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4/26/22, 10:50 AM SIS 2.

2020/12/03 Brakes Overheat (M0122672-00)

SMCS - 4250 i08288654

Probable Causes

"Parking Brake"

"Brake Cooling System"

2 0 0 0
22/ 06F1
"Service Brake Discs"

Recommended Actions
08: 04/2 FB
Parking Brake

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The "Parking Brakes" are engaged with springs and released hydraulically.

Though the parking brake application is mechanical, the air must be removed from the "Parking Brake Release System". While the engine is

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running, actuate the parking brake switch five times. This action will purge the air from the lines. Actuate the brake in 1 minute intervals. The
"Parking Brake" will release after the air has been purged.

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The brake system pressures should be verified through Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat® ET).

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Brake Cooling System
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The priority valve directs oil from the steering pump to the "Brake Cooling Motor" when the demands of the steering system are met. The "Brake
Cooling Motor" drives the "Brake Cooling Pumps". The "Brake Cooling Pumps" send oil to the following components.

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Screen for the "Front Brake Oil Cooler"

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Screen for the "Rear Brake Oil Cooler"

"Rear Brake Oil Cooler"

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"Front Brake Oil Coolers"

Service and parking brakes in the rear wheel

Service and parking brakes in the front wheel

Oil from the hoist valve flows through the following components:

Oil filter

"Front Brake Oil Coolers"

"Rear Brake Oil Cooler"

This flow provides cooling oil to the brakes and hoist.

Service Brake Discs

The service brakes and the retarder are hydraulically engaged and released with springs. When the service brake or the retarder is applied, oil is
sent through the slack adjuster to the service brake and the retarder oil passage.

Check the steel plate for thickness, for scored surfaces, for radial grooves, and for warping.






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