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Vi ew in g Sa m pl e

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My Spelling Workbook Teachers Guide (Book G)

Published by Prim-Ed Publishing 2011 2nd edition 2011 Copyright Prim-Ed Publishing 2011 ISBN 978-1-84654-315-9 PR2367UK

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in g ew
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My Spelling Workbook Teachers Guide Book A (Ages 56 years) My Spelling Workbook Teachers Guide Book B (Ages 67 years) My Spelling Workbook Teachers Guide Book C (Ages 78 years) My Spelling Workbook Teachers Guide Book D (Ages 89 years) My Spelling Workbook Teachers Guide Book E (Ages 910 years) My Spelling Workbook Teachers Guide Book F (Ages 1011 years) My Spelling Workbook Teachers Guide Book G (Ages 1112 years)

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Titles available in this series:

Contents Foreword
Phonics and the Common Words Teaching and learning spelling are progressive processes, which are structured in this scheme, marrying phonics with common words. Children learn best when spelling is taught systematically and in a structured manner over time. Spelling needs explicit instruction for the majority of children, particularly for those who fail to catch it because of inherent difficulties. The NLS Framework for Teaching (Beard 1998) recommended that successful management of the teaching of spelling should include structured teaching, which involves the following, all of which are an integral part in the My Spelling Workbook series: making it clear what has to be learnt dividing material into manageable chunks teaching in a well considered sequence the use of material in which children make use of hunches and prompts regular testing for progress immediate feedback Matching Teaching Methods to Learning Styles Teacher Information ................................................ iii vi Curriculum Links .............................................................1

Timetable a suggested timetable that can be adapted to suit different class needs.
Spelling Timetable ...........................................................2 Blank Timetable ..............................................................3

Metacognitive approach resources an approach which encourages children to become successful independent spellers and thinkers.
Teachers Notes ...........................................................45 Question Type Charts .................................................613

Word Building ..............................................................14 Spelling Partners ...........................................................15 List Words (Book G) ...............................................1617


This phonic based, multisensory spelling series introduces strategies that feature Look, Say, Trace, Cover, Write and Check. The series promotes independent learning of spelling in context and features a proven metacognitive approach to spelling. The metacognitive approach encompasses logical and systematic thinking, combined with the skills of visualisation, emotion and creativity. Through using all aspects of thinking, children not only learn how to spell but also learn how to retain and use these words in context.

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Success with this series is achieved through the reinforcement activities provided in the My Spelling Workbook series. These workbooks cover the strategies in a fun, creative way ensuring that both the child and the teacher enjoy the learning process. The Teachers Guides provide the metacognitive strategies. These are clearly outlined using flash cards, assessment sheets, extra activities, guidelines for use with children with special needs, extension activities for more able children, dictation, word lists and answers.


Each workbook contains 18 lists of phonic based, commonly used words to develop a base vocabulary for primary school children. These help to develop independent spellers through a variety of activities including: word building memory tests word study word puzzles discovering patterns in words.

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Supplementary resources extra ideas to support a spelling programme, covering a range of ability levels.

Additional Activities .................................................1823 New Words ..................................................................26 Spelling Extension .........................................................27

Children with Special Needs .....................................2425

Incentives photocopiable games to encourage better spelling and certificates to reward progress.
Spelling Games ......................................................2830 Certificates ...................................................................31

Assessment photocopiable worksheets for recording of results by teachers/children.

Teachers Notes .............................................................32 Pre-test/Post-test Template .............................................33 Individual Word Checklist.........................................3436 Anecdotal Records ........................................................37 Test Checklist................................................................38

Teachers Notes for each unit two pages for each unit, providing list focus, dictation, word building, additional activities and answers.
Units 118 Answers ................................................3975 Workbook Pages (Book G) ....................................76149 List Words (whole series) ....................................150156

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Core photocopiable resources a range of resources which can be used regularly throughout a spelling programme.

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Teacher Information
Each workbook contains 18 spelling units. Each unit is made up of four pages, with each unit containing: a list of 22 words to be learned, focusing on one or more phonic word patterns and two commonly used words word building and word study activities revision words from the previous workbook.

The first page of each unit contains the list words. Before the children see the list, it is recommended that the words are pre-tested. This can be used as a benchmark for how well the children learn the list or which words they need to focus on throughout the unit.

Each word list table has a series of columns. After learning each word, the children should hide their word with their hand and write it in the first Practise column. This should be repeated after a few days, but written into the second Practise column. To help evaluate the childrens progress, if the child spells the word correctly in their test, a tick should be placed in the T column. A tick should be placed in the D column if the child spells the word correctly in their dictation. Problem words can be recorded in the Difficult Words I Have Found table on page 74, for additional learning.

Look, Say, Trace, Cover, Write, Check




Look at the word. Look for words within words. Look at the shape of the word.

Say each letter aloud: either as its letter name or sound.

Trace each letter as the sound is said. This will reinforce the kinaesthetic movement and sound pattern and becomes a physical and auditory memory.

Cover the word. (A time factor can be built into this part. Test after one minute, 10 minutes, one hour, the next day etc.)

Write the spelling word.

Check the word with the original.

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My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

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Look, Say, Trace, Cover, Write, Check This represents the basic method recommended for word learning. Children should follow this multisensory process when learning each word. It is a proven method of retaining a word in the memory and should be a procedure that is followed consistently, to assist with the learning of further words.

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Teacher Information
Each unit contains word building and word study activities. A bank of activities is used throughout the book, including: unjumbling words word worms finding small words crosswords word searches synonyms antonyms and many more.

A word building template is found on page 14 of this book. This can be used for each unit of words. Word building examples for every list word are found on pages 3975 of this book.

The fourth page of each unit includes Additional Activities to be done in the childs spelling pad. Their aim is to provide children with several opportunities to write the list words and to use them in various ways. These activities can be used with any of the units in the book.



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The unit list is also repeated for further reference on the third page of each unit, along with a revision list of words from the previous level of My Spelling Workbook. It is recommended that revision tests are used on a regular basis to ensure previous list words are kept current in the childs memory.

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My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

For every spelling list, remember to:








My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

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Curriculum Links




Objectives Word Structure and Spelling revise, consolidate and secure knowledge of correct vowel choices, pluralisation, prefixes, word endings and high frequency words draw on analogies to known words, roots, derivations, word families, morphology and familiar spelling patterns Writing use a variety of skills to spell words correctly Competence and Confidence in Using Language observe the conventions of spelling in their writing use dictionaries and thesauruses to extend and develop vocabulary and spelling


Year 6 Extension (Progression to Year 7)


Northern Ireland

Year 7 Extension

Language and Literacy


Primary 7 Extension

Literacy and English



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Year 6 Extension


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Writing (Third Level) use a range of strategies and resources independently and ensure that spelling, including specialist vocabulary, is accurate Writing develop and use a variety of strategies to enable them to spell correctly

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Republic of Ireland

6th Class


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Spelling Timetable
Teachers can use the activities in My Spelling Workbook to suit the needs of their class and the amount of time available for spelling. A 10-day spelling programme for each list is suggested below, as a way of using this workbook. It allows for 25 minutes each day, which could be a combination of class work and homework. Teachers may wish to add or delete from this timetable, according to their needs. This timetable is based on a metacognitive approach, which is explained in detail on the following pages. Daily partner testing is a key feature of the timetable, allowing children to practise 35 list words at a time. A worksheet for recording partner test results is provided on page 15.

Pre-test list and introduce words using metacognition strategies Use Look, Say, Trace, Cover, Write and Check to practise writing words from memory Transfer any words from the previous list to Difficult Words I Have Found Begin crossword Partner test 1 (3 5 words) (see page 15)

Partner test 6 (35 words) Revise the patterns for this list using the metacognitive approach Brainstorm other words that follow the same patterns Spelling game or activity Begin word search

Partner test 2 (35 words) Spelling game or activity (see pages 2830) Revise the patterns for this list Complete page 2 activities Begin to make list of Difficult Words I Have Found

Complete a partner activity (see pages 2023) Complete Additional Activities Begin page 3 activities Partner test 3 (Difficult Words I Have Found)



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Partner test 4 (35 words) Complete a partner activity Continue with page 3 activities


Spelling game or activity Dictation passages (see pages 3975) Partner test 5 (Difficult Words I Have Found)

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

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Complete word search Spelling game or activity Partner test 7 (Difficult Words I Have Found)

Partner test 8 (35 words) Spelling game or activity Complete page 4 activities Begin word building (see page 14)

Dictation passages (see pages 3975) Partner test 9 (Difficult Words I Have Found) Complete word building

Partner test 10 (35 words) Test of list words (see page 33) Recording of scores and self-evaluation Revision of list words Informal activities (see pages 2023)

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Blank Timetable
Use the blank timetable below to plan a spelling programme for your class.







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My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Metacognitive Approach
Aim: To encourage children to become successful independent spellers and thinkers. Introductory Stage
Each category of question (Clarifying, Literal, Inferential, Personal, Visualising, Predictive, Summarising and Reflective) should be explained to the children. It is important that they understand what kind of question they are asking. Not all cards will be relevant in every situation. On occasion, they will be. Some of the questions may appear to be the same but are repeated under different categories. This is because the context is different and this should be explained to the children.

Preparation Stage
The teacher chooses a suitable spelling word. A word that encompasses all the categories of questions is better. However, it should be stressed that not all categories are relevant to every word. For example, yesterday. The cards are displayed for all children to see. Teachers might prefer to enlarge the cards to A3 when photocopying or laminate them. (See pages 613).

Modelling Stage

Explanation of Question Types

Clarifying questions are questions that make words, phrases or concepts clear and understandable. For example: What is the word?

What does this word mean?

the day before today day yesterday

Does it have an easily recognisable root?

Can the word be broken into smaller sounds?

Literal questions are questions that have a straightforward answer found in the text. For example: What is the tricky part of the word?

Is there a rule for this word?

Inferential questions are questions that ask you to deduce answers from the text. For example: Can I think of some other way to help remember how to spell this word?

break the word into three little words: yes, ter, day
Personal questions are questions that are relevant to oneself. For example: Is there a rhythm in the word?

Is there a familiar sound in this word?

Is this a word that I need to learn to spell?

yes, because I use this word regularly

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed



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The teacher models a word, for example, yesterday. The teacher demonstrates the thinking process involved by applying the questions suggested in the relevant categories and talking through his or her answers. Allowing children to interact with the teacher using this process can be very productive.

Metacognitive Approach
Visualising questions are questions that require you to see the word or shape in your mind. For example: Close your eyes. Can I see the word inside my head?

Can I see the shape of the word?

Predictive questions are questions that require you to forecast a possible outcome. For example: Can I give another word with a similar spelling?

today has the same ending yes/no

Can I write it from memory and say each letter as I do it?

Summarising questions are questions that demand a reiteration and understanding of what went before. For example: Can I state the rule for this word?

there isnt a rule

Can I make a sentence for this word?

yes Yesterday I went swimming with my friend.

Can I write this word in a dictated passage?


For example: How did I do?

happy/reasonably happy/unhappy
Were my choices of strategies effective?

Will learning how to spell this word help me to spell other words?

Was there anybody or anything that could have helped me?

I could have used a dictionary or got my family to test me.

How do I feel?

happy/reasonably happy/unhappy
The Reflective Questions card should be used as a challenge for every child. It is designed to extend the more successful speller. It also offers the opportunity for individuals to recognise their own areas of strengths and weaknesses. This card should be used either at the end of the lesson or after the dictation to reflect on success and to set new goals for themselves. The following pages contain a set of cards for encouraging this way of thinking.


Reflective questions review the strategies used to learn new words and how you feel about your progress.


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Can I spell this word?

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Clarifying Questions

Vi ew in g

What does this word mean?

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa root? Does it have an easily recognisable m pl e Can the word be broken into smaller sounds?

Literal Questions

Vi ew in g pl e Sa m

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

What is the tricky part of the word?

Is there a rule for this word?


Inferential Questions

Vi ew in g Sa m pl e

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Can I think of some other way to help remember how to spell this word?


Personal Questions

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

in Is there a rhythm in the word? g Sa Is there a familiar sound in this word? m pl e Is this a word that I need to learn to spell?




Visualising Questions

in g Can I see the word in my head? Sa m Can I see the shape of the word? pl e



My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Predictive Questions

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

ew Can I give another word with a in similar meaning? g Sa Can I spell this word? m


pl e Can I write it from memory and say


each letter as I do it?



Summarising Questions

Vi ew in g e

Can I state the rule for this word?

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sword? Can I make a sentence for this a m pl

Can I write this word in a dictated passage?


Reflective Questions

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

How did I do?

ew Were my choices of strategies effective? in g Will learning how to spell this S word help am me to spell other words? pl Was there anybody or anything that e


could have helped me?

How do I feel?



Word Building
ly ful est able ier iest tion sion

Make a new word by adding an ending.






Can you make more words by adding a different ending?

+ = = = =

+ +

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+ + + + + + + + + = = = = = =

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

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Spelling Partners
Name: My partners name: Date:

Remember to ask how many words you will be tested on each day. 1. Give your partner your list words. 2. Write the date and get ready for your test. 3. Your partner will slowly read each word twice.

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4. When you are finished, read through your words again then hand them to your partner. 5. Your partner will mark your test, put on the score and hand it back to you. 6. Good luck!



Remember to ask how many words you will be tested on each day.



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My partners name:

1. Give your partner your list words. 2. Write the date and get ready for your test. 3. Your partner will slowly read each word twice. 4. When you are finished, read through your words again then hand them to your partner. 5. Your partner will mark your test, put on the score and hand it back to you. 6. Good luck!


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


List Words
persuade negotiate appreciate severe persevere fortune consume reduce excuse confuse provide combine organise meanwhile excite erode provoke envelope postpone explode continuous industrial

imperfect impolite impatient imbalance immature immobile immovable misplace misfortune mislead misunderstand indignity indirect inaccurate invisible incorrect incomplete inadequate independent intolerable consequence development

Australian Italian Argentinian Iranian Vietnamese Portuguese Japanese Irish English Scottish jeweller builder photographer engineer auctioneer mountaineer scientist pianist dentist pharmacist material assessment

politician superficial physician electrician mansion expansion profession confession compassion session pressure fissure rotation revolution extinction conservation affection adaptation irrigation invention happened practise

bicycle biceps bikini bilingual triangle triplet trilingual quadrangle quadrilateral pentagon pentathlon hexapod heptathlon September octopus October octagon nonagon decade decagon questionnaire alcohol

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Dancer Prancer anticipating exhausted poinsettia hibernate resolution sacred crackers myrrh frankincense potatoes elderberry roast commercial advertisements tradition decorations indulging programmes technology citizen

airbrush airstrip airlift airline airtight airborne airmail airspace aerial aerobatics aeroplane aerodrome aerobics aerosol supersede superficial superhuman superimpose superintendent superior prioritise potential

difference silence commence absence independence patience conscience audience convenience experience chance balance distance appearance acceptance entrance substance instance assistance nuisance physical genius




My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

List Words
azure seizure measure treasure pleasure leisure division decision erosion confusion conclusion transfusion explosion occasion abrasion euthanasia illusion seclusion collision exclusion nuclear immediately

dictionary primary ordinary secretary temporary boundary imaginary necessary military hereditary bakery cemetery surgery discovery archery mastery treachery slavery refinery battery government parliament

quantity celebrity allergy recipe catastrophe abbreviate guarantee absentee escapee cappuccino quiche amphibian unique orientation retrieve relieve conceit conceive caffeine debris participation outrageous

hymn solemn design gnash gnarl malign dinghy honour rhinoceros vehicle honesty whisper doubtful guilty couple sword pneumonia raspberry almond knowledge efficient sufficient

bouquet nursery ecology migrate crucifixion cultivate sacrifice environment resurrection horticulture propagate insect germinate fertilizer flourish foliage sunshine survival luxurious bountiful agriculture ecosystem

anticipate exaggerate cooperate hibernate concrete gangrene obsolete precede ozone chrome decompose glucose advertise juvenile apologise appetite produce abuse solitude magnitude association persuasion

dialogue rogue catalogue fatigue league intrigue plague colleague vague disguise guidance guardian guillotine guerilla guarantor guile ghoul ghetto gherkin ghastly feud amateur

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silent talent different evident intelligent president accident incident opponent confident distant vacant important instant migrant tolerant constant pleasant elegant arrogant soldier embarrass

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sandwich valentine marmalade pavlova Morse code spoonerism arachnid pasteurise diesel hooligan cardigan volts biro teddy hygiene maverick leotard Braille Celsius python analysis permanent

souvenir abseiling amusements catamaran helicopter tourism repellent navigation satellite security protection inoculation route intercontinental paragliding equator latitude longitude continent casualty technique strategy



My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Additional Activities
The following activities and games have been provided for your use as additional support to the spelling programme. They are a guide and can be developed to suit any class, programme or teaching style. Choose from the following activities and games if not already covered in the particular list being treated. Six photocopiable spelling games can be found on pages 2830.

Individual Activities
Word Study Useful for developing familiarity with the list words. Strategy Make word shapes, word snakes or word sums for list words. Examples Word Shapes:

grapes =
Word Snakes: splumvs rape afe sc eg o

plum =

pl e






ic ep


Word Sums: s + end = send; bl + end = blend

Find small words in list words. Write the list words in alphabetical order or reverse alphabetical order. Write list words with eyes closed or from memory.

Sort words according to different criteria.

Find antonyms, synonyms or homophones for the list words.



Make word builders by adding s, ed, ing, er, est, etc.

Write list words in sentences or as a question.

Write definitions for list words.


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My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

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For example: strawberry straw, berry, raw, be

For example: sort by initial/final letters; number of letters; number of syllables; number of vowels; number of consonants; parts of speech; rhyming/non-rhyming or by childrens own choice.

For example: hot/cold close/shut bare/bear

For example: walk walks, walked, walking

For example: Did you hear the announcement to board the plane?

These can be either looked up in a dictionary, or written in the childs own words, and then checked.

Additional Activities
Individual Activities
Word Study Useful for developing familiarity with the list words. Strategy Write the base words for the list words. Examples For example: the base word for sensible = sense

Study and find word origins for list words.

For example: audience comes from a Latin word audire which means to hear.

Hidden words using the letters in a word to make as many new words as possible.

For example: neighbours house, neigh, nigh, bin, rough, bore etc.

Write a paragraph using a set number of list words.

Find words which have homographs (words which look the same, but have different meanings).

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Anagrams of list words or search for any others.


Write plurals for the list words.


Discuss adding ed and ing and how this changes the tense of words.

Discover common prefixes and suffixes for words.

Missing vowels write list words with missing vowels. Children guess which words they are.

Children write their words as a rebus.

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For example: use grapes, picnic and shade in a paragraphWhen we got to the park, we sat in the shade. We spread out a blanket and ate our picnic. My favourite food was grapes. For example: bear/bear rock/rock

For example: nap is an anagram of pan; dance is an anagram of caned

Discuss exceptions to the rule of simply adding s; for example, sheep, children.

For example: jumped and jumping jumped is past tense, jumping is present tense

For example: un-, dis-, -ly, -ment

For example: m ss ng = missing

For example,

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Rank words in level of difficulty in learning to spell.

For example: lace plane snake case

4 2 1 3

+ lace = shoelace

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Additional Activities
Informal Activities
Useful for the reinforcement of the list words in a less formal approach. Strategy Make theme booklets and illustrate. Examples Books could be about prefixes, colours, transport, the sea etc.

Clap the number of syllables in words. Make bookmarks with difficult words or list words.

lace chase hate mate

Outline words.

For example:

Make concept words.

Write list words in the shape of a list word.

Use bright colours to trace list words.

Partner activities Develops cooperation and increases knowledge of list words. Strategy Make What am I? clues. Examples For example: I am a reptile. I have no legs. I shed my skin. My bite can be poisonous. What am I? A snake

Make memory helpers for list words.


Partner and Group Activities

For example: a piece of pie For example: said = Sally Anne is dancing; because = big elephants can always upset small elephants
My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Invent mnemonics.


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For example: For example:

could be the shape for: when, chin, show etc.

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dictionar y

Additional Activities
Partner and Group Activities
Partner activities Develops cooperation and increases knowledge of list words. Strategy Children make their own read-and-illustrate activities to swap with a partner. Examples

Jumble words and swap with a partner.

For example: school becomes oslhco. As an extra challenge, children can create jumbled words that can be pronounced.

Jumble sentences using list words and swap with a partner.

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Make yes/no questions or true/false statements containing list words and swap with a partner.

Word dominoes


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Make word searches or crossword puzzles on grid paper and swap with a partner.

This can be simply done by making a grid, and inserting the list of spelling words horizontally and vertically. Any gaps are filled with random letters in a word search or coloured black in a crossword.

For example: Is a frog a reptile? Do we see clouds in the sky?


Word dominoes can be made by breaking list words in half (ones that have a common ending or beginning).

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For example: The cat sat on the mat becomes Eht tca tas no eht tma. Children who need a challenge could also jumble the order of the words around!

For example: ch ch ase ill

Trace list words on partners backpartner guesses which spelling word was traced.

Cut pairs of list words in half and rejoin them. Children then see if their partner can guess the words.

For example: picket blannic = picnic blanket

Guess the word Give a partner the first letter of a word chosen from the spelling list. The partner then has to guess the word before the whole word is revealed, one letter at a time.

For example, the beginning of a game using the word plane would look like this:

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Additional Activities
Partner and Group Activities
Shared Group Activities Encourages the exchange of personal list words, therefore broadening the childs word base. Strategy Make a word bank following the same sound pattern or rule as particular list words. Work as individuals, partners, small groups or a whole class. Examples For example: A list of words that end in ight: tight, right, flight, might, sight; Words that end with a silent e: made, same, shake.

Put list words into sentences individually or as a whole class.

For example: each word could be written on a piece of card. Children can take one card each, and put themselves in a line so the order of words makes sense. Cards with common words like a, and, the, will need to be used also.

Partner and Group Activities

Strategy Simple class spelling competitions.


Play concentration, fish, word bingo or tic tac toe.



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Class or Group Games Useful for the reinforcement of the list words in a less formal approach.

For example: a Difficult Word of the Day competition, where the class try to spell a challenging word.

Use individual books, charts, shared stories, poems etc. to find a particular spelling pattern or rule being treated.

In tic tac toe, each player uses a list of words with a common sound as their noughts and crosses. For example, in the game below, player one used a bank of sh- words; player two used a bank of -all words. call wall ship

Play hangman or a similar game, called Shannons Game.

In Shannons Game, children need to guess the letters in the correct order in which they occur in each word.


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

pl e
ball she shock

Additional Activities
Partner and Group Activities
Class or Group Games Useful for the reinforcement of the list words in a less formal approach. Strategy Guess My Word. Examples Children ask questions that require a yes/no response to guess the mystery spelling word.

Play Celebrity Head Words, picture clue words or charades.

Celebrity Head Words Child uses a headband to hold a card with a list word on their head. They ask questions of the class, which can only be answered yes or no. For example, Does the word end in t?

Magazine hunt for list words.

Play a game similar to Memory using the small words within compound words written on cards.

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Children write clues to match their list words. Hold a small competition each day to see who can solve the puzzle first.


Children write quiz questions for list words, and give them to a friend to solve. A quiz night could also be held using multiple lists.


Also refer to pages 2830 for photocopiable spelling games. Books of other photocopiable spelling games are available from Prim-Ed Publishing:

20752076 Fifty Spelling Activities 2077 Early Literacy Games 2078 Literacy Games 2079 Phonic Games
Commercial board games involving word formation may also be of benefit to a spelling programme.
My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

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Choose a number of words to focus on for a week. Children can also search for these in newspapers or any other reading material in the classroom. Children can circle or underline words they find. At the end of the week, children can count their score and share the sentences they found.

For example: butter + fly; foot + ball

For example: What can burn us, but also gives us warmth? (fire)

For example: Add basket to ball = basketball. Take er from mother = moth.

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Children with Special Needs

The spelling activities in My Spelling Workbook can be modified or added to for children with special needs. Some additional suggestions are included below for children with learning difficulties. The worksheet on page 26 is designed for children who fall into this category. Children in need of extension will benefit from many of the suggestions included in the Additional Activities pages of this book. Page 27 also contains an opportunity for spelling extension.

Strategies For Children With Learning Difficulties

Strategy Encourage children to have a go and take risks with approximate spelling. Examples For example, using have a go pads or spelling journals for children to try out their spelling when writing stories etc.

Encourage as much reading as possible.

Include different sources of print around the classroom for children to find correct spelling. For example: opposites, colours, favourite sayings, days of the week.

Longer words can be chunked (broken into chunks) to assist spelling, rather than conventional syllables.

Emphasise spelling rules.

Encourage children to look at difficult words, focus on the problem part, close their eyes, and then write it.


Write list words on graph paper, cut out the letters, and then build the word from the cut-out letters.


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c For example: c

For example these list words could be broken up as follows: brake, shake, snake; base, case, chase; plate, mate, hate.

For example, cent i pede, el ec tric, in vent ing. Children should be encouraged to choose how to chunk the words themselves, so as to suit each childs preferred learning style.

For example: magic e, i before e except after c

For example: the problem part of night might be igh

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a t

Break each spelling list into shorter lists based on similar spelling patterns.

Write the list words, leaving out some letters. Complete the words the next day.

= chimney

Find words that rhyme with the list words. Underline them if they are spelt the same.

For example: goat note, boat, wrote, float

Prepare a cloze passage, deleting list words. Children select the correct word to go in the correct space.

For example: dinosaurs and plants might fit into: Many ate .

Use sentence frames to develop a spelling vocabulary of list words.

For example: We took plates to the picnic. We took sandwiches to the picnic.


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Children with Special Needs

Strategies For Children With Learning Difficulties
Strategy Use games like word bingo and word quizzes. Examples Word Bingo Children copy words on bingo cards, checking their spelling, then cover words with counters on their cards if the word is called. Word Quizzes Using a word list, children write the correct word. For example, Write the word ending in ade; Write the word with ire in the middle. Make new words by writing letters in front of a sound.

For example: ine could be added to with v, tw, f, m, n, etc.

Make alphabet books to use as personal dictionaries.

Children write any difficult words they have found under each letter.

Play snap with compound word parts, prefixes and suffixes.

Use list words to make spelling ladders, with each word starting with the letter which ends the word before.

Sa m
For example:

For example: foot matches with ball; tele matches with phone; govern matches with ment

Decorate or illustrate list words.


in g
Write list words using string or pipe cleaners.


Children can draw pictures and ask other children to guess which word they have drawn; or simply make words into patterns. Children can make each letter, or just the word shape.

Use magnetic letters to form words from memory on a board.

pl e
l e t
, c

s n a k e a c h

Write list words in sand or salt.

Children could also trace words on a desk or sandpaper. Discussing whether word shapes are tall or small could follow. For example, using the word are:

Use list words to build other words.

Make simple designs using the list words written end to end.


Use shapes like circles, triangles and spirals.

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


New Words
Name: My new word is:
1. (a) Say your word. (b) My word has syllables.


(c) Write any small words that are in your word.

2. Write three things about your word. For example, what are the beginning, middle and last letters? Is it a verb, adjective, noun or adverb? etc. (a)



3. Write your word in a sentence.

4. Write a definition of your word. Use a dictionary to check your answer.

5. Cover your word. Write it from memory three times. Tick each time you wrote the word correctly.

6. Write words that rhyme with your word.

7. Write your word using fancy lettering.


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


in g

Sa m

pl e

Spelling Extension
Name: My Extension Spelling Words
1. 2. 3. 4.


Synonyms of my words

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

More activities
Create a crosspatch with clues. Find antonyms for the words. Put the words into a short story. Write a concrete (shape) poem using your words. Design an information poster about one of your words. Write a recount about one of your words. Make up a tongue twister using as many words as possible.


My words in alphabetical order


in g

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My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Spelling Games
Choose six list words and write them on strips of paper. Cut each list word in half and join them with a different ending. Give your new list words to a partner. Can they guess the orginal words? For example:





= spelling programme Working-out Column

List Words 1. 2.

4. 5. 6.

Write a paragraph using ten of your list words but miss out the ten words you have chosen. Give your paragraph to a friend and see if they can guess the missing words.


For example: They decided to devour the cake before the celebration had even started.


Paragraph Puzzle

in g

Sa m
Guessed Words
My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


pl e


Spelling Games
Prefixes and Suffixes
Make new words by adding prefixes and suffixes to your list words. Choose five root words from your list. Compete with a friend to see how many new words you can create.

rePrefix + + + + +


unSuffix + + + + + = = = = =

Completed Word


pl e



With a small group, make up a quiz night question for six list words. Swap your questions with another group. The first group to answer the most questions correctly in two minutes is the winner! Question Answer

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Try holding a whole-class quiz night to find the class quiz champions!

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


in g

Quiz Night

Sa m

Spelling Games
Play this game with a partner. 1. Both of you write a silly sentence using 10 list words without the other person seeing. 2. Take turns to read out your sentence. The other person writes all the list words he or she hears. 3. Score one point for each spelling word he or she writes and one point for correct spelling. Who is the silly sentence star?

My sentence:

List words I heard:

Partners score:

Celebrity Words
In a group of six, write twelve list words in the boxes below. Cut them out and place them face down on a desk. Three players choose a card and hold it on their head. Each player takes turns to guess the word by asking questions which need a yes or no response. The winner is the first person to guess his or her word.




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My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

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pl e
My score:




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My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


There are many different ways to assess spelling. The pages that follow are provided to help support the My Spelling Workbook programme.

Page 33 can be used for pre-tests at the beginning of each unit and again for the final assessment.

Individual spelling records can be kept using page 37. Pre-test and final test scores are recorded along with anecdotal notes. These notes can come together as an overview of the childs progress in spelling during the 18 units and can be discussed during parent/ teacher conferences and in reports.

A record of spelling results for the whole class can be recorded on page 38.
My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


in g

Sa m

Pages 3436 can be used to specifically record each word learned and the time taken to master a unit of words. Recording in this way may be useful for children with special needs, those with English as an additional language or for the whole class.

pl e

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Sa m

pl e

Total score:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

in g ew

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.


10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Total score:


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


= can say word = can write word

= has remembered correct spelling

Date begun: persuade appreciate persevere consume excuse provide organise excite provoke postpone continuous Date completed: negotiate severe fortune reduce confuse combine meanwhile erode envelope explode industrial Date begun:

Date begun: impolite imbalance immobile misplace mislead indignity inaccurate incorrect imperfect impatient immature immovable misfortune

Australian Argentinian Vietnamese Japanese English jeweller Italian Iranian Portuguese Irish Scottish builder engineer mountaineer pianist pharmacist assessment

indirect invisible incomplete

Sa m
inadequate intolerable development biceps bilingual triplet quadrangle pentagon hexapod September October nonagon decagon alcohol


consequence Date completed:

Date begun: politician physician mansion profession compassion pressure rotation extinction affection irrigation happened Date completed: superficial electrician

in g

Date begun:

pl e
scientist dentist material chance distance physical

photographer auctioneer

Date completed:

difference commence independence conscience convenience silence absence patience audience experience balance appearance entrance instance nuisance genius

expansion confession session fissure revolution conservation adaptation invention practise


Date begun: bicycle bikini triangle trilingual quadrilateral pentathlon heptathlon octopus octagon decade questionnaire Date completed:

acceptance substance assistance

Date completed:


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

= can say word = can write word

= has remembered correct spelling

Date begun: Dancer anticipating poinsettia resolution crackers frankincense elderberry commercial tradition indulging technology Date completed: Prancer exhausted hibernate sacred myrrh potatoes roast advertisements decorations programmes citizen Date begun: airbrush airlift airtight airmail aerial

Date begun: airstrip airline airborne airspace aerobatics aerodrome aerosol azure measure pleasure division erosion

seizure treasure leisure decision confusion transfusion occasion euthanasia seclusion exclusion immediately

aeroplane aerobics supersede superhuman

conclusion explosion abrasion illusion collision nuclear Date completed:


superintendent prioritise

Date completed:

Date begun: dictionary ordinary temporary imaginary military bakery surgery archery treachery refinery government Date completed: primary

in g

Sa m
superior potential


Date begun: celebrity recipe abbreviate absentee cappuccino amphibian orientation relieve conceive debris outrageous hymn design gnarl dinghy

pl e

solemn gnash malign honour vehicle whisper guilty sword raspberry knowledge sufficient


Date begun: quantity allergy catastrophe guarantee escapee quiche unique retrieve conceit caffeine participation Date completed:

secretary boundary necessary hereditary cemetery discovery mastery slavery battery parliament

rhinoceros honesty doubtful couple pneumonia almond efficient Date completed:

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


= can say word = can write word

= has remembered correct spelling

Date begun: bouquet ecology crucifixion sacrifice resurrection propagate germinate flourish sunshine luxurious agriculture Date completed: nursery migrate cultivate environment horticulture insect fertilizer foliage survival bountiful ecosystem Date begun:

Date begun: exaggerate hibernate gangrene precede chrome glucose juvenile appetite abuse anticipate cooperate concrete obsolete ozone decompose advertise apologise produce solitude

dialogue catalogue league plague vague guidance rogue fatigue intrigue colleague disguise guardian guerilla guile ghetto ghastly amateur

Sa m
magnitude persuasion valentine pavlova spoonerism pasteurise hooligan volts teddy maverick Braille python permanent


Date completed:

Date begun: silent different intelligent accident opponent distant important migrant constant elegant soldier Date completed: talent evident

in g

Date begun:


Date begun: sandwich marmalade Morse code arachnid diesel cardigan biro hygiene leotard Celsius analysis Date completed:

pl e
ghoul gherkin feud souvenir repellent satellite route latitude

guillotine guarantor

Date completed:

abseiling catamaran tourism navigation security inoculation intercontinental equator longitude casualty strategy


amusements helicopter

president incident confident vacant instant tolerant pleasant arrogant



continent technique Date completed:



My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Pre-test List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4 List 5 List 6 List 7 List 8 List 9 List 10 List 11 List 12 List 13 List 14 List 15 List 16 List 17 List 18 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Final Test 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22





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My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Test Checklist
Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


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Teachers Notes for each unit two pages for each unit, providing list focus, dictation, word building, additional activities and answers. Unit 1 Long Vowels (Silent e) ...............................4041 Unit 2 Prefixes: im-, mis-, in- ................................4243 Unit 3 Suffixes: -ian, -ese, -ish, -er, -eer, -ist ...........4445 Unit 4 ci, si, ssi, ss, ti ...........................................4647 Unit 5 Number Prefixes .........................................4849 Unit 6 -ence, -ance...............................................5051 Unit 7 Christmas ..................................................5253 Unit 8 air-, aer-, aero-, super- ................................5455 Unit 9 z, s, si .......................................................5657 Unit 10 -ary, -ery..................................................5859

in g Vi ew

Sa m

Unit 11 y, e, ee, i, ie, ei, is ....................................6061 Unit 12 Silent Letters .............................................6263 Unit 13 Spring/Easter ............................................6465 Unit 14 a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e.................................6667 Unit 15 gue, gu, gh ..............................................6869 Unit 16 -ent, -ant .................................................7071 Unit 17 Eponyms .................................................7273 Unit 18 Summer...................................................7475

pl e

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Unit 1
List Words persuade negotiate appreciate severe persevere fortune consume reduce excuse confuse provide combine organise/organize meanwhile excite erode provoke envelope postpone explode continuous industrial Revision Words theatre popular fibre writer humour centre calculator particular diamond definitely 40 Word Building

Long Vowels (silent e)

Unit Focus
This unit focuses on long vowels. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, continuous and industrial.

persuades, persuading, persuaded, persuasible, persuadability, persuader, persuasive, persuasiveness, persuasion negotiates, negotiating, negotiated, negotiator, negotiation, negotiable appreciates, appreciating, appreciated, appreciation, appreciative severer, severest, severely, severeness, severity, severities perseveres, persevering, persevered, perseverance, perseverant, perseveringly fortunes, fortunate, fortunately, fortunateness, unfortunate, unfortunately consumes, consuming, consumed, consumer, consumerism, consumerist reduces, reducing, reduced, reducible, reducibility, reducibly, reduction excuses, excusing, excused, excusable, excusably, excusableness, excusal confuses, confusing, confused, confusedly, confusingly, confusion provides, providing, provided, provider combines, combining, combined, combinable, combination, combinational organises/organizes, organised/organized, organising/organizing, organisable/organizable, organisation/organization, organisational/organizational excites, exciting, excited, excitedly, excitable, excitably, excitableness provokes, provoking, provoked, provoker, provokingly envelopes postpones, postponing, postponed, postponable, postponement, postponer explodes, exploding, exploded, explosion, explosive, explosively, explosiveness

teaching Points
Discuss how the silent e on the end of each word makes the vowel sound long: a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, and u-e. Discuss any difficult parts of words. Sort the list words to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es.

Sa m


continuously, continuousness industrially


in g

erodes, eroding, eroded, erodent, erosion, erosive

Word Building theatres, theatergoer, theatric, theatrical, theatrically popularise, popularises, popularisng, popularised, popularity, popularly fibres, fibred, fibreless, fibrous, fibrously, fibrousness writers, write, writes, written, wrote, writing humours, humouring, humoured, humourless, humorous, humorously centres, centred, centring, central, centralise/centralize, centralising/centralizing, centralised/centralized calculators, calculate, calculates, calculating, calculated, calculation, calculative particulars, particularise/particularize, particularising/particularizing, particularised/particularized, particularity, particularly diamonds, diamonding, diamonded definite, definiteness

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

pl e

1. Sorry, Miss, I slept in. Well I didnt think that you had slept out! she shouted. This was followed by a severe punishment of a 500 word essay on the industrial revolution. Meanwhile she would not accept another excuse for my tardiness as it has been a continuous disruption to the class. I thought that she was going to explode with anger, but I did persuade her that I wouldnt be late again, as my mum is going to provide me with an alarm clock. 2. A lot of the rock face had started to erode and this was hampering our climb, so we decided to reduce the load we were carrying and organise a different route. This decision will provoke the others as it is a harder ascent to negotiate and we will have to postpone it until tomorrow. 3. Come to the buffet and consume all you can. Appreciate good food, be you woman or man. Excite your taste buds and drink some wine, combine all the flavours while you sit and dine. It wont cost a fortune to eat so much food and there is an envelope for a tip if you think it was good. The magician at the tables is not there to confuse, he will persevere with his tricks just to amuse.

Long Vowels (silent e)

Unit 1

1. (a) explosion, explosiveness, exploder (b) provision, provider (c) appreciation, appreciator (d) persuasion, persuader (e) organisation, organiser (f) reduction 5. (a) writer, humour (b) severe, postpone (c) persuade, reduce (d) persevere, definitely (e) fortune, organise 6. (a) excuse, excite, explode (b) meanwhile, fortune (c) writer, centre, theatre (d) negotiate, appreciate, continuous 7. (a) consumes, consuming, consumed (b) humours, humouring, humoured (c) excites, exciting, excited (d) perseveres, persevering, persevered (e) consumes, consuming, consumed (f) 10. (a) appreciate (b) fibre (c) provoke (d) fortune (e) negotiate (f) severe (g) combine (h) organise (i) (j) (l) envelope theatre erode 9. Teacher check

2. (a) continuous (b) envelope (c) organise (d) provoke (e) postpone (f) meanwhile

(k) reduce

3. Crossword Across 5. excite 6. consume 8. confuse 9. persuade 10. erode 13. postpone 17. meanwhile 18. organise 20. appreciate 21. severe Down 1. reduce 2. persevere 3. combine 4. excuse 7. industrial 9. provoke 11. provide 12. continuous 14. envelope 15. negotiate 16. fortune 19. explode

c o n l i v d r t e z t s y i t t i e r

8. Word Search f u s e r a f r t l u c k v l y z w s s i o x x l t v x x e r p o u l r r o r i f a p r a l p r i n


in g
persuades, persuading, persuaded e h w n a e m e e a m o n d a e h i s t a c u o c u i t s n x m m x e e c e b n p p m b e u u e e o t i t j e t r i t r k t u n i t x i t r f c d u u l t o r s s l s t r i a l x x r p e g w o e g u e o n d c e d v x s r e l h o d p e t s l r o e r s v r o n p a e e o d v i n g a v l s x a e c d q e e n c u r n o v e a e b o m e o q n r e i s p o a i e e p e c b h u m o u c e v p p a s e e h e p p o n e g p d m y a e d a u c n e s m s

4. Long o: erode, provoke, envelope, postpone, explode Long i: provide, combine, organise, meanwhile, excite Long u: fortune, consume, reduce, excuse, confuse Long a: persuade, negotiate, appreciate Long e: severe, persevere

Sa m

pl e

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 2
List Words imperfect impolite impatient imbalance immature immobile immovable misplace misfortune mislead misunderstand indignity indirect inaccurate invisible incorrect incomplete inadequate independent intolerable consequence development Revision Words antibiotic autobiography automatic transplant telescope transfer antiseptic telepathy fulfil reference antibiotics autobiographies, autobiographer, autobiographic, autobiographical automate, automating, automated, automatically, automation, automaticity transplants, transplanting, transplanted, transplantable, transplantation, transplanter telescopes, telescoped, telescoping, telescopic, telescopical transfer, transferring, transferred, transferable, transferability, transferee antiseptics, antiseptically, antisepticise, antisepticising, antisepticised telepathic, telepathically fulfils, fulfilling, fulfilled, fulfillment, fulfiller references, referencing, referenced Word Building imperfectly, imperfectness, imperfection, perfect, perfectly, perfection, perfectionist impolitely, impoliteness, polite, politely, politeness impatiently, patient, patiently, patience, impatience imbalances, balance, balances, balancing, balanced, balanceable immaturely, immaturity, immatureness, mature, matures, maturing, matured immobility, immobilise, immobile, immobilising, immobilised, immobilisation immovability, immovably, immovableness, movable, movably, movability misplaces, misplacing, misplaced, misplacement, place, places, placing, placed misfortunes, fortune, fortunes, fortunate, fortunately, unfortunate, unfortunately misleads, misleading, misled, misleader, misleadingly, lead, leads, leading, led misunderstands, misunderstanding, misunderstood, understand, understands, understanding, understood indignities, indignant, indignantly, indignation, dignity, dignities indirectly, indirectness, indirection, direct, directly, directness, direction inaccurately, inaccurateness, inaccuracy, inaccuracies, accurate, accurately invisibly, invisibility, invisibleness, visible, visibly, visibility, visibleness

Prefixes: im-, mis-, inUnit Focus

This unit focuses on the prefixes im, mis, and in. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, consequence and development.

teaching Points
Discuss the meaning of each prefix. Identify the base word for each list word. Identify any smaller words that make up each word. Sort the list words according to the prefixes and brainstorm to add to each list.

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in balanceable to keep the soft c sound.) Note: The word immoveable with the e retained, generally, has a meaning related to law. To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. When adding y to words ending with le, change the e to y.


incompletely, incompleteness, incompletion, complete, completely, completeness inadequately, inadequateness, inadequacy, inadequacies, adequate, adequately independently, independence, dependent, dependently, dependence intolerably, intolerability, intolerableness, intolerance, intolerantly consequences, consequential, consequentiality, consequentialness, consequentially, consequently developmental, developmentally, develop, developing, developed, developable, developer

in g
Word Building

incorrectly, incorrectness, correct, correctly, correctness

Sa m



My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

pl e

1. The development of the new estate was to incorporate ten independent villas, but they stood incomplete for a year as the foundations were inadequate to support them. As a consequence they subsided, so it was an expensive misfortune for the builders, as they had to demolish them. 2. Her behaviour was intolerable. She was so impolite and rude that she frequently had to suffer the indignity of standing immobile with her back to the class due to her immature nature, which led to her nickname little Miss Imperfect. 3. The accountant was getting very impatient with the imbalance in the accounts. After two days he discovered that the director did misunderstand that he had to include the invisible earnings and indirect payments, as it was these omissions that had made them incorrect.

Prefixes: im-, mis-, in-

Unit 2

4. On the ascent I happened to misplace my foot, and discovered that the rocks were not immovable, as they were bouncing down the mountain. We began to look for another way up but as the map was inaccurate this could mislead us up the wrong path!

1. (a) imbalance (b) misplace (c) inaccurate (d) misunderstand (e) indignity (f) imperfect (g) intolerable (h) mislead (i) (j) (l) invisible immovable immobile 5. (a) If you use the telescope you can see that planet that is invisible to the naked eye. (b) It is incorrect to believe that only one antibiotic can cure all illnesses. (c) The patient had to transfer to another hospital for his transplant operation. 6. (a) imperfect (b) automatic (c) inadequate (d) impolite (f) (e) intolerable 3. Crossword Across 1. immobile 3. indirect 6. misfortune 8. inadequate 9. misplace 10. invisible 13. impatient 18. imbalance 19. mislead 20. development 21. intolerable 22. imperfect Down 2. inaccurate 4. incorrect 5. independent 7. misunderstand 11. impolite 12. consequence 14. incomplete 15. immovable 16. indignity 17. immature 4. (a) mis (b) in/im (c) in/im Teacher check examples. 7. (a) horoscope (b) automobile (c) referee (d) plead (e) indignation (f) pneumatic (g) commonplace 8. (a) indirect (c) mislead (e) transfer (f)

(k) indirect (m) inadequate (n) incomplete 2. (a) impatiently (b) incorrectly (c) immaturely (d) independently (e) impolitely (f) incompletely

(d) invisible

in g
immovable m t t t u h i m o i s


(g) misfortune (h) independent (i) (j) inaccurate impatient u n d e v y f n t n r s i s i i p r s t a n d d h l i t r p e t u t y r e i k t t i w s a l i f l f w d t u s n k n e p e i r i o n c o m p n d k i r e r r i p l f i t l s o z e g n


Sa m
(f) e c g c

9. See Word Search

10. (a) development (b) impatient (c) independent (d) indignity (e) autobiography misplace

pl e
telepathy n e d n e p e d n z m x i i o s e p r r v l c g h e p o a n n c u e a d i t t c u r i m m a s r i z s l r t e a e e p s s l i b o m m o u i l q a d a a t i t o c q y i m g e m p e u l t t b c i b r m n u t e t a t i e b e o a y a p b m a n e c t i s n o c l t b h r i i s m e a t i c i t i a n s s r f j l n c o u n e p i l o y t s u n e a a n b n t u u l e a n e d c v a b e c n a a b m 43

(b) reference

n c a v t l

n n n i r

m d

e n m f a d

v e e d b l j l i t d r t n a q t y t

a c p e c n e u q e u a

e p h a m

n e m p o o

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 3
List Words Australian Italian Argentinian Iranian Vietnamese Portuguese Japanese Irish English Scottish jeweller builder photographer engineer auctioneer mountaineer scientist pianist dentist pharmacist material assessment Revision Words caution authority exhaust applaud taught thought launch haunted preparation accidentally

suffixes: -ian, -ese, -ish, -er, -eer, -ist

Word Building Australians, Australianism, Australianise, Australianises, Australianised, Australianising Italians, Italianise, Italianised, Italianising, Italianisation, Italianism Argentinians Iranians (plural also Vietnamese), Vietnamisation (plural also Portugese) (plural also Japanese) (plural also Irish) (plural also English), Englishness (plural also Scottish) jewellers, jewellery, jewel, jewels, jewelled, jewelling builders, build, building, built photographers, photograph, photographs, photographing, photographed, photographic engineers, engineering, engineered, engine, engines, enginery auctioneers, auction, auctions, auctioning, auctioned mountaineers, mountaineering, mountain, mountains

Unit Focus
This unit focuses on the suffixes ian, ese, ish, er, eer and ist. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, material and assessment.

teaching Points
Discuss the meaning of each suffix. Identify the base word for each list word. Discuss any difficult parts of the words. Sort the list words according to the suffixes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. When a word ends with a single i, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added. When adding y to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y.


scientists, science, sciences, scientific, scientifically, scientism pianists, pianistic, piano, pianos, pianism, pianissimo, pianissimos, pianoforte dentists, dentistry, dental, denticle, dentine, dentition, denture, dentures, dentoid pharmacists, pharmacy, pharmacies, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical materials, materially, materialism, materialistic, materialise/materialize, materialises/materializes, materialising/materializing, materialised/materialized assessments, assess, assesses, assessing, assessed, assessor, assessors

in g


Word Building

cautions, cautioning, cautioned, cautionary, cautious, cautiously, cautiousness authorities, authorise, authorising, authorised, authorisation exhausts, exhausting, exhausted, exhaustible, inexhaustible, exhaustive applauds, applauding, applauded, applauder, applause, applaused, applausing teach, teaches, teaching, teacher, teachable thoughtless, thoughtlessly, thoughtlessness, think, thinks, thoughts, thinking, thinker launches, launching, launched, launcher haunt, haunts, haunting, haunter, hauntingly preparations, preparative, preparatively, preparatory, preparatorily accidental, accidentalness, accident, accidents


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

1. I would like to be a pharmacist who gives out pills, rather than a dentist who only drills and fills. Or maybe a mountaineer who climbs loads of hills or making clothes from material down at the mills. No, I want to be a scientist who finds a cure for all ills. 2. The huge hotel on Bond Street was so cosmopolitan. I met Marco, an Italian, who was a cameraman, and the official photographer of the Vatican. The manager was Irish and called OCallaghan; he ran the hotel like a politician. The Scottish driver who drove the minivan always wore a kilt with a tartan sporran. The lady was Australian who was an equestrian, but she smelt of horses and so did her cardigan. Dan, the engineer, who had married the librarian, then had a baby who looked like an alien. Peter, the auctioneer, always with an action plan; hed sell anything, even an empty coke can. There was a Portuguese builder who looked like Tarzan, who hated the Vietnamese cook as he was a comedian, so in the Japanese garden he hit him with a pan. If you wanted to get the job as a doorman, the assessment would be done by an Argentinian. The pianist in the bar, who called herself Joanne, couldnt speak English so sang in Iranian. The jeweller from India always wore a kaftan, and tried to sell me a silver taipan.

suffixes: -ian, -ese, -ish, -er, -eer, -ist

Unit 3

1. (a) pharmacist (b) scientist (c) Italian (d) Portuguese (e) mountaineer (f) Irish (g) auctioneer (h) Scottish (i) (j) (l) Australian assessment photographer 5. (a) Irish (b) auctioneer, mountaineer (c) accidentally 2. (a) material (b) pianist (c) jeweller (d) dentist (e) Japanese (f) engineer (g) English (h) Vietnamese (i) (j) Italian builder 6. (a) (b) Teacher check (d) Portuguese (f) assessment 4. (a) Italian (b) pharmacist (c) Scottish (d) scientist (e) Australian (f) Argentinian (g) mountaineer (h) dentist 9. (a) engineer, Italian, material, pianist, exhaust, builder (b) caution 10. (a) applaud (b) dentist (c) thought

(k) Iranian

7. (a) mountaineer, launch (b) Japanese, taught

(c) caution, photographer, haunted 8. Word Search o n i t j

3. Crossword Across 1. dentist 5. mountaineer 6. photographer 8. auctioneer 9. Italian 11. Irish 12. builder 13. engineer 17. pharmacist 18. Australian 19. scientist 20. Japanese 21. assessment Down 2. Scottish 3. material 4. jeweller 7. Portuguese 10. Argentinian 14. Iranian 15. Vietnamese 16. English 17. pianist

in g
e w e s i t i h e t I t l f l

(k) Argentinian

Sa m
l s a e e l r s i k i l s y g x j y n e e z l v r r i x s h A c t i n f r f j s z s e n r b o n t i e e r n a h v r m d b c q p c l l t n e d m n w u t a n s k t n n a m e p p a i k s n l t s I t y t i e p w c n e g s i e n t i s t s a v r t i o k k h y b m e u p n a i o d t r i i y a e p m m u a a g c u h t v f j t d e n g i e r I l i c h u n u a e g i t r a g i i r g o t x z a e d h n o d u n t o n e u e c l r d g h h t i n n b e c o b e p b o b y r i s t r i t y h b p w o t j S d o a P c c g y h o g c n p c o

t t

n e m s

r t s l i s h

a u l h V x a e n s u e A n j j n p a g a J z k z r i a l v b

a p v

d u a

e c a h h a

p u n u a h a r

E a m a u t m h c i s t

e a o w y

pl e

(e) pharmacist

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 4
List Words politician superficial physician electrician mansion expansion profession confession compassion session pressure fissure rotation revolution extinction conservation affection adaptation irrigation invention happened practise Revision Words pyjamas binoculars athletics trousers species salmon moose tweezers carry surprised binocularity, binocularly athlete, athletes, athletic, athleticism, athletically carries, carrying, carried, carry-on, carry-ons, carry-out, carry-outs, miscarry, miscarries, miscarrying, miscarried surprise, surprises, surprising, surprisingly Word Building politicians, politics, political, politically, politicise/politicize, politicises/politicizes, politicising/politicizing, politicised/politicized superficially, superficiality, superficialness physicians electricians, electric, electrical, electrically, electricity mansions expansions, expansionary, expansionism, expansionist, expansive, expand, expanded, expanding professions, professional, professionally, professionalism, professionalise/professionalize confessions, confessional, confess, confesses, confessing, confessed, confessor compassionate, compassionately, compassionateness sessions, sessional pressures, pressuring, pressured fissures, fissuring, fissured rotations, rotational, rotative, rotatory, rotator, rotators revolutions, revolutionary, revoluntionaries, revolutionist, revolutionists, revolutionise/revolutionize extinct conservational, conservationist, conserve, conserves, conserving, conserved, conserver adaptations, adapt, adapts, adapting, adapted, adaptable, adaptableness irrigational, irrigate, irrigates, irrigating, irrigated, irrigator inventions, invent, invents, inventing, invented, inventor, inventible practises, practising, practised, practitioner, practitioners Word Building

ci, si, ssi, ss, ti

Unit Focus
This unit focuses on the graphemes ci, si, ssi, ss and ti to represent a sound (phoneme). This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, happened and practise.

teaching Points
Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. Discuss any difficult parts of words. Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. To make the plural of words ending with a y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. The y is retained when adding ing to avoid ii being written. (Two exceptions are taxiing and skiing.) When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix.

affections, affectionate, affectionately, affectionateness

in g


happen, happens, happening



My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

1. The wheel is probably the most important mechanical invention of all time and during the industrial revolution the basic principle of rotation was used in most new machinery. 2. Due to the increasing extinction of many animals, along with the shortage of food, our team has built a huge conservation village. It has its own irrigation system for fresh water for the crops growing next to the vast expansion of land, fenced off for the animals whose adaptation to the new environment has been very successful. 3. There was a late evening session of parliament so our local politician was not at home when his mansion caught fire. It turned out to be the fault of the electrician who then made a confession that he had used the wrong cables when re-wiring the house. 4. Despite the pressure of working long hours she was happy being a physician as she had always dreamed of a profession in medicine. As she showed great compassion and affection for her patients she was respected by everyone. 5. We had gone out to practise climbing with our new equipment when I happened to slip down and got my foot stuck in a fissure in the rock surface. Luckily I only had superficial damage to the skin on my ankle.

ci, si, ssi, ss, ti

Unit 4

1. (a) invention (b) politician (c) irrigation (d) electrician (e) adaptation (f) session (g) superficial (h) profession (i) (j) (l) extinction revolution physician 4. ation rotation, conservation, adaptation, irrigation ssion profession, confession, compassion, session tion affection, extinction, invention sion mansion, expansion ution revolution cian politician, physician, electrician ssure pressure, fissure cial superficial 2. (a) happened (b) mansion (c) practise (d) extinction (e) politician (f) compassion 5. (a) electrician, mansion (b) conservation, salmon, extinction (c) pressure, politician, athletics 6. Teacher check 9. (a) physician (b) compassion (c) invention (d) surprised (e) adaptation (f) profession (g) confession (h) expansion (i) (j) (l) mansion politician pressure

(k) practise

(k) carry

10. (a) conserve (b) politics (c) irrigate (e) rotate (f)

(d) surprise electric

3. Crossword Across 2. expansion 5. fissure 6. confession 8. mansion 10. profession 11. happened 13. superficial 16. irrigational 18. extinction 19. practise 20. politician 21. revolution Down 1. pressure 3. affection 4. session 6. conservation 7. invention 9. compassion 12. electrician 14. adaptation 15. physician 17. rotation

in g
d n b a e o n i t l i t s

7. extinction, expansion, physician, compassion, invention, athletics 8. Word Search

Sa m
(g) adapt (i) (j) (l) f t i s r a e u t i h n s k affect k o m a c n a d o j h s f t r r i t s y z l r i i s e t s d u o o i n e k i t f x v i l s i t t z s r o r r l x i o n c p p l a s s i o t c d y a g g r q l l i l i y a a p g u m z h g n e m r s s e f n n o

(h) expand revolve extinct

(k) confess

pl e
s e c a e j t i x t s s b t o s r v o i r n y z i n p v i t g n y p y d m x a n s c e i l f n t i s o s n a m b o v a m n o o s r a i i t i l p k v p c a i n a u m i e i l o v s t i r i f r m g n c v a f f e t i k i s y j e n g e e o h d s r a j i c o c o c p h c o p o v p n d n g 47

p h t p e r u s s r

e a o e r k z v r q l r s t r o s r s k b u p b e h

n m w a p n

o a b e p e u b o c h c

p u c n

e n e a

v a c o n p f e s s i n i

o m e n c

e q e o n p n o q o

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 5
List Words bicycle biceps bikini bilingual triangle triplet trilingual quadrangle quadrilateral pentagon pentathlon hexapod heptathlon September octopus October octagon nonagon decade decagon questionnaire alcohol Revision Words accurate hesitate delete scene describe refuge schedule umpire scan circulate Word Building bicycles, bicycling, bicycled, bicyclist, bicyclists, bike, bikes, biking bicep bikinis bilingually, bilingualism triangles, triangular, triangularly, triangularity, triangulate, triangulating, triangulated triplets, triple, triples, tripling, tripled quadrangles, quadrangular quadrilaterals pentagons, pentagonal, pentagonally pentathlons hexapods, hexapodus heptathlons octopuses/octopi octagons, octagonal, octagonally nonagons, nonagonal decades, decadal decagons, decagonal questionnaires, question, questions, questioning, questioned, questionable

number Prefixes
Unit Focus
This unit focuses on words that have number prefixes. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, questionnaire and alcohol.

teaching Points
Identify the prefix in each word. Discuss the meaning of each prefix. Identify any difficult parts of words. Sort the list words according to the prefixes and brainstorm to add to each list.

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix.


in g

accurately, accurateness

Word Building

alcoholic, alcoholics, alcoholism

deletes, deleting, deleted, deletion scenes, scenery, scenic, scenical, scenically describes, describing, described, describable, indescribable, description, descriptive refuges, refugee, refugees schedules, scheduling, scheduled, schedular umpires, umpiring, umpired, umpireship scans, scanning, scanned, scanner, scannable circulates, circulating, circulated, circulatable, circulator



hesitates, hesitated, hesitation, hesitative, hesitant, hesitantly, hesitancy, hesitating

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

1. It was a decade ago, but I will never forget the day I spent at the activity centre where I got to ride a bicycle through a swimming pool, sat in a tank of water wearing only a bikini beside an octopus, walked a tightrope in the quadrangle area outside and used the remote control making the six legs of the hexapod robot move. At the end of it all, I filled in the questionnaire and rated it highly. 2. We watched the womens heptathlon on the television and the athlete who won the pentathlon last October had the biggest biceps I had ever seen. 3. If you add up the sides of a pentagon and a triangle you will get the same number of sides in an octagon, and, if you double the sides in a quadrilateral, you will get the same answer. If you then add one you will get the number of sides in a nonagon; add another one and you get the number of sides in a decagon. 4. My sisters are trilingual but I only speak two languages so I am bilingual. But being a triplet I am going to study Italian at the start of September as I like to do things in threes, and the only alcohol I like is wine from Italy red, white or rose!

pl e

number Prefixes
1. (a) quadrangle (b) decade (c) hexapod (d) triplet (e) quadrilateral (f) bicycle (g) penta/oct/non/ decagon (h) octopus (i) (j) (l) bi/trilingual bikini bi/trilingual 4. See table Prefix bi tri quadri penta hexa hepta sept oct nona deca number two three four five six seven seven eight nine ten Greek or Latin Latin Greek/Latin Latin Greek Greek Greek Latin Latin Latin Latin List word example bikini triangle/triplet/ trilingual quadrilateral pentagon/ pentathlon hexapod heptathlon September octupus/October/ octagon nonagon

Unit 5

Meaning Two-piece swimming costume Teacher check An object with four sides Teacher check An insect; animal with six feet An athletic contest with seven events The ninth month of the year (Originally the seventh month) Teacher check A shape with nine sides and nine angles Teacher check 9. (a) scan, circulate (b) decade, umpire, trilingual (c) delete, scene, octopus 10. Teacher check

(k) heptathlon (m) triangle (n) October 2. (a) hexa 6 (b) deca 10 (c) bi 2 (d) penta 5 (e) oct 8 (f) tri 3 (g) quad 4 (h) nona 9 (i) (j) sept 7 hepta 7

5. (a) questionnaire (b) pentathlon (c) schedule (d) nonagon (e) circulate (f) biceps (g) scene (h) September (i) accurate hesitate (j) (l)

in g
trilingual r x f t s z i r o

3. Crossword Across 4. octagon 5. pentagon 7. decagon 8. hexapod 10. biceps 11. September 12. triplet 15. nonagon 16. bilingual 18. quadrilateral 19. trilingual 20. heptathlon Down 1. decade 2. bicycle 3. triangle 4. octopus 6. October 9. questionnaire 10. bikini 13. pentathlon 14. quadrangle 17. alcohol


(k) octopus

(m) quadrilateral (n) heptathlon

Sa m
(d) scan (f) i i l s S n l j i t

6. alcohol, accurate, refuge, decagon, decade, octogon, nonagon, delete 7. (a) trilingual (b) schedule (c) biceps (e) pentathlon umpire (g) decade 8. Word Search b q d w n o i t i m l o b e l t

pl e
decade/decagon l i a o j q n f v c e i l t a t i r h y p e u p i a e j s t t l y c t u c i o l s s s l r f x f r l i e h i d u b d a g o n u d y f t c g e o a t e d y r i j p u s q u a d


h l

t i t r x k r i k l k

a t a l f a l n

p e h o l k t l l a r t l i r a q 49

p d

n g u a t a h l h t x l e t y z f

c h g d p e n y a p e n s c u

a g o n k t r i l t l x l

p n o t r n a g f k

o n c O

e o g c e n a e a o

e b o

e o u g d e e e c b g i i

c e

g g

a n p p y y s

p n a c u h e e b b n t t m j r i d i r g i i d z

p e

a c c u

n a c i r j l r

o c y e i r h

m e n o h u e u

c d e a l r i y l d q

n o g e n o i q a s

u o c

h c p

g e b a n g

b d

e m e p h e

e e u

s w b b v

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 6
List Words difference silence commence absence independence patience conscience audience convenience experience chance balance distance appearance acceptance entrance substance instance assistance nuisance physical genius Revision Words monsoon tablespoon screwdriver wound youth coupon suitable pursuit sixty Africa Word Building differences, differencing, differenced, different, differently, differ, differs, differed silences, silencing, silenced, silencer, silent, silently, silentless commences, commencing, commenced, commencement absences, absent, absently, absentness, absentee, absenteeism independent, independently, dependence, dependent, dependently impatience, patient, patiently, impatient, impatiently conscienceless, conscientious, conscientiously, conscientiousness, conscionable audiences conveniences, convenient, conveniently experiences, experiencing, experienced, experiential, experientially chances, chancing, chanced, chanceful, chanceless balances, balancing, balanced, balanceable, balancer distances, distancing, distanced, distant, distantly appearances, appear, appears, appearing, appeared

-ence, -ance
Unit Focus
This unit focuses on words that end with ence or ance. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, physical and genius.

teaching Points
Identify the endings and how they are represented. Discuss how each word has a soft c sound because the c is followed by the letter e. Discuss any difficult parts of words. Sort the list words according to the ending and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in balanceable to keep the soft c sound.) When adding ly to most words ending with le, change the e to y. When adding y to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y.




physically, physicals, physicality, physicalness

Word Building

acceptances, accept, accepting, accepted, acceptable, acceptably, acceptableness entrances, entrancing, entranced, entrancement, entrancingly substances, substantial, substantially, substantiality, substantialness instances, instancy, instant, instantly, instantaneous, instantaneously, instantaneousness assistant, assist, assists, assisting, assisted, assister, assistor

in g

monsoons, monsoonal tablespoons, tablespoonful, tablespoonfuls screwdrivers wounds, wounding, wounded, woundable youths, youthfully, youthtulness coupons suit, suits, suiting, suited, suitability, suitableness, suitably pursuits sixties, six, sixes, sixteen, sixth, sixths, sixtieth, sixtieths African, Africans, Africaness


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

1. The play was supposed to commence at 7.30, but by 8.45 the audience were beginning to lose their patience, and at 9 pm we were told that it had to be cancelled due to the absence of five actors. This was a nuisance for us as we had travelled a long distance that evening. 2. Thursday was his first day back at school since the terrible accident. His physical appearance in the entrance forced a complete silence for a minute as we then realised that he had lost his independence. He needed a lot of assistance getting out of his wheelchair as he had no sense of balance. 3. It was a chance of a lifetime so I posted off the acceptance letter right away and began to look forward to the experience of working with Oxfam in Africa. I know, as a doctor, I can make a huge difference to peoples lives, and that is a good feeling to have on my conscience. 4. I shall give you an instance of his eating habits at lunch time he goes to the convenience store and buys three bars of chocolate and sweets, so you do not have to be genius to work out why he is so overweight. All that sugary substance in confectionery is very fattening.

-ence, -ance

Unit 6

1. (a) conscience (b) nuisance (c) absence (d) independence (e) commence (f) appearance (g) audience (h) acceptance (i) (j) (l) instance patience difference 4. (i) silence: silent, silences, silenced, silencing, silently 7. (a) Africa (b) wound (c) screwdriver (d) suitable, physical (e) independence, audience, convenience, experience, appearance 8. See Word Search 9. (a) pursuit, independence, genius, chance, patience, entrance, sixty (b) nuisance 10. (a) Africa 5. (a) experience, monsoon (b) substance, sixty (c) physical, suitable (e) instance, wound 6. Teacher check

(ii) distance: distant, distances, distanced, distancing, distantly (iii) appearance: appear, appears, appeared, appearing (iv) difference: different, differences, differently (v) convenience: convenient, conveniences, conveniently (vi) patience: patient, patiently (vii) absence: absent, absences, absently

(k) distance (m) silence (n) chance (o) entrance (p) experience 2. (a) entrance (b) silence (c) difference (d) commence (e) appearance (f) balance (g) convenience (h) physical 3. Crossword Across 1. physical 7. silence 8. absence 9. nuisance 12. convenience 15. experience 19. entrance 20. substance 21. conscience 22. difference Down 2. independence 3. appearance 4. balance 5. audience 6. assistance 10. chance 11. acceptance 13. genius 14. patience 16. instance 17. commence 18. distance

(d) balance, screwdriver

in g
i d w g d i f u f t i e i r i i y c y k n m s t h n c d s s


d a e h

Sa m
(f) sixty (i) (j) youth l r q h v r s j s l e c i s i v z c c b t e o t a t u i y a q r s j l n a c i s g n u r t r i y e c a v i r d w e

(b) coupon (c) monsoon (d) pursuit (e) screwdriver (g) suitable (h) tablespoon wound

p t f z i s


pl e
w p a i i h t i s r e n c e u o s l a n p i c s o b s z l t a o u c s x r c i s y l r s k r

n u p o n g s c v x p w e

e e

e p a

e n c e b a n c e e

d a

a p p e a

n e b e e e e y i g i e x i s t o t

t m n o p u o c u e u p c e r i g e b b o w a n

c u a u n g c a o q h y d q e n n n w e e u

u b b s t

c q n s t

v e

m n c m n n h e a e i s f y l q b

a d g o

a b e n i e

u n

n c a n c a e d n n c l r

a e c u i s

n n a u e u c A e o v c m k

c p b

e o n e

n o e q w k

g u u m g e u h c c t m r m z i

p e e o u u w

c h a n c e o

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Unit 7
List Words Dancer Prancer anticipating exhausted poinsettia hibernate resolution sacred crackers myrrh frankincense potatoes elderberry roast commercial advertisements Word Building dance, dances, dancing, danced, danceable prance, prances, prancing, pranced, prancingly anticipate, anticipates, anticipatable, anticipated, anticipative, anticipator exhaust, exhausts, exhausting, exhaustedly, exhauster, exhaustibility, exhaustible, exhaustive, exhaustively, exhaustiveness poinsettias hibernates, hibernating, hibernated, hibernation, hibernator resolutions, resolutioner, resolute, resolutely, resoluteness sacredly, sacredness cracker, crack, cracks, cracking, cracked potato elderberries roasts, roasting, roasted, roaster commerciality, commerce

Unit Focus
This unit focuses on Christmas words. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, technology and citizen.

teaching Points
Identify difficult parts of words. Discuss ways to remember how to spell a word. Brainstorm other words to add to each list.

1. I love indulging at Christmas. It is our family tradition to use lots of table decorations, including crackers and a poinsettia. The roast potatoes are my favourite part of the meal, washed down with elderberry wine.

tradition decorations indulging programmes technology citizen Revision Words bauble pantomime sledging ceremony shepherd invitation exciting skiing without idea

decoration, decorate, decorates, decorating, decorated indulge, indulges, indulged, indulgent, indulgently, indulger programme, programming, programmed, programmable, programmability, programmatic, programmer technologies, technologic, technological, technologically, technologist citizens, citizeness, citizenly, citizenry, citizenries, citizenship

baubles pantomimes, pantomimic, pantomimist sledges, sledged, sledger, sledgers ceremonies, ceremonial shepherds, shepherding, shepherded invitations, invite, invites, inviting, invited, invitingly, invitee, inviter excitingly, excite, excites, excited, excitedly ski, skis, skied, skiable, skier, skiers ideas, ideally, idealess




Word Building

in g

advertisement, advertise, advertises, advertising, advertised, advertiser traditions, traditional, traditionality, traditionally, traditionalise/traditionalize, traditionalises/traditionalizes, traditionalising/traditionalizing, traditionalised/traditionalized

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

2. There are lots of advertisements to watch the sacred nativity at our church. I am going to sell programmes but first we need some gold, frankincense and myrrh. 3. My sister was anticipating the arrival of the reindeer, especially Rudolph, Dancer and Prancer on our roof. However, she was so exhausted she fell asleep before they came. 4. The company used new technology to make the commercial about helping animals to hibernate. They wanted every citizen to make a resolution to help.


Unit 7

1. (a) myrrh (b) citizen (c) roast (d) poinsettia (e) Prancer (f) commercial (g) tradition (h) resolution (i) (j) (l) crackers potatoes exhausted 3. Crossword Across 4. citizen 5. exhausted 8. commercial 9. programmes 10. Prancer 11. poinsettia 13. indulging 18. crackers 19. hibernate 20. technology 21. potatoes 22. roast Down 1. advertisements 2. tradition 3. anticipating 6. sacred 7. decorations 12. elderberry 14. Dancer 15. frankincense 16. resolution b 17. myrrh t r 4. (a) tradition, roast, frankincense, Prancer, elderberry, hibernate (b) Dancer (c) Teacher check 5. Anticipating, Prancer, Dancer, exhausted, tradition, resolution, indulging, programmes, roast, potatoes 6. (a) exciting (b) exhausted (c) resolution (e) tradition b h (f) 7. (a) shepherd (b) poinsettia (c) without (d) technology (e) hibernate (f) invitation (g) sacred (h) crackers (i) (j) (l) resolution indulging potatoes

(k) sacred (m) decorations (n) hibernate 2. (a) anticipating (b) sacred (c) technology (d) programmes (e) hibernate, elderberry (f) poinsettia

(k) bauble

pl e
anticipating r f y s r x j z e h x w

(d) commercial

8. See Word Search 9. (a) ski (b) hibernation (c) decorate (d) resolve (e) invite (f) advertise

Sa m
f q D c q a o p n m a c e m n e x e t r h a a r o m a c e d c m u u e i i i h s d e g d l x e s i j t i n r p z l i t v p n b n e e g v y r h a o e h e x e p m d z n x

10. Teacher check

i y g t q p e

l d e r b d e c o r i v u j g

e a

s i t a m j t e w y p p r a c c i l e s e m x i b t e c h n o l o g y h o o n s c p t s o h r b d o i c t a n f p m y p h p w g e z m y t r f c q m n e e e t n m z i h u x a g j d x g e s p f e s g n i i k s t s n y w c z t o b b a s b d n s o d n y a p o c b a e a g b v u i c i u l r d d r t r i l l u i j o a c n o i b v j b u z t j n t e e e u g a r r r t t s e m m a r g o r p g d t c m e a t s i n d u l g i n g i i i b t o s

q e k y p a s z r c j u e q c j t d r r g t z i b i c n w i f e c t t a g w b t n f a c d y c i p r d g s h i k t h c c t P e s a r k v i g n m v b p r n b o w a s d y a s n y x a m r l f f l t
My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


t z o x o q n k v z a e b

in g
h p n n q g u


Unit 8
List Words airbrush airstrip airlift airline airtight airborne airmail airspace aerial aerobatics aeroplane aerodrome aerobics aerosol supersede superficial superhuman superimpose superintendent superior prioritise potential Revision Words toothache eyesight guidelines whiteboard copyright worthwhile spreadsheet therefore computer toothaches guidelines Word Building airbrushes, airbrushing, airbrushed airstrips airlifts, airlifting, airlifted airlines, airliner, airliners aerially, aerialist aerobatic aeroplanes aerodromes aerobic, aerobically, anaerobic aerosols supersedes, superseding, superseded superficially

air-, aer-, aero-, superUnit Focus

This unit focuses on the prefixes air, aer, aero and super. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, prioritise and potential.

teaching Points
Discuss the meaning and origin of each prefix. Identify any smaller words that make up each word. Sort the list words according to the prefixes and brainstorm to add to each list.

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix.

superimposes, superimposing, superimposed superintendents superiors, superiority

prioritises or prioritizes, prioritising or prioritizing, prioritised or prioritized, priority, priorities potentially


Word Building

in g


copyrightable, copyrighter spreadsheets computers, computerise/computerize, computerises/computerizes, computerising/computerizing, computerised/computerized, computing programs, programing or programming, programed or programmed, programmable or programable




My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added.

1. We had only been airborne for three minutes, and I could still see the airstrip down below, when the aeroplane turned back as the only toilet was not working. An airline pilot always has to prioritise to put the safety and comfort of the passengers first and he admitted that if he had only been carrying airmail he would not have turned back. 2. The artist began to paint the superhuman figure on the outside wall of the nursery but as he was using an airbrush a strong wind made the aerosol spray blow back all over him. He finished it because we put up a tarpaulin around him to make the area more airtight. Then, when it was a childs birthday, we would superimpose a photograph of the childs head onto Spidermans body. 3. The two reasons for cancelling the aerobatics show were that there was a potential hazard for the pilots due to the strong winds around the aerodrome, and they had to be deployed to airlift the needed food supplies to the war zone. Flying through enemy airspace with these supplies was a great risk. 4. After leaving the aerobics class I reversed my car right over a superintendents foot sticking out too far; his wound was superficial so he wasnt too mad, but as he fell over he broke my aerial which made me sad. A wire coat hanger could supersede it, said my dad. Instead he got me a new one which made me glad, as its the superior one Ive never had.

air-, aer-, aero-, super-

Unit 8

1. (a) prioritise (b) aerosol (c) aeroplane (d) supersede (e) superior (f) airtight (g) airborne (h) potential (i) (j) (l) aerobics airspace superimpose 4. (a) air, airlift, Latin, transport by air (b) aer, aerial, Greek, metal rod for radio waves (c) aero, aerodrome, Greek, small airport (d) air, airline, Latin, system of commercial flights (e) super, supersede, Latin, replace something less efficient (f) aero, aerosol, Greek, container with gas under pressure 6. nouns copyright airlift Adjectives airborne airtight worthwhile superhuman 10. (a) superimpose (b) superhuman (c) eyesight (d) whiteboard (e) spreadsheet (f) superintendent/ potential

7. (a) toothache (b) airspace (c) superimpose (d) aeroplane (e) airborne (f) whiteboard (g) guidelines (h) airstrip

(k) airline (m) airstrip (n) superintendent 2. aerodrome, aeroplane, airborne, airline, airspace, prioritise, superimpose, supersede 3. Crossword Across 1. airbrush 3. potential 6. superhuman 8. aerial 9. superficial 10. aerosol 11. aerobatics 12. aerodrome 14. superimpose 16. airlift 17. supersede 18. airtight 19. airstrip 20. airline 21. aeroplane Down 2. superintendent 4. airmail 5. airspace 7. aerobics 8. airborne 13. prioritise 15. superior

(g) aerodrome (h) therefore (i) (j) (l) computer toothache airspace

(g) aero, aerobics, Greek, fitness exercises (h) super, superficial, Latin, being near the surface 5. (a) priority (b) hindsight (c) inhuman (d) syndrome (e) worthless (f) upright (g) special

(j) (l)

(k) therefore airtight

pl e
worthwhile a i r s r r i l p a c e r o s a e i r i s u p e s u p e a a i r m p o s s t r r i n e a e r o p s i r u l p l i l i i o r f l i a i i n t s c n n d a e b e s i t o r t n q g r n e z u a z d o e h r f l t r s t t r r r i a l t i i l m x l a r i i t a c i t i r c i o z m u q p e n t r g h s l s p z p e r m p o h g r i s i d q r t u p e e a d i c s h e e r u m w h u p e



Sa m

(k) airstrip

8. See Word Search

o s i a

l e r p l t i o r

h u m a n u p e


(h) anagram

in g
n e e s e n i l d i g j p j j j x i l r i x r t o t a c k


s w a e i

a n e q p n v r r r r i r i z

n c o c o e a a s i y h s r r i r p c b r m r a u a t r l y s i l k a

a h i s e

v q m g c c u e a h e a l t h r

o o h o p e h

w b m e m o

e a

u w o

w e y d p e i u a s y i r l i f t t t

u m n e b e p o e p b s

e p u

q p h d h p u m t s f i t s y x a e c c e w r x r q

c o p y u p e

v o u h b

e n d e n d

a a

h a o p

e b o a

a e

o b a

e d e o 55

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 9
List Words azure seizure measure treasure pleasure leisure division decision erosion confusion conclusion transfusion explosion occasion abrasion euthanasia illusion seclusion collision exclusion nuclear immediately Revision Words quarantine magazine imagine crevice definite advise favourite detective monitor parallel azury seizures, seize, seizes, seizuring measures, measuring, measured, measurement, measurements, measuredly, measureless, measurer treasures, treasuring, treasured, treasureless pleasures, pleasuring, pleasured, pleasurable, pleasurableness, pleasurably leisurely, leisured, leisureliness divide, divides, dividing, divided, divisional, divisionary, divisionally decisions, decide, decides, deciding, decided, decidable, decidedly, decidedness erosions, erosive, erode, eroding, eroded, erodent confuse, confuses, confusing, confused, confusedly, confusedness, confusingly conclusions, conclude, concludes, concluding, concluded, conclusive, conclusiveness transfusions, transfuse, transfuses, transfusing, transfused, transfusible explosions, explode, explodes, exploding, exploder, explosive, explosively, explosiveness occasions, occasional, occasionally, occasionalism, occasionalist abrasions, abrasive, abrasively, abrasiveness Word Building

z, s, si
Unit Focus
This unit focuses on the graphemes z, s, and si, to represent a sound (phoneme). This unit also includes two common,high frequency words, nuclear and immediately.

teaching Points
Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. Discuss any difficult parts of words. Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

When adding to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y. When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. The y is retained when adding ing to avoid ii being written (two exceptions are taxiing and skiing).

collisions, collide, collides, colliding, collided exclusions, exclusionism, exclusionist, exclude, excludes, excluding, excluded nucleus, nuclei immediate, immediacy, immediateness Word Building quarantines, quarantining, quarantined magazines imagines, imagining, imagined, imagination, imaginary, imaginable, imaginably crevices, creviced definitely, definiteness advises, advising, advised, advisable, advisably, adviser, advisedly, advisement, advisor, advisors favourites, favouritism detectives, detect, detects, detecting, detected, detectable, detection monitors, monitoring, monitored, monitorial, monitorially, monitorship parallels, paralleling, paralleled, parallelogram, parallelograms


euthanise/euthanize, euthanises/euthanizes, euthanising/euthanizing, euthanised/euthanized, euthanatises/euthanatizes illusions, illusionary, illusionism, illusionist, illusionless, illusory, illusive, illusively, illusiveness seclusionist, seclusive, seclusively, seclusiveness, seclude, secluding, secluded

in g



My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

1. My familys Illusion. I must be rich beyond all measure after cooking for hours on my day of leisure and making cakes, just for pleasure. My family announced Mum you are such a treasure.

2. There was great confusion in their class as they were told that the topic for a debate was Youth in Asia. Then they laughed when they saw it written down as it was euthanasia! 3. If there was ever an occasion that a leak occurred at the nuclear power station then everyone has to be evacuated immediately, with the exclusion of three people who have to stay behind to make any decision on preventing an explosion. It is always hard to reach a conclusion as to which three people. 4. The high cliffs along the shore are suffering from erosion from the force of the waves, and so this constant abrasion has forced a huge area of seclusion to anyone walking along the top. 5. As it was a brilliant sunny day with a bright azure sky, the police assumed that the drivers eyes had been dazzled by the sun, but it turned out that the collision happened as he had taken a seizure. He then lost control, thus crossing the central division of the road into the path of the bus driver, who had to have a blood transfusion at the hospital.

z, s, si

Unit 9

1. (a) division (b) treasure (c) nuclear (d) transfusion (e) abrasion (f) azure (g) occasion (h) seizure (i) (j) (l) erosion pleasure decision 4. explosion, exploded, exploding division, divided, dividing seizure, seized, seizing seclusion, secluded, secluding collision, collided, colliding exclusion, excluded, excluding confusion, confused, confusing conclusion, concluded, concluding 5. (a) occasionally (b) explosively 2. abrasion, collision, conclusion, confusion, decision, division, erosion, exclusion, explosion, illusion, occasion, seclusion, transfusion 3. Crossword Across 1. erosion 2. division 5. transfusion 7. occasion 8. measure 10. azure 13. abrasion 15. pleasure 18. conclusion 19. leisure 20. collision 21. illusion Down 1. euthanasia 3. seizure 4. decision 6. immediately 9. explosion 11. exclusion 12. treasure 14. seclusion 16. confusion 17. nuclear (c) confusingly (d) definitely (e) exclusively (f) advisedly 6. (a) pleasure (b) definite (c) illusion (d) conclusion (e) confusion (f) exclusion (g) favourite (h) parallel (i) (j) (l) leisure explosion immediately 9. Nouns: detective, illusion, euthanasia, azure Verbs: imagine, advise, measure Adjectives: definite, nuclear, azure 10. Teacher check

(k) immediately (m) euthanasia (n) leisure

(k) division

(b) illusion, magazine (c) leisure, pleasure

(g) immediately (h) leisurely (i) (j)



Sa m
e f i l r t i u t i i z t c t

8. See Word Search

pl e
a c a v l y r e v i b i t i k s s e r s e p r l l l e n u f a r u s i e t t t r n a r r a u q u o b k c c e l z e c u e d u c m x i t y z e i s i l v x s a c q e c l y f i t e x s x i n e e s r r i v a k c o u o u e a t i e y c i v a c o e l j l r t r i t i c w n i e i o t y u u e u a q i i s l n a u e m m s r i f y d t r i i s i u o b n i s l c i s f s a r t p v z m s z e r o s i o u m o q o m e n a x c l u s i o g i s i l l a z i n e z e h d m a g n e o a v l y n x j l u n c e u i k x c d q l e a n e o o m x p u a p l o e n o o s m s o n c g 57

7. (a) definite, explosion, collision

in g ew
l i i s f o c r

o e

n n u d

u o k

a p c n u n g e o


s m f o c d n e d o u n t h i s r b

e o b n

o c o u c a e e d

u a n a s i

n a

a b e o

a v

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 10
List Words dictionary primary ordinary secretary temporary boundary imaginary necessary military hereditary bakery cemetery surgery discovery archery mastery treachery slavery refinery battery government parliament Revision Words barbecue analogue issue refuel skewer subdue beautiful queue body eighty dictionaries primaries, primarily, primate, primates, primateship, primatial ordinaries, ordinariness, ordinarily secretaries, secretarial, secretariat, secretaryship, secretary-general temporarily, temporariness boundaries, bound, bounds, bounding, bounded, bind, binds, binding imaginaries, imaginarily, imaginariness, imagine, imagines, imagining, imagined, imagination necessaries, necessarily, necessity, necessities, necessitated, necessitating militarily, militarian, militarianism, militariarist, militarialistic, militerialistically, militia hereditarily, hereditariness, heredity, heredities, hereditable, hereditist bakeries, bake, bakes, baking, baked, baker cemeteries surgeries, surgeon, surgical, surgically discoveries, discover, discovers, discovering, discovered, discoverer archer, archers masteries, master, masters, mastering, mastered, masterdom, masterless Word Building

-ary, -ery
Unit Focus
This unit focuses on words that end with ary or ery. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, government and parliament.

teaching Points
Identify the endings and how they are represented. Discuss any difficult parts of words. Sort the list words according to the endings and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix.

slave, slaves, slaving, slaved, slavish, slavishness, slavishly batteries

refineries, refine, refines, refining, refined, refinement


in g

treacheries, treacherous, treacherously, treacherousness

governments, governmental, governmentally


parliaments, parliamentary

Word Building

barbecues, barbecuing, barbecued issues, issuing, issued, issuable, issuance, issueless, issuer refuels, refuelling, refuelled skewers, skewering, skewered subdues, subduing, subdued, subduable, subduer, subduedly, subduedness beauties, beautify, beautifies, beautifying, beautified queues, queuing, queued, queuejumper bodies, bodying, bodied eighties


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. To make many words ending with o plural, s is added. The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. (The y is retained in beautifying to avoid ii being added.)

1. The members of parliament all chose to ignore that their country was being accused of practising slavery after the discovery, by the English government, that the ordinary workers in the sugar refinery and the national bakery were only paid 1 per day. 2. Our familys love of language is hereditary and we all find it necessary to carry a dictionary with us. 3. She got a temporary job as a medical secretary and her primary task in the surgery was to input all the patients files onto a database and, as she is a computer expert, she displayed total mastery. 4. I was guilty of treachery as I had betrayed her trust in me by telling everyone that her father had been suspended from his military post. He had been found secretly crossing the boundary into the next country. 5. Today, Susans imaginary story was that she was crossing through the cemetery late last night when the battery fell out of her torch, and as she bent down to look for it, an arrow shot past her as someone was practicing archery. She is lucky to be alive.

-ary, -ery

Unit 10

1. (a) treachery (b) hereditary (c) necessary (d) archery (e) refinery (f) ordinary (c) (g) temporary (h) primary (i) (j) (l) slavery military 6. (a) Using a dictionary is necessary to check the spelling of difficult words. (b) The secretary of the archery club has to issue passes to new members. (c) There is always a queue at that bakery at lunch break. 7. (a) eighties (b) surgeries (c) secretaries 2. cemetery, dictionary, discovery, government, hereditary, imaginary, mastery, military, necessary 3. Crossword Across 3. boundary 5. surgery 6. cemetery 9. treachery 11. military 12. battery 17. bakery 19. archery 20. imaginary 21. hereditary 22. slavery Down 1. mastery 2. parliament 4. necessary 7. temporary 8. discovery 10. dictionary 13. ordinary 14. government 15. secretary 16. refinery 18. primary (d) primaries (e) bodies (f) bakeries (g) batteries (h) discoveries (i) (j) (l) refineries dictionaries cemeteries s r s z l l t e a v boundary 5. subdue, eighty, discovery, imaginary, government, barbecue, beautiful 4. (a) (b) (i) (ii) imaginary, imagines, imagining, imagined discovery, discovers, discovering, discovered

(iii) refinery, refines, refining, refined (iv) slavery, slaves, slaving, slaved (v) bakery, bakes, baking, baked (ii) imagined (iii) refined (iv) mastered (vi) mastery, masters, mastering, mastered (i) slaved

(k) battery (m) discovery (n) surgery (o) dictionary (p) mastery

pl e
e r y q y i r k s r f p e e a t r i w a r r i g e e c y o s r y t x s s j s i s s s l d a t f r r t e y q b o e i g t y r i a r y e s j i y u e y r t d g n h n h e f y y m a g y a y

l y x x a

u y k r t r

f r o t l x t

i a

t t

u a e b i l y r t i r e f i m w k j p t r i t b a r b e c e

y b m k a m t f p

d n m m o y b a e i x h r x y y b v

Sa m
v m z t

h e

d p a a n r f r n i t i

h b a

o m n c

h h e p a

a m e n b m e r y i x y t x y i v b e f s k r i r n y z y l r j

n a h m u d n q e c e a f t l c

in g

e a y n r

(k) boundaries

m r r v

c e h c s f e a x r l q n

y a g u o o g h

h e d e p r y i f u r t n


8. See Word Search 9. (a) reissue

e e o v o o z p s i

e b e d t i r

e q n h

a b u c


(b) extraordinary (c) unnecessary (d) rediscovery (e) antibody (f) microsurgery

g c c

n a k z

y w

a u

d u h

a d n u o b

u d w e c n

x m n h

q u e u e

10. See table Antonym (a) optional (b) permanent (c) recall List/Revision Word necessary temporary issue military beautiful ordinary imaginary primary synonym essential Teacher check Teacher check Teacher check Teacher check Teacher check Teacher check Teacher check

(d) civilian (e) ugly (f) extraordinary

(g) real (h) last

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Unit 11
List Words quantity celebrity allergy recipe catastrophe abbreviate guarantee absentee escapee cappuccino quiche amphibian unique orientation retrieve relieve conceit conceive caffeine debris participation outrageous Revision Words wrestle answer guide plumber tongue column debt rhythm emergency accept Word Building quantities, quantum, quanta, quantitative, quantitatively, quantitativeness celebrities allergies, allergic, allergen, allergenic recipes catastrophes, catastrophic, catastrophism, catastrophist abbreviates, abbreviating, abbreviated, abbreviation, abbreviator guarantees, guaranteeing, guaranteed, guarantor absenteeism, absent, absence, absences, absenter, absentness escapees, escape, escapes, escaping, escaped, escapism, escapement cappuccinos quiches amphibians, amphibious, amphibiously, amphibiousness, amphibiotic uniquely, uniqueness orientate, orientates, orientating, orientated, orienteer, oriented, orienteering retrieves, retrieving, retrieved, retrieval, retrievable, retriever relieves, relieving, relieved, relievable, reliever, relief conceited, conceitedly, conceitedness conceives, conceiving, conceived, conceivable, conceivability

y, e, ee, i, ie, ei, is

Unit Focus
This unit focuses on the graphemes y, e, ee, i, ie, ei, is, and is to represent a sound (phoneme). This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, participation and outrageous.

teaching Points
Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. Discuss any other difficult parts of words. Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

To make the plural of words ending with a y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es.

in g


participate, participates, participating, participated, participative, participator, participatory outrageously, outrageousness, outrage, outrages, outraging, outraged Word Building


wrestles, wrestling, wrestled, wrestler, wrestlers answers, answering, answered, answerer, answerless, answerable, answerableness guides, guiding, guided, guider, guidable, guideless, guidebook, guidepost plumbers, plumb, plumbs, plumbing, plumbed, plumbable, plumbless tongues, tonguing, tongued, tongueless, tongue-tied, tongue-in-cheek, tongue-lash columns, columned, columnar, columniation debts, debtor rhythms, rhythmic, rhythmics, rhythmical, rhythmically, rythmist emergencies accepts, accepting, accepted, acceptability, acceptable, acceptably, acceptance, acceptancy, acceptant


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (guarantee, escapee, and absentee retain the e) Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel short.

1. I followed the recipe for making a quiche but used the wrong quantity of flour. Then, as I have an allergy to eggs, I had to go to hospital. The whole cookery lesson was a catastrophe. 2. It is hard to be a celebrity and not show a lot of conceit, so I do like J. Lo, who likes to abbreviate her name from Jennifer Lopez. 3. I can guarantee that there will be more than ten absentees from school tomorrow as the orientation outbound trip is taking place. It is compulsory participation, and there will be an outrageous amount of escapees during the trip! 4. My pet amphibian is lost. I believe Ive searched everywhere but failed to retrieve. Where could he be I just cannot conceive, So I made a cappuccino as I did perceive that the caffeine could help to relieve the pain of his absence but nought could it achieve. Then his unique little croak came from the debris in the bin. And that is where I found him, licking the inside of a tin.

y, e, ee, i, ie, ei, is

Unit 11

1. (a) debris (b) guarantee (c) conceive (d) quiche (e) amphibian (f) cappuccino (g) recipe (h) catastrophe (i) (j) (l) unique absentee quantity 5. outrageous, escapee, conceit, quiche, cappuccino, celebrity, unique, guarantee, participation, retrieve, absentee 6. (a) wrestle (b) celebrity, recipe, conceit, conceive, participation, emergency (c) (i) retrieve, relieve, conceit, conceive (ii) caffeine (d) participation (e) debt 4. (a) quantities (b) allergies (c) celebrities 8. (a) abbreviate (b) rhythm (c) orientation (d) retrieve (e) emergency (f) absentee (g) relieve (h) wrestle (i) (j) (l) conceit guarantee unique

(k) relieve (m) abbreviate (n) celebrity (o) caffeine (p) conceit (q) retrieve (r) escapee

(k) tongue

9. See Word Search 10. (a) French (b) Greek (d) Latin (e) Latin (f) (c) French

2. (a) outrageous, escapee (b) relieve, abbreviate (c) unique, participation (d) amphibian, recipe (e) quantity, debris 3. Crossword Across 1. escapee 5. guarantee 7. catastrophe 9. recipe 10. celebrity 11. abbreviate 13. orientation 14. unique 15. amphibian 17. debris 18. caffeine 19. absentee 20. quantity 21. conceive Down 2. cappuccino 3. conceit 4. retrieve 6. outrageous 8. participation 12. quiche 15. allergy 16. relieve

7. (a) conceivable, conceiving, conceived (b) wrestling, wrestled (c) absenteeism

in g
t r r d e s t e t l y a e s r t i i r r i v e

(d) answerable, answering, answered (e) retrievable, retrieving, retrieved


Sa m
Greek r l c e e b y d d w h r s i i f e n d t t r r q s t i s q u d u o e e e t u d i c r t e a m s i r i s s f z i r f o c q n u b o c c o a c k i i t a e e p a c p s t r m b a i i p a

11. (a) caffeine (b) unique (c) column (d) cappuccino b b a e d w r i t i t t j i z s y v i t r z j t

h a b d m e x m m k l


v p c o n c e t h a y i r g z l

pl e
y p v g d e b e a o n h m s a e e r c h g a w a p m c l l r s v u r e h c n a r i l u q y w a u g y q s w w u n m p a e u u v v s e g u o c e h t j s i o c e a a c a c m n g o n y m 61

e p u g n b m e o g u n t c r t r i v i l e r i i p e

m h e r g

b b

b e a v a e t

e a q n n a c c y p z c n i i y s s l i t o s k r f

o n g u e g e o o f l t y t

p e c c a n n q

e e p a n o e h

p u

u v

p a

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 12
List Words hymn solemn design gnash gnarl malign dinghy honour rhinoceros vehicle honesty whisper doubtful guilty couple sword pneumonia raspberry almond knowledge efficient sufficient Revision Words already welfare until delightful awful skilful watchful wonderful either neither Word Building hymns, hymnlike, hymnist, hymnal, hymnody, hymnodist, hymnology, hymnologist solemnly, solemness, solemnise/solemnize, solemnising/solemnizing, solemnised/solemnized, solemnity, solemnified designs, designing, designed, designer gnashes, gnashing, gnashed gnarls, gnarled, gnarly maligns, maligning, maligned, maligner, malignly dinghies honours, honouring, honoured, honourable, honourary, honarium rhinoceroses, rhinocerotic vehicles, vehicular honest, honestly whispers, whispering, whispered, whisperer, whisperingly doubtfully, doubtfulness, doubter, doubtable, doubt, doubts, doubting, doubted, doubtingly guiltily, guiltiness, guilt, guiltless, guiltlessness, guiltlessly, guiltier, guiltiest

silent Letters
Unit Focus
This unit focuses words that have silent letters. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, efficient and sufficient.

teaching Points
Identify the silent letter in each word. Identify any other difficult parts of each word. Brainstorm to list other words with silent letters and sort into groups, along with the list words.

The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in knowledgeable to keep the soft g sound.) To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. When a word ends with a single l, double the l when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added.

couples, coupling, coupled, coupler, couplet, couplets

swords, swordlike, swordless, sword-bearer, swordplay, swordfish, swordbill pneumonic raspberries

in g

almonds, almond-like, almond-eyed

efficiently, efficiency


knowledgeable, know, knows, knowing, knew, known, knowingness, knowable, knowableness sufficiently, suffice, suffices, sufficed


Word Building

welfarism, welfarist delightfully, delight, delights, delighting, delighted, delightedly, delighter, delightedness awfully, awfulness skilfully, skilfulness, skill, skills, skilled, unskilled watchfully, watchfulness, watch, watches, watching, watched, watcher, watchtower wonderfully, wonderfulness, wonder, wonders, wondering, wondered, wondrous


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

1. The design of the vehicle was amazing and if I had sufficient money I would have bought one, but, without my knowledge, dad had already ordered one for me when I was in hospital suffering from pneumonia. 2. The fencing club gave me the honour of baking the raspberry sponge cake with an almond topping in the shape of a sword, but it was a disaster. The heater in the oven was not efficient enough, so the cake turned out flat. 3. We pulled the rope from the dinghy and tied it around a large gnarl in a tree to try and have a couple hours of sleep but a wild dog woke us up and it started to growl and gnash its teeth. We were doubtful we would escape but luckily a rhinoceros came charging towards it and it ran off. 4. Honesty is the best policy so I admitted that I was guilty as I did malign the music teacher in church, while the final hymn was being sung. Even though I had tried to whisper she heard me, so it was a solemn moment when I was suspended from school.

silent Letters

Unit 12

1. (a) pneumonia (b) whisper (c) raspberry (d) vehicle (e) doubtful (f) almond (g) gnarl (h) hymn (i) (j) (l) sword design rhinoceros 5. (a) pneumonia (b) sufficient (c) rhinoceros (d) knowledge (e) whisper (f) watchful (g) efficient (h) honesty (i) (j) doubtful neither 4. Teacher check 7. (a) delightfully (b) solemnly, solemness (c) gnarled, gnarly (d) skilfully, skilfulness (e) honouring, honoured, honourable (f) sufficiently (g) maligning, maligned, malignly 8. See Word Search 9. (a) design (b) solemn (d) knowledge (e) welfare (f) honesty 10. (a) almond (b) doubtful, delightful, awful, skilful, watchful, wonderful (c) until (d) hymn (e) dinghy (f) rhinoceros (g) pneumonia (h) sword

(k) honour (m) solemn (n) knowledge (o) gnash (p) couple (q) guilty (r) dinghy

6. (a) guilty (b) doubtful (c) delightful (d) honesty (e) sufficient (f) watchful (g) malign (h) solemn (i) (j) (l) efficient whisper knowledge

2. (a) dinghies (b) rhinoceroses (c) designs (d) raspberries (e) hymns (f) vehicles (g) whispers (h) almonds 3. Crossword Across 1. whisper 5. honesty 7. almond 8. dinghy 9. vehicle 12. solemn 14. couple 17. design 18. sword 20. sufficient 21. malign Down 2. hymn 3. rhinoceros 4. knowledge 6. honour 8. doubtful 10. raspberry 11. pneumonia 13. guilty 15. efficient 16. gnash 19. gnarl

in g

(k) couple

Sa m
(i) b e r f t x r y d g y g r j f i y t l i g j k d u

(g) watchful (h) gnash already

pl e
i n r l l k a i f j l t t y v n o m u e n p d y t f y l r c u l e y v l r h i d k e o l i w l x l x n d n t i l w d z k s l s t a d n u d o u b o n e b i y w l d w n e m z r p a w s e d h v f h r y i s s t i e c s l r i s w a e e l y n i o l x u i r s j n f g l r r t l l f n g e t f l f g e o n c b h a o o e o h d i c l r e r o s s u u h c y p q l h e u a v l r k r f d w n g n o a e n i f h l i u w q p c e l o y g f j o m e e q y q n d d r f u l f l i z u h d o n u e q y a v r z w f m v a n o m m r w a f t c h d m q e a u e n u m w j h d n 63

(c) whisper


u a a a u n x l f o w v i s p r r


u h

d e p n e

a u d

w e a

n b

n n o g a h o w g y n o s h s i y

f m n g a h p u d d

a u c

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 13
List Words bouquet nursery ecology migrate crucifixion cultivate sacrifice environment resurrection horticulture propagate insect germinate fertilizer flourish foliage sunshine survival luxurious bountiful agriculture ecosystem Revision Words colourful annual buffet variety temperature confectionery irresistible symbol lettuce onion Word Building bouquets, bouquet garni, bouquets garnis nurseries, nurse, nurses, nursing, nursed, nursemaid, nursemaids, nurseryman, nurserymen ecological, ecologically, ecologist migrates, migrating, migrated, migrant, migration, migratory crucifixions, crucify, crucifies, crucifying, crucified, crucifier cultivates, cultivating, cultivated, cultivable, cultivatable, cultivation sacrifices, sacrificing, sacrificed, sacrificeable, sacrificial, sacrificially, sacrificer environments, environmental, environmentally, environmentallist resurrections, resurrect, resurrects, resurrecting, resurrected, resurrector horticultural, horticulturally, horticulturist propagates, propagating, propagated, propagable, propagative, propagative, propagation, propagational insects, insectan, insectile, insect-like germinates, germinating, germinated, germinable, germination, germinative, germinator fertilizers, fertilize, fertilizes, fertilizing, fertilized, fertilizable, fertilization flourishes, flourishing, flourished, flourisher foliaged sunshiny

Unit Focus
This unit focuses on spring words. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, agriculture and ecosystem.

teaching Points
Identify difficult parts of words. Discuss ways to remember how to spell a word. Brainstorm other words to add to each list.

1. He studies horticulture and is a perfect candidate for he loves being outdoors, learning to cultivate the flowers, plants and vegetables which he watches germinate along with all his cuttings, hoping they would propagate. He uses the best fertilizer which he has to accumulate. But with too much sunshine an awful smell would circulate. However his luxurious flowers do flourish at a great rate, the foliage in his plants is so green and delicate and his bountiful supplies of vegetables are more than adequate to make him pass his exams and become a graduate, so today I sent him a bouquet of flowers to help him celebrate. 2. I am studying ecology and at present we are finding out how an insect, plant or any organism can affect the whole ecosystem in any environment. 3. The nursery in our village had to close due to a lack of children. As agriculture is the only source of work many people have had to migrate to a town, as survival is more important than the sacrifice they make moving away from their roots. 4. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross at his crucifixion and that he rose from the dead at his resurrection.

survive, survives, surviving, survived, survivor, survivors, survivable, survivability luxuriously, luxuriousness, luxury, luxuries bountifully, bountifulness, bounteous, bounteousness, bounty, bounties agricultural, agriculturally, agriculturist, agriculturalist ecosystems

colourfully, colourfullness, colour, colours, colouring, coloured, colourer annuals, annually, annualise buffets, buffeter varieties, various, variously, variousness temperatures, temperate, temperately, temperateness confection, confections, confectioner, confectioners irresistibility, irresistibly, irresistibleness symbols, symbolic, symbolical, symbolically, symbolise/symbolize, symbolising/symbolizing, symbolised/symbolized, symbolism, symbolist lettuces onions, oniony




Word Building

in g

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e


Unit 13

1. (a) luxurious (b) bountiful, crucifixion, sacrifice (c) ecology (d) flourish (e) migrate (f) foliage (g) crucifixion (h) germinate (i) (j) (l) sacrifice sunshine cultivate, horticulture, agriculture 4. (a) At Easter many celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (b) When I set the central heating to produce more heat, the temperature in the house rises. (c) Farmers have to cultivate the soil in preparation for the new growing season. 5. annual, horticulture, sunshine, variety, confectionery, fertilizer, agriculture, onion, colourful, bouquet 6. (a) symbol (b) crucifixion (c) ecology (d) annual (e) germinate (f) g flourish 7. (a) banquet (b) anxiety (c) marriage (d) stationery (e) biology 8. Teacher check 9. See Word search 10. Teacher check

(k) ecosystem

2. (a) fertilize (b) survive (c) germination (d) propagation (e) crucify (f) migration

3. Crossword Across 1. insect 4. sunshine 7. sacrifice 10. horticulture 12. survival 16. environment 20. foliage 21. luxurious 22. migrate Down 2. crucifixion 3. flourish 5. nursery 6. fertilizer 8. ecosystem 9. agriculture 11. cultivate 13. resurrection 14. bountiful 15. germinate 17. propagate 18. bouquet 19. ecology

in g
u e t r r

Sa m
z e j m a e h n g e p y e n o i t r x l e v f e i i t t s k r t r s n a f r y x x t i v c u c w w k f v a v a i l b i t s i s r r i s f r t i l i z e r o o t g s i r p o m k z y v t i z u o r s q o f l i l f r f l c o s y s t r t l u c i r e x v y r k k l q d n d o h g h c c e e a i i r i o o a u o p o o r p t r i i l f k y y y r f l f i t n g e e o m u l c c j y j i s r o e r t u r e a r f j s f i v r p w a n o l q o u e u w u c r l i o n b e m y n e j n e t z r i n e a u q g o l t e o s n u o c b d e e j f l x r b e p b o l v q l l b c e u q n u m e o w j n s w e q v i i s a q p u c p r i f i c f u v h l s b s y e h w a n

p o o x v s r i l n b v v w f t i e f e k j d f s

n m

h e u e u t t l

c m n


e n c e

m f f

pl e
c e g t m a f i v o u a z u p r t r d v h o a a w g t m b w v k h u u u o b d o m c u e e u c w 65

(m) cultivate

t m q g e h u m s i y

a e c c q d a c c a k

o a b b e o c

e n

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 14
List Words anticipate exaggerate cooperate hibernate concrete gangrene obsolete precede ozone chrome decompose glucose advertise juvenile apologise appetite produce abuse solitude magnitude association persuasion Revision Words population vaccination information description pension official concussion social country trouble Word Building anticipates, anticipating, anticipated, anticipation, anticipatable, anticipative exaggerates, exaggerating, exaggerated, exaggeration, exaggerative cooperates, cooperating, cooperated, cooperation, cooperative, cooperatively hibernates, hibernating, hibernated, hibernation concretes, concreting, concreted, concreteness, concretely, concretive, concretion gangrened, gangrenous, gangrening obsoletely, obsoleteness, obsolescent, obsolescence, obsolescently precedes, preceding, preceded, precedence, precedency, precedent, precendential ozonic, ozoniferous, ozonise, ozonises, ozonising, ozonised, ozonisation chromes, chroming, chromed, chromium, chromic decomposes, decomposing, decomposed, decomposition, decomposable

a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e

Unit Focus
This unit focuses on long vowels. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, association and persuasion.

teaching Points
Discuss how the silent e on the end of each word makes the vowel sound long: a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, and u-e. Discuss any difficult parts of words. Sort the list words to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

glucoside, glucosidal, glucosin, glucosidase, glucoprotein, glucagon

juveniles, juvenilely, juvenileness, juvenility, juvenilities, juvenilia appetites, appetiser/appetizer, appetisers/appetizers, appetising/ appetizing, appetisingly/appetizingly, appetitive, appetence produces, producing, produced, producer, producible, product, production abuses, abusing, abused, abuser, abusers, abusive, abusively, abusiveness

Sa m

advertises, advertising, advertised, advertisement, advertiser, advertorial

apoligises, apologising, apologised, apology, apologies, apologetic

in g
Word Building

solitary, solitaries, solitarily, solitariness, solitaire




associations, associate, associates, associating, associated, associationism, associative persuasions, persuade, persuades, persuading, persuaded, persuadable/persuasible, persuadability/persuasibility, persuader

populations, populate, populating, populated, populating, populous, populously vaccinations, vaccinal, vaccinate, vaccinates, vaccinating, vaccinated, vaccinator, vaccine, vaccines informational, inform, informs, informing, informed, informative, informer, informable, informedly, informingly descriptions, describe, describes, describing, described, describable, descriptive pensions, pensionable, pensionary, pensonaries, pensioner, pensioners, pensionless officially, officialdom, officialese, officialise, officialises, officialising, officialised, officiant, officiary, officiate concussions, concuss, concusses, concussing, concussed, concussive socials, socially, socialness, sociable, sociableness, sociably, socialise/socialize, socialisation/socialization countries, countrified, countryman, countrymen, countryside troubles, troubling, troubled, troubler, troublemaker, troubleshooter, troublesome, troublesomely


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

pl e


When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. When adding y to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y. To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. Note: Double the consonant to keep the preceding vowel sound short.

1. There was danger ahead, and I dont exaggerate, as I thought that in winter bears just hibernate, but there it stood, in solitude, and my heart did palpitate. Its appetite for humans made my proximity unfortunate. I tried to use some persuasion to make it cooperate, and though I am only a juvenile I did anticipate that if I tried to apologise it might appreciate that physical abuse of a human is against the law of the state! So I told the bear the concrete facts so we could negotiate and what did this talk produce? A three metre grizzly standing tall, who started to salivate.

a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e

Unit 14

2. They are keen to advertise the extent and magnitude of the problem of pollution which is causing the hole in the ozone layer, and there is even an association of people who promote that cars should become obsolete unless they are run by electricity. 3. Since being diagnosed with diabetes he had to reduce the glucose in his diet as he could contract gangrene which causes the body tissue to decompose. 4. He allowed her to precede him through the door before he proceeded through the large chrome door.

1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) solitude appetite chrome anticipate glucose juvenile concrete cooperate apologise ozone gangrene magnitude hibernate juvenile obsolete precede produce decompose 4. (a) and (b) Teacher check 5. Long a: anticipate, exaggerate, cooperate, hibernate Long e: concrete, gangrene, obsolete, precede Long i: advertise, juvenile, apologise, appetite Long o: ozone, chrome, decompose, glucose Long u: produce, abuse, solitude, magnitude 6. (a) The juvenile delinquent caused so much trouble, he was put into solitude. (b) The doctors anticipate that the gangrene could spread and the flesh on his leg could decompose. (c) The government are going to advertise the information about the vaccination programme on television. 7. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) try log, is in, at, on, nation as, on pet, it bus, us, use on, one, zone pen, on gang, an Rome, me sole, let, so prod, rod 9. See Word Search 10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) hibernation persuade inform anticipation exaggeration cooperation apology vaccinate advertisement describe social obsolete persuasion description juvenile official exaggerate appetite magnitude solitude

3. Crossword Across 2. decompose 5. appetite 6. apologise 8. cooperate 10. produce 11. glucose 13. exaggerate 18. chrome 19. magnitude 20. solitude



2. (a) anticipate, exaggerate, cooperate, apologise (b) cooperate, concrete, chrome (c) anticipate, precede, produce, association (d) exaggerate, appetite, association

in g

Sa m
l i t r i l f f i i l

8. (a) precedes, preceding, preceded (b) trouble, troubling, troubled (c) exaggerate, exaggerates, exaggerating (d) advertise, advertises, advertised (e) decomposes, decomposing, decomposed (f) associate, associating, associated i l i

Down 1. anticipate 3. ozone 4. obsolete 5. association 7. precede 9. abuse 12. hibernate 14. advertise 15. persuasion 16. gangrene 17. juvenile 18. concrete

x a e m o r h c e a w l m k o x c o n c u o u b t a r s i s l s

pl e
c o s c z w t l n u g l i t x f i j c i j a u o x a f e n o d g r i s e e p y r w i f t r r e e a q x c x e s a s g q i r

n f o r m a t i o n c o u n t r y a r v o n f t f f q s d s a i r c i t r e e p c t a r r t i e n c a t i

e s o p m o c e d v s a e a

n o e g u j j r r

u c o s e g o p n p g a c o o p e p z e t i t e l t i h t

v n o y

e n

a n u o a e i

a g i i t

s e

o y s o p v r

p g e e d i

z c v h

a b g e o p k n r m i d s g e h r

s e c x

s o a u e o n

z n u o g x i l

b o o c e z u p o

n o o n a a a s t i

o n y

c z a q w u e

o e w o

o b c h x

w c g q a t d l z p s p n w a g e p k m g o b s e l e t e m a g n i t u d e
My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Unit 15
List Words dialogue rogue catalogue fatigue league intrigue plague colleague vague disguise guidance guardian guillotine guerilla guarantor guile ghoul ghetto gherkin ghastly feud amateur Revision Words available comfortable reasonable flammable valuable audible legible reversible forgotten separate 68 Word Building dialogues, dialoguing, dialogued, dialoguer, dialogist, dialogistic, dialogism rogues, rogued, rouging, roguery, rogueries, roguish, roguishly, roguishness catalogues, cataloguing, catalogued, cataloguer, cataloguist fatigues, fatiguing, fatigued, fatigable, fatigueless leagues, leaguing, leagued, leaguer intrigues, intriguing, intrigued, intriguingly, intriguer plagues, plaguing, plagued, plaguer colleagues, colleagueship vaguely, vagueness, vaguer, vaguest disguises, disguising, disguised, diguisedly, disguisable, disguiser guide, guides, guiding, guided, guidable, guideless, guider, guidebook, guidepost guardians, guardianship, guard, guards, guarding, guarded, guardable, guarder guillotines, guillotining, guillotined, guillotiner guerillas

gue, gu, gh
Unit Focus
This unit focuses on the graphemes gue, gu and gh to represent a sound (phoneme). This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, feud and amateur.

teaching Points
Identify the phoneme and how it is represented. Discuss any difficult parts of the words. Sort the list words according to the graphemes and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. To make the plural of words ending with a y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es.

guarantors, guarantee, guarantees, guaranteeing, guaranteed guileful, guilefully, guilefulness, guileless, guilelessly, guilelessness ghouls, ghoulish, ghoulishly, ghoulishness

ghettos/ghettoes, ghettoise/ghettoize, ghettoises/ghettoizes, ghettoised/ghettoized, ghettoising/ghettoizing, ghettoisation/ghettoization ghastlier, ghastliest, ghastliness

in g

feuds, feudal, feudalism, feudalist, feudalistic, feudality, feudalise/feudalize, feudalisation/feudalization, feudatory, feudist amateurs, amateurism, amateurish, amateurishly, amateurishness




Word Building avail, avails, availing, availed, availability, availabilities, availableness, availably comfortably, uncomfortable, comfortableness, comfort, comforts, comforting, comforted reasonableness, reasonably, reason, reasons, reasoning, reasoned, unreasonable flammability, non-flammable, flame, flames, flaming, flamed, flameless valuably, valuableness, value, values, valuing, valued audibility, audibly, audibleness legibility, legibly, legibleness reversibly, reversibility, reversibleness, reverse, reverses, reversing, reversed, reversal forget, forgets, forgetting, forgot, forgettable, forgetter, forgetful, forgetfully, forgetfulness separates, separating, separating, separately, separateness, separation, separarist, separationist

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

1. The robbery at the gallery has created a lot of intrigue in the press as the rogue had dressed up as a ghoul for his disguise when he broke in. He was certainly not an amateur thief as he had stolen three paintings worth a million dollars. 2. The two brothers were brought up in the ghetto and joined a guerilla group which regularly took part in warfare. The younger one had more guile and intelligence and gave a lot of support and guidance to his elder brother but, in the end, was shot by him in a ghastly feud over his decision to leave the group and play football, as he wanted his local team to win the league. 3. I love to use the mini guillotine we just ordered from the catalogue as it can chop up an onion, a gherkin or a carrot in seconds. 4. I was guarantor for my colleagues business but after a plague of locusts had wiped out his vegetation imports it left him bankrupt. Consequently he suffered from stress and fatigue which left him unable to work. It was all very vague what was happening as there was no dialogue between us, so I have to speak to his legal guardian about the debts.

gue, gu, gh

Unit 15

1. (a) guile (b) ghastly (c) colleague (d) disguise (e) ghoul (f) catalogue (g) guidance (h) rogue (i) (j) (l) ghetto guillotine guarantor 4. ghastly, gherkin, ghetto, ghoul, guarantor, guardian, guerilla, guidance, guile, guillotine. 5. (a) fatigue, league, intrigue, colleague, guardian, guillotine, ghastly (b) dialogue, disguise, guidance, guile 6. (a) One of my colleagues bought a reversible jacket from my catalogue. (b) You havent forgotten how ghastly the gherkin sandwiches were at the party! (c) Do you think my guardian will agree to be my guarantor so I could buy a reasonable car? 7. (a) smile (b) plaque (c) gorilla (d) responsible (e) audience (f) fraud

8. Teacher check 9. See Word Search 10. (a) guardianship (b) vaguely (c) legibly (d) audibly (f) (e) catalogued ghoulish (g) guileless (i) plagued

(k) intrigue (m) fatigue (n) gherkin (o) league (p) guerilla (q) vague (r) guardian

2. (a) guile (b) amateur (c) guerilla (d) gherkin (e) intrigue (f) vague (g) feud 3. Crossword Across 2. guardian 3. feud 4. ghetto 8. dialogue 12. ghastly 13. guarantor 14. guillotine 15. rogue 16. colleague 17. plague Down 1. vague 3. fatigue 4. ghoul 5. amateur 6. league 7. guidance 8. disguise 9. gherkin 10. catalogue 11. intrigue 13. guerilla 14. guile

g u a x j e z l

in g
r a n j t f o

Sa m
r l y l q r b e m u t l r o h g x i u f j i i c i s a a e g g s a k l o a r t i e u g o c e g m e o t l y j i e j l f r t a l u u r i l l a v h k e k l y f e s v i j f l s j e l l l t l a b e g u b a m m a

(h) comfortably

11. Teacher check

e u g a e o e e t j l i r z t k a z t x s f i j o f g a

pl e
l f l l o o c r e v e r s i l e s x o s d i t r i g e j f z l r u q h h n p g i d f r g t t e u x r e f u e o u b m r c g j b b v l l g e q n u g t i n e v w n g b m c 69

h n p p l i

ew Vi
y u p i d n c d o v e j l i i t z i r f u u l a c a v s t c n

e a b n d m t u g p h a u

b d m r

m d a g a n v a a g a g b p a s w k y

k m o g

e c n u b m g q g a a a u g d o l i i l

m w a m n e a g u e q p n g u z

o e p a c o p q o a

e h a v a

e h g

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 16
List Words silent talent different evident intelligent president accident incident opponent confident distant vacant important instant migrant tolerant constant pleasant elegant arrogant soldier embarrass Revision Words curious ambitious conscious suspicious delicious jealous marvellous enormous picture occurred Word Building silently, silentness, silence, silences, silencing, silenced, silencer talents, talented differently, differ, differs, differing, differed, difference, differences, differencing, differenced, indifferent evidently, evidential, evidentially, evidentiary, evidence, evidences, evidencing, evidenced intelligently, intelligential, intelligence presidents, presidential, presidentship, president-elect, presidency, presidencies accidents, accidental, accidentally, accidentalness, accident-prone incidents, incidentally opponents, opponency, oppose, opposes, opposing, opposed, opposer confidently, confidence, confidences distantly, distance, distances, distancing, distanced vacancy, vacancies, vacate, vacates, vacating, vacated importantly, unimportant, importance instantly, instantaneous, instantaneity, instance, instances, instancing, instanced, instancy migrants, migrate, migrates, migrating, migrated, migration, migrational, migrator tolerantly, tolerance, tolerate, tolerates, tolerating, tolerated, toleration, tolerationism pleasantly, pleasantness, pleasantry, pleasantries, please, pleases, pleasing, pleased elegantly, elegance, elegancies arrogantly, arrogance, arrogancy

-ent, -ant
Unit Focus
This unit focuses on words that end with ent or ant. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, soldier and embarrass.

teaching Points
Identify the endings and how they are represented. Discuss any difficult parts of the words. Sort the list words according to the endings and brainstorm other words to add to each list.

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in pronounceable to keep the soft c sound) To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es. When adding y to a word ending with e, drop the e before adding y. The y at the end of base words changes to i when a suffix is added. (The y is retained in versifying to avoid ii being added.)

in g

constantly, constancy

curiously, curiousness, curiosity, curiosities ambitiously, ambitiousness, ambition, ambitions, ambitionless consciously, consciousness, consciousness-raising suspiciously, suspiciousness, suspicion, suspicions deliciously, deliciousness jealously, jealousness, jealousy, jealousies marvellously, marvellousness, marvel, marvels, marvelling, marvelled enormously, enormousness, enormity, enormities pictures, picturing, pictured, pictograph, pictographic, pictorial, picturesque, picturesquely, picturesqueness occur, occurs, occurring, occurrence


soldiers, soldiering, soldiered, soldierly, soldierliness, soldiery, soldieries embarrasses, embarrassing, embarrassed, embarrassedly, embarrassingly, embarassment Word Building



My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

1. I am not confident and I am very shy, so I will tell you about an incident but I dont know why. It happened on my way to meet an important and intelligent guy. It was the president of France who lived in Versailles. The weather was pleasant which was good as I had to fly, to a distant place so I left and said goodbye. Sitting next to me on the plane as it soared towards the sky, was an arrogant soldier who only had one eye, but who was constant in his criticism of my yellow tie. I just remained silent apart from one big sigh, but tolerant no more was I, so by accident and from way up high, I dropped on the opponent a juicy meat pie. He went to another seat as he began to cry, which left a vacant seat so I could have a lie! 2. Years ago she came into this country as a migrant worker in the textile industry and now, even though she is the most elegant model and designer we have, it is easy to embarrass her when you compliment her on her talent, which is evident the instant you see her due to her different style of fashion.

-ent, -ant

Unit 16

1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) 2. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) tolerant intelligent soldier opponent evident talent embarrass pleasant arrogant incident president constant accident migrant elegant distant difference instant arrogant evident opponent vacant constant soldier distant migrant elegant important 4. (a) adjective (b) noun (c) adjective (d) noun/adjective (e) adjective (f) noun/adjective (g) noun (h) adjective (i) adjective Teacher check phrases/ definitions 5. (a) tolerant, different (b) opponent, enormous (c) evident, soldier, arrogant (d) elegant, president (e) confident, talent 6. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) occurred important embarrass intelligent president opponent elegant soldier ambitious talent tolerant vacant 7. (a) (i) intolerant (ii) unconscious (iii) inelegant (iv) unpleasant (v) indifferent (vi) unsuspicious (b) Teacher check 8. See Word search 9. (a) marvellous, vacant, instant, silent, migrant, pleasant, curious, embarrass (b) picture 10. (a) silently, silentness (b) consciously, consciousness (c) jealously, jealousness (d) vacantly, vacantness (e) pleasantly, pleasantness (f) curiously, curiousness (g) ambitiously, ambitiousness (h) deliciously, deliciousness

3. Crossword Across 3. arrogant 6. embarrass 9. confident 11. evident 12. intelligent 13. pleasant 16. talent 18. constant 19. different 20. instant 21. vacant Down 1. migrant 2. president 4. opponent 5. incident 7. soldier 8. silent 10. tolerant 12. important 14. accident 15. distant 17. elegant

q e t i t e r e f f i d e d t i s r s

in g
t u t i j s s s p i s f i n

Sa m
t t i r i v e z r c r o l e e r i i l t h l v l l l u d a s r t n e d o e v p i t i t v a c u i z r r d p o a a c n e u n n a p h i l t l o i l s f k c k s l s t s d e n t i i I e e p e f x i s l t l d i z c a h d e n h d c e d s x w u t m y d b

pl e
i i i i g e n f b s l r e x t k t n t z n o c d w n j d s t t s a r r o g n t y a d h y d u e c g b e c a e t m d o n i t e d v b z j v a o e m e u o n u n a o p s r o s l i r p o c c o s h m a p v j i v g t r u u n c e z n t o q b n b a n 71

t n l a t s j s i t o c d

p q

e u o

g n m t j i s u i s o j r t l e r

a p n c m o e s q n v p v

n e g o

o a a n t a r z f j

n a a m f c a c c r r i t n p

h c

n p

p h c

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 17
List Words sandwich valentine marmalade pavlova Morse code spoonerism arachnid pasteurise diesel hooligan cardigan volts biro teddy hygiene maverick leotard Braille Celsius python analysis permanent Revision Words release purchase increase announce fierce potato echo patio multimedia email Word Building sandwiches, sandwiching, sandwiched valentines pavlovas spoonerisms arachnids, arachnidan, arachnoid, arachnophobia, arachnophobic or pasteurize, pasteurises/pasteurizes, pasteurising/ pasteurizing, pasteurised/pasteurized, pasteurisation/ pasteurization diesels, dieseline, dieselise, dieselising, dieselised, dieselisation hooligans, hooliganism cardigans volt, voltage, voltages, voltaism, voltameter, voltameters, voltametric biros teddies, teddy bear

Unit Focus
This unit focuses on words that are eponyms. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, analysis and permanent.

teaching Points
Discuss the meaning of an eponym (words that originate from peoples names or the names of places). Discuss what children may know about the meaning of each word. Identify any difficult parts of words.

To make words ending with ch plural, es is added.

hygienes, hygienic, hygienically, hygienist, hygienists mavericks leotards Brailler pythons

in g

permanently, permanentness

releases, releasing, released



analyses, analyst, analytic or analytical, analyse, analyses, analysing, analysed, analysable, analysation, analyser

Word Building

purchases, purchasing, purchased, purchaser, purchasable, purchasability increases, increasing, increased, increaser, increasable, increasingly announces, announcing, announced, announcer, announcement fiercer, fiercest, fiercely, fierceness potatoes echoes, echoing, echoed, echoer, echoless, echolike, echoic patios emails, emailing, emailed


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Sa m

pl e

When adding a suffix beginning with a vowel to most words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding the suffix. (The e is retained in pronounceable to keep the soft c sound.) To make the plural of words ending with y after a consonant, change the y to i and add es.

1. My valentine gave me a cuddly teddy bear and wrote on a poster, with a red biro pen, the words I love you. 2. We were learning how to send messages using Morse code and how to read using Braille. Then we had a great picnic in the field, eating marmalade sandwiches and pavlova cake filled with pasteurised cream. Suddenly I screamed so loud as I looked down at my cardigan and saw a spider. I have an arachnid phobia and I was terrified. I jumped three feet in the air as if 100 volts of electricity had hit me. 3. A psychologist likes to do an analysis test. A hooligan is nothing but a pest. At 100 degree Celsius water boils the best. A maverick politician is always full of zest. A python in your home is not an invited guest. A tattoo is permanent so dont get one on your chest, especially if you wear a leotard or a string vest. 4. The English teacher loves words and taught us a spoonerismI have hissed the mystery lessonand then said Put on these shoes, diesel fit you and when Jean came in she shouted Hygiene.


Unit 17

1. Jumbled Word (a) vlaapvo (b) aeicmkvr (c) dedyt List Word pavlova maverick teddy hooligan pasteurise cardigan diesel arachnid spoonerism Word History Meringue dessert, filled with cream and topped with fruit, named after ballerina, Anna Pavlova. An unpredictable person, doing things different from normal, named after Samuel Augustus Maverick (18031870), an American cattleman who never branded his cows. Stuffed toy bear, named after American president Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt. Young street thug, named after Irish criminal Patrick Hooligan. To destroy germs by heating to a very high temperature, developed by Louis Pasteur. A knitted jacket, named after the 7th Earl of Cardigan. Engine run on diesel oil, invented by German engineer, Rudolf Diesel. Arachne, girl from Greek mythology, turned into a spider (arachnid). Error in speaking, where initial sounds of words are muddled up, named after Reverend Spooner.

(d) goaolihn (e) (f) aspturiees daracing

(g) ieseld (h) carniadh (i) soserniomp

2. Crossword Across 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 13. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. python leotard Braille cardigan arachnid marmalade permanent Celsius biro volts hygiene Down 1. maverick 2. spoonerism 3. hooligan 4. sandwich 9. valentine 11. diesel 12. pasteurise 13. Morse code 14. analysis 15. pavlova 16. teddy

e q w o m s r x s f l h a v a c d e s c

pl e
s i e j e i t f m e n a u i r l f g y r z r k r i t s l y y p d t a t o h n o r i l v r t a a w a i i l i x x l l a y d n d n o i l i z k l y e i i s l x i g a e a s v r t t g a n z o e c c (e) (e) (k) (n) diesel

w d j k t

r i

l i k

y M o o x s p a d e t r s a c

Sa m
m x l z r

w w

e d o

n a g w m v i r i

n a q c C r r i e u b h v g j f t l s i s i c

e a n

a u

a a e d e n n

a q d e d s l s j r z

d e m c n n m o d o k x s y c s d w u e v l i n a c c h e s n i g y v

in g

d o m t

v a

e a o m m m e p a l h u s r l r i y u

c o e u i a l e h l s y l


p e n

e m e e o o h m t

n n e o e e q c d v a e a e r c i i

3. Teacher check

b c o

a c

4. Some of the list and revision words can be sorted into categories. Sandwiches, palovas, marmalade and potatoes are foods. Arachnids and fierce pythons are animals. You can wear cardigans and leotards. Under what category could you list Braille and Morse code?


b h

p n i z

B g n p e s

d u

m e n u p n n p t

o p w h o

e n h

5. (a) hygiene (c) Braille (e) Morse code 6. (a) multimedia (c) marmalade (e) Braille (g) leotard (i) announce (k) potato 7. See Word Search

(b) Celcius (d) email (f) increase

p o o n e

s m m

v b o w y

8. (a) sandwiches (d) teddies (g) biros 9. (a) hygiene (d) Celsius (g) permanent (j) release (m) arachnid (p) marmalade

(b) potatoes pythons (h) spoonerisms (b) pasteurise analysis sandwich (h) multimedia

(c) echoes (f) patios

(b) sandwich (d) spoonerism (f) (j) (l) permanent cardigan purchase

(c) increase (f) (i) (l) announce pavlova Braille

(h) diesel

(o) leotard

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Unit 18
List Words souvenir abseiling amusements catamaran helicopter tourism repellent navigation satellite security protection inoculation route intercontinental paragliding equator latitude longitude continent casualty technique strategy Revision Words cheque foreign tsunami humidity sweat mosquito carousel thermometer thousand double souvenirs abseil, abseils, abseiled amusement, amuse, amuses, amusing, amused, amusingly catamarans helicopters, helicoptering, helicoptered tourist, tourists, touristic, touristy, tour, tours, touring, toured repellents, repellence or repellency, repellently, repel, repels, repelling, repelled, repeller navigational, navigable, navigability, navigableness, navigably, navigate, navigates, navigating, navigated satellites securities, secure, secures, securing, secured, securable, securely, securement, secureness, securer protectionism, protectionist, protect, protects, protecting, protected, protective, protectively, protectiveness, protector inoculations, inoculate, inoculates, inoculating, inoculated, inoculative, inoculators, inoculums(s) or inoculants(s) routes, routeing, routed, routemarch, router continental, continent, continence or continency, continently, continentalism, continentalist paraglider, paragliders equatorial, equatorially Word Building

Unit Focus
This unit focuses on summer words. This unit also includes two common, high frequency words, technique and strategy.

teaching Points
Identify difficult parts of words. Discuss ways to remember how to spell a word. Brainstorm other words to add to each list.

1. Once we had entered the lines of latitude and longitude into the satellite navigation system of the catamaran we quickly found the quickest route and soon we had rescued the casualty from the water. He had lost his grip of the rope while abseiling down the sea cliffs, while on an adventure tourism holiday. 2. As we were travelling intercontinental, including passing through the equator, we had to have many inoculation injections for our protection, and even had to carry insect repellent. In one continent they gave us knives for security against poisonous snakes. 3. Once we had learnt the technique of opening the parachute we could take our first jump from a helicopter, but I could not pick up the strategy for learning how to go paragliding, so I just went off to the local amusements park and won a souvenir at a stall.

latitudinal, latitudinally, latitudinarian, latitudinarianism longitudinal, longitudinally

cheques, chequered, chequebook, chequebooks foreignly, foreignness, foreigner, foreigners, foreignism tsunamis or tsunami humid, humidly, humidness, humidifier, humidify, humidifies, humidified, humidification, humidistat sweats, sweating, sweated, sweaty, sweatier, sweatiest, sweater, sweatshirt, sweatshop mosquitoes or mosquitos carousels thermometers, thermometry thousands, thousandth, thousandths doubles, doubling, doubled, doubleness, doubler



continental, continent, continence or continency, continently, continentalism, continentalist casualties, casual, casually, casualness, casualization/ casualisation techniques, technic, technical, technically, technicalness, technicality, technicalities, technician, technicians strategies, stratagem, strategic or strategical, strategically, strategics, strategist


Word Building

in g

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

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pl e


Unit 18

1. (a) casualty (b) satellite (c) inoculation (d) technique (e) protection (f) souvenir 5. satellite, navigation, catamaran, equator, latitude, longitude, sweat, foreign, continent 6. (a) equality (b) origami (c) parachute (d) catalogue (e) antique 7. (a) (i) strategy carefully devised plan of action (ii) latitude room to manoeuvre (iii) carousel circular conveyor belt (iv) humidity high moisture level (v) repellent resistant to something (vi) inoculation protection against disease (b) Teacher check 8. See Word Search 9. (a) foreign (d) double 10. Teacher check s l n g s a i t t r e l b m v t o l w o r t l t i s t a u q e e u t (b) sweat (e) technique (c) security (f) route

2. (a) amuse (b) repel (c) secure (d) navigate (e) protect (f) inoculate (g) paraglide 3. Crossword Across 2. route 4. strategy 6. inoculation 8. latitude 10. repellent 11. casualty 13. protection 15. catamaran 17. navigation 18. helicopter 20. technique 21. tourism Down 1. souvenir 3. security 5. intercontinental 7. amusements 8. longitude 9. paragliding 12. satellite 14. equator 16. abseiling 19. continent

p a

c m k h u a

Sa m
r i e o y t l t z i u g u j l o m o r z z r t y i s a d o i e a q y s g i f i x t t m u m u

o c h a r u s l u o

in g

n n o a d y d v q i r

pl e
c d s u u r x k l k s f u p v l w u h g m u v e r i k z r p c g e q n l w t j f l n t z r t v i e v l i i n i l i s f b l r i b s t e s l t t l w e g q u t t l i i p g e a o t k s t n e d v d y b i i t k t r x a a c e g u o b n a n e c w p e b u b r i t i n e n p c d l t i a s n o c e c a v e b u a q n h z l x j l f q e r o e f l x t e u s l r w 75 f o n u d e o w x e m e n t e x r t a n o l l k i i i h q x x i q q e p u r u k x q a m u h e t k t v s w e d y c e r m o m e a m a i v z r y o n s n e n p a e c l n o c a p o m h d i n g q v a g t h e z v b q n g d o u b d g b o

p d u l

z i l c

m d y n h


h u m o n g z t

n o c u

4. (a) That inoculation will give us good protection against swine flu. (b) The helicopter was sent to rescue a casualty who had been abseiling from a cliff.

c a

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


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Workbook Pages

Teachers Notes for each unit student workbook units are set over a four page spread. Unit 1 Long Vowels (Silent e) ...............................7881 Unit 2 Prefixes: im-, mis-, in- ................................8285 Unit 3 Suffixes: -ian, -ese, -ish, -er, -eer, -ist ...........8689 Unit 4 ci, si, ssi, ss, ti ...........................................9093 Unit 5 Number Prefixes .........................................9497 Unit 6 -ence, -ance.............................................98101 Unit 7 Christmas ..............................................102105 Unit 9 z, s, si ...................................................110113 Unit 10 -ary, -ery..............................................114117 Unit 11 y, e, ee, i, ie, ei, is ................................118121 Unit 12 Silent Letters .........................................122125 Unit 13 Spring/Easter ........................................126129 Unit 8 air-, aer-, aero-, super- ............................106109

in g Vi ew

Sa m

Unit 14 a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e.............................130133 Unit 15 gue, gu, gh ..........................................134137 Unit 16 -ent, -ant .............................................138141 Unit 17 Eponyms .............................................142145 Unit 18 Summer...............................................146149

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My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Book A List Words

can man ran pan sad bad dad had the of pet met set wet am ham jam ram to by bells red star fun cake Santa tag tree did got win fin bin tin sip tip lip zip is you cot hot dot pot bit pit sit it that if

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

my by fly sky mop top hop pop for on

see been weed seed meet need feed seen yes saw

in g

Sa m
moon room hood zoo all call ball small this have

hug rug bug mug jug bag rag wag put was

mix six box fox cut hut but nut are as

we me he she be bed wed fed with his

ant bee bud bug dig fog frog sun ask here

Unit 5 Unit 10 Unit 15

leg beg peg hen ten men pen den they no

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

pl e
and sand band hand end lend send bend from want

Unit 9

cap map car hat fun run ball net also one

Unit 11

Unit 12

Unit 13




My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 14

Book B List Words

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
ship shop shut sheep shin short ash brush dish fresh wish rash one only chip chin chant chest chum such torch rich lunch arch punch church two three them then those these both tooth path bath lm lll lve its four five about around house mouse now down how brown what when why where May many gave take make came made like ride kite time mime crime mine her come

Unit 6 Unit 12 Unit 18






woke home bone note rose cone vote June tune use cube tube cute seven eight

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

king Santa carrot happy toys tinsel baby carol sing cards food gold more any

drip drop grip grab grim trip try trim bring brave crab crash back give

stop stand step start

skin skid skirt spit

Unit 11




pl e
skip spell spin spot spark swim swing sweep swell good who girl first third twirl hurt turn burn surf paper never over under Friday Thursday

went spent rent ant pant grant damp lamp ramp camp jump bump lump some has

meat teach reach beat seat dear hear fear heat steep keep sleep sheet would pupil

stone stem nest rest best cost lost nine help

Unit 13

Unit 14

Unit 15

Unit 16

eggs born thorn bunny basket flower park plant cross raindrop spring warm thirteen Monday

hang sang song along belong wing king ring thing being hung sung old their

day stay clay pay ray mail stain pain sail tail wait train Tuesday Wednesday

Unit 17


bang away bird


in g

Sa m

moan coat loaf float soap load grow show tow below own crow slow Saturday Sunday

bike fish shells bucket spade camp wave tent site sea seagull seaweed sand him number

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Book C List Words

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 12 Unit 18
blew chew grew crew few glue due clue blue bathroom bedroom broomstick spoon traffic comic picnic should work love above oven cover mother brother another other Monday front onion back trick brick shock luck Ireland March think thank sunk plank fine alive line reply supply apply fried tried cried high sigh right while which still smell skull stall across dress glass miss jazz buzz fizz dizzy cuff staff cliff stuff yesterday April bottle little battle rattle middle riddle paddle buckle ankle eagle apple needle able rectangle single jungle part twelve scrap scrape scrub scream screen spray spread sprain sprint sprout stripe strap straw street strong stream live usual

pl e
Unit 11
page huge cage bandage bridge badge hedge judge bench branch crunch wrench match watch catch please February stage

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

cracker lights birth stocking snowflakes Advent Dasher December balloon greetings holiday donkey Jesus Christmas Donner shopping minute month

quit quiet quite liquid queen question quack quilt quake squad squash squeak squirt squeal squirm square oil during

told older folder golden scold coldest boldest goldfish kindest remind behind find mind wind blind

twice price spice slice rice

yourself himself herself myself outside inside offside seaside someone something sometimes somebody everyone everything everybody everywhere centimetre metre

in g ew
grind again name


Sa m
ice-cream advice mice ace disgrace trace space place race face January because voice

Unit 13

Unit 14

Unit 15

Unit 16

Unit 17

Easter bonnet cloud crocus grass green fresh buttercup butterfly digging dragonfly Christ bluebird pray death ladybird eighteen seventeen

werent ld wont weve theyve whats thats theres youre hasnt youve were shes youll theyd theyre Wales Scotland

draw straw law claw soar board oar roar sore tore more score stalk walk talk chalk today year

war warrior warp warning ward wardrobe warn warmth swarm dwarf award warden towards warren reward warlock fortnight second

comb lamb dumb numb crumb wrap wreck write wrong honest ghost hour know knight knife knot tomorrow England

plane atlas boat crab passport rock flipflops beach flight ticket runway landing pool hotel salty uniform said there


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Book D List Words

visitor doctor error sailor spectator water number lower sister better eleven opened broken hidden suddenly lesson reason person poison cotton read goes snow gift family chimney tinsel snowman party winter elves candles frost angel stable concert reindeer birth jingle crowds holy jolly ours theirs chick garden crown rabbit flowers flowerbed heaven daisy hatch rainbow raincoat tomb puddle foal meadow springtime windy daffodil splash worship point letter hoof leaf beef scarf elf golf wolf shelf half calf safe wife life oxen geese dice children women teeth feet large does true value argue cue avenue screw flew brew dew drew igloo bamboo proof shampoo kangaroo fruit juice juicy bruise suit millimetre centilitre knuckle knit knee rhyme yoghurt honour loch build written wreath wrist psalm palm calm often listen thistle whistle condemn autumn pretty animal parcel since certain century centipede prince acid calcium cigar circuit pencil stencil cinema circle circumference cylinder cycle cyclone cymbal agency found study crept swept wept kept except adopt erupt fault built consult bolt revolt difficult adult left loft swift shift craft lift Rome Paris fair stair chair hairy airy dairy pair repair despair pushchair dare scare beware glare fare stare care rare spare mare Belfast Dublin didnt havent couldnt wouldnt shouldnt cant wasnt arent wed doesnt theyll lets whod whos brother-in-law passer-by hanger-on by-law drive-in take-off Europe great happily merrily busily angrily easily cheerily craftily worried married dirtied copied supplied dried applied studies carries parties empties buries bullies litre busy head breakfast deaf steady bread deadly lead tread instead ahead heavy thread threat breath earn breadth earl pearl death earth world clean people angle vegetable simple terrible puzzle agile axle sprinkle assemble travel angel label level towel tunnel novel jewel fuel cancel kilogram kilometre explore score ignore adore shore chore anymore store door moor floor poor uproar roar boar boarder oar fourth court pour Italy Switzerland hotter kinder colder stronger weaker meaner taller greatest smallest softest darkest thickest hardest lightest thinnest cheeriest bounciest bossiest tiniest angriest learn America outdoor outline outbreak outfit outcry undo untie uneven unable unaware overboard overcast overhead overall overbook underage underground understand undercover underneath Edinburgh London barbecue steak sausages charcoal lighter tennis racket prawns salad lakes park caravan jeans jumper shorts sandals castle postcards circus umbrella Moscow Berlin

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

pl e
Unit 17

Unit 13

Unit 14


Unit 15


helpless harmless careless hopeless needless breathless sadness awareness sickness happiness weakness braveness cleanliness business quietly lonely wisely lovely brightly quickly kind engage

in g

Unit 16

Sa m

Unit 18

Unit 12

Unit 6

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Book E List Words

gather gutter goodbye gadget figure giant magic energy gentle germ hydrogen charge lounge strange arrange change damage village gym danger near between wrap donkey reunion Santa Claus sauce presents holly enchanting Christmas mistletoe fairy sleigh festival turkey goose sprouts midnight delight pudding ornaments sugar special prayer wellingtons season umbrella forgive seedlings shower died gardener nurture shoots palms soldier crucify prune weather religion celebrate thunderstorm lightning eighth truly handkerchief guest cupboard guitar island climb limb doubt known knock guess young white wraith sign aisle tomb science wrinkle depot horse disc track struck attack packet cricket clock chuckle socket chicken pocket freckle classic volcanic mimic sonic plastic tonic terrific electric heroic upon eye brief thief belief mischief grief relief believe niece field priest calorie cashier piece receive receipt deceive deceit seize weird caffeine biscuit address window follow borrow narrow shadow swallow unknown cargo zero domino bingo bravado tiptoe potatoes tomatoes foe oboe although though dough proportion shuttle display stray relay always alley grey obey survey claim raise afraid operation dictation nature weight freight neighbour straight vein beige morning might grape shape lemonade mistake cashmere complete these athlete flute accuse refuse amuse size mobile alive divide broke spoke globe phone easy fraction lottery robbery mystery ability academy bravery cavity monkey honey money trolley journey macaroni confetti bikini ski taxi spaghetti khaki quay frighten close interest intersect intercept interact interview international disability dislike disagree disappoint disappear return repeat refund revise suburb submarine submerge subject submission interesting modem noise moist hoist choice voice invoice appoint asteroid enjoy decoy convoy boycott deploy royal employ destroy annoy voyage buoy lifebuoy beginning coming torch orchard channel achieve machine chef parachute charade approach coach school choir ache chemist anchor stomach character monarch orchid anarchy Madrid Cardiff firmly thirsty virus confirm thirty urchin burst urban urgent further purpose burnt modern quarter remember early earthquake heard search hearse sincerely library octopus squid shark whale snorkel pilot suitcase customs ocean scuba fishing pier depth lighthouse smuggler coastguard security sunglasses oxygen swimsuit Australia Greece

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

pl e
signal removal arrival musical festival electrical personal abolish astonish nourish foolish childish breakage wastage postage drainage hardship friendship championship membership ninety hundred


prefix prevent precise prepare predict microchip microscope microphone microfilm microbe barren woollen wooden lengthen strengthen amazement treatment department excitement agreement escape none

Unit 13

Unit 14

Unit 15


Unit 16

in g

rough cough tough laugh enough trough draught roughcast paragraph graph photograph orphan nephew atmosphere elephant phrase autograph alphabet dolphin phobia August November

Unit 17

Sa m


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 18

Unit 12

Unit 6

Book F List Words

winner writer partner officer discover centre fibre theatre mirror calculator actor tutor cellar dollar popular particular humour labour harbour flavour diamond definitely bauble ceremony merry artificial celebration cranberry exciting shepherd fireplace television pantomime seasonal chestnuts invitation ribbon skiing skating snowboard sledging Nativity without idea chocolate colourful climate annual calories aroma dying decorate variety temperature yellow buffet confectionery disciples indulge irresistible tempting symbol gorge ritual lettuce onion transport transfer transplant transit transmit telescope telephone teletext telepathy telegraph automatic automation autopsy autobiography autograph automobile antiseptic antidote antibiotic anticlockwise fulfil reference toothache worthwhile eyesight wavelength goosebumps hairstyle lifestyle whiteboard skateboard keyboard guidelines spreadsheet typeset copyright nightmare newspaper supermarket afterwards worldwide therefore computer program author authority dinosaur cause caution astronaut haunted launch applaud exhaust laundry caught taught daughter naughty ought nought thought fought sought preparation accidentally magazine trampoline quarantine engine imagine examine medicine advise promise crevice service favourite definite opposite attractive positive negative explosive expensive detective monitor parallel scissors pyjamas spectacles binoculars goggles pliers species series trousers scales shears tongs salmon deer moose trout athletics aircraft innings tweezers carry surprised barbecue fondue continue tissue rescue analogue duel refuel issue subdue fewer renew skewer mildew viewed viewpoint review beauty beautiful queue body eighty indicate translate hesitate accurate extreme delete scene arrive polite umpire describe decide demote decode choke froze refuge perfume schedule costume scan circulate wrote wretch wrestle answer kneel yolk guide thumb plumber tongue shoulder boulder yacht column knead debt folk guard rhythm wharf emergency accept chase sense release grease purchase increase surface bounce announce ambulance convince fierce tomato fiasco potato piano echo volcano patio ratio multimedia email mushroom monsoon cartoon tablespoon snooze curfew corkscrew withdrew screwdriver coupon wound youth group mousse chop suey gruesome cruise suitable recruit pursuit sixty Africa almost already almighty altogether welcome welfare until instil delightful powerful awful useful careful fearful graceful hopeful skilful thankful watchful wonderful either neither traveller cheque exchange luggage carousel foreign hurricane tsunami typhoon abroad heatwave humidity sultry malaria terminal sweat centigrade thermometer degree mosquito thousand double

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

pl e
serious curious envious various ambitious precious conscious suspicious delicious anxious nervous famous jealous dangerous marvellous tremendous fabulous generous enormous numerous picture occurred



fashion cushion description collection population multiplication imagination information composition vaccination pension tension extension expression admission discussion concussion permission social official country trouble

Unit 13

Unit 14

Unit 15

in g

available enjoyable comfortable reasonable forgivable flammable remarkable advisable noticeable valuable reversible flexible horrible digestible edible visible sensible audible legible divisible forgotten separate

Unit 16

Sa m

Unit 17

Unit 18

Unit 12

Unit 6

My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed


Book G List Words

persuade negotiate appreciate severe persevere fortune consume reduce excuse confuse provide combine organise meanwhile excite erode provoke envelope postpone explode continuous industrial Dancer Prancer anticipating exhausted poinsettia hibernate resolution sacred crackers myrrh frankincense potatoes elderberry roast commercial advertisements tradition decorations indulging programmes technology citizen bouquet nursery ecology migrate crucifixion cultivate sacrifice environment resurrection horticulture propagate insect germinate fertilizer flourish foliage sunshine survival luxurious bountiful agriculture ecosystem imperfect impolite impatient imbalance immature immobile immovable misplace misfortune mislead misunderstand indignity indirect inaccurate invisible incorrect incomplete inadequate independent intolerable consequence development airbrush airstrip airlift airline airtight airborne airmail airspace aerial aerobatics aeroplane aerodrome aerobics aerosol supersede superficial superhuman superimpose superintendent superior prioritise potential anticipate exaggerate cooperate hibernate concrete gangrene obsolete precede ozone chrome decompose glucose advertise juvenile apologise appetite produce abuse solitude magnitude association persuasion Australian Italian Argentinian Iranian Vietnamese Portuguese Japanese Irish English Scottish jeweller builder photographer engineer auctioneer mountaineer scientist pianist dentist pharmacist material assessment azure seizure measure treasure pleasure leisure division decision erosion confusion conclusion transfusion explosion occasion abrasion euthanasia illusion seclusion collision exclusion nuclear immediately dialogue rogue catalogue fatigue league intrigue plague colleague vague disguise guidance guardian guillotine guerilla guarantor guile ghoul ghetto gherkin ghastly feud amateur politician superficial physician electrician mansion expansion profession confession compassion session pressure fissure rotation revolution extinction conservation affection adaptation irrigation invention happened practise dictionary primary ordinary secretary temporary boundary imaginary necessary military hereditary bakery cemetery surgery discovery archery mastery treachery slavery refinery battery government parliament silent talent different evident intelligent president accident incident opponent confident distant vacant important instant migrant tolerant constant pleasant elegant arrogant soldier embarrass bicycle biceps bikini bilingual triangle triplet trilingual quadrangle quadrilateral pentagon pentathlon hexapod heptathlon September octopus October octagon nonagon decade decagon questionnaire alcohol quantity celebrity allergy recipe catastrophe abbreviate guarantee absentee escapee cappuccino quiche amphibian unique orientation retrieve relieve conceit conceive caffeine debris participation outrageous sandwich valentine marmalade pavlova Morse code spoonerism arachnid pasteurise diesel hooligan cardigan volts biro teddy hygiene maverick leotard Braille Celsius python analysis permanent difference silence commence absence independence patience conscience audience convenience experience chance balance distance appearance acceptance entrance substance instance assistance nuisance physical genius hymn solemn design gnash gnarl malign dinghy honour rhinoceros vehicle honesty whisper doubtful guilty couple sword pneumonia raspberry almond knowledge efficient sufficient souvenir abseiling amusements catamaran helicopter tourism repellent navigation satellite security protection inoculation route intercontinental paragliding equator latitude longitude continent casualty technique strategy

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

pl e
Unit 17

Unit 13

Unit 14

Unit 15



Unit 16

in g

Sa m


My Spelling Workbook G Teachers GuidePrim-Ed

Unit 18

Unit 12

Unit 6

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