila Mahavidyalaya and Nagpur University
English Teachers organization jointly as a Resource person
On 25th august 2005 to speak on ‘Black Women Writers-
Gender Roles/ “Womanist” perspective’
7. Invited as a resource person by the International Dhamma
Mahila Parishad to speak on the “Buddhism as the need of
this age for attaining Universal Peace” on 20-21 September
2006 at Diksha Bhoomi, Nagpur
8. Invited as resource person by the American center Calcutta
to speak on “American literature: responses in Asia and Asia
Pacific on 22-24 august 2006
9. Invited as a resource person by the Ambedkar center for
Economic and social justice, University of Mumbai to speak
on Buddhism and 21st century
10. Invited as resource person to speak on
“Contextualizing challenges to Buddhism: Combating forces
of Dissent and Appropriation in the 21st century”
on the 4th march 2007 at Patrakar Bhawan,Pune
11. Invited to speak as resource person at the UGC Sponsored
Refresher course in English on theme “Romanticism and
Resistance: A Post Colonial Approach –special reference to
Slave Literature of the Romantic period” at Jadhavpur
University on 1st march 2006
12. Invited to speak as resource person at the UGC Sponsored
Refresher course in English on “Black women writers” at
HP University, Shimla on 28th June 2006
13. Have been consistently invited to read poems at various
literary meets like the SAARC, Asmitadarsha, Abhivyakti,
Kusumanjali, Kavyotsav, Sahitya akademi etc.
14. Made presentations at the SAARC Writers Literary meet at
New Delhi 2007
15. Invited as a resource person by Sahitya Akademi at Nagpur
to speak on the Folk theatre of Maharastra- Tamasha and
Tamasha Dance on 12th Oct 2008
16. Invited by the Punjabi Sahitya Akademi and Sahitya
Akademi, Delhi as resource person to speak on the
The future of Indian Languages: Challenges and
Opportunities on 17th Jan 2009
17. Invited by Sahitya Akademi as a panelist for the session on
Translations and as a poet for recitations at the Moscow
Book Fair from 30th August -8th Sept 2009
18. Made presentations at the Turkish writers Union at Istanbul
as a member of the delegation of Sahitya Akademi on 10th
Sept 2009
19. Invited by the Gujarat vidyapeeth as resource person to
speak on Black Femminism at the international seminar on
Feminism in literature on 7th Dec.2009
20. Invited by the Sahitya Akademi, Mumbai as resource
person to speak on aspects of translations on 20th Dec2009
21. Invited by Sahitya Akademi, Delhi as resource person for
the writers meet cum seminar on why do I write, how do I
write on 6th Jan 2010
22. Invited by Khalsa college, Punjab as resource person and
Chairperson for UGC National conference on Literature of
small cultures: assertion of difference on 26th-27th march 2010
Published works:
1. First poem published at the age of 9 in “Lokmat” then
Onwards several book reviews, articles (both social and
Literary), and poems published in dailies, weeklies,
Souvenirs etc
2. Poems published in “Gungo ki Awaaz”-an anthology edited
By Dr. J.H.Anand, ISPCK Publications
3. Poem “I long For Those days” selected by the National
Library of Poetry Owing Mills, Maryland, USA 1995
4. Poems published in the “Sunday Observer”, Srilanka,
Mauritius times, ISPCK, Delhi 1996-97
5. Marathi Translations of poems published by the
Sahitya Academy, New Delhi Nov-Dec2005
6.”Durban and Beyond”-experiences and Review published by
the Institute of engineers in their magazine in 2001
7. Published paper on contextual and sociological challenges
Before Buddhism in contemporary times in “Muktigatha”
September 2006 issue, p.122-128
8. Published research article on the “Non absurdity of the
Absurd drama” in Sunday magazine, 1999, Nagpur
9. Published research paper on Arundhati Roy’s “God of Small
Things: A Laudable perception” in journal “New Horizons”
Volume VIII No.10, July 1998, Nagpur p.44-47
10. Published Research paper titled “Revamping the Canon:
Poetry of Contemporary African American women poets
Published in The International issue on Poetry titled
“Yapanchitra: A portrait of Life” July 2006 issue, Barnana
Publication, Kolkata, p.43-55
11. Published Research Paper titled “From Margins to the
Centre: Comparative Analysis of African American
Writing and Marathi Dalit Literature of Maharastra, in
“Studies in American Literature”, Volume V, 2007,
American centre, U.S Consulate General, Printodex
Publication: Kolkata, p.81-90
12. Published Research paper titled “Crossing the Boundaries:
A Critical Analysis of Marathi Dalit writing of Maharastra
with special reference to the poetry of Dr. Jyoti B.Lanjewar”
in “Creative Forum” Vol.19:2, Dec 2007 Bahari Publications:
New Delhi.
13. Published research paper on “(Re) Negotiating the
Dialectics of Empowerment: The Poetry of Contemporary
Marathi Dalit women writers”
SAARC Publication, New Delhi
14. Published Research paper titled ““(Re) capturing the
Cadences of an African American self and womanhood: A
Critical overview of Black women autobiographies” in
“Creative Forum” Vol.23, No1-2, Jan-Dec 2010 Bahari
Publications: New Delhi.
15. Published research paper on ““Dynamics of self and the
Rhetoric of difference: Critiquing Marathi Dalit women
Autobiographies” GSSSDGS Khalsa publications: Patiala
Publication in press:
1. Analytical book (on criticism) “Emancipation and
Contemporary African American Women poets” in press.
Other achievements:
1. Poems in Hindi, Marathi and English broadcasted by the All India Radio
2. Acted in plays for the All India Radio
3. Won several prizes and awards at debates, instrumental and dance competitions
4. Invited continually as a speaker and resource person for social, academic, literary
Programme and poetry meets.
5. Widely traveled both in India and abroad as a Researcher and human rights activist
6. Lobbied for the Black cause and Dalit cause as a UN special delegate at Geneva and
Durban in 2001 in the World Conference against racism.
7. Known as a writer, orator and translator in social and literary circles
8. Popular with students as a young teacher, Research guide and Appreciated greatly by the
Student Community for contributions made to teaching and student development.
9. Attended the International Book fair held at Moscow as member of the Sahitya Academi’s
Writers and scholars delegation to Russia and Istanbul in Sept. 2009
8 Member of Teachers association for social change (TASC)
9. Associated with the “cultural academy for peace”(CAP)
10. Associated with Global March-movement against child labour
11. Life member of “Indo- American centre for international studies”, Hyderbad (IACIS)
12 Member of the American studies research centre, Mumbai (ASRC)
13. Executive member of Mumbai University English Teachers association (MUETA)
14. Member of the “Abhivyakti women writers’ organization”, Nagpur
15. Member of the “Centre for studies in Romantic Literature” West Bengal.
16. Executive member of “Bahujan Shikshak Shikshaketar Karmachari Sangh, Pune
17. Life member of the Comparative Literature Association of India, Delhi
1. Organized numerous workshops, seminars and consultations for youth and women on
several related social issues in various parts of Maharastra and some parts of North
2. Organized signature campaign for peace and anti nuclear movement.
3. Organized a 5 day workshop for youth at Lonara Village Nagpur on “strengthening
4. Organized a day’s programme for women in Kanhan on “Women Empowerment”
5. Conducted literacy and awareness campaign through workers at grassroots level
6. Organized a day’s consultation programme in Pulgaon on “Human Rights”
7. Organized Street plays on burning topics like Dowry, Aids, female infanticide etc
8. Organized creative workshops and contests for college students at Nagpur
9. Organized a mass Blood donation camp on 9th October 2003 for the students, teaching
and non teaching members of the University of Mumbai on behalf of the university
department of English
10. Organized several cultural activities on behalf of the department of English, Mumbai
11. Coordinated a workshop for training the chairpersons of women development cell, set
up in various colleges affiliated to Mumbai University along with the former chairperson
Dr. Rohinitai Gawankar on 28-29 Nov 2005
12. Invited to deliver talk at the ICSSR University of Mumbai under the auspices of 50 years
of conversion to Buddhism by the Babasaheb Ambedkar school of thought as part of the
annual programme for the year 2005
13. Coordinated with the J.J. hospital authorities and rendered guidance to the students
representatives for conducting the blood donation camp at the Marathi Bhasha
Bhawan, University of Mumbai on 1st Dec 2005
14. Organized poetry evening, variety entertainment and directed a play as in charge and
Co-ordinator of cultural activities for the international conference on Resistance 2nd -4th
Feb 2006
15. Have been assigned the charge of the computerization and website upgradation along
with the cooperation of the office staff for the year 2006-2007
16. Have been a special rapporteur for the international conference on Honor killings
organized by the department of civics and politics in collaboration with PIPFP and
17. Incharge and coordinator of the students’ welfare activities for the year 2006-2007
18. Appointed on the syllabus revision committee for M.Phil in the subject “Theory and
Practice of translation”, assisted in restructuring the syllabus both at the UG and PG
19 Given concrete suggestions and relevant proposals in relation to course content and
syllabi from time to time.
20. Regularly assisted in the university examination, Central Assessment programme as an
Examiner, Moderator and paper setter at the Post graduate level as also at the MPhil.
Also member of Students Grievance Redressal cell, of the University of Mumbai
21. Co- coordinated a National seminar on “Indian Theatre Today” alongwith the Academy
of Theatre Arts on 30-31st January 2008
22. Conducted a workshop on the Dynamics of community at Narayangao, Pune on 5-6th Jan
23. Have conducted interviews as member of selection committee for MPSC 4/12/09
24. Invited as a Member of the selection committee for Central University Gujarat 16/12/09
17. Participated in the national seminar of Bombay university English teachers association
held at Thane on the 16th and 17th January 2004
18. Participated in the international conference of English held in Mumbai on 22nd and 23rd
feb 2004
19. Participated in the workshop held on “Impact of globalization on women” held on 7th
march 2003 at the convocation hall, Mumbai under the auspices of the women
development cell, Mumbai university
20. Participated in the national workshop on translation at the MS Baroda University Gujarat
march 2005 organized by the Central institute of Indian and foreign languages, Mysore
21. Participated in the international conference on accumulation, dispossession, claims and
counterclaims: Transformative cities in the new global order” organized by the university
department of geography.2007
22. Participated in the International conference on Literature as Resistance organized by
the university department of English, at Kalina campus on 2-4 Feb 2006
23. Participated in the workshop on translation organized by the department of
English, at the W.R.I.C. Kalina campus.
24. Attended the National seminar on Multiculturalism organized by the department of
Psychology at ICSSR, Kalina, march 2006
25 Participated in the national seminar on Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir organized by
The University department of Philosophy at ICSSR on 20-21 march 2006
26. Participated in the International conference as rapporteur on Honor killings: Violence
against women in south Asia organized jointly by the University department of Civics
and Politics, Pakistan India people’s forum for peace (PIPFP) and Mahila Sarvangeen
Utkarsh Mandal(MASUM) at ICSSR, Kalina on 9-10 Oct 2006
27. Participated in the International Dhamma Mahila Parishad as a resource person to
speak on universal peace and Buddhism on 20-21 sept 2006 held at Nagpur
28. Participated in the International seminar on “Writing America: Intercultural dialogues
between the US and Asia” on 22-24 August 2006 at American centre, Calcutta.
29. Participated at the World Literature festival organized by Shahir Amarshiekh Loknatya
Kala Prabodhini on 23rd-26th Oct 2008 in Mumbai
30. Participated in SAARC conference of writers and Intellectuals on 3rd and 4th April 2007
at New Delhi.
31. Participated in the North East and Western folklore Festival organized By the Sahitya
Akademi on 11-12th Oct 2008 at Nagpur
32. Participated in the National Languages Summit organized by the Punjabi Sahitya
Akademi in association with the Sahitya Academi on 17th-18th January 2009 at
33. Participated at the International Book fair at Moscow as part of the Sahitya Academi’s
Writers and scholars delegation to Russia and Istanbul from 30th August-12 Sept. 2009
34. Participated at the International conference on feminism organized at Gujarat vidyapeeth,
Ahmedabad from 7th Dec-9thDec.2009
35. Participated at, seminar cum writers meet on ‘why I write and how I write’ organized by
Sahitya Akademi Delhi from 6th -7th Jan 2010
36. Participated at the UGC sponsored National conference on Literature of small cultures:
Assertion of difference from 26th-27th march 2010 at Khalsa College, Patiala
Teaching methods applied and other contributions
Date: Dr.Aparna B.Lanjewar